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sit a &peci3l meeting of the Federal deserve Board
held in the office of the Board on "aesday, May 29, at
eleven asm
Mr. iarditi6ri pres1diii,


Mr. 4arbui%3,


Mr. Delano,
,iillis, Secretary.
The minutes of the meeting of the •Board , held on
Ly 28 .were read and, on motion, approved,.
• letter received from Mr. T. P. Martin of Oklawith reference to excihnge charges on 3overn.
homa :3ity,
ment checks, was read and referred back to lovernor Hardinj for suitable reply.
• letter from the 'ecretary.of 'state transmittinz
a communication from the iloumanian qovernment, was ordered
circulated in the .,7zzecutive 'older.
4i. communication from the Rejistr-tion Board of the
District of...;olumbia with reference to the registration o .
the Board's staff, was ordered circulated among the'members
of the staff.
On motion the whole iuestion*of the relation of the


members of the Board's staff to the military draft system,
was referred to the committee on staff.
4'.n opinion of .ounsel with reference to the p'Irchase
of acceptnnces by a bank which intends to rediscount them at
a later date, was adopted, LAid the letter accordingly sent
to the 2ederal deserve Bank of ,tlant, which had made the

The opinion was aathoriLed for pJblication in the

Federal Reserve Bulletin, the papers to be sent to Governor
letter from secretary of

tate Lansing, addressed

to Secretary of the 7reasury 7.cildoo, making inluiry with reference to the recent sold movements to Japan, was referred to
Governor 'Harding for discussion with Lssictant Secretary of
the "reasury Jrosby.
letter from the 'zkderal rmployees Trnion
ence to an increase in pay for the Board's -taf':,

1.-th referas referred

to the Ammittee on Staff.
The question of facilitating subscriptions to bonds on
the part of employees of the Board was referred to the Jommittee on 1:;t:,ff, the same to be made a special order for the next
meeting of the Board.
The question .of sealing packages of gold certificates
In order to facilitate the audit of the Gold Settlement 7und,


was ordered referred to the

ommitt e on lold Settlement

Yand ¶fjth power.
V. Grayson is of Jane

The resinztion of
was accepted.
letter from



D. Simmons to Cecretary Tci1ares on checks, was presented

to the PAL,. d and noted
On motion, the p:.,yment of

dividend by the

eral 'ieserve Bank of ,.,,aeVeland fi.t the rate of 61, per annum
from:July 1, 1915, to December 31, 1915, recommendtd by the
Committee on Operation of the Federal Reserve. Bank ofi Cleve,land, :ias approved, and the Zecretary directed to send notice accordingly.
On motion, it was voted that in the ftre applic
tions for power to pay dividends shall first be referred to
the Committee on

dlt and Examination, and if approved by

that Committee, shall then, be referred to the committee in
charge of the particular bankby which the payment is pro- .
posed, and shall be reported by it to the 76oard either favorably or adversely.
discussion it wns informally arced tha
letter of instructions be sent at an early dtte to all 2 d-


eral reserve b..,nks indicting to them the Board's vieas
:is to how they should deal %,ith the depreciation on lovernment bonds now in their possession.
JIL4nats in stock of 2ederal reserve banks, duly
recommended by the .oirmittee on L:ember

nd state Banks,

were approved as follows:
plications for the surrender of.2)7-0 k.
District Yo. 3.
1;elbyvi1le ITational Bank
?irst rational Bani4

albyville, Del.
?clton, Del.



District To. 4.
?irst l: tional Bank

,:thens, Ohio

District ro. 7.
_first :TationL.1 11nk


District :To. 10.
Junninsham rational bank
german rational Bank

;Tplic;,tions fo

Joplin, :*o.
Johnson, :Tebr.

21 201

orijnal stock.

District ITO. 6.
Henry rational Bank


Distri3t r.o. 12.
Tirst ITational Bank
1,:chts 1;at1 Bank

?airfield, ,
Zimberly, Idaho.




4.pp1ications for .:dditional stock.
District ro.

Ninth rational Bank

1. 150 150



?irst rational Bank
-leoples rational Bank
rational Bank
ize rational Bank
-ational Bank

- leLter


East Bernstadt, My. 1
Lodi, Ohio.
'Aipakoneta, Ohio
Black Lick, Pa.
Etna, Pa.

the 1....chane National Bank of Leon,

Iowa, addressed to Mr. 7amlin, was presented to the Board
and noted.
Lt this session the formal sessior of the Board
vas suspended, and the members meetinc as the Jommittee
on Member and state Banks, considered applications for
admission to the stem as follows:
The International Bank of St. Louis, Mo.
The International Trt

ompa y of ;Joston,

Both applications having been approved by the Division of -udit and E;;.amin-tion, subject to certain conditions, it was, on motion, voted to recomrend the banks to
the Loard for ad1scion, subject to the same conditions
as set forth in the report rel._tinf; to the two banks.
Thereupon the Board resumed its forilal session


and received from the ;ommittee on :.7cmber (And State Banks
the recommendation for admission of the International
Bank of St. 1.ouis, .nd the Internation-1 Trast Company of

On motion, it vas voted that the alplications of

both banks for admission to the system be approved, sabject
to the conditions set forth in the documents relating thereto.
The form of revision of general information re,aired
from intending r,t:.te bunk members presented to the Board at
its meeting on ::ay 25, ordered circulated and made a special
order for this meeting, was presented to the Board and


motion, approved and ordered effective at once.
Governor Harding str-ted to the Board that he had
been :Avised by the 3hief :lerk of the Treasury Der-rtment
that it woald be necess-ry to v..cate the Bord /oom after
this date, -nd after discussion of the iaestion of qur.rters
it was, on motion, voted to refer the matter to a committee
of two, sach Jommittee to consist of the Governor 0.nd the
Comptroller of the ;arrency, and that pending decision by
this comaittee as to the Board's fat/re arrange-,ents, Bo-rd
meetings should be held in the Governor's office.
The vestion of slaries at the Federal deserve Bard:
of Boston, informally presented to the Board by the 'omittee


on Staff at the meeting on Lay 26, and rude a special
order for this (1.:.4y, was taken ap and general di cassion
given to it.

The :.)ommittee on Staff, presented a major-

ity report against granting any increase in salary at
the Federal deserve Bank of Boston at the present time,
while a minority report favoring the fixing of the, salary of 3overnor Aken

, 5,000 rind the salary of Federal

deserve ';',gent Jartiss at ::j2,000 per annum
by Mr. Hamlin..

was presented

After discussion, it appearing that the

minority report had the support of the Board, it was, on
‘,motion, voted to approve a salary of ,,,,,;o,000 for aovernor
,Aken, provided, however, that such salary be effective
as of 1, 1916.
Mr. 7.iller and Mr. Delano were recorded in the
On motion it was further voted to.approve a salary

2,000 for Federal

eserve ;.L2ent Cartiss, provided, ho:,-

ever, that such s.11ary be effective on July 1, 1917.
1,:r. Delano and Mr.

illtr were recorded in the nega-

Mr. i!am1In stated that the Secretary of the "'reas',try, who was not ,,ble to be present, desired to state that



- had he been present, he would IILNe voted in favor of both
larbur!7r stf- ted that in accordance with the instructions of the Board he had prepareci a letter desineC
to provide for raking effective the machiaery of interban1:
rediscounting between ?cderal reserve banks, it bein3 thoue,ht
that from•the - end of June onward there might be necessitzT for
employing it. !1:e. stated that the rate of discount proposed
between - ?ederal .reserve banks was 32

general discussion

4 inensued and it was, on notion, voted to make the rate 3,,
stead of 3L;, and to refer the proposed draft of the letter,
together withaccompanying documents, to the lixecative Jommittee aith power to act, such documents, however, in the
meantime to be cIrcalated among the members of the Board.
Six: members of the Board were present at this vote
which was unanimously adopted.
On motion at l.35 p.m. the Board adjourned to meet
on Thursday, !ay 31, at 3.30 p.m.

