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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

held in Washington on Tuesday, May 19, 1936, at 12:45 p. m.


Eccles, Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

Consideration was given to each of the matters hereinafter referred
to and the action stated with respect thereto was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System held on May 18, 1936, were approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. H. L. Cochran, Vice President, Banco de Puerto Rico,

Juan) Puerto Rico, reading as follows:
, "Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of May 11
aaaressed to the Chairman of the Board of Governors in regard to the application of your bank for membership in the
ederal reserve system. The question what action should be
.T'aken is receiving consideration by the Board and it is
noPed that it will be possible to advise you at an early
date as to the Board's position in the matter."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Gidney, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at the Fed-


Reserve Bank of New York, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter dated May 4, 1936, presentthe question whether deposits made pursuant to the 1 SecuritY Monthly Thrift Plan' may be classified by a member bank
a.s savings deposits under the definition contained in section
1(e) of Regulation Q.
"It is understood that under the rules and regulations
1.311b1ished in the pass book used in connection with this plan,
le depositor makes regular monthly deposits in the amount of
2.50 or multiples thereof. Rule No. 6 provides that no





"partial withdrawals may be made and that the principal of
he account, together with the interest credited, must stand
intact until the account is closed. Rule No. 11 provides
hat deposits may be payable on demand, but the Board of
uirectors may require 60 days' notice of withdrawal of such
"It has been noted that Rule No. 11 does not state
that the 60 days' notice must be in writing. Under the
provisions of section 1(e) of Regulation Q a deposit may
not be classified as a savings deposit unless the bank requires or reserves the right to require at least 30 days' written
notice of withdrawal.
"It appears that the principal difference between deposits
made pursuant to this plan and ordinary savings deposits is that
no partial withdrawals are permitted under such plan. The pass
1300k is in the usual form of savings pass book except for the
fact that, since the account must be closed whenever a withdrawal
iS made, no provision is made for entries of withdrawals. However/ under all of the circumstances of the case, it is the view
)f the Board that this book may be considered as a pass book with.
in the meaning of section 1(e) of Regulation Q.
. "Accordingly, if the provision authorizing the bank to require 60 days' notice of withdrawal is brought into conformity
With the regulation by providing that such notice must be in
writing, it is the opinion of the Board that deposits made purTlant to this plan may be classified by a member bank as savings
u7P0sits provided they comply with the other provisions of section
Ike) of Regulation Q.
"The inquiry inclosed with your letter appears to have been
made by the seller of the Security Monthly Thrift Plan. For this
reason the Board has been reluctant to express an opinion regard3.-ng the matter since, in cases of this kind, it is possible that
1.- e approval may be used for advertising purposes in connection
With the sale of the plan. The Board prefers to express an opinion only when the question of the use of a particular plan is
presented by a member bank which desires to use such plan and not
to pass
upon such a question when submitted by others. According1-Y, the Board has given its opinion concerning this plan as above
tated solely for your information in answering such inquiries,
if any, as may be received on this question from member banks,
and the Board's opinion is not to be transmitted to the person
who presented this inquiry or to others. It is suggested that
You advise him of the reasons stated above as to why you are unable to obtain for him the information which he desires."

Approved unanimously.


-3Letter to Honorable Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture
13f the
United States, reading as follows:
"Further reference is made to your letter of April 15,
suggesting that the Board have State bank members of the Federal
R?serve System show regularly, in their call reports of condition, the amount of their loans to farmers and the amount of
farm real estate owned.
. "The Board is glad to cooperate with your Department in
this respect and will request State bank members to report the
desired data as of the next call date. Pending a decision with
respect to the standardization of the call report form, to which
You refer in your letter, the Board prefers not to amend the present form of call report so as to require the data which you desire
to be reported regularly. If no decision is reached with reference to the proposed standard form of call report before the fall
consideration will be given to the question whether the
desired information should again be called for on the present
"The matter of obtaining separate reports of branches located
outside of the cities in which the parent banks are located, and
of having such branch reports show the amount of loans to farmers
arid the amount of farm real estate owned, is now receiving consideration. It is not expected that a decision on this question
Nill be reached in time to obtain such reports at the time of the
next call."
Approved unanimously, together with a
similar letter to Mr. William I. Myers,
Governor of the Farm Credit Administration.
Letter to Mr. Olson, Assistant Vice President of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago, reading as follows:
"Referring to your letter of April 1, such studies as we
ha ve made of the cost of transmitting messages for the account
°f the Governmental agencies over the System's leased wires
?-ndicate that the cost of messages between such agencies and the
°ranches would not be greatly different on the whole if charged
at the main line leased wire rate of one message from the agency
to the parent bank and as another message from the parent bank
to the branch than if sent over the commercial wires at the Governmental rate, particularly if, as we assume, a substantial portion of such messages sent to the branches would in any case have



"to be communicated to the head offices.
"When the branch line per word cost is lower than the main
line per word cost, as is the case between your head office and
the Detroit branch, it is suggested that the branch line cost be
used in charging Governmental agencies for messages sent over the
branch line."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Will Rogers, House of Representatives, readas follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of May 15 addressed
to the Chairman of the Board of Governors, in which you quoted a
letter addressed to you by Mr. D. D. Van Dresser, President, Local
Ynion No. 395, International Union of Operating Engineers, 1646
West Park Place, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in regard to possible
affiliation with his organization of an engineer at the Federal
Reserve Bank Building at Oklahoma City.
"This is a matter which does not come within the province of
the Board of Governors and as any person rendering services at
tlie Oklahoma City branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
CltY of the nature referred to in the letter to you is an employee
of that bank, it is suggested that if your correspondent wishes to
Pursue the matter further he take it up directly with the bank."

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

