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Minutes for


Members of the Board


Office of the Secretary



Attached is a copy of the minutes of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on
the above date.
It is not proposed to include a statement
with respect to any of the entries in this set of
minutes in the record of policy actions required to
be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal
Reserve Act.
Should you have any question with regard
to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will
advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, if you
were present at the meeting, please initial in column A below to indicate that you approve the minutes.
If you were not present, please initial in column B
below to indicate that you have seen the minutes.

Chin. Martin
Gov. Szymczak
Gov. Vardaman
Gov. Mills
Gov. Robertson
Gov. Balderston
/7 7
Gov. Shepardson


Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Wednesday, May 16, 1956.

The Board met in

the Board Room at 9:15 a.m.


Martin, Chairman
Balderston, Vice Chairman
Carpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Thomas, Economic Adviser to the
Mr. Young, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics
Mr. Cherry, Legislative Counsel


There had been sent to the members of the Board copies of a
letter from Congressman Patman dated May 10, 1956, raising certain questions with regard to the recent action of the Federal Reserve System in
increasing the discount rate, along with a draft of suggested reply.
The questions were based on reports in the press to the effect that certain Government officials had commented critically concerning the increase.
Following a discussion, unanimous
approval was given to a letter for the
signature of Chairman Martin to The
Honorable Wright Patman, Chairman of the
Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization
of the Joint Committee on the Economic
Report, reading as follows:
This is to acknowledge your letter of May 10, with regard to the recent action of the Federal Reserve System in
raising rediscount rates.



The directors of each of the twelve Federal Reserve
Banks who initiated this action, with the subsequent approval of the Board of Governors, voted for increased discount rates prior to publication of the press stories to
which you refer. The decisions to increase discount rates
were taken separately at each of the twelve Federal Reserve
Banks by their respective boards, consisting all told of
108 directors.
As you know, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve work
as partners in discharging their responsibilities. To this
end there must be and there is constant consultation and
cooperative discussion between them with respect to economic
and related problems with which both are concerned. Similarly the Federal Reserve, in keeping abreast of developments in the economy, necessarily maintains contacts with
branches of the Government other than the Treasury. Such
consultations do not, however, mean any loss of independence
by the Federal Reserve in discharging the responsibilities
delegated to it by the Congress.
From time to time there are bound to be differences of
judgment, of emphasis and of timing. It would be astonishing
in a democracy if this were not so and indeed it would be
reason for grave concern if precautionary action had to wait
for unanimity.
There has been no departure now or at any time during
my chairmanship from the procedure of full and frank discussion between members of this Board and staff and officials of
other interested Government agencies with a view to discharging
public responsibilities in accordance with the best obtainable
judgment and the independent exercise of that judgment.
At this point Mr. Dembitz, Assistant Director, Division of Research and Statistics, entered the room.
Consideration was given to a memorandum from Mr. Young dated
May 9, 1956, copies of which had been sent to the members of the Board,
stating that the initial planning for the proposed survey of bank loans




to farmers had now been completed and recommending that the Board, in
cooperation with the Federal Reserve Banks, conduct such a survey on
June 30, 1956.

After discussing the nature and purposes of the survey,

the memorandum stated that active support would be provided by the
American Bankers Association, that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation would request the cooperation of nonmember insured banks included in the survey sample, and that the Farm Credit Administration
Planned to conduct a parallel survey on the same date among the Production Credit Associations.

The memorandum also summarized the coverage

of the survey and the estimated cost to the Federal Reserve System in
terms of employees' time and out-of-pocket expense.
Governor Shepardson stated that he would recommend approval of
a survey conducted along the lines set forth in the memorandum.

In a

further comment, he stated that at a recent meeting called by the Council
of Economic Advisers to discuss general farm credit problems, at which

the Board was represented along with other agencies, considerable interest was expressed in the survey and there were indications of appreciation that the System was going ahead with it. Some interest also was
shown, he said, in the possibility of obtaining statistics in this area
cn a current reporting basis.

Thereupon, the recommendation contained in Mr. Young's
memorandum was approved unanimously.


-4The members of the staff then withdrew from the meeting and

the Board went into executive session.
The Secretary later was informed by
the Vice Chairman that during the executive session the Board authorized Mr.
Thomas, Economic Adviser to the Board,
to accept an invitation to make an address
on economic trends and monetary policy in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on June 20, 1956,
before the convention of the Wisconsin
Bankers Association.
The meeting then adjourned.
Secretary's Note: Pursuant to the authority given to him at the meeting of
the Board on March 28, 1956, in connection with the current study of consumer
credit, Governor Mills approved on May
15, 1956, the following letter to Mr.
Philip R. Elmer, Vice President, National
Credit Office, Inc., 2 Park Avenue, New
York, New York:
Attached and signed by me on behalf of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is the original of a
contract which provides for specialized service by your organization to the Board for the period May 15, 1956 to May 15,
1957. It is understood that the cost of the contract will not
exceed $460 for which amount we may obtain pertinent financial data regarding as many as 100 finance companies.
It is also understood that your organization will, upon
receipt of this contract, send us your latest reports on individual finance companies. It is further agreed that the
National Credit Office, Inc., will, during the specified 12
month period, make available to us current and back files on
these companies; that you will answer any questions we may
have on these companies (including making direct inquiries
to the companies on specific points) and that you will automatically send us any later or revised reports that you may


happen to have prepared on individual companies. It is
further agreed that there will be no reduction in price
if we do not avail ourselves of these services.
Any finance company information furnished us as a result of this contract should be sent to our Business Finance and Capital Markets Section, Division of Research
and Statistics--Attention: Miss Stockwell.

On May 15, 1956, Governor Balderston
approved the following items on behalf of
the Board:
Memorandum dated May 14, 1956, from Mr. Young, Director, Division of Research and Statistics, recommending the appointment of
Patti J. Davenport as Secretary in that Division, with basic salary
at the rate of a,41210 per annum, effective the date she assumes her
Memorandum dated May 11, 1956, from Mr. Sloan, Director, Division of Examinations, recommending the appointment as a Federal
Reserve Examiner of William S. Wait, whose title was changed from
Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner to Review Examiner in that Division effective May 6, 1956.
Letter to Mr. Robert W. Burgess, Director, Bureau of the
Census, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
The Board has authorized reimbursement to the Bureau
of the Census for any payments made as a result of traveling
expenses incurred by Mr. Joseph F. Daly, Chief, Statistical
Research Section, Bureau of the Census, in connection with
his assistance to the Federal Reserve System Subcommittee
on Deposit Ownership Data.
It is understood that Mr. Daly will, under proper authorization, perform such travel in accordance with standardized Government travel regulations.
Resultant reimbursement claims made by your organization
should be accompanied by a copy of any travel voucher submitted
by Mr. Daly, and by a copy of the pertinent travel authorization. Please submit reimbursement claims to our Fiscal Section,
Office of the Controller.




Governor Balderston today approved
on behalf of the Board memoranda from appropriate individuals concerned recommending actions with respect to the Board's
staff as follows:
Appointments, effective upon the rejyective dates of assuming duties

Basic annual salary

Office of the Secretary


Administrative Services
Daisy Ferguson,
Cafeteria Helper/


Name and title
Pearl S. Thompson,
Records Clerk

§ary increases, effective May 20, 1956

Name and title


Basic annual salary

Research and Statistics


Peter M. Keir, Economist
Mary Ann Nichols, Clerk-Typist
(half-day basis)
Kathryn E. Ridgway, Clerk
Murray S. Wernick, Economist











International Finance
Rosa Ernst, Economist (Editorial)
C. R. Dow, Assistant Federal Reserve


Temporary appointment for two months.



palary increases, effective May 20, 1956 (continued)

Name and title


Basic annual salary

Administrative Services

Marjorie B. Beattie, Manager, Cafeteria
Edna L. Benjamin, Cafeteria Helper
(part-time basis)
Vera V. Dalin, Cashier
Valeria Faina, Charwoman
John M. Pope, Guard
Lyla E. Szillat, Operator, Key Punch





