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7r4 Minutes Qf bct'ons taken by the Board of Governors of the Pede ralReserve Eystem on Tuesday, March 4, 19'12. The Board net in exen4. —lve session in the Board Room a ln:C'm a.m. PR'EEENT: At the Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Yr. Mr. Mr. Martin, Chalm-n Lzymczak Evans Vardaman Powell Mills Robertson nclusion of the ,,xecut4 v tJe fallowing members "the staff joined the meet1N -: Carpenter, L:ecretary Sherman, Assitant Fecretary Kenyon, .;2issistant secretary Thurston, Ass stant to the Board Riefler, Itssistant to the Chairman Vest, General Counsel Noyes, Director, Division of Selective Credit Regulation Mr. Chase, Asistnt Solicitor Mr. E:olomon, Assstant General Counsel_ Mr. Mr. Er. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. It Was Stated that consIdercVon had been given Sion. to issuance by the Board of a ::ttenent along the lines cf a PrelJared by Mr. Powell concern-In to banhs of membertheSi the Pederal Reserve Fystem 1-ut that no co_clusion was reached ths.t the matter would be considered further following Mr. Vardaman's r'etIlril to h1s office frm a forthcoming trip. 4.11 012,1 1E3fl At the meeting or Tenucr e,. 1952, the Board decided that an order he --sued suspendinr the 7. " - c-:-fl“ of H. Bartels, Inc., Philadelphia, la a recistrant under ' - t.)mer Credit, with respect 3A/52 -2tointtalnent sales of all rtrticle,3 c 1)eri°(1- Of 3c days, and the LeLal B' json lie"sEary order. ulation for &' fr iu-btecl_ to draw up the Accordingl, there had Leon rent to each member of the 13°4"clbeforg, this meeting drafts of a E-,1),este, 'strAnment 0qFindinfrs " e.11 9111ion of the Board and a suggested order. During a discussion of the drafts it was noted that Chairman lilart.11 A„ -1111erlt not sit with the other mom:'.2,ers of the Board when the oral of the case was made 'before the Board, and that -t the time Mr. liest was ached to prepare the oninion and order Messrs. Mills and Robertson l'ere riot menthe rs - of the Board. Nessrs. Martin, Milln, and Robertson stated thEtt) f °r the reasons above set forth, they would not particinate in the act,toll on order. Or consideration of the Board's opinion and Thereupon, upon motion 1-'y Mr. 7Cvans and the affirmative votes of Messrs. vmczak,Evans, Vardaman, and Powell, the Board anProved the above-mentioned statement of FindlnEs and Opinion of the Board, ard the issuance of an Order suspending the license of H. Bartels, Inc. under Regulation W. Secretary's Note: A copy of the Findins and Opinion of the Board, dated March 4, 15)2, }1a5 been Placed in the :Board's files, and the Order, iosued under date of March 4, lows: "UNITED FT= OF AMERICA BOARD 01' covraEoRL OF TEE iil]DETT, .;11 the Matter of -2 ARTELS, INC. and Market Streets, --dladelnia Pa. 11Epo ' 111 L 47141.!)1 314/52 -3- "ORDER SUSFE=G LICEULL ulna REGULAT7017 , the Board r-P Gn-iernors of the Federal °11 May 26, 11:,,,sTe System ordered that , hearing be held to deternine whethtL° not the license of H. 'ortels, Icc., (hereinafter called ''IRegiStrant) should be suspended, and Hearings were held be -ore ;- Hearing 1Y-r_iner end oral arglanients were heard by the Board, and The Board, having considered the record in the Tletter, HEREBY ORDERr, under authority or :ieLulation P and the tj cited therein, that: 1)y- Regulation 1. The license of said Registrant w be and the same is herey suspended, P. 1 1 respects and as all credits subject to the re, ulation, or 30 days, from proarch 24, 1952, to April 22, Ag, 1)r-th any of t that this order does not .-)ro11 11- t the , OX the IPolaYments on obligations existing on liz;rch 23, 2 ,s taking of payments on any obligations, includir4employees for salaries and. wage; , 2. Any terms used in thi order that are defired in enlation W shall have the riosnirig therein given them. ' , BY order of the Board of Governors of t'le Federol Reserve oYstem this 4th day of Larch (LiiTod) E). R. Carpenter, ,ecretLry." (EEAT.,) At the zc request of Mr. Evans, Mr. Chase re -erred to ti)e uatter of , Inc., 1:.) S. Frranklin Ftreet, rizzi °IlliDanY Pennsylvana, en6age6 in the automaile rental busineor, which had declined to reFiistration 111)ict to statement on the grounds that its busineEs was not Regulation W and which had also Ccclinel to na',,e its record—ds Niaable for ese - ank h rederll Hne inspection by representatives of te c't l'hilmeiphia whethera determination by appropriate L.,uthority of the pending N'qicn it was subject to the reFulat:Lon. Iir. Chase recalled tl4zt this illatter had been the subject of discussion at meetings of the f)172 3/4/32 -4- 760ard on December 4 and December 14, 1))1, and that in accordLnce with a 846estion which was appruve( at the earlier meetinc, representatives of tS -°1111D811,7 conferred with ni -Lero of the Board's staff on December 11, 1 the Durpose of expTorinL; the possibility of some solution to the prObiwithout resort to litication. D-2 went on to say that the comanv- had 11°11 faed suit in the United :i,tctes Djstr I - ct Court naming the Federal Re-411 _ B Ve rflk r ashin for a declar.- tory Philadelphia as deendant ' Ir(11't that it other relief. uusluess vas net subect to Regulation and for Mr. Chase said th&-t the suit did not name the BoeT c°1aseql-lently it micht be possible to delay action by procedural e's . 11.̀°tI ori. to dismiss the suit and require the Board to ho made a tlit that the question of leasinr. arrangements under Regulat that ; have to be settled 311,', in the circumstances both he the Board's 2o1icitor, v'th vbom the matter had been discussed tieP1-4)tle) concurred in the recolurmadl:t7on of the Philadelphia Reserve tIlat the &)ard authorize filinF c-r a e'' t Company to rec,ister u-z-ter - qplaint askinL' thlt the court r, ,n permit inspection 'Q't/tE books and records. IsesDense to a question by Chairman rtin, Mr. Vest said that %1841 triclined to believe that the reccrirleration w,:ts proper since i 44" that the Issue was one which must be met and it mirlit be just as the Board to join in the „)endinc suit rather than to file a motion votad, ha,ve the effect o i postponing the issue. He added that a 3A/52 -5(leciBion on the question (-2:1:: Mein aatc was desirable for trative reasonsand qt seemed on this account that it would be better to have a decision as seon a7; possible. M. Vard_, n said th.t nasmuch as this point had not been adjudicate h eretofore he wo1)1(-1 fr -..7or the taking of steps to 01. taaLa. as this coulc7.. be done. Thereupon, lir= motion by Mr. Evans, the Office of the ;olicitor was authorized by unanimous vote to j roceed with the filing Of a cross comlfnt anst T & E Company, ted Sttes District requestincjt t Court order the C7 ' to register under ReeulationV nd to .•,.Derl.iTt inspection of lts books and records by representatives of the Federal Reserve 'Panic of Philadelphia. At this point all of the members of the staff with the exception iviessrs. Ca-laoenter, Merman, and Kenyon withdrew, and the action stated VItli respect .0 t each of the nrAtrs hereinafter referred to was taken by the T4oaria: Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of Re.A. Ve Q, ' L Jstela on March were approved unanimously. ' Mem orandum dated March 3, 19)2, from Mr. Marget, Director, (itqc In ternatIonal Finance, recormendinG an increase in ealar , Y of Lawrence Bestow, Economist in that Division, v to , r ,10. per annum, effective March 1E, 19)2. jprevcd jrInirno. . tr 3A/52 -6Memorandum dated February 29, 1952, from Mr. Bethea, Director, tivisi°11 of Administrative Services, recorasenclinc, the appointment of Ileleh AA . ''alr Golway as Cafeteria Helper in that Division, on a temporary I. a Period of two months, with basic salary at the rate of *2,420 Der Eitzi iza) effective as of the date she enters upon the performance of her -eS after having passed the usual physical e7amination and sub, ' ect. to the completion of a satisfactory employment investiEation. Approved unanimously. Memorandum dated March 4, 1952, from hr. Bethea, Director, 1°11 of Administrative Services, recommendinz the reinstatement of Thoza 8 N. Buckley, who had been on military leave, as Telegraph Operator ill that 'I-vision, with basic salary at the rate of 0,01) per annuls, eta. - as of the date upon which he reports for duty. Approved unanimously. Letter to Mr. Hill, Vice President, Federal Reserve Brik of Philarp A4 -e-,J-ng as follows: In accordance with the request contained in your lia.Cer of February 27, 1952, the Board approves the desiFferi°11 of Joseph R. Campbell, an examiner who was transyoured to the Department of Selective Credit Control of ex2: bank effective February 18, 1952, as a special , liner for the Federal Reserve Rank or Philadeli,hia. ' Approved unanimously. Tel eCram to Mr. Pondrom, Vice President, Federal R,2;.3erve DnJc of .adinc as follows: OP, 3/4/52 -7or "Relet February 26, 1952 Board approves appointment 14 „ Gec)rge A. Holder as an examiner for the Federal. Reserve Dallas. Advise effective date. It is understood that Mr. Holder will not be authorized t () examine any banks to which he may be indebted.' Approved unanimously. Letter to Bank of America National Trust and Favings Association, 44 ps. 'axicisco, California, reading as follows: tem "The Board of Governors of the Federal Rei:erve CysAs- atzthorizes Bank of America Notional Trust and L'avings prs°ciation, S7:11 Francisco, California, Pursuant to the eeTilsic)ns of Section 2) of the Federal Reserve Act, to Ilv ablish a branch in Osaka, Japan, and to °perste and ntain such branch subject to the provisions of such seces. til,tn; upon conditIon that unless the branch is actui_y 1.9:;bliehed and opened for 'business on or before Narch 1, be-'3) all rights granted hereby shall be deemed to have 8;21 abandoned and the authority hereby granted shall ' Lmatically terminate on such date. fac3 ,. that 1:tin taking the foregoing action, the Bard notes d_lol eytenslon tie,,he Proposed branch represents an Net :-'11 an area now served by a branch of Pank of Americo 1,(1.1e°flal Trust and Savings Association and does not contake/s such action to be a departure from the 2osition 11 in its letter of My 26, 1949." Approved unanimously, for transmittal through the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. -Letter to the Presidents of all Fodera Reserve Banks, reading question has been presented concerning the ayDlic credit ,or the .011rn1°n of Regulation W to instalment se or installation of a home kitchen ventilatin ileir e known as the 'Vent-A-Hood'. Briefly, the 'VentA. 18 constructed for attachment to the wall to the and directly above a cooking stove, and is designed to 4tch cooking heat, steam, and vapor which are ejected ' frail 3/4/52 -8- ',from the house by means of an eYhaust vit and (7.-uet ledin.L, flue or to an opening in an outside wail. 0 The Board is of the view that the "Veut- _ood', if cold delivered "hy the iieFistrant tc the custoaei t or about the Lille of the sale or delivery of n, cookirv: stave, shoul.d. "Le re.' ' alI cled as 'an accessory' under section (,)(() n.7 the roguliConsequently, the 'csh price' of the ctnve, aGro Jtoharticle, would include the prce of the "veLt--1-jord'. (j, , e Other hand, a 'Vent-A-Hood' sol seTatel: :,nd not in :nnection with the sale or delivery of a cco ' 1") stee shouldnc, , regarded nature of itE as a Group D art cle in v -lew of the Inst allation." to a Approved unanimously. Letter to Mr. William L. Donohue, Pusiness ha ° aILt z0tion, Don Allen Puildinc:„ 2:)F)) VEir Ltreet, 7 ( York, Ineadi as follows: e, "This refers to your letter o" Februaryitc le..1„ aad e-L°slares, to Mr. Pawley concern i n i ; t, prtfcularl: Led . 14 of automobiles by your v 1 i'cn to nrrn],Leni „ advice as to the apnlicdtion of ther, Inc. ,roAtTce-"iall, - s to lease automobiles to salesmen of separate, a thnt irlaj "Prom the above correspondence it r..1)-enrL, eaci;vidUal lease of an automobile would be entered into with of several Prentice-Hall s'31eEnen. Lach SUCH lease would be voul°r an initial term of one year End the rental i-..rment3 't) further thatel be made in monthly instalment,. You prelq.Under a separate acreement with your or 5n1Zati°n, 1ce-Hall, Inc. would guarantee both payent and Performance Of 4, indi7idual leases executed by its salosrlen. 1,..te 'On the basis of the information uresc,nted, it is the*T-ro„,s jecw t that each of the Individual leases in question would be subthat some th - rd :arty, such the t° the regulation. The fact 1)a.yremPloyer, Prentice-Hall in this cse, uzidert' to f:uar,:,ntee th4ent and performance in the raInner descrIbed would not ch; le JO Of t. The essential nature n' eacho' re betveensla non uP wo1,10 rtinf'.1v4idual Your organization and the ntairi i,errertl-tio-. form unaffected for the purposes of the mcy be in _,eo, ..-red Ylr'ous tricire of contracts, of course, 'inC, for exam-01e conveyances nf iroperty for security r.711-.0p4 t 3A/52 -9- -oses cr various types of surety undE.rtakInE„s. However, :flether or not an instalment contract is secured or unsecured .L?. es not of itself relieve the transaction from the provisions of the regulation. "Nor is it of controlling siFnifricance that it is not Your practice to sell leased automobile, to your various ssees. The Board has felt that nefther an adecivate nor l aem, ,f,eroPriate differentiation could le based on whether in ':uttlection with particular leases there may or nay not be el ultimate Passage of title or the lesed property to the ressee. In those cases of leacjng arrangements subject to the 11411lation, the substance of the transaction, though perhaps zci. , 1ceLo 1-io irm, appears little if any different from ordinary 1 sales or chattel mortgage arrangements. In either orse the customer obtains the continuous use of an automol-ile °ther listed article. To he effective and eTlitalle in its applicsL.tion, tue aczation cannot properly disregard competitive Toms of transwhichwhich are of a character to add to the over-all .problem the statute and regulation were designed to meet. However ie r, as you know, the regulation does not prohibit instalment eoTng. As is true also with ordinary instalment loans and tr, it-tonal sales, the regulation merely requires that the (Insactions subject to the regulation meet certain requirements. "In the event that you may wish L'urther to discuss V-le lp_asin st g arrangements of your nrgrinization with the Regulat,on , i aff Members at the Buffalo /7q-anch of the Federal Reserve , Ba lettcf Uew York, we are sendinj that office a co_dy of this foreer in order that they may be fully informed and, therein a better position to 1-2e of such further essiEtance a8 11 may desire." 7 Approved unanTmcusly, with the understanding that the Presidents of all Federal :Leserve Banks would he advised of the sll stance of this interpretation by letter. Letter to Mr. Millard, Vice President, Federal Reserve Pank of Prezeisco, reading as follows: This refers to your letter of 1-&- ruary 11, 19)2, and : its to n-ncloaures, concerning the alTlication of Regulation - proposed television rental and sales promotion plan 3A/32 -10”_. 6111foraitted for consideration by Video Peter, Inc. Prancieco. or Fan "From the above correspondence it appears that the elstrant proposes to Install television sets under leases for Periods not exceeding 90 days and calling for specified : 11thlY rentals payable in advance. at or before the a?iration of any such 90-day instalment lease, the lessee , ciaes to purchase a new television sot, it is understood 0 aEreed. y the parties that the lessee may haJO the rental jraents Previously made applied to reduce the -urchase , 31,,. cul t"' cf the new set, and an instalment sale would be 07_0cln the basis of the rice -r so reduced. Lhile the — ' 01Tal set may and there would be no legal not be .JurchaLea it 'Cation on the part of the lessee 60 lurchase a new set, ho clear from the above correspondence that the Registrant 14113 1 2 and anticipates that the temporary rental installation result in the sale of a now television set. On the basis of these facts as ,resented, the Board 1Ves with your conclusion t2.L,t the rentals in question c14-Ld not be exempt under section' 1 (1)(1), and particularly (ii) thereof. This view fellows the principles stated you will ,er-vice reca;1295 (U-138); Regulation was nestion ( i an arrangement similar to the plan in In relevant be ecl- in F-1214 Or-107) which also would con ring matters of this kind. "11/111e not of controlling significance, an additional reliZtantiating circumstance :is the eroposed use on the above °- sets of a coin-meter operating device. The Board has pre;. raslit-°u'aY indicated that, in the case oh either an instalOr instalment sale, the use of L meter as a col°11 facility would not, of itself, constitute a viclatien of j re "e regulation if there were compliance with the applicable tocluirelaents of the regulation. 'thus, the mere use of a meter "the customer in accumulating funds with which to meet , 1118talMent payments would not be obc;ectionable. However, t, set "is case, the installation and use of & meter on the rental lessee who rethcugh Installed at the option cf the air !: the owner of the meter accumulation, if any, further ' " o ee the rental to a subsequent sale of a new television, sill rIew e 8110h accumulation may be applied against the Price or cEet in the same way as the monthly rental pa.;ments. ,:In.connection with a television set leased on an instalIet ' that rsls for a period in excess of 90 days, we have noted he Registrant proposes tc obtain an initial deposit of 15 ' Ier cent of a 'presumed' or 'average' velue. Under H-13c?6 ea irl. as 3A152 11 "(W-1-4) C., and )).-1432-b (h-10) it was indi,—tec' that e ReLjstreo_t MaY select 'any reasonable method for c, w,lue' for the T°8e8 of the regulation provided, of c, cse, that all al).Pr1ate items of cost DE3sed on to the cu_tomer are included se.,the calculations under the regulation. If the television se s so leased vary widely, whether j1' ci cost price or , s,_ling price basis, the use of the nrc od. 'overage' or 'preValue would clearly be improver der the regulation. : s taddition, in the case of such , lease of a new televs-lon the'there would appear to be no justication for calculating required, initial deposit on 9 value less 20 per cent for beTciation, althouLh, of course, depreciation properly could leasaken into account in the case of a second or su'osequent e °f a television or other listed article:, nsindicated Ap:,roved -TelpCram to Mr. Cook, 4,/114 of p ide,it and Cashier, 1,ederal Reserve '-°-18.8) reading as follows: 19152 Meurlet January 1C, 192 and your telegran 3, bleoc°ncerning proposed fillyncinu, Flans tive and Refining Company. e agree w:th you,. of viol,t • 1-15ion that Plans — and C would not be in R b4ation y e As for Plan B, we understand N bord.z would lend the owiier: less Per cent of the cost of constructing a fil1in3 stetion • tiland take a note for that anount s(cured by an Clf;L"ibillIC:ilt othe ii„IVIe would pn:; the rentals to be paid by iunile. 5° Per cent of the station's cost undEr a lense contract to that used in Plans A and C. In our opinion, the be tet by Humble should not be consderecl credit which must ' e en into consideration in determining the clicuni, the . balll how%.°°uld lend. As stated in footnote 1c:a_ er the rerli•Itl.on, tho%er, and explained more full; in a lease such as D1111';,question remains 'subject to' the reLu:ntIon for. Of section /1(a)(Aand the leLsec must have deposited • ---T-Int at least equal to lea, per cent of the value of the Prope ieuor rty before a lic.,L.Antnt may purchase, discount 7°n such a lease extel alms, tae bank 4 s. prohibited from secured by an ass 4 j,ment of rentals unles: credit any --lng P-1.40 3A/52 -12e nas deposited 30 per cent of the value o" the prof,!!_q. It is not clear whether tlits would be done in the "('')010osed Plan B, or whether it would be '30 per cent o2 the evst of construction exclusive of land. In any event, howleer) if Humble advances ,0 per cent of the value of the il ed proper%) or '.)0 per cent of the cost of construction 'he case of a major additicn, (Ind the credit extended by bank does not exceed p0_Der cent of the value of the .116rert-d, we believe that Plan B also would be permissible "sr the regulation. It is expected that an interpretation coverinL this , questions will soon be issued and, although the yo lusions in regard to Plans and C will be the same as is quite possible that our reasoning will differ. Approved unanimously. elet>ram to Mr. Everson, Assistant Vice 1-resident, Federal Reserve tan', of Q, 11 2rancisco, reading es follows: lette"Reur]et of January 7, 1972, enclosing a coly of a PrilA r from the Northern California Regional Office of thelia , Insurance Company of America. In answer to the an ,,, l()/1 Whether a prepayment of rent should be consideren furt -4 1,terisj -uu of credit by the lessee to the lessor, on the ier analysis we believe the answer depends upon whether t 5ctjOfl (c) "se is 'credit' as that term is defined in prepay of men RegUlation Y. If the lease is 'credit', a if 4nt should not be considered an extension of credit, "tut 5hould be cons4 le4se is not 'credit', then the prepayment the lessor. to --red an extension of credit by the lessee your with "In answer to the specific inqujry enclosed letter i L,Lestion lere ; we do not know whether the lease in flzrtl,it' within the meaning of the regulation. If, after to '6'er investigation, it appears that it is, then the . Payment by the lessee to finance the7'3,00 major by t°17ement should not be considered an extension of credit perrar lessee to 1)eor the lessor and, accordinL;l, jt would (2 Of . 0 bie for e Registrant to lend the remainint.;* -e cost. "It is expected that an interpretation will soon be eoveri g this and. other similar questions which will exe in more detail the reasons underlying this conclusion." rl‘ Secre