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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board at 11.15 a. in. on
Thursday, March 4,
Er. Hamlin, presiding,

Er. Harding

Er. Delano

Er. Miller

Er. Warburg

Er. Willis, Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of 11.00 a: in. Tuesday
March 2, were read and approved.
The minutes of the informal conference with
Governors of Reserve Banks held at 3.45 p. in. on Tuesday,
March 2d and 12.15 a. in. Wednesday, March 3d were referred
to Mr. Delano as a Committee to examine and report on the
The Board discussed the question of discount rates
between Federal Reserve banks and considered the proposals
to name the same rate between Federal Reserve banks which
prevails at the rediscounting bank at the time the
is made; and as an alternative, to set the whole subject as
a special order for Monday. , Larch 8th.

It was finally agreed

that no action be taken until a full meeting of the Board
could be obtained, memoranda in the meantime to be
by Mr. Harding with reference to the various plans that have
been suggested for disposing of the situation.

The Governor of the Board read a letter from
Assistant Secretary Malburn notifying the Board that
Congress had provided for the expenses of converting
bonds and notes as provided by law, into long term bonds.
On motion this letter was referred to the Committee on
Legal Matters, Governor Hamlin, Chairman.
The subject of redistricting appeals was
taken up for discussion, and L:r. Miller moved that Mr.
Warburg and

Delano constitute a committee to look

into the :Tow Jersey appeal; Mr. Miller and Mr. Harding
to look into the appeal affecting the counties of Wetzel
and Tyler (West Virginia);

Mr. Delano and Mr. Miller to

look into the :Tebraska-Wyoming cases; all to report to
the Board on redistricting in these cases as early as
possible, and preferably on Tuesday, March 9th.
On motion it was voted that the Governor proceed to the preparation of a statement for presentation
of the case relating to powers of the Board in redistricting,
for transmission to the Attorney General of the United States,
asking an expression of opinion as to the power of the Board
regarding the review of the work done by the Organization
Committee, the readjustment of boundaries and the redistricting of the country.

The Secretary was ordered to transmit to the Corn-


mittees dealing with the redistricting question, the
stenographic testimony taken in the hearings.
On motion a rate of rediscount named by the
Federal Reserve Bank of

an Francisco was approved as

For bankers acceptances




An application of Federal Reserve Agent Curtiss
for the issue of Federal reserve notes, duly recommended
by the Committee on Issue and Redemption was approved,
as follows:

Five dollars
Ten dollars
Twenty dollars
Fifty dollars
One hundred dollars

On motion, the application of the First National
Bank of Montgomery, Ala., for power to exercise the functions
of EIxecutor, trustee, etc., duly recommended by Counsel and
by Mr. Harding, as Chairman of Committee, was approved.
The Governor of the Board reported as to a letter
to be written by him to Governor Seay of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond relative to the power of the latter to issue
notes against gold instead of collateral.
The draft of a letter to be sent to Lir. J. B. Forgan, with reference to the question of rediscounts between


Federal Reserve banks was taken under advisement and
on motion referred to Mr. Harding for preparation of
a final draft.
The Secretary of the Board presented a communication from Mr. L. P. Hillyer, Director of the Feddral Reserve Bank of Atlanta, stating that he had abandoned
his plan of forming a partnership with his son for the sale
of commercial paper.
The schedule of salaries at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, transmitted by Federal Reserve Agent
Ingle, for approval by the Board, was referred to the
Committee on Operation of Federal Reserve banks.
A letter from lir. Ingle relating to the use of
revenue stamps on acceptances was referred to Counsel for
an expression of opinion.
The Secretary of the Board was directed to take
up -fith the Secretary of the Treasury the preparation of
a suitable form of reply to Li.. J. B. Coulston of Pasadena.
A report from Federal Reserve Agent Martin relative to notes offered for rediscount by the First National
Bank of I.:orrilton, Ark., was presented to the Board by the
Secretary, and it was directed that he write a formal letter
to the Bank in question.


On motion, at 1.00 p. m. the Board adjourned
to meet at 11.00 a. rn. Friday, March 5th.