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At a meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held in
the office of the Board on Friday, March 26, 1920, at 11 A.Y.,
PR73ENT: The

Chapman, secretary.

Minutes of meeting of the Board held March 25, 19.70,
'ere read, and on motion approved.
Business vas presented and disposed of as follows:
The Governor submitted for al-in-I-oval, draft of reply
on behalf of the Board, dated March 26th, to Senate resolution No. 320 in re rates on call loans


commercial centers.

Approved as amended.
The Governor reported rediscount transactions, pursuant to authority heretofore vested in him: member bank'
promissory notes secured by Government obligations: rate 51,
on paper secured bi certificates of indebtedness, and 6-1/2;
on paper secured by Liberty bonds and Victory notes, as
Bank Bed'scountinP


March 24th

St. Louis
3t. Louis



Minneapolis 2,500,000


11-15 days

The Covernor reported the reserve positions of the

several Federal Reserve banks as at close of business March
24th, and the status of rediscounts between Federal Reserve
banks as of the same date.
'Memorandum by Yr. Emerson dated March 23d, submitting
for determination by the Board. the question of whether or not
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York should show in its s.tatement of condition the contingaat liability assumed by that Bank
in connection with the purchase of bills under its contract
with the Bank of Japan heretofore approved by the Board.
Referred to the Governor with rower to instruct the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to
carry in its statement a footnote to the effect
that it has contingent liability in the amount
of such liability on bills bought and held for
account of foreign correspondents.
LtemorcIdum by Mr. Paddock dated March 25th in regard
to the examination of foreign banking corporations, submitting
the following recommendations:
That the practice of participating with the New
York State Banking Department in their examinations
of five corporations coming under their supervision
be continued:
That, if it meets with the approval of the
Comptroller of the Currency, the examinations of the
International Banking Corporation of New York, the
First National Corporation of Boston, and the Shawmut
Corporation of Boston, be taken up by the National
Bank Examiners in connection with their examinations,
respectively, of the National City Bank of New York,
The First National Bank of Boston, and the Shawmut
National Bank of Boston, the institutions owning a
majority of the respective three foreign banking corporations mentioned.


-3That an examination be made during the current
year of the Mercantile Bank of the Americas by Federal
Reserve examiners, either independently or with the Connecticut authorities, if they desire to participate;
That advantage be taken of any action of the New
York State Banking Department, toward the examination
of the foreign branches of foreign banking corporations
under their supervision.
Memorandum by Mr. Imlay dated March


advising of

the withdrawal from membership in the Federal Reserve System
of the State Bank of Trumansburg, New York.
REPORTS OF C01,21=E NO. 1:
Dated March 25th, recommending changes in stock at Federal
Reserve banks, as set forth in the auxiliary
minute book as of this date:
Other business was presented and disposed of as follows:
The Governor submitted for approval, draft of letter
by him dated March 26th (X-1873), addressed to the Governors
of all Federal Reserve banks, transmitting topics for discussion at the conference of Governors to be held on April 7th.
Approved as amended.
Letter dated March 26th from the Secretary of the
Treasury, requesting that the Board detail Yr. Montgomery B.
Angell, Assistant Counsel, to the Treasury Department for the
purpose of accompanying the Treasury's representative to the

-4Virgin Islands to make report upon monetary. conditions there.
Referred to the Governor with power.
At 1

P.n., the meeting adjourned.