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O9 1. 9/61 Minutes for To: Members of the Board From: March 2, 1962 Office of the Secretary Attached is a copy of the minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on the above date. It is not proposed to include a statement with respect to any of the entries in this set of minutes in the record of policy actions required to be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act. Should you have any question with regard to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, please initial below. If you were present at the meeting, your initials will indicate approval of the minutes. If you were not present, your initials will indicate only that you have seen the minutes. Chin. Martin Gov. Mills Gov. Robertson Gov. Balderston Gov. Shepardson Gov. King Gov. Mitchell Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Friday, March 2, 1962. PRESENT: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. The Board met in the Board Room at 10:00 a.m. Mills, Acting Chairman Robertson Shepardson King Mitchell Sherman, Secretary Kenyon, Assistant Secretary Thomas, Adviser to the Board Young, Adviser to the Board and Director, Division of International Finance Mr. Fauver, Assistant to the Board Mr. Noyes, Director, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Holland, Adviser, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Koch, Adviser, Division of Research and Statistics Mrs. Semia, Technical Assistant, Office of the Secretary Mr. Eckert, Chief, Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Yager, Chief, Government Finance Section, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Money market review. Mr. Yager reported on conditions in the Government securities market, during the course of his remarks distributing a table showing preliminary results of the Treasury's advance refunding program. Mr. Eckert then reviewed developments in regard to bank credit, deposits, and reserves. Messrs. Holland, Yager, and Eckert then withdrew from the meeting and the following entered the room: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Molony, Assistant to the Board Hackley, General Counsel Solomon, Director, Division of Examinations Farrell, Director, Division of Bank Operations -2- 3/2/62 Mr. O'Connell, Assistant General Counsel Mr. Shay, Assistant General Counsel Mr. Goodman, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations Mr. Leavitt, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations Mr. Furth, Adviser, Division of International Finance Mr. Conkling, Assistant Director, Division of Bank Operations Mr. Partee, Chief, Capital Markets Section, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Veenstra, Technical Assistant, Division of Bank Operations Discount rates. The establishment without change by the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco on March 1, 1962, of the rates on discounts and advances in their existing schedules was approved unanimously, with the understanding that appropriate advice would be sent to those Banks. Items circulated or distributed to the Board. The following items, which had been circulated or distributed to the Board and copies Of which are attached to these minutes under the respective item numbers indicated, were approved unanimously: Item No. Letter to Boston Overseas Financial Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, granting consent to purchase approximately 22 per cent of the stock of a factoring corporation to be organized in The Netherlands. 1 Letter to The Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Claflin, Kansas, interposing no objection to a dividend declared in 1960. 2 Letter to the Comptroller of the Currency recommending favorably with respect to an application to organize a national bank at Irving, Texas. 3 3/2/62 -3Item No. Letter to Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco, California, approving the establishment of a branch in Los Altos, Santa Clara County. 4 Order granting an extension of time within which The First Virginia Corporation, Arlington, Virginia, may acquire shares of Richmond Bank and Trust Company, Richmond, Virginia. 5 With respect to Item No. 1, a letter had been received from the Comptroller of the Currency in response to a request from the Board for any comments he wished to make in regard to the proposed transaction. The Comptroller's reply stated that, while he could see no reason why the proposed investment should be disapproved, he invited the Board's attention to the following points. From an examination of the files, it appeared that Boston Overseas Financial Corporation had been engaged in financing exports to the United States, possibly in excess of the amount of exports from the United States to the United Kingdom, and that some further portions of its financing were utilized to facilitate sales in third countries by foreign exporters. Both of those categories of exports, it might be assumed, competed in some degree with this country's own production or exports. Since it was his understanding that the Edge Act was designed "to foster our exports," question might be raised whether those activities conformed to that purpose. In continuing, the Comptroller's letter mentioned that some elements of United States public policy had the broader purpose of freeing the channels of international commerce. However, the Edge tif 3/2/62 Act, and the recently expanded export credit insurance program, seemed to him to have a narrower objective. This issue was particularly pertinent in view of present efforts to deal with the United States balance of payments problem. He trusted that it would receive the Board's careful consideration in this and similar applications. Governor Mills questioned the views expressed by the Comptroller in regard to the purpose of the Edge Act. AS Governor Mills understood it, the purpose of the Act was to promote financial engagements involving both export and import trade. The Board had not discouraged investments in diversified foreign ventures, such, for example, as extracting petroleum, having felt that such investments were appropriate for Edge Act financing corporations, especially in underdeveloped countries. The factoring operations did introduce a somewhat different slant, perhaps, because they involved financing the operations of foreign manufacturers who might compete with United States manufacturers. Yet it seemed almost impossible to distinguish or isolate the kinds of financing an Edge Act corporation could under- take that would fall within the criteria suggested by the Comptroller, that being true especially when investments by Edge Act financing corporations in foreign countries were involved. It seemed obvious that those corporations would engage in a whole range of financing which in a sense might be disadvantageous from the standpoint of the present balance of payments problem but nevertheless would be within the purview of the Edge Act. 3/2/62 -5In the ensuing discussion, comments by the staff reflected general agreement with the views expressed by Governor Mills. Consideration then was given to whether or not a reply should be made to the Comptroller of the Currency's letter. The consensus was that no reply was necessary; the letter had been received in response to an invitation for comments on the specific transaction proposed by Boston Overseas Financial Corporation. It was agreed that any study of the broader question touched upon in the Comptroller's letter might more appropriately be a part of the over-all review of Regulation K that was now in process, in which connection a letter had been sent to the Comptroller inviting his comments. Messrs. Shay, Furth, and Goodman then withdrew from the meeting. Call report data (Items 6, 7, and 8). A memorandum dated February 27, 1962, from the Division of Bank Operations, which had been distributed, recommended that the Board approve an attached draft of Schedule J--Supplementary Data on Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions, and Loans for Purchasing or Carrying Securities, for use at the forthcoming spring call date, provided that corresponding data were obtained from national banks and insured nonmember banks. The purpose of the proposed Schedule J was to collect current information on (1) the maturity distribution of commercial bank holdings of securities issued by States and political subdivisions, and (2) the breakdown of loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities between -6- 3/2/62 loans to purchase United States Government securities and other securities. The supplement would be similar to one used in June 1956, with exceptions noted in the memorandum. The need for current information in those areas arose from d the fact that bank portfolios of tax-exempt securities had expande e sharply since the last supplement was collected, and there was evidenc that the maturity distribution might have changed substantially. New of changes benchmark data were needed on which to base current estimates in commercial bank holdings of those securities. The new data would be tion reports, used, along with information compiled from current examina for that purpose. A more current benchmark than that provided in 1956 purchasing or was needed for the breakdown of loans for the purpose of carrying securities in order to assess the adequacy of the weekly reporting member bank series as an indicator of changes in stock market credit. The weekly series already provided for the breakdown securities. of those loans as between United States Government and other Attached to the memorandum was a draft of letter to the Federal Reserve Banks that would transmit forms for the coming call report, including the proposed Schedule J. The letter included two paragraphs explaining the purpose of the new schedule. Drafts of letters to the ce Corporation, Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insuran and the Budget Bureau were also attached. -7- 3/2/62 Mr. Conkling stated that the letter to the Federal Reserve Banks was a routine matter, except for Schedule J. He noted that the memo- randum indicated that the collection of the data called for by Schedule J had been discussed with representatives of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and it had been understood that the staffs of those agencies would recommend to their principals that the data be collected from national and insured nonmember banks. That was true at the time the memorandum was written; however, in the meantime Mr. Conkling had received a letter from a Deputy Comptroller of the Currency asking a number of technical questions about the proposed schedule, and it was understood that a written reply was desired. Such a reply had been prepared and sent, but no further word had been received. Thus, there was some question as to whether or not the Comptroller of the Currency would be willing to include the proposed Schedule J in the reports to be called for from national banks. In the light of that uncertainty, question was raised regarding the letter proposed to be sent to the Reserve Banks. After a discussion of that point, it was the consensus that it would be well to omit Schedule J from the list of forms mentioned in the letter to the Reserve Banks, and also to omit the paragraphs explaining the purpose of the schedule. Instead, the usual forms should be transmitted, so that the Reserve Banks could proceed with their necessary steps of , -8- 3/2/62 preparation for the call for condition reports, and the letter would include a statement that the use of an additional schedule was under consideration and, if it was to be included, information about it would be sent as soon as possible. The letter to the Reserve Banks was then approved unanimously, with the changes that had been agreed upon during the discussion. A copy of the letter is attached as Item No. 6. Also attached, as Item No. 7, is a copy of the letter sent to the Comptroller of the Currency on this matter. A similar letter was sent to the Federal Eeposit Insurance Corporation. Attached as Item No. 8 is a copy of the letter sent to the Budget Bureau. Governor Mitchell asked if there was some way in which a maturity breakdown of bank holdings of tax-exempt municipal securities could be obtained on a periodic basis from examination reports. Comments in response indicated that the staff now had under consideration a project, involving the use of a revised summary sheet on examination reports, that was intended to develop information of this kind. The meeting then adjourned. Secretary's Note: Governor Shepardson today approved on behalf of the Board the following items: Letter to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (attached Item No. 9) approving the appointment of John J. O'Connor and Edward E. Crane as assistant examiners. Letter to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (attached Item No. 10) approving the appointment of Wayne C. Hall as assistant examiner. 3/2/62 -9- Memoranda from appropriate individuals concerned recommending the following actions relating to the Board's staff: Transfer Marynoble Shissler, from the position of Clerk-Stenographer in the Division of Personnel Administration to the position of Clerk-Stenographer in the Division of Bank Operations, with no change in her basic annual salary at the rate of $4,145, effective March 4, 1962. Salary increases, effective March 4, 1962 Division Name and title Basic annual salary To From Research and Statistics Paul F. McGouldrick, Economist Gail E. Mullin, Economist $8,080 8,955 $8,34o 9,215 4,995 5,160 4,83o 4,995 4,285 4,390 3,605 3,920 3,710 4,025 Bank Operations Judith M. Golodner, Secretary Examinations Ted Edward Garner, Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner Administrative Services Vera L. Dulin, Supervisor Lloyd G. Luna, Guard Geraldine M. Venable, Clerk-Cashier Secreta BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE gl Item No. 1 3/2/62 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM **.@ WASHINGTON 25, D. C. :tug: ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD *% 4. %.?Ad.tits t'o04401, March 2, 1962 Boston Overseas Financial Corporation, 67 Milk Street, Boston 6, Massachusetts. Gentlemen: In accordance with the request contained in your letter of January 11, 1962, transmitted through the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and on the basis of the information furnished, the Board of Governors grants its consent for Boston Overseas Financial Corporation ("BOFC") to purchase and hold approximately 22 per cent of the stock of a corporation to be organized under the laws of The Netherlands to be named International Factors N. V. ("IFN") if that name is available at a cost not to exceed $100,000, provided such stock is acquired within one year from the date of this letter. The Boards consent to the purchase of stock of IFN is granted upon condition that BOFC shall dispose of its holdings of stock of IFN, as promptly as practicable,, in the event that IFN should at any time (1) engage in issuing, underwriting, selling or distributing securities in the United States; (2) engage in the general business of buying or selling goods, wares, merchandise, or commodities in the United States or transact any business in the United States except such as is incidental to its international or foreign business; or (3) otherwise conduct its operations in a manner which, in the judgment of the Board of Governors, causes the continued holding of its stock by BOFC to be inappropriate under the provisions of Section 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act or regulations thereunder. Upon completion of the organization of IFN, it is requested that the Board of Governors be furnished (1) copies of the articles of association and by-laws of IFN and (2) a list of the officers and directors of IFN. Please advise the Board of Governors, through the Federal Reserve sank of Boston, when the acquisition of stock has been made. Very truly yours, (Signed) Elizabeth L. Carmichael Elizabeth L. Carmichael, Assistant Secretary. BOARD OF GOVERNORS 01:0:11:14.4.0 4 , 0q4701t,iloo , ii 0 , ktbk ti . Ntk linf OF THE Item No. 2 3/2/62 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE tgLr TO THE BOARD March 2, 1962 Board of Directors, The Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Claflin, Kansas. Gentlemen: ve System The Board of Governors of the Federal Reser 1962, written has received a copy of a letter dated January 8, Reserve Bank by Mr. Robert L. Branan, Cashier, to the Federal dividend of of Kansas City respecting the declaration of a ion of paragraph 6, Section 9, $10,000 in 1960 in contravent the United of the Federal Reserve Act and Section 5199(b) of dividend was declared without States Revised Statutes. This nors. obtaining the approval of the Board of Gover approval, The statute contemplates the Board's prior be given in this case since the but such prior approval cannot consideradividend has already been declared and paid. After the Board will make no objection tion of the facts, however, This letter to the declaration of the dividend mentioned above. of dividends. does not authorize any subsequent declaration Very truly yours, (Signed) Elizabeth L. Carmichael Elizabeth L. Carmichael, Assistant Secretary. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Item No. 3 3/2/62 WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD March 2, 1962 Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Department, Washington 25, D. C. Attention Mr. G. W. Garwood, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency. Dear Mr. Comptroller: Reference is made to a letter from your office dated November 27, 1961, enclosing copies of an application to organize a national bank at Irving, Texas, and requesting a recommendation as to whether or not the application should be approved. Information contained in the report of investigation of the application by an examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas indicates that the proposed capital structure of the bank is adequate, that prospects for profitable operations are favorable, and that the general character of management is regarded as satisfactory. While there may be no urgent demand for additional banking facilities in this area, there appears to be sufficient business to provide profitable operations within a relatively short period. It is noted that future growth of the community is expected to the north and northwest, opposite the proposed location of the bank, and that development of the immediate area to be served is said to be limited to some extent by natural barriers. The Board of Governors recommends favorable consideration of the application. The Board's Division of Examinations will be glad to discuss any aspects of this case with representatives of your office if you so desire. Very truly yours, (Signed) Elizabeth L. Carmichael Elizabeth L. Carmichael, Assistant Secretary. S09 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE Item No. 4 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 3/2/62 WASHINGTON 25. D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD March 2, 1962 Board of Directors, Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco, California. Gentlemen: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves the establishment of a branch by Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco, California, in the downtown business district of Los Altos, Santa Clara County, California, provided the branch is established within one year from the date of this letter. Very truly yours, (Signed) Elizabeth L. Carmichael Elizabeth L. Carmichael, Assistant Secretary. Si() Item No. 5 UNITED STATES OF AUHICA 3/2/62 BEFCRE THE BOARD OF GOVERNCRS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. In the Natter of the Application of THE FIRST VIRGINIA CCRPCRATION for prior approval of acquisition of voting shares of Richmond Bank and Trust Corpany, Richmond, Virginia ORDLR EXTITDING TUE FOR ACQUISITION OF VOTING SHARES OF racia,ca BANK AND TRUST COITAITY WHEREAS, by Order dated September 5, 1961, the Board of Governors, pursuant to section 3(a)(2) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1842) and section 4(a)(2) of Federal Reserve Regulation Y (12 CFR 222.4(a)(2)), approved the acquisition by The First Virginia Corporation, Arlington, Virginia, of 80 per cent or more of the voting shares of Pichmond Bank and Trust Company, Richmond, Virginia; and, pursuant to request of The First Virginia Corporation, by Order dated December 4, 1961, extended to ilarch 5, 1962, the time within which the approved acquisition Iras to be completed; and WHEREAS, The First Virginia Corporation has applied to the Board for an additional extension of time of 30 days from Farch 5, 1962, Within which to complete its acquisition of the shares of Richmond Bank and Trust Company, and it appearing to the Board that good cause has 811 been shown for the additional time requested and that such extension would not be inconsistent with the public interest; IT IS HLIMBY ORDERED, that the time within which said acquisition shall be completed is extended to April 5, 1962. Dated at Washington, ). C., this 2nd day of March, 1962. By order of the Board of Governors. (Signed) lierritt Sherman Merritt Sherman, Secretary. (sEAL) 512 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE Item No. 6 3/2/62 FEDERAL RESEFIVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON 25. D. C. ADDRESS orrictAL CORRCIPONDCHOC TO THE IBOARD March 7, 1962 Dear Sir: forwarded The indicated number of copies of the following forms are being t? your Bank under separate cover for use of State mem:ler banks and their affiliates in submitting reports as of the next call date. A copy of each form is attached: thulther of Form FR 105 (Call No. 163), Report of condition of State member banks, Form FR 105e (Revised February 1961)0 Publisher's copy of report of condition of State member banks. Form 105e-1 (Revised February 1961), Publisher's copy of report of condition of State member banks. Form 105e-2 (Revised November 1955), Publisher's copy supplement. Form FR 220 (Revised March 1952), Report of affiliate or holding company affiliate. Form FR 220a (Revised March 1952), Publisher's copy of report of affiliate or holding company affiliate. 30, 1961. ConAl]. of the forms are the same as those used on December nal e sideration also is being given to the inclusion in the next call of an additio this additpedule J. If a decision is reached among the agencies to request ed later. schedule from all insured commercial banks, it will be forward that it would " 0 18 schedule would be similar to the one used in June 19560 except obligations and revenue bonds the c " separate maturity breakdown between general bonds, notes, and States and political subdivisions and the breakdown of other classification (;13enture8 by type, which were reported in 1956; and a maturity u4) to 20 years) of bonds issued by States and political subdivpdons has been Very truly yours, -closure T0 THE PRESIDENTS OF ALL FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS A , • Merritt Shermario Secretary. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Item No. 7 3/2/62 ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD March 5 1962 0 The Honorable James J. Saxon, The Comptroller of the Currency, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Saxon: The Board has approved the enclosed Schedule J/ a supplement to the report of condition of State member banks for use in obtaining information on the maturity breakdown of obligations of States and political subdivisions and the breakdown of loans for purchasing or carrying securities as between U. S. Government and other securities, at the forthcoming spring call date, provided corresponding data are obtained from national banks and insured nonmember commercial banks. The proposed schedule has been discussed with representatives of your agency, a previous draft of the schedule having been transmitted informally to Deputy Comptroller Fleming with a memorandum dated January 25. The purpose of the schedule is to collect current information on (1) the maturity distribution of commercial bank holdings of securities issued by States and political subdivisions and (2) the breakdown of loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities between loans to purchase U. S. Government securities and other securities. This proposei supplement is similar to one used in June 1956, except that it: (a) would omit the separate maturity breakdown between general obligations and revenue bonds of States and political subdivisions; (b) would omit the breakdown of other bonds/ notes, and debentures by type; and (c) would add an additional maturity classification(10 to 20 years) of bonds issued by States, and political subdivisions. -X-. The Honorable James J. Saxon -2- The need for current information in these areas arises from the fact that bank portfolios of tax exempt securities have expanded sharply since the last supplement was collected and there is evidence that the maturity distribution may have changed substantially. Banks may have lengthened maturities in these securities to increase investment income; comments to this effect have been noted in trade publications, particularly in connection with the recent change in Regulation Q increasing the maximum permissible rate of interest payable on time deposits. New benchmark data are needed on which to base current estimates of changes in commercial bank holdings of these securities, and the new data would be used with information compiled from current examination reports for this purpose. A more current benchmark than that provided in 1956 also is needed for the breakdown of loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities in order to assess the adequacy of the weekly reporting member bank series as an indication of changes in stock market credit; the weekly series already provides for the breakdown of the loans as between U. S. Government and other securities. It will be appreciated if you will advise the Board whether Your office will use this schedule at the forthcoming spring call. A similar inquiry is being made of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Very truly yours, (Signed) Merritt Sherman Merritt Sherman, Secretary. Enclosure 815 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Item No. 8 3/2/62 WASHINGTON 25. D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD March 5, 1962 Mr. David Cohn, Clearance Officer, Bureau of the Budget, Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Cohn: Enclosed are two copies of your Form 83 together with copies Of a proposed Schedule J--.Supplementary Data on Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions, and Loans for Purchasing or Carrying Securities which would be submitted by State member banks of the Federal Reserve System as a supplement to official reports of condition at the forthcoming spring call date. The Board is today transmitting this proposal to the Office Of the Comptroller of the Currency and to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, with which informal discussions of the subject have already been held, and it hopes that those agencies will conclude that similar information should be requested in connection with call reports for national and insured nonmember commercial banks. The Board's request for approval of the proposed schedule is made, therefore, with the understanding that the schedule would be used only in the event the other agencies concurred in the desirability of collecting the additional information. The purpose of the proposed Schedule J is to collect current information on (1) the maturity distribution of commercial bank holdings of securities issued by States and political subdivisions, and (2) the breakdown of loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities between loans to purchase U. S. Government securities and other securities. This proposed supplement would be similar to one used in June 1956 except that it: (a) would omit the separate maturity breakdown between general obligations and revenue bonds of States and political subdivisions; (b) would omit the breakdown of other bonds, notes, and debentures by type; (c) and would add an additional maturity classification 10 to 20 years) of bonds issued by States and political subdivisions. ( BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mr. David Cohn or THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM -2- The need for current information in these areas arises from the fact that bank portfolios of tax exempt securities have expanded sharply since the last supplement was collected and there is evidence that the maturity distribution may have changed substantially. Banks may have lengthened maturities in these securities to increase investment income; comments to this effect have been noted in trade publications, particularly in connection with the recent change in Regulation Q increasing the maximum permissible rate of interest payable on time deposits. New benchmark data are needed on which to base current estimates of changes in commercial bank holdings of these securities, and the new data would be used with information compiled from current examination reports for this purpose. A more current benchmark than that provided in 1956 also is needed for the breakdown of loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities in order to assess the adequacy of the weekly reporting member bank series as an indicator of changes in stock market credit; the weekly series already provides for the breakdown of these loans as between U. S. Government and other securities. The schedule, in preliminary draft, has been discussed with Mr. Crowder. Very truly yours, (Signed) Merritt Sherman Merritt Sherman, Secretary. Enclosures. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE Item No. 9 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 3/2/62 ‘ALASIT4INGTON a.5. D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD March 5, 1962 CONFIDENTIAL (FR) Mr. B. F. Groot, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston 6, Massachusetts. Dear Mr. Groot: In accordance with the requests contained in your letters Of February 21, 1962, the Board approves the appointments of John J. O'Connor and Edward E. Crane as assistant examiners for the Federal Reserve Bank of Bostaa. Please advise as to the effective date of the appointments,. It is noted that Mr. O'Connor is indebted to The Broadway National Bank of Chelsea in the amount of ;1,872.50 with his loan secured by pledge of savings pass book. It is also noted that Mr. Crane is indebted to The First New Haven National Bank, New Haven, Connecticut, in the amount ofZOO with his loan secured by 15 shares of stock of Eastman Kodak and co-signature. Accordingly, the Board's approval of the appointments of Mr. O'Connor and Mr. Crane is given with the understanding that neither will participate in any examination of that bank to which he is indebted until such indebtedness has been liquidated. Very truly yours, (Signed) Elizabeth L. Carmichael Elizabeth L. Carmichael, Assistant Secretary. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE Item No. 10 3/2/62 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD March 50 1962 CONFIDENTIAL (FR) Mr. H. E. Hemmings, First Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, San Francisco 20, California. Dear Mr. Hemmings: In accordance with the request contained in your letter of February 27, 1962, the Board approves the appointment of Wayne C. Hall as an assistant examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Please advise as to the effective date of the appointment. It is noted that Mr. Hall is indebted to the Bank of America, NT&SA, San Francisco, in the amount of 536 which loan in an original amount of $4,020 was used for the purpose of purchasing a mobile home. Accordingly, the Board's approval of the appointment of Mr. Hall is given with the understanding that he will not participate in any examination of that bank until his indebtedness has been liquidated. Very truly yours, (Signed) Elizabeth L. Carmichael Elizabeth L. Carmichael, Assistant Secretary.