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At a meeting of the Gold Exoort Committee of the Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the Governor on Wednesday, March 13, 1918, at 10:30 It• 1:1•1, PRESENT: Mr. Harding, presiding, Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Miller, Mr. Willis, Secretary. Present also: Yr. Strauss. Applications for permissiou to export coin, currency and bullion together with papers in connection therewith, were presented and acted upon as follows: A telegram from First National Bank, Del Rio, Texas, requesting advise as to the payment of Mexican mining taxes, etc. Referred to Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. A copy of a messa ,f m Collector Cobb, El Paso, to Secretary of State, dated March 8, 1916, concerning gold to Mexico. 1337. Noted. San Dieo & Arizona. Ey. Co., to Mex- ico, during March, 1918, 43,000 gold coin. at meeting of March 12).. (Tabled Read and ordered bank to send more data in reply to Governor's letter 0f March 5th. 1338. Bank of British North America, Ban irancisco, for account of Mercantile Bank of India, London, to Mercantile Bank of India, 3hanghai, $125,000 to $150,000 silver bullion. 1339. Granted. Sonora Bank oc Trust Co., Nogales, Arizona, to same, Iermosiiio, Ieh1oo, 3,000 silver coin. Granted. 134v. Sither or both, National City Bank, ew York, or 2edera1 Reserve Bank, Dallas, Texas, o R. P. Jennings, Mexico City, during April 1918, 4500,000 gola coin. Granted. 1341. .6(laitab1e Trust Co., NerN York to Comision Monetaria, Mexico City, Ilex., $158,810 gold coin or bars. 1342. Tabled. Equitable Trust Co. New York to Comision Mohetaria, Mexico City, 0 720 gold coin or bars. Tabled. 1343. William Sohall & Co., New York, to American Colonial Bank, San Juan, Arecibo, Mayaguez, $18,000 nickels. 1344. Granted. Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, New York, through Anglo & London Paris National Bank, San Francisco, to Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, Shanghai, duriLg April, 101,W0 ounces silver bullion (01010). 1345. Granted. Handy & Harman, New York to Ilocatta & Goldsmid, London, En6land, $100,000 silver bullion. Granted. 1346. Handy & Harman, New York to r.ocatta & Goldsmid, London, England, :4100,000 silver bullion. Granted. 1347. Handy & Harman, New York to Mocatta & Goldsmid, London,England, 1150,030 silver bullion. Granted. At 10:55 A. M., the Committee adjourned. APPEOVED: