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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System was held in Washington on Wednesday, March 12, 1941, at 11:30



Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Pederal Reserve System held on March 11, 1941, were approved unaniIn°usly.
Letter to the board of directors of "The Citizens' Trust CornPly of Schenectady, N. Y.", Schenectady, New York, stating that, subject to conditions of membership numbered 1 to 6, inclusive, contained
in the Board's Regulation H, the Board approves the bank's application
membership in the Federal Reserve System and for the appropriate
arnount of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Approved unanimously, together with
a letter to Mr. Sproul, President of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, reading
as follows:
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves the application of 'The Citizens' Trust Com,pany of Schenectady, N. Y.', Schenectady, New York, for



"membership in the Federal Reserve System, subject to
the conditions prescribed in the enclosed letter which
you are requested to forward to the Board of Directors
of the institution. Two copies of such letter are also
enclosed, one of which is for your files and the other
of which you are requested to forward to the Superintendent of Banks for the State of New York for his information.
"Since the estimated losses classified in the report
of examination for membership are reported to have been
eliminated during the examination, the usual condition
regarding elimination of losses has not been prescribed.
"Standard condition numbered 6 has been prescribed
in order that its provisions may be invoked at any time
in the future, if necessary, but as in other cases and
in accordance with the general authorization previously
granted by the Board you are authorized to waive compliance tith the condition until further notice insofar as
the condition applies to funds which are given statutory
Preference in the State of New York.
"It has been noted that the bank has maintained annual dividend payments of $12,000 on its common stock
notwithstanding its large holdings of other real estate
and potential other real estate, and the declining net
earnings which amounted to only $17,492 in 1940. The application for membership has been approved with the expectation that the Reserve Bank will follow the situation closely with full realization of the necessity that
the bank follow a conservative dividend policy. Without
implying that the present dividend rate should be regarded as conservative, it is expected that, after its
admission to membership, the bank's dividend rate will
at least not be increased until an increase is fully justified by the earnings of the bank and the condition of
its assets.
"It is assumed that you All follow the matter of
the bank's bringing into conformity with the provisions
of law and the Board's regulations the savings accounts
listed on page 16(a) of the report of examination for
Letter to the board of directors of the "Auburn Trust Company",
4111311111, New York, stating that, subject to conditions of membership
111111thered 1 to 6 inclusive, contained in the Board's Regulation H and




the following special condition, the Board approves the bank's application for membership in the Federal Reserve System and for the approPriate amount of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York:

Prior to admission to membership, such bank, if
it has not already done so, shall charge off or
otherwise eliminate estimated losses of A64,131,
as shown in the report of examination of such bank
as of November 2, 1940, made by an examiner for
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York."
Approved unanimously, together with
a letter to Mr. Sproul, President of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, reading as follows:

"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves the application of the 'Auburn Trust Company',
Auburn, New York, for membership in the Federal Reserve
System, subject to the conditions prescribed in the enclosed letter which you are requested to forward to the
Board of Directors of the institution. Two copies of
such letter are also enclosed, one of which is for your
files and the other of which you are requested to forward
to Superintendent of Banks for the State of New York for
his information.
"Standard condition of membership numbered 6 has been
Prescribed in order that its provisions may be invoked at
any time in the future, if necessary, but as in other cases
and in accordance with the general authorization previously
granted by the Board you are authorized to waive compliance
With the condition until further notice insofar as the condition applies to funds which are given statutory preference
in the State of New York.
"While it is said that a marked improvement has been
made in the condition of the bank in the last five years,
much remains to be done, particularly in connection with
the bank's large holdings of other real estate and potential
Other real estate. It has been noted that, from its investigations, the Reserve Bank is of the opinion that the
heavy indebtedness and involved financial condition of the
president have not lessened his effectiveness as active
managing head of the bank, of which he is the largest individual common stockholder, owning 20 per cent of that




“Granting that a managing officer in such circumstances
Is earnestly seeking in all good faith to work out the bank's
problems to the best advantage of the institution, nevertheless it is altogether possible, if not probable, that his
judgments as to values and as to action to be taken by the
bank mould be influenced unconsciously by reluctance to
take losses with their consequences upon his personal affairs. The continuation of such a management places unusual responsibilities upon the supervisory authorities to
see that the bank's interests are not permitted to suffer
because of the involved condition of its officers or directors. Accordingly, the application for membership has been
approved with the expectation that the Reserve Bank will
give the bank close and effective supervision.
"It is assumed that your office will follow the matter
of the bank's bringing into conformity with the provisions
of law and the Board's regulations the savings account
listed on page 16 of the report of examination for membership.”

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
