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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board on Friday, June
7, 1918 at 11 A.M.,
Mr. Harding, presiding,

Mr. Delano,

Mr. Hamlin,

Mr. Williams,

Mr. Miller,


il1is, Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
June 5th were read and on motion approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the Gold Lxport
Committee held on June 6th and 7th were presented and on
motion approved and the action therein set forth ratified.
The minutes of the meetings of .Committee

Mo. 4


on June 1st and June 5th were read and ordered passed to
Governor Harding announced that he had been informed that the Lquitable Trust Company of New York, on
behalf of Messrs. Lusher & Company, had informed the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that it would close at once
with the proposed plan of providing exchange at 4.98, to
liquidate the obligations of the concern referred to.
Governor Harding raised the question of a proposed
meeting of the Board to discuss a recent statement made by


the Comptroller re guaranty of deposits and there ensued
a discussion of the guaranty question in general.


letter written by Mr. Williams to Mr. Delano under date
of June 6th in reply to a communication from the latter
was read.

Gen ral consideration of methods of protecting

creditors of failed banks was engaged in.
Mr. 7;illiams at this point withdrew from the meeting.
.i, letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
re collection charges was referred to Committee No. 1.
A memorandum from Assistant Secretary Adelson re
code telegrams was read and the discontinuance of such telegrams except in specific cases as suggested in the memor ndum,
was authorized.
A memorandum of Counsel re the statusof J. V.
Padula, was referred to Committee No. 3.
Reports of Cummittees were acted upon as follows:
No. 1.
Dated June 7th, recommending the appointment of Charles H.
- Martin as National.Bank Lxaminer at ,p,OUJ
per annum; approved.
Dated June 7th, recommending the institution of a daily
gold settlement plan; referred to the
x,xecutive Committee with power.
No. 3.
Dated May 29th, recommending changes in stock at Federal
Reserve banks as follows:



District No. 41.4p1ications for surrender of stock:
First National Bank, Bentleyville, Pa.,
District No. 5.
Manchester National Bank, Richmond, Va.,
Dated June 3d, recommending a plan for the discount of
cold storage warehouse paper; laid on
the table.
On motion the Fiscal Agent was directed to issue
to Uiss M. E. Smith of the Board's staff a check for services and accrued leave up to the time of her leaving
the staff.
The Secretary having recommended that entries
in the minutes relating to fiduciary powers and changes
in stock be segregated in a separate minute book with
proper cross reference in the minute book itself, the
change was on motion authorized.
On request of Mr. Hamlin a letter from T. P.
Martin, Jr., re a branch bank in Oklahoma was referred
to the Kansas City Committee.
An application from the Fedeml Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia for power to declare a dividend to June 30,
1918, was referred to the Philadelphia Committee.
A letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


re a circular recently sent out by Lssistant Secretary Leffintotell regarding the deposit of income
and excess profits taxes was presented and noted.
Upon recommendation of Mr. Delano on behalf
of Committee No. 2 it was voted to modify Condition
No. 2, approved by the Board on May 24th in the case
of the Peoples Trust & Savings Bank of Perry, Iowa,
so that that institution may be admitted on the modified terms determined by the Committee.
It was informally agreed that no further reply
to the last letter of Musher ,f'c Company previously referred to the Executive Committee need be sent, at least
under present conditions.
A letter sent by the Division of Foreign Exchange to Federal Reserve banks re the control of
Italian exchange was presented and ordered circulated.
-On motion at 12:15 P. M., the meeting adjourned.
