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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board on Wednesday,
June 5, 1918, at 11:45 A.M.,
Mr. Harding, presiding,

Mr. Hamlin,

M. Warburg,

Mr. Miller,

Mr. Delano,

Mr. Willis, Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held
on June 3d were read and on motion approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the Gold Export Committee held on June 4th and 5th were presented and on motion approved and the action therein
set forth ratified.
A letter from Governor J. Z. Miller re the
discount rate situation at Kansas City, with special
reference to large discounters, was read, and it was
agreed that Governor Harding reply, expressing the
views of the Board.
A letter from Mr. J. F. Curtis re the Foreign
Trade Banking Corporation and the operations of Mr.
Max May was presented and ordered circulated.
Letters from Messrs. Passmore and Talley re
collection charges on checks at Philadelphia and Dallas


were considered and referred to Committee No. 1.
A letter from Mr. A. E. Walker re the
managership of the proposed branch at Birmingham
and reply of Governor Harding thereto were read and
A letter from Musher & Company, dated June 4th
re transfer of gold to London at par was read and
discussed, and on motion the letter was referred to
the Executive Committee with power to reply.
At this point Mr. Williams entered the meeting.
The Secretary was directed to transmit a formal acknowledgment of the letter of June 4th from
Musher & Company.
It was further agreed that the Equitable
Trust Company as the licensed for the Musher gold export transaction be notified of the cancellation of
the license as of June 10th.
At this point Mr. Williams withdrew from the
A report of the Secret Service Division of the
Treasury re the recovery of lost Liberty Bonds at Boston
was presented and referred to the Boston Committee.
A memorandum of the Chief of the Division of


Statistics re the taking over of gold and silver
export and import statistics, was read, and it was
agreed t(T authorize the Secretary to arrange for
the transfer of these statistics to the Board's
statistical division.
an announcement for publication in the
"Federal Reserve Bulletin" re the establishment of
a system of business indices, was read and approved,
subject to modifications in the language.
Reports of Committees were approved as follows:
No. 1.
Dated June 3d, recommendin the appointment of three
clerks at OW, one at 060, and one
temporary clerk at Z960 in the Division
of Issue, effective on assuming duty.
Dated June 5th,recommending the appointment of Caroline
IS. Wing (Division of Foreign Exchange)
at 41,300 per annum, effective June 5th.
Dated June 3d, recommending the approval of appointments
and salaries at Philadelphia as requested
in the letters of the bank dated Lay 29th
and May 31st.
Dated June 5th,recommending salary and expense adjustments relating to the installation of the
private wire service to Federal Reserve
No. 2.
Dated May 31st,recommending the granting of 10070 acceptance
powers to the American National Bank of .
Terrell, Texas.


Dated June 5th, recommending the admission of state
institutions upon terms named by the
Committee in each case, as follows:
Bellevue Realty Savings 6: Trust do., Bellevue, Pa.,
105 shares in the federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.
eils-Hine Trust Co., Savannah, Mo.; 62 shares in
the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
The Bank of Oregon City, Oregon City, Utah; 90
shares in the Federal Reserve Bank of an Francisco.
Ogden Savings Bank, Ogden, Utah; 180 shares in the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Security State Bank, Dillon, Idontana; 32 shares
in the Federal Reserve Bank of Linneapolis.
Montgomery Co. Trust Company, Amsterdam, Yew York;
180 shares in the Federal Reserve Bank of reew York.
:To. 3.
Dated June 3d, recom:Iending powers as trustee, executor,
administrator, and registrar for the
Montana 1:ationa1 Bank of Billings, :.:ont.
A report of

r. Hamlin re cold storage paper

was presented and laid on the table.
Governor Harding presented business which was
acted upon as follows:
A letter from Senator Sheppard re the cattle
paper situation; referred back to Mr. Harding for reply.
A letter from Governor Seay re the question of
conditions surrounding the deposit of income and excess
profits taxes on banks; referred back to :r. Harding
for reply.


A telegram from the Chattanooga Clearing House
banks re exchange charges in the ktlanta district; voted
that their representatives be given a hearing on
Tuesday, June 11th, Mr. Harding to send notice accordin61y.
On motion, at 1105 P. U., the meeting adjourned.
