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a meeting of the r:Lecutive Committee of the Fe'
eral deserve Board held in the office of the Governor on
Tuesday, June 5, at eleven a.m.,
Mr. Harding,

1,:r. Delano,

Mr. Miller,

1,:r. Willis, Secretary.

Governor Harding read to the Committee a memorandum
left in his hands by Y,r. Warburg with reference to the eligibility of paper madety non member banks and used for the
purpose of securing discounts at 7ederal reserve banks, when
protected by Government obligations.

7e also read a tele-

gram which Mr. Warburg had transmitted to Governor Seay on
June 4, answering questions with reference to this matter.
The correspondence was noted and ordered filed.
Yr. Harding further read, a memorandum prepared by
Mr.Warburg presenting a proposed amendment to the rational
Bank 4ict designed to modify the rresent provisions limiting
the amount of loans in proportion to capital, in so far
relates to loans based on GovernrAent obligations.


No action

was t% ken.
Yr. Larding further read for the information of the
jommittee a letter he had received from Mr. L.'J. Wing of


La Jrosse,

isconsin, ,ith reference to exchange charges

and statements said to have been made by Jr. Harding with
reference thereto.
Er. Harding presented to the Committee the applications of the German Savings Institution of St.
and the Jefferson Commercial savings Bank of Gretna,
Louisiana, for admission to the Federal reserve system,
together with the favorable recommendation of the Federal
Reserve Banks of St. Louis and :Alanta, respectively, and
also of the Chief Examiner of the Board.

Both applications

were discussed in detail, but action was deferred until a
full meeting of the Board could be obtained.
1:iller presented to the Committee a circular
recently sent out by the Federal Reserve Bank of San 2rancisco with reference to the Liaestion of relations between
small member banks and reserve city banks, and approving
of these in preference to rediscount rel,tions between the
small banks and the Federal reserve bank.

The matter was

discussed and ultimately referred to 1:r. 1:111er to be dis.poced of according to his best judgment pending a fall
meeting of the Board when further discussion could be given
to the subject.

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