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At a regular meeting of the Federal
Reserve Board held in the office of the Board
at 11:10 a. m., on Tuesday, June 13
Mr. 11 mlin, presiding

Mr. ':iarburg

Mr. Delano

hr. Harding

Mr. Allen, secretary.
The minutes of the meeting of June 8,
were read and approved.
A telegram from the Conference of
Bankers held at St. Louis in connection with
clearing was road with a communication asking
that a hearing be given by the Federal Reserve
Board on Monday, June 26, to a Co
pointed at this conference.

ittoe ap-

It was agreed

that a hearing should be given on Tuesday,
June 27, and the telegram was referred to the
Comilittee on Clearing for reply.
A letter from Mr. Willi

s for


copies of letters sent to Jenator Owen and

Representative Glass, and copy of a proposed
amendment to the National Bank Act, permitting
banks in cities of less than 3,000 inhabitants
to act as agents for fire insurance and real
estate loans, was noted.
A letter from Governor strong, dated
June 7, relative to the petition of Connecticut
banks was ordered to be circulated.
A letter from Governor Rains, asking
that the Board promulgate a regulation covering the use of drafts by Federal reserve banks
on other Federal reserve banks, was referred to
Mr. Harding for action.
Attention was called to the fact that
the minutes of the Board for 1915 are ready for
binding and the matter of arranging for such
binding was left to Governor Hamlin.
A letter from Governor Aiken, stating
the result of his trip to Burlington, Vermont,
in connection with the Board's clearing plan,


was noted, as was also a letter from the Wisconsin Bankers' Association asking information
as to the grounds on which the Board postponed
action on the petition of Wisconsin banks to be
joined to Federal Reserve District No. 7. This
latter letter had been answered.
Two letters urging support of the McFadden Bill were noted and ordered to be circulated.
A letter from the Commercial National
Bank of New Orleans on the attitude of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the New Orleans
Branch as to clearing and collection of checks,
was noted and referred to the Committee on Clearing.
Acting upon a letter from Mr. J. E.
Pope. of

Washington, D. C., the Board authorized

the furnishing to him of figures as to commodity
paper on hand at the Federal Reserve Bank of
Richmond on the first of each month to be used

in an article for the August number of the
Harvard Journal of Economies.
A letter from Federal Reserve Agent
Curtiss on the application for a charter to a
new national bank at Roxbury, Massachusetts,
was read and referred to the Comptroller of the
Favorable action was taken on applications for stock in Federal reserve banks,duly
recommended by Mr. Harding as Chairman of the
Committee on Member and State Banks, as follows:

Farmers National Bank

Laurens, S. C.


First National Bank

Kingsport, Tenn. 15

Upon the report of the Committee on
Issue nrid Redemption, favorable action was taken
upon the request of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland for :1,800,000 in Federal reserve notes
of the following denominations:


45 denominations


An opinion of Counsel based upon the
request of Governor Van Zandt for a ruling as
to the adjustment of earnings and expenses in
connection with the transfer of banks from one
district to another, was referred to the Committee on Operation of the Dallas Bank.


this connection it was voted that Mr. Delano be
added to the Committee on Operation of tho Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and in the place
of Mr. Miller on all committees on which Mr.
Harding is also a member, during the absence
of Mr. Miller, and that Mr. Harding take the
place of Mr. Miller on all other committees.
A letter to Er. H. U. McIntosh, Guardian Savings and Trust Company, Cleveland, Ohio,
prepared for the signature of the Governor, was
presented with a memorandum from Mr. Miller, in

which he suggested that the matter bo referred
to Counsel before the letter was sent out. This
was ordered.
Mr. Warburg stated that he had received from Senator Fletcher, letters voicing
the objection of several banks in Chicago to
the amendment to the Federal Reserve Act permitting domestic branches.

These banks objected

to the granting of this power where State institutions were not permitted to have similar
privileges. Mr. Warburg was authorized to prepare a letter to Senator Fletcher.
Mr. Warburg stated that the New York
State Bankers' Association had arranged to
print his speech and that he had ordered, at
his awn expense 25,000 copies.

No objection

was raised to flr. Warburg's furnishing these
speeches to Federal reserve banks at their request for distribution.

Mr. Delano reported that the Committee


consisting of Mr. Harding and himself, to which
was referred the adjustment of salaries of National Bank Examiners, had reported to the
Board, but that it had been unable to obtain
an agreement with the Comptroller of the Currency, and that Mr. Williams had now requested
the appointment of 122 bank examiners being 31
additional national bank examiners.
At 12:30 p. m., the Board adjourned
to meet on Thursday, June 15, at 11:00 a. m.

