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At a meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held in
the office of the Board on Wednesday, June 11, 1919, at 11

Chapman, Assistant Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
June 10th were read and on motion approved.
The Governor reported rediscount transactions, pursuant to authority heretofore vested in him: member bank
promissory notes secured by Government obligations; rate 4%
on paper secured by certificates of indebtedness and 4:1';, on
paper secured by Liberty bonds or Victory notes, as follows:

Bank Rediscounting

June 10th Dallas
June 10th Philadelphia






1-15 days
11-15 days

Letter dated June 2d from the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, submitting proposed amendment to the by-laws of the Security Trust and Savings Bank,
Los Angeles, California, designed to make the provisions
and practices with reference to "special savings" such that
the Federal Reserve Board would construe them to be savings
deposits within the meaning of Regulation D, and therefore

-2subject to reserve deposit of only 4; together with negative
opinion by ueneral Counsel.

The Governor submitted for approv-

al draft of telegram to Lr. Perrin under date of June 11th,
as follows:
"lour letter June second enclosing proposed revised form by-laws relating to savings
deposits received. Amended by-laws do not require presentation of pass book when withdrawals
are made. Bank merely has option to require
presentation of pass book and may if it desires,
waive presentation in any case. Board's regulations require that savings accounts to be considered time deposits must be payable only upon
presentation of pass book. Deposits which are
payable even at the option of the bank without
presentation of pass book are not therefore time
deposits within meaning of Board's regulations."
Lemorandum by the Secretary dated ;Lay 27th, in re
recommendations made by rederal Advisory Council at meeting
iilay 19th.
lieferred to 1,.r. Strauss for report.
Application of the Brownwood Eational Bank, Brownwood, Texas, for authority to accept drafts and bills of exchange up to 100/0 of its capital and surplus, under the provisions of Section 13 of the Federal iteserve Act.


Dated June 11th, recommending action on applications for


-3fiduciary powers as set forth in the
auxiliary minute book as of this date.
Dated June 10th, recommending appointment of Mr. F. W.
Jones on the staff of the Division of
Analysis and Research on a full time basis
at a salary of $2,400 per annum, effective
today until September 30, 1919.
Dated June 11th, recommending action on applications for
permission to export coin, bullion and
currency as set forth in the auxiliary
minute book as of this date.
Other business was presented and disposed of as
The Governor stated that, in view of the imminent
discontinuance of the work of the Division of foreign Exchange, it would be well for the Board to consider the question of the extent to which the work heretofore carried on
by that division should be continued under the auspices of
the Division of Analysis and liesearch.
On motion duly seconded Messrs. Strauss
and Miller were appointed a committee to investigate and report, such report to include
recommendation as to the disposition to be
made of the rocords of the Division of Foreign
(At this point Mr. Williams joined the meeting)
The uovernor stated that he had received a further
communication from the Director of the Division of Analysis

-4and Research,

commenting upon La% Strauss' adverse criti-

cism of the proposed questionnaire to be sent to Federal Reserve banks for the purpose of procuring data respecting the
origin of bills of exchange in the United 'States.
On motion duly seconded, the question was
referred to the Governor for further discussion
with the Director of the Division of Analysis
and Research.
The tiovernor reported that, pursuant to instructions
given him at the meeting of the Board held on yesterday, he
had conferred with the Secretary of the Treasury with respect
to the motion made by ilr. 1:iller that a meeting be held with
the hxecutive Committee of the Federal Advisory Council for
the study of Europe's financial needs and the possible formation of a committee on financial facilities for Europe, and
that the Secretary had stated to him that he believed the
Board was adopting a wise measure in placing itself in this
position to do valuable constructive work, and that anything
the Board might do in this direction would be entirely agreeable to him.

Voted that the Governor request the President of the Federal Advisory Council to appoint
a committee of that body to meet with the Board
for the discussion of the question of furnishing
financial facilities to Europe.
(At this point lr. Williams withdrew from the meeting).

-6The Governor stated that he was in receipt of a
letter from Senator Robert L. Owen, requesting that he be
furnished with a list showing the total rediscounts made
by member banks in Oklahoma with the Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City during the period from January 1 to May 31, 1919.
Voted that the Governor be authorized to
request such data from the Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City and to advise Senator Owen
of such action, but to say to him that before
communicating the information to him the Board
would like to ascertain the purpose for which
the data is desired, in order to determine
whether or not it would be proper for the Board
to furnish the information.
Telegram dated June 11th from the Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, advising that the
Executive Committee of that Bank desired to make payment of
mid-year bonuses to employees.
Referred to the Governor for reply that
the Board adheres to its previous position that
mid-year bonuses are undesirable, but that if
the Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco deem local conditions such as to
'justify them in taking a different attitude,
the Board will interpose no objection to their
doing so.
At 1:10 P.11., the meeting adjourned.

Assistant Secretary.