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neetin.::: of the I;xecutive Cen.nitt•He of the

ioderal at:1601:VC; 3oard held in the office of,tho Board on
nesdoy, July

.C), 1919, at L2.-45 2..

lv.LNT: The Ciovernor
Lir. Chapman, i:.ssistoLt 'ecretary.
Business was presented and disposed of as follows:
Tde ',:covernor reported the purchase of special
certificates of indebtedness of the UnitedAotes for deposit
.v,ith the Comptroller of the Currency as collateral for Aideral :Lieserve bank notes, as fellows;

odural heserve Lank of.






Letters dated July

Ld and L.Z. th. from Theodore

211brecht, Vice-2resident and Treasurer, Union Investment
Company, Linneapolis, ilinnesoto, rouestini, the views of
the 7oard relative to the desirability of certain forei6m
ievernment bonds as investments of banks in which the investment Company is interested.


ileferred to the ,, ,;overnor for reply.
The'.;ecretar:,,' stated that the 5'11.: months' notice of
viithdravial filed on January 3o, 191:), by the larmers
lierchants Bank of 7ickmLLn, Kentucky, will expire today.

Voted that the Secretary advise the
Chairman of the Federal Leserve Bank of St.
Louis that the six months' notice of withdrawal filed by the Bank with the Board having expired, it will be in order for him to
take the proper terminate the membership of the Bank in the Federal Ileserve
Lemorandum b-," Secretary dated July 29th, advising
that among the securities held by the Lmerican Foreign Banking Corporation against outstanding acceptances on June 30,
1919, appear the following items:

b.„Third Liberty Bonds,
Brazilian Traction,Light



Voted that the Secretary advise the
American Foreign Banking Corporation that
the Federal Leserve Board approves as such
collateral the United States Third Liberty
Loan bonds, but that the reserve of the
Corporation against its outstanding acceptances being sufficient v.ithout the inclusion
of the bonds of the Brazilian Traction, Light
& Power Company, the Board does not under- .
take at this time to pass upon the eligibility
of such bonds as security.
The following reports were submitted:
Dated July 50th, recommending admission of State institutions as set forth in the auxiliary minute
book as of this date, subject to the conditions stated in the individual reports
attached to each application.

-0The ;Thve1.7hor'fuderted the reaervu do3ition:3

2eder...1„.1 'iuserve
:.„t 1-06

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