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At a regular meeting of the Pedcral Reserve Board
held in the office of the :loverhor on 7uesday, July 3,


11 a.m.,
las. Harding, presiding,
. Mler



Lr. Allis


The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
July 2 were read and, on motion, approved.
betters from Governor Strong -nd Pederal deserve
Agent Jay inquirins2 with reference to fature audits of the
Gold Settlernent ?and, were read and discussed, and the
question of method of dealing with such audits in the future was referred to Governor Harding and L:r.

iller, act-

ing as a special committee, in lieu of the Gold Settlement
Committee, for this occasion.
A letter from Y

Gidney with reference to

the joint custody of funds held by the Federal deserve L-ent
at New York, was read and, on motion, referred to the Governor and counsel of the lo,7„rd.
1., letter from ?ederal Reserve ;gent Perrin with reference to the "earmarking' of paper in the hands of ?ederal


reserve agents was read, :md, on motion, referred to
the Governor and Counsel.
.1 memorandum on the hours of work in the Statistical Division of the Board was read and referred to
the Committee on Expenditures with power to act.
letter from Federal Reserve 'gent Sawyer
with reference to the use of the term "Federal deserve"
in the titles of State banks was read and, on motion,
referred to Counsel for an opinione
,the method
letter from Mr. 1. M. Gidney statina
employed by the Federal

eserve Bank of New York in main-

taining practically eluivalent percentages of reserve
against notes and deposits, was read -nd the contents
A copy of a letter sent by ,ssistant Secretary

of the Treasury Crosby to the Treasurer of the United
States relative to the purchase of one year 3-/, Treasury notes by Federal reserve banks, was read and noted.
Governor Harding notified the Board that he had
surrendered the combination of the safe it which the


Settlement CeitiflOates were formerly kept, to

the Secretary of the Board, the safe itself being now

empty, due to the transfer of all certificates to the "reasary.
Chanes in capital stock of Federal deserve Banks,
duly recommended by the Committee on L:embership, were approved as follows:
lipplications for surrender of Stock.

District No. 4.
First National Sank

Bowling Crreen, Ohio,



Omaha, Ill.



Caddo, Okla.



District No. 6.
First National Bank.
District No. 11.
Security National Bank

Jqoplio(-tions for Original Stook.
District No. 9.
National Lxchange Bank
First National Bank
First National Bank

St. Paul, :ann.
Big. Sandy, L:ont.
carter, ront.

17 ,260

,;ichita, Kansas,

l0 1J

District No. 10.
Union National Bank
District :(). 12.
First National Bank
First National Bank

Florence, _riz.
JhowchillL, Calif.
Total .............. 405


The minutes of the meetings of the Committee on
Jlayton Let held on June 29 and July 3, were read and,
on motion, approved and the action therein set forth
Governor Hardins gave notice that the !Jommittee
on Trustee Powers had a report with reference to the
granting of trustee powers to certain banks, in process
of preparation and which it would like to be authorized
to file officially with the Board.

On motion, the mat-

ter was placed in the hands of the Executive Committee
with power to act.
after discussion of existing methods of filing
and reporting on pending business, the Secretary of the
Board was authorized to confer with the secretaries of
the various members for the purpose of obtaining more e.,_peditious methods of filing and the transaction of basiness, and also to secure the prompt closing ul.) of business now pending, if any.
Governor Harding presented a letter from Federal
Reserve :gent Hardy inquiring what action had been taken
with reference to salaries at Federal Jeserve a.,./Iks.


matter was informally called to the attention of the Com-

mittee on Staff.
letter from Yederal Reserve ;gent Perrin with
reference to the joint custody of fands by ?ederal reserve
1):-ks and Federal reserve agents, ms red to the Board;
also a letter from Er. Perrin rel%tive to a chLnge in the
form of endorseent on paper in the hands of the reserve

.i, draft of reply to the latter letter was rresented

and, on motion, ordered transmitted.
It was agreed that in the absence of Er. Delano
during the next few days,

should take his place

as a member of the Executive ,ommittee.
On motion at 12.10 p.m. the Board adjourned to
meet on Tae6day0.July 10, at eleven a.m., unless sooner
called by the Chair.


