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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board on Friday, July 2,
at 2.00 p. m.
Mr. Hamlin, presiding,

Mr. Warburg

Mr. Delano

Mr. Harding
Mr. Willis, Secretary.

The minutes of preceding meetings were approved
Meeting of Board of Thursday morning, July 1.
Meeting of Executive Committee of Thursday
afternoon, July 1.
On motion the application of the Bank of Charleston, N. B. A., for power to accept bills growing out of
importation and exportation of goods to an amount not to
exceed 100/0 of its capital and surplus, was approved.
The proposed circular on trade acceptancei was
taken up for consideration and given tentative approval,
it being understood that further study would be given to
the circular, and that it would be submitted to such
persons as might be deemed best, the Secretary of the
Board to proceed to print it on Tuesday, July 6, unless
advised of changes, or directed to suspend it.,.


On motion it was voted that Governor Hamlin
be requested to accept an invitation to attend the meeting of the West Virginia Bankers' Association for the
sixteenth of July, to be held at White Sulphur Springs,
the journey, as usual, to be at the expense of the Board.
On motion it was voted that the Secretary ask
the Comptroller of the Currency to furnish the Board
with such information as would enable it to send to
each Federal Reserve Agent a telegram announcing that
a call for condition of national banks had been asked
for, simultaneously with the issuance of each such call.
The proposed report relative to the conditions
under which State member banks may exercise acceptance
powers, was read and the language revised, a revised
report of the committee having the subject in hand, being filed with the Board.

No definite action was taken.

Mr. Warburg submitted to the Board a draft of
a proposed letter to all Federal Reserve Agents with respoct to participation on their part in a Gold Settlement

The letter was received and noted, but no action


At 3.30 p. in. the Board adjourned to .meet on


Wednesday, July 7, at.11.00 a. m.


