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Lt a meeting of the Executive jommittee of the
Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the Board on
;iednesday, January 16, 1918, at 10.45 a.m.,

Lit'. Hamlin,

1,1r. Harding,

;Alen, Assistant

1.1r. Miller,

Present also, Mr.,. Strauss.
Lpplications for permission to export coin, currency
and bullion, together with rapers in connection therewith,
were presented and acted upon as follows:
letter and inclosures dated January 14, from the
U. S. Smelting &

efining Jo., Boston, concerning their ex-

portations of gold to L:exico under License :934.


letter from T. J. Littlepage, advising that his
recent application on behalf of Negoci cion linera de 6an
Rafael y anexas, 6.4'1., for permission to export to Mexico
,6,000 weekly (41:931, _granted January 10, 1916, for one
month) should have been for P,500 weekly, and reuesting
permission to make the Shipments in the later•
500 weekly.



The Secretary of the Navy re uests that the

Du Pont Nitrate Jo. be permitted to export to Jhile, ,r.1;210,00j

gold in payment of Jhilean export daties on L,000 tons of
3.erman nitrate purchLsed by the 1:avy tnrough Du Pont L;ompany.

Standard 011 Jo., :ew York, to same, 7ampico,

.42,000 7 T.U. paper currency, about j,natry 25, from
(:o gold certificates to be included.)

Key .Jest.


?armers' :man ,fz ?rust 20., rew York, to Jom-

pa/11a E-1,_portadora de Vera jruz, Vera Jruz,
old coin.



memorand'am from the oecretary of ,tate transmitting

copy of telegram from sAllector Jobb, El Paso, concerning
shipments of u./lased balances on licenses authorizing shipment
of ;old to :eico within stated period aas presented, and it
was voted to revoke the authority givcn mder date of January
11, authori:Ang tie shipment of amused balances, and to re,aest
Jactoms Division to immediately communicate sach action to :ollector Jobb by telegraph.
letter from the Federal _leserve sank of New York,
asking closing of some details as to ,r.gentine ezchansT arrangement.
-t 11.10 a.m. the Jomnitt(e Ldjoarned.

.:.ssistant "jecretary.