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At a regular meeting of the Federal aeserve
Board held in the office of the Board on Monday, February 26, at 11.30 a.m.,
Er. Harding, presiding,
Mr. Delano,

r. Hamlin,
Yr. Liner,
In*. Mils, E'ecretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
February 23 were read and approved.
The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on February 26 were read and, on motion, approved, and the action therein set forth ratified.
Governor Harding presented the application of
the Federal leserve Eank of Dallas for power to take
50,000, in warrants, City of Zan Antonio, from the state
National Bank, in order to accommodate the latter.


motion, the transmission by the Governor of a telegram
granting the application was authorized.
Governor 7arding reported that "rarsit Expert
_ttebery would receive a salary of •>116.66 per month to
cover services and epenses, the


to be paid by the



eserve Lank of St. Louis and reimbursed to

that Bank by the Board, this pLn having been approved
by the Execative Committee.

On motion, the Toardrati-

fied the proposed compensation and authorized the
transmission of a,telegram to that effect.
Governor•liarding presented a letter written by
the Comptroller of the Currency to the Viiggs National
Bank of iashington, D.

calling attention to the

fact that certain concerns had been authorized by the
aiggs Bank to draw on it, for payment at the National
City Bank of New York, and directing it to discontinue
this practice on the (roand th,t it
the guaranteeing of checks.


e iaivalent to

lovernor 7ardinss suggested

that the Comptroller's instructions, if made erCective,
'',11;ht pat the Board in an inconsistent position as to
its clearing plan.

After discussion the matter was


fermd to the Executive ;ommittEe.
The secretary of the Board read a letter from
Chief clerk „ilmeth of the "reasury Department stating
that it .a

possible to alloy the Board any extension

of its present quarters.

kfter discussion the vhoie


mutter of quarters was referred to a Specialommittee
on Permanent :,;uarters, to consist of the lovernor with
two other members, to be named by him.

Mr. Harding

thereupon named l'essrs. Delano and Hamlin as his associates on the Committee.
The Secretary of the Board read a letter from
Federal deserve Lgent Perrin with reference to the question
of the establishment of branches on the Pacific Coast. The
matter was referred to the Committee on Operation of the
San Francisco Bunk.
The Secretary of the Board read a letter from Secretary O. J. Curtis of the Federal

eserve Bank of New

York, under date of ilebruary 24, requesting approval on
the part of the Board of the opening of agency relations
v:ith the Bank of 7rance under Section 14, paragraph (e)
of the Aderal deserve Act.

On motion the Board voted

to approve the establishment of such agency relationships,
and it was directed that the lovernor communicate the action
taken to the Secretary of the 7'reasury, and th:t the Secretary of the Board write Federal deserve Agent Jay and :toting
Governor Treman of the Federal

eserve Bank of New York in


substantially •identical language, stating that the authority had been granted,

and announcing

that—the Board would

make public the facts in regard to the rm.itter, in the morning pipers of Thursday, Yurch 1. ;
On motion it was voted to accept ,the



examination of the state of Massachusetts with reference
to the Commonwealth -'rust Company of 7oston, and th6 reports of the State of New Jersey with reference to the

of 7:ontclair, these being recently admitted member

On motion it was voted to approve 4 list of officers of the Federal Reserve Dank of Cleveland, transmitted
by that institution, for designation as special examiners.
Letters written by Federal Reserve Agent Martin
with reference to the recently proposed purchase of warrants of the State of Tennessee, and announcing that the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has decided not to mLtke
the purchase, were read, noted,

nd ordered passed to file.

The'z3ecretary of the Board read a letter from 'ederril

eserve igent Perrin v;ith reference to the question


of a special telegraphic code for use by ?ederal Reserve
banks. .After discussion the matter was referred to the
Governor, he to name a special Code Committee with power
to call In such aid from members of the ?ederal reserve
banks as mi,2;ht be av..11..ule.

Governor Warding thereupon

named Vr. Iamlin as the ',,ode Committee.

It was understood

that the code should be for use between ?ederal reserve
banks, and between ?cjeral reserve banks and the 7oard.
but not for communications with member bnlcs.
The secretary of the Board presented a letter from
?ederal aeserve

nt'lich with reference to the proposed

transfer of the Medford nitional sank of 7.'edford, 7:isconsin,
to the Chicago District.

On motion, it was voted th.A rr.

7amlin inform the bank that the Board was indisposea to
act on this mItter until the clearing system had been further developed.
on motion the application of the ?irst National Bank
of ::ashin,-7ton, Kansas, for power to reduce its capital stock
from50,000 to ,25,000, duly recommended by the Comptroller
of the Currency, was approved.


A report .of the Committee on Staff with reference to the salaries of Tederal reserve agents, was

nd it was voted that the report be circulated,

each, member of the Board to make such recomendation
as he might see fit, the natter to lie on the table in
the meanahile.
A report of the Committee on Discounts vith reference to the purchase of

3.,000,000 of the City of Cin-

cinnati warrants by the.?ederal

eserve Bank of Cleve-

land, was presented and, on motion, the purchase approved, Governor 7arding to notify the bank accordingly.
The Secretary read a letter from the Secretary
of the 7reasury to the Chief of the Division of Public
Moneys, calling for regular reports on the stock- of ?ederal ;reserve notes in Subtreasaries.

The letter was noted

and ordered passed to file.
governor larding reported the facts as to a visit
he had paid to the Capitol on Caturday, 7ebruary

4, Thr

the purpose of discussing the proposed amendments to the
?ederal Reserve Act.

After further discussion it was the


sense of the Bord that air. HardinFl. should !


to the ',.lapitol at his early convenience for the

purpose of pressin3. the amendments.
On motion at 1.05 p.m. the Board adjourned to
meet at 11 a. m. on 7ednesday, !ebruary._;Z.O.,


