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At an adjourned meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the
Board at 11:10 a. m., on Saturday, February 26,
Mr. Hamlin, presiding Ex. Warburg
Mr. Delano

Mr. Harding

Mr. Williams

Mr. Miller

Mr. Willis, Secretary.
Mx. Delano on behalf of the special
committee named at the meeting of February 25
reported the result of a conference with the
Secretary of the Treasury, stating that he,
so far as at present advised, intended to continue his preparations for the proposed journey
to South America, that he believed there isat
present nothing to prevent its occurring; and
that he strongly hoped the Board would not
think it inadvisable to have a representative
of the Board join, in the visit; and further
that the Secretary of the Treasury has reached


the conclusion that he would not for the current year refund more than25,000,000 of 2%
into 3% bonds.
Mr. Delano offered a report of the
committee on Organization and Staff relative
to the salaries proposed by Federal reserve
banks for their officers and employees.' The
report was read and ordered laid on the table

until Tuesday, February 29.
Mr. Warburg offered a resolution relating to the question of refunding, and after
informal discussion and modification, it was
agreed that this resolution be presented in
the following forms
WHEREAS, The Federal Reserve Board
has been informally advised that the
Secretary of the Treasury intends or
has determined to refund not more than
25,000,000 of 2% U. S. bonds into bonds
bearing 3% interest during the year 1916,
and WHEREAS, The Federal Reserve Act
. lays upon the Board the duty to roccommend to the Secretary of the Treasury approval or disapproval of appli-


cations made by banks for the conversion of such 2% into 3% bonds,
and WHEREAS, From time to time different members of the Board have prepared informal memoranda expressing
their views on this whole subject, and MIEREAS, The Board has approved
the views expressed in said memoranda
as filed from time to time, without,
however, taking action thereon in any
formal way, and WHEal1kS, It is desirable tnat such
a formal expression of. opinion be made
a matter of record,
the following be stated as the sense
of the Board:
That it is important that
everything possible be done to carry
into effect the provisions of the law
relating to the withdrawal of bondsecured currency, and by converting
2% into 3i73 bonds, to place the bonded
indebtedness of the United States as
largely as possible in the hands of
the investing public, instead of continuing to have it, as at present,
carried by national banks, and 2.
That by pursuing such a policy of conversion there will be created
a field of circulation necessary for
the operations of Federal reserve banks,
inasmuch as commercial paper will even-

tually have to be 'deposited as a substitute for bonds which are now serving as
collateral security against the present
bond-secured currency, and.
That it is considered of the
highest importance that the opinions recently rendered by the Solicitor of the
Treasury Department, and by the Counsel
of the Federal Reserve Board, that the
said sum of '25,000,000 shall not be regarded as the limit to be regularly and
permanently fixed for the conversion of
such 2,1/0 into 3% bonds in any one year,
be adopted,
is the sense of the Federal Reserve Board
that the Secretary of the Treasury should
not limit the sum he is willing to convert from 2'70 into 3,40 securities during
the year 1916 to the said figure of
000,000, inasmuch as such action might
create a harmful precedent, and might
likewise hamper the operations of the
Federal reserve banks, preventing them
from proceeding boldly in the purchase
of bonds inasmuch as, although they are
likely in any event to retain a considerable number of 2/0 bonds, they will almost certainly hesitate in making further purchase of 2:i; bonds if they find
themselves unable to dispose of the same.

It was further informally agreed that
the actual vote on the resolution be deferred
until a meeting to be held this afternoon at


3:00 p. m.
The Commit ee on Staff reported in
favor of the transfer of Mr. Alvan L. Fowler,
stenographer to Mr. A. C. Miller, member of the
Board, to the Division of Statistics, effective
March 1, 1916, and on motion this


by the Board.
On motion at 12:30 p. m., the Board
adjourned to meet at 3:30 p. m., this day.


