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At a regular meeting. of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board at 11:00 a. m.
on Wednesday, February 17,
Mr. Hamlin, presiding,

Mr. Warburg

Mr. Delano

Yr. Harding

Mr. Wthiams

Mr. Miller

Mr. Willis, Secretary.

The minutes of the afternoon meeting of February 15th were read and approved.
Mr. Delano on behalf of the Committee on staff,
to which had been recommitted the report regarding salaries in the office of the Counsel of the Board, reported
that the subject had been reconsidered by his committee
and that the former recommendation was reconfirmed*
On motion in accordance witn the report of the
Committee the salary of Mr. George L. Harrison, attorney
in the office of the Counsel, was fixed at .;3,600 per annum.
Mr. Delano on behalf of the sub-committee appoint& to take under consideration an ar -Acie written by Mr. V.
Gilmore Iden in the New York Journal of Commerce presented
to the Board the findings of the investigation.

The Board


received the report.
A telegram from Federal Reserve Agent Jay of
New York, requesting permission to bid for warrants of
the city of Rochester, N. Y., was presented to the Board
and on motion was approved.

The Secretary was directed

to notify Mr. Jay by telegram of the aecision.
The Secretary-of the Board presented certain
inquiries.with reference to the question when the discount rate established by individual banks and approved
by the Board actually become effective.

On motion the

papers relating to this matter were referred to L:r. Warburg as a committee of one to formulate a report on the
subject for consideration by the Board.
Various opinions of Counsel of the Board were
presented and on motion it was voted that the following
be sent to all Federal Reserve Agents:
1. An opinion, dated February 9, relating to
the question whether "taxable property" includes
franchises under the Board's regulations.
2. An opinion relating to the question
whether the. Federal reserve banks are limited by
the usury laws of the several states.
3. An opinion, dated February 15, relating
to the question of protesting notes witn waiver
of demand, notice and protest.


A draft of a proposed amendment to Sections
5208 and 5209 Revised Statutes, prepared by the Counsel
of the Board, was ordered referred to Messrs. Warburg
and Harding as a special committee to report with reference to the proper disposition to make of the matter.
On motion the application of the State National
Bank of Jennings, La. for reduction of capital stock from
:160,000 to '1150,000, recommended by the Comptroller of the
Currency, was approved by the Board.
A letter from the board of directors of the
United States National Bank of Owensboro, Ky., regarding
the method of charging checks against it by the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, was ordered referred to the
Federal Reserve Agent at St. Louis.
It was voted to inform Er. F. G. Kahmann, Cashier
of the First National Bank of Washington, Mo., in answer to
his inquiry, that in the opinion of the Board, the personal
inspection of improved farm lands by bank officers is not
necessary if such officers are duly informed by reliable
representatives of the character of the land offered as
A letter from Mr. J. S. EacGinnis relative to
trade with South America was presented to the Board and the


Secretary was instructed to send a general reply.
After hearing a communication from Federal
Reserve Agent Curtiss, Boston, relative to the compensation of Deputy Federal Reserve Agent Hackney, it was
voted,on motion duly made, that the plan presented for
compensating Mr. Hackney, viz; i25.00 a day for such
days as he finds it necessary to be at the bank, such
compensation to be additional to his regular fees as
a director, be approved.
A letter from Federal Reserve Agent Rich respecting the establishment of a reserve supply of Federal reserve notes to be held in the subtreasury at Chicago for the joint use of the Chicago and Minneapolis
banks; and a similar letter from Governor Strong of the
Federal Reserve Bank of


York, were referred to the

Committee on Issue and Redemption for report.
A letter from Governor Charles J. Rhoads of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, asking for the
designation of a representative to act for the bank in
making shipments of currency was referred to the Committee
on Issue and Redemption for report.
A communication from Li*. Claud Gatch, Deputy
Federal Reserve Agent at San Francisco, regarding the


refunding of share capital to banks reducing stock sub-.
scriptions, was ordered referred to the Secretary and
Counsel of the Board with authority to act.
A proposed draft of a letter to Gibson Arnoldi
was presented to the Board and on motion referred back to
the Governor and Secretary with power to act.
Letters of 2ederal Reserve Agent Ingle with reference to methods of changing capital stock payment on the
second call for stock subscriptions were presented to the
Board and on motion referred to Counsel for an expression
of opinion.
Formal report of the meeting of the Federal Reserve Agents was presented to the Board by the Secretary,
and on motion it was voted to refer the several committee
reports accompanying the report of the meeting

o the ap-

propriate committees of the Board, the general report itself,
having been distributed to every member of the Board.
Various operations undertaken by the reserve banks,
particularly in connection with the discounting of notes of
municipalities were referred to the Committee on Commercial
A communication from Federal Reserve Agent Rich
relative to the division of rediscounts to be made for the


southern reserve banks by the reserve banks in other
districts was referred to the Committee on Commercial
Paper for examination and report.
An application for 4200,000 of Federal Reserve
notes made by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, duly
approved by the Committee on Issue and Redemption, was
approved by the Board, as follows:
Ten dollar motes


A letter from Senator George W. Norris transmitting a communication from Mr. H. E. Sackett, Beatrice,
Nebraska, relative to the right of a local bank to
its 'exchange charges based upon the alleged expense
upon the Federal reserve system, was presented to the
and the Secretary was instructed to secure more


regarding the subject.
On motion it was voted to rectify the minutes of
ReFebruary 9th relative to the application of the Federal
serve Bank of Atlanta for Federal reserve notes, the
being due to the alteration proposed by the Atlanta bank in
the denominations of the notes for which it made
The telegram from Er. T. D. Webb of Nashville,
announcing the application of the national banks of
reto have that city designated a reserve city was ordered


ferred to the Federal Reserve Agent at Atlanta for
A communication from Er. J. Frederick of the
American Smelting & Refining Co., relative to the establishment of an official quotation for bills on Chile, was
presented to the Board, and on motion it was voted to
transmit the letter to the Secretary of Commerce for such
as he may see fit to take.
A communication from Governor J. B. McDougal of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, inquiring as to
availability of Federal reserve bank notes was presented
to the Board and, on motion, referred to the Comptr
of the Currency.
A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury
relative to the possible designation of the city of Chattanooga as a reserve city was presented to the Board and
the Secretary of the Board was directed to advise the
Secretary of the Treasury of the present status of the
application of Chattanooga.
On motion at 1.10 p. m. the Board adjourned to
meet at 3.00 p. m. today.


