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.it a special meeting of the Federal Reserve Board
held in the office of the Board. on Tuesday, February 1:3,
at eleven a. m.4 .
1,1r. 7L;.rd1ng, presiding,

Mr. Delano,
Mr. iillis, Secretary.

Mr. Hamlin,

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
February 12 Were read and, on motion, approved.
Governor Harding presented a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a letter from the
Secretary of State enclosing a despatch with reference


to the suspension of the Banco Union, Cartagena, Columbia.
The correspondence was noted and passed to file.


Harding presented a le ter. from Governor

Van Zandt of Dallas transmitting a letter of a country
banker in Texas stating the latter's attitude with respect
to the Federal Reserve System.

On motion the Secretary

was authorized to publish the letter in the Federal Reserve
Balletin, and the Governor was authorized to present it to
the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency at the hearing

to be held on the afternoon of this day.
Governor Harding presented a letter from certain
directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas recommending an increase in salary of Federal Reserve Agent Ramsey.
The communication was referred to the Committee on Staff.
Governor Harding presented a letter from Federal
Reserve Agent Ramsey stating that it had been recently
necessary to make shipments of gold to Laredo to pay

customs duties on the Mexican border.

It was agreed that

the Governor write Mr. Ramsey that while it is not thought
wise to encourage such shipments, it is thought best that
he meet the demand readily when necessary.
Governor Harding reported the substance of a conversation with Honorable Carter Glass of the House Banking
and Currency Committee with reference to the present status
of the clearance system and proposed legislation affecting it.
Governor Harding read a letter from 7ederal Reserve
Agent Perrin with reference to the status of assistant Federal reserve agents, should such office be created under proposed legislation.

The Secretary of the Board presented cor-

respondence between 1%"..r.
on the same subject.

and Federal Reserve agent Rich

All papers were referred to Counsel


with instru3tions to revise the proposed amendment affecting assistant Federal reserve agents prior to the session
between Governor Harding and the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency.
Governor Harding read a letter from the jomptroller of the Currency stating that he had transferred Examiner Wm. J. Schechter from the Ninth to the Seventh Federal Reserve District at a salary of $2400 per annum.


recommendation was referred to the Committee on Staff.
Mr. Harding read a letter from the Comptroller
of the Currency transmitting a letter from Examiner Gatch
of San Francisco with reference to the recent bank failures in Seattle, stating that the reason for the failures
was primarily the poor financial condition of the banks,
coupled with defective State supervision.

The question

of establishing a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco at Seattle was discussed, and it was agreed
that the Governor of the Board write to Yr. Perrin suggesting that he begin a careful study of the branch situation on the Pacific Coast with special reference to

The report of the Committee on Discounts
proposing the simplification of the Board's present
schedule of discount rates, previously presented to
the Board, was again taken up and after discussion it
was agreed that the substance of it be sent to each

Federal reserve .Agent with request for his views on the
proposed changes.
Governor Harding read a letter from Mr. A. G.
Clapham stating that space in the new building of the
Commercial National Bank was available, and offering
to reserve suitable space for the Federal Reserve Board,
and also his own reply to the communication.

No action

was taken, but the matter was called to the attention
of the Committee on Permanent Quarters.
Governor Harding reported the substance of a talk
with Governor Aiken of Boston with regard to the clearance
situation, %rid the

uestion of appointing an officer to

take charge of all matters relating thereto on behalf of
the Board.
A letter from Federal Reserve Agent Rich transmitting a copy of the guarantee of deposit law of the


State of North Dakota, was presented to the Board, and
ordered passed to file.
The Secretary of the Board read a letter received
from the Federal Reserve Bank of San. Francisco stating
that, subject to the approval of the Board, its board of
directors had passed a resolution designating the Philippine National Bank as its agent in the Philippine Islands.
He also read an outline describing the basis of such relationship which had been prepared by Governor Strong.
On motion the action of the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco was approved.
letter from Mr. Samuel Pick addressed to the
Treasury Department protesting against gold exports was

The letter was noted and ordered passed to file.

On motion at 12.20 p. m. the Board adjourned to
meet on Wednesday, February 14 at 11 a. m.
