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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board on Wednesday,
December 16, at 3.00 p. m.
Mr. Hamlin

Li'. Warburg

1::r. Delano

Mr. Harding

1.1r. Williams

Mr. Miller

The Governor of the Board presided and Mr.
H. 2. Willis acted as secretary to the meeting.
The minutes of the meetings of Friday, Saturday and Monday were read and approved.
After the reading of the minutes of the meeting
held on Friday afternoon at three o'clock the Board directed
the making of a special minute indicating that the approval
of the settlement plan for use between Federal reserve banks
recommended by Governor Strong of New York, as Chairman of
the meeting of Governors, was to be regarded as merely an
approval of the proposal to experiment and to devise a
method of working out existing settlement difficulties in
the best available manner.
Mr. Harding read a communication regarding a prOposed plan of carrying out the clearing provisions of the


Federal Res .ve A.ct in the Atlanta district.
A letter with reference to the reimbursement
of actual travelling expenses to persons who had been
invited to 7;asl-Angton by the Federal Reserve Board was
examined, and on motion, referred to the 3omptro11er of
the Treasury for approval.
On motion, it was voted to make the regular
meeting at 3:00 p. m. on Wednesday of each week the official
time for consideration of ap, lications for changes in rates
of discount, such action Lio ta,ce effect after January 1st.
The Jecretary of the Board was directed to notify the reserve
banks of the action.
On motion, the em,)loyment of a stenographer by


bidding, to report hearings in the appeals cases was

A memorandum presented by the Secretary of the Board
with reference to methods of filing letters was directed corded
and distributed to the members.

41 draft of a proposed letter

to Federal Reserve Agents relative to methods of correspondence

with the Board, was approved.
On motion, it was voted to prepare reports for the
'Secretary of the Treasury with reference to Federal Reserve
notes in the Board's own division of statistics and accounts


and the ,peretary of the Board was directed to confer
with Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Lalburn on the
On motion, it was voted that Mr. Delano be
de-outed to advise Assistant Jac:rotary :alburn inforally
that tne Board would be clad to see Federal reserve notes
treated on a basis of equality with lawful money when received at the redemption division of the Treasury.
A draft of a letter to Hon. . C. Adamson with
reference to certain complaints regarding Federal reserve
bans was approved and ordered transmitted.
Letters from Federal Reserve Agents Bosaort„
Ingle and Jay, applying for Federal reserve notes in varyi36
amounts, were presented by the Secretary.

draft of a pre-

liminary letter to Federal Res,)rva Agent Bosworth was ap2roled
and the applications for notes were referred to

r. Delano, °

Chair= of Standing 3dmmittee 47.
An inquiry of Federal Reserve Agent Curtiss with
reference to the power of member banks to pay their
to stoc.:c in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston at once, wa-il
motion, referred to the Counsel for an opinion.
A letter from Senator Simmons transmitting cortaill
correspondence complaining of the action of Federal aeserve


banks with reference to rates of discount, was referred
to Mr. Harding with power to reply.

Similar action was

taken.with reference to a letter from Er. R. G. Rhett.
A report by Er. Harding recommending the establishment of agricultural credit files was approved and
the Secretary was directed to send suitable letters to
Federal Reserve Agents.
On motion, it was voted that after the receipt
of the li3t of iversons who have passed the examination given
by the Civil Jervioe Commission on behalf of the Board to
applicants desirous of securing appointments on the Board's
staff, no selection be made without reference to the Board.
Er. Miller laid before the Board a letter frol:.
2edera1 Reserve Agent Miller relative to question of sending special examiners to look into the affairs of certain
member banks in the Kansas City district.
On motion, the subject was referred to the Committee on Audit and Examination, Mr. 7illiams, Chairman.
The Question whether ten 12er..cont limitation of the
Act is to p.p.) y to the one million capital set apart by the
National City Bank of New York for their branch at Rio de
Janeiro, or to the thirty million capital of the Bank of the


• United States, was ordered referred to Counsel that
he might indicate to the Board the course followed by
the Jomptroller in this regard where branch banks are
established by National banks in the United States.
Telegrams received from Federal reserve banks
relative to ratesof discount were read to the Board and
tl,e facts inserted in tie minutes.
was ordered that a telegram be sent to the
Federal Reserve Bank at Boston authorizing the change in
its rate to five per cent for thirty day paper only,
the statement that the Board is satisfied to change the
rate but desires to call the attention of the Federal
at BoSton to the fact that Dallas, Philadelphia, Richmond,
San Francisco, Chicago, Cleveland, Kansas City and
4 for thirty day paper Si.7,3
have accepted the new rate of 5,
for thirty to sixty day paper and 6% for longer maturiti
The Secretary :;as instructed to prepare a
to Mr. J. B. Forgan, President of the Advisory Council, 0—


what -in reply to the inquiry of the Advisory Council upon
01 '
the Board desired to have the recommendation of the Council,

the Board desired to take up the following matter in

The purchase of warrants and acceptances.
The regulations under which National banks
may act as trustee, executor, etc.



Time deposits.
Check clearins.
The reulations under which. tate banks
are to be admitted to the 3y3teM.

rot ion at 5:30 p. m. the Board adjourned
to meet at 3:00 p. m. Th'zrslay, :December 17th.
