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At an adjourned meeting of the Federal
aoserve Board held in the office of the Board. at
3:15 p. rn. on Wednosdazi

December 1

Lir. LcAde°, presiding Mr. Warburg
1,:r. Hamlin

Mr. Harding

. Delano
Mr. Wiliiwris

. Willis, Secretary.

In accorth,nce with previous agreement the
draft of the circular and regulation relating to
open market transactions, wa., taken up for con ideration, read by the oo retary, amended and approved.

The jocretary of the Board was directed

.to send the circular and relation to the printer,
and to di tribute tne proof to the members.,
On motion the Board approved a rate of


,j; for paper up to 10 days named by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
On motion applications for stook in
Federal reserve banks, duly recommended by Kr.
Harding, were approved as follows:




2irst National Bank
First National Bank

Hayti, S. Dak.
Durand, is.


The Secretary of the Board having presented requests for the recent opinions of Messrs.
Cotton and Elliott on the subject of the powers of
the Board on redistricting, the question of making
these opinions public was, after discussion laid on
the table.
The resignation of Mr. Charles E. Peabody
as director in the Feder:A. Reserve Bank of San Francisco, having been submitted to the Board, it was
agreed that Mr. Miller should immediately take up
the question of a successor, and report at his
The Secretor,/ of the Board having read
a report prepared by Yr. Harding and Mr. Warburg
relative to the retirement of national bl,nk circulation and the refunding of United States bonds,
it was on motion voted that the report with the'
file of papers relating thereto, be transmitted
to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Malburn


for his information.
A report presented by Li*. Harding favoring the suggestion of Federal Reserve Agent Wellborn that the Comptroller of the Currency have
bank examiners, in their regular visits to member
banks, go carefully into the rediscounts made by
any bank with its Federal reserve bank and report
thereon, was read to the Board, and on motion approved.
The Secretary of the Board read a letter
from Yr. J. F. Curtis of New York announcing the
forthcoming meeting of the National Bank Section
of the American Bankers' Association simultaneous
with the approaching meeting of the Conference of
Governors of Federal reserve banks.

The question

of a joint meeting was informally discussed, but
no action was taken.
On motion at 5:15 p. in. the Board adjourned to meet on 2r1day, December 3, as 11:00
a. in.

