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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve Board
held in the office of the Governor on August 8th, at 11

Harding, presiding
LI'. Hamlin
Jr. Liller
Er. Broderick, Acting 3ecretary.

F.I.Hent, Division of Foreign .:xchange.
r. Rent made a statement as to the cooperation of
his Division with the ia.r Industries Board, War Trade Board
and the National Foreign Trade Council with particular reference to the export of certain commodities to foreign

(21r. rent then withdrew from meeting).

:r. Warburg made a statement with respect to the work
of the Gold -xport Committee, with particular reference to
proposed plan for securing the cooperation of the safe Deposit Companies in discouraging the use of their facilities for
the hoarding of gold; with a limitation of the gold in the arts
and the adoption of some means to draw such gold into the
Federal ileserve Banks.
Lr. ,,arburg also stated that he had been advised,
by the Federal

eserve Bank of New York that the Bolivian

overnment had opened its account with that bank by the deposit of A,000,000.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
August 6th were read and on motion approved as amended.


The minutes of the Gold Export Committee held on
august 7th and 8th wore presented for approval and the
action therein set forth ratified.
Reports dated August 8th, with respect to the discount rates at the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, Dallas,
Minneapolis, Kansas City and Cleveland were reported; no
changes recommended.
(Lt this juncture La.. ';illiams joined the meeting)
The following matters were presented and acted on:
La'. Fleming, Assistant Cashier, Federal Reserve
Bank, Cleveland, as Chairman of the conference held in the
Board Boom on August 7th, at which representatifes of several
Federal Reserve Banks were present, filed with the Board
recommendation that the limit for the drawings of Federal
Reserve Lxchange Drafts be increased from 3,250 to 45,00U and
that the Federal Reserve Banks holding Federal Reserve ex' change drafts of other Federal Reserve Banks be permitted to
deduct such drafts from total credits reported each day to
the Federal Reserve Board in the Gold Settlement Fund clearing.
It was further recouriended that all Federal Reserve Banks be
given immediate credit for Clearing House items the day received from other Federal Reserve Banks.

It was further recom-

mended that the Federal Reserve Board be asked to have a more
detailed analysis made of the float situation in each Federal

Reserve Bank for such period as the Board may deem advisable.
The recommendations made by the Committee were approved by
the Board and the Acting „;ecretary was instructed to prepare
a circular letter to be sent to all Federal Reserve Banks
pursuant thereto.
A letter from 1r. i. D. Vandiver, Assistant Treasurer
of the United States at St. Louis, dated July 30th,
to the Comptroller of the Currency, and enclosing
tary of the
a copy of a letter previously sent to the Secre
Treasury, with reference to the advance of funds neces
ve notes
to pay postage covering shipments of Federal Reser
to Banks.

It was voted that, subject to the approval of

that the Board
Counsel, the Assistant Treasurer be advised
his sight
will arrange with Federal Reserve Banks to honor
said postage or
drafts for such purpose or to advance the
funds therefor.
Letter from Federal Reserve Agent at Now York,
for short
August 2d in re rate on long term paper discounted
re-submitted to
periods on so-called repurchase agreements
suspend action
the Board for consideration; it was voted to
lying question.
on the matter Pending consideration of the under
(During the discussion of this matter :r. ;illiams
withdrew from the meeting)



::emorandum from :Sr. Jacobson, dated August 8th,
recommending that in accordance with circular letter of
Aut;u$t 7th sent to all Federal Reserve Banks, in future
the item "Iiatio of gold reserves to net deposit and Federal
Reserve note liabilities combined" be omitted from the
weekly consolidated statement, and the following two
ratios shown:
1. Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and
Federal Reserve note liabilities combined.
2. Ratio of gold reserves to Federal Reserve
notes in actual
against net deposit liabilities.
r. niller stated that under the California laws
State banks were required to carry a percentage of their
reserves in gold or legal tender notes, and that he
believed it would be possible to have the

tate institu-

tions agree to deliver the gold notes to the Federal Reserve bank at .;an Francisco in exchange for legal tender
notes; he recommended that this course be pursued and that
the Federal Reserve Banks should absorb all expense in
connection therevdth.

Recommendation approved and matter

referred to Governor with power.
The Governor stated that he was in receipt of acceptance of offices of 1.1essrs.


L. Riddick and S.L.Eagland,



heretofore appointed Directors of the ”emphis Branch of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
The Governor stated he

as in receipt of telegram of

protest against appointment of L:r. Heflin as 1:anager of Memphis
Branch; also a telegram from Federal Reserve Agent at St. Louis,
stating reasons for the appointment.
The Acting Secretary was directed to telegraph the
Federal Reserve Bank of ;.A. Louis authorizing them to announce
organization of the Branch.
A letter, dated August 5th, from the /Jercantile Bank
of the Americas of New York, requesting that Nicaragua be
designated as one of the countries from rwhich long usance
drafts may be drawn on the United States for the purpose of
creating dollar exchange.

Acting Secretary directed to con-

firm that Nicaragua has been so designated.
Letter dated August 5th, from James 1,1. Bouden, Jr.,
expressing favorable opinion upon proposed appointment of
James L. Zunts as Class B Director of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Atlanta, and recommending the appointment of Dr. P. H.
Saunders as a Director of the New Orleans Branch; voted that
Dr. Saunders be appointed a Government Director of the New
Orleans Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Governor Harding made a statement with respect to a
request made by him as Managing Director of the ;iar Finance



Corporation that the various Federal Reserve Banks act as
Fiscal Agent in connection with advances made to bunks to meet
agricultural and stock raising requirements, and submitted a
letter dated August 6th from Governor of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond, commenting upon the plan proposed.
Letter.dated August 6th from Federal Reserve Agent,
Richmond, with respect to rulings by the Federal Reserve Board
in re drafts drawn for the purpose of financing sales to the
Allied Purchasing Commission.

The Governor stated that he

would take up with Counsel.
A letter dated August 6th from Federal Reserve Agent
at Richmond, with respect to the possibility of L:r. A.H.Dudley,
4.ssistant Federal Reserve Agent, being called in the draft; no
action taken.
Reports of Committees:
No, 1

Following changes in the Board's staff were approved:
Miss Mary E...'.verett, Federal Reserve Issue and Redemption Division, at salary of 475 per month,
effective August 3d, under authority of Board's
letter dated June 5, 1918.
Liss Mary A. Riordan, Federal Reserve Issue and Redemption Division, increase of salary from v9J0
to ,;1,020 for the year 1918.
Miss Lvelyn Hewes, Division of Research Section,
Division of Foreign xchange, at salary of 4;900
per annum, effective August 8th.


-7Reginald M. Hodgson, National Bank 1;xaminer at
Atlanta, Ga.,at salary of 2,400 per annum.
No. 2
Dated August 8th, recommending admission of'State institution
as set forth in the auxiliary minute book
as of this date, subject to the conditions
stated in the individual reports attached
to application.

Dated August 6th, letter from Federal Reserve Agent at Boston,
in re application of James Prendergast for
permission to serve under the Clayton Act
as Director in three Boston institutions,
heretofore declined (original application
dated Aug.7,1916), with request that consideration of the case be reopened and that
he be permitted to act as Director in to institutions; referred to Executive Committee
with power.
Dated August 8th, application of George F. -,est, Portland,
Maine, for permission to serve simultaneously
as Director of the Biddeford 7ationa1 Bank,
Biddeford, Maine, and as Director of the
Portland National Bank, Portland, Maine.
Now York Committee:
Chairman Warburg reported back report of .Lamination
of Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of close
of business Juno 1, 1918.
Voted that pending appointment of new Committees, the
functions of the existing committees be transferred to the Lxecutive Committee.
At 1 2.L., the meeting adjourned.
Acting Secretary.

