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At a regular meeting of the Federal Reserve Board
held in the office of the Board on August 6, 1910, at 3

1:r. Harding, presiding
Mr. Hamlin
Er. :diner
Mr. Broderick, Acting Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
August 1st were read and on motion approved as amended.
The minutes of the meeting of the .,,4xecutive Committee
held on August 5th were read and approved and the action
therein set forth ratified.
The minutes of the meetings of the Gold Export Committee held on August 2d, 3d, 5th and 6th were presented
and approved, and the action therein set forth ratified.
Mr. V:arburg stated that an agreement had been reached
with the ;,ar Trade Board and the War Industries Board, with
the consent of the Department of state, to discontinue granting of licenses for the exportation of gold to be used in
the payment of lexican duties on miscellaneous exports.
Governor Harding presented letter from the Ixting
Uocretary of the Treasury transmitting correspondence beteen the Treasury Department, the 5tate Department and the
T3olivian Linister in re proposed plan for the stabilization
of exchange rates between the United States and Bolivia, together with an acceptance from the Bolivian Linister.
plan was approved and the Federal


eserve Bank of New York

authorized to open an account in accordance with the
terms stated.. Lctinj Secretary instructed to forward
copy of the plan and correspondence in connection therewith to the Federal Reserve Bunk- of New York for its information and guidance.
It was voted that Mr. Jesse H. Metcalf be appointed
Class C director of the r'ederal Reserve Bank of Boston for
a term to expire December 31, 1919, to fill vacancy caused
by the resignation of Hon. Andrew J. Peters.
Governor Harding presented telegram received by

him from the Secretary of the Indiana Bankers' Association,
requesting that the Board be represented at the meetin


the .Association to be held at Indianapolis, Septe:aber 18th,
and stated that officers of the iederal Reserve Banks of
Cleveland and Chicago had expressed opinion that it was desirable to have a member of the Board attend the meetings
of the Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Bankers


Voted that the Governor or some other member of the Board
be authorized to attend such meeting at the expense of the

Referred to Governor for reply.
The following matters were presented and action

taken .thereon:
Letter from Rocky Mountain Auto Trade Association,
dated August 2d, in re automobile business on cash basis.



Leferred to Governor for reply.
Letter from Federal Reserve Agent, T:ew York, dated
August 2d, in re rate of discount on long term paper mentioned in Board's letter of July 22d.
tive Committee with power.

Referred to 1.xecu-

Correspondence to be circulated.

Letter from Federal Reserve Agent, New York,dated
August 1st, advising that 2eoples Trust Company of Brooklyn
had acquired the business of the Bank of Flatbush, also
liaBrooklyn, by purchasing its assets and assuming its

Letter further stated that Superintendent of

Banks had authorized the ileoples Trust Company to establis
branch office at the office formerly used by the Bank of


Letter from Federal Reserve Bank of New York, dated

August lot, enclosing application of Guaranty Trust Company
of New York for permission to accept drafts of the Anglo
south American Bank, Ltd., BUUEOS Aires, to run not longer
than ninety days and drazn upon them for the purpose of
furnishing dollar exchange.


Letter from Federal Reserve Agent, Cleveland,
dated August 1st, suggesting changes in revenue lay. vdth
respect to collection of items received from the Collector
of Internal Revenue.

Referred to Governor for consultation


:ith Assistant secretary Leffingwell, with recommendation
that endeavor be made to secure amendment to law as suggested.
- L. Cleveland 5, Company, Los Angeles,
Letter from V..
California, dated July 29th, in re banks discouraging purchases of traction engines.

Referred to Li.. Yiller.

Letter from :;ecretary of state, dated August 1st,
transmitting copy of communication from Ambassador iletcher
relating to decree of the :exican Government in re silver exports.

Referred to Gold

xport Committee.

Letter from first Eational Bank of Boston, dated


august 2d, transmitting communication from Crimmins & Peirce,
protesting the exclusion of that firm from group formed by
the cuartermaster General's Department for purchase of wool
in the Argentine and requesting that matter be reopened with
view to securing admission of Crimmins & 2eirce to group

Governor Harding stated that he had taken up the

matter with the Chairman of the ';.ar Industries Board and
submitted a copy of his reply.

Reopening of question ap-

proved and Governor instructed to take necessary action.
Memorandum by Mr. Warburg, dated August 2d, recommending changes in method of stating reserve, together with
draft of confidential letter in connection therewith to be
sent to all iederal Reserve Banks.
Committee with power.

Referred to ixecutive


tter, dated

ugust 3d, received from the

Director of the Division of :Foreign Exchange in re foreign
exchange transactions of Musher & Company.
Lemorandum from

Jacobson, dated

Ordered filed.
ugust 3d, in

re method of reporting investments by Federal Reserve Banks
in banking premises and real estate. ,tction ordered deferred
until January 1, 1919.
Letter from Comptroller of the Currency, dated
4Wgust 2d, advising changes in national bank examining
force during the month of July, 1918.

Read and ordered filed.

Letter, dated July 8th, from James L. ':,ilmeth, Director of the Bureau of Laigraving and printing, in re estimate of number of Sneets probably resluired during fiscal
year 1920 for printing of Federal Reserve notes and Federal
Reserve currency, together with manorandum in connection
therewith prepared by Lssistant ,)ecretary itdelson.


circulated before replying in line 7.ith such memorandum.
acting :Acretary submitted report of examination
of Federal Reserve Bank of New York as of close of busines
June 1, 1918.

Referred to Er. ':;arburg as Chairman of the

New York Committee.
Telegram from the 1-iecretary of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, advising of the death of Mr. M. B. Hutchison,
Class ;) Director of the Chicago Bank.

Referred to Governor



fur suitable response on behalf of the Board.
Letter from Counsel, dated August 6th, in re inquiry from nurchison National Bank, -Alminuton, N. C., in
connection with rediscount of notes of non-member banks
by member banks.

Referred to Governor for reply.

Lotter, dated Lugust 1st, from iederal T:eserve
jt. Louis, advising of the election as directors of the
:..emphis Branch of the 2edera1 Reserve Bank of Lt. Louis of
the following gentlemen:
R. Brinkley jnowden,
Vice-..'resident, Bank of Commerce

Trust Co.,

John D. 1:.cDowell,
Vice-President, Union 31 Planters Bank & Trust Co.,
John J. Heflin,
Assistant Bank Commissioner of the State of
Tennessee; resident of Nashville,
and the adpointment of the last named gentleman as manager
of said branch at a salary of

5,000 per annum.

Letter re-

ferred to also transmitted forms of by-laws adopted for the
nemphis and Louisville Branches of the iederal Reserve Bank

t. Louis.

Voted to approve election of directors as

. Heflin as nanagor at salary
above and appointment of La.

Voted also to approve forms of by-laws submitted.

The following were elected Government directors of the
Memphis Bmnch;



3. E. Ragland,
President, Central

tate National Bank,

T. K. Riddick,
Lawyer and Director of the First. rational
Bank, Memphis.
remorandum from Llr. Jacobson, dated August 6th, in
re varters in the Jouthern Building for use of Division of
l'wports and statistics. .--proved and referred to Governor
and ilcting Secretary for u_eoution of drcper documents.
T. Chapman was detailed temporarily, effective
August 6th, from the office of the 7ice Governor to the office of the 1,cting Secretary.
Mr. Liller stated that he had disoussed with the
officers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Sun Francisco the
appointment of Lr. . G. jargent as ..xaminer for the Federal
Reserve Board, and suggested that :Ir. Jart;ent be taken over
by the Board and the bank permitted to use his services at
such times as he not engaged on work for the Board.


ferred to Acting Jecretary for preparation of memoran
Mr. Miller made a statement with reference to the
employment of Li*. George Smithson.
Other minutes were presented and disposed of as fen
Reports of Committees:
No. I
Dated August 6th, recommending following changes in Board'u

-aJoseph VermLelen, salary 4685 per annum for
period August 6th to August 15th, inclusive; 4480 per annum thereafter.
No. 2
Dated August 6th, recommending admission of State institutions as set forth in the auxiliary
minute book as of this date, subject to
the conditions stated in the individual
reports attached to each application.
No. 3
recommending action upon applications
for fiduciary powers as stated in the
auxiliary minute bopk as of this date.
(.None haa for entry).
At 5:40 P.L., the meeting adjourned.

Dated July 31st,

Acting Secretary.