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Lt a regular meeting of the Pederal

eserve Board

held in the office of the qovernor on Wednesday, lpril 11,
at eleven a.m.,

Hardin:];, presiding,
Mr. Hamlin,



Mr. h7illis, Secretary.

1.:r. Delano
The minutes of the meeting of the Board neld on
pril 9 were read and, on motion, approved.
Governor Harding stated that the Avisory Jouncil
would meet in Jashington on Tuesday, April l7-ti, he having
been advised to that effect by Vice President iae, rand he
requested that suggestions for topics for discussion by the
Council be placed in his hands not later than the afternoo
of this day.
llovernor Harding read a letter received from the
Civil Service Examiner transmitting a confidential executive
order suspending the Jivil Fervice law in so far as to
authorize the immediate removal of any employees whose presence might be regarded as inimical to the interests of the
United States as affected by the present war.
was referred to the Committee on Staff.

The letter


Governor Ttarding read a letter from Governor McDouTal stating what had been done by the -0ederal Zecerve
Dank of jhic:,v7o in mAing knm,n to position of the President with respect to the status of aliens in this country,
and certain replies to the cormunications the bank had
sent out on that subject.
Governor Harding read a letter from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis announcing that its directors'had
voted to pay a dividend as of April 1 - June 30, 1915, and
another dividend as of July 1 - August 31, 1915, at 6T.
-fter discussion it was voted to approve the dividend of
C from April 1 - June 30, 1915, the other proposed divid,nd being disapproved, and the bank being informed that
henceforward declarations of dividends snould be made at
the end of December and of June respectively.
letter from Federal aeserve figent Curtiss to
4arbarg with reference to a proposed pamphlet regarding
Bankers' acceptances, and informing Mr. darburg of the substance of a letter from the ?edeml deserve Ban;- of .",tlanta
with reference to practices as to warehouse receipts protecting acceptances, said to be different from those of-

ficiully approved by the Board, 'mls referred to Lr. Hamlin
for report.
Governor Harding announced a plan for the automatic
, of orders for Federal deserve notes whereby, when replacins
leases were asked for at subtre%sary points, a simultaneous
c',11 would be made upon the 'iomptroller for transfers of
actual notes from the stook in Washington to those points,
.and :;hereby in each case notice of the action so taken would

be sent to the Jommittee on Issue and Aedemption, which would
thereupon accumul.ite such orders and report a general order
for note printin3 on Monday of each week.

The plan was con-

sidered and, on motion, approved.
Orders for the shipment, release and printing of Federal reserve notes previously authorized by the Executive Ammittce were approved as follows:

Eew York
St. Louis
San Francisco

Notes •20.00
600..000 ,2,000,000 4 400,000
3,920,000 .A00,000




Orders placed with the Treasury Department, on
April 10, for printing notes.

New York

2600,000 42,000,000
2,000,000 7,200,000

12,240,000 .2,000,000 2,400,000

letter from Tederal deserve !gent Rich offering his
services in the event of war, probably at the Federal deserve
Balk of Minneapolis, was read and ordered circulated.
A letter from Tederal Reserve ligent Curtiss with reference to an error in repo ting the discount rate on 15 day
paper was presenttd, :Arad the Secretary directed to reply to
the same.
A letter from the ?ederal Reserve Bank of Atlanta with
reference to the status of acceptances made payable elsewhere
than at the place of business of the acceptor, was referred to
the Committee on liaw with power to reply.
The Secretary of the Board read a letter from Federal
deserve Igent Jay transmitting a statement of Cutro Brothers
of New York.

On motion the letter and statement were referred

to the Comlittee on Investments with power to act.


The secretary of the Board read a letter from
secretary Farnsworth of the Jmerican 5ankers'
in iuiring as to the accommodations reLiaired at
Briarcliff Loc1c for the spring meetin:-.:
Council of the Bankers' /,ssociation.

f the 1xecative

The letter was re-

ferred to the governor of the Board with power to appoint
a committee to attend, and to make reply accordingly.
L. recUction in the capital stock of the 7irst
Eational Bank of -11en, Oklahoma, from 435,000 to 425,000,
was approved upon recommendation of the rlomptroller of the
On motion a report of the Committee on :.udit and
Lxaminat ion recommending a salary of :2400 per annum for
Mr...lax C. .ilde aS n-tion.1 bank examiner in the Yansas
City District, effective , pril 13, or as soon as the examiner reports for duty, was approved.
On motion the report of the Committee on :taff
recommending the appointment of -.ass 14.

qanton in the

Division of ?ederL1 .eserve Issue and aedemption, at a
salary of 475 per month, effective iTril 15, was approved.


• Ur. Delano made a progress report :on 1)ehalf of
the Committee on Clearing outlining a plan for the -establishment of a system for making the interdistrict drafts
of ?ederal reserve banks available.

He stated that -:the

complete report would be available for sub i sion•within
'a very few days.

Vr.• Williams -called attention to the complaint

of the Lincoln rational Bank of Lincoln, Nebraska, with,

regard to the status as to drafts, and it was agreed, that
he Should write the bank informing it of the prospective
action of the Board as to such drafts.

On motion at 11.55 a.m. the Board adjourned to

. me t on -Friday, April 13, at eleven a.m.