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At a meeting of the Gold Export Camittee of
the Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the
Board on Londay, April 1, 1913, at 10:65 A. Li.,
Mr. Harding, presiding,

Mr. Hamlin,

Mr. Liner,

Mr. Niiiis, liecrotary.

Present also.

LIr. Strauss.

Applications for permission to export coin,
currency and bullion

with papers relating thereto,

were presented and acted upon as follows:
Application of Hannevig

Co., New YorIt

ship to Den Eorske Handelsbank, Christiana, Norway,
2U0,U00 to 4400,000 currency.

Tabled March 27 and

A telegram from D. B. Crane, reque6tinL: re-

consideration of his application1390 to shio
COJ gold to Fanning Islands, tabled Larch 28 and r-,,,
(Declined March 19).


A telegram from the FederA. Resorve Bank of
Dallas, March 39, requestin ,7 advice a...3 to attitude
of Board towahi'applicatione to export gold in payment of Mexican import duties on supplies'for mining companies.

Secretary directed to say gold

may be granted where company has no reimportation
of gold.
A telegram from J. M. Cavazos requesting
extension of time under license No. 885.


telegram from J. L. Garcia, requestinL;
extension of time under license No. 1334.


extension to April 10th.
A letter from the iederal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, transmitting correspondence with Southern
Pacific hallway Company of Mexico re shipments of
gold to Ilexico.

Read and noted.

War Trade Board's Circular No, 56. dated
Larch :4th.

Read and noted.
Del Rio National Bank, Del Rio, Tex-

as,2,000 gold to Lexiao for payment Mexican export duty on ',1oo1 for account of Gist A Hamilton.
Tabled; referred to Mr. Strauss.

:.;outhern Pacific Railway Co., of

Mexico, Nogales, to Mexican Collector of Customs,
Nogales, Lex., during April, 320,000 gold coin and
,15,000 paper currency except gold certificate:).
Granted whole amount for currency; no gold.


At 10:50 A. IL

the Committee adjourned,