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SpC 72 1984-89 v. 1 c. 1 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS 1 .-iSHiNGTON, D.C. ANA^.VSfS C£NTER * * * * 20230 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME VOLUME 1 • SUMMARY 1984-59 RESEARCH R ^ - , Mr / , NALyS'S X street; N w ° BE’16 WASHINGTON. O.C. '*0230 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 1984-89 VOLUME 1 SUMMARY By For • • Including Methodology and Classification of Metropolitan Areas Major Source • All States and Metropolitan Areas éiàààiiâàààêiM à t jim m U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Robert A. Mosbacher, Secretary E C O N O M IC S A N D S TA TIS TIC S A D M IN IS TR A TIO N M ichael R. Darby, U nder S ecreta ry fo r E conom ic A ffa irs a n d A dm in istrato r BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Allan H. Young, Director Carol S. Carson, Deputy Director July 1991 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 m jlm .\#n • tco*. ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Michael R. Darby, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs and Administrator BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Allan H. Young, Director Carol S. Carson, Deputy Director Suggested Citation U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Local Area Per sonal Income, 1984-89. Volume 1: Summary. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, July 1991. 11 Acknowledgments The personal income estimates presented in this publication were produced by the Regional Economic Measurement Division, Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), under the direction of Linnea Hazen, Chief, with general guidance from Hugh W. Knox, Associate Director for Regional Economics. Estimates of nonfarm labor income (wages and salaries and other labor income) were prepared by the Regional Wage Branch under the supervision of Carol E. Evans, Chief. Major responsibilities were assigned to Sharon C. Camevale, C. Brian Grove, Michael G. Pilot, and James M. Scott. Contributing staff members were E. Frances Bake, Elizabeth P. Cologer, Kathryn A. Comins, Susan P. Den Herder, Eddie L. Key, Russell C. Lusher, Richard A. Lutyk, Lisa C. Ninomiya, Michael Phillips, Adrienne T. Pilot, William E. Reid, Jr., John A. Rusinko, Victor Sahadachny, and Jaime Zenzano. Estimates of farm earnings (wages and salaries, other labor income, and proprietors’ income) and the residence adjustments were prepared by the Quarterly Income Branch under the supervision of Robert L. Brown, Assistant Division Chief. Major responsibilities were assigned to James M. Zavrel. Contributing staff members were Elaine M. Briccetti, Daniel R. Corrin, Richard H. Grayson, and Daniel Zabronsky. Estimates of nonfarm proprietors income, dividends, interest, rent, transfer payments, and per sonal contributions for social insurance were prepared by the Proprietors’ Income Branch under the supervision of Bruce Levine, Chief. Major responsibilities were assigned to Charles A. Jolley. Contributing staff members were Kirk Fox, Marian B. Sacks, Michael S. Wagner, Ellen M. Wright and Marianne A. Ziver. The assembly of public-use tabulations and data files and the preparation of the text and tables for this publication were performed by the Regional Economic Information System (REIS) Branch. Major responsibilities were assigned to Kathy A. Albetski, Wallace K. Bailey, Kenneth P. Berkman, and Gaiy V. Kennedy.. Secretarial support was provided by Hilda G. Toison. Contributing staff members were Louise T. Johnson, Susan J. Lease-Trevathan, Lela S. Lester, Jeffrey L. Newman, Michael J. Paris, Elizabeth R. Self, Albert Silverman, Monique B. Tyes, and Mary C. Williams. Production coordination and text editing services were provided by M. Gretchen Gibson under the supervision of Leland L. Scott, Chief, Publication Services Branch, Current Business Analysis Division. Although the county income measures contained in this publication resulted from the effort, experience, and cooperation of BEA personnel, their foundation was the statistical work of other government agencies as well as private organizations. Particularly noteworthy for their contributions were the State employment security agencies, the various State agencies administering income maintenance programs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Bureau of the Census, the National Agricultural Statistics Service, the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, the Health Care Financing Administration, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Association of American Railroads. iii Subject Assignment Directory For information about the availability of data (see also Appendix B), call the Regional Economic Information System staff at (202) 254-6630. For additional information about State and local area personal income, call Linnea Hazen, Chief of the Regional Economic Measurement Division (REMD), at (202) 254—6631. For information about a specific subject, call the REMD specialists listed below. __________Subject________________ Disposable State personal income .................. Dividends, interest, and rental income .......... Farm proprietors’ income and employment . . M ethodology......................................................... Nonfarm proprietors’ income and employment Other labor income ............................................ Personal contributions for social insurance . . Quarterly State personal income ..................... Residence adjustments ....................................... Transfer p a y m en ts.............................................. Wage and salary income and employment . . IV Specialist_______________Number . Robert L. B r o w n ............. . Charles A. J o lle y ............. . James M. Zavrel ............. . Wallace K. B a ile y .......... . Charles A. J o lle y ............. . Carol E. Evans ............... . Charles A. J o lle y ............. . Isabelle B. Whiston . . . . . Daniel Zabronsky .......... . Bruce L ev in e.................... . Carol E. Evans ............... ____(202) 254-6632 ____(202) 254-6637 ____(202) 254-6638 ____(202) 254-6635 . . . . (202) 254-6637 . . . . (202) 254-6633 ____(202) 254-6637 ____(202) 254-6640 ____(202) 254-6639 ____(202) 254-6634 ____(202) 254-6633 Contents Text: Acknowledgments............................................................................................................................... iü Subject Assignment Directory..............................................................................................................jv Introduction................................................................................................................................... j A brief history of the estimates................................................................................................ M - 1 Uses of county and metropolitan area estimates...................................................................... M - 2 Estimating schedule for the major regional series..................................................................... M - 2 Availability of the State and local area estimates.................................................................... M - 2 BEA User Group.........................................................................................................................M - 3 Overview........................................................................................................................................ 5 Differences between the national and subnational estimates................................................. M - 5 Sources of d a ta ........................................................................................................................ M - 5 Controls and the allocation procedure..................................................................................... M - 6 Place of measurement............................................................................................................... M - 6 Sources and Methods for the 1984-89 County Personal Income Estim ates......................... M - 7 Wage and Salary Disbursements.............................................................................................. Wages and salaries covered by the UI program................................................................. Wages and salaries not covered by the UI program.......................................................... Wages and salaries paid in kind......................................................................................... M- 7 M- 7 M- 9 M-10 Other Labor Income................................................................................................................. M-10 Employer contributions to private pension and welfare funds......................................... M-10 Private pension and profit-sharing funds, group health and life insurance, and supplemental unemployment insurance.......................................................... M-10 Privately administered workers’ compensation............................................................ M -l 1 “All other” OLI................................................................................................................... M-12 Proprietors’ Income..................................................................................................................... M-12 Nonfarm proprietors’ income................................................................................................M-12 Farm proprietors’ income................................................................................................... M-13 Farm gross income....................................................................................................... M -l 4 Production expenses..................................................................................................... M -l 4 Adjustments for interfarm intrastate transactions.........................................................M -l4 Adjustment to exclude the income of corporate farms................................................ M-15 Personal Dividend Income, Personal Interest Income, and Rental Income of Persons......... M-15 Personal dividend income and personal interest income..................................................... M-15 Rental income of persons................................................................................................... M-15 Transfer Payments..................................................................................................................... M -l 6 Government payments to individuals................................................................................. M -l 6 Retirement and disability insurance benefit payments................................................ M-16 Medical Payments......................................................................................................... M-17 Income maintenance benefit payments........................................................................ M -l 8 Unemployment insurance benefit payments................................................................ M -l 8 Veterans benefit payments............................................................................................ M-19 Federal education and training assistance payments.................................................... M-19 v Other government payments to individuals.................................................................. M-19 Payments to nonprofit institutions..................................................................................... M-20 Business payments to individuals......................................................................................... M-20 Personal Contributions for Social Insurance...............................................................................M-20 Residence Adjustment.............................................................................................................. M-21 Residence adjustment procedure (excluding border workers)........................................... M-21 Residence adjustment procedure for border workers......................................................... M-23 Technical Notes.......................................... M-25 Industry classification................................................................................................................ M-25 Per capita personal income....................................................................................................... M-25 Comparison of personal income with other income measures................................................ M-25 Electronic edit procedures....................... M-26 Interpolation and extrapolation....................................................................................................M-26 Disclosure avoidance................................................................................................................ M-27 List of Abbreviations................................................................................................................... M-28 Glossary.............................................................................................................................................M-29 Statistical Section: United States.......................................................................................................................................... 1 Regions................................................................................................................................................ 5 States................................................................................................................................................ 19 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas (CMSA’s).................................................................. 46 Metropolitan Areas......................................................................................................................... 55 Appendixes: Appendix A: Members of the BEA User Group.............................................................................. 217 Appendix B: Data Availability and Sample Tables from the Regional Economic Information System..................................................................................... 225 Appendix C: Metropolitan Area Classification and Definitions....................................................... 259 VI Introduction THIS volume is part of a five-volume set published annually by the Regional Economic Measurement Division of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). The set presents BEA’s estimates of total and per capita personal income for local areas for 1984—89, as well as additional detail on the sources of personal income by type and major industry. Thus, these volumes present much more than can be presented in the S u r v e y o f C u r r e n t B u s in e s s , in which BEA annually publishes 3 years of estimates of total and per capita personal income for local areas. The series of local area personal income estimates extends back through 1969; the estimates for 1969-83 can be obtained as explained under “Availability of the State and local area estimates” on the next page. The tables in these volumes are supplemented by maps and charts. The maps show the outlines of counties and metropolitan areas in each State. The charts show the distribution of per sonal income among the metropolitan areas of each State and the percent change in personal income from 1984 to 1989 for these areas. These volumes also present a detailed description of the source data and estimating methods used in making the 1984-89 estimates. This statement of methodology is intended to help users to determine the suitability of the estimates for various ap plications and to evaluate their reliability. The methodology is supplemented by a glossary and by technical notes. Volume 1 of the set presents estimates for the United States as a whole, for the regions and States, and for metropolitan areas. The estimates of labor and proprietors’ earnings are pres ented at the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) two-digit level. In addition, volume 1 contains the methodology statement and tables that show the distribution and changes in total per sonal income for regions; its appendixes provide the list of the members of the BEA User Group, present examples of the ta bles available—either directly or through the user group—from the BEA Regional Economic Information System, and show the county definitions of metropolitan areas and the metropolitan area classification scheme. Each of the other four volumes present estimates for one or more of the eight BEA regions: The New England, Mideast, and Great Lakes regions in volume 2; the Plains regions in volume 3; the Southeast region in volume 4; and the Southwest, Rocky Mountain, and Far West regions in volume 5. Volume 5 also presents estimates for Alaska and Hawaii, which are not included in any BEA region. Each regional volume includes the method ology statement, the list of the members of the BEA User Group, the list of available tables, and estimates for the following: The United States; the region(s); and the States, the metropolitan sta tistical areas (MSA’s), the primary metropolitan statistical areas (PMSA’s), and the counties of the region(s). The earnings esti mates in these volumes are at the SIC division level, but tables at the SIC two-digit level are available as explained on the next page. Estimates for consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSA’s) appear only in volume 1. The estimates in these volumes are prepared for States and counties; estimates for all other geographic areas are made by aggregating either the State or county estimates in the appropri ate combinations. This building block approach provides BEA with the flexibility necessary to meet the needs of the wide vari ety of users of local area estimates. It also permits estimates for areas whose boundaries change over time—such as metropoli tan areas—to be presented on a consistent geographic definition for all years. The estimates are made only for local areas that can be defined in terms of counties or county equivalents, but the MSA’s, CMSA’s, and PMSA’s of the New England States are defined in terms of cities and towns. Therefore, the BEA metropolitan area estimates for New England are for the al ternative New England county metropolitan areas (NECMA’s) developed by the Office of Management and Budget. (A more detailed description of the NECMA’s is included in Appendix C of volume 1.) Since the publication of the first regional estimates of in come in 1939, substantial improvements have been made in the estimates of personal income and its precursors. These im provements are part of BEA’s ongoing efforts to ensure that the estimates provide the best possible quantitative view of economic developments in each metropolitan area and county as measured by personal income and its components. To provide the reader with a perspective on the estimates presented in these volumes, a brief history of the State and local area personal income es timates is presented in this introduction. The introduction also describes the major uses of the local area estimates, the sched ules and formats in which they are available, and the BEA User Group. A brief history of the estimates BEA’s work on regional income estimation began in the mid1930’s with the construction of a series of “State income payments” to individuals. State income payments were defined as the sum of (1) wages and salaries, (2) other labor income and re lief, (3) entrepreneurial withdrawals, and (4) dividends, interest, and net rents and royalties. The estimates were produced as part of an effort to explain the processes and structure of the Nation’s economy in the 1930’s. During the 1940’s and early 1950’s, extensive work in locating data sources and revising methodol ogy resulted in the production of a more comprehensive annual measure—State personal income. State personal income differs from State income payments in five important ways: (1) Personal income, in contrast to income payments, consists of six, rather than four, major components (other labor income and transfer payments replaced “other labor income and relief,” and the component “personal contributions for social insurance” was added as an explicit deduction); (2) Personal income includes greater component detail and a broader range of income-in-kind and imputed income items; M-l M-2 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME (3) Personal income includes the income of nonprofit insti tutions and of certain kinds of funds as well as the income of individuals; (4) Personal income includes employer contributions to private pension funds instead of the benefits paid by the funds; and (5) Personal income includes transfers by business. During the 1960’s, work on the development of quarterly es timates of State personal income was completed. The first set of these estimates as a continuous series was published in the December 1966 issue of the S u r v e y . BEA began work on local area estimates in the mid-1950’s, but the estimates were confined to a relatively small number of counties in the Mideastem and Plains States. This work was expanded in the mid-1960’s and resulted in a historical personal income series for selected years of 1929-62 for metropolitan areas and for nonmetropolitan counties. Estimates for counties within metropolitan areas were developed in the early 1970’s and published for the first time in the April 1975 S u r v e y . BEA now prepares annual estimates of personal income and of employment for all the metropolitan areas and all the counties and county equivalents for which reliable source data are available. For the small independent cities of Virginia—generally those with fewer than 100,000 residents—and for Kalawao County, Hawaii, the Montana portion of Yellowstone National Park, and Menomi nee County, Wisconsin, the geographic coding of essential source data has proved to be unreliable. Accordingly, the source data for each of these areas are combined with the source data for an adjacent county, and the personal income estimates are prepared for the combined areas. Uses of county and metropolitan area estimates The county and metropolitan area estimates are widely used by both the public and private sectors to measure and track levels and types of income received by persons living or working in a county or metropolitan area. These estimates provide a framework for the analysis of each local area’s economy, and they serve as a basis for decision making. Personal income and employment are also among the measures used in evaluating the socioeconomic impact of public- and private-sector initiatives; for example, they are widely used in preparing the environmental impact statements required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Federal agencies use these estimates in econometric models for projecting program needs and as a framework for economic analysis. State governments use the estimates to measure the economic base of State planning areas and in econometric models devel oped for various planning purposes. They also use the estimates to project tax revenues and needs for public utilities and services. University schools of business and economics, often working under contract for State and local governments, use the BEA lo cal area estimates for theoretical and applied economic research. Some of these schools reproduce BEA personal income data in abstracts or similar reports. These publications are distributed to local government agencies, regional councils, private research groups, businesses, and individuals. Businesses and labor organizations use the estimates, for ex ample, to evaluate markets for new or established products and to determine areas for the location, expansion, and contraction of their activities. Trade associations and labor organizations use them for product and labor market analyses. Estimating schedule for the major regional series The annual estimates of State and local area personal income for a given year are subject to successive refinement. Preliminary State estimates, based on the current quarterly series, are released 4 months after the close of the reference year and are published in the April S u r v e y . In the August S u r v e y , more reliable an nual estimates are published. These estimates are developed independently of the quarterly series and are prepared in greater component detail, primarily from Federal and State government administrative records. The annual estimates published in the August S u r v e y are subsequently refined to incorporate newly available information used to prepare the current local area esti mates. These revised State estimates, together with the current local area estimates, are published in the following April S u r v e y . The annual estimates emerging from this three-step process are further revised for several succeeding years (the State estimates in April and August and the local area estimates in April), as ad ditional data become available. The routine revisions of the local area estimates for a given year are normally completed with the third April release. After that, the estimates will be changed only to incorporate a comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts—which takes place approximately every 5 years—or to make important improvements to the estimates through the use of additional or more current State and local area data. Annual estimates of State disposable personal income—that is, personal income less personal tax and nontax payments— are released in April on a preliminary basis and in August on a revised basis. Quarterly estimates of State personal income, which are re leased approximately 4 months after the close of the reference quarter, are published regularly in the January, April, July, and October issues of the S u r v e y . In October and the following April, the quarterly series for the 3 previous years is revised for con sistency with the revised annual estimates. In January and July, the estimates for at least the quarter immediately preceding the current quarter are revised. Availability of the State and local area estimates The personal income tables in this five-volume set, as well as the other standard tabulations discussed below, are available from the Regional Economic Information System (REIS), which is the term applied to the data files, computer programs, and staff estab lished for the maintenance, management, and distribution of the regional database. REIS operates an information retrieval serv ice that provides a variety of standard and specialized analytic tabulations for counties and specified combinations of counties. For a list of standard tabulations available through this system and through the BEA User Group, see Appendix B. In volume 1, Appendix B also includes a sample set of the standard tabu lations. These tabulations are available from REIS in magnetic tape, computer printout, CD-ROM, and microcomputer diskette forms; for further information, call (202) 254—6630. Some of the tabulations are available electronically on the Department of Commerce’s Economic Bulletin Board. (The Bulletin Board is available from the National Technical Information Service; to subscribe, call (703) 487-4630.) Summary tabulations of the State and local estimates are published regularly in the S u r v e y ; the local area estimates are usually presented in the April issues. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME M-3 A). BEA provides its estimates to these organizations with the understanding that they will make the estimates readily avail able. Distribution in this way encourages State universities and BEA User Group State agencies to use data that are comparable for all States In addition to responding to specific data requests, BEA also and counties and that are consistent with national totals; using makes its estimates of income and employment for States, comparable and consistent data enhances the uniformity of ana metropolitan areas, and counties available through the BEA lytic approaches taken in economic development programs and User Group, whose members include State agencies, universities, improves the recipients’ ability to assess local area economic and Census Bureau Primary State Data Centers (see Appendix1 developments and to service their local clientele. An extensive set of State-level historical estimates is available in State Personal Income: 1929-87} 1. Slate Personal Income: 1929-87 (stock no. 003-010-00197-6) is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 204029325 (or call (202) 783-3238) for $16.00. The 1986-87 estimates in this publication have been superseded by revisions. Overview THIS section provides an overview of the sources and methods used to prepare the current years’ estimates—that is, the estimates for the 6 most recent years—of local area personal income. It highlights the relationships among the national, State, and local area estimates of personal income. The personal income of an area is defined as the income re ceived by, or on behalf of, all the residents of the area. It consists of the income received by persons from all sources, that is, from participation in production, from both government and business transfer payments, and from government interest. Personal income is measured as the sum of wage and salary disbursements, other labor income, proprietors’ income, rental income of persons, personal dividend income, personal interest income, and transfer payments, less personal contributions for social insurance. Per capita personal income is measured as the personal income of the residents of an area divided by the resident population of the area. In the national and regional economic accounts, persons are defined as individuals, nonprofit institutions serving individuals, private noninsured welfare funds, and private trust funds. The last three are referred to as “quasi-individuals.” At the national level, personal income is part of the personal income and outlay account, which is one of five accounts in a set that includes the national income and product account. Such accounts do not now exist below the national level; however, personal income has long been available for States and local ar eas. In addition, gross state product (GSP), which corresponds to the national measure gross domestic product, and some ele ments of personal outlays (personal tax and nontax payments) are available for States but not for local areas. GSP is estimated sep arately from State personal income, but the two measures share most of the elements of labor and proprietors’ earnings by State of work.2 Differences between the national and subnational estimates The definitions underlying the State and local area estimates of personal income are essentially the same as those underlying the national estimates of personal income. However, the national estimates of personal income include the labor earnings (wages and salaries and other labor income) of residents of the United States temporarily working abroad, whereas the subnational es timates include the labor earnings of persons residing only in the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Specifically, the na tional estimates include the labor earnings of Federal civilian and military personnel stationed abroad and of residents who are em ployed by U.S. firms and are on temporary foreign assignment. An “overseas” adjustment is made to exclude the labor earnings 2. For a tabular representation of the relationships among gross national product, gross domestic product, State earnings, and gross state product, see table A in Vernon Renshaw, Edward A. Trott, Jr., and Howard L. Friedenberg, “Gross State Product by Industry, 196386,” S urvey of C urrent B usiness 68 (May 1988): 31. of these workers from the national totals before the totals are used as controls for the State estimates. One classification difference between national and subnational estimates relates to border workers—that is, residents of the United States who work in adjacent countries (such as Canada) and foreigners who work in the United States but who reside else where. At the national level, the labor earnings of border workers and those of U.S. residents employed by international organi zations and by foreign embassies and consulates in the United States are included in the measurement of the “rest-of-the-world” sector. At the State and local area levels, however, only the latter portion of the “rest of the world” is treated as a component of personal income. Border workers are treated as commuters, and their earnings flows are reflected in personal income through the residence adjustment procedures. Another classification differ ence between the national and subnational series relates to the classification of income into farm and nonfarm categories. In the national estimates, farm income consists of farm earnings and agricultural net interest; in the State and local area estimates, it consists of farm earnings. Statistical differences between the national and subnational se ries may reflect the different estimating schedules for the two series. The State and local area estimates usually incorporate source data that are not available when the national estimates are prepared. The national estimates are usually revised the following year to reflect the more current State and local area data. Sources of data BEA uses information collected by others to prepare its estimates of State and local area personal income. Generally, two kinds of information are used to measure the income of persons: Infor mation generated at the point of disbursement of the income and information elicited from the recipient of the income. The first kind, referred to as “administrative record data,” is a byproduct of the administration of various Federal and State government programs; the second kind is survey and census data. The following are among the more important sources of the administrative record data: The State unemployment insurance programs of the Employment and Training Administration, De partment of Labor; the social insurance programs of the Social Security Administration and the Health Care Financing Admin istration, Department of Health and Human Services; the Federal income tax program of the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury; the veterans benefit programs of the Depart ment of Veterans Affairs; and the military payroll systems of the Department of Defense. The two most important sources of census data are the censuses of agriculture and of population. The data obtained from administrative records and censuses are used to estimate about 90 percent of personal income. Data of M -5 M-6 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME lesser quality, scope, and relevance are used for the remaining 10 percent. When data are not available in time to be incorporated into the current estimating cycle, interim estimates are prepared using the previous year’s State or county distribution. The interim esti mates are revised during the next estimating cycle to incorporate the newly available data. Using data that are not primarily designed for income meas urement has several advantages and disadvantages. Using administrative record data and census data, BEA can prepare the estimates of State and local area personal income on an an nual basis, in considerable detail, at relatively low cost, and without increasing the reporting burden of businesses and house holds. However, because these data are not designed primarily for income measurement, they often do not precisely “match” the series being estimated and must be adjusted to compensate for differences in content (definition and coverage) and geographic detail. Alternatively, if BEA were to conduct surveys of income recipients, the data provided could be precisely tailored to sub national income estimation in terms of content and geographic detail. However, because a large sample would be required to obtain statistically reliable data below the national level, the cost of the annual preparation of the estimates in comprehensive detail would be prohibitively high. Controls and the allocation procedure Because detailed geographic coding is not available for all source data and because more comprehensive and more reliable informa tion is available for the Nation than for States and counties, the estimates of personal income are first constructed at the national level. The subnational estimates are constructed as elements of the national totals, using the subnational data. Thus, the national estimates, with some adjustment for definition, serve as the “con trol” for the State estimates, and the State estimates, in turn, serve as controls for the county estimates. The State estimates are made by allocating the national total for each component of personal income to the States in propor tion to each State’s share of a related economic series. Similarly, the county estimates are made, in somewhat less component de tail, by allocating the State total. In some cases, the related series used for the allocation may be a composite of several items (for example, wages, tips, and pay-in-kind) or the product of two items (for example, average wages times the number of employees). In every case, the final estimating step for each in come estimate is its adjustment to the appropriate higher level total. This procedure is called the allocation procedure. (Be cause of the comprehensiveness of the subnational data used to estimate most components of wages and salaries and of transfer payments, which together account for about 75 percent of total personal income at the national level, the allocation procedure causes only minor changes to the State and county data for these components.) The use of the allocation procedure imparts the accuracy of the national totals to the State and local area estimates and al lows the use of subnational data that are related but that do not always precisely match the series being estimated. The use of this procedure also yields an additive system wherein the county estimates sum to the State totals and the State estimates sum to the national total. Place of measurement Personal income, by definition, is a measure of income received; therefore, estimates of State and local area personal income should reflect the residence of the income recipients. However, the data available for regional economic measurement are fre quently recorded by the recipients’ place of work. The data underlying the estimates can be viewed as falling in four groups according to the place of measurement. (1) For the estimates of wages and salaries, other labor income, and personal contributions for social insurance by employees, most of the source data are reported by industry in the State and county in which the employing establishment is located; therefore, these data are recorded by place of work. The es timates based on these data are subsequently adjusted to a place-of-residence basis for inclusion in the personal income measure. (2) For nonfarm proprietors’ income and personal contribu tions for social insurance by the self-employed, the source data are reported by tax-filing address. These data are largely recorded by place of residence, but the estimates based on them are presented—without adjustment—as part of both place-of-work earnings and place-of-residence earnings. In effect, the place of business of the proprietorship is assumed to be in the same county as the place of residence of the proprietor. When this assumption is incorrect, place-of-work earnings is more likely to be misstated than is place-of-residence earnings; it is the latter measure that is included in personal income. (3) For farm proprietors’ income, the source data are reported and recorded at the principal place of production, which is usually the county in which the farm has most of its land. Because most farm proprietors live on or near their land, the source data are assumed to be a valid representation of both place of work and place of residence. (4) For military reserve pay, rental income of persons, personal dividend income, personal interest income, transfer payments, and personal contributions for supplementary medical insurance and for veterans life insurance, the source data are reported and recorded by the place of residence of the income recipients Sources and Methods for the 1984-89 County Personal Income Estimates Wage and Salary Disbursements WAGE and salary disbursements are defined as the monetary remuneration of employees, including the compensation of cor porate officers; commissions, tips, and bonuses; and receipts in kind that represent income to the recipient. They are measured before deductions, such as social security contributions and union dues. The estimates reflect the amount of wages and salaries dis bursed during the current period, regardless of when they were earned. As shown in table A, wage and salary disbursements accounted for almost 59 percent of total personal income at the national level in 1989. Table A also shows the relative importance of the major industrial components of wages and salaries to total personal income. The following description of the procedures used in making the estimates of wage and salary disbursements is divided into three sections: Wages and salaries that are covered under the unemployment insurance (UI) program, wages and salaries that are not covered under the UI program, and wages and salaries that are paid in kind. Wages and salaries covered by the UI program The estimates of about 95 percent of wages and salaries are de rived from tabulations by the State employment security agencies (ESA’s) from their State employment security reports (form ES202). These tabulations summarize the data from the quarterly UI contribution reports filed with a State ESA by the employ ers subject to that State’s UI laws. Employers usually submit reports for each “county reporting unit”—that is, for the sum of all the employer’s establishments in a county for each indus try. However, in some cases, an employer may group very small establishments in a single “statewide” report without a county designation. Each quarter, the various State ESA’s submit the ES-202 tabulations on magnetic tape to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which provides a duplicate tape to BEA. The tabulations present monthly employment and quarterly wages for each county in Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) four-digit detail.3 Under the reporting requirements of most State UI laws, wages include bonuses, tips, gratuities, and the cash value of meals and lodging supplied by the employer. In making the wage and salary (and employment) estimates, BEA annually adds several million administrative records re ceived from the States and the District of Columbia to its database. Although these records are usually reviewed as they are 3. The ES-202 tabulations through 1987 reflect the 1972 SIC, and those for 1988 and 1989, the 1987 SIC. To maintain the continuity of the estimates, BEA converted the 1988 and 1989 ES-202 data to the 1972 SIC basis. BEA will convert its estimates to the 1987 SIC in a later estimating cycle. Table A.—Relative Importance to Total Personal Income of Wage and Salary Disbursements, by Component, United States, 1989 Millions of dollars Percent of total personal income Total personal income 1....................................................................... 4 ,367,401 100.00 Wage and salary disbursements2....................................................... 2 ,562,601 58.68 8,404 12,832 24,468 133,386 .19 .29 .56 3.05 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries..................................... 541,424 202,522 39,134 13,852 16,052 22,132 40,130 40,350 6,230 2,047 20,255 2,340 338,902 15,195 10,342 24,768 38,305 66,576 61,953 42,380 31,541 16,028 23,209 8,605 12.40 4.64 .90 .32 .37 .51 .92 .92 .14 .05 .46 .05 7.76 .35 .24 .57 .88 1.52 1.42 .97 .72 .37 .53 .20 Other transportation4..................................................................... Communication............................................................................. Electric, gas, and sanitary services................................................ 168,123 11,811 38,125 5,478 35,866 42,498 34,345 3.85 .27 .87 .13 .82 .97 .79 182,025 254,110 196,826 574,656 24,158 17,218 10,042 127,284 16,889 8,546 15,663 6,947 179,438 37,471 29,072 21,641 906 27,496 51,885 4.17 5.82 4.51 13.16 .55 .39 .23 2.91 .39 .20 .36 .16 4.11 .86 .67 .50 .02 .63 1.19 466,347 93,929 44,641 327,777 10.68 2.15 1.02 7.51 Farm Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other3......................... Chemicals and allied products................................................... Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products............................... Electric and electronic equipment............................................. Transportation equipment excluding motor vehicles.................. Motor vehicles and equipment.................................................. Stone, clay, and glass products.................................................. Wholesale trade................................................................................ Finance, insurance, and real estate.................................................... Hotels and other lodging places.................................................... Personal services........................................................................... Auto repair, services, and garages................................................. Amusement and recreation services.............................................. Museums, botanical, and zoological gardens................................. Government and government enterprises.......................................... Note.—Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. 1. Includes adjustments for border workers: Income of U.S. residents working across U.S. borders less income of foreign residents working in the United States. 2. Includes wages received by border workers employed in the United States. 3. Other includes wages and salaries of U.S. residents working for international organizations and for foreign embassies and consulates located in the United States. 4. Includes local and interurban passenger transit, transportation by air, pipelines (except natural gas), and transportation services. M -7 M-8 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME coded and processed by the State ESA’s, errors do occur. Con sequently, BEA has developed a number of computerized edit routines to locate major errors in the source data. For example, in one routine, county data for the current quarter are checked for invalid SIC four-digit codes, for duplicate records, and for records that contain no data. A quarter-to-quarter comparison is made between average quarterly wages and employment and absolute quarterly differences in total wages and employment. If either measure exceeds established parameters, it is identified for further review. Anomalies that remain unreconciled after this review are referred back to BLS for further investigation. The BEA estimates of wage and salary disbursements are made, with a few exceptions, at the SIC two-digit level. How ever, the availability of the ES-202 data in SIC four-digit detail facilitates the detection of errors and anomalies; this detail also makes it possible to isolate those SIC three-digit industries for which UI coverage is too incomplete to form a reliable basis for the estimates. In this case, the SIC two-digit estimate is prepared as the sum of two pieces: The fully covered portion, which is based on the ES-202 data, and the incompletely covered por tion, which is estimated as described in the section on wages and salaries not covered by the UI program. The ES-202 wage and salary data do not precisely meet the statistical and conceptual requirements for BEA’s personal in come estimates. Consequently, the data must be adjusted to meet the requirements more closely. The adjustments affect both the industrial and geographic patterns of the State and county UIbased wage estimates. The largest adjustment is the conversion of the wage estimates from a place-of-work basis to a place-ofresidence basis. The residence adjustment for wages (as well as for other labor income and personal contributions for social insurance) is discussed beginning on page M-21. Adjustment for statewide reporting.—Wages and salaries re ported for statewide units are allocated to counties in proportion to the distribution of the wages and salaries reported by county; the allocations for each State are made for each private-sector industry (generally at the SIC two-digit level) and for five gov ernment components (Federal civilian, State education, State noneducation, local education, and local noneducation). Adjustment for industry nonclassification.—The industry de tail of the ES-202 tabulations regularly shows minor amounts of payroll that have not been assigned to any industry. The industrial classification scheme used by BEA for its income es timates does not permit this not-elsewhere-classified category. Therefore, for each State, the amount of ES-202 payrolls in this category is distributed among the industries in direct proportion to the industry-classified payrolls. The amounts involved in this adjustment are quite small—about 0.2 percent of total payrolls nationally. No error is introduced into the total wage estimate for a county, because the adjustment involves only an apportionment within a county of the amount reported for that county. Misreporting adjustment.—This adjustment—the addition of es timates of wages and salaries subject to UI reporting that employers do not report—is made to the ES-202 data for all cov ered private-sector industries. At the national level, the estimate for each industry is made in two parts—one for the underreport ing of payrolls on UI reports filed by employers and one for the payrolls of employers that fail to file UI reports.4 The source data necessary to replicate this methodology below the national level are not available. Instead, the national adjustment for each in dustry is allocated to States and counties in proportion to ES-202 payrolls. Adjustments to government components.—Alternative source data are substituted for the ES-202 data when the latter series reflects excessively large proportions of Federal civilian payrolls that are not reported by county or of State government payrolls that are apparently reported in the wrong counties. In Minnesota, New York, and Wisconsin, the wages and salaries of the Postal Service are allocated to counties in proportion to the distribu tion of its employment as reported by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). In Virginia and Wisconsin, the wages and salaries of the Department of Defense are allocated to counties by OPM employment data. In Tennessee, the ES-202 data are the basis for the county estimates for the Tennessee Valley Au thority; the estimates for all other agencies are based on the OPM data. The county estimates of the education component of State gov ernment wages and salaries for all States are based on ES-202 data. However, the county estimates of the noneducation com ponent for six States (Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Wisconsin) are based on place-of-work wage data derived from an unpublished tabulation of joumeyto-work (JTW) data from the 1980 Census of Population; the geographic coding of the ES-202 data for this component appears to attribute too much payroll and employment to the counties of the State capitals. Adjustments for noncovered elements of Ul-covered indus tries.—BEA presently makes adjustments for the following noncovered elements: • Tips (in taxicabs, eating and drinking places, hotels, personal services, and amusement and recreation services); • Commissions received by insurance solicitors and real estate agents; • Payrolls of electric railroads, railroad carrier affiliates, and railway labor organizations; • Salaries of corporate officers in Washington State; • Payrolls of nonprofit organizations exempt from UI cov erage because they have fewer than four employees (in printing and publishing, miscellaneous manufacturing, credit agencies other than banks, real estate, holding and other in vestment companies, hotels, and membership organizations other than religious); • Wages and salaries of students employed by the institutions of higher education in which they are enrolled (in private ed ucation, State government education, and local government education); • Allowances paid to Federal civilian employees in selected occupations for uniforms; and • Salaries of State and local government elected officials and members of the judiciary. 4. Robert P. Parker, “Improved Adjustments for Misreporting of Tax Return Information Used to Estimate the National Income and Product Accounts, 1977,”S u r v e y 64 (June 1984): 17-25. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Except for tips, these elements are exempted from State UI coverage. Tips are covered by the various UI laws. BEA assumes that this form of income payment is considerably underreported, and it therefore makes additional estimates of tips in industries where tipping is most customary. National and State estimates of each of the noncovered ele ments are made (based on either direct data or indirect indicators). These estimates are added to the ES-202 payroll amount for the industry of the noncovered element to produce the final esti mates for that industry. Because of the lack of relevant data, county estimates are made by allocating the final State total by the distribution of ES-202 payrolls for the appropriate industry. Wages and salaries not covered by the UI program M-9 on employment by railroad company for selected metropolitan counties that account for approximately 75 percent of all rail road employment and for a residual of all other counties for each State. Employment for the years between the AAR reports is approximated by straight-line interpolation, and the most recent data are used for the subsequent year or years. Railroad wages for the selected metropolitan counties and for the State residu als are estimated as the sum of the products of employment by company for each area and of national average wages by com pany as reported by the Interstate Commerce Commission. This methodology is the same as that used to estimate railroad wages and salaries at the State level. The State residuals are allocated to counties by the 1979 distribution of railroad wages by county of work derived from the 1980-census JTW data. Eight industries are treated as noncovered in making the State and Private elementary and secondary schools.—In about one-half county estimates of wage and salary disbursements: (1) Farms, of the States, the UI coverage of this industry is complete enough (2) farm labor contractors, (3) railroads, (4) private elementary to permit the use of ES-202 data as the basis for the county wage and secondary schools, (5) religious membership organizations, and salary estimates. In the other States, the county estimates are (6) private households, (7) military, and (8) “other.” For all these based on the best available series chosen from (1) data on em industries except farm labor contractors, railroads, and “other,” ployment in private elementary and secondary schools published wages paid in kind are estimated separately from cash wages. by State departments of education, (2) employment data from the (See the section on wages and salaries paid in kind on page Department of Education’s 1980-81 survey of private elemen tary and secondary schools, or (3) relevant wage data from the M-10.) Census Bureau’s annual County Business Patterns. Farms.—BEA estimates of cash farm wages and salaries consist of the cash pay of hired farm labor and the salaries of officers Religious membership organizations.—UI coverage of this in of corporate farms. The farm wage estimates do not include dustry is inadequate, and alternative data at the county level the pay of contract farm labor, which is classified in agricul are not available. Therefore, the State estimates for the indus tural services. For most States, the State estimates of the cash try, which are assembled from fragmentary data, are allocated wages of hired farm labor, which are based on estimates pre to counties in proportion to the distribution of the civilian pared by the Department of Agriculture, are allocated to counties population. by distributions from the 1982 Census of Agriculture. For those States with near-complete UI coverage of farm employees (cur Private households.—For this largely noncovered industry, the rently Arizona, California, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island), county estimates of cash pay are based on place-of-work pri the county estimates are based on ES-202 data. The State and vate household wages from the 1980-census JTW data. This county estimates of the salaries of corporate officers are based methodology is the same as that used to prepare the State estimates. on the amounts reported in the census of agriculture. Farm labor contractors.—This industry is classified in agricul tural services rather than in farms. UI coverage in Arizona and California is complete enough to permit the use of the ES-202 data, but most State UI programs only partially cover this indus try. For these States, BEA makes an independent estimate of wages of contract farm labor and adds it to the ES-202 wages in agricultural services. The State and county estimates are based on the proportional distribution of expenditures for contract labor reported in the 1982 Census of Agriculture; the ES-202 amount for a county is substituted for the census-based estimate when the ES-202 amount is higher than the estimate. This substitution is made most frequently for Florida counties. Railroads.—The railroad industry is covered by its own un employment insurance program, which is administered by the Railroad Retirement Board, rather than by State UI programs. Suitable data for making county estimates of wages and salaries are not available from the Railroad Retirement Board. The prin cipal basis for the BEA county estimates of wages in the railroad industry is an employment series developed from biennial reports on employment in class I railroads prepared by the Association of American Railroads (AAR).5*These reports include information 5. Railroads are classified on the basis of a 3-year average of operating revenues. Class I railroads are those with revenues of $50 million or more. Military.—This category consists of the cash pay (including al lowances) of full-time military personnel and of the members of the military Reserves (including the National Guard). The county estimates of cash pay for full-time military personnel are based on county payroll estimates by branch of service prepared by the Department of Defense (DOD) and on the county distribution of Coast Guard military personnel prepared by the Department of Transportation. Independently derived national and State totals for each branch of service are distributed to counties on the basis of these series. If a military installation extends across county boundaries, the entire payroll is usually assigned to the county that contains the headquarters. State estimates of military reserve cash pay are based on direct data supplied by DOD. However, little information, direct or indirect, is available for estimating military reserve pay below the State level. The county distribution of military reserve pay is assumed to be in proportion to the distribution of the civilian population. “Other.”—In the State and local area personal income series, this category consists of the wages and salaries of U.S. residents em ployed by international organizations and by foreign embassies and consulates located in the United States. The category differs from “rest of the world”—the corresponding category in the na M-10 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME tional estimates of personal income—in that “rest of the world” also includes the net flow of the wages of international border workers—that is, U.S. residents commuting across the border to work in Canada and foreign residents working in the United States. In the State and local area estimates, the wages of border workers are reflected through the residence adjustment process. The State and local area estimates of “other” are made by allo cating the appropriate national totals for all years by an estimated geographic distribution of 1968 administrative expenditures of international and foreign organizations operating in the United States. This distribution was prepared by the Balance of Pay ments Division, BEA. Because of the absence of related data, the reliability of the estimates for this subcomponent of wage and salary disbursements, even at the national level, is low. How ever, the dollar amounts involved are so small that the effect on the reliability of the wage component, even at the county level, is negligible. Wages and salaries paid in kind The value of food, lodging, clothing, and miscellaneous goods and services furnished to employees by their employers as pay ment, in part or in full, for services performed is included in the wage and salary component of personal income and is re ferred to as “pay-in-kind.” In the national income and product accounts, pay-in-kind is depicted as a series of cash flows. For example, it is assumed that the employer, instead of furnishing free food directly to the employee, pays the employee a cor responding amount in cash and that the employee in turn uses this amount to buy food purchased by the employer. Therefore, the estimates of wages and salaries and of personal consumption expenditures are increased by equal amounts. If these imputa tions were omitted, the measures of personal income, personal consumption expenditures, and total output would all be under estimated. Moreover, the earnings of employees receiving part of their pay in kind would be understated when compared with the earnings of employees whose pay is all in cash. BEA’s county estimates of pay-in-kind are approximations. The lack of direct data and of reliable indirect data for the imputed transactions associated with pay-in-kind makes it vir tually impossible to produce a measure that is more than an approximation even at the national level. Providing goods and services in lieu of cash has become much less prevalent. Presently, pay-in-kind is found in nine industries: (1) Water transportation, (2) eating and drinking places, (3) hotels and other lodging places, (4) private hospitals, (5) elementary and secondary schools with religious affiliations, (6) religious membership organizations, (7) farms, (8) private households, and (9) the military services. BEA makes estimates of pay-in-kind for all but the first three industries. For these three, the State and county estimates of wages and salaries are assumed to include pay-in-kind because they are based on the ES-202 tabulations of payrolls. Accordingly, no additional estimates are made, al though total wages are probably understated in these industries as a result.6 For private hospitals, although the estimates are derived from the ES-202 tabulations, an estimate of pay-in-kind is made to reflect the food and lodging provided to student nurses and in terns and to members of religious orders working in hospitals but excluded from UI coverage. The State and county allocations of the pay-in-kind for private hospitals are based on the distribution of ES-202 employment data because of the lack of direct data. For elementary and secondary schools with religious affilia tions and for religious membership organizations, the estimates reflect the food, lodging, laundry, and miscellaneous items re ceived by the personnel who are members of religious orders. The State allocations of pay-in-kind for both industries are based on the geographic distributions of selected categories of Catholic clergy and members of religious orders; these distributions are published annually in the Official Catholic Directory.7 In the absence of more appropriate data at the county level, the county allocations for elementary and secondary schools are based on the distribution of employment, and those for religious membership organizations are based on the civilian population. For farms and for private households, the pay-in-kind estimates reflect the food and lodging provided to employees. For farms, the State estimates, which are based on Department of Agricul ture data, are allocated to counties in proportion to the number of hired farm workers who worked 150 days or more in a year as reported in the 1982 Census of Agriculture. For private house holds, the State and county estimates of pay-in-kind are based on place-of-work employment derived from the 1980-census JTW data. For the military services, pay-in-kind measures the value of the food and clothing received by enlisted personnel.8 The State es timates of pay-in-kind for full-time personnel are allocated to the counties by the geographic distribution of enlisted personnel for each branch of service as reported by the Department of Defense or by the Coast Guard. The State estimates of the pay-in-kind for the military Reserves are allocated to counties in proportion to the civilian population. Other Labor Income OTHER labor income (OLI) consists primarily of employer con tributions to private pension and welfare funds; these employer contributions account for approximately 98 percent of OLI. The “all other” component of OLI consists of directors’ fees, judicial fees, and compensation of prisoners. Employer contributions for social insurance, which are paid into government-administered funds, are not included in OLI; under national income and product account conventions, it is the benefits paid from social insurance funds—which are classified as transfer payments— that are measured as part of personal income, not the employer contributions to the funds. As shown in table B, OLI accounted for about 5.5 percent of total personal income at the national level in 1989. Employer contributions to private pension and welfare funds Private pension and profit-sharing funds, group health and life insurance, and supplemental unemployment insurance.—The larger part of the national estimates of employer contributions 6. State UI laws require employers to estimate (if applicable) the cash value of pay-in 7. (New York: P.J. Kenedy and Sons). The data are given by State and diocese. kind and to include the estimated cash value with cash pay when they report their payrolls. 8. Officers do not receive pay-in-kind. The clothing imputation is confined to “standard” However, because employers are not required to distinguish between the two types of pay in issues; it does not include clothing and equipment designed for use on special duties or under their reports, it is doubtful that many employers comply with the requirement of including unusual conditions. pay-in-kind. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Table B.—Relative Importance to Total Personal Income of Other Labor Income, by Component, United States, 1989 Millions of dollars Employer contributions to private pension funds and private welfare funds................................................................................. Private pension funds, group health insurance, group life insurance, and supplemental unemployment insurance.............. Privately administered workers’ compensation.............................. Percent of total personal income 4,367,401 100.00 241,622 5.53 236,829 5.42 203,860 32,969 4,793 4.67 .75 .11 Note.— Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. 1. Consists of directors’ fees, compensation to prisoners, and judicial fees. to private pension and welfare funds is developed from Inter nal Revenue Service tabulations of data from proprietorship and corporate income tax returns published in Statistics of Income. However, these data are not suitable for making the subnational estimates because most multiestablishment corporations file tax returns on a companywide basis instead of for each establish ment and because the State in which a corporation’s principal office is located is often different from the State of its other es tablishments. As a result, the geographic distribution of the data tabulated from the tax returns does not necessarily reflect the place of work of the employees on whose behalf the contributions are made. Employer contributions to private pension and profit-sharing funds are made mainly on behalf of private-sector employees; there are some private pension funds for Federal and State government employees, but most public employee pensions are provided through social insurance. Group health and life in surance are provided to most employees in both the public and private sectors. The supplemental unemployment insurance con tributions are made for private-sector employees only; they stem from contracts negotiated by an individual firm with its em ployees or their union, and they are heavily concentrated in manufacturing industries. For private-sector employees, the State estimates of employer contributions to private pension and profit-sharing funds, group health and life insurance, and supplemental unemployment insur ance are made, for all types of employer contributions combined, at the SIC two-digit level, the same level of industrial detail as the wage and salary estimates. The national total of employer con tributions for each industry is allocated to the States and counties in proportion to the estimates of wage and salary disbursements for the corresponding industry. The use of subnational wage esti mates to allocate the national estimates of employer contributions to private pension and welfare funds is based on the assumption that the relationship of contributions to payrolls for each industry is the same at the national, State, and county levels. The pro cedure reflects the wide variation in contribution rates—relative to payrolls—among industries (and therefore reflects appropri ately the various mixes of industries among counties). It does not reflect the variation in contribution rates among counties for a given industry. The Federal Government makes contributions to a private pen sion fund, called the Thrift Savings Plan, on behalf of its civilian employees who participate in the Federal Employees Retirement System (mainly employees hired after 1983). In the absence of direct data below the national level, the national estimate is al M-11 located to States and counties in proportion to the estimates of Federal civilian wages and salaries. State government contributions to private pension plans consist of annuity payments made by State governments on behalf of se lected employee groups—primarily teachers. The State estimates are based on direct data from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America/College Retirement Equities Fund. The county estimates are prepared by allocating the State estimates in proportion to the estimates of State and local government ed ucation wages and salaries. Local government contributions to private pension plans consist of large, nonrecurring payments made by four jurisdictions in 1985; these payments were assigned to the appropriate counties. In the absence of direct data below the national level, the national estimates of Federal, State, and local government con tributions to private welfare funds on behalf of their employees are allocated to States and counties in proportion to ES-202 employment data for each level of government. Privately administered workers’ compensation.—In estimating personal income, a distinction is made between publicly and pri vately administered workers’ compensation programs. The work ers’ compensation programs that operate through governmentadministered funds are a form of social insurance; accordingly, the benefits that the funds pay are recorded in personal income as a component of transfer payments. (See the section on gov ernment payments to individuals beginning on page M-16.) The employer contributions to the programs that operate through pri vately administered funds are recorded in personal income as a component of OLI. State all-industry estimates of workers’ compensation contri butions, exclusive of court-awarded benefits, are based on State data from the National Council on Compensation Insurance (for premiums paid to private insurance carriers underwriting work ers’ compensation) and from the Social Security Administration (for benefits paid by self-insured employers). The National In come and Wealth Division, BEA, prepares national estimates of workers’ compensation contributions by SIC two-digit industry. Preliminary State estimates of contributions by industry (based on the distribution of wages) are reconciled with the State all industry estimates and with the national industry estimates.9 The State estimates of employer contributions for workers’ compensa tion are completed by the addition of estimates of court-awarded payments to railroad workers—based on injury data from the Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation— and to maritime seamen—based on the State distribution of water transportation wages and salaries.10 In the absence of direct data at the county level, the State estimates of total employer contributions by industry for pri vately administered workers’ compensation funds are allocated to counties in proportion to the estimates of wage and salary disbursements by industry. 9. The reconciliation is made using a procedure in which elements of a two-dimensional matrix are alternately made to sum to geographic and industry control totals—through allocation—until the desired degree of balance is achieved. Usually only one set of control totals is designated as fixed, and this fixed set governs the final distribution. In this case, the national industry totals are the fixed set. 10. In the case of self-insured workers’ compensation plans and of court-awarded compensation for injury, benefits and employer contributions are identical. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME M-12 “AH other” OLI Directors’ fees.—Nationally, about three-fourths of directors’ fees occur in the finance, insurance, and real estate industries. For each SIC two-digit industry, the national estimates of direc tors’ fees are allocated to States and counties in proportion to the estimates of wages and salaries. Miscellaneous.—The remainder of OLI consists of judicial fees (mainly jury and witness fees) and compensation of prisoners. The combined national total of all miscellaneous segments is allocated to States and counties in proportion to the civilian population. Proprietors’ Income PROPRIETORS’ income is the income, including income-inkind, of sole proprietorships and partnerships and of tax-exempt cooperatives. The imputed net rental income of owner-occupants of farm dwellings is included. Dividends and monetary interest received by proprietors of nonfinancial business and rental in comes received by persons who are not primarily engaged in the real estate business are excluded; these incomes are included in dividends, net interest, and rental income of persons. Proprietors’ income, which is treated in its entirety as received by individuals, is estimated in two parts—nonfarm and farm. As shown in the table C, proprietors’ income accounted for more than 8.5 percent of total personal income at the national level in 1989. Nationally, nonfarm proprietors’ income is shown both with and without two adjustments: The inventory valuation adjust ment (IVA) and the capital consumption adjustment (CCAdj). The measure with the IVA and CCAdj is the measure of current production. In the context of nonfarm proprietors’ income, the IVA is needed because, under the accounting practices used by businesses to determine income as reported in the source data, inventories are often charged to cost of sales (withdrawn) at their acquisition cost rather than at their replacement cost; in periods of changing prices, this practice results in gains (or losses) on inventoried goods. The IVA is an estimate of the capital gain but Table C.—Relative Importance to Total Personal Income of Proprietors’ Income, by Component, United States, 1989 Millions of dollars Percent of total personal income 4,367,401 100.00 372,901 8.54 42,219 330,682 .97 7.57 Agricultural services, forestry, and fisheries.................................. 5,345 4,903 .12 .11 Construction.................................................................................. Manufacturing............................................................................... 47,650 8,145 1.09 .19 Transportation and public utilities................................................. 16,410 41,960 .38 .96 7,681 198,588 85,486 113,102 .18 4.55 1.96 2.59 P ro p rie to rs’ incom e 1......................................................................................... Professional and social services................................................ Note.—Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. 1. Shown with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. with the opposite algebraic sign; that is, the IVA is an estimate of the difference between the cost of inventory withdrawals as valued in determining income and the cost of withdrawals valued at replacement cost. Thus, adding the IVA to nonfarm propri etors’ income removes the capital gains, which is appropriate for a measure of current production. Analogously, the CCAdj is an estimate of the difference between depreciation as valued in determining income as reported in the source data and what is referred to as “economic” depreciation—depreciation on the basis of consistent accounting (uniform service lives and straightline depreciation) and valued at replacement cost.11 Neither adjustment is necessary for farm proprietors’ income, because the estimates for inventory change and depreciation are derived from sources that value these items at replacement cost in a manner consistent with national economic accounting. Nonfarm proprietors’ income Nonfarm proprietors’ income is the income received by nonfarm sole proprietorships and partnerships and by tax-exempt coop eratives. A sole proprietorship is an unincorporated business owned by a single individual. A partnership is an unincorpo rated business association of two or more partners. A tax-exempt cooperative is an unincorporated nonprofit business organization owned collectively by its members. At both the State and county levels, the estimates of the in come of nonfarm sole proprietorships and partnerships are based principally on data tabulated from their Federal tax returns for tax years 1981-83. The data were drawn from Internal Rev enue Service (IRS) form 1065 (for partnerships) and Schedule C of form 1040 (for sole proprietorships). The data used for the estimates are tabulations of net profit less loss (NPLL) and of gross receipts, by SIC two-digit industry, from the two forms combined. The geographic coding of the data is by tax-filing address, thus reflecting predominantly the place of residence of the income recipients. In the absence of a place-of-work series, it is a BEA convention to present the State and county nonfarm proprietors’ income estimates as if place of work and place of residence were identical. The national estimates of nonfarm proprietors’ income, which are also based on tax data, include several adjustments that can not be replicated subnationally because the necessary source data are not available. These adjustments are the IVA, the CCAdj, a defaulters’ gain adjustment, and an adjustment for income misreported on tax returns.12 The last adjustment (see footnote 4) has accounted for about one-half of total nonfarm proprietors’ in come in recent years. In the State and county methodologies, the misreported income adjustment is estimated explicitly for some industries; however, for most industries, all four adjustments are reflected implicitly in the State and county estimates through their inclusion in the national totals that are allocated to States and to counties. The State methodology (described in State Personal Income (see footnote 1)) and the county methodology are similar, but source data problems—which tend to be more acute for counties than for States—require that less direct source data be used more 11. For a more detailed discussion, see “The National Income and Product Accounts of the United States: Revised Estimates, 1929-74,”S u r v e y o f C u r r e n t B usiness 56 (January 1976): Part I; and Allan H. Young, “New Estimates of Capital Consumption Allowances in the Benchmark Revision of GNP,” S u r v e y 55 (October 1975): 14. 12. A business loan default, as distinguished from the business losses that may have led to it, has no effect on national income; it is a loss to the creditor that is offset by a gain attributed to the borrowing defaulter. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME frequently for counties than for States. The NPLL data at the county level are highly volatile for many industries; this volatility indicates that these data are unreliable. The gross receipts data for manufacturing industries have also proved to be unreliable at the county level. The estimates for 14 nonmanufacturing industries (out of a to tal of 64 SIC two-digit industries) together usually account for more than 80 percent of total nonfarm proprietors’ income. The 1981-83 State estimates for these industries were allocated to counties in two pieces: (1) The estimates excluding the misreported income adjustment and (2) the estimates of the adjustment. The State estimates excluding the adjustment were allocated to counties in proportion to the distribution of NPLL.13 However, NPLL is not an appropriate basis for the regional distribution of the misreported income adjustment, because NPLL is reduced by the tax evasion that the adjustment largely reflects. Therefore, gross receipts, a measure of the general level of activity of pro prietors by industry and county, was used for the allocation of the adjustment. The State estimates for an additional 26 nonman ufacturing industries that together usually account for less than 15 percent of nonfarm proprietors’ income were also allocated to counties in proportion to the gross receipts series. The 1983 county estimates for these 40 industries—except for two seg ments of health services—were extrapolated to 1984-87 by the relative change in the number of small firms by industry reported in County Business Patterns. The 1983 estimates for physicians and dentists were extrapolated to 1984—87 by the relative change in the number of nonhospital practitioners as reported in publi cations of the American Medical Association and the American Dental Association. The 1988-89 estimates for each of the 40 industries reflect the county distributions of the 1987 estimates. In the absence of reliable direct data, the State estimates for each of the 21 manufacturing industries are allocated to coun ties in proportion to the estimates of wages and salaries for each industry. This methodology is admittedly weak; for example, it attributes too much income to counties with large manufacturing plants owned by corporations. However, the amount of propri etors’ income in manufacturing is so small (in most years, less than 2 percent of the all-industry total) that no significant error is imparted either to the county earnings total for an industry or to county total nonfarm proprietors’ income. For the three remaining industries, limited partners’ income presents a special estimating problem. In these industries—crude petroleum and natural gas extraction, real estate, and holding and other investment offices—limited partnerships are often used as tax shelters. Limited partners’ participation in partnerships is of ten purely financial; their participation more closely resembles that of stockholder-investors than that of working partners. Ac cordingly, the usual assumption about residence—that the county from which the partnership files its tax return is the same as the residence of the partners—is unsatisfactory. No direct data on the income of these partners by their place of residence are available. The State estimates of proprietors’ income for these industries are allocated to counties in the same proportion as div idends received by individuals (based on all-industry dividends reported on IRS form 1040). This procedure is essentially the same as that used to allocate the national estimates for these three industries to States. Collectively, the estimates of these indus 13. The 14 industries for which NPLL data are used are agricultural services, general build ing contractors, special trade contractors, motor freight and warehousing, wholesale trade, auto dealers, miscellaneous retailers, insurance agents, and 6 service industries (personal, business, auto repair, health, legal, and miscellaneous). M-13 tries, which accounted for -0 .9 percent of nonfarm proprietors’ income for the Nation in 1989, have little effect on county total nonfarm proprietors’ income. (Negative estimates for real estate and investment offices more than offset the positive estimate for oil and gas extraction.) However, the State and county distribu tion imparted to these industries—which is independent of actual industrial activity-—can have a substantial effect on the county earnings totals for these three industries. The estimates of the net income of rural telephone and electric cooperatives are prepared separately from the remainder of their respective industries (communications and electric, gas, and sani tary services). The county estimates are based on the net margins (that is, profits) and the county distributions of the dwellings of customer-members of each cooperative as reported by the Rural Electrification Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The net margin of each cooperative is allocated to coun ties by the distribution of its customer-members. The allocated amounts for the cooperatives are then summed to county totals by industry, which are used to allocate the State estimates of net income to counties. The estimates of nonfarm proprietors’ income are completed by adding adjustments for losses caused by disasters, such as hurricanes and riots. Information obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency is used to attribute the na tional adjustment for each disaster to the appropriate States and counties. Farm proprietors’ income The estimation of farm proprietors’ income starts with the com putation of the realized net income of all farms, which is derived as farm gross receipts less production expenses. This measure is then modified to reflect current production through a changein-inventory adjustment and to exclude the income of corporate farms and salaries paid to corporate officers. Tables showing the derivation of State and county farm proprietors’ income in detail (see Appendix B of volume 1) are available from the Regional Economic Information System. The concepts underlying the national and State BEA estimates of farm income are generally the same as those underlying the national and State farm income estimates of the USDA. The major definitional difference between the two sets of estimates relates to corporate farms. The USDA totals include net in come of corporate farms, whereas the BEA personal income series, which measures farm proprietors’ net income, by defini tion excludes corporate farms. Additionally, BEA classifies the salaries of officers of corporate farms as part of farm wages and salaries; USDA treats the corporate officers’ salaries as returns to corporate ownership and as part of the total return to farm operators. Further differences between the two sets of estimates relate to depreciation and to loan defaults. BEA adjusts USDA deprecia tion from a declining-balance basis to a straight-line basis to be consistent with BEA estimates for other industries. The default ers’ gain adjustment (see footnote 12) is added to USDA farm income in the derivation of BEA farm income. The State control totals for the BEA county estimates of farm proprietors’ income are taken from the component detail of the USDA State estimates, which are modified to reflect BEA definitions and to include interfarm intrastate sales. The methods used to estimate farm proprietors’ income at the county level rely heavily on data obtained from the 1974, 1978, M-14 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME and 1982 censuses of agriculture and on selected annual county data prepared by the State offices affiliated with the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), USDA. The NASS data are used, wherever possible, to interpolate and extrapolate to non census years. In addition, data from other sources within USDA, such as the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, are used to prepare a fairly detailed income and expense statement covering all farms in each State and county (see Appendix B of volume 1). For census years, BEA prepares county estimates of 46 compo nents of gross income and 13 categories of production expenses. For intercensal and postcensus years, the component detail of the estimates for each State is adapted to take advantage of the best annual county data available for the State. Farm gross income.—Gross income includes estimates for the following items: (1) The cash receipts from farm marketing of crops and livestock (in component detail); (2) the income from other farm-related activities, including recreational services, for est products, and custom-feeding services performed by farm operators; (3) the gain to farm operators from loan defaults; (4) the payments to farmers under several government payment pro grams; (5) the value of farm products produced and consumed on farms (called home consumption); (6) the gross rental value of farm dwellings; and (7) the value of the net change in the physical volume of farm inventories of crops and livestock.14 Cash receipts from marketing is the most important component of farm gross income. The USDA generally has annual produc tion, marketing, and price data available for preparing the State estimates for about 150 different commodities. However, annual county estimates of cash receipts—usually for total crops and for total livestock—are currently available for only 19 States.15 For the other States, the USDA State estimates of cash receipts from the marketing of individual commodities are summed into the 13 crop and 5 livestock groups for which value-of-sales data are reported by county in the censuses of agriculture. The ag gregates for the census years are then allocated by the related census county distributions. Estimates for intercensal years are based on supplemental county estimates of annual production of selected field crops and on State season average prices available from the NASS State offices, or they are calculated by straightline interpolation between the census years and adjusted to State USDA levels. The county estimates of the income from other farm-related activities and of the adjustment for the gain from loan defaults are prepared jointly. The BEA State defaulters’ gain estimates are based on farm loan chargeoff data from the Federal Reserve Board and the Farm Credit System. These estimates are summed with the USDA State estimates of the income from farm-related activities to derive a single set of State control totals, which are allocated to counties in proportion to census-of-agriculture data on the income from the farm-related activities. Tabulations of total government payments to farmers by county are available from the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service on an annual basis. 14. Recreation services income is received for providing facilities for fishing, hunting, camping, etc. 15. The States for which county estimates of cash receipts are currently available are Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Mis souri, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, and Wisconsin. No direct information is available by county for estimating the imputed income items—value of home consumption and gross rental value of farm dwellings. The county estimates of home consumption are made using the distribution of the number of farms reported in the censuses of agriculture to allocate the State estimates to the counties. Gross rental value is estimated using the distribution of the census-reported value of farm land and buildings to allocate the State estimates. The BEA and USDA estimates of total net farm income meas ure income from the current year’s production. To arrive at this level, income is adjusted by the value of the net change dur ing the year in farm inventories of livestock and crops held for sale. If farmers sell crops in the current year that were pro duced in prior years, cash receipts from marketing will overstate income from current production by the amount of sales from storage, the amount held in inventory will decline, and the value of the net change in inventories will be negative. Conversely, if farmers store more of current production than they sell from storage, cash receipts will understate income from current pro duction, the amount held in inventory will rise, and the value of the net change in inventories will be positive. In either case, the inventory change adjustment yields a measure of farm income reflecting current production. The value of the change in inventories by county is estimated for livestock and for crops. For those States reporting the num ber of cattle, swine, and sheep on farms by county on January 1, these data are incorporated into the allocating series used to dis tribute the State estimates of the change in livestock inventories. For the States for which livestock inventory data are unavailable, the county distribution of the number of livestock units on farms reported in the censuses of agriculture or interpolations between the census observations are used to allocate the annual State to tals. This procedure is also used to prepare estimates of the value of the change in poultry inventories. The value of the change in crop inventories is estimated by allocating the State totals to counties by annual crop production data from the NASS State offices, where available, or by census crop production data. Production expenses.—Production expenses for a number of items are estimated by county using direct allocators from the censuses of agriculture.16 Many expense items—including taxes, interest, and depreciation—are combined and then allocated on the basis of the “all other expenses” series reported in the 1974 Census of Agriculture but not in the 1978 and 1982 censuses. A set of provisional estimates of the major components of “all other expenses” was constructed for all 3 census years, based on indirect allocators drawn from the censuses. For example, de preciation and short-term interest were allocated by the value of machinery and equipment, and taxes and mortgage interest were allocated by the value of land and buildings. The 1974 county distribution of “all other expenses” was extended forward to 1978 and 1982 by the percentage changes in the county totals of the provisional estimates. The 1982 county distributions are used to allocate the State totals for each subsequent year. Adjustments for interfarm intrastate transactions.—Intrastate sales and purchases between farms are offsetting income and ex16. The following are the expense items: Purchases of feed, livestock and poultry, seed, fertilizer, agricultural chemicals and lime, and petroleum products; cash wages, perquisites, and contract labor expenses; machine hire and custom work; animal health costs; and ail other expenses (mainly “overhead” items, such as taxes, mortgage interest, electricity, telephone, and depreciation). LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME pense items when State estimates are aggregated; consequently, the USDA excludes these transactions in its estimates of the cash receipts from marketing livestock and the expenses for livestock purchased. However, such transactions may not necessarily be intracounty transactions; therefore, BEA estimates such trans actions and distributes them among counties by two different allocators. Income is allocated by cash receipts for livestock, and expenses are allocated by value of livestock purchased. Adjustment to exclude the income of corporate farms.—By definition, farm proprietors’ income includes only the net farm income accruing to proprietorships and partnerships. The forego ing procedures produce a measure of the net farm income of all farms; therefore, an adjustment is made to exclude the net farm income of corporate farms (including officers’ salaries). The ad justment, made for each county where appropriate, is based on the ratio of noncorporate farm acreage to total farm acreage re ported in the censuses of agriculture. The adjustment ratio is multiplied by the estimate of the net income of all farms to derive the initial estimate of farm proprietors’ income for each county. The final county estimates of farm proprietors’ income are pre pared by allocating the State estimates in proportion to the initial county estimates. Personal Dividend Income, Personal Interest Income, and Rental Income of Persons DIVIDENDS are payments in cash or other assets, excluding stock, by corporations organized for profit to noncorporate stock holders who are U.S. residents. Interest is the monetary and imputed interest income of persons from all sources. Imputed interest represents the excess of income received by financial intermediaries from funds entrusted to them by persons over income disbursed by these intermediaries to persons. Part of imputed interest reflects the value of financial services rendered without charge to persons by depository institutions. The re mainder is the property income held by life insurance companies and private noninsured pension funds on the account of persons; one example is the additions to policyholder reserves held by life insurance companies. Rental income of persons (with capital consumption adjust ment (CCAdj)) consists of the monetary income of persons (except those primarily engaged in the real estate business) from the rental of real property (including mobile homes); the royal ties received by persons from patents, copyrights, and rights to natural resources; and the imputed net rental income of owneroccupants of nonfarm dwellings. The CCAdj is discussed in the prefatory statement of the proprietors’ income section. As shown in table D, dividends, interest, and rent accounted for more than 17 percent of total personal income in 1989. M-15 come tax returns.17 The estimates of interest paid by money market mutual funds, reported to the IRS as dividends, are based on the IMF dividends distribution. The estimates of interest and dividends for the years through 1987 are based directly on the IMF tabulations for those years. The estimates for 1988 and 1989 are based on the 1987 IMF data, which are the most cur rent data available. The 1988 and 1989 estimates will be revised when more current IMF data become available. The estimates of interest from municipal bonds are based on the State and county distributions of the number of high-income families and individuals from the 1980 Census of Population. The State estimates of the imputed interest from private noninsured pension funds are based on estimated employer contributions to private pension funds by State of employee resi dence. The county estimates are prepared by allocating the State estimates in proportion to taxable monetary interest. Both the State and county estimates of all other imputed interest reflect the geographic distribution of taxable monetary interest. Rental income of persons Monetary rent.—The rental income component of personal in come is a net measure of rent. State-level data for the net rental income of persons are available from the IRS; however these data are subject to large sampling errors for the less populous States, and the sum of these State data accounts for only 25 percent (or less) of the national BEA estimate of monetary rent. Although the IMF tabulations include only gross rent, they are prepared from the entire file of individual income tax returns, and therefore, they are not subject to sampling error. The national estimates of monetary rent, inclusive of the CCAdj, are allocated to States and counties in proportion to gross rent reported in the IMF county tabulations. Adjustments are made to reflect decreases in rental income that result from damage to real estate caused by disasters, such as hurricanes and riots. These adjustments are based on data obtained from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Royalties.—The State estimates of royalties are based on the State distribution of royalties reported in the IRS series Statistics of Income. Because data on the county distribution of royalties 17. The State estimates of dividends and monetary interest are made for receipts by indi viduals, receipts by nonprofit institutions, and receipts by fiduciaries. The IMF data are used only for receipts by individuals. The county estimates are made for these items combined. Table D.—Relative Importance to Total Personal Income of Personal Dividend Income, Personal Interest Income, and Rental Income of Persons, by Component, United States, 1989 Millions of dollars Percent of total personal income 4,367,401 100.00 765,847 17.54 Personal dividend income, personal interest income, a n d rental 114,434 2.62 Personal dividend income and personal interest income 643,167 390,970 252,197 14.73 8.95 5.77 The State and county estimates of dividends and monetary inter est, except for the interest from municipal bonds, are based on the Internal Revenue Service (1RS) Individual Master File (IMF) tabulations of dividends and interest reported on individual in 8,246 35,678 -27,432 -.63 Note.—Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. 1. Shown with the capital consumption adjustment. .19 .82 M-16 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME are not available, the State totals are allocated by the county estimates of monetary interest. Imputed rent.—State and county estimates of nonfarm imputed net rent are prepared in two parts: Owner-occupied mobile homes and all other owner-occupied nonfarm dwellings. (Imputed rent for farm dwellings is classified with farm proprietors’ income.) State and county estimates of imputed rent for owner-occupied mobile homes are made by allocating the national total, inclusive of the CCAdj, for each year by the geographic distribution of the number of mobile homes and trailers reported in the 1980 Census of Housing. (The proportion of trailers to mobile homes is too small to affect the distribution.) County estimates of imputed rent for all other owner-occupied dwellings are prepared by allocating the State totals, inclusive of the CCAdj, by the estimated market value of owner-occupied, single-family nonfarm dwellings. The estimated market value was derived separately for each county as the product of the number of owner-occupied, single-family nonfarm dwellings and the related median value reported in the 1980 Census of Housing. The State-level methodology is a similar allocation of the national total, but it also includes data for census regions from the biennial American Housing Survey, available most recently for 1987. As is the case with the estimates of monetary rent, the State and county estimates of imputed rent reflect adjustments for major disasters. Transfer Payments TRANSFER payments are payments to persons, generally in monetary form, for which they do not render current services. As a component of personal income, they are payments by gov ernment and business to individuals and nonprofit institutions. (Transfer payments from foreigners are netted against similar transfers to foreigners and entered in the national income and product accounts as part of personal outlays.) At the county level, approximately 75 percent of total transfer payments are estimated on the basis of directly reported data. The remaining 25 percent are estimated on the basis of indirect, but generally reliable, data. As shown in table E, transfer payments accounted for al most 15 percent of total personal income at the national level in 1989. For the county estimates, approximately 50 sub components of transfer payments are independently estimated. For organizational convenience, they may be cross-classified by source—government or business—and by type of recipient. Ta ble E shows three major classifications: Government payments to individuals, payments to nonprofit institutions from both govern ment and business, and business payments to individuals; it also shows the estimates for about 30 subclassifications (major sub components or groups of smaller subcomponents) that make up these major classifications. In addition, table E shows the relative importance of each item to total personal income. A table similar to table E—-with data for 1969-89 but without percent of total personal income—is available for all States and counties from the Regional Economic Information System (see Appendix B of volume 1). This section is arranged to follow the order in table E. It briefly explains each estimated item of transfer payments and describes how it is estimated for the county personal income series. Government Payments to Individuals Retirement and disability insurance benefit payments Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) pay ments.—These payments, popularly known as social security, consist of the total cash benefits paid during the year, includ ing monthly benefits paid to retired workers, dependents, and survivors and special payments to persons 72 years of age and over; lump-sum payments to survivors; and disability payments to workers and their dependents. The State estimates of each OASDI segment are based on Social Security Administration (SSA) tabulations of calendar year payments. The county es timates of total OASDI benefits are based on SSA tabulations of the amount of monthly benefits paid to those in currentpayment status on December 31, by county of residence of the beneficiaries. Table E.—Relative Importance to Total Personal Income of Transfer Payments, by Component, United States, 1989 illions of dollars Percent of total personal income Total personal incom e.................................................................................. 4,367,401 100.00 T ra n sfe r paym ents......................................................................................... 637,134 14.59 Government payments to individuals............................................. Retirement and disability insurance benefit payments................ Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance payments........... Railroad retirement and disability payments........................... Federal civilian employees retirement payments..................... Military retirement payments.................................................. State and local government employee retirement payments.... Workers’ compensation benefits............................................. Other government disability insurance payments *1.................. Medical payments23.................................................................... Income maintenance benefit payments....................................... Supplemental security income (SSI) payments........................ Aid to families with dependent children................................. Food stamps........................................................................... Other income maintenance 8................................................... Unemployment insurance benefit payments................................ State unemployment compensation......................................... Unemployment compensation of Federal civilian employees... Unemployment compensation of railroad employees.............. Unemployment compensation of veterans.............................. Other unemployment compensation45...................................... Veterans benefit payments......................................................... Veterans pension and disability benefit payments.......... ........ Educational assistance to veterans, dependents, and survivors Veterans life insurance benefit payments............................... Other assistance to veterans6.................................................. Federal education and training assistance payments (other than for veterans)7...................... .................................................. Other government payments to individuals8.............................. 592,968 334,810 227,348 6,956 29,882 20,682 39,530 7,067 3,345 164,962 54,253 14,949 17,958 12,191 9,155 14,838 14,314 188 91 107 138 17,203 14,791 527 1,846 39 13.58 7.67 5.21 .16 .68 .47 .91 .16 .08 3.78 1.24 .34 .41 .28 .21 .34 .33 0 0 0 0 .39 .34 .01 .04 0 5,938 964 .14 .02 Payments to nonprofit institutions.................................................. Federal Government payments................................................... State and local government payments9....................................... Business payments..................................................................... 19,560 4,071 7,698 7,791 .45 .09 .18 .18 Business payments to individuals 10............................................... 24,606 .56 Note.—Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. 1. Includes temporary disability payments and black lung disability payments. 2. Consists of medicare payments, medical vendor payments, and CHAMPUS payments. 3. Consists of general assistance, emergency assistance, foster care payments, earned income tax credits, and low-income energy assistance. 4. Includes trade adjustment assistance payments. 5. Includes veterans readjustment benefit payments and educational assistance to spouses and children of disabled or deceased veterans. 6. Includes payments to paraplegics, payments for autos and other conveyances for disabled veterans, veterans aid, and veterans bonuses. 7. Includes Federal fellowship payments (National Science Foundation fellowships and traineeships, subsistence payments to State maritime academy cadets, and other Federal fellowships), interest payments on guaranteed student loans, higher education student assistance, and Job Corps payments. 8. Consists of Bureau of Indian Affairs payments, education exchange payments, compensation of survivors of public safety officers, compensation of victims of crime, compensation of victims of Hurricane Hugo and the Loma Prieta Earthquake, and Alaska Permanent Fund payments. 9. Consists of foster care payments to institutions, educational assistance payments, and payments for employment and training. 10. Consists of auto liability payments for personal injury, medical malpractice liability payments, railroad and miscellaneous liability payments, consumer bad debts, cash prizes, losses due to forgery and to unrecovered thefts from business, and pension benefits guaranteed by the revolving fund of the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Railroad retirement and disability payments.—This item repre sents payments to retired and disabled railroad employees and their survivors under the provisions of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937. The State and county estimates are based on tab ulations of the benefits disbursed by the Railroad Retirement Board. Federal civilian employee retirement and disability payments.— This component consists of payments made to former Federal Government employees or survivors of employees covered by the civil service retirement and disability fund, by special con tributory and noncontributory retirement systems (for example, for the Foreign Service, Federal Reserve Board, and Tennessee Valley Authority), or by the Basic Benefit Plan of the Federal Em ployees Retirement System (established in 1987). The national estimate for all these systems combined is allocated to States and counties in proportion to 1 month’s payments data provided each year by the Office of Personnel Management. The data used for the county allocation are tabulations by ZIP Code area, which are summed to counties by BEA. Military retirement payments.—This component reflects the pay ments received by retired military personnel, including Coast Guard retirees. The national estimate for all services combined is allocated to States and counties in proportion to 1 month’s payments data provided each year by the Department of Defense. The data used for the county allocation are tabulations by ZIP Code area, which are summed to counties by BEA. State and local government employee retirement payments. — Retirement payments to former State and local government em ployees and their survivors, including lump-sum payments and withdrawals, now represents a larger share of personal income than retirement payments to former Federal civilian employees and their survivors. In the absence of payments data below the State level, the State estimates are allocated to counties in pro portion to the estimates of State and local government wage and salary disbursements adjusted to a place-of-residence basis. Workers’ compensation payments.—Benefit payments from pub licly administered workers’ compensation insurance are from both the Federal and State levels of government. Federal Gov ernment employees are covered under the Federal Employees Compensation Act administered by the Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor. In the absence of pay ments data for local areas, State totals are allocated to counties in proportion to the estimates of Federal civilian wages and salaries adjusted to a place-of-residence basis. Benefit payments made from State-administered workers’ compensation funds to both public and private employees in clude payments made in States where workers’ compensation insurance is exclusively State administered, in States where State-administered insurance for workers’ compensation is com petitive with private insurance, and in States having second-injury funds.18 Benefit payments disbursed from State workers’ com pensation funds are published in the Census Bureau’s annual State Government Finances on a State-of-work basis only. BEA adjusts these data to a place-of-residence basis for the allocation 18. Second-injury funds underwrite the risk of a subsequent work-related injury to an already handicapped worker. The liability of the employer of a handicapped worker is limited to the impairment resulting from the injury sustained during the present employment. The difference between compensation for the full impairment and the employer’s liability is paid out of the second-injury fund. M-17 of the national estimates to States. In the absence of direct data for local areas, the State totals are allocated to counties by the sum of the estimates of private and State and local government wages and salaries adjusted to a place-of-residence basis. Other government disability insurance payments.—This cate gory consists of temporary disability payments and black lung payments. Temporary disability payments are weekly cash benefits from State-administered programs paid to workers who are unem ployed because of nonoccupational illness or accident. Such programs are in effect in only four States: California, New Jer sey, New York, and Rhode Island. County estimates of benefit payments are made by allocating the State totals to counties in proportion to the distribution of the civilian population. Black lung payments are the monthly cash payments autho rized by the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1969 and paid to coal miners who are totally disabled by black lung disease (pneumoconiosis). Payments are also made to eligible survivors of miners whose deaths were caused by the disease. Persons whose eligibility was established before July 1973 receive their benefits from SSA; those whose eligibility was established later receive benefits from the Department of Labor. Both agencies provide payments data at the State level, but only the SSA pro vides county-level data. The State estimates of all payments are allocated to counties in proportion to annual SSA tabulations of benefit payments for June. Medical payments Medicare payments.—These are Federal Government payments made through intermediaries for care provided to individuals un der the provisions of the medicare program. County estimates of benefits received under the hospital insurance and supplemen tary medical insurance provisions of medicare are based on the dollar amounts paid as reimbursement for hospital and medical expenses as reported by the Health Care Financing Administra tion. Because these data lag, the State and county estimates for the most recent year reflect the previous year’s distribution. Medical vendor payments.—These are mainly payments made through intermediaries for care provided to individuals under the federally assisted State-administered medicaid program. Pay ments made under the general assistance medical programs of State and local governments are also included. The county es timates are based on available payments data from the various State departments of social services. For States where no county data are available, the county estimates are based on the distribu tion of payments made under the aid to families with dependent children program. CHAMPUS payments.—These are payments made under the Civilian Health and Medical Plan of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) program for the medical treatment of dependents of active duty military personnel and retired military personnel and their dependents. Only treatment at nonmilitary medical fa cilities is covered. Payments data are not available below the State level; the county estimates are based on the distribution of military retirement payments. M-18 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Income maintenance benefit payments Supplemental security income (SSI) payments.—This compo nent consists of payments to the aged, blind, and disabled by both the Federal and State governments under the provisions of Title XVI of the Social Security Act. The State estimates are based on SSA State tabulations of annual disbursements for two categories of SSI benefits: Basic Federal payments and supple mental State payments. At the county level, the estimates are based on payments data reported by the SSA. Aid to families with dependent children (AFDC).—This Stateadministered program receives Federal matching funds to provide payments to needy families. The State estimates are based on unpublished quarterly payments data provided by the SSA. The county estimates are prepared from payments data provided by the various State departments of social services. Food stamps.—These benefits are measured as the value of the food stamps issued to qualifying low-income households to sup plement their power to purchase food. Eligibility is determined by the State authorities’ interpretation of Federal regulations; the Department of Agriculture pays 100 percent of the cost of the stamps and 50 percent of the administrative expenses. The State and county estimates are based on Department of Agriculture county tabulations of the value of the distributed stamps. Other income maintenance payments.—These are payments for general assistance, emergency assistance, foster home care, earned income tax credits, and energy assistance. General assistance is aid furnished by State or local gov ernments to low-income individuals or families who do not qualify for help under federally supported programs. The Federal Government does not participate in either funding or regulat ing this program. The State and county estimates for all years are prepared from payments data provided by the various State departments of social services. Emergency assistance is a program extending assistance to families with at least one child who are not covered by AFDC. Each family is eligible only once every 12 months, and the cov erage is for a maximum of 30 days. The program is optional for each State; currently, about one-half of the States have these programs. The State estimates are based on unpublished data provided by the SSA. County payments data, available from the various State departments of social services, form the basis for the county estimates in most of the States providing emergency assistance. For the other States, the State totals are allocated to counties in proportion to the distribution of general assistance payments. Foster care payments are made by State and local governments to families caring for foster children. The State estimates are allocated to counties in proportion to the civilian population. Earned income tax credit, which may be claimed by lowincome workers with minor children, is measured as a transfer payment component as the excess of the tax credit over the Federal income tax liability. Eligibility for the tax credit is deter mined by the size of the adjusted gross income or earned income and by certain household characteristics. The State estimates are derived from IRS tabulations of the amount of payments disbursed to the residents of each State. Similar data are not available for local areas. County estimates are made by allocat ing the State estimates by county distributions derived from the 1980 census data on earnings of families in poverty status. Energy assistance payments provide both cash payments to needy households and vendor payments to suppliers to help de fray the cost of home heating, cooling, and weatherization. The energy assistance programs are federally funded but are admin istered by the States. The State estimates are based on payments data published by the SSA. The county estimates are based on energy assistance payments as reported by the various State de partments of social services or, for States not providing such reports, on the county distribution of SSI enrollment. Unemployment insurance benefit payments State unemployment compensation.—These are the cash bene fits, including special benefits authorized by Federal legislation for periods of high unemployment, from State-administered un employment insurance (UI) programs. (The State-administered Federal unemployment compensation programs for Federal civil ian employees and for veterans are treated separately because local area payments data for these programs are either reported separately by the State employment security agencies (ESA’s) or are not available.) The provisions governing the eligibility, timing, and amount of benefit payments vary among the States. Federal standards for benefits were not incorporated into the Federal-State system as they were for coverage and financing. State totals are allocated to counties by payments data supplied by the State ESA’s. Most States report benefits directly by county, but a few report by local district office. In the latter case, local district office data are distributed among the counties within the jurisdiction of the local district office in proportion to the annual average number of unemployed persons estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). When the State is unable to supply the county data in time to meet the publication deadline, a prelimi nary set of estimates is made and is revised the following year to incorporate the delayed county data. The preliminary county estimates are prepared by extrapolating the preceding year’s es timates forward by the change in the BLS estimate of the annual average number of unemployed persons. Unemployment compensation of Federal civilian employees. — The UI program for Federal employees is a Federal program administered by the State ESA’s acting as agents of the U.S. Government. The ESA’s in all States supply State data on un employment compensation paid to Federal employees, and the ESA’s in about one-half of the States now supply either county or local district office data. For the States that supply county data, these data are used to allocate State totals; for the States that supply local district office data, these data are distributed to the counties using the procedure outlined in the preceding section on State UI benefits. For the remaining States, BEA residenceadjusted estimates of Federal civilian payrolls are used as county allocators. Unemployment compensation of railroad employees.—The rail road UI program is administered by the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). Under a Federal formula applicable throughout the Nation, benefits are paid to railroad workers unemployed because of sickness or lack of available work. The State estimates are based on payments data provided by the RRB. The county esti mates are made by allocating the State totals in proportion to the distribution of railroad wages and salaries. Unemployment compensation of veterans.—County or local dis trict office data on benefit payments under this program are LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME available from the ESA’s in about one-half of the States. These data are incorporated into the estimates using procedures similar to those described for State UI payments. For States not provid ing these data, the State estimates, which are based on payments data, are allocated to counties in proportion to the total veteran population.19 Trade adjustment allowances.—These are payments to workers who are unemployed because of the adverse economic effects of international trade arrangements. State and county estimates are based on calendar year payments data tabulated by “petition” (lo cation of plant). The tabulations are supplied by the Department of Labor, which administers the program. They are residence adjusted by BEA to approximate a geographic distribution based on place of receipt. Veterans benefit payments Veterans pension and disability benefit payments.—This item consists primarily of compensation to veterans for their dis abilities and payments to their survivors (including indemnity payments to survivors of veterans who were in the Armed Forces on or after June 27, 1950). The veterans of all wars and those with service-connected disabilities in peacetime are eligible for benefits. Veterans with nonservice-connected disabilities who are permanently and totally disabled and who meet specified income requirements are also eligible for benefits. The county estimates are prepared by allocating the State estimates by payments data provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). Educational assistance to veterans, dependents, and survi vors.—Educational assistance to veterans, referred to as “veter ans’ readjustment benefits,” are the educational allowances and subsistence payments made to veterans who served between Jan uary 31, 1955, and January 1, 1977. County estimates are made by allocating the State totals, which are based on DVA pay ments data, in proportion to the distribution of the veterans of the post-Korean-war period as reported by the DVA. In the absence of any direct data or of reliable indirect data at the county level, the State totals of educational assistance to spouses and children of disabled or deceased veterans, which are based on DVA payments data, are allocated to counties in proportion to the civilian population. Veterans life insurance benefit payments.—These are the claims paid to beneficiaries and the dividends paid to policyholders from the five veterans life insurance programs administered by the DVA. The county allocations of the combined payments of death benefits and dividends are based on the distribution of the veteran population. Other assistance to veterans.—County estimates of DVA pay ments to paraplegics and to disabled veterans for automobiles and other conveyances are based on the distribution of the vet eran population. State and local government payments in the forms of assistance to indigent veterans and of bonuses to vet erans are estimated by using the distribution of veterans of the post-Korean-war period to allocate the State totals, which are based on fiscal year data from the Census Bureau’s annual State Government Finances, to the counties. 19. The Department of Veterans Affairs periodically issues reports on the number of veter ans by place of residence and by period of service (broadly classified as World War I, World War II, the Korean war, etc.). BEA estimates the veteran population between the benchmark county distributions by using straight-line interpolation. M-19 Federal education and training assistance payments Federal fellowship payments.—This subcomponent measures only the small portion of a fellowship that is paid directly to the individual. The large portion that is paid directly to the school is classified as a transfer payment to a nonprofit institution if the school is privately administered or as a government grant-in-aid if the school is publicly administered. Estimates are made for the National Science Foundation (NSF) grants to outstanding science students, for payments to State maritime academy cadets, and for all other Federal fellowships. Estimates of the NSF grants are prepared from annual NSF tab ulations of the number of students receiving NSF fellowships by institution. The series for distributing the national estimates to States and counties are constructed by classifying the institutions by county and by summing the number of recipients to State and county aggregates. The county estimates of the Federal Gov ernment subsistence payments to cadets attending the six State maritime academies authorized by the Maritime Academy Act of 1958 are made by assigning State estimates, which are based on direct data, to the county in which each school is located. Be cause of the lack of direct data, the State and county allocations of all other Federal fellowships are based on the distribution of the civilian population. Interest payments on guaranteed student loans.—These are the payments to commercial lending institutions on behalf of individ uals who receive low-interest deferred-payment loans from these institutions to pay the expenses of higher education. The State estimates are based on Department of Education data on the num ber of persons enrolled in institutions of higher education. The county allocations are based on the distribution of the civilian population. Higher education student assistance.—These Federal payments, called Pell grants, provide support for the undergraduate educa tion of persons with low incomes. The State and county estimates of payments made under the program are based on tabulations of annual county payments, by location of institution, prepared by the Department of Education. Job Corps payments.—These are the monthly payments for the living expenses of economically disadvantaged persons between the ages of 16 and 21 who are enrolled in designated vocational and educational training programs. This category also includes adjustment allowances issued to trainees upon the successful completion of their training. The State estimates are based on Employment and Training Administration calendar year tabula tions of the amount of allowances and allotments disbursed to Job Corps enrollees. The county allocations are based on the distribution of the civilian population. Other government payments to individuals Compensation of survivors of public safety officers.—These are benefits from a Federal program that compensates the survivors of State and local government employees, such as police officers and fire fighters, killed in the line of duty. Through 1987, the benefit payment was a lump sum of $50,000 for each claim. In 1988, the payment was $100,000, and in 1989, it was $100,000 plus an allowance for the increase in consumer prices since 1988. Tabulations of the number of claims by city and State are avail M-20 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME able from the Department of Justice. The tabulations are used to allocate the national totals to States and counties. Compensation of victims of crime.—These are payments made either to crime victims or to vendors on behalf of crime victims under various State programs. Currently, about three-fourths of the States have instituted such programs, and the number is in creasing. The State estimates of total compensation are based on information gathered and provided by the Crime Victims Board of the New York State Executive Department. The county allocations are based on the distribution of the civilian population. Alaska Permanent Fund payments.—These are disbursements of dividends and interest to residents of Alaska from the Alaska Permanent Fund. The fund, which is derived from oil revenues, pays a portion of its net investment income to every Alaskan resident. The State estimate is based on the actual amounts paid that are supplied by the State. The borough and census area allocations are based on the distribution of the civilian population. Disaster relief payments.—These are payments to the victims of disasters, such as hurricanes and riots. The estimates for 1989 reflect relief payments made to the victims of Hurricane Hugo and of the Loma Prieta earthquake. The State and county es timates are based on data provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Other miscellaneous assistance payments.—These are benefit payments from the Federal educational exchange programs and from selected programs of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Depart ment of the Interior. In the absence of any direct data or of reliable indirect data, the county allocations of educational ex change payments are based on the total civilian population, and those of the other payments, on the distribution of the Indian population. Payments to Nonprofit Institutions These are payments made by Federal, State, and local govern ments and by business (corporate gifts) to nonprofit institutions. Federal Government payments for work under research and development contracts are excluded. The State and local govern ment portion includes payments for foster home care supervised by private agencies. No data for estimating payments to nonprofit institutions at the county level are available; the State estimates are allocated to counties in proportion to the civilian population. The State and county allocations of business payments to individuals except for consumer bad debts are based on the dis tribution of the civilian population. State estimates of consumer bad debts are made for retail trade, for selected services, for com mercial banks, and for all other businesses combined. County estimates are made only for total consumer bad debts because of the limited availability of county data. The county allocations are based on the distribution of retail sales reported in the 1982 Census of Retail Trade. Personal Contributions for Social Insurance PERSONAL contributions for social insurance are the contri butions made by individuals under the various social insurance programs. These contributions are excluded from personal in come by treating them as explicit deductions. Payments by employees and the self-employed (farm and nonfarm) are in cluded in this component. Also included are the contributions that are sometimes made by employers on behalf of their employ ees (that is, those customarily made by the employee that, under special arrangement, are made by the employer). These contri butions, although viewed as part of total earnings of employees, are not actually received by them. In the national economic ac counts, they are recorded as receipts of social insurance funds in the government sector. The employee portion covers contributions for old-age, sur vivors, and disability insurance (OASDI); hospital insurance (HI); State unemployment insurance (UI); railroad retirement in surance, temporary disability insurance; and Federal, State, and local government employee retirement systems. Contributions by the self-employed are made for OASDI and HI. Personal contributions also include premium payments for supplementary medical insurance (SMI) and veterans life insurance. Govern ment life insurance for veterans is classified as social insurance because the insurance program operates through a fund admin istered by the Federal Government. In contrast, government life insurance for Federal civilian employees is classified as a component of other labor income (employer contributions to pri- Table F.—Relative Importance to Total Personal Income of Personal Contributions for Social Insurance, by Component, United States, 1989* Millions of dollars Business Payments to Individuals These payments consist of personal-injury liability payments to individuals other than employees, consumer bad debts (that is, defaults by consumers on debts owed to business), cash prizes, unrecovered losses of cash and capital assets due to thefts from business, and pension benefits financed by the revolving fund of the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation. The availability of data for estimating these items at all three levels (national, State, and county) is extremely limited. The national estimates are of varying quality, and the validity of the estimates below the national level is questionable. However, ex cept for liability payments and consumer bad debts, the amounts involved are so small that their effect on the reliability of the transfer payments component of personal income is negligible. Percent of total personal income 4,367,401 100.00 212,117 4.86 177,164 158,523 18,641 4.06 Supplementary medical insurance contributions................................ Federal civilian employee retirement contributions........................... Railroad employee retirement contributions............. ........................ State and local government employee retirement contributions......... 12,805 4,367 1,163 13,156 800 .29 State unemployment insurance and temporary disability contributions.................................................................................. 2,662 .06 Less: Personal contributions for social insu ran ce................................... Contributions to old-age, survivors, disability, and hospital 3.63 .43 .10 .03 .30 .02 * Although personal contributions for social insurance are a deduction to arrive at personal income, the dollar amount and the percentages in this table are shown as absolute values to give an indication of the size of the personal contributions components being estimated. Note.— Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. 1. This total is as shown in Tables A-E, that is, total personal income is shown as the sum of the personal income components in those tables less personal contributions for social insurance. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME vate welfare funds) because the program operates through private insurance carriers. For self-employed individuals, contributions are paid along with their Federal income taxes. For employees, contributions to most social insurance programs are collected similarly to individ ual income taxes on wages and salaries; both the income taxes and the contributions are withheld at the source of disbursement. However, such taxes, unlike contributions, are counted as part of personal income—that is, as though they were first received by the employee and then paid to the government. This treatment of taxes is consistent with the overall definition of personal income as a before-tax measure. Admittedly, the difference in treat ment accorded withheld taxes and social insurance contributions is arguable. The State estimates of personal contributions for OASDI and HI made by civilians, for State and local government employee retirement, and for State UI and temporary disability insurance are based on direct data. The State estimates for all other per sonal contributions, including contributions for OASDI and HI made by military personnel, are based on pertinent indirect data. No direct data for personal contributions are available at the county level. In general, the State totals are allocated to coun ties by the appropriate wage and salary or proprietors’ income series. The following are exceptions to this general procedure: SMI payments are allocated by Health Care Financing Admin istration tabulations of the number of persons enrolled in the program; contributions for veterans life insurance, by the veteran population; and contributions made to State UI and temporary disability programs (applicable in only a few States), by the civilian population. M-21 ing the work.21* Similarly, BEA assigns the income of military personnel to the county in which they reside while on military assignment, not to the county in which they consider themselves to be permanent or legal residents. Thus, in the State and local area personal income series, the income of military personnel on foreign assignment is excluded because their residence is outside of the territorial limits of the United States. Three of the six major components of personal income are recorded, or are treated as if recorded, on a place-of-residence (where-received) basis. They are transfer payments; personal dividend income, personal interest income, and rental income of persons; and proprietors’ income. Nonfarm proprietors’ income is treated as income recorded on a place-of-residence basis be cause the source data for almost all of this part of proprietors’ income are reported to the 1RS by tax-filing address, which is usually the filer’s place of residence. The source data for farm proprietors’ income are recorded by place of production, which is usually in the same county as the proprietor’s place of residence. The remaining three major components—wages and salaries, other labor income (OLI), and personal contributions for social insurance—are estimated, with minor exceptions, from data that are recorded by place of work (point of disbursement). (The exceptions are wage and salary disbursements and OLI of reli gious membership organizations, military reserve pay, personal contributions for veterans life insurance and for supplemental medical insurance, and contributions by the self-employed for old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) and hospital insurance (HI).) Accordingly, adjustments are made to convert the place-of-work components to a place-of-residence basis. The sum of these components (wages plus OLI minus contributions) is referred to as “income subject to adjustment” (ISA). Residence Adjustment Residence adjustment procedure (excluding border workers) PERSONAL income is a “place-of-residence” measure of in come, but the source data for the components that compose more than 60 percent of personal income are recorded by place of work. The adjustment of the estimates of these components to a place-of-residence basis is the subject of this section. At the national level, place of residence is an issue only for bor der workers (mainly those living in the United States and working in Canada or Mexico and vice versa). At the State and county levels, the issue of place of residence is more significant.20 In dividuals commuting to work between States are a major factor where metropolitan areas extend across State boundaries—for example, the Washington, DC-MD-VA MSA. Individual com muting between counties are a major factor in every multicounty metropolitan area and in many nonmetropolitan areas. BEA’s concept of residence as it relates to personal income refers to where the income to be measured is received rather than to “usual,” “permanent,” or “legal” residence. It differs from the Census Bureau’s concept mainly in the treatment of migrant workers. The decennial census counts many of these workers at their usual place of residence rather than where they are on April 1 when the census is taken. BEA assigns the wages of these workers to the area in which they reside while perform The county residence adjustment estimates for 1981 and later years are based on those for 1980. The estimation of these ad justments can be more readily understood using the example of a two-county area comprising counties X and Y. The two-county example is easily generalized to more complex situations. For 1980, the initial residence adjustment estimate for county X (R A X) was calculated as total 1980 inflows of earnings to X from Y (IN X) minus total 1980 outflows of earnings from X to Y (OUTx): R A X = IN X - OUTx . The estimates of IN X and OUTx were prepared from industrylevel data. The share (ix) of total wages or OLI in a particular industry in Y that was earned by residents of X was used in the estimation of industry-level inflows to X. Analogously, the share (ox ) of wages or OLI in a particular industry in X that was earned by residents of Y was used in the estimation of industry-level outflows from X. Both ix and ox were calculated from joumeyto-work (JTW) data from the 1980 Census of Population on the number of wage and salary workers (w) and on their average 20. The meaning of resident in the context of measuring personal income refers not only to individuals but also to quasi-individuals. For the State and local area personal income 21. The convention of assigning the wages of seasonal migrant workers to the area of estimates, the “residence" of a nonprofit institution serving individuals, a private noninsured their employment is not observed for out-of-State workers in Alaska and for selected groups welfare fund, or a private trust fund is considered to be identical to that of its beneficiaries of border workers. The wages of these workers are assigned to their permanent place of because the income received by these entities is received on behalf of individuals. residence. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME M-22 earnings (e) by county of work for each county of residence:22 income earned in Y by residents of X total income earned in Y ( w x ,y ox X W X) y X Gx j y ' ) "E ^x,y X income earned in X by residents of Y — ----------------------------------------------total income earned in X W y fX X Gy^x' ) X Gy /X d“ i ^ x , x X GX ] X ^ (Where two subscripts are used, the first identifies place of res idence, and the second identifies place of work. For example, wx,y is the number of workers in a particular industry who lived in X but worked in Y.) Industry-level inflows to county X from county Y (inx) were derived by multiplying the inflow ratio by the income subject to adjustment in the particular industry in Y (isay); industry-level outflows from X to Y (outx) were derived by multiplying the outflow ratio by the income subject to adjustment in the particular industry in X (isax): inx = ix x isdy outx — ox x isax . Summing over all industries yields total inflows to X and total outflows from X: IN X -—^ ^ wdx OUTx = ^ 2 outx . (The use of uppercase letters indicates that the variable applies to all industries combined; the use of lowercase letters indicates that the variable applies to each industry individually.) The initial 1980 BEA estimates were modified in three situ ations. First, for clusters of counties identified as being closely related by commuting (mostly multicounty metropolitan areas), modifications were made to incorporate the 1979 wage and salary distribution from the 1980 Census of Population.23 These modi fications are needed because in numerous cases the 1980-census JTW data and the source data for the BEA wage estimates are inconsistently coded by place of work. (For example, the source data may attribute too much of the wages of a multi establishment firm to the county of the firm’s main office, or the geographic coding of the Defense Department payroll data and of the JTW data may attribute a military base extending across county boundaries to different counties.) The initial 1980 BEA place-of-residence wage and salary estimates were summed 22. Adjustment factors and gross flows were calculated separately for subcomponents of ISA. Wages and salaries and OLI were each classified by Standard Industrial Classification division for the private sector and by level of government (with a separate classification for Federal civilian and Federal military) for the public sector. Personal contributions for social insurance—for which private sector industry detail is not estimated by county—were classified into (1) the sum of nonmilitary OASDI and HI, railroad retirement, State unemploy ment insurance, and temporary disability; (2) military OASDI and HI; (3) Federal civilian employee retirement; and (4) State and local government employee retirement. Residence adjustment factors for the corresponding groups were calculated from the 1980-census JTW data. However, for intercounty commuting flows with few workers, a single all-industry adjustment factor was used for all ISA subcomponents. 23. The 1979 wage and salary distribution from the 1980 Census of Population reflects the residential distribution of the income recipients as of April 1, 1980, regardless of where they were living when they received the wages and salaries. to a total for each cluster.24 The BEA total for each clus ter was then redistributed among the counties of the cluster in the same proportion as the 1979 wage and salary distribution from the 1980 census. To facilitate the extension of the 1980 residence adjustment estimates to later years, the cluster-based modifications—derived as net additions to or subtractions from the initial residence adjustment estimates for each of the 1,287 counties—-were expressed as gross flows between pairs of coun ties within the same cluster. In the simplest case—a two-county cluster—the additional gross flow was assumed to be from the county with the negative modification to the county with the (exactly offsetting) positive modification. Second, modifications were made for selected noncluster adja cent counties if large, offsetting differences occurred between the initial 1980 BEA estimates and the census wage data for these counties. These adjacent-county modifications were expressed as gross flows in the same way and for the same reason as the cluster-based modifications. Third, modifications were made for eight Alaska county equiv alents (boroughs and census areas) to reflect the large amounts of labor earnings received by seasonal workers from out of State. The 1980-census JTW data reflect the “commuting” of many of these workers, and the initial 1980 residence adjustment estimates for a majority of the county equivalents did not require modifi cations. However, for eight county equivalents, the initial 1979 estimates yielded BEA place-of-residence wage and salary totals that were so much higher than the comparable census data that they could not be an accurate reflection of the wages of only the permanent residents.25 The excess amounts were removed by judgmentally increasing the JTW-based gross flows to the large metropolitan counties of Washington, Oregon, and California. For 1981 and later years, the 1980 estimates of total in flows (I N X) and outflows by industry (outx) are extrapolated.2627 Changes in intercounty commuting patterns are incorporated into the estimates by a ratio (C H R X) in which the numerator is de rived from BEA’s place-of-work measure of earnings ( I S A X) for all industries and the denominator is derived from an independent place-of-residence measure—wages and salaries reported by in dividuals to the 1RS (IRSX).27 The ratio for county X in year n {CHR?) is r m n _ IS A X/ISA ?980 x 1RS!} ¡ I R S '980' Total 1980 inflows to X are extrapolated to year n on the basis of CHRX and of the change in IR SX since 1980: IN ? = IN, 1980 1RS? .. 1 I R S ' 980 CHR? * ' 24. The 1980 BEA place-of-residence wage and salary estimates were derived as placeof-work wages and salaries plus net residence adjustment for wages and salaries. For the calculation of the net residence adjustment, only the gross flows for wages and salaries were used. 25. The 1979 residence adjustment estimates, although based mainly on the 1980-census JTW data, also reflect—at the appropriate one-tenth weight— 1970-census JTW data. 26. The gross flows that are extrapolated consist of those calculated with the 1980-census JTW data, those devised to express the cluster-based and adjacent-county modifications, and those derived from the Alaska out-of-State-workers modifications. To facilitate the preparation of the State estimates for the most current year of the annual series and for all years of the quarterly series, the outflows from a county to each county of workers’ residence are extrapolated separately. However, the inflows to each county from all other counties are combined and extrapolated as a single unit. 27. County tabulations of wages and salaries reported to the 1RS and recorded by tax-filing address are available to BEA with a 1- or 2-year lag. This series is extrapolated to the most current year by a set of equations that relate the change in 1RS county wages to the changes in BEA State and county place-of-work wages and to the change in county population. For the 1989 estimates, the 1RS data through 1987 were available. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME For each industry, 1980 outflows from X to Y are extrapolated to year n on the basis of CHRX and of the change in isax for the industry since 1980: out" = outl980 x lS a x v isa 198 0 X r rrp n The estimate of net residence adjustment for year n (the final estimate for the noncluster counties and the provisional estimate for the cluster counties) equals total inflows minus total outflows summed over all industries: RAnx = IN ? As a last step, the total place-of-residence ISA (ISA plus net residence adjustment) for each cluster is derived and then distributed to the counties of the cluster based on 1980 placeof-residence ISA extrapolated to later years by the percentage change in the IRS-based wage series. The net residence adjustment estimate for each cluster county is calculated as place-of-residence ISA minus place-of-work ISA. Residence adjustment procedure for border workers The term “border workers” refers to certain U.S. residents work ing in foreign countries and to foreign residents working in the United States. U.S. residents working abroad for U.S. firms or for the U.S. Government are not classified as border workers; their earnings are included in the measures of the earnings com ponents in the national income and product accounts (NIPA’s), but they are excluded from both the place-of-work and the placeof-residence measures of earnings in State and local area personal income. In the NIPA’s, the earnings of border workers are classified as receipts from or payments to the “rest of the world.” Con M-23 sequently, the “rest-of-the-world” account in the NIPA’s reflects the earnings of border workers in addition to the earnings of U.S. residents employed in the United States by foreign governments and international organizations. At the State and county levels, however, the earnings of bor der workers are reflected in the personal income series through the residence adjustment. In essence, border workers are interna tional commuters, and the treatment of their earnings is consistent with that of the earnings of commuters within U.S. boundaries. The national estimates of the earnings of border workers are drawn from the “rest-of-the-world” account. The national out flows of the earnings of Mexican and Canadian border workers are allocated to States and counties based on data provided by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice. The national outflow of the earnings of Caribbean farm workers is allocated to States based on Department of Labor data on num bers of authorized seasonal workers by State. BEA attributes the State totals to the counties that produce the crops for which the Caribbean workers are most frequently hired. The earnings of U.S. residents commuting to work in Canada are assigned to counties in Michigan and New York and to the New England States of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont based on fragmentary information provided by the Immigra tion and Naturalization Service. The New England portion is allocated to these three States and their counties based on em ployment in forest product industries in each border county. The small amount of “rest-of-the-world” earnings of U.S. residents working in the United Kingdom is divided evenly between New York County, New York, and Los Angeles County, California. Other groups of border workers exist, but they are not numerous enough for their earnings to be included in the “rest-of-the-world” estimates and the residence adjustment estimates. Technical Notes Industry classification The industry detail in which the estimates of earnings are pres ented is in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system established by the Office of Management and Budget. In the historical series of estimates available from BEA’s Regional Economic Information System, the estimates for the years 1975 forward are based on the 1972 SIC, and the estimates for the years before 1975 are based on the 1967 SIC. Per capita personal income This measure of income is the personal income of the residents of a given area divided by the resident population of the area. In computing per capita personal income for the counties, BEA uses the Census Bureau’s annual county population estimates, which are available through 1988. BEA prepared 1989 county popula tion estimates based on the Census Bureau 1989 State estimates and on the 1986-88 trend in the Census Bureau county estimates. Except for the college student population, which is measured as of April 1, the population is measured as of July 1. The local area per capita personal income estimates should be used with caution for several reasons. In some instances, an un usually high or low per capita personal income is the temporary result of unusual conditions, such as a bumper crop or hurricane. In other instances, the income levels of certain groups atypi cal of the resident population may cause a longer term high or low per capita personal income that is not indicative of the eco nomic well-being of the area. For instance, a major construction project—such as a defense facility, power plant, or dam—may substantially raise the per capita personal income of an area for several years because it attracts highly paid workers whose in come is measured at the construction site. This high per capita income is not indicative of the economic well-being of most of the residents of the area (or, in many cases, of the resident construction workers themselves, because they frequently send a substantial portion of their wages to their dependents living in other areas). Conversely, the presence of a large institutional population— such as that of a college or a prison—will tend to keep the per capita personal income of an area at a lower level because the residents of these institutions have little income attributable to them at these institutions. This lower per capita personal in come is not indicative of the economic well-being of most of the residents of the area (or, in some cases, of the institutional populations, because some of these populations, such as college students, typically receive support from their families living in other areas). The per capita personal income estimates can also be mislead ing in areas where population changes rapidly. Population is measured at midyear, whereas income is measured as a flow over the year; therefore, a significant change in the population of an area during the year, particularly if it occurs around midyear, can cause a distortion in the per capita personal income estimate. In counties where farm income predominates, additional con siderations should be taken into account. Farm proprietors’ income as measured for personal income reflects returns from current production; it does not measure current cash flows. Sales out of inventories are included in current gross farm income, but they are excluded from net farm income because they represent income from a previous year’s production. Additions to inven tories are included in net farm income at current market prices; therefore, farmers’ attempts to regulate their cash flows by ad justing inventories are not reflected in BEA’s farm proprietors’ income estimates. However, this regulation of cash flows by farmers extends their earnings cycles, so it helps them to sur vive losses or lowered income for 2 or 3 years. In addition, the per capita personal income of sparsely populated counties that are dependent on farming will react more sharply to vagarious weather, world market demand, and changing government poli cies related to agriculture than that of counties where the sources of income are more diversified. Comparison of personal income with other income measures Adjusted gross income and taxable income are IRS measures of income that are reported on individual income tax returns. The IRS income measures differ from BEA’s personal income in a number of ways. Personal income includes transfer payments and imputed income, whereas the IRS measures exclude all imputed income and most transfer payments. Personal income includes the income of quasi-individuals as well as individuals, whereas the IRS measures include only the income of individuals who file individual income tax returns. Personal income excludes realized capital gains, whereas the IRS measures include realized capital gains, which are both reportable and taxable on income tax returns. Money income—which is prepared by the Census Bureau for States, counties, and cities—also differs from personal income. Money income, unlike personal income, excludes im puted income, lump-sum payments other than those received as part of earnings, income received by quasi-individuals, cer tain in-kind payments—such as medicaid, medicare, and food stamps—and employer contributions to private welfare and pen sion funds. Money income includes—and personal income excludes—personal contributions for social insurance and in come from private pensions and annuities and from interpersonal transfers, such as child support. Money income is prepared de cennially on the basis of the “long-form” sample conducted as part of the census of population. The Census Bureau prepares postcensal estimates biennially, using IRS data and components of State and county personal income that are adjusted to a money income concept to extrapolate the estimate from the most recent census. The most current money income estimates are for 1987;28 28. A more detailed discussion is presented in Thae S. Park, “Relationship Between Personal Income and Adjusted Gross Income, 1987-88,”S u r v e y 70 (August 1990): 24-26. M-25 M-26 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME estimates for 1989 will be prepared from data collected in the 1990 Census of Population. BEA and the Census Bureau prepare per capita estimates of personal income and of money income, respectively. In addi tion to the differences in income definitions, differences in the methods of computation used may cause substantial differences between these two per capita measures. For example, the Cen sus Bureau computes 1987 per capita money income by dividing 1987 total money income by April 1988 total population, whereas BEA computes 1987 per capita personal income by dividing 1987 total personal income by July 1987 total population.29 Electronic edit procedures In making the county personal income estimates, BEA uses sev eral million administrative records annually. Although these records are usually encoded and processed by the agency admin istering the program that generates the data (thereby reducing the cost, in terms of time and labor, to BEA), there are still possibili ties for error in the data. Because it is not possible to verify each individual record or to accept the various administrative record files at their face value, BEA has developed several computerized edit routines to locate—either directly or through examination of preliminary estimates based on the source data—major errors in the source materials. At some stages of the estimating process, the data are arrayed in computer-generated tables that give the analyst a frame of reference for judging the quality of the data. At other stages, the data are screened by computer to flag items that exceed specified edit parameters for further review. For ex ample, the “average wage check” is used to screen the ES-202 data underlying the wage and salary series and its companion employment series. This routine flags the county wage and em ployment data for an SIC industry division when the year-to-year change in the implicit average wage for the industry division de viates excessively from the corresponding change in the implicit average wage for that industry division at the national level. When an important anomaly is discovered in the data and when it cannot be traced to an explicit error in BEA’s data-processing and estimating procedures, a question may be raised with the agency that supplied the source data. Alternatively, a substitute estimate is prepared from other source data. Interpolation and extrapolation In the context of the State and local area personal income es timates, interpolation and extrapolation procedures are used to extend State and county distributions for individual components for a given year to other years; statistical information on a par ticular type of income flow for States and counties is frequently better for benchmark years than for nonbenchmark years. Inter polation is used to derive estimates between benchmark years; extrapolation is used to derive estimates beyond benchmark years. “Straight-line interpolation” is the simplest, but least satisfac tory, procedure. It is based on the premise that any change between benchmark years has occurred in the same magnitude in each interim year. It might be used, for example, when county distributions of wages and salaries disbursed in a certain industry are available for years 1 and 4, but not for years 2 and 3. The 29. The Census Bureau uses this method because the income question in the decennial census requests the previous year’s income: In April 1980, the Census Bureau asked how much income was received in calendar year 1979. For consistency, this time relationship is maintained in the years between the decennial censuses. change in the data for each county is spread evenly to the interim years 2 and 3. Wages and salaries in thousands of dollars Year 1 (benchmark) County A ......................... County B ......................... County C ......................... Year 2 (interpolation) 28 34 74 Year 3 (interpolation) 34 43 81 Year 4 (benchmark) 40 53 87 46 62 94 The interpolated figures are then adjusted to State totals by allocation (not shown). A more satisfactory interpolation can be illustrated by assum ing the availability of employment data for the same industry in all 4 years. The first step is to compute average wages for years 1 and 4. Employment and average wages Year 1 Employment County A ......................... County C ......................... Year 4 Average wages in dollars 4 6 4 10 10 7,000 5,667 6,727 h Average wages in dollars Employment 11,500 6,200 9,400 Next, average wages for years 2 and 3 are derived by straight-line interpolation. Average wages in dollars County C ......................... Year 1 (benchmark) Year 2 (interpolation) Year 3 (interpolation) 7,000 5,667 6,727 8,500 5,845 7,618 10,000 6,022 8,509 Year 4 (benchmark) 11,500 6,200 9,400 Then the interpolated average wages for years 2 and 3 are mul tiplied by the employment data for those years to yield first approximations of wages. Employment and wage approximations Year 3 Year 2 Employment County A ......................... County C ......................... Wages in thousands of dollars 5 7 10 Employment Wages in thousands of dollars 4 9 9 43 41 76 40 54 77 Finally, the first approximations are adjusted to State totals by allocation (not shown). Extrapolation can be illustrated by assuming that, for the ex ample above, employment data are also available for year 5. Year 4 average wages are multiplied by year 5 employment to yield first approximations of year 5 wages. Wage approximations Year 5 Year 4 Average wages in dollars County A County B County C 11,500 6,200 9,400 Employment 5 12 9 Wages in thousands of dollars 58 74 85 The first approximations are then adjusted to the State totals by allocation (not shown). LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Disclosure avoidance BEA’s heavy reliance on the administrative record files of other government agencies makes it particularly important that BEA be aware of, and observe, the legal requirements established to safeguard the privacy of persons and firms by avoiding the dis closure of confidential information. BEA, like other statistical agencies, must balance its responsibility to avoid disclosure with its responsibility to release as much useful information as pos sible. This balancing has led to a policy of limiting release of estimates to the SIC two-digit level for regions, States, and local areas, although more detailed source data are available to BEA. As described in the section on wage and salary disbursements, BEA receives ES-202 data files from the State employment secu rity agencies (ESA’s), through the Bureau of Labor Statistics, at the SIC four-digit level.30 These aggregations by county contain information covering one or more firms in an industry classifi cation; the disclosure of information about any particular firm is prohibited by law. Three basic techniques for disclosure avoid ance are available: Suppression, rolling up, and disturbing.31 BEA uses a combination of all three techniques. After completing its SIC two-digit estimates of wage and salary disbursements—based mainly on the ES-202 data—BEA examines the ES-202 files to identify potential disclosures. Two types of direct disclosures must be identified. The first, termed “reporting-unit disclosure,” occurs when a given cell con tains fewer than a prescribed number of firms. The second, termed “dominant-firm disclosure,” occurs when—regardless of the number of firms contained in the cell—a single firm accounts for some predetermined, significant percentage of the total and thus dominates the cell. For the first type, the ES-202 files that BEA receives contain reporting-unit information that permits the determination of the number of firms in each cell. For the second type, cells at the SIC four-digit level that contain dominant-firm disclosures are identified by the State ESA’s; the identification is based on the individual employers’ records. The ESA’s also provide ES-202 tabulations stratified by size of firm for the first quarter of each year. From these files, BEA identifies the SIC two-digit cells for which a single firm might account for more than the allowable percentage of the cell wage total. The items identified as disclosures, either by reporting-unit or dominant-firm criteria, are referred to as “primary wage and salary disclosures.” To prevent direct release of this confidential information, BEA’s disclosure-avoidance procedures for regions, States, and counties utilize a combination of two techniques: Systematic rolling up and dominant-cell suppression. The first technique is systematically to “roll up” wages and salaries, other labor income, and proprietors’ income to the sum of the three— total earnings by industry and county. The second is to test the primary wage disclosure file against the total earnings file by county to see whether wages account for a predetermined signif 30. BEA also receives administrative record files based on sensitive information from the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other Federal and State government agencies. The agencies summarize these files to aggregate totals by program and county, and each county record or cell contains information about enough individuals to preclude the disclosure of information about any single individual. 31. Suppression is the deletion of a value and its replacement with a symbol—usually (D)—to indicate that it is being withheld. Rolling up is the combination of the sensitive information in one cell with the information in another cell; this may be done systematically through the combination of entire sets of estimates to create a single set in which each cell contains the sum of the corresponding cells in the input sets. Disturbing is the alteration of a number enough to prevent exact disclosure but not enough to impair the usefulness of the information. M-27 icant portion of earnings such that the primary wage disclosure results in an earnings disclosure. Where earnings are not suf ficiently large to mask or cover the primary wage disclosure, a suppression indicator appears on the earnings file. This combina tion of techniques—combining a systematic roll up of three types of payments to earnings and a dominant-cell suppression test of wages as a specified percentage of earnings—yields the final primary earnings disclosure file, which indicates the cell sup pressions necessary to prevent direct disclosure of SIC two-digit information for counties. Two additional types of cell suppressions—secondary and complementary suppressions—are necessary to prevent the derivation (indirect disclosure) of primary disclosure cells. Sec ondary suppression is the suppression of additional industry cells to prevent indirect disclosure of the primary (SIC two-digit) dis closure cells through subtraction from higher level industry totals. Complementary suppression is the supppression of additional ge ographic units for the same industry to prevent indirect disclosure through subtraction from higher level geographic totals. These suppressions are determined by testing a multidimensional matrix consisting of industry and county earnings cells for each State and region. Computer programs impose a set of rules and pri orities in order to select additional cells for suppressions until the entire multidimensional matrix of suppressions is balanced so that indirect disclosure is impossible from any direction in the matrix. The selection process maximizes the amount of information that can be released at higher industrial and geographic levels at the expense of the more detailed industrial and geographic infor mation. For example, if possible, the secondary selection process will suppress additional SIC two-digit industries rather than the higher level industry division total. Likewise, if possible, addi tional county estimates will be suppressed rather than the State totals. In some cases, discretionary decisions are superimposed on the outcome of this process to preserve regional or national totals. A variant of the “disturbing” technique, along with dominant cell suppression, is used to prevent disclosures stemming from the aggregations of counties to metropolitan areas. Under this approach, the metropolitan area total for each industry represents one of three situations. (1) If there are no county-level suppres sions, the actual metropolitan area total is shown. (2) If the dollar amount of county-level suppressions is small relative to the sum of the estimates for all the metropolitan area’s counties, a partial metropolitan area total is shown, marked with an “*” indicator flag; in these situations, the amount shown constitutes the major portion of the actual total. In effect, the metropolitan area to tal is “disturbed” through the omission of the suppressed county amount(s). (3) If the dollar amount of the county-level suppres sions is large enough to impair the usefulness of the partial total, the entire amount is suppressed, and a “(D)” is shown. List of Abbreviations A A R ............ Association of American Railroads MSA ........... Metropolitan statistical area AFDC ......... Aid to families with dependent children NASS ......... B E A ............. Bureau of Economic Analysis (of the Department of Commerce) National Agricultural Statistics Service (of the Department of Agriculture) NECMA __ New England county metropolitan area NPT.T............ Net profit less loss (a statistic drawn from the IRS tabulations of nonfarm proprietors’ tax returns). NSF ............ National Science Foundation OASDI ....... Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (the programs popularly known as social security) BLS ............ Bureau of Labor Statistics Department of Labor) (of the CCAdj ......... Capital consumption adjustment CHAMPUS .. Civilian Health and Medical Plan of the Uniformed Services CMSA ......... Consolidated metropolitan statistical area DOD ........... Department of Defense O L I.............. Other labor income D V A ............ Department of Veterans Affairs OPM ........... Office of Personnel Management ESA ............ Employment security agency (of a State government) PMSA ......... Primary metropolitan statistical area ES-202 ......... Refers to the tabulations of payroll data drawn from the administrative records of the State and Federal civilian unemployment in surance programs and summarized on the Department of Labor ES-202 report. REIS ........... Regional Economic Information System (of BEA) RRB ............ Railroad Retirement Board S I C .............. Standard Industrial Classification SMI ......... Supplementary medical insurance (part of medicare) HI ................ Hospital insurance (part of medicare) IMF ............ Individual master file (maintained by the Internal Revenue Service) SSA ............ Social Security Administration (of the Department of Health and Human Services) IRS .............. Internal Revenue Service (of the Department of the Treasury) SSI .............. Supplemental security income I S A .............. Income subject to (residence) adjustment UI ................ IV A .............. Inventory valuation adjustment J T W ............ Journey to work. Refers to intercounty com muting data from the 1980 Census of Popu lation and particularly to an unpublished tab ulation of those data that includes informa tion about workers’ industry of employment and their average earnings. Unemployment insurance. Theabbrevia tion is used to refer both to the UI benefit programs and to the system of employer tax ation from which the benefits are paid and from which the ES-202 data originate. USDA ......... U.S. Department of Agriculture M-28 Glossary Adjustment for residence.—This adjustment is made to wages and salaries, other labor income, and personal contribu tions for social insurance (with minor exceptions) to place them on a place-of-residence (where-received) basis. The adjustment is necessary because these components of personal income are estimated from data that are reported by place of work (where earned). See also Residence, place of and Resident. Allocation.—The estimates of State and county personal in come are characterized by the systematic use of the allocation procedure in their preparation. The State estimates are made by allocating the U.S. total for each component of personal income (estimated for the national personal income series) to the States in proportion to each State’s share of a related economic series (called an allocating series). The State estimates are allocated to counties in the same way. Capital consumption adjustment (CCAdj).—This adjust ment is the difference between depreciation as valued in deter mining income as reported in the source data and depreciation on the basis of consistent accounting (uniform service lives and straight-line depreciation) and valued at replacement cost. For example, if a proprietor claimed depreciation of $1.1 million on his tax return, and the replacement cost of the capital used UP—calculated with straight-line depreciation and the specified service life—was $1.3 million, the CCAdj would be -$0.2 mil lion. Among the components of personal income, this adjustment is made to nonfarm proprietors’ income and to rental income of persons. Corporate business.—See Legal form of organization. County.—See Geographic units. Disclosure avoidance.—In the context of the regional personal income estimates, disclosure avoidance is a general term used to describe the procedures used to prevent the publication or release of confidential information. Because BEA uses administrative records of other agencies, it is required to follow these procedures to comply with legislation established to safeguard the privacy of persons and firms. See the Technical Notes. Disposable personal income.—Disposable personal income is personal income less personal tax and nontax payments. It is the income available to persons for spending or saving. Earnings.—This income measure is the sum of wage and salary disbursements, other labor income, and proprietors’ in come. It is often used in regional economic analysis to serve as a proxy for income generated from participation in current pro duction. The measure “net earnings” is earnings less personal contributions for social insurance. These contributions are in cluded in earnings by type and industry, but they are not included in personal income; therefore, they are subtracted from earnings in the computation of personal income as the sum of earnings, plus dividends, interest, and rent, plus transfer payments. Extrapolation.—See the “Technical Notes”. Fiduciary.—A fiduciary is an individual or a legal entity that serves as the administrator or trustee of an estate or a trust. Fiduciaries file Internal Revenue Service form 1041 to report the income they receive on behalf of the estate of a deceased individual or on behalf of the beneficiary of a trust. Geographic units.—BEA presents State estimates for all States and the District of Columbia, but not for the territories of the United States. The State estimates for the continental United States are often aggregated into eight BEA regions: New Eng land, Mideast, Great Lakes, Plains, Southeast, Southwest, Rocky Mountain, and Far West. Alaska and Hawaii are not included in a region. The regional classifications, which were developed in the mid-1950’s, are based on the homogeneity of the States with respect to income characteristics, industrial composition of the employed labor force, and noneconomic characteristics, such as demographic, social, and cultural factors. The Census Bureau publishes data by region using four Census regions composed of nine Census divisions. To enable the reader to compare BEA es timates with census data, BEA often publishes its State estimates aggregated to Census divisions. For examples, see the sample tables in Appendix B of volume 1. BEA presents local area estimates for all counties and county equivalents and for all county-based metropolitan areas recog nized for statistical purposes by the Office of Management and Budget except for the following areas, which are combined with adjacent counties: Kalawao County, Hawaii; the Montana portion of Yellowstone National Park; Menominee County, Wis consin; and the smaller independent cities of Virginia. Special tabulations can be prepared for any area that can be defined in terms of counties. County equivalents include Alaska boroughs and census areas, the District of Columbia (which is also treated as a State), Louisiana parishes, and the independent cities of Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, and Virginia. See Appendix C in volume 1 for a description of the metropolitan area classification scheme and a list of the metropolitan areas and their constituent counties. Government enterprise.—See Legal form of organization. Imputation.—In the context of the national and regional eco nomic accounts, the term “imputation” is usually used to refer to the value of a nonmarket good or service that is added to the value of marketed goods and services in measures of production and income. The four main imputations of this type included in per sonal income are wages and salaries in kind (food, lodging, and standard clothing issued to the military), the net rental value of owner-occupied dwellings, food and fuel produced and consumed on farms, and the value of services furnished without payment by M-29 M-30 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME financial intermediaries except life insurance carriers and private noninsured pension funds. Imputations amount to about 2 percent of personal income at the national level and are made to obtain a better view of total output and its distribution. In addition, the term “imputation” is used to refer to the accounting entries made to include the saving of certain kinds of financial intermediaries (life insurance carriers and private noninsured pension funds) in personal income. Interpolation.—See the “Technical Notes”. Inventory valuation adjustment (IVA).—In the context of nonfarm proprietors’ income, this adjustment is the difference between the cost of inventory withdrawals as valued in deter mining income as reported in the source data (often acquisition cost) and the cost of withdrawals valued at replacement cost, which is the valuation used in the national income and product accounts. (If the sign of the IVA—which is usually negative—is reversed, this adjustment is recognizable as what is often referred to as “inventory profit.”) For example, if an item withdrawn from inventory cost $5,000 when it was acquired and would cost $6,000 to replace at the time it was withdrawn, the IVA would be -$1,000. An IVA is needed only for the nonfarm component of proprietors’ income; the farm component of proprietors’ in come is derived from sources that measure farm inventories at replacement cost. Legal form of organization.—In the context of the national and regional economic accounts, businesses are classified into legal forms of organization. Corporate businesses consist of all entities required to file Federal corporate tax returns, including mutual financial institutions and cooperatives subject to Federal income tax, private noninsured pension funds, nonprofit organi zations that primarily serve business, Federal Reserve banks, and federally sponsored credit agencies. Government enterprises are government agencies that usu ally cover more than one-half their operating costs by the sale of goods and services to the public. Interest paid and inter est received are excluded from costs and sales, respectively, in classifying the agencies. Partnerships are entities required to file IRS form 1065 (U.S. Partnership Return of Income). Sole proprietorships are (1) enti ties that are required to file IRS Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business or Profession) or Schedule F (Farm Income and Ex penses) of form 1040, (2) entities that would have been required to file Schedule C or Schedule F if the proprietor had met the form 1040 filing requirements, and (3) farm housing. Other private businesses are (1) entities that are required to report rent and royalty income on Schedule E (Supplemen tal Income Schedule) of form 1040, (2) entities that would have been required to file Schedule E if the individual met the form 1040 filing requirements, (3) tax-exempt cooperatives, (4) owner-occupied nonfarm housing, and (5) buildings and equip ment owned and used by nonprofit institutions (that is, nonprofit organizations primarily serving individuals). Metropolitan area.—See Geographic units. Other labor income.-—This component of personal income consists of employer contributions to privately administered pen sion and welfare funds and of a few small items, including directors’ fees, compensation of prison inmates, and judicial fees. Other private business.—See Legal form of organization. Partnership.—See Legal form of organization. Per capita personal income.—This income measure is the total personal income of the residents of a given area divided by the resident population of the area. Per capita personal income is often used as an indicator of the quality of consumer markets and of the economic well-being of the residents of an area. However, this measure should be used with caution for several reasons. See the “Technical Notes” for a detailed discussion of the limitations of the per capita personal income measure and for a discussion of the differences between this measure and the Census Bureau’s estimates of per capita money income. Personal contributions for social insurance.—These contri butions, which are subtracted from income to derive personal income, consist of payments by employees, the self-employed, and other individuals who participate in the following programs: Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance; hospital in surance; supplementary medical insurance; State unemployment insurance; railroad retirement; government employee retirement; veterans life insurance; and temporary disability insurance. Personal dividend income.—This component of personal in come measures the dividends received by persons from all sources. Dividends are payments in cash or in other assets, excluding stock, by corporations organized for profit to noncor porate stockholders who are U.S. residents. For the State and local area estimates, this component is combined with personal interest income and rental income of persons. Personal income.—Personal income is the income received by persons from all sources—that is, from participation in pro duction, from both government and business transfer payments, and from government interest. Personal income is measured as the sum of wage and salary disbursements, other labor income, proprietors’ income, rental income of persons, personal dividend income, personal interest income, and transfer payments, less personal contributions for social insurance. See also Persons, Wages and salaries, Other labor income, Proprietors’ income, Rental income of persons, Personal dividend income, Personal interest income, Transfer payments, and Personal contributions for social insurance. Personal interest income.—This component of personal in come is the interest income of persons from all sources. In addition to monetary interest flows, personal interest income in cludes flows of interest-in-kind (imputed interest). For the State and local area estimates, it is combined with personal dividend income and rental income of persons. Persons.—In the national and regional economic accounts, persons are defined as individuals, nonprofit institutions serving individuals, private noninsured welfare funds, and private trust funds. The last three are referred to as “quasi-individuals” and make up only a small part of the total number of persons. These quasi-individuals are nonprofit in character and are distinguishable from business enterprises because they are or ganizations that either function to serve individuals directly or are established on their behalf. Nonprofit institutions include religious organizations, social and athletic clubs, labor organiza tions, and other private nonprofit agencies that furnish services to individuals. Private noninsured welfare funds include funds providing group health insurance, group life insurance, workers’ compensation, and supplemental unemployment benefits. Exam- LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME pies of private trust funds are a decedent’s estate, a trust fund for minors, and a public official’s blind trust. Personal tax and nontax payments.—These are tax payments by persons that are not chargeable to business expense and certain other personal payments to government agencies (except gov ernment enterprises) that are treated like taxes. Personal taxes include taxes on income, including capital gains; on transfers of estates and gifts; and on personal property. (Real property taxes, as opposed to personal property taxes, are subtracted as an expense in estimating the business income components of per sonal income.) Nontax payments include tuition and fees paid to schools and hospitals operated by government; fees, fines, and forfeitures; and donations. Personal contributions for social insurance are not included. Proprietors’ income with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments.—This component is the monetary income and income-in-kind of sole proprietorships and partner ships and of tax-exempt cooperatives. Dividends and monetary interest received by proprietors of nonfinancial businesses and rental income received by persons who are not primarily en gaged in the real estate business are excluded; these incomes are included in dividends, net interest, and rental income of per sons, respectively. See also Inventory valuation adjustment and Capital consumption adjustment. Quasi-individuals.—See Persons. Region.—See Geographic units. Rental income of persons with capital consumption adjustment.—This component of personal income is the mone tary income of persons from the rental of real property (excluding the income of persons primarily engaged in the real estate busi ness), the imputed net rental income of owner-occupants of nonfarm dwellings, and the royalties received by persons from patents, copyrights, and rights to natural resources. For the State and local area estimates, it is combined with personal div idend income and personal interest income. See also Capital consumption adjustment. Residence, place of.—Income is recorded either by place of work (where earned) or by place of residence (where received). By definition, personal income is a measure of income where received, and the State and local area estimates of total personal income reflect the residence of the recipient. See also Adjustment for residence and Resident. Resident.—In the context of measuring personal income, res ident refers not only to individuals but also to quasi-individuals. (See also Persons.) Individuals actually residing in a county are counted as residents. This general statement is supported by sev eral conventions. Military personnel are considered residents of the county in which they are stationed (or of an adjacent county if they commute daily), even though they may consider themselves permanent residents of another county. Civilian employees and proprietors are also counted as residents of the county in which they live and work or from which they commute to work, even though they may consider themselves permanent residents of M-31 another county. Wages that workers earn during short temporary assignments away from their usual places of work are assigned to their usual places of residence. Similarly, tourists or others in such a temporary status are not counted as residents. Seasonal migrant workers are considered residents of the area in which their work is performed; that is, wages are assigned to the county where a worker lives while earning the wages. Persons located abroad and foreign citizens employed by international organiza tions and by foreign embassies and consulates in the United States are not counted as residents of any county, and their income is excluded from personal income. The concept of residence as it relates to personal income refers to the location where the income to be measured is received rather than to usual, permanent, or legal residence. This treat ment differs from that of the Census Bureau, which counts many seasonal and short-term workers at their usual place of residence, even if they are living and working elsewhere at the time the information is gathered. The income received by quasi-individuals is received on be half of individuals; it is, therefore, measured in the county of residence of the beneficiaries. Sole proprietorship.—See Legal form of organization. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).—This system is used in the classification of establishments by the type of activity in which they are engaged. An establishment is defined as an economic unit, generally at a single physical location, where busi ness is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. The SIC is designed to cover all economic activity, public as well as private. Its structure consists of the following: Divisions (for example, manufacturing); major groups, or twodigit levels (for example, food and kindred products); three-digit levels (for example, meat products); and four-digit levels (for example, meat packing plants). Each establishment is assigned an industry code on the basis of its primary activity. The SIC, which is revised from time to time to reflect the changing in dustrial structure of the economy, is published by the Office of Management and Budget in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual. State.—See Geographic units. Transfer payments.—This component of personal income measures payments to persons for which they do not render current services. Generally, they are paid in monetary form; ma jor exceptions are food stamps and medical vendor payments. Transfer payments include payments by government and business to individuals and to nonprofit institutions serving individuals. Government transfer payments to nonprofit institutions exclude payments for work under research and development contracts. Wages and salaries.—This income measure consists of the monetary remunerations of employees, including the compensa tion of corporate officers; commissions, tips, and bonuses; and receipts in kind that represent income to the recipients. In na tional income, it is counted as accruals (when earned), but in personal income, it is counted as disbursements (when paid). Work, place of.—See Residence, place of. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME UNITED STATES Table 1.— Personal Income for the United States by Type and Industry, 1984-89 [Thousands of dollars] 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e 3 ,1 0 1 ,1 6 3 ,0 0 0 3 , 3 1 7 ,5 4 5 ,0 0 0 3 , 5 1 9 ,3 6 4 ,0 0 0 3 ,7 5 4 ,5 7 7 ,0 0 0 4 , 0 5 8 ,1 8 1 ,0 0 0 4 , 3 6 7 ,4 0 1 ,0 0 0 Nonfarm personal income............................................................. Farm income1................................................................................ 3,062,893,000 38,270,000 3,278,621,000 38,924,000 3,475,076,000 44,288,000 3,706,744,000 47,833,000 4,009,918,000 48,263,000 4,316,147,000 51,254,000 Population (thousands)2.................................................................... 236,438.9 238,697.6 241,104.0 243,416.4 245,803.3 248,257.8 P er c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o l l a r s ) ......................................................... 1 3 ,1 1 6 1 3 ,8 9 9 1 4 ,5 9 7 1 5 ,4 2 5 1 6 ,5 1 0 1 7 ,5 9 2 T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e .................................................................................... Derivation of total personal income Total earnings by place of work....................... , ......................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3......................... Plus: Adjustment for residence4 Equals: Net earnings by place of residence.................................. Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5 Plus: Transfer payments............................................................... 2,247,918,000 132,182,000 -510,000 2,115,226,000 528,785,000 457,152,000 2,410,587,000 148,710,000 -534,000 2,261,343,000 565,947,000 490,255,000 2,568,701,000 161,241,000 -515,000 2,406,945,000 590,593,000 521,826,000 2,770,379,000 172,249,000 -543,000 2,597,587,000 606,820,000 550,170,000 2,997,734,000 193,383,000 -581,000 2,803,770,000 666,458,000 587,953,000 3,177,124,000 212,117,000 -587,000 2,964,420,000 765,847,000 637,134,000 Earnings by type: Wages and salaries....................................................................... Other labor income....................................................................... Proprietors' income6...................................................................... Farm ....................................................................................... Nonfarm................................................................................... 1,831,472,000 182,822,000 233,624,000 29,583,000 204,041,000 1,967,172,000 187,427,000 255,988,000 30,340,000 225,648,000 2,086,526,000 199,144,000 283,031,000 35,807,000 247,224,000 2,241,528,000 209,289,000 319,562,000 38,924,000 280,638,000 2,422,580,000 225,323,000 349,831,000 39,340,000 310,491,000 2,562,601,000 241,622,000 372,901,000 42,219,000 330,682,000 Earnings by industry: Farm............................................................................................ Nonfarm....................................................................................... Private .................................................................... f............... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other'............... Agricultural services............ ............................................ Forestry, fisheries, and other7 Mining.................................................................................. Coal mining..................................................................... Oil and gas extraction ..................................................... Metal mining................................................................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels.................................. Construction ........................................................................ Manufacturing...................................................................... Nondurable goods........................................................... Food and kindred products ......................................... Textile mill products.................................................... Apparel and other textile products.............................. Paper and allied products........................................... Printing and publishing................................................ Chemicals and allied products..................................... Petroleum and coal products...................................... Tobacco manufactures................................................ Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products................. Leather and leather products...................................... Durable goods................................................................. Lumber and wood products ....................................... Furniture and fixtures................................................. Primary metal industries............................................. Fabricated metal products.......................................... Machinery, except electrical........................................ Electric and electronic equipment............................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.................. Motor vehicles and equipment.................................... Stone, clay, and glass products.................................. Instruments and related products................................ Miscellaneous manufacturing industries....................... Transportation and public utilities........................................ Railroad transportation.................................................... Trucking and warehousing............................................... Water transportation...................................................... Other transportation8 Communication................................................................ Electric, gas. and sanitary services................................. Wholesale trade................................................................... Retail trade.......................................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate..................................... Banking and credit agencies............................................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9 Services............................................................................... Hotels and other lodging places...................................... Personal services............................................................ Private households.......................................................... Business services ............................................................ Auto repair, services, and garages.................................. Miscellaneous repair services.......................................... Amusement and recreation services................................. Motion pictures............................................................... Health services.............................................................. Legal services................................................................. Educational services ....................................................... Social services................................................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens .......................... Membership organizations................................................ Miscellaneous services..................................................... Government and government enterprises................................. Federal, civilian................................................................... Military................................................................................ State and local .................................................................... 38,270,000 2,209,648,000 1,852,464,000 11,244,000 9,550,000 1,694,000 38,944,000 8,482,000 25,536,000 1,927,000 2,999,000 141,180,000 507,783,000 184,354,000 37,045,000 12,610,000 15,872,000 19,927,000 31,450,000 35,153,000 9,307,000 2,129,000 18,075,000 2,786,000 323,429,000 14,634,000 8,793,000 29,016,000 37,740,000 63,324,000 58,566,000 35,415,000 32,686,000 15,433,000 19,447,000 8,375,000 164,713,000 13,884,000 41,059,000 5,262,000 28,485,000 44,579,000 31,444,000 145,784,000 219,754,000 140,660,000 51,620,000 89,040,000 482,402,000 16,129,000 20,332,000 8,763,000 99,649,000 19,984,000 10,015,000 11,816,000 5,555,000 146,691,000 38,516,000 21,291,000 12,383,000 529,000 19,977,000 50.772,000 357,184,000 79,798,000 36,396,000 240,990,000 38,924,000 2,371,663,000 1,987,497,000 12,282,000 9,958,000 2,324,000 40,170,000 8,183,000 27,206,000 1,685,000 3,096,000 152,686,000 529,291,000 190,626,000 38,131,000 12,250,000 15,684,000 20,665,000 34,205,000 37,084,000 9,229,000 2,215,000 18,632,000 2,531,000 338,665,000 15,180,000 9,295,000 27,203,000 39,679,000 66,086,000 61,788,000 39,016,000 35,684,000 15,838,000, 20,580,000 8,316,000 172,146,000 13,434,000 41,747,000 5,306,000 30,627,000 46,477,000 34,555,000 156,910,000 234,226,000 155,069,000 55,749,000 99,320,000 534,717,000 17,646,000 24,824,000 8,863,000 115,408,000 22,389,000 9,697,000 13,036,000 6,247,000 159,020,000 42,867,000 23,204,000 13,868,000 597,000 20,895,000 56,156,000 384,166,000 84,437,000 38,786,000 260,943,000 44,288,000 2,524,413,000 2,118,098,000 13,066,000 10,328,000 2,738,000 31,986,000 7,886,000 19,187,000 1,563,000 3,350,000 165,957,000 545,560,000 199,181,000 39,899,000 13,121,000 16,063,000 21,671,000 36,468,000 38,866,000 8,959,000 2,221,000 19,515,000 2,398,000 346,379,000 16,377,000 9,750,000 26,283,000 40,090,000 65,234,000 62,928,000 42,825,000 36,227,000 16,405,000 21,725,000 8,535,000 179,697,000 12,755,000 44,088,000 5,143,000 33,940,000 47,086,000 36,685,000 164,567,000 248,963,000 176,468,000 62,307,000 114,161,000 591,834,000 18,763,000 26,880,000 8,907,000 128,979,000 24,299,000 10,596,000 14,673,000 6,633,000 172,682,000 49,415,000 25,015,000 15,556,000 701,000 22,137,000 66,598,000 406,315,000 84,602,000 40,607,000 281,106,000 47,833,000 2,722,546,000 2,288,494,000 16,266,000 13,702,000 2,564,000 29,877,000 7,178,000 17,490,000 1,818,000 3,391,000 175,534,000 565,037,000 209,473,000 41,548,000 14,245,000 16,517,000 22,726,000 39,384,000 40,437,000 8,818,000 2,323,000 21,015,000 2,460,000 355,564,000 17,899,000 10,647,000 26,464,000 40,515,000 66,775,000 64,151,000 45,341,000 35,714,000 16,935,000 22,047,000 9,076,000 189,698,000 12,380,000 47,259,000 5,215,000 36,992,000 50,775,000 37,077,000 176,587,000 264,055,000 213,422,000 67,176,000 146,246,000 658,018,000 21,304,000 28,512,000 8,957,000 144,762,000 25,590,000 10,667,000 16,476,000 7,603,000 196,245,000 55,190,000 27,193,000 17,446,000 778,000 24,236,000 73,059,000 434,052,000 90,002,000 42,380,000 301,670,000 48,263,000 2,949,471,000 2,484,564,000 17,820,000 14,848,000 2,972,000 32,222,000 7,026,000 19,312,000 2,210,000 3,674,000 191,060,000 604,294,000 224,227,000 43,738,000 14,709,000 17,356,000 23,940,000 43,232,000 44,989,000 9,089,000 2,475,000 22,183,000 2,516,000 380,067,000 19,253,000 11,324,000 28,907,000 43,047,000 72,669,000 66,973,000 47,107,000 37,878,000 18,121,000 24,697,000 10,091,000 201,691,000 12,529,000 50,712,000 5,458,000 40,259,000 53,085,000 39,648,000 193,843,000 286,591,000 220,570,000 71,460,000 149,110,000 736,473,000 23,361,000 32,808,000 9,527,000 163,649,000 27,229,000 12,211,000 18,434,000 8,518,000 218.062,000 63,264,000 29,755,000 19,645,000 876,000 27,013,000 82,121,000 464,907,000 97,005,000 43,181,000 324,721,000 51,254,000 3,125,870,000 2,628,329,000 18,821,000 15,772,000 3,049,000 32,556,000 7,030,000 19,272,000 2,544,000 3,710,000 197,097,000 625,534,000 232,631,000 45,150,000 15,175,000 17,863,000 25,132,000 44,833,000 47,145,000 8,972,000 2,501,000 23,316,000 2,544,000 392,903,000 19,304,000 11,654,000 30,189,000 44,781,000 75,513,000 68,810,000 49,518,000 38,430,000 18,587,000 25,813,000 10,304,000 210,714,000 12,594,000 52,916,000 5,876,000 43,890,000 53,963,000 41,475,000 208,020,000 301,737,000 223,983,000 74,442,000 149,541,000 809,867,000 24,849,000 36,915,000 10,047,000 181,227,000 29,334,000 13,345,000 20,044,000 9,297,000 239,056,000 69,325,000 32,316,000 22,180,000 962,000 28,783,000 92,187,000 497,541,000 102,688,000 44,641,000 350,212,000 E arn in g s b y P la c e o f W ork See footnotes at end of tables. 1 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME UNITED STATES 2 Table ¡ . — Personal Income for the United States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] United States (Metropolitan portion) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e .................................................................................... 2 , 5 3 1 ,2 4 9 ,0 9 7 2 ,7 1 8 ,6 3 0 ,3 3 5 2 ,8 8 9 ,2 3 9 ,5 9 6 3 , 0 9 2 ,6 4 6 ,7 5 0 3 ,3 5 0 ,5 8 1 ,4 0 9 3 ,6 0 6 , 2 7 9 , 8 1 9 Nonfarm personal income............................................................. Farm income1................................................................................ 2,516,564,840 14,684,257 2,703,557,033 15,073,302 2,872,656,762 16,582,834 3,075,159,838 17,486,912 3,332,520,270 18,061,139 3,587,585,891 18,693,928 Population (thousands)2.................................................................... 181,187.9 183,260.8 185,561.9 187,738.0 189,867.1 192,116.1 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o l l a r s ) ......................................................... 1 3 ,9 7 0 1 4 ,8 3 5 1 5 ,5 7 0 1 6 ,4 7 3 1 7 ,6 4 7 1 8 ,7 7 1 Derivation of total personal income Total earnings by place of work................................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3......................... Plus: Adjustment for residence4 Equals Net earnings by place of residence.................................. Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................................... 1,889,384,614 112,002,507 -25,711,903 1,751,670,204 427,202,179 352,376,714 2,037,203,674 126,546,734 -28,308,665 1,882,348,275 458,380,152 377,901,908 2,175,553,292 137,704,999 -30,710,868 2,007,137,425 479,726,022 402,376,149 2,351,835,888 147,328,114 -33,332,638 2,171,175,136 496,445,939 425,025,675 2,550,232,671 165,452,655 -35,833,178 2,348,946,838 547,026,770 454,607,801 2,702,365,283 181,050,674 -37,102,030 2,484,212,579 628,495,170 493,572,070 1,563,862,780 155,622,482 169,899,352 10,610,263 159,289,089 1,687,591,821 160,264,918 189,346,935 11,017,006 178,329,929 1,796,824,306 170,701,886 208,027,100 12,549,874 195,477,226 1,934,554,690 179,535,042 237,746,156 13,217,629 224,528,527 2,094,316,032 193,378,061 262,538,578 13,749,589 248,788,989 2,215,362,502 207,242,317 279,760,464 14,310,487 265,449,977 14,684,257 1,874,700,357 1,580,325,013 8,148,235 7,168,441 979,794 23,076,609 1,985,374 18,758,852 740,692 1,591,691 116,896,589 422,083,035 146,239,388 28,644,332 7,001,754 11,149,846 14,210,182 28,429,723 30,778,869 8,239,865 1,983,431 13,879,235 1,922,151 275,843,647 6,661,125 6,311,227 24,024,041 32,216,506 54,281,208 52,092,808 33,434,967 29,875,201 11,557,476 18,154,803 7,234,285 139,039,096 10,410,025 32,019,203 4,760,807 27,116,988 40,297,065 24,435,008 131,350,090 183,160,641 129,643,814 45,283,361 84,360,453 426,926,904 13,377,671 17,022,446 7,038,522 92,256,219 16,522,848 8,190,499 10,601,853 5,422,002 127,860,560 35,672,869 19,287,828 10,586,032 505,241 16,614,980 45,967,334 294,375,344 70,013,365 30,580,409 193,781,570 15,073,302 2,022,130,372 1,705,326,714 9,037,439 7,649,355 1,388,084 24,593,299 1,923,973 20,428,306 567,923 1,673,097 127,649,836 441,820,856 151,694,897 29,428,460 6,728,233 11,060,282 14,656,279 30,915,797 32,596,833 8,203,549 2,073,987 14,293,015 1,738,462 290,125,959 7,011,508 6,679,514 22,456,465 33,742,960 56,909,292 55,370,756 36,954,574 32,722,367 11,883,055 19,237,344 7,158,124 145,851,637 9,980,641 32,920,529 4,777,870 29,257,000 42,326,030 26,589,567 141,993,353 196,068,335 143,710,792 49,188,809 94,521,983 474,601,167 14,760,927 20,586,609 7,123,273 106,963,145 18,530,423 8,062,050 11,645,668 6,109,382 138,864,695 39,792,429 21,037,164 11,915,838 565,880 17,495,971 51,147,713 316,803,658 74,087,182 32,641,030 210,075,446 16,582,834 2,158,970,458 1,823,703,070 9,831,941 8,111,395 1,720,546 18,646,759 1,822,661 14,460,516 487,927 1,875,655 140,157,396 454,020,362 158,128,982 30,676,205 7,049,209 11,329,892 15,251,464 32,936,588 34,279,684 7,941,747 2,075,453 14,927,058 1,661,682 295,891,380 7,659,509 6,915,002 21,566,608 34,004,383 56,048,058 56,267,627 40,491,763 32,993,491 12,314,355 20,281,216 7,349,368 151,619,419 9,522,417 34,863,932 4,670,874 32,329,834 42,638,160 27,594,202 149,583,972 209,349,960 164,232,296 55,401,533 108,830,763 526,260,965 15,742,852 22,327,150 7,163,075 119,765,561 20,153,121 8,759,558 13,119,697 6,490,528 151,017,777 45,954,350 22,677,171 13,428,346 666,019 18,606,472 60,389,288 335,267,388 74,296,987 34,168,209 226,802,192 17,486,912 2,334,348,976 1,975,640,999 12,138,900 10,517,669 1,621,231 17,276,621 1,544,192 13,143,490 671,809 1,917,130 148,829,242 468,055,934 166,074,793 31,795,426 7,608,670 11,616,405 16,064,470 35,594,479 35,755,258 7,765,999 2,162,653 16,026,188 1,685,245 301,981,141 8,410,197 7,517,569 21,690,198 34,168,613 57,142,231 57,172,969 42,780,566 32,157,247 12,675,541 20,442,274 7,823,736 160,810,276 9,192,289 37,531,701 4,730,353 35,288,486 46,009,473 28,057,974 160,681,268 222,571,664 198,327,755 60,027,965 138,299,790 586,949,339 17,968,985 23,728,097 7,208,257 134,813,329 21,343,091 8,879,552 14,769,748 7,457,666 172,147,367 51,587,343 24,663,409 15,073,789 738,951 20,388,977 66,180,778 358,707,977 79,019,898 35,566,899 244,121,180 18,061,139 2,532,171,532 2,147,595,307 13,385,709 11,497,843 1,887,866 19,163,026 1,513,495 14,788,328 793,788 2,067,415 162,290,327 500,455,547 178,579,299 33,472,505 7,906,219 12,242,568 16,991,721 39,128,070 39,908,563 8,010,791 2,292,614 16,878,594 1,747,654 321,876,248 9,117,747 7,946,372 23,672,214 36,188,860 62,085,653 59,688,117 44,190,910 33,881,625 13,633,136 22,799,528 8,672,086 171,313,661 9,301,319 40,464,145 4,933,390 38,377,679 48,153,554 30,083,574 176,588,830 241,123,511 206,072,819 64,044,304 142,028,515 657,201,877 19,683,547 27,217,323 7,674,398 152,285,188 22,763,242 10,143,231 16,597,421 8,349,878 191,337,812 59,175,292 27,035,838 16,991,555 831,840 22,752,815 74,362,497 384,576,225 85,244,105 36,215,241 263,116,879 18,693,928 2,683,671,355 2,271,638,202 14,188,670 12,253,425 1,935,245 19,182,702 1,492,424 14,707,158 928,442 2,054,678 167,515,424 516,762,883 184,870,775 34,430,765 8,052,460 12,538,310 17,835,951 40,515,275 41,701,021 8,032,623 2,332,471 17,676,305 1,755,594 331,892,108 8,951,674 8,102,596 24,684,113 37,597,511 64,152,825 61,295,622 46,381,116 34,217,005 13,910,194 23,814,100 8,785,352 178,883,151 9,402,496 42,143,043 5,084,136 41,863,979 48,906,252 31,483,245 189,301,641 253,795,193 209,335,765 66,773,433 142,562,332 722,672,773 20,950,534 30,501,357 8,099,336 168,513,175 24,496,743 11,062,996 18,049,787 9,112,589 209,822,424 64,889,522 29,333,729 19,219,866 911,087 24,282,898 83,426,730 412,033,153 90,405,380 37,418,056 284,209,717 Earn in g s b y P la c e o f W ork Earnings by type: Wages and salaries....................................................................... Other labor income........................................................................ Proprietors' income6...................................................................... Farm ....................................................................................... Nonfarm .................................................................................. Earnings by industry: Farm........................................................................................... Nonfarm....................................................................................... Private .................................................................................... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7 Agricultural services............ ............................................ Forestry, fisheries, and other' Mining................................................................................. Coal mining..................................................................... Oil and gas extraction ..................................................... Metal mining................................................................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels.................................. Construction........................................................................ Manufacturing...................................................................... Nondurable goods ........................................................... Food and kindred products ......................................... Textile mill products.................................................... Apparel and other textile products.............................. Paper and allied products........................................... Printing and publishing................................................ Chemicals and allied products..................................... Petroleum and coal products...................................... Tobacco manufactures ............................................... Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products................. Leather and leather products...................................... Durable goods................................................................. Lumber and wood products........................................ Furniture and fixtures................................................. Primary metal industries............................................. Fabricated metal products.......................................... Machinery, except electrical........................................ Electric and electronic equipment............................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.................. Motor vehicles and equipment.................................... Stone, clay, and glass products.................................. Instruments and related products................................ Miscellaneous manufacturing industries....................... Transportation and public utilities....................................... Railroad transportation.................................................... Trucking and warehousing ....................................... Water transportation........................................................ Other transportation8 Communication................................................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services................................. Wholesale trade................................................................... Retail trade.......................................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate..................................... Banking and credit agencies................. ........................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9 ................. Services.............................................................................. Hotels and other lodging places ...................................... Personal services............................................................ Private households.......................................................... Business services ........................................................... Auto repair, services, and garages.................................. Miscellaneous repair services.......................................... Amusement and recreation services................................. Motion pictures............................................................... Health services ............................................................... Legal services................................................................. Educational services....................................................... Social services................................................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens........................... Membership organizations................................................ Government and government enterprises.................................. Federal, civilian................................................................... Military................................................................................ State and local.................................................................... c « n fA nt n n t fir i t a n d n f t o h la c LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME UNITED STATES Table 1.— Personal Income for the United States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] United States (Nonmetropolitan portion) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Total personal income....................................................................... Nonfarm personal income............................................................. Farm income1................................................................................ 569,913,903 546,328,160 23,585,743 598,914,665 575,063,967 23,850,698 630,124,404 602,419,238 27,705,166 661,930,250 631,584,162 30,346,088 707,599,591 677,397,730 30,201,861 761,121,181 728,561,109 32,560,072 Population (thousands)2.................................................................... Per capita personal income (dollars)................................................ 55,250.9 10,315 55,436.8 10,804 55,542.1 11,345 55,678.4 11,888 55,936.2 12,650 56,141.6 13,557 Derivation of total personal income Total earnings by place of work................................................. Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3......................... Plus: Adjustment for residence4.................................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence.................................. Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................................... 358,533,386 20,179,493 25,201,903 363,555,796 101,582,821 104,775,286 373,383,326 22,163,266 27,774,665 378,994,725 107,566,848 112,353,092 393,147,708 23,536,001 30,195,868 399,807,575 110,866,978 119,449,851 418,543,112 24,920,886 32,789,638 426,411,864 110,374,061 125,144,325 447,501,329 27,930,345 35,252,178 454,823,162 119,431,230 133,345,199 474,758,717 31,066,326 36,515,030 480,207,421 137,351,830 143,561,930 Earnings by Place of Work Earnings by type: Wages and salaries....................................................................... Other labor income,...................................................................... Proprietors' income®.................................................................... Farm ....................................................................................... Nonfarm.................................................................................. 267,609,220 27,199,518 63,724,648 18,972,737 44,751,911 279,580,179 27,162,082 66,641,065 19,322,994 47,318,071 289,701,694 28,442,114 75,003,900 23,257,126 51,746,774 306,973,310 29,753,958 81,815,844 25,706,371 56,109,473 328,263,968 31,944,939 87,292,422 25,590,411 61,702,011 347,238,498 34,379,683 93,140,536 27,908,513 65,232,023 Earnings by industry: Farm............................................................................................ Nonfarm....................................................................................... Private ....................................................................*............... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7............... Agricultural services............ ,........................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7......................................... Mining................................................................................. Coal mining..................................................................... Oil and gas extraction .................................................... Metal mining................................................................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels.................................. Construction........................................................................ Manufacturing...................................................................... Nondurable goods ........................................................... Food and kindred products ......................................... Textile mill products.................................................... Apparel and other textile products.............................. Paper and allied products........................................... Printing and publishing................................................ Chemicals and allied products..................................... Petroleum and coal products...................................... Tobacco manufactures................................................ Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products................. Leather and leather products...................................... Durable goods................................................................. Lumber and wood products........................................ Furniture and fixtures................................................. Primary metal industries............................................. Fabricated metal products.......................................... Machinery, except electrical........................................ Electric and electronic equipment............................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.................. Motor vehicles and equipment.................................... Stone, clay, and glass products.................................. Instruments and related products................................ Miscellaneous manufacturing industries....................... Transportation and public utilities........................................ Railroad transportation.................................................... Trucking and warehousing............................................... Water transportation....................................................... Other transportation8 Communication................................................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services.................................. Wholesale trade................................................................... Retail trade........................................................................ Finance, insurance, and real estate..................................... Banking and credit agencies................. .......................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate9....................... Services.............................................................................. Hotels and other lodging places...................................... Personal services............................................................ Private households.......................................................... Business services............................................................ Auto repair, services, and garages.................................. Miscellaneous repair services.......................................... Amusement and recreation services................................. Motion pictures............................................................... Health services............................................................... Legal services................................................................. Educational services....................................................... Social services................................................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens........................... Membership organizations................................................ Miscellaneous services..................................................... Government and government enterprises................................. Federal, civilian................................................................... Military............................................................................... State and local .................................................................... 23,585,743 334,947,643 272,138,987 3,095,765 2,381,559 714,206 15,867,391 6,496,626 6,777,148 1,186,308 1,407,309 24,283,411 85,699,965 38,114,612 8,400,668 5,608,246 4,722,154 5,716,818 3,020,277 4,374,131 1,067,135 145,569 4,195,765 863,849 47,585,353 7,972,875 2,481,773 4,991,959 5,523,494 9,042,792 6,473,192 1,980,033 2,810,799 3,875,524 1,292,197 1,140,715 25,673,904 3,473,975 9,039,797 501,193 1,368,012 4,281,935 7,008,992 14,433,910 36,593,359 11,016,186 6,336,639 4,679,547 55,475,096 2,751,329 3,309,554 1,724,478 7,392,781 3,461,152 1,824,501 1,214,147 132,998 18,830,440 2,843,131 2,003,172 1,796,968 23,759 3,362,020 4,804,666 62,808,656 9,784,635 5,815,591 47,208,430 23,850,698 349,532,628 282,170,286 3,244,561 2,308,645 935,916 15,576,701 6,259,027 6,777,694 1,117,077 1,422,903 25,036,164 87,470,144 38,931,103 8,702,540 5,521,767 4,623,718 6,008,721 3,289,203 4,487,167 1,025,451 141,013 4,338,985 792,538 48,539,041 8,168,492 2,615,486 4,746,535 5,936,040 9,176,708 6,417,244 2,061,426 2,961,633 3,954,945 1,342,656 1,157,876 26,294,363 3,453,359 8,826,471 528,130 1,370,000 4,150,970 7,965,433 14,916,647 38,157,665 11,358,208 6,560,191 4,798,017 60,115,833 2,885,073 4,237,391 1,739,727 8,444,855 3,858,577 1,634,950 1,390,332 137,618 20,155,305 3,074,571 2,166,836 1,952,162 31,120 3,399,029 5,008,287 67,362,342 10,349,818 6,144,970 50,867,554 27,705,166 365,442,542 294,394,930 3,234,059 2,216,605 1,017,454 13,339,241 6,063,339 4,726,484 1,075,073 1,474,345 25,799,604 91,539,638 41,052,018 9,222,795 6,071,791 4,733,108 6,419,536 3,531,412 4,586,316 1,017,253 145,547 4,587,942 736,318 50,487,620 8,717,491 2,834,998 4,716,392 6,085,617 9,185,942 6,660,373 2,333,237 3,233,509 4,090,645 1,443,784 1,185,632 28,077,581 3,232,583 9,224,068 472,126 1,610,166 4,447,840 9,090,798 14,983,028 39,613,040 12,235,704 6,905,467 5,330,237 65,573,035 3,020,148 4,552,850 1,743,925 9,213,439 4,145,879 1,836,442 1,553,303 142,472 21,664,223 3,460,650 2,337,829 2,127,654 34,981 3,530,528 ■ 6,208,712 71,047,612 10,305,013 6,438,791 54,303,808 30,346,088 388,197,024 312,853,001 4,127,100 3,184,331 942,769 12,600,379 5,633,808 4,346,510 1,146,191 1,473,870 26,704,758 96,981,066 43,398,207 9,752,574 6,636,330 4,900,595 6,661,530 3,789,521 4,681,742 1,052,001 160,347 4,988,812 774,755 53,582,859 9,488,803 3,129,431 4,773,802 6,346,387 9,632,769 6,978,031 2,560,434 3,556,753 4,259,459 1,604,726 1,252,264 28,887,724 3,187,711 9,727,299 484,647 1,703,514 4,765,527 9,019,026 15,905,732 41,483,336 15,094,245 7,148,035 7,946,210 71,068,661 3,335,015 4,783,903 1,748,743 9,948,671 4,246,909 1,787,448 1,706,252 145,334 24,097,633 3,602,657 2,529,591 2,372,211 39,049 3,847,023 6,878,222 75,344,023 10,982,102 6,813,101 57,548,820 30,201,861 417,299,468 336,968,693 4,434,291 3,350,157 1,084,134 13,058,974 5,512,505 4,523,672 1,416,212 1,606,585 28,769,673 103,838,453 45,647,701 10,265,495 6,802,781 5,113,432 6,948,279 4,103,930 5,080,437 1,078,209 182,386 5,304,406 768,346 58,190,752 10,135,253 3,377,628 5,234,786 6,858,140 10,583,347 7,284,883 2,916,090 3,996,375 4,487,864 1,897,472 1,418,914 30,377,339 3,227,681 10,247,855 524,610 1,881,321 4,931,446 9,564,426 17,254,170 45,467,489 14,497,181 7,415,696 7,081,485 79,271,123 3,677,453 5,590,677 1,852,602 11,363,812 4,465,758 2,067,769 1,836,579 168,122 26,724,188 4,088,708 2,719,162 2,653,445 44,160 4,260,185 7,758,503 80,330,775 11,760,895 6,965,759 61,604,121 32,560,072 442,198,645 356,690,798 4,632,330 3,518,575 1,113,755 13,373,298 5,537,576 4,564,842 1,615,558 1,655,322 29,581,576 108,771,117 47,760,225 10,719,235 7,122,540 5,324,690 7,296,049 4,317,725 5,443,979 939,377 168,529 5,639,695 788,406 61,010,892 10,352,326 3,551,404 5,504,887 7,183,489 11,360,175 7,514,378 3,136,884 4,212,995 4,676,806 1,998,900 1,518,648 31,830,849 3,191,504 10,772,957 791,864 2,026,021 5,056,748 9,991,755 18,718,359 47,941,807 14,647,235 7,668,567 6,978,668 87,194,227 3,898,466 6,413,643 1,947,664 12,713,825 4,837,257 2,282,004 1,994,213 184,411 29,233,576 4,435,478 2,982,271 2,960,134 50,913 4,500,102 8,760,270 85,507,847 12,282,620 7,222,944 66,002,283 Income by Place of Residence See footnotes at end of tables. 3 4 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME UNITED STATES Table 2.— Twenty Highest and Lowest Per Capita Personal Incomes for Counties in the United States, 1989 [Counties with total personal incomes of 50 million dollars or more] Twenty lowest per capita incomes Twenty highest per capita incomes County Dollars 37,548 35,193 34^983 33,108 33,039 32,469 31,438 31,264 31188 31,117 30,967 30,301 29,981 29,639 28^678 28 366 28Í252 27,727 27^659 26,916 Haines Borough, Alaska1......................................................... Marin, California.................................................................... Somerset, New Jersey............................................................ Hunterdon. New Jersey......................................................... Nassau, New York................................................................. Howard, Maryland................................................................. Kiowa, Colorado.................................................................... County Percent of national average 213.4 200.1 198.9 188.2 187.8 184.6 178.7 177.7 177 3 176.9 176.0 172.2 170.4 168.5 163.0 161.2 160.6 157.6 157.2 153.0 Starr, Texas................................................................................. Maverick, Texas........................................................................... McCreary. Kentucky .................................................................... Apache. Arizona........................................................................... Clay, West Virginia...................................................................... Magoffm, Kentucky...................................................................... Summers, West Virginia .............................................................. Jefferson, Mississippi................................................................... Hidalgo, Texas............................................................................ Clay, Kentucky............................................................................. Dollars Percent of national average 4,549 5,294 6,155 6,576 6,739 6,834 7,053 7,096 7,199 7,334 7,406 7,427 7,479 7,643 7,772 7,777 7,791 7,813 7,814 7,869 25.9 30.1 35.0 37.4 38.3 38.8 40.1 40.3 40.9 41.7 42.1 42.2 42.5 43.4 44.2 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.4 44.7 1 Census division, Alaska does not have county units. Table 3.— Total and Per Capita Personal Income and Population by Region, 1984-89 Area Millions of dollars Total population Per capita personal income Total personal income Percent change Percent change Dollars Percent of national average Percent change Thousands 1984 1989 1984-89 1984 1989 1984-89 1984 1989 1984 1989 1984-89 United States........... Metropolitan portion.............. Nonmetropolitan portion........ 3,101,163 2,531,249 569,914 4,367,401 3,606,280 761,121 40.8 42.5 33.6 13,116 13,970 10,315 17,592 18,771 13,557 34.1 34.4 31.4 100.0 106.5 78.6 100.0 106.7 77.1 236,439 181,188 55,251 248,258 192,116 56,142 5.0 6.0 1.6 New England región.............. Metropolitan portion.......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... Mideast región ...................... Metropolitan portion.......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... Great Lakes región................ Metropolitan portion.......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... Plains región ......................... Metropolitan portion......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... Southeast región ................... Metropolitan portion......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... Southwest región.................. Metropolitan portion.......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... Rocky Mountain región .......... Metropolitan portion.......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... Far West región.................... Metropolitan portion.......... Nonmetropolitan portion.... 187,447 161,864 25,583 621,851 580,499 41,353 539,149 435,881 103,268 220,093 134,121 85,972 634,235 451,751 182,484 296,109 235,100 61,008 86,932 57,819 29,113 492,579 458,527 34,053 281,781 241,936 39,846 891,442 833,288 58,154 730,969 595,729 135,239 291,915 184,154 107,761 914,325 664,744 249,581 385,742 310,277 75,466 112,678 75,658 37,020 726,816 678,930 47,886 50.3 49.5 55.8 43.4 43.6 40.6 35.6 36.7 31.0 32.6 37.3 25.3 44.2 47.2 36.8 30.3 32.0 23.7 29.6 30.9 27.2 47.6 48.1 40.6 14,910 15,399 12,415 14,563 14,957 10,627 12,964 13,577 10,890 12,567 13,907 10,925 11,368 12,515 9,265 12,410 13,142 10,218 12,159 13,264 10,434 14,607 14,914 11,433 21,601 22,336 18,005 20,397 20,971 14,657 17,276 18,218 14,073 16,353 18,107 14,031 15,409 16,961 12,389 15,240 16,055 12,607 15,399 16,526 13,515 19,258 19,668 14,866 44.9 45.1 45.0 40.1 40.2 37.9 33.3 34.2 29.2 30.1 30.2 28.4 35.6 35.5 33.7 22.8 22.2 23.4 26.7 24.6 29.5 31.8 31.9 30.0 113.7 117.4 94.7 114.0 81.0 98.8 103.5 83.0 95.8 106.0 83.3 86.7 95.4 70.6 94.6 100.2 77.9 92.7 101.1 79.6 111.4 113.7 87.2 122.8 127.0 102.3 115.9 119.2 83.3 98.2 103.6 80.0 . 93.0 102.9 79.8 87.6 96.4 70.4 86.6 91.3 71.7 87.5 93.9 76.8 109.5 111.8 84.5 12,572 10,511 2,061 42,702 38,811 3,891 41,587 32,104 9,483 17,513 9,644 7,869 55,791 36,096 19,695 23,860 17,889 5,971 7,149 4,359 2,790 33,723 30,745 2,979 13,045 10,832 2,213 43,704 39,736 3,968 42,310 32,700 9,610 17,851 10,171 7,680 59,338 39,193 20,146 25,312 19,325 5,986 7,317 4,578 2,739 37,740 34,519 3,221 3.8 3.1 7.4 2.4 2.4 2.0 1.7 1.9 1.3 1.9 5.5 -2.4 6.4 8.6 2.3 6.1 8.0 .3 2.4 5.0 -1.8 11.9 12.3 8.2 Hawaii.................................. 9,140 13,628 11,254 20,477 23.1 50.3 18,089 13,154 21,375 18,379 18.2 39.7 137.9 100.3 121.5 104.5 505 1,036 527 1,114 4.2 7.6 111.0 Industrial Sources of E a rn in g s 1989 Billion« of dollar« Percent of Total Earning« Per Caoita Personal Income, 1989 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Regions U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis cn 6 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS Total Personal Income New England Mideast Great Lakes Plains Southeast Southwest Rocky Mountain Far West 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 10% 20% 30% Earnings Percent Change by Nonfarm Industry 1 98 4 -8 9 H i United States [ri'5;3 Metro Portion 1__ : Nonmetro Portion 80% 60% 40% 20% 20% Earnings* Ag.Serv. * # Mining Constr. Total Nonfarm Earnin gs. T ra n s p o r ta tio n and P u b lic U t i l it i e s . Fin ance, Ins u ra n c e, and Real Estate. Manu. TPU** Trade FIR E** * Services Gov’t LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 7 regions Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89 [Thousands of dollars] New 1984 E n g la n d New 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 E n g la n d ( M e t r o p o lit a n p o r tio n ) 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 187,446,978 201,985,582 218,577,264 239,480,802 263,581,944 281,781,405 16 1,86 4,2 11 174,3 30,123 188,364,551 205,952,590 226,663,834 241,935,831 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 186,814,284 632,694 217,863,312 713,952 238,721,551 759,251 262,817,027 764,917 281,036,181 745,224 161,491,365 372,846 173,974,324 355,799 187,915,665 448,886 205,521,652 430,938 226,208,724 455,110 241,505,838 429,993 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 12,571.8 201,387,659 597,923 12,657.4 12,741.2 12,843.3 12,963.6 13,045.0 10,511.1 10,573.8 10,638.7 10,704.3 10,782.2 10,831.9 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 14,910 15,958 17,15 5 18,646 20,332 21,601 15,399 16,487 17,706 19,240 21,022 22,336 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence....................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 133,093,047 7,719,837 2,898,022 128,271,232 33,177,881 25,997,865 145,468,899 8,833,022 3,039,509 139,675,386 34,999,719 27,310,477 158,935,746 9,828,873 3,085,816 152,192,689 37,273,125 29,111,450 176,664,161 10,639,663 3,224,825 169,249,323 39,649,458 30,582,021 194,600,045 12,131,585 3,365,061 185,833,521 44,703,396 33,045,027 203,588,320 13,144,717 3,512,389 193,955,992 51,199,159 36,626,254 117,750,629 6,862,089 1,088,820 111,977,360 28,128,563 21,758,288 128,727,511 7,849,697 993,262 121,871,076 29,623,546 22,835,501 140,420,467 8,740,306 805,403 132,485,564 31,499,285 24,379,702 155,686,058 9,435,547 625,796 146,876,307 33,430,149 25,646,134 171,471,917 10,753,779 502,385 161,220,523 37,696,203 27,747,108 179,113,835 11,623,980 531,469 168,021,324 43,087,548 30,826,959 109,885,301 11,429,793 11,777,953 438,880 11,339,073 119,978,321 11,959,302 13,531,276 406,884 13,124,392 130,954,912 12,870,385 15,110,449 526,196 14,584,253 144,592,388 13,853,600 18,218,173 562,647 17,655,526 158,968,988 15,121,509 20,509,548 567,322 19,942,226 165,904,750 15,927,586 21,755,984 544,859 21,211,125 97,970,120 10,204,567 9,575,942 261,211 9,314,731 107,034,931 10,691,202 11,001,378 245,784 10,755,594 116,671,557 11,461,685 12,287,225 340,723 11,946,502 128,661,807 12,301,619 14,722,632 318,043 14,404,589 141,456,014 13,401,831 16,614,072 341,313 16,272,759 147,395,019 14,079,552 17,639,264 315,184 17,324,080 632,694 132,460,353 115,728,033 580,199 407,927 172,272 440,729 27,188 327,095 3,133 82,713 7,927,236 38,273,205 10,807,342 1,174,149 958,721 826,444 1,883,445 2,160,005 1,578,708 83,623 27,676 1,440,320 674,251 27,465,863 678,520 327,097 1,303,753 3,088,165 5,796,122 6,622,369 4,508,735 354,199 668,160 2,841,124 1,277,619 7,323,363 305,429 1,706,573 131,018 1,229,950 2,407,032 1,543,361 8,064,661 12,927,848 8,999,620 2,754,052 6,245,568 31,191,172 755,559 1,161,334 393,774 6,570,544 1,101,796 479,545 535,065 110,739 10,007,829 2,138,788 2,841,194 953,411 55,019 968,870 3,117,705 16,732,320 3,180,807 1,218,481 12,333,032 597,923 144,870,976 126,553,767 781,190 470,318 310,872 591,509 (D) 460,613 (0) 92,672 9,220,916 39,724,357 11,056,638 1,228,862 906,085 788,757 1,905,554 2,400,684 1,670,410 88,310 30,220 1,463,984 573,772 28,667,719 720,566 356,808 1,124,470 3,120,566 6,146,416 7,073,073 4,885,459 354,707 697,992 2,899,641 1,288,021 7,817,452 280,020 1,772,852 153,660 1,365,316 2,567,243 1,678,361 9,040,618 14,217,504 10,042,099 3,081,184 6,960,915 35,118,122 855,350 1,461,664 396,473 7,745,406 1,262,380 482,370 616,094 132,109 10,912,847 2,422,297 3,102,468 1,096,217 64,855 1,009,000 3,558,592 18,317,209 3,365,175 1,292,954 13,659,080 713,952 158,221,794 138,690,598 949,293 538,882 410,411 289,214 35,396 135,431 687 117,700 11,028,514 40,828,745 11,487,939 1,275,527 907,901 771,716 1,971,886 2,622,423 1,780,656 95,569 31,757 1,520,459 510,045 29,340,806 799,432 393,794 1,152,121 3,057,835 6,269,803 7,114,415 5,138,707 340,961 713,667 3,031,374 1,328,697 7,994,520 223,972 1,924,644 169,480 1,474,208 2,458,072 1,744,144 9,889,685 15,939,648 11,836,718 3,640,126 8,196,592 39,934,261 956,007 1,623,487 395,935 9,124,993 1,422,358 579,962 712,619 149,042 11,832,984 2,883,608 3,428,881 1,260,563 71,867 1,110,990 4,380,965 19,531,196 3,396,194 1,371,008 14,763,994 759,251 175,904,910 154,609,084 1,143,900 758,076 385,824 304,831 (») 142,107 1,818 (0) 13,056,920 41,905,408 11,984,286 1,313,577 940,345 710,716 2,067,922 2,918,292 1,821,565 110,907 32,631 1,565,251 503,080 29,921,122 903,743 419,131 1,170,717 3,121,624 6,731,922 6,697,790 5,277,113 320,488 778,934 3,118,188 1,381,472 8,881,325 217,283 2,137,880 192,538 1,630,835 2,844,634 1,858,155 11,391,146 17,651,066 15,115,800 4,211,184 10,904,616 45,158,688 1,135,342 1,784,785 397,000 10,524,488 1,542,164 604,655 808,652 163,180 13,433,058 3,251,754 3,719,181 1,477,812 82,203 1,260,588 4,973,826 21,295,826 3,650,637 1,413,984 16,231,205 764,917 193,835,128 170,433,338 1,315,237 858,228 457,009 406,448 (0) 217,753 2,476 (0) 14,669,406 43,973,438 12,618,438 1,384,318 965,533 725,587 2,172,593 3,197,578 1,907,500 122,684 34,647 1,596,306 511,692 31,355,000 942,460 436,693 1,234,532 3,340,122 7,197,406 6,895,566 5,296,788 276,437 879,305 3,376,087 1,479,604 9,596,254 213,213 2,309,043 202,463 1,781,142 3,006,352 2,084,041 12,849,955 19,552,276 16,271,712 4,699,851 11,571,861 51,798,612 1,262,423 2,094,099 421,712 12,204,376 1,687,344 723,612 904,266 193,450 15,400,389 3,779,317 3,997,161 1,740,886 93,961 1,440,174 5,855,442 23,401,790 3,973,414 1,458,856 17,969,520 745,224 202,843,096 177,625,428 1,341,654 877,821 463,833 383,197 (0) 222,360 19,399 (D) 14,071,047 44,550,540 12,814,571 1,387,901 948,156 669,865 2,209,117 3,275,807 2,059,605 113,851 17,800 1,610,488 521,981 31,735,969 891,482 415,958 1,158,657 3,534,593 7,377,626 6,850,065 5,515,125 284,442 875,669 3,330,536 1,501,816 9,901,871 207,164 2,351,673 196,148 1,884,636 2,989,894 2,272,356 13,671,861 20,327,429 16,337,348 4,961,337 11,376,011 57,040,481 1,366,636 2,367,321 442,638 13,236,639 1,807,566 787,885 970,505 201,716 17,302,103 4,162,004 4,361,862 1,973,872 102,942 1,548,528 6,408,264 25,217,668 4,212,347 1,497,139 19,508,182 372,846 117,377,783 103,274,809 441,602 327,174 114,428 365,150 (0) (0) (D) (0) 6,664,770 34,232,197 9,234,623* 970,270* 724,534* 726,108* 1,203,854* 1,971,297* (D) (0) 10) 1,283,146* (0) 24,997,181* (0) (0) (0) 2,786,261* 5,324,343* 5,848,805* (0) (0) 514,437* 2,653,295* 1,177,339* 6,547,355 (0) 1,466,178 101,921* (0) 2,145,407* 1,266,617* 7,528,567 11,101,337 8,513,984 (0) (0) 27,879,847 457,970* (0) 294,621* 6,154,161* 951,896 414,701 444,667* 95,615* 8,896,441 1,969,651 (0) 826,139 (0) 824,872* 2,818,808 14,102,974 2,515,570 933,519 10,653,885 355,799 128,371,712 112,904,434 569,463 377,436* 185,747* 493,780 (D) (0) (0) (0) 7,708,991 35,579,113 9,463,739* 1,003,854* 687,452* 697,486* 1,194,878* 2,184,820* (0) 72,862* 30,206* 1,305,576* (D) 26,114,901* (D) 239,907* (0) 2,797,062* 5,592,142* 6,259,582* (0) (0) 526,510* 2,708,860* 1,180,397* 6,984,602 (0) 1,527,188 117,854* (0) 2,291,811* 1,377,489* 8,431,822 12,213,810 9,511,618 (D) (0) 31,411,235 (0) 448,886 139,971,581 123,481,168 695,743 441,152 254,591 241,920 (0) (0) (D) (D) 9,131,227 36,436,788 9,854,521* 1,044,524* 690,947* 663,262* (D) 2,376,970* (D) 77,671* 31,757 1,353,457* (D) 26,581,892* (D) 273,997* (D) 2,732,768* 5,710,914* 6,258,308* (D) (0) 526,998* 2,772,888* 1,213,511* 7,151,369 (0) 1,640,192* 132,620* (0) 2,199,299* 1,426,007* 9,207,849 13,690,468 11,208,149 (0) 7,214,029* 35,717,655 (D) (0) 295,723* 8,530,382* 1,228,499 505,529* 590,194* (0) 10,509,972 2,660,999 (0) 1,097,265* (D) 952,906* 3,943,819 16,490,413 2,706,164 1,022,414 12,761,835 430,938 155,255,120 137,274,871 863,390 602,408* 251,617* 253,383 (0) (») (D) (D) 10,728,696 37,257,690 10,281,630* 1,125,765* (0) 610,125* 1,294,451* 2,644,931* (0) 90,869* (0) 1,396,189* (0) 26,975,697* (D) 290,495* 950,409* 2,770,246* 6,151,417* 5,830,311* (D) (D) 565,887* 2,872,030* 1,243,881* 7,923,264 (0) 1,807,306* 151,165* (0) 2,526,887* 1,529,761* 10,601,318 15,128,541 14,169,373 (D) (0) 40,349,216 (0) (0) 296,058* 9,829,335 1,328,385 526,500 668,263* 137,677* 11,933,434 3,003,342 (0) 1,291,162* (0) 1,077,290* 4,454,196 17,980,249 2,918,655 1,053,405 14,008,189 455,110 171,016,807 151,254,547 986,796 671,878* (0) 338,869 (0) ID) (D) (D) 12,092,116 39,030,373 10,851,890* 1,187,655* (D) 621,471* 1,453,375* 2,900,478* (D) 109,379* (D) 1,431,273 368,813* 28,177,968* (D) (D) 1,070,891* 2,961,298* 6,586,797* 5,955,236* (D) (D) 647,590* 3,133,293* 1,343,610* 8,506,212 (D) 1,948,067* (0) (D) 2,734,279* 1,711,617* 11,957,842 16,690,568 15,370,505 (D) (D) 46,281,266 (D) (D) 315,041* 11,379,641 1,456,266 634,308 749,982* 165,078* 13,671,497 3,489,050 (D) 1,525,736* 76,382* 1,227,494* 5,257,956 19,762,260 3,180,404 1,092,011 15,489,845 429,993 178,683,842 157,439,499 1,006,300 (D) (D) 318,150 (D) (D) (D) (D) 11,536,164 39,403,794 10,981,450* 1,193,781* (D) 564,686* 1,478,266* 2,973,605* (D) 96,018* (D) 1,373,140* 371,418* 28,421,792* (D) (D) 1,019,260* 2,955,589* 6,849,859 5,867,995* (D) (0) 644,813* 3,040,487* 1,348,297* 8,754,542 (D) 1,978,384 (D) (D) 2,716,630* 1,913,108* 12,704,250 17,322,151 15,452,437 (D) (D) 50,941,711 (D) (D) 330,133* 12,327,833 1,553,161 689,644 820,901* 174,260* 15,369,410 3,843,982 (D) 1,725,688* 87,199* 1,357,875 5,743,657 21,244,343 3,350,900 1,121,768 16,771,675 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income.................................................. Proprietors' income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nontarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and mlsc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... M ilitary....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. ID) 296,467* 7,242,130* 1,092,019 423,539 503,288* (D) 9,704,362 2,232,306 (0) 953,402* (0) 861,706* 3,222,842 15,467,278 2,662,803 981,708 11,822,767 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] New 1984 E n g la n d M id e a s t ( N o n m e tr o p o lita n p o rtio n ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal incom e.............................................. Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 25,582,767 27,655,459 30 ,212 ,713 33,528,212 36 ,9 18,110 39,845,574 621,851,463 664,783,848 70 7,5 65,131 760,966,767 829,965,813 891,442,158 25,322,919 259,848 27,413,335 242,124 29,947,647 265,066 33,199,899 328,313 36,608,303 309,807 2,102.5 2,139.0 2,181.4 705,176,613 2,388,518 43,050.0 888,611,161 2,830,997 2,083.6 662,616,795 2,167,053 42,809.1 827,483,862 2,481,951 2,060.7 619,592,575 2,258,888 42,701.9 758,538,741 2,428,026 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ 39,530,343 315,231 2,213.1 43,257.6 43,531.7 43,703.8 12,4 15 13,273 14,370 15,674 16,924 18,005 14,563 15,529 16,436 17,592 19,066 20,397 15,342,418 857,748 1,809,202 16,293,872 5,049,318 4,239,577 16,741,388 983,325 2,046,247 17,804,310 5,376,173 4,474,976 18,515,279 1,088,567 2,280,413 19,707,125 5,773,840 4,731,748 20,978,103 1,204,116 2,599,029 22,373,016 6,219,309 4,935,887 23,128,128 1,377,806 2,862,676 24,612,998 7,007,193 5,297,919 24,474,485 1,520,737 2,980,920 25,934,668 8,111,611 5,799,295 447,611,221 28,448,090 -6,359,522 412,803,609 110,160,565 98,887,289 481,888,950 32,047,730 -6,469,364 443,371,856 117,140,268 104,271,724 518,009,571 35,612,444 -6,641,245 475,755,882 121,934,187 109,875,062 565,447,449 38,566,442 -6,996,367 319,884,640 126,023,180 115,058,947 616,723,106 43,563,544 -7,378,540 565,781,022 141,624,240 122,560,551 650,598,129 47,276,545 -8,019,973 595,301,611 162,656,312 133,484,235 11,915,181 1,225,226 2,202,011 177,669 2,024,342 12,943,390 1,268,100 2,529,898 161,100 2,368,798 14,283,355 1,408,700 2,823,224 185,473 2,637,751 15,930,581 1,551,981 3,495,541 244,604 3,250,937 17,512,974 1,719,678 3,895,476 226,009 3,669,467 18,509,731 1,848,034 4,116,720 229,675 3,887,045 371,369,925 36,201,414 40,039,882 1,628,782 38,411,100 399,663,323 36,960,343 45,265,284 1,540,669 43,724,615 429,551,047 39,302,492 49,156,032 1,767,688 47,388,344 467,005,256 41,368,568 57,073,625 1,773,618 55,300,007 508,612,645 44,513,688 63,596,773 1,824,850 61,771,923 535,204,456 47,406,941 67,986,732 2,162,196 65,824,536 259,848 15,082,570 12,453,224 138,597 (D) 56,861* 75,579 507 (0) (0) (0) 1,262,466 4,041,008 1,565,152* 135,271* (0) (0) (0) 178,806* (D) 7,791 0 (D) (0) 2,455,883* 370,120* (0) 127,734* (D) 416,050* (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (») 776,008 66,048* (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) 536,094 1,826,511 485,636 (0) (0) 3,311,325 243,696* 142,400* 91,171* 390,034* 142,551* 64,844 73,032* (D) 1,111,388 169,137 (0) 126,967* (0) 111,891* 278,709* 2,629,346 665,237 284,962 1,679,147 242,124 16,499,264 13,649,333 211,727 (0) (D) 97,729 (0) (D) (D) (D) 1,511,925 4,145,244 1,585,819* (0) (0) (») (0) 204,778* (0) (0) 0 (D) (9) 2,539,484* 384,779* (9) 103,280* (9) (0) (0) (9) (9) (0) (9) (9) 832,850 63,681* (0) (9) (9) 157,667* (9) 608,796 2,003,694 530,481 (9) (9) 3,706,887 265,676* 189,959* 91,952* 471,949* 168,635* 58,831 85,771* (9) 1,208,485 189,991 (9) 140,939* (9) 114,948* 335,750 2,849,931 702,372 311,246 1,836,313 265,066 18,250,213 15,209,430 253,550 90,608* 155,614* 47,294 545* (9) (9) 19) 1,897,287 4,391,957 1,625,844* 162,068* (9) (9) (9) 231,189* (9) (0) 0 (9) (9) 2,745,282* 424,959* (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) 843,151 41,969* 246,129* 28,573* (9) 148,797* (9) 681,836 2,249,180 628,569 (9) (9) 4,216,606 299,157* (9) 92,123* 554,318* 192,264* 69,521* 100,814* (9) 1,323,012 222,609 (9) 161,109* (9) 121,514* 437,146 3,040,783 690,030 348,594 2,002,159 328,313 20,649,790 17,334,213 277,343* (9) (9) 48,308* (9) (9) (0) (9) 2,328,224 4,647,718 1,695,084* 168,643* (9) (9) (9) 250,853* (9) (D) 0 (9) (9) 2,930,965* 474,898* (0) (0) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) 958,061 34,083* 288,013* 32,490* (9) (0) (9) 789,828 2,522,525 946,427 (9) (9) 4,809,472 343,097* 236,544* 94,930* 695,153 213,779 78,155 115,455* (9) 1,499,624 248,412 (9) 186,509* (9) 138,681* 519,630 3,315,577 731,982 360,579 2,223,016 309,807 22,818,321 19,178,791 323,464* 154,659* 156,173* 62,523* 367* (9) (9) (9) 2,577,290 4,943,065 1,760,484* (9) (9) 19) (9) 281,266* (9) (9) 0 (9) (9) 3,161,001* 479,421* (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) 19) (9) (9) 1,090,042 34,064* 332,660* 32,302* (9) 254,016* (9) 892,113 2,861,708 901,207 (0) (9) 5,517,346 375,887* 286,356* 102,056 824,735 231,078 83,893* 19) (9) 1,728,892 290,267 (9) 214,997* (9) 159,293* 597,486 3,639,530 793,010 366,845 2,479,675 315,231 24,159,254 20,185,929 335,354 19) (9) 65,047 (9) (9) (9) (9) 2,534,883 5,146,746 1,821,977* 175,201* (9) (9) (0) 284,331* (9) (8) 0 (9) (9) 3,295,262* 471,049* (9) 123,674* (9) 511,967* (0) (9) (8) (9) (9) 135,111* 1,147,329 35,060* 373,289 27,875* (9) 256,632* (8) 967,611 3,005,278 884,911 (9) (8) 6,098,770 359,650* 365,790 107,684 908,806 254,405 98,241 (8) (8) 1,932,693 318,022 (9) 247,99Ï* (8) 190,653 664,607 3,973,325 861,447 375,371 2,736,507 2,258,888 445,352,333 372,215,080 1,546,123 1,174,692 371,431 2,833,905 1,264,561 1,233,012 45,630 290,702 23,498,935 94,906,093 40,843,769 6,395,250 1,513,390 4,885,799 3,614,736 8,564,954 10,156,325 2,287,683 188,005 2,629,532 608,095 54,062,324 931,770 1,117,531 6,720,781 5,794,734 10,695,572 11,249,745 3,058,655 3,016,481 3,183,137 6,093,812 2,200,106 33,252,823 1,811,188 6,736,864 1,560,206 6,189,857 10,925,304 6,029,404 30,781,044 38,367,406 37,487,095 12,691,354 24,795,741 109,541,656 3,232,312 3,555,385 1,746,975 24,631,033 3,349,186 1,729,950 2,426,811 1,137,520 30,984,768 10,784,867 6,761,550 3,506,441 179,671 4,558,044 10,957,143 73,137,253 20,995,380 3,233,569 48,908,304 2,167,053 479,721,897 401,914,071 1,708,297 1,272,677 435,620 3,194,196 1,151,364 1,686,327 35,220 321,285 26,593,409 97,598,750 42,285,262 6,691,627 1,490,195 4,769,969 3,660,182 9,298,990 10,731,799 2,216,752 185,177 2,684,338 556,233 55,313,488 1,037,167 1,195,831 6,096,920 6,029,341 11,086,240 11,448,869 3,256,742 3,289,232 3,218,389 6,512,511 2,142,246 34,578,152 1,852,956 6,872,577 1,536,390 6,562,576 11,193,451 6,560,202 33,047,543 41,258,813 41,691,631 13,603,006 28,088,625 122,243,280 3,564,064 4,340,197 1,752,327 28,705,017 3,788,198 1,755,382 2,782,774 1,306,785 33,796,047 11,899,437 7,393,404 3,943,391 198,625 4,798,044 12,219,588 77,807,826 22,006,599 3,434,650 52,366,577 2,388,518 515,621,053 433,120,852 1,877,280 1,391,077 486,203 2,151,097 1,091,527 664,281 30,463 364,826 30,474,560 98,919,079 43,401,724 6,957,206 1,514,964 4,700,018 3,714,498 9,862,099 11,161,595 1,979,871 163,301 2,807,957 540,215 55,517,355 1,193,396 1,263,738 5,558,687 6,194,730 10,948,725 11,693,662 3,332,463 3,090,978 3,337,978 6,706,579 2,196,419 35,755,072 1,829,147 7,345,256 1,502,325 7,035,822 11,224,600 6,817,922 35,040,145 44,809,994 48,494,564 15,509,378 32,985,186 135,599,061 3,811,776 4,728,738 1,748,156 32,188,250 4,151,726 1,908,120 3,120,751 1,340,949 36,714,789 13,624,136 7,987,418 4,534,404 221,419 5,101,846 14,416,583 82,500,201 21,923,128 3,674,588 56,902,485 2,428,026 563,019,423 474,007,490 2,345,937 1,836,844 509,093 2,055,421 965,846 649,352 48,421 391,802 34,038,438 101,079,278 44,835,900 7,182,973 1,597,345 4,702,046 3,859,143 10,679,186 11,613,355 1,547,695 113,365 2,993,740 547,052 56,243,378 1,371,056 1,331,886 5,459,141 6,294,183 10,731,960 11,939,619 3,471,474 3,173,443 3,463,973 6,676,410 2,330,233 37,870,059 1,851,551 7,954,146 1,410,327 7,557,918 12,079,072 7,017,045 38,067,275 48,141,631 59,581,695 17,064,209 42,517,486 150,827,756 4,316,477 4,998,350 1,745,996 35,996,111 4,467,263 1,962,027 3,533,970 1,517,787 41,620,087 15,149,138 8,667,550 5,043,647 241,726 5,681,097 15,886,530 89,011,933 23,203,365 3,924,456 61,884,112 2,481,951 614,241,155 518,099,960 2,573,543 2,018,308 555,235 2,385,701 937,520 962,459 50,756 434,966 37,752,608 107,552,311 48,360,333 7,551,525 1,630,803 4,883,626 4,037,026 11,785,808 12,997,119 1,610,330 130,115 3,180,764 553,217 59,191,978 1,515,377 1,383,456 5,785,824 6,622,029 11,723,097 12,156,710 3,474,768 3,113,878 3,706,347 7,155,832 2,554,660 40,352,710 1,871,190 8,570,051 1,330,473 8,048,128 13,027,609 7,505,259 41,946,187 52,402,088 63,678,233 18,897,811 44,780,422 169,456,579 4,647,120 5,810,369 1,848,030 40,623,937 4,785,401 2,212,851 4,136,074 1,688,522 46,669,645 17,471,827 9,414,234 5,615,998 273,995 6,343,635 17,914,941 96,141,195 24,892,103 4,022,910 67,226,182 2,830,997 647,767,132 544,140,471 2,718,172 2,142,824 575,348 2,437,256 913,605 1,003,351 47,423 472,877 38,736,301 109,643,336 49,485,774 7,807,527 1,664,606 4,873,451 4,149,958 11,922,716 13,441,151 1,630,197 143,529 3,294,213 558,426 60,157,562 1,552,689 1,380,770 6,184,225 6,680,253 11,743,701 12,131,741 3,448,875 3,229,626 3,804,800 7,397,669 2,603,213 41,409,941 1,883,787 8,984,989 1,276,028 8,670,533 12,719,812 7,874,792 44,070,809 55,024,302 64,396,886 19,879,433 44,517,453 185,703,468 4,923,340 6,436,610 1,934,214 44,132,386 5,113,328 2,349,362 4,463,917 1,895,015 51,608,056 19,321,287 10,120,042 6,408,371 295,840 6,792,893 19,908,807 103,626,661 26,404,229 4,155,399 73,067,033 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less; Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments........................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining........................................................ Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Hotels and other lodging places........................ Personal services......................................... Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Government and government enterprises..................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS 9 Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] M id e a s t (M e tro p o lita n p o rtio n ) M id e a s t (N o n m e tro p o lita n p o rtio n ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 41,352,934 40,590,882 762,052 3,891.2 10,627 43,708,195 42,997,592 710,603 46,521,049 45,674,443 846,606 49,568,927 48,767,625 801,302 53,759,163 52,857,745 901,418 58,154,125 57,084,783 1,069,342 3,891.0 11,233 3,900,3 11,928 3,913.7 12,666 3,950.3 13,609 3,967.8 14,657 615,134,693 44,724,593 -11,754,026 558,656,074 152,442,794 122,189,165 25,021,290 1,550,046 2,564,414 26,035,658 6,845,102 8,472,174 26,270,461 1,707,320 2,838,708 27,401,849 7,325,322 8,981,024 28,113,354 1,872,245 3,061,460 29,302,569 7,735,153 9,483,327 30,475,077 2,029,826 3,279,760 31,725,011 7,941,134 9,902,782 33,103,567 2,298,218 3,593,896 34,399,245 8,869,867 10,490,051 35,463,436 2,551,952 3,734,053 36,645,537 10,213,518 11,295,070 482,994,540 42,009,625 58,615,374 1,148,309 57,467,065 507,832,562 44,699,864 62,602,267 1,322,845 61,279,422 19,480,628 2,077,455 3,463,207 549,883 2,913,324 20,516,016 2,081,659 3,672,786 498,737 3,174,049 21,788,402 2,213,941 4,111,011 635,678 3,475,333 23,657,528 2,339,250 4,478,299 578,063 3,900,236 25,618,105 2,504,063 4,981,399 676,541 4,304,858 27,371,894 7,707,077 5,384,465 839,351 4,545,114 1,580,533 582,039,006 492,098,204 2,316,606* 1,840,813* 504,863* 1,634,502* (0) (D) (0) (0) 34,883,506* 99,277,378 45,434,985 6,672,872* (0) 4,478,159* (D) 11,414,195* 11,856,269* 1,390,851* (0) 2,702,491* (D) 53,842,393 927,012* (0) (0) 5,676,022* 9,571,392* (0) (0) (0) 2,808,141* 6,516,799* 2,321,149* 37,639,241* (0) 7,779,607* 1,188,507* (0) 11,492,908* (D) 40,744,381* 48,842,824 62,674,468 17,773,829* 42,985,318* 162,116,109* 4,203,708* 5,373,187* 1,704,243* 39,805,320* 4,275,774* 2,035,614* 3,973,459* 1,596,137* 44,086,233 17,192,286 8,179,919* 5,281,071* (0) 5,993,082 17,362,281 89,940,802 24,012,122 3,433,785 62,494,895 1,761,655 613,373,038 516,537,153 2,499,961* 1,836,710* 485,432* 1,677,029* (D) (0) (0) (») 36,024,961* 100,910,691 46,462,004 6,866,689* (D) 4,458,886* (D) 11,526,825* 12,245,693* 1,386,995* (0) (0) (0) 54,448,687 1,023,381* (0) (0) 5,776,220* 9,422,314* (0) (0) (0) 2,766,533* (0) 2,324,139* 38,842,738* 1,731,261* 8,147,291* (0) (0) 11,252,246* (0) 42,804,743 51,247,024 63,372,375 19,023,679* 43,208,768* 177,639,935* 4,475,726* 5,969,809 1,783,638* 43,233,631* 4,565,630* 2,154,941* 4,312,831* 1,775,508* 48,774,460 19,015,469 8,818,604* 6,032,104* 261,406* 6,418,336 19,295,775 96,835,885 25,481,874 3,478,072 67,875,939 762,052 24,259,238 19,711,014 131,972* (0) (0) 864,007* 631,798* (0) (D) (0) 1,274,976* 7,098,324 2,483,279* 562,851* (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) 129,552* 519 (0) <D) 4,467,660* 272,367* (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) 1,694,634 92,223* 608,769* (») (0) (D) (0) 857,621* 2,609,881 666,886 (D) (0) 4,490,325 223,895* 210,293* 92,704* 367,125 260,337 (D) 73,859* (D) 1,781,525 191,927* (D) 180,125* (D) 258,215* 292,766 4,548,224 706,757 356,712 3,484J55 710,603 25,559,858 20,665,279 142,383 (0) (0) 837,509* 570,879* (0) (D) (0) 1,397,830* 7,194,098 2,499,372* 595,126* (D) (0) (0) (D) (0) 127,634* 511 (0) (0) 4,536,083* 302,946* (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) 1,717,882 81,737* (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) 924,723 2,784,188 683,391 (0) (0) 4,957,746 243,802* 282,890* 92,447* 454,416 303,260 (0) 86,966* (0) 1,913,486 206,438 (0) 206,380* (D) 263,714* 319,751 4,894,529 770,317 380,456 3,743,806 846,606 27,266,748 22,052,440 145,582 (») (0) 735,663* (D) (0) (») (0) 1,593,516* 7,495,075 2,623,568* 626,066* (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) 125,732* 330 (0) (0) 4,765,721* 348,985* (0) (D) (0) (0) <D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,820,117* 92,776* 613,014* (0) (0) (0) (D) 975,010 2,990,350 775,206* (0) (D) 5,426,464* 248,033* 313,331* 96,822* 537,275 329,835 (0) 96,058* (0) 2,067,671 233,993* (») 234,853* (0) 276,699* 407,484 5,214,308 765,742 433,844 4,014,722 801,302 29,673,775 23,946,113 (0) (0) (0) 690,446* 532,367* (0) (0) (D) 1,872,511* 7,770,043 2,759,723* 649,554* (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) 115,979* 0 (0) (0) 4,918,475* 445,096* (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) 1,940,644* 110,161* 636,724* (0) (0) (0) (D) 1,064,357 3,201,466 1,052,259* (0) (0) 6,045,436* 275,190* 342,307* 92,930* 619,086 351,371 (0) 109,466* (D) 2,321,573 247,225* (0) 267,266* (0) 310,552* 473,113 5,727,662 834,251 520,045 4,373,366 901,418 32,202,149 26,001,756 (0) (D) (0) 687,503* 510,681* (D) <») (D) 2,110,289* 8,274,933 2,899,601* 673,421* (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) 121,488* 0 (0) (0) 5,264,989* 488,840* (0) (0) (0) [0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) 2,034,151* 105,759* 721,034* (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,146,018* 3,559,264 1,000,298* (0) (D) 6,819,581* 293,294* 408,493* 97,803* 759,743 376,784 (0) 122,277* (D) 2,559,086* 279,541 (D) 318,222* (0) 347,577* 552,660 6,200,393 879,981 589,125 4,731,287 1,069,342 34,394,094 27,603,318 207,276* (D) (0) 712,366* 510,276* (0) (») (D) 2,177,318* 8,732,645 3,001,415* (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) 138,466* 0 (D) (0) 5,615,528* 511,088* (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) 7,085,363* 92,776* 761,334* (0) (0) (D) (0) 1,266,066 3,777,278 1,020,903* (0) (D) 7,486,253* 305,647* 466,801 106,164* 835,968 407,398 (D) 130,240* (0) 2,833,596 305,818 (0) 357,404* (0) 374,557 613,032 6,790,776 922,355 677,327 5,191,094 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In co m e b y P lace o f R esidence Total personal incom e.............................................. Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income*....................................................... 580,498,529 579,001,693 1,496,836 621,075,653 619,619,203 1,456,450 661,044,082 659,502,170 1,541,912 711,397,840 709,771,116 1,626,724 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (do lla rs)............................ 38,810.7 14,957 38,918.1 15,959 39,149.7 16,885 39,343.9 18,082 776,206,650 774,626,117 1,580,533 39,581.4 19,610 833,288,033 831,526,378 1,761,655 39,736.0 20,971 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 422,589,931 26,898,044 -8,923,936 386,767,951 103,315,463 90,415,115 455,618,489 30,340,410 -9,308,072 415,970,007 109,814,946 95,290,700 489,896,217 33,740,199 -9,702,705 446,453,313 114,199,034 100,391,735 534,972,372 36,536,616 -10,276,127 488,159,629 118,082,046 105,156,165 583,619,539 41,265,326 -10,972,436 531,381,777 132,754,373 112,070,500 351,889,297 34,123,959 36,576,675 1,078,899 35,497,776 379,147,307 34,878,684 41,592,498 1,041,932 40,550,566 407,762,645 37,088,551 45,045,021 1,132,010 43,913,011 443,347,728 39,029,318 52,595,326 1,195,555 51,399,771 1,496,836 421,093,095 352,504,066 1,406,728* 1,060,365* 341,736* 1,939,577* 614,279* (0) (0) (0) 22,221,293 87,807,769 38,306,632 5,544,986* (0) 4,500,981* (0) 8,319,855* 9,172,101* 2,037,229* 185,771* 2,183,184* (0) 49,501,137 577,730* (0) (0) 5,049,282* 9,013,834* (0) (D) (0) 2,275,568* 5,398,080* 1,955,310* 31,558,189 1,669,530* 5,890,268* 1,448,523* (D) <») (D) 29,914,363 35,757,525 36,820,209 12,003,225* 24,174,382* 105,051,331 2,766,523* 3,293,826* 1,618,602* 24,263,908 3,010,968* 1,587,644* 2,344,980 1,096,425* 29,203,243 10,592,495 (0) 3,313,068* (0) 4,294,929 10,664,377 68,589,029 20,288,623 2,876,857 45,423,549 1,456,450 454,162,039 381,248,792 1,521,327* 1,137,397* 396,877* 2,313,587* 567,042* (D) (0) (0) 24,713,227* 90,404,652 39,728,556 5,772,359* (0) 4,386,168* (0) 9,037,227* 9,682,193* 2,086,466* 182,897* 2,279,483* (D) 50,676,096 (0) (0) (D) 5,079,203* 8,866,186* (D) (0) (0) 2,396,152* 5,998,639* 1,912,740* 32,427,966* 1,725,363* 6,181,152* 1,410,427* (D) (0) (0) 32,122,820 38,474,625 41,008,240 13,113,988* 27,431,318* 117,051,535* 3,112,087* 3,981,124* 1,623,555* 28,211,073* 3,391,848* 1,619,242* 2,687,791 1,257,017* 31,882,561 11,692,999 (0) 3,723,586* (D) 4,529,539 11,899,837 72,913,247 21,236,282 3,054,194 48,622,771 1,541,912 488,354,305 411,068,412 1,679,878* 1,263,536* 442,592* 1,387,814* 526,086* (0) (D) (0) 28,307,585* 91,424,004 40,725,494 5,941,235* (0) 4,266,844* (0) 9,570,824* 10,083,417* 1,786,640* 162,971 (D) (0) 50,698,510 747,820* (D) (D) 5,254,393* 8,680,475* (D) (0) (0) 2,435,548* 6,175,919* 1,949,386* 33,348,448* (0) 6,635,596* 1,353,113* (0) (0) (0) 34,065,135 41,819,644 47,716,602 14,884,189* 32,120,503* 129,751,112* 3,374,915* 4,325,637* 1,618,965* 31,604,989* 3,713,499* 1,750,396* 3,017,457 1,285,514* 34,647,118 13,389,711 (0) 4,282,475* 201,257* 4,822,724 14,009,099 77,285,893 21,157,386 3,240,744 52,887,763 1,626,724 533,345,648 450,061,377 2,104,869* 1,662,565* 466,809* 1,307,084* (0) (0) (0) (0) 31,477,763* 93,309,235 41,909,812* 6,335,270* (0) 4,312,907* (0) 10,360,336* 10,541,275* 1,392,578* (D) 2,544,436* (D) 51,236,478* 885,145* (D) E a rn in g s b y P lace o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income.................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. transportation and public u tilities......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. . ............ Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services.......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. m 5,397,929* 8,645,091* (D) (0) (0) 2,553,572* 6,135,054* 2,088,573* 35,307,060* (0) 7,197,950* 1,285,586* (D) 10,650,064* (0) 37,002,918 44,940,165 58,525,639 16,327,142* 41,126,186* 144,323,985* 3,859,812* 4,555,097* 1,620,484* 35,325,335* 3,994,447* 1,799,261* 3,417,619* 1,436,647* 39,298,514 14,901,424 (0) 4,753,470* 213,778* 5,367,917 15,413,417 83,284,271 22,369,114 3,404,411 57,510,746 1984 10 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] G r e a t L a k e s ( M e t r o p o lit a n p o r tio n ) G re a t La ke s 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 539,149,267 570,426,786 602,456,507 636,334,945 682,067,943 730,968,587 435,880,899 462,859,713 489,515,209 518,175,828 556,787,472 595,729,148 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm Income1....................................................... 533,810,941 5,338,326 564,950,767 5,476,019 596,631,912 5,824,595 630,321,778 6,013,167 677,180,527 4,887,416 723,695,285 7,273,302 434,074,259 1,806,640 460,949,106 1,910,607 487,562,668 1,952,541 516,114,233 2,061,595 555,093,840 1,693,632 593,313,446 2,415,702 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 41,586.9 41,649.5 41,761.6 41,941.9 42,120.1 42,310.1 32,104.0 32,161.5 32,267.4 32,416.1 32,547.5 32,700.3 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 12,964 13,696 14,426 15,172 16,193 17,2 76 13 ,5 77 14,392 15 ,17 1 15,985 17 ,1 0 7 18,218 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place ot residence....................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 389,998,417 23,867,462 1,396,405 367,527,360 90,307,789 81,314,118 414,984,529 26,756,972 1,525,042 389,752,599 94,711,469 85,962,718 439,961,643 28,533,719 1,672,060 413,099,984 98,233,857 91,122,666 468,761,318 30,500,716 1,886,846 440,147,448 100,137,987 96,049,510 504,917,743 34,215,105 2,100,748 472,803,386 107,810,618 101,453,939 534,465,342 37,393,167 2,217,962 499,290,137 123,302,609 108,375,841 328,023,191 20,250,883 -6,128,125 301,644,183 71,481,988 62,754,728 350,747,395 22,789,545 -6,540,330 321,417,520 75,210,756 66,231,437 372,385,791 24,348,391 -6,967,102 341,070,298 78,141,697 70,303,214 396,952,634 26,013,827 -7,248,682 363,690,125 80,318,870 74,166,833 428,857,973 29,181,230 -7,838,591 391,838,152 86,544,800 78,404,520 452,888,214 31,827,670 -8,108,276 412,952,268 98,958,349 83,818,531 319,646,721 34,860,908 35,490,788 4,268,128 31,222,660 341,310,366 35,456,581 38,217,582 4,421,450 33,796,132 360,622,119 37,523,339 41,816,185 4,789,125 37,027,060 382,948,614 38,742,382 47,070,322 4,931,980 42,138,342 413,432,222 41,363,326 50,122,195 3,813,735 46,308,460 435,130,156 44,044,109 55,291,077 6,195,497 49,095,580 272,921,096 29,780,188 25,321,907 1,380,204 23,941,703 292,621,217 30,393,342 27,732,836 1,490,186 26,242,650 309,793,047 32,206,431 30,386,313 1,539,694 28,846,619 328,991,361 33,213,446 34,747,827 1,630,599 33,117,228 355,745,879 35,466,963 37,645,131 1,265,804 36,379,327 374,503,482 37,758,637 40,626,095 1,986,106 38,639,989 5,338,326 384,660,091 333,675,125 1,348,932 1,238,808 110,124 3,446,878 1,525,380 1,368,144 95,684 457,670 19,420,172 125,648,237 34,479,440 7,707,510 289,000 1,352,569 4,302,325 6,514,147 6,883,413 1,139,909 18,430 5,874,416 397,721 91,168,797 1,537,593 1,960,478 11,392,144 13,290,357 18,445,685 10,841,082 4,196,969 22,212,725 3,417,310 2,381,732 1,492,722 26,429,905 2,613,061 8,195,825 272,120 3,370,222 6,243,876 5,734,801 25,018,763 35,625,131 20,768,082 7,615,997 13,152,085 75,969,025 1,436,494 3,448,234 901,483 14,308,954 3,008,687 1,408,194 1,540,874 369,029 27,202,500 5,707,630 3,051,847 2,074,569 107,720 3,673,896 7,728,914 50,984,966 8,478,617 2,055,740 40,450,609 5,476,019 409,508,510 355,488,051 1,345,083 1,269,340 75,743 3,660,348 1,472,892 1,620,212 87,308 479,936 21,038,365 131,436,476 36,000,210 7,816,203 295,690 1,457,661 4,496,827 6,967,054 7,255,524 1,183,668 16,986 6,138,486 372,111 95,436,266 1,678,475 2,073,825 10,982,514 14,308,021 19,154,155 10,918,961 4,489,088 24,336,581 3,494,125 2,548,199 1,452,322 27,480,289 2,513,709 8,347,747 272,988 3,670,420 6,549,754 6,125,671 26,692,827 37,579,155 22,355,811 8,014,914 14,340,897 83,899,697 1,514,371 4,193,279 902,619 17,182,584 3,388,147 1,396,199 1,698,330 399,858 28,674,208 6,249,096 3,320,955 2,306,696 117,242 3,802,591 8,753,522 54,020,459 8,934,565 2,298,790 42,787,104 5,824,595 434,137,048 376,763,694 1,357,139 1,317,002 40,137 2,821,019 1,380,476 806,930 99,491 534,122 23,093,984 134,486,524 37,661,466 8,103,540 307,877 1,539,454 4,779,389 7,270,635 7,636,724 1,246,002 15,231 6,406,597 356,017 96,825,058 1,855,528 2,181,463 10,633,024 14,552,257 19,057,858 11,080,097 4,842,053 24,929,457 3,561,552 2,627,999 1,503,770 29,085,779 2,459,448 8,759,997 273,230 4,315,529 6,785,981 6,491,594 28,095,925 39,979,846 24,867,397 8,786,657 16,080,740 92,976,081 1,600,903 4,540,095 898,260 19,538,844 3,690,646 1,559,026 1,899,668 425,303 30,911,203 7,107,253 3,545,328 2,537,666 129,559 3,997,572 10,594,755 57,373,354 8,961,085 2,421,297 45,990,972 6,013,167 462,748,151 402,085,563 1,833,806 1,785,139 48,667 2,724,714 1,253,846 803,800 126,753 540,315 25,170,348 136,624,256 39,541,429 8,345,008 315,725 1,522,576 4,994,090 7,754,606 8,076,125 1,348,760 15,428 6,787,546 381,565 97,082,827 2,106,842 2,413,046 10,738,229 14,566,262 19,163,115 11,044,213 4,852,150 24,230,279 3,673,019 2,701,091 1,594,581 30,666,211 2,383,990 9,365,951 296,360 4,724,760 7,125,488 6,769,662 30,245,562 42,519,596 30,378,243 9,464,668 20,913,575 101,922,827 1,815,244 4,800,340 897,572 21,903,201 3,867,812 1,558,445 2,062,090 428,986 34,281,234 7,771,685 3,788,005 2,840,415 146,174 4,399,683 11,361,941 60,662,588 9,543,400 2,478,725 48,640,463 4,887,416 500,030,327 435,185,064 1,998,837 1,953,704 45,133 2,848,854 1,183,167 953,204 137,528 574,955 28,032,022 146,246,522 42,358,760 8,897,290 352,890 1,630,563 5,277,078 8,468,920 8,823,967 1,397,120 15,724 7,075,227 419,981 103,887,762 2,350,019 2,649,256 11,752,505 15,501,106 20,829,248 11,550,470 4,715,509 25,625,141 3,986,418 3,153,308 1,774,782 32,332,466 2,360,916 10,020,723 322,322 5,171,280 7,362,901 7,094,324 32,975,160 45,998,329 31,552,715 10,114,423 21,438,292 113,200,159 1,964,921 5,525,694 947,667 24,334,663 4,148,371 1,838,673 2,322,418 516,692 37,273,970 8,928,475 4,169,158 3,203,641 161,434 4,875,765 12,988,617 64,845,263 10,237,748 2,494,749 52,112,766 7,273,302 527,192,040 458,539,913 2,138,274 2,097,387 40,887 2,889,472 1,193,473 950,340 154,049 591,610 29,543,079 150,954,422 43,816,770 8,982,602 350,461 1,640,934 5,421,760 8,916,751 9,251,390 1,373,688 1,511 7,465,365 412,308 107,137,652 2,404,011 2,802,136 12,217,553 15,898,888 21,734,760 12,012,936 4,816,169 26,002,679 4,083,520 3,364,435 1,800,565 33,327,728 2,292,769 10,310,487 350,918 5,614,295 7,432,574 7,326,685 35,643,454 48,402,565 32,028,968 10,612,337 21,416,631 123,611,951 2,104,733 6,189,071 992,688 26,921,801 4,483,140 2,030,698 2,462,072 585,836 40,037,401 9,677,940 4,459,922 3,591,575 175,652 5,180,318 14,719,104 68,652,127 10,820,914 2,562,177 55,269,036 1,806,640 326,216,551 284,330,832 938,479* 853,246* 30,477* 1,480,779 (D) (D) (0) (0) 15,814,182* 106,021,918 28,166,674 5,773,535* (0) (0) 2,995,993* 5,501,836* (0) 1,003,652* (0) 4,061,388* (0) 77,855,244 765,441* (0) (D) 10,664,017* (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) 21,483,770* 1,972,864* 6,463,571* (D) (D) 5,072,593* (D) 22,478,832* 29,668,891 18,946,484* 5,980,316* (0) 66,533,799* 1,148,099* 2,844,788* 712,046* 13,077,637 2,474,137 1,153,859* 1,286,095* (0) 23,667,645 5,263,365 2,457,295* 1,721,622* (0) 3,064,770* 7,063,393 41,885,719 7,390,308 1,681,508 32,813,903 1,910,607 348,836,788 304,482,945 979,715* 915,254* (D) 1,746,210 (D) (D) (0) (0) 17,307,527* 111,324,606 29,388,875 5,783,699* (D) (D) 3,093,618* 5,893,413* (D) 1,061,271* <D) (D) (D> 81,935,731 (D) (0) (0) 11,738,048* 14,615,335* (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) 22,518,868* 1,860,448* 6,692,119 (D) (0) 5,326,584* (0) 24,064,747* 31,395,044 20,509,906* 6,397,290* 12,474,597* 73,718,059* 1,212,265* 3,415,100* 712,961* 15,787,324 2,786,445 1,169,113* 1,442,999* (0) 24,946,300 5,771,939 (0) 1,934,141* (0) 3,196,022* 8,056,631 44,353,843 7,782,000 1,894,139 34,677,704 1,952,541 370,433,250 323,367,104 1,043,585* 997,745* (D) 1,150,956* (D) (0) 218* (0) 19,329,730* 113,412,035 30,701,791* 5,920,920* (0) (0) 3,272,391* 6,138,321* (D) 1,129,868* (D) (D) (D) 82,708,295* 931,894* (0) (0) 11,945,725* 14,547,033* (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) 23,792,505* 1,818,633* 6,867,512* (0) (0) 5,538,437* (0) 25,440,574* 33,513,495 22,895,637 7,204,225* 14,389,432* 81,901,297* 1,286,429* 3,691,085* 708,045* 18,025,432 3,028,550 1,297,927* 1,645,140* (0) 26,923,085 6,578,891 (0) 2,143,370* 114,114* 3,370,741* 9,712,057 47,066,146 7,800,575 1,993,565 37,272,006 2,061,595 394,891,039 345,136,730 1,362,110 1,313,744* (D) 1,131,322 (0) (0) (0) (0) 21,143,587* 114,422,641 32,204,213* 6,355,237* (0) (0) 3,428,014* 6,557,103* ID) 1,228,330* (D) 4,656,193* (D) 82,133,937* 1,068,193* (D) (D) 11,891,662* (D) 8,153,060* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 25,141,387* (D) 7,339,469* (D) (D) 5,898,090* (D) 27,425,020* 35,758,126 27,893,343 7,604,979* 17,919,802* 90,003,584* 1,455,857* 3,903,261* 703,391* 20,251,921 3,177,639 1,306,707* 1,780,188* (D) 29,887,872 7,229,668 (D) 2,392,704* 128,678* 3,704,171* 10,411,811 49,754,309 8,318,041 2,025,405 39,410,863 1,693,632 427,164,341 374,007,800 1,516,306* 1,441,643* (D) 1,292,468* (D) (D) (D) (D) 23,601,739* 122,367,566 34,519,816* 6,767,505* (0) ID) 3,650,892* 7,159,037* ID) 1,266,516* (D) 4,829,197* (D) 87,569,576* 1,197,155* (D) (D) 12,332,555* ID) 8,503,699* (D) (D) 2,632,485* (D) 1,303,242* 26,782,200* 1,705,487* 7,879,919* (D) (0) 5,997,750* (D) 29,960,719* 38,601,574 29,193,288 (D) (D) 100,232,753* 1,620,968* 4,481,766* 728,913* 22,449,640 3,413,749 1,547,919* 1,985,235* 448,025* 32,471,108 8,319,892 ID) 2,702,929* ID) 4,116,638 11,903,930 53,156,541 8,922,423 2,035,955 42,198,163 2,415,702 450,472,512 394,204,251 1,637,047* 1,543,715* (D) 1,300,272* (D) (D) (D) (D) 24,960,182* 126,009,961 35,660,601* 6,785,623* ID) (D) 3,632,022* 7,514,261* (D) 1,268,396* ID) 4,999,604* (D) 90,127,171* 1,187,977* (D) (D) 12,948,276* (D) 8,936,728* (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,329,709* 27,457,182* 1,676,143* 8,119,868* (D) (0) 6,093,440* (0) 32,372,755* 40,634,168 29,668,996 8,931,916* 19,657,782* 109,208,739* 1,748,964* 5,002,526* 762,641* 24,870,944 3,690,836 1,718,293* 2,126,693* 521,512* 34,859,550 9,022,685 3,656,738* 3,030,792* (D) 4,378,507 13,491,19! 56,268,261 9,440,295 2,091,899 44,736,067 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income8................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry; Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate’ .............. Hotels and other lodging places......................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Government and government enterprises..................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS 11 Table 4 — Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] G r e a t L a k e s (N o n m e tr o p o lita n p o r tio n ) 1984 P la in s 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 103,268,368 10 7,5 67,0 73 112,941,298 118 ,1 5 9 ,1 17 125,280,471 135,239,439 220,092,703 232,842,247 244,888,938 257,0 70 ,7 91 271,6 62,814 99,736,682 3,531,686 291,9 15,195 104,001,661 3,565,412 109,069,244 3,872,054 114,207,545 3,951,572 122,086,687 3,193,784 130,381,839 4,857,600 213,075,731 7,016,972 224,073,696 8,768,551 234,096,586 10,792,352 246,275,290 10,795,501 262,674,518 8,988,296 282,133,041 9,782,154 Population (thousands)2 ....................................... 9,482.9 9,488.0 9,494.2 9,525.8 9,572.5 9,609.8 17,513.2 17,556.3 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 17,563.9 17,625.0 17,759.4 17,850.9 10,890 11,3 3 7 11,896 12,404 13,087 14,073 12,567 13,263 13,943 14,586 15,297 16,353 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments..................................... 61,975,226 3,616,579 7,524,530 65,883,177 18,825,801 18,559,390 64,237,134 3,967,427 8,065,372 68,335,079 19,500,713 19,731,281 67,575,852 4,185,328 8,639,162 72,029,686 20,092,160 20,819,452 71,808,684 4,486,889 9,135,528 76,457,323 19,819,117 21,882,677 76,059,770 5,033,875 9,939,339 80,965,234 21,265,818 23,049,419 81,577,128 5,565,497 10,326,238 86,337,869 24,344,260 24,557,310 157,914,841 9,554,256 -1,373,540 146,987,045 41,664,920 31,440,738 167,634,080 10,603,902 -1,518,871 155,511,307 43,539,016 33,791,924 177,917,139 11,287,873 -1,681,446 164,947,820 44,621,294 35,319,824 189,276,625 12,156,588 -1,819,847 175,300,190 44,744,437 37,026,164 200,833,411 13,568,813 -1,946,996 185,317,602 46,960,424 39,384,788 212,741,154 14,951,906 -2,052,750 195,736,498 53,654,027 42,524,670 46,725,625 5,080,720 10,168,881 2,887,924 7,280,957 48,689,149 5,063,239 10,484,746 2,931,264 7,553,482 50,829,072 5,316,908 11,429,872 3,249,431 8,180,441 53,957,253 5,528,936 12,322,495 3,301,381 9,021,114 57,686,343 5,896,363 12,477,064 2,547,931 9,929,133 60,626,674 6,285,472 14,664,982 4,209,391 10,455,591 123,353,699 12,224,512 22,336,630 5,858,395 16,478,235 130,241,900 12,414,694 24,977,486 7,642,217 17,335,269 136,466,709 13,182,796 28,267,634 9,698,435 18,569,199 145,347,723 13,748,111 30,180,791 9,673,245 20,507,546 155,669,435 14,663,473 30,500,503 7,887,444 22,613,059 164,362,486 15,763,069 32,615,599 8,697,044 23,918,555 3,531,686 58,443,540 49,344,293 386,840* 297,801* (D) 1,898,358* (0) (0) 88,829* (0) 3,457,224* 19,626,050* 6,027,878* (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 128,397* 1,136 (0) (D) 13,072,463* (D) (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) 4,242,659* 542,545* 1,590,981* (D) (D) (D) (0) 2,514,686* 5,956,240 1,807,852* 3,565,412 60,671,722 51,005,106 354,185* 294,807* (D) 1,853,440* (0) (D) 82,483* (D) 3,563,783* 20,111,677* 6,322,993* (0) (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) 116,780* 978 (0) (D) 13,144,732* (D) (0) (D) <D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) 4,238,243* 561,739* 1,592,732* 3,872,054 63,703,798 53,396,590 303,291* 272,930* (D) 1,577,093* (0) 0» (D) (D) 3,634,006* 21,074,291* 6,675,083* (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (0) 107,886* 949 (D) (D) 13,895,668* (D) (0) (0) (D) ID) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) 4,622,945* 552,392* 1,664,161* (D) (D) (0) (0) 2,627,877* 6,466,351 1,971,797* (D) 3,951,572 67,857,112 56,948,833 444,887* 408,336* (D) 1,492,284* (0) (D) (0) (D) 3,893,745* 22,201,368* 7,076,153* (D) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) 113,720* 902* (D) (D) 14,661,449* (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) 4,895,589* 575,838* 1,853,654* (0) (D) (0) 3,193,784 72,865,986 61,177,264 450,015* (D) (D) 1,452,339* (0) (0) (0) (D) 4,296,974* 23,878,755* 7,393,541* (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) 124,810* 956* (D) (D) 15,525,405* (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 5,060,230* 542,909* 1,943,158* 4,857,600 76,719,528 64,335,662 479,230* (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) 4,416,011* 24,942,986* 7,828,459* (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 101,068* 961* (0) (D) 16,191,725* (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) 5,189,351* 481,612* 1,992,133* (0) 7,016,972 150,897,869 127,005,750 890,597 836,790 53,807 1,686,337 184,342 912,078 353,378 236,539 9,584,510 33,965,986 13,199,104 4,718,186 74,510 510,749 1,762,469 2,682,577 1,715,972 261,935 236 1,152,547 319,923 20,766,882 699,519 453,783 1,028,194 2,578,614 5,861,413 2,862,512 2,527,281 2,062,613 907,737 1,318,113 467,103 13,919,404 2,257,253 4,264,937 128,902 2,005,516 2,920,765 2,342,031 11,612,677 15,629,839 8,987,454 3,389,840 5,597,614 30,728,946 773,428 1,655,911 411,986 5,606,323 1,568,341 738,542 624,020 138,931 10,920,689 2,181,659 1,276,436 1,005,369 25,625 1,332,936 2,468,750 23,892,119 4,574,077 1,838,655 17,479,387 8,768,551 158,865,529 133,332,758 808,938 766,478 42,460 1,749,100 190,543 984,702 329,888 243,967 9,890,034 35,122,368 13,698,959 4,820,192 76,821 512,714 1,837,849 2,875,358 1,825,081 276,741 353 1,163,408 310,442 21,423,409 751,376 480,997 961,666 2,682,821 5,911,309 3,019,464 2,621,978 2,232,662 902,197 1,373,318 485,621 14,206,501 2,124,688 4,196,188 114,842 2,221,603 3,007,612 2,541,568 12,090,626 16,282,658 9,684,338 3,584,010 6,100,328 33,498,195 820,297 2,054,692 412,925 6,446,470 1,734,111 651,956 700,928 151,558 11,660,850 2,376,968 1,388,043 1,088,981 31,265 1,362,924 2,616,227 25,532,771 4,857,926 1,975,361 18,699,484 10,792,352 167,124,787 140,307,819 756,008 723,452 32,556 1,260,360 176,897 543,324 279,643 260,496 10,670,878 36,339,790 14,357,698 5,060,804 78,413 516,599 1,938,151 3,046,029 1,911,997 285,917 614 1,221,495 297,679 21,982,092 855,404 515,555 979,964 2,684,030 5,719,093 3,010,550 2,903,012 2,308,255 934,455 1,576,383 495,391 14,766,404 2,051,321 4,376,725 99,075 2,295,414 3,208,389 2,735,480 12,310,312 16,877,951 10,763,728 3,884,259 6,879,469 36,562,388 821,428 2,227,738 410,698 7,173,550 1,870,231 751,128 779,659 158,675 12,429,377 2,698,460 1,543,651 1,181,008 37,279 1,421,092 3,058,414 26,816,968 4,889,537 2,093,510 19,833,921 10,795,501 178,481,124 150,014,065 1,122,542 1,093,354 29,188 1,201,484 (D) 501,549 279,539 (D) 11,176,272 37,947,021 15,146,933 5,295,094 84,679 539,352 2,038,947 3,244,202 1,995,286 304,595 472 1,331,207 313,099 22,800,088 989,077 575,944 1,015,381 2,767,453 6,015,930 3,066,998 3,200,990 2,137,846 968,369 1,580,430 481,670 15,244,220 2,016,083 4,605,629 115,816 2,444,032 3,399,329 2,663,331 13,229,983 17,654,985 12,695,611 4,024,316 8,671,295 39,741,947 917,275 2,352,426 410,036 7,883,972 1,912,893 752,210 846,222 167,063 13,816,262 2,857,057 1,650,797 1,278,702 40,382 1,535,908 3,320,742 28,467,059 5,225,366 2,230,532 21,011,161 8,988,296 191,845,115 161,576,227 1,156,778 1,128,124 28,654 1,304,212 141,612 552,150 323,897 286,553 11,604,537 40,881,002 16,199,403 5,565,473 88,768 559,772 2,199,662 3,557,705 2,154,615 312,256 517 1,433,811 326,824 24,681,599 1,231,062 623,359 1,098,047 2,965,952 6,576,921 3,286,474 3,438,035 2,251,947 1,013,917 1,666,556 529,329 16,218,865 2,033,978 4,886,038 137,601 2,733,460 3,560,410 2,867,378 14,377,258 19,186,190 12,825,287 4,218,300 8,606,987 44,022,098 959,897 2,727,334 433,958 8,780,829 2,036,179 864,084 949,095 198,580 15,207,141 3,223,987 1,796,110 1,429,605 44,394 1,689,487 3,681,418 30,268,888 5,606,160 2,271,536 22,391,192 9,782,154 202,959,000 170,928,050 1,201,281 1,174’757 26’524 1,339,773 133,958 555,341 368,982 281,492 11,742,431 42,628,061 17,131^196 5,813,416 84,584 575,323 2,324,163 3,754,840 2,377,833 320 142 332 1,563,085 317*478 25,496,865 1,125,050 691,210 1,111,683 3,071,691 6,753,201 3,459,567 3,814,087 2,203,024 1,050,108 1*675*732 541*512 17,113)42 2,092,520 5,083,178 115,131 3,065,272 3,794,295 2,962,946 15,276,975 20,074,679 13,131,740 4,397,791 8,733,949 48,419,768 996Ì257 3,067,140 454*628 9,905,685 2,157,373 • 943,454 998^228 213,987 16,670,793 3,522,100 1,971,159 1,606,334 49*458 1,776*444 4^086*728 32*030*950 5,876,650 2,348,380 2 3*9 20 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e .................................................... Nonfarm personal income...................................... Farm income1......................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors' income"................................................ Farm..................................................... Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm...................................... Nonfarm................................................. Private................................................... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other’ ........................... Mining............................................. Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction............................................ Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods........................................ Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures............................... Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.......................................... Reta'i trade....................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate*.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises..................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (D) (D) 9,006,686* (0) 584,085* 181,659* 1,201,096* 533,921* 242,475* (D) (0) 3,534,855 443,603* (D) (D) (D) 582,162* 663,804* 9,099,247 1,088,309 374,232 7,636,706 (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,616,015* 6,184,111 1,839,307* (0) (D) 9,691,049* (D) 742,395* 181,273* 1,329,025* 601,100* 213,974* (D) ID) 3,727,908 476,582* (D) (D) (D) 586,166* 695,545* 9,666,616 1,152,565 404,651 8,109,400 m 10,569,425* (D) 804,312* 180,191* 1,498,544* 661,373* 244,865* (0) (0) 3,979,466* 527,631* (0) (0) (D) 606,853* 881,117* 10,307,208 1,160,510 427,732 8,718,966 (D) 2,783,061* 6,761,470 2,482,752* (D) (0) 11,438,789* (D) 851,162* 181,930* 1,641,139* 689,698* 243,295* (D) (D) 4,384,185* 541,470* (D) (D) (0) 666,401* 950,130 10,908,279 1,225,359 453,320 9,229,600 (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,983,844* 7,348,873* 2,357,937* (D) (D) 12,730,820* (D) 989,359* 190,905* 1,873,497* 734,622 280,334* (0) (D) 4,778,324* 607,949* (D) (0) (D) 741,621* 1,084,687 11,688,722 1,315,325 458,794 9,914,603 (D) (D) (D) 3,217,521* 7,710,340* 2,358,902* (D) (0) 13,708,661* (D) 1,125,140* 198,926* 2,035,700* 792,304 300,797* (O) (0) 5,162,583* 655,255 (0) (0) (D) 783,887* 1,227,913 12,383,866 1,380,619 470,278 10,532,969 12 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] P la in s ( N o n m e tr o p o lita n p o rtio n ) P la in s ( M e t r o p o lit a n p o r tio n ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e 134,120,841 142,951,962 150,983,523 160,570,426 171,5 44,6 47 184,153,886 85,971,862 89,890,285 93,905,415 96,500,365 10 0 ,118 ,16 7 107,761,309 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 133,425,225 695,616 142,085,707 866,255 149,872,304 1,111,219 159,501,667 1,068,759 170,692,336 852,311 183,189,769 964,117 79,650,506 6,321,356 81,987,989 7,902,296 84,224,282 9,681,133 86,773,623 9,726,742 98,943,272 8,818,037 T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ........................................................................................................................ Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 9,644.0 9,733.2 9,813.2 9,916.9 10,053.6 10,170.6 7,869.3 7,823.1 7,750.7 7,708.1 91,982,182 8,135,985 7,705.7 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) ......................................................................... 13,9 07 14,687 15,386 16,192 17,063 18 ,10 7 10,925 11,490 12 ,116 12,519 12,993 14,031 Derivation of total personal Income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 105,805,191 6,632,708 -4,071,907 95,100,576 22,437,278 16,582,987 113,068,905 7,447,231 -4,464,323 101,157,351 23,858,263 17,936,348 120,144,657 7,984,086 -4,881,231 107,279,340 24,940,560 18,763,623 128,855,384 8,607,258 -5,260,364 114,987,762 25,727,445 19,855,219 138,299,358 9,587,282 -5,544,000 123,168,076 27,129,871 21,246,700 146,466,380 10,498,758 -5,750,782 130,216,840 30,978,988 22,958,058 52,109,650 2,921,548 2,698,367 51,886,469 19,227,642 14,857,751 54,565,175 3,156,671 2,945,452 54,353,956 19,680,753 15,855,576 57,772,482 3,303,787 3,199,785 57,668,480 19,680,734 16,556,201 60,421,241 3,549,330 3,440,517 60,312,428 19,016,992 17,170,945 62,534,053 3,981,531 3,597,004 62,149,526 19,830,553 18,138,088 66,274,774 4,453,148 3,698,032 65,519,658 22,675,039 19,566,612 87,938,072 8,803,782 9,063,337 534,533 8,528,804 94,042,844 9,049,917 9,976,144 709,795 9,266,349 99,484,703 9,690,119 10,969,835 959,413 10,010,422 106,397,858 10,103,238 12,354,288 913,553 11,440,735 114,238,194 10,757,355 13,303,809 700,420 12,603,389 120,706,286 11,551,788 14,208,306 814,764 13,393,542 35,415,627 3,420,730 13,273,293 5,323,862 7,949,431 36,199,056 3,364,777 15,001,342 6,932,422 8,068,920 36,982,006 3,492,677 17,297,799 8,739,022 8,558,777 38,949,865 3,644,873 17,826,503 8,759,692 9,066,811 41,431,241 3,906,118 17,196,694 7,187,024 10,009,670 43,656,200 4,211,281 18,407,293 7,882,280 10,525,013 695,616 105,109,575 90,302,443 377,237* 337,545* 15,688* 696,555* (D) (D) (0) (D) 6,217,704* 25,086,009 9,207,923* (0) (D) (D) (0) 2,161,836* 1,349,082* 184,684* 207 (D) (D) 15,806,602* (D) (»1 (D) 1,889,737* (D) (D) 2,304,602* (D) (D) 1,043,350* (D) 9,565,875* 1,306,266* 2,337,659* (D) (0) (D) (D) 8,474,022* 10,287,908 7,045,334 2,163,676* 4,719,535* 22,381,653* (D) 1,079,294 (0) 4,415,348* 978,181 407,651 465,969* 110,821* 7,968,186* 1,711,679 (D) 703,292* (D) 861,159* 1,898,831 14,807,132 3,363,588 1,050,343 10,393,201 866,255 112,202,650 96,312,752 365,491* 325,140* (0) 766,945* (D) (D) (D) 1») 6,827,881 26,152,985 9,616,702* 2,656,914* (D) (D) (D) 2,333,176* 1,454,623* 196,735* 174 (0) (D) 16,459,637* (0) (D) (D) 1,945,236* (0) (D) 2,402,234* 1») ID) 1,087,617* (D) 9,907,472* 1,216,642* 2,398,131* (D) (D) (D) (D) 8,961,351 10,890,229 7,724,198 2,294,823* 5,140,479* 24,702,066 (0) 1,322,140 (D) 5,097,289 1,082,988 366,208 517,743* 122,451* 8,559,607* 1,880,262 (0) 769,779* (D) 892,494* 2,041,466* 15,889,898 3,575,436 1,142,887 11,171,575 1,111,219 119,033,438 102,336,338 367,835* 337,255* (D) 523,528* (D) (D) (D) (D) 7,586,059 27,073,278 10,138,495 2,834,359* (0) (D) 0» 2,477,889* 1,543,635* 205,298* 335 (D) (D) 16,934,783 (D) (D) (D) 1,927,256* (D) (D) 2,660,548* (D) 435,933* 1,288,647* (D) 10,188,907* 1,262,907* 2,522,462* (D) (0) (D) (D) 9,251,351 11,491,702 8,699,855 2,580,124* 5,888,560* 27,139,119 (0) 1,444,297 (D) 5,715,512 1,172,052 424,892* 570,796* 126,284* 9,232,706 2,141,655 (D) 839,323* (D) 942,733 2,390,000* 16,697,100 3,586,143 1,221,110 11,889,847 1,068,759 127,786,625 109,964,391 526,928* 496,389* (0) 505,839* (D) (0) (0) (D) 8,040,055 27,984,419 10,698,993* 2,981,110* (D) (D) (D) 2,645,096* 1,601,493* 218,333* 244 (D) (D) 17,267,704* (D) (D) (0) 1,938,200* (D) (D) (D) (D) 443,741* 1,300,670* (D) 10,662,884* 1,234,123* 2,644,916* (D) (D) (D) (D) 10,036,177 12,128,627 10,259,353 2,732,352* 7,327,089* 29,804,726 (D) 1,531,008 (D) 6,357,085 1,224,237 433,467 624,288* 133,018* 10,341,310 2,313,176 (D) 903,422* (D) 1,018,418 2,632,825 17,822,234 3,822,937 1,318,206 12,681,091 852,311 137,447,047 118,413,615 553,021* 517,320* (D) 575,619* (D) (D) (D) (D) 8,265,947 30,087,034 11,552,162* (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,884,981* 1,765,830* 230,163* (D) (D) (D) 18,515,113* (D) (D) 647,154* 2,044,239* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,344,696* (D) 11,368,480* 1,221,385* 2,771,144* (D) (D) (D) (D) 10,907,770 13,144,859 10,484,676 2,710,950* 6,819,195* 33,009,596 (0) 1,766,957 (D) 7,057,522 1,323,834 498,767 711,066* 161,018* 11,385,464 2,610,151 (D) 1,008,861* (0) 1,121,289 2,915,246 19,033,432 4,125,372 1,356,172 13,551,888 964,117 145,502,263 125,352,737 577,686* 565,931* (0) 607,811* (D) (D) (0) (D) 8,321,547 31,224,163 12,260,522 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,103,628* 1,965,275* 233,816* 268* (D) (D) 18,963,641 (D) ID) ID) 2,095,006* (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) 1,391,234* (D) 12,074,482* 1,258,315* (D) (D) (D) 3,033,239* (D) 11,607,431 13,751,584 10,764,304 (D) (D) 36,405,832 671,991* 1,975,854 249,353* 7,997,517 1,396,492 541,288 741,372* 173,674* 12,518,405 2,859,168 (D) 1,134,696* (D) 1,181,344 3,230,786 20,149,526 4,327,280 1,395,805 14,426,441 6,321,356 45,788,294 36,703,307 494,840* 448,233* 33,392* 908,725* (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,331,323* 8,871,510* 3,685,046* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 70,933* ID (D) (D) 4,609,986* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,283,320* 819,125* 1,708,241* (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,075,379* 5,341,931 1,940,550* (D) ID) 8,137,869* (D) 565,139* 158,016* 1,169,918* 588,442* 299,522* (D) (D) 2,890,028* 465,953* (D) (D) (D) (D) 529,929* 9,084,987 1,210,489 788,312 7,086,186 7,902,296 46,662,879 37,020,006 433,426* 398,766* 27,535* 903,980* (0) (D) (D) (D) 3,058,809* 8,962,475* 3,795,218* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 69,255* 179 (D) (D) 4,588,819* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,212,091* 812,106* 1,626,395* (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,114,645* 5,392,429 1,958,360* (D) (D) 8,717,645* (D) 714,585* 156,673* 1,327,713* 650,090* (D) (D) (D) 3,037,133* 492,675* (D) (D) (D) (D) 536,053* 9,642,873 1,282,490 832,474 7,527,909 9,681,133 48,091,349 37,971,481 354,839* 331,617* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,065,462* 9,260,830* 3,934,430* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 75,274* 279 (D) (D) 4,659,414* (D) (D) (D) ID) (D) (D) ID) (D) (D) (D) ID) 4,480,780* 771,877* 1,690,375* ID) (D) (D) (D) 3,044,063* 5,386,249 2,059,329* (D) (0) 9,307,584* (D) 762,569* 157,052* 1,433,836* 697,234* (D) (D) (D) 3,192,536* 553,849* (D) (D) (D) (D) 643,768* 10,119,868 1,303,394 872,400 7,944,074 9,726,742 50,694,499 40,049,674 536,662* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,118,020* 9,959,518* 4,156,106* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 76,191* 228 (D) (D) 5,149,589* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,483,890* 761,669* 1,753,274* (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,174,956* 5,526,358 2,432,932* (D) (D) 9,807,584* (0) 796,143* 155,869* 1,490,352* 687,811* (D) ID) (D) 3,470,413* 542,126* (D) (D) (D) 468,348* 687,320* 10,644,825 1,402,429 912,326 8,330,070 8,135,985 54,398,068 43,162,612 (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,301,730* 10,789,028* 4,390,391* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 73,486* (D) (D) (D) 5,782,612* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,717,304* 779,194* 1,832,199* (0) (D) (D) (D) 3,431,188* 6,041,331 2,334,173* (D) (D) 10,865,083* (D) 931,510* 163,375* 1,679,783* 711,388* (D) (D) (D) 3,780,974* 612,147* (D) (D) (D) 515,332* 765,485* 11,235,456 1,480,788 915,364 8,839,304 8,818,037 57,456,737 45,575,313 588,019* 564,120* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,384,467* 11,397,788* 4,619,969* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 50 (D) (D) 6,150,395* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,906,763* 812,134* 1,897,316* (D) 0» (D) (D) 3,619,770* 6,323,095 2,364,623* (D) (D) 11,832,984* (D) 1,059,032* 169,885* 1,863,299* 760,009* (D) (D) (D) 4,113,049* 661,286* (D) (D) (0) 535,962* 855,167* 11,881,424 1,549,370 952,575 9,379,479 7,680.4 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining........................................................ Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles....... Motor vehicles and equipment...................... Stone, clay, and glass products..................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Educational services...................................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Government and government enterprises...................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS 13 Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] S o u th e a s t 1984 S o u th e a s t ( M e t r o p o lit a n p o r tio n ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 634,234,658 681,055,681 728,365,380 78 2,70 7,736 848,795,413 914,325,268 451,750,9 73 489,196,249 524,887,724 566,895,335 615,501,396 664,744,430 623,778,598 10,456,060 672,173,139 8,882,542 719,140,249 9,225,131 772,192,093 10,515,643 835,997,965 12,797,448 901,736,725 12,588,543 448,054,425 3,696,548 485,760,069 3,436,180 521,295,048 3,592,676 563,171,553 3,723,782 611,151,528 4,349,868 660,413,942 4,330,488 55,791.4 56,550.7 57,275.5 58,015.5 58,671.5 59,338.3 36,096.3 36,726.9 37,364.6 38,012.5 38,592.3 39,192.6 11,3 68 12,043 1 2 ,7 1 7 13,491 14,467 15,409 12,515 13,320 14,048 14,913 15,949 16,961 450,474,553 25,040,780 3,464,574 428,898,347 104,681,674 100,654,637 482,614,277 28,245,001 3,461,965 457,831,241 114,359,897 108,864,543 517,712,607 30,736,901 3,586,876 490,562,582 121,123,972 116,678,826 563,039,508 32,478,981 3,687,315 534,247,842 125,283,081 123,176,813 610,542,160 36,507,246 3,840,436 577,875,350 138,420,815 132,499,248 647,284,115 40,227,423 4,367,481 611,424,173 159,534,761 143,366,334 332,057,644 18,516,536 -4,098,299 309,442,809 77,459,393 64,848,771 360,027,091 21,043,464 -5,054,074 333,929,553 84,936,585 70,330,111 387,990,487 22,987,969 -5,877,785 359,124,733 90,334,848 75,428,143 423,847,504 24,357,230 -6,954,121 392,536,153 94,367,587 79,991,595 459,924,670 27,394,773 -7,596,161 424,933,736 104,447,059 86,120,601 488,308,965 30,097,844 -7,553,998 450,657,123 120,593,845 93,493,462 367,472,367 35,371,638 47,630,548 8,587,718 39,042,830 395,899,609 36,430,186 50,284,482 7,032,521 43,251,961 422,143,172 39,212,199 56,357,236 7,391,521 48,965,715 457,148,342 41,844,057 64,047,109 8,583,615 55,463,494 493,525,927 45,209,546 71,806,687 10,856,636 60,950,051 523,115,555 48,618,380 75,550,180 10,616,552 64,933,628 276,908,387 26,191,163 28,958,094 2,971,582 25,986,512 300,744,247 27,213,706 32,069,138 2,718,473 29,350,665 322,344,271 29,446,925 36,199,291 2,881,033 33,318,258 350,750,186 31,565,265 41,532,053 2,974,749 38,557,304 379,847,780 34,162,015 45,914,875 3,598,032 42,316,843 402,840,488 36,711,419 48,757,058 3,567,697 45,189,361 10,456,060 440,018,493 358,545,397 2,368,280 1,953,978 414,302 9,660,186 4,500,471 4,149,037 57,022 953,656 30,650,451 95,596,239 48,125,473 7,220,611 9,332,568 5,487,630 5,263,998 4,559,237 8,732,529 1,185,359 1,890,645 3,974,874 478,022 47,470,766 4,507,931 3,196,124 4,320,562 5,375,446 7,426,238 8,825,153 5,238,531 2,929,773 3,308,212 1,298,275 1,044,521 35,150,009 3,325,988 9,054,493 1,480,354 5,763,259 8,757,303 6,768,612 27,735,948 47,478,990 23,009,493 9,041,210 13,968,283 86,895,801 3,598,561 4,120,622 2,757,318 14,965,073 3,921,277 2,052,467 2,202,383 269,324 27,688,496 6,457,231 3,047,094 1,853,504 35,953 3,658,952 10,267,546 81,473,096 18,834,469 13,467,953 49,170,674 8,882,542 473,731,735 385,844,862 2,596,550 2,090,726 505,824 10,011,366 4,317,032 4,646,704 57,751 989,879 33,355,070 99,560,990 49,392,162 7,554,071 9,032,078 5,338,196 5,542,280 5,120,908 9,039,707 1,189,491 1,977,952 4,171,831 425,648 50,168,828 4,761,793 3,371,937 4,187,801 5,703,868 8,009,108 9,216,041 5,774,029 3,258,312 3,417,814 1,385,616 1,082,509 37,040,658 3,193,395 9,294,113 1,523,525 6,346,892 9,144,763 7,537,970 30,205,425 51,055,189 25,523,054 9,967,597 15,555,457 96,496,560 3,871,955 5,010,061 2,798,525 17,488,253 4,384,242 1,927,709 2,410,223 297,479 30,368,847 7,206,667 3,351,443 2,082,548 42,857 3,763,474 11,492,277 87,886,873 19,954,549 14,301,215 53,631,109 9,225,131 508,487,476 415,410,660 2,731,802 2,201,532 530,270 8,211,394 4,097,686 3,024,293 48,615 1,040,800 36,566,360 104,882,261 52,420,405 8,075,633 9,825,667 5,570,575 5,881,427 5,638,039 9,393,951 1,235,048 2,005,154 4,399,569 395,342 52,461,856 5,181,507 3,556,362 4,267,261 5,889,595 8,168,222 9,405,105 6,236,849 3,456,131 3,657,208 1,495,671 1,147,945 39,375,939 2,990,930 9,978,407 1,409,042 7,063,486 9,383,195 8,550,879 31,636,160 54,694,969 28,911,901 11,198,275 17,713,626 108,399,874 4,192,556 5,492,181 2,819,248 19,952,956 4,787,548 2,181,642 2,701,568 321,823 33,310,155 8,348,652 3,629,052 2,338,646 78,255 3,977,986 14,267,606 93,076,816 19,993,821 14,889,645 58,193,350 10,515,643 552,523,865 452,890,571 3,320,362 2,864,728 455,634 7,719,394 3,805,609 2,764,950 70,625 1,078,210 38,184,797 111,160,422 55,737,063 8,524,974 10,761,308 5,783,848 6,184,415 6,122,814 9,637,894 1,316,224 2,157,048 4,845,665 402,873 55,423,359 5,591,449 3,899,517 4,432,637 6,041,611 8,566,053 9,786,864 6,728,586 3,629,868 3,857,166 1,643,968 1,245,640 42,229,027 2,845,260 10,830,967 1,407,008 7,940,514 10,314,975 8,890,303 34,371,606 58,582,354 35,540,042 12,186,128 23,353,914 121,782,567 4,700,387 5,864,788 2,844,967 22,980,253 5,091,676 2,259,532 3,030,712 350,213 38,531,166 9,374,665 4,004,685 2,622,020 86,088 4,338,809 15,702,606 99,633,294 21,381,083 15,529,278 62,722,933 12,797,448 597,744,712 491,024,636 3,639,429 3,123,801 515,628 8,180,763 3,736,058 3,171,833 78,427 1,194,445 41,442,422 118,627,377 59,008,036 8,929,676 11,088,094 6,052,858 6,518,184 6,744,417 10,496,567 1,344,384 2,289,377 5,140,402 404,077 59,619,341 5,896,319 4,105,445 4,870,472 6,448,658 9,392,060 10,470,596 7,035,058 4,086,412 4,097,071 1,827,667 1,389,583 45,014,968 2,945,435 11,762,442 1,565,405 8,538,405 10,896,019 9,307,262 37,806,335 63,845,306 35,626,716 12,933,653 22,693,063 136,841,320 5,043,919 6,741,146 3,031,867 26,178,968 5,435,309 2,570,607 3,357,410 384,948 43,423,923 10,597,182 4,449,452 2,973,361 96,789 4,830,360 17,726,079 106,720,076 23,261,598 15,799,832 67,658,646 12,588,543 634,695,572 520,349,740 3,846,432 3,316,552 529,880 8,235,670 3,752,508 3,190,572 98,412 1,194,178 42,138,031 123,331,066 61,659,201 9,212,626 11,505,305 6,282,762 6,952,094 7,054,591 11,231,099 1,298,527 2,333,416 5,365,239 423,542 61,671,865 5,953,628 4,160,951 5,042,960 6,893,806 10,092,570 10,851,354 7,037,159 4,123,352 4,189,197 1,926,358 1,400,530 46,813,836 2,874,567 12,318,181 1,660,772 8,948,638 11,267,655 9,744,023 40,774,920 67,050,538 36,343,278 13,449,534 22,893,744 151,815,969 5,294,448 7,599,820 3,201,990 29,934,543 5,855,808 2,816,230 3,816,272 443,389 47,915,117 11,508,032 4,869,849 3,360,377 108,680 5,130,925 19,960,489 114,345,832 24,570,798 16,413,749 73,361,285 3,696,548 328,361,096 267,185,371 1,471,808* 1,234,384* (D) 4,094,187* (D) (D) (0) <D) 23,179,859* 61,623,179* 28,836,222* 4,322,029* (0) (0) (D) 3,595,057* (0) 1,033,823* 1,741,454* (0) (D) 32,269,724* (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) 27,248,548* 2,109,364* 6,043,786* 1,154,850* (0) (») (») 23,383,916* 35,628,698 19,635,868* 6,402,020* 11,461,586* 70,333,688* (0) 3,102,643* 1,931,448* 13,123,542* 2,918,077 1,501,686* (D) (D) 21,942,259* 5,542,087* (D) 1,375,363* (D) 2,698,393* 8,568,556* 61,175,725 15,736,590 10,950,228 34,488,907 3,436,180 356,590,911 290,574,939 1,687,500* 1,381,251* (D) 4,551,693* (D) (D) (D) (D) 25,444,920* 64,747,460 29,993,760* 4,455,318* (0) (0) (D) 4,077,045* (D) 1,033,770* 1,833,316* (D) (0) 34,536,684* (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) (0) 28,847,787* 2,110,277* 6,218,891* 1,196,595* (D) 7,173,400* (0) 25,639,015* 38,590,451 22,015,774* (D) 12,846,981* 78,519,222* 2,914,754* 3,719,240* 1,960,895* 15,389,922* 3,277,214 1,425,878* (0) (0) 24,212,688* 6,215,678 (D) 1,559,484* (0) 2,819,060* 9,689,019* 66,015,972 16,673,094 11,661,869 37,681,009 3,592,676 384,397,811 314,438,726 1,833,031* 1,467,866* 270,900* 3,327,504* (D) (0) (0) (0) 28,237,322* 67,952,433 31,643,341* 4,669,846* (0) (D) (D) 4,496,318* (D) 1,066,009* 1,854,286* (0) (0) 35,725,346* (») (0) (») (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (t>) 30,442,261* 1,984,321* 6,654,235* 1,115,314* (D) 7,662,293* (0) 26,960,693* 41,557,825 25,103,569* 8,203,518* 14,926,165* 88,523,287* 3,172,395* 4,096,376* 1,973,433* 17,618,056* 3,595,814 1,618,666* (D) (») 26,630,157* 7,221,085 (D) 1,771,377* (D) 2,999,699* 11,936,363* 69,959,085 16,755,803 12,177,870 41,025,412 3,723,782 420,123,722 345,042,625 2,186,276* 1,877,859* (0) 3,064,588* (0) (D) 4,349,868 455,574,802 375,028,546 2,400,049* 2,014,910* (0) 3,399,990* (») (0) (D) (0) 32,196,449* 76,611,123 35,837,103* (0) (D) (0) (0) 5,417,800* (0) 1,163,820* (D) (0) (D) 40,499,887* (0) (D) (8) (01 (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) 35,413,627* 1,963,022* 7,779,944* 1,251,076* (0) 8,935,606* (0) 32,354,737* 48,574,747 31,047,837* 9,675,605* 19,376,071* 112,803,587 (D) 5,018,104* 2,132,612* 23,244,024* 4,152,088 1,855,015* (0) (0) 34,992,137* 9,223,300* (D) 2,279,951* (D) 3,680,535* 14,779,820* 80,546,256 19,566,191 12,905,154 48,074,911 4,330,488 483,978,477 397,480,903 2,595,421* 2,171,192* (0) 3,399,422* (D) (D) (D) (0) 32,675,269* 79,155,160* 37,264,124* (0) 4,440,697* (0) (0) 5,670,312* (0) 1,117,829* (D) (D) (D) 41,749,825* 1,775,236* (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) 36,753,998* 1,921,758* (0) 1,296,833* (0) 9,315,087* (D) 34,839,810* 50,993,270 31,663,192* (0) (D) 125,171,329’ 4,143,868* 5,601,524* 2,256,352* 26,533,777* 4,466,635 2,093,925* (D) (0) 38,613,149* 10,008,460* (D) 2,613,322* (D) 3,930,069* 16,635,642* 86,497,574 20,763,698 13,443,067 52,290,809 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal incom e............................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (do lla rs)............................ Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income"................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... ■Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate8.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services........................................ Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (D) (D) 29,640,801* 71,658,364* 33,569,842* (0) (D) (D) (0) 4,892,425* (0) 1,136,513* (D) (D) (0) 37,884,208* (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) 33,145,423* 1,828,009* 7,460,707* 1,114,729* (0) 8,405,650* (0) 29,352,840* 44,695,520 30,835,251* 8,920,625* 19,238,160* 100,286,307 3,649,787* 4,380,210* 1,995,968* 20,434,840* 3,868,815 1,703,388* (D) (D) 30,988,420* 8,178,940* (0) 1,996,804* (D) 3,285,238* 13,045,985* 75,081,097 17,949,052 12,682,499 44,449,546 14 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] S o u th w e s t S o u th e a s t (N o n m e tro p o lita n p o rtio n ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 191,859,432 186,413,070 5,446,362 203,477,656 197,845,201 5,632,455 215,812,401 209,020,540 6,791,861 233,294,017 224,846,437 8,447,580 249,580,838 241,322,783 8,258,055 296,108,830 292,251,157 3,857,673 318,146,804 314,087,363 4,059,441 359,842,829 353,925,175 5,917,654 385,742,431 380,196,053 5,546,378 19,823.8 9,678 19,910.9 10,219 20,003.0 10,789 20,079.1 11,619 20,145.7 12,389 23,859.8 12,410 24,293.9 13,096 327,231,760 322,772,642 4,459,118 24,734.3 13,230 337,858,673 332,310,785 5,547,888 Population (thousands)2 ....................................... Per capita personal income (dollars)...................... 182,483,685 175,724,173 6,759,512 19,695.1 9,265 24,931.8 13,551 25,073.7 14,351 25,311.5 15,240 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work............................ Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3......... Plus: Adjustment for residence.............................. Equals: Net earnings by place of residence................ Plus-. Dividends, interest, and rent5......................... Plus: Transfer payments..................................... 118,416,909 6,524,244 7,562,873 119,455,538 27,222,281 35,805,866 122,587,186 7,201,537 8,516,039 123,901,688 29,423,312 38,534,432 129,722,120 7,748,932 9,464,661 131,437,849 30,789,124 41,250,683 139,192,004 8,121,751 10,641,436 141,711,689 30,915,494 43,185,218 150,617,490 9,112,473 11,436,597 152,941,614 33,973,756 46,378,647 158,975,150 10,129,579 11,921,479 160,767,050 38,940,916 49,872,872 225,170,621 12,293,366 -243,542 212,633,713 46,805,005 36,670,112 240,344,122 13,776,771 -303,410 226,263,941 52,021,396 39,861,467 244,551,798 14,242,288 -269,899 230,039,611 53,653,519 43,538,630 252,649,833 14,584,639 -236,181 237,829,013 53,520,114 46,509,546 268,539,168 15,951,683 -265,747 252,321,738 57,647,378 49,873,713 282,495,343 17,421,464 -283,899 264,789,980 66,399,446 54,553,005 90,563,980 9,180,475 18,672,454 5,616,136 13,056,318 95,155,362 9,216,480 18,215,344 4,314,048 13,901,296 99,798,901 9,765,274 20,157,945 4,510,488 15,647,457 106,398,156 10,278,792 22,515,056 5,608,866 16,906,190 113,678,147 11,047,531 25,891,812 7,258,604 18,633,208 120,275,067 11,906,961 26,793,122 7,048,855 19,744,267 181,550,444 18,019,967 25,600,210 3,073,229 22,526,981 194,121,599 18,153,787 28,068,736 3,283,621 24,785,115 196,021,911 18,777,728 29,752,159 3,691,644 26,060,515 201,362,186 19,033,683 32,253,964 4,738,884 27,515,080 213,142,304 20,351,508 35,045,356 5,109,217 29,936,139 224,082,521 21,795,564 36,617,258 4,727,155 31,890,103 6,759,512 111,657,397 91,360,026 861,720* (D) (0) 5,326,152* (D) (D) (0) (D) 7,262,851* 33,968,738* 18,031,080* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 147,431* 137,773* (D) (D) 14,263,476* (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 6,905,657* 911,314* 2,450,886* (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,187,221* 11,850,292 3,333,492* (D) (D) 15,994,813* (D) 1,000,872* 815,388* 1,762,323* 996,638* 522,100* (D) (D) 5,661,801* 901,222* (D) (D) (D) 892,999* 1,685,696* 20,297,371 3,097,879 2,517,725 14,681,767 5,446,362 117,140,824 95,269,923 873,837* (0) (0) 5,206,035* (D) (0) (0) (0) 7,649,629* 34,795,579* 18,429,650* (D) (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) 132,972* (D) (D) 14,751,218* (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) 885,249* 2,432,550* (D) (0) (0) (D) 4,416,972* 12,464,738 3,496,105* (0) (D) 17,311,594* (D) 1,258,725* 820,357* (D) 1,104,751* 475,265* (D) (D) 6,134,653* 986,161* (D) (D) (D) 897,565* 1,772,932* 21,870,901 3,281,455 2,639,346 15,950,100 5,632,455 124,089,665 100,971,934 857,014* (0) (D) 4,662,544* (D) (0) (D) (0) 8,104,236* 36,919,995* 19,726,257* (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 163,670* 143,624* (0) (0) 15,525,196* (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 851,703* 2,624,619* (D) (D) (D) (D) 4,511,093* 13,137,144 3,795,598* (D) (D) 19,164,958* (D) 1,359,009* 824,530* (0) 1,186,730* 529,234* (D) (D) 6,655,635* 1,121,634* (D) (D) (D) 926,605* 2,296,350* 23,117,731 3,238,018 2,711,775 17,167,938 6,791,861 132,400,143 107,847,946 1,040,472* (») (0) 4,301,548* (D) (0) (D) (0) 8,344,962* 39,492,987* 21,104,468* (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) (0) 174,730* (0) (0) (0) 16,777,109* 3,350,161* (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) 8,281,834* 803,251* 2,866,575* (D) (0) (0) (0) 4,826,261* 13,886,834 4,669,356* (D) (D) 20,991,358* (D) 1,444,263* 825,573* (0) 1,218,442* 514,018* (0) (D) 7,510,573* 1,190,745* (0) (D) (D) 1,000,480* 2,505,605* 24,552,197 3,432,031 2,846,779 18,273,387 8,447,580 142,169,910 115,996,090 1,079,517* (D) (D) 4,397,568* (D) (0) (D) (0) 9,057,874* 42,002,930* 22,058,662* (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D> 169,605* (D) (0) (D) 18,309,784* 3,699,326* (D) (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) (9) (0) (D) 8,258,055 150,717,095 122,868,837 1,173,810* (9) (9) 4,452,900* (9) (9) (9) (9) 9,276,919* 44,174,348* 23,301,669* (9) 19) (9) (9) (9) (9) 171,794* (9) (9) (9) 19,220,136* 3,785,112* (9) (9) (0) (9) 3,857,673 221,312,948 185,594,793 1,105,558 1,036,589 68,969 13,849,968 258,111 12,718,081 539,119 334,657 19,637,804 36,260,015 13,616,198 2,644,316 124,347 973,653 817,884 2,091,433 3,132,862 2,499,543 2,937 1,202,506 126,717 22,643,817 1,058,919 394,059 1,517,776 2,649,022 5,599,757 4,405,601 2,977,824 909,572 1,672,950 902,599 555,738 16,621,458 1,265,098 3,884,290 446,356 3,048,864 3,975,767 4,001,083 15,256,005 24,163,322 14,328,277 5,314,602 9,013,675 44,372,386 1,521,052 2,300,061 999,575 10,279,747 2,179,524 998,436 846,830 160,088 12,375,794 3,699,813 1,096,606 897,463 36,447 1,752,372 5,228,578 35,718,155 7,602,211 4,327,292 23,788,652 4,059,441 236,284,681 197,346,494 1,178,611 1,075,137 103,474 13,798,323 264,225 12,727,761 490,581 315,756 20,296,651 38,026,163 13,977,206 2,738,728 121,385 952,927 829,722 2,280,752 3,394,803 2,324,619 3,650 1,204,856 125,764 24,048,957 1,056,600 406,065 1,397,166 2,714,814 5,870,294 4,922,682 3,398,278 945,742 1,786,926 998,831 551,559 17,615,264 1,227,903 3,877,144 425,197 3,316,131 4,249,295 4,519,594 16,194,269 25,559,522 15,787,704 5,900,919 9,886,785 48,889,987 1,610,352 2,768,149 1,017,718 11,739,491 2,400,201 945,785 946,813 176,369 13,393,214 4,231,943 1,205,453 1,002,289 40,063 1,869,483 5,542,664 38,938,187 8,273,013 4,537,649 26,127,525 4,459,118 240,092,680 199,294,537 1,174,483 1,056,709 117,774 11,437,990 394,875 10,287,405 421,014 334,696 19,521,739 38,176,174 14,400,896 2,892,694 124,415 918,104 865,389 2,391,107 3,673,897 2,191,147 3,928 1,213,650 126,565 23,775,278 1,060,101 415,207 1,309,079 2,577,739 5,045,688 5,135,586 3,962,540 837,725 1,782,353 1,107,377 541,883 17,721,539 1,169,986 3,913,832 362,984 3,614,394 4,238,779 4,421,564 16,137,380 25,774,252 16,938,842 6,279,470 10,659,372 52,412,138 1,640,863 2,907,941 1,029,522 12,244,433 2,546,354 972,714 1,026,305 188,692 14,483,172 4,900,009 1,289,486 1,056,848 45,702 1,992,380 6,087,717 40,798,143 8,316,595 4,772,220 27,709,328 5,547,888 247,101,945 204,092,344 1,408,689 1,317,276 91,413 10,374,389 370,887 9,245,543 438,835 319,124 17,520,793 39,114,891 14,812,669 2,962,883 123,631 953,107 910,382 2,474,539 3,771,392 2,205,403 2,615 1,274,075 134,642 24,302,222 1,049,936 417,514 1,239,361 2,560,391 4,910,809 5,440,886 4,382,589 851,884 1,705,082 1,155,133 588,637 18,242,515 1,139,963 4,066,554 376,300 4,036,183 4,618,977 4,004,538 16,167,050 25,861,645 18,436,886 6,268,897 12,167,989 56,965,486 1,814,802 3,015,978 1,031,206 13,045,220 2,621,846 957,296 1,123,097 187,553 16,499,083 5,513,441 1,464,011 1,168,198 49,019 2,163,090 6,311,646 43,009,601 8,840,811 4,986,081 29,182,709 5,917,654 262,621,514 217,129,229 1,486,271 1,380,852 105,419 10,921,357 366,353 9,680,670 550,369 323,965 17,693,517 42,290,740 15,864,153 3,060,611 121,975 1,001,855 977,423 2,600,546 4,470,238 2,126,139 3,102 1,369,117 133,147 26,426,587 1,058,161 439,278 1,412,014 2,736,233 5,385,109 5,981,457 4,679,051 1,027,113 1,709,276 1,312,323 686,572 19,419,576 1,149,054 4,281,827 407,600 4,474,085 4,682,040 4,424,970 17,273,716 27,148,734 18,208,508 6,250,504 11,958,004 62,686,810 1,888,454 3,367,573 1,089,567 14,394,778 2,678,328 1,072,362 1,285,060 215,148 18,394,940 6,273,020 1,625,769 1,278,677 53,845 2,406,407 6,662,882 45,492,285 9,574,026 4,998,840 30,919,419 5,546,378 276,948,965 228,468,873 1,525,874 1,416,454 109,420 10,810,774 368,935 9,576,706 550,713 314,420 17,637,945 43,767,238 16,181,568 3,144,012 130,615 1,064,965 1,005,227 2,630,882 4,537,773 2,050,692 2,943 1,474,303 140,156 27,585,670 1,011,126 447,771 1,419,943 2,921,604 5,658,120 6,311,243 4,921,794 1,023,325 1,686,216 1,466,928 717,600 20,672,830 1,181,756 4,395,442 417,757 5,126,109 4,877,596 4,674,170 18,627,241 28,253,437 18,282,007 6,319,585 11,962,422 68,891,527 1,905,366 3,765,995 1,146,626 16,315,259 2,888,185 1,195,871 1,392,780 233,936 20,061,649 6,808,622 1,793,444 1,419,674 58,794 2,540,235 7,365,091 48,480,092 10,259,851 5,088,745 33,131,496 In co m e b y P lace o f R esidence Total personal income........................................ Nonfarm personal income.................................... Farm income1................................................. E a rn in g s b y P lace o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries.......................................... Other labor income. .......................................... Proprietors’ income*......................................... Farm....................................................... Nonfarm................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm.......................................................... Nonfarm...................................................... Private..................................................... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7. Agricultural services............................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 .................... Mining.................................................. Coal mining......................................... Oil and gas extraction............................. Metal mining....................................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels............... Construction............................................ Manufacturing......................................... Nondurable goods.................................. Food and kindred products..................... Textile mill products............................ Apparel and other textile products............ Paper and allied products...................... Printing and publishing......................... Chemicals and allied products................. Petroleum and coal products................... Tobacco manufactures......................... Rubber and misc. plastic products............ Leather and leather products.................. Durable goods...................................... Lumber and wood products.................... Furniture and fixtures.......................... Primary metal industries....................... Fabricated metal products...................... Machinery, except electrical. ................... Electric and electronic equipment............. Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles... Motor vehicles and equipment................. Stone, clay, and glass products............... Instruments and related products............. Miscellaneous manufacturing industries...... Transportation and public utilities................... Railroad transportation............................ Trucking and warehousing........................ Water transportation............................... Other transportation8.............................. Communication.................................... . Electric, gas, and sanitary services.............. Wholesale trade....................................... Retail trade............................................ Finance, insurance, and real estate................. Banking and credit agencies..................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate9...... Services............................................... Hotels and other lodging places................. Personal services.................................. Private households................................. Business services.................................. Auto repair, services, and garages.............. Miscellaneous repair services..................... Amusement and recreation services.............. Motion pictures.................................... Health services.................................... Legal services...................................... Educational services............................... Social services..................................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens........ Membership organizations........................ Miscellaneous services............................ Government and government enterprises............... Federal, civilian....................................... M ilitary................................................ State and local........................................ See footnotes at end of tables. (9 ) 8,759,350* 826,319* 3,085,166* (9) (9) (9) (9) 5,254,786* 15,270,559 4,542,009* (9 ) (9 ) 23,480,333* (9 ) 1,675,081* 873,660* (9 ) 1,279,287* 596,575* (9 ) (9 ) 8,402,811* 1,367,336* (9) (9 ) (9 ) 1,097,471* 2,822,709* 26,173,820 3,695,407 2,894,678 19,583,735 (9 ) (9) (9) (9 ) (9 ) (0) 9,175,469* 794,550* 3,293,909* (9) (9 ) (9 ) (9) 5,766,336* 16,057,268 4,650,326* (D) (9) 26,065,619* (9) 1,943,056* 918,990* (9) 1,388,086* 655,072* (9) (9 ) 9,267,548* 1,492,874* (0) (9) (9 ) 1,150,365* 3,212,603* 27,848,258 3,807,100 2,970,682 21,070,476 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS 15 Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] S o u t h w e s t ( M e t r o p o lit a n p o r tio n ) S o u th w e s t ( N o n m e tr o p o lita n p o r tio n ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ....................................................................................................... 235,100,400 253,590,945 261,508,244 270,399,089 288,565,868 310,276,738 Nonfarm personal income.................................... Farm income1.............................................. 234,009,475 1,090,925 252,482,637 1,108,308 260,363,015 1,145,229 269,038,252 1,360,837 287,082,099 1,483,769 308,941,654 1,335,084 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 61,008,430 64,555,859 65,723,516 67,459,584 71,276 ,9 6 1 75,465,693 58,241,682 2,766,748 61,604,726 2,951,133 62,409,627 3,313,889 66,843,076 4,433,885 71,254,399 4,211,294 19 8 9 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e 17,889.0 18,303.2 18,715.0 18,934.9 19,085.2 19,325.4 5,970.8 5,990.7 6,019.3 63,272,533 4,187,051 5,996.9 5,988.6 5,986.1 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) ......................................................................... 13,142 13,855 13,9 73 14,280 15,120 16,055 10,218 10 ,776 10,919 11,2 49 11,902 12,607 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.............................. Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, Interest, and rent’ ............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 187,355,666 10,281,395 -3,072,S52 174,001,619 35,326,687 25,772,094 200,783,507 11,566,635 -3,253,617 185,963,255 39,467,512 28,160,178 204,935,544 12,006,081 -3,268,077 189,661,386 40,957,073 30,889,785 211,490,703 12,308,057 -3,234,488 195,948,158 41,298,557 33,152,374 225,257,944 13,460,888 -3,403,860 208,393,196 44,578,213 35,594,459 238,081,840 14,697,124 -3,530,125 219,854,591 51,350,919 39,071,228 37,814,955 2,011,971 2,829,110 38,632,094 11,478,318 10,898,018 39,560,615 2,210,136 2,950,207 40,300,686 12,553,884 11,701,289 39,616,254 2,236,207 2,998,178 40,378,225 12,696,446 12,648,845 41,159,130 2,276,582 2,998,307 41,880,855 12,221,557 13,357,172 43,281,224 2,490,795 3,138,113 43,928,542 13,069,165 14,279,254 44,413,503 2,724,340 3,246,226 44,935,389 15,048,527 15,481,777 154,187,096 15,183,478 17,985,092 805,647 17,179,445 165,467,097 15,348,138 19,968,272 824,112 19,144,160 168,026,142 15,974,938 20,934,464 861,146 20,073,318 172,840,963 16,204,811 22,444,929 1,058,003 21,386,926 183,297,470 17,337,875 24,622,599 1,179,581 23,443,018 193,338,930 18,667,305 26,075,605 1,028,045 25,047,560 27,363,348 2,836,489 7,615,118 2,267,582 5,347,536 28,654,502 2,805,649 8,100,464 2,459,509 5,640,955 27,995,769 2,802,790 8,817,695 2,830,498 5,987,197 28,521,223 2,828,872 9,809,035 3,680,881 6,128,154 29,844,834 3,013,633 10,422,757 3,929,636 6,493,121 30,743,591 3,128,259 10,541,653 3,699,110 6,842,543 1,090,925 186,264,741 157,691,643 754,457 661,325* (0) 10,021,155 (0) 8,931,106* 132,001* (D) 16,330,612 31,034,059 11,317,342* 2,078,501* (0) 706,294* (D) 1,898,237* 2,601,978* 2,026,141* (D) (D) (0) 19,714,528* 588,982* 277,263* 928,665* 2,106,098* 4,723,729* (0) (0) (D) 1,242,090* (D) 513,216* 13,584,765 922,493* (0) 421,982* (D) 3,388,704* (D) 13,816,575 20,185,903 13,036,624 (D) (0) 38,927,493 1,267,447* 1,944,039 734,910* 9,267,159 1,777,489 793,630 742,384* (0) 10,850,502 3,421,386 (0) 744,138* (D) 1,314,478* 4,776,212 28,573,098 6,412,291 3,659,643 18,501,164 1,108,308 199,675,199 168,451,065 818,452 733,334* 56,928* 10,034,788 (D) 8,950,640* 94,845* (0) 16,760,390 32,743,362 11,680,465* 2,125,186* (0) 696,738* (0) 2,075,131* 2,962,289* 1,896,280* 3,650 (D) (D) 21,059,915* 604,579* 293,459* (0) 2,250,653* 5,219,776* (D) (0) (D) 1,343,739* (0) 506,154* 14,457,685 828,488* (D) 400,966* (D) 3,692,620* (0) 14,739,907 21,432,922 14,452,326 (D) (») 43,011,233 1,376,742* 2,314,980 750,146* 10,597,257 1,958,592 759,980* 827,652* (0) 11,768,877 3,929,540 (D) 838,029* (D) 1,417,096 5,070,895 31,224,134 7,033,295 3,843,857 20,346,982 1,145,229 203,790,315 171,035,728 843,901* 754,802* 69,447* 8,355,618* (D) (D) 75,689* (D) 16,203,245 32,961,835 12,079,209* 2,238,340* (0) (D) (D) 2,177,995* 3,166,273* 1,776,918* 3,928 (D) (D) 20,879,033* 605,595* 311,571* (D) 2,085,639* 4,488,326* i») (0) (0) 1,340,950* (D) 489,891* 14,451,645 830,762* (0) 345,999* (D) 3,609,328* (D) 14,784,962* 21,703,684 15,553,154 5,406,307* 10,073,242* 46,169,791 1,408,570* 2,427,861* 759,218* 11,079,133 2,091,047 786,138 893,794* 164,299* 12,738,193 4,565,604 (D) 883,057* (0) 1,514,975 5,504,793 32,754,587 7,091,169 4,043,085 21,620,333 1,360,837 210,129,866 175,531,679 975,503* 907,646* 53,921* 7,526,978* (D) 6,744,208* 97,301* (D) 14,402,112 33,765,606 12,412,286* 2,295,683* (0) 694,296* (D) 2,247,327* 3,249,886* 1,771,403* 2,615 (D) (D) 21,330,859* 555,861* (0) (D) (D) 4,104,900* (D) (0) (D) 1,240,176* (D) 532,061* 14,970,989 807,347* (0) 359,433* (D) 3,955,205* (0) 14,817,951 21,791,048 16,900,872 5,407,445* 11,395,664* 50,374,921 1,559,269* 2,528,412* 757,724* 11,859,092 2,171,421 784,807 985,382* (0) 14,613,110 5,168,385 (0) 987,322* (0) 1,647,361 5,627,879 34,598,187 7,529,922 4,226,032 22,842,233 1,483,769 223,774,175 187,132,016 1,023,690 948,809* 62,995* 8,009,489 (0) 7,052,308* 125,932* (D) 14,557,218 36,514,641 13,337,748* 2,354,116* (D) 737,147* (D) 2,352,239* 3,861,787* 1,685,319* 3,102 0» (0) 23,152,631* 522,021* (0) (D) (0) 4,500,294* (D) (D) (D) 1,237,324* 1,090,826* 609,858* 16,128,766 825,158* (D) 389,982* (D) 4,064,945* (D) 15,814,243 22,828,275 16,752,493 5,371,163* 11,253,965* 55,503,201 1,626,374* 2,813,267* 797,291* 13,090,760 2,224,773 881,553 1,149,058* (D) 16,338,396 5,889,177 (D) 1,077,096* (D) 1,837,581 5,910,322 36,642,159 8,187,359 4,256,327 24,198,473 1,335,084 236,746,756 197,565,479 1,056,924 975,018* 60,767* 7,900,300 (0) 6,883,888* 153,428* (») 14,516,468 38,042,423 13,791,517* 2,339,542* (D) 795,754* (D) 2,402,751* 4,136,712* 1,799,082* (D) (0) (D) 24,249,616* 510,278* 317,339* (0) (0) 4,993,866* (D) (D) (D) 1,216,717* 1,226,695* 639,892* 17,308,030 852,295* (0) 401,417* (0) 4,272,668* (D) 17,043,481 23,802,133 16,847,209 5,423,976* 11,269,908* 61,048,511 1,646,121* 3,135,200* 865,076* 14,789,359* 2,401,203 984,281 1,251,982* (D) 17,834,619 6,400,140 (0) 1,194,361* (0) 1,936,857 6,492,963* 39,181,277 8,808,343 4,354,830 26,018,104 2,766,748 35,048,207 27,903,150 345,667* 298,623* (») 3,647,931* (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,304,720* 5,223,502* 2,163,645* (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 464,408* 0 (D) (0) (D) (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) (») (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,940,082* 320,520* 818,023* (D) (D) (0) (D) 1,426,294* 3,977,419 1,287,366* (D) (0) 5,365,625* (D) 346,654* 210,970* 997,062* 398,469* 200,155* (D) (D) 1,525,292 274,946* (») (D) (0) (D) 438,179* 7,145,057 1,189,920 667,649 5,287,488 2,951,133 36,609,482 28,895,429 344,797* 291,069* (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (») 3,476,764* 5,278,032* . 2,198,759* (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) (0) 421,136* 0 (D) (D) 2,696,186* (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) 2,974,547* 322,221* 790,824* (D) (D) (D) (0) 1,450,775* 4,126,600 1,332,798* (0) (D) 5,616,634* (») 450,008* 215,035* 1,131,272* 438,282* 177,012* (0) (D) 1,624,337 297,332* (D) (01 (D) (0) 466,646* 7,714,053 1,239,718 693,792 5,780,543 3,313,889 36,302,365 28,258,809 307,821* 265,384* 41,697* 2,966,419* (D) (D) (D) (0) 3,316,689* 5,208,918* 2,217,312* (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 401,191* 0 (0) (0) 2,716,077* (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) 3,017,799* 308,988* 744,579* (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,342,924* 4,070,568 1,383,938* (D) (0) 6,039,062* (0) 466,033* 214,817* 1,143,836* 454,372* 181,395* (D) (0) 1,744,979 333,649* (0) (D) (0) (D) 568,088* 8,043,556 1,225,426 729,135 6,088,995 4,187,051 36,972,079 28,560,665 412,257* (D) (D) 2,777,050* (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,117,041* 5,347,665* 2,189,635* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 425,287* 0 (D) (D) 2,761,029* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) 3,121,616* 307,690* 745,597* (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,343,716* 4,070,597 1,535,292* (D) (D) 6,464,981* (D) 470,575* 214,949* 1,181,592* 449,540* 170,825* (D) (D) 1,885,973 344,722* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 8,411,414 1,310,889 760,049 6,340,476 4,433,885 38,847,339 29,997,213 429,805* (D) (D) 2,730,756* (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,063,033* 5,772,413* 2,300,473* (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 436,795* 0 (D) (D) 3,019,334* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) 3,126,818* 312,726* 775,853* (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,452,510* 4,320,459 1,452,414* (D) (D) 6,922,058* (D) 537,596* 229,200* 1,302,749* 453,335* 189,641* (D) (D) 2,051,474* 382,943* (D) (D) (0) (D) (D) 8,850,126 1,386,667 742,513 6,720,946 4,211,294 40,202,209 30,903,394 454,684* 390,080* (D) 2,707,859* (D) (D) (D) (0) 3,109,477* 5,720,486* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) 249,578* (D) (D) (D) 3,011,306* 435,270* (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,167,460* 314,488* 785,985* (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,572,259* 4,451,304 1,431,034* (D) (D) 7,501,123* (D) 596,011* 242,083* 1,429,979* 486,738* 206,595* '(D) (D) 2,214,349* 408,154* (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) 9,298,815 1,451508 733,915 7,113,392 Population (thousands)2 ........................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm...................................................... Nonfarm............................................................. Private........................................................... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other'...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction................................... Metal mining...... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services.................... Wholesale tra d e ............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate........................ Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures......................................... .. Health services................................... Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens............... Membership organizations.............................. Miscellaneous services................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. 16 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] R o c k y M o u n ta in ( M e t r o p o lit a n p o r tio n ) R o c k y M o u n ta in 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 57,819,411 61,340,029 63,774,9 84 66,649,416 70,521,080 75,658,076 61,119,646 220,383 63,503,473 271,511 75,308,474 349,602 4,430.9 4,481.7 66,351,846 297,570 4,523.4 70,185,965 335,115 7,317.3 57,595,123 224,288 4,359.2 4,540.5 4,578.2 15,399 13,264 13,844 14,230 14,734 15,532 16,526 77,749,401 4,710,127 66,635 73,105,909 16,738,474 14,843,736 82,697,327 5,191,511 79,408 77,585,224 19,231,617 15,861,389 45,176,588 2,515,451 -342,465 42,318,672 8,858,885 6,641,854 47,894,273 2,778,839 -395,945 44,719,489 9,489,305 7,131,235 49,484,520 2,957,005 -400,740 46,126,775 9,812,601 7,835,608 51,436,610 3,023,484 -396,693 48,016,433 10,129,969 8,503,014 54,520,373 3,283,684 -431,532 50,805,157 10,705,309 9,010,614 57,792,981 3,600,790 -430,222 53,761,969 12,259,248 9,636,859 58,098,681 5,109,074 10,188,799 1,624,454 8,564,345 61,322,747 5,408,894 11,017,760 1,665,797 9,351,963 64,880,460 5,861,956 11,954,911 1,979,497 9,975,414 37,584,862 3,465,804 4,125,922 130,546 3,995,376 39,837,139 3,528,234 4,528,900 127,978 4,400,922 40,961,605 3,603,957 4,918,958 181,327 4,737,631 42,200,170 3,674,887 5,561,553 203,640 5,357,913 44,546,379 3,891,085 6,082,909 241,986 5,840,923 47,082,116 4,201,255 6,509,610 256,588 6,253,022 2,110,341 71,286,213 57,144,620 459,883 427,859 32,024 2,428,186 554,762 1,193,859 412,055 267,510 4,749,345 10,489,463 3,502,828 1,333,562 6,146 128,563 204,448 844,057 546,243 169,553 174 224,344 45,738 6,986,635 876,971 125,629 249,289 496,082 1,751,609 962,306 1,258,257 98,206 424,270 573,639 170,377 6,293,898 635,563 1,495,391 3,553 1,170,593 1,783,061 1,205,737 4,198,227 7,255,372 4,808,593 1,708,649 3,099,944 16,461,653 652,937 826,439 127,702 3,371,692 786,324 337,579 503,256 96,877 4,802,372 1,293,395 532,286 373,603 9,824 834,755 1,912,612 14,141,593 3,482,459 1,510,729 9,148,405 2,140,839 75,608,562 60,782,943 478,132 445,939 32,193 2,579,078 578,816 1,235,932 474,724 289,606 4,743,048 11,328,991 3,775,053 1,439,257 9,007 135,233 213,705 905,965 600,274 172,630 169 253,075 45,738 7,553,938 917,520 129,670 352,248 534,835 1,815,169 1,086,684 1,350,181 99,868 430,085 611,196 226,482 6,696,754 647,498 1,593,604 4,409 1,307,780 1,852,078 1,291,385 4,428,594 7,654,717 4,682,029 1,645,152 3,036,877 18,191,600 667,677 943,238 134,217 3,861,001 820,787 387,723 560,371 103,172 5,267,393 1,437,838 577,295 433,618 11,358 936,357 2,049,555 14,825,619 3,712,219 1,554,390 9,559,010 2,445,748 80,251,579 64,732,424 497,124 464,982 32,142 2,625,502 603,699 1,171,444 555,067 295,292 4,867,259 12,022,360 3,920,132 1,470,304 11,369 147,109 232,697 957,090 618,839 180,827 145 257,347 44,405 8,102,228 979,765 139,273 399,308 585,910 1,792,021 1,331,279 1,404,387 124,316 450,513 659,961 235,495 7,005,733 686,486 1,686,373 5,395 1,391,864 1,893,568 1,342,047 4,827,721 8,108,672 4,711,514 1,631,757 3,079,757 20,066,539 694,980 1,081,275 140,669 4,418,920 892,583 424,777 600,743 114,622 5,745,694 1,556,762 631,610 487,278 12,878 1,000,231 2,263,517 15,519,155 3,919,432 1,581,147 10,018,576 224,288 44,952,300 36,816,352 177,057 (D) (0) 1,628,126 (0) 1,246,568* 258,778* (0) 3,736,740 7,239,417 2,134,096 (0) (D) 82,104* 220,383 47,673,890 38,904,331 186,373 177,708* 6,503* 1,510,182 (») 1,265,489* 148,579* (D) 3,770,012 7,585,188 2,260,664 271,511 49,213,009 39,989,517 183,903 174,806* 6,736* 1,184,936 44,216* 964,506* 121,376* (D) 3,646,354 7,777,354 2,350,268 (0) 297,570 51,139,040 41,482,936 226,735 214,043* 6,653’ 1,029,349 35,954* 771,736* 163,870* (0) 3,232,248 7,985,912 2,492,756 335,115 54,185,258 44,086,784 233,746 220,067* 7,809* 1,066,492 29,210* 793,546* 192,268* 349,602 57,443,379 46,852,997 241,835 233,915 7,920 1,048,999 30,495* 743,592* 230,072* (D) 3,217,978 9,189,776 2,793,090 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 86,931,934 91,5 21,7 56 95,050,737 98,933,959 104,688,119 112,678,2 30 85,672,392 1,259,542 90,317,847 1,203,909 93,268,795 1,781,942 96,823,618 2,110,341 102,547,280 2,140,839 110,232,482 2,445,748 7,149.4 7,218.5 7,256.3 7,271.3 7,277.8 12,159 12,679 13,099 13,606 14,385 65,184,812 3,665,829 36,682 61,555,665 14,263,403 11,112,866 68,453,612 4,028,388 42,423 64,467,647 15,144,399 11,909,710 70,662,437 4,235,583 45,025 66,471,879 15,512,342 13,066,516 73,396,554 4,330,599 53,014 69,118,969 15,799,886 14,015,104 52,802,350 4,898,026 7,484,436 755,032 6,729,404 55,588,933 4,955,618 7,909,061 714,241 7,194,820 56,602,034 5,011,496 9,048,907 1,309,601 7,739,306 1,259,542 63,925,270 51,918,542 377,276 329,586 47,690 3,524,808 666,249 1,998,726 584,023 275,810 5,491,812 9,499,619 3,063,296 1,181,256 8,329 116,301 170,268 691,685 494,973 168,648 129 184,273 47,434 6,436,323 803,757 110,593 423,988 493,142 1,366,646 841,525 847,137 94,704 476,994 837,518 140,319 5,774,794 799,868 1,404,895 2,676 944,585 1,496,306 1,126,464 3,967,944 6,816,398 3,675,171 1,542,593 2,132,578 12,790,720 554,304 610,681 126,991 2,489,912 661,080 347,138 355,969 78,231 3,603,137 949,761 423,246 280,932 7,585 700,943 1,600,810 12,006,728 3,074,174 1,247,041 7,685,513 1,203,909 67,249,703 54,364,977 376,807 335,551 41,256 3,320,456 688,153 1,929,017 426,901 276,385 5,580,204 9,914,212 3,208,653 1,194,261 7,194 121,645 185,566 758,070 534,063 165,543 86 196,720 45,505 6,705,559 806,604 120,548 369,983 499,017 1,382,293 969,218 1,043,936 99,061 478,749 787,518 148,632 6,024,007 795,395 1,416,368 2,594 985,365 1,602,238 1,222,047 4,140,737 7,058,469 3,973,518 1,614,848 2,358,670 13,976,567 584,726 752,802 128,221 2,836,666 726,755 322,753 413,248 82,844 3,877,960 1,026,477 458,172 314,131 8,005 730,519 1,713,288 12,884,726 3,266,588 1,329,951 8,288,187 1,781,942 68,880,495 55,388,866 352,675 324,780 27,895 2,740,884 647,860 1,426,167 376,837 290,020 5,359,789 10,134,349 3,319,800 1,255,021 7,180 124,163 197,933 785,932 537,257 164,608 127 204,902 42,677 6,814,549 827,879 115,806 290,878 484,474 1,428,260 970,511 1,163,289 96,529 467,532 815,589 153,802 6,080,021 688,327 1,420,826 3,013 1,081,508 1,579,067 1,307,280 4,109,725 7,176,358 4,300,410 1,736,256 2,564,154 15,134,655 591,136 800,745 128,129 3,048,870 770,300 354,752 456,113 92,521 4,235,814 1,176,132 492,700 341,614 8,574 762,563 1,874,692 13,491,629 3,291,099 1,421,859 8,778,671 1984 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Derivation of total personal income: E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Retail trade................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services.......................................... Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (D) 571,840* (D) 137,532* (0) (0) (D) 5,105,321 180,553* (D) (0) 419,865 1,152,532* (D) (0) (0) 348,864* (D) 115,218* 3,961,319 396,867 864,481* (0) (0) 1,191,402* (0) 3,158,473 4,646,974 2,965,363 1,111,400* 1,747,018* 9,302,883 274,117* 436,486 (D) 1,870,449* 443,698 (D) 206,964 58,148* 2,621,207 771,729 (0) 178,848* (0) 464,383 1,250,825 8,135,948 2,226,339 1,058,841 4,850,768 (D) (D) 86,201* (0) 632,429* (D) 141,232 (») (D) (0) 5,324,524 181,506* (0) (D) 420,140 1,170,309* (D) (0) (0) 342,841* (D) 123,179* 4,170,537 379,756 886,340 (0) (0) 1,321,468* (0) 3,334,191 4,847,669 3,253,294 1,209,367* 2,001,116* 10,246,885 294,621* 529,413 (D) 2,130,582* 490,919 206,35/ 241,086 62,877* 2,834,745 834,701 (D) 208,898* (D) 487,628 1,366,289 8,769,559 2,371,910 1,135,484 5,262,165 (D) 86,790* (D) 652,978* (D) 143,787 (0) (0) (0) 5,427,086 (0) (0) (0) 403,888* 1,230,158* 824,638* (0) (0) (0) 91,662* (0) 705,903 (D) 152,044* 174 (0) (0) 5,493,156 (D) (0) (») (D) 1,536,006* (D) 344,000 (D) 127,070* 4,178,556 334,536* 895,236 (0) (0) 306,861 (D) 139,704 4,442,338 285,162* 954,366 (0) (0) (0) (D) 1,308,821 (0) 3,330,039 4,973,817 3,557,743 1,324,521* 2,188,210* 11,156,815 292,564* 569,691 (D) 2,294,003* 525,838 224,800 262,549 ' 70,620* 3,120,687 961,730 (D) 240,770 (D) 514,615 1,483,689 9,223,492 2,398,186 1,209,185 5,616,121 (0) 1,514,691 (0) 3,393,117 5,028,191 3,919,702 (D) (0) 12,225,344 312,717* 598,675 (0) 2,556,816* 539,782 216,206 291,693 (D) 3,568,111 1,061,941 (D) 262,119 (D) 566,202 1,510,576 9,656,104 2,532,369 1,287,368 5,836,367 (0) 3,194,675 8,676,373 2,698,946 (D) (D) 97,191* (0) 756,805 (0) 148,658* 169 (0) 0» 5,977,427 (0) (D) (D) (D) 1,594,197* (D) (D) (0) 314,577 (D) 182,658* 4,731,122 293,410* 1,028,999 (D) (D) 1,578,244 (0) 3,591,338 5,248,243 3,812,316 1,185,312* 2,389,288* 13,532,479 308,595* 676,339 (D) 2,839,623* 559,432 243,044 327,704 (D) 3,915,334 1,180,430 (D) 305,561 (D) 635,573 1,609,948 10,098,474 2,688,441 1,328,610 6,081,423 (0) (D) 101,443* (D) 802,310 (0) 150,376* 145 (D) (D) 6,396,686 224,784* (0) (D) (0) 1,535,598* (0) (0) (0) 330,292 (D) 179,531* 4,946,038 309,696* 1,084,570 (D) (D) 1,608,096* (D) 3,902,963 5,519,954 3,859,071 (0) (0) 14,926,383 313,018* 773,208 (0) 3,244,889* 603,689 261,912 341,033 (D) 4,279,974 1,281,722 (U) 346,918 (0) 680,752 1,757,011 10,590,382 2,864,890 1,350,094 6,375,398 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS 17 Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] R o c k y M o u n t a in ( N o n m e t r o p o lit a n p o r t io n ) 1984 F a r W e s t 10 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 29,112,523 28,077,269 1,035,254 30,181,727 29,198,201 983,526 31,275,753 29,765,322 1,510,431 32,284,543 30,471,772 1,812,771 532,391,887 524,889,210 7,502,677 569,801,079 561,019,066 8,782,013 614,864,311 605,470,122 9,394,189 669,153,556 659,153,695 9,999,861 726,816,405 717,029,377 9,787,028 2,790.2 10,434 2,787.5 10,827 2,774.6 11,272 2,747.9 11,749 37,020,154 34,924,008 2,096,146 2,739.1 13,515 492,579,431 485,404,436 7,174,995 P e r c a p it a p e r s o n a l in c o m e ( d o l l a r s ) ......................................... 34,167,039 32,361,315 1,805,724 2,737.4 12,482 33,723.2 14,607 34,388.4 15,482 35,127.0 16,221 35,923.8 17,116 36,782.9 18,192 37,740.2 19,258 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus-. Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 20,008,224 1,150,378 379,147 19,236,993 5,404,518 4,471,012 20,559,339 1,249,549 438,368 19,748,158 5,655,094 4,778,475 21,177,917 1,278,578 445,765 20,345,104 5,699,741 5,230,908 21,959,944 1,307,115 449,707 21,102,536 5,669,917 5,512,090 23,229,028 1,426,443 498,167 22,300,752 6,033,165 5,833,122 24,904,346 1,590,721 509,630 23,823,255 6,972,369 6,224,530 359,737,657 20,452,144 221,032 339,506,545 84,829,249 68,243,637 389,420,162 23,190,861 257,783 366,487,084 90,893,417 75,011,386 420,497,393 25,432,054 181,456 395,246,795 94,928,399 79,625,885 460,082,023 27,622,269 108,748 432,568,502 98,217,836 84,077,973 501,157,394 31,206,889 88,110 470,038,615 108,781,744 90,333,197 538,135,940 34,761,211 89,371 503,464,100 125,294,692 98,057,613 15,217,488 1,432,222 3,358,514 624,486 2,734,028 15,751,794 1,427,384 3,380,161 586,263 2,793,898 15,640,429 1,407,539 4,129,949 1,128,274 3,001,675 15,898,511 1,434,187 4,627,246 1,420,814 3,206,432 16,776,368 1,517,809 4,934,851 1,423,811 3,511,040 17,798,344 1,660,701 5,445,301 1,722,909 3,722,392 289,814,435 28,452,448 41,470,774 4,852,401 36,618,373 314,053,235 29,730,124 45,636,803 5,185,246 40,451,557 337,572,615 31,825,455 51,099,323 6,466,424 44,632,899 367,884,578 34,104,885 58,092,560 6,927,522 51,165,038 399,542,574 37,126,625 64,488,195 7,492,114 56,996,081 429,544,485 40,427,554 68,163,901 7,207,704 60,956,197 1,035,254 18,972,970 15,102,190 185,982* (0) (0) 1,772,779* (») (0) (0) (D) 1,750,956* 2,219,865* (D) (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) 29,611* 0 (D) (0) (0) 570,310* (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) 1,713,750* 396,853* 521,784* (0) (0) (0) (0) 794,894* 2,169,424 704,735* (D) (0) 3,420,198* (D) 168,320* 44,357* <»> 216,341* 133,880* (0) (0) 906,923* 177,710* (0) (0) (0) (D) 317,430* 3,870,780 847,835 188,200 2,834,745 983,526 19,575,813 15,460,646 174,087* (0) (D) 1,723,909* (D) (9) (9) (D) 1,796,893* 2,281,796* (0) (9) (9) (0) (D) (9) (9) 22,559* 0 (0) (9) (9) 1,510,431 19,667,486 15,399,349 156,869* 135,445* (9) 1,478,725* (9) (9) (9) (9) 1,695,471* 2,303,388* 1,812,771 20,147,173 15,661,684 214,755* 191,462* (9) 1,321,177* (9) (0) (9) 1,805,724 21,423,304 16,696,159 227,760* (9) (9) 1,384,933* (9) (9) (9) (9) 1,521,083* 2,650,714* (9) (9) 2,096,146 22,808,200 17,879,427 247,128* 208,141* (9) 1,442,368* (9) (9) (9) (D) 1,611,428* 2,766,108* (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) 7,174,995 352,562,662 295,001,674 2,938,328 2,518,722 419,606 2,922,249 46,363 2,286,693 228,238 360,955 22,976,752 72,802,363 19,589,372 5,671,814 305,291 1,687,934 2,077,582 4,033,733 2,425,667 1,641,910 922 1,611,954 132,565 53,212,991 4,343,244 1,224,981 2,303,681 4,445,101 8,124,137 12,916,623 12,048,168 1,105,397 1,746,232 3,772,802 1,182,625 24,551,707 1,506,040 5,617,224 1,117,680 5,223,056 7,379,576 3,708,131 22,637,571 36,795,369 22,362,256 8,892,259 13,469,997 87,015,079 3,670,476 3,327,715 1,384,890 20,125,738 4,022,246 2,174,222 3,192,749 3,262,470 23,025,841 6,310,965 2,674,683 1,686,600 74,608 3,149,528 8,932,348 57,560,988 11,617,377 7,381,132 38,562,479 7,502,677 381,917,485 319,186,925 3,255,068 2,626,910 628,158 3,182,358 50,659 2,526,400 236,836 368,463 24,831,022 77,034,209 20,342,535 5,755,164 316,189 1,705,655 2,175,639 4,320,975 2,600,266 1,743,384 565 1,604,049 120,649 56,691,674 4,291,775 1,279,264 2,081,183 4,597,197 8,518,159 14,218,506 13,528,225 1,167,015 1,786,009 4,073,328 1,151,013 25,667,468 1,445,894 5,772,309 1,147,660 5,456,203 7,713,733 4,131,669 24,747,411 39,170,792 24,894,435 9,571,812 15,322,623 96,404,162 4,207,101 4,055,836 1,413,450 22,523,782 4,521,889 2,132,762 3,360,766 3,671,891 25,386,840 7,137,840 2,856,790 1,893,761 86,960 3,368,540 9,785,954 62,730,560 12,297,155 7,865,913 42,567,492 8,782,013 411,715,380 345,195,130 3,528,821 2,719,485 809,336 2,413,658 50,582 1,675,165 287,102 400,809 27,531,945 80,886,517 21,445,028 5,930,625 350,136 1,881,851 2,283,648 4,676,458 2,739,378 1,717,672 729 1,736,118 128,413 59,441,489 4,518,755 1,298,408 2,090,667 4,624,157 8,588,753 14,515,170 15,227,290 1,166,172 1,896,260 4,362,396 1,153,461 27,126,218 1,341,869 6,182,088 1,204,301 6,307,556 7,742,759 4,347,645 26,600,063 41,642,200 29,129,486 10,824,016 18,305,470 106,336,222 4,488,197 4,357,683 1,436,094 24,928,985 4,869,941 2,200,433 3,851,530 3,926,353 27,744,609 8,337,753 2,959,619 2,155,089 100,814 3,564,626 11,414,496 66,520,250 12,353,926 8,168,666 45,997,658 9,394,189 450,687,834 379,197,389 4,302,494 3,551,610 750,884 2,435,161 45,292 1,606,730 407,665 375,474 30,035,812 85,740,177 23,185,950 6,222,154 411,279 2,138,255 2,421,556 5,160,378 2,943,536 1,767,873 1,080 1,988,896 130,943 62,554,227 4,899,189 1,451,121 2,158,730 4,641,218 8,898,890 15,208,335 16,150,122 1,271,165 2,009,970 4,595,967 1,269,520 28,400,850 1,290,307 6,619,266 1,281,372 6,670,994 8,128,614 4,410,297 28,154,637 44,216,618 35,520,332 11,799,305 23,721,027 120,391,308 5,216,838 4,664,858 1,461,306 28,241,251 5,101,124 2,150,404 4,426,059 4,661,407 32,134,885 9,608,588 3,221,233 2,484,101 114,196 3,814,507 13,090,551 71,490,445 13,131,492 8,444,164 49,914,789 9,999,861 491,157,533 414,581,070 4,782,514 3,862,379 920,135 2,911,712 45,371 1,916,586 549,679 400,076 33,435,403 92,290,903 25,230,246 6,483,478 447,119 2,326,861 2,493,338 5,769,151 3,505,987 1,953,185 1,140 2,129,409 120,578 67,060,657 5,213,364 1,542,405 2,400,685 4,872,700 9,741,872 15,540,537 17,092,493 1,396,077 2,235,774 5,591,637 1,433,113 30,078,473 1,307,716 7,095,100 1,345,308 7,320,825 8,246,070 4,763,454 31,373,680 48,434,969 36,359,351 12,250,766 24,108,585 134,914,065 6,066,341 5,371,095 1,576,121 32,342,833 5,421,438 2,448,255 4,760,160 5,187,574 35,146,909 11,136,655 3,568,515 2,805,477 130,549 4,269,998 14,682,145 76,576,463 14,114,392 8,666,204 53,795,867 9,787,028 528,348,912 445,701,097 5,134,796 4,198,081 936,715 3,086,514 45,814 1,925,172 696,659 418,869 36,313,931 97,442,145 26,751,823 6,876,349 476,582 2,568,041 2,781,747 6,100,107 3,592,997 1,949,842 1,132 2,280,208 124,818 70,690,322 5,239,372 1,597,695 2,655,186 5,170,113 10,351,084 15,857,110 18,528,360 1,437,923 2,374,639 5,988,721 1,490,119 32,048,586 1,374,951 7,566,959 1,435,989 8,187,491 8,539,358 4,943,838 34,233,429 51,873,329 37,313,591 12,721,729 24,591,862 148,254,776 6,594,798 6,141,911 1,687,171 35,251,856 5,893,611 2,693,108 5,160,470 5,571,687 38,314,979 12,333,773 3,936,114 3,143,560 146,523 4,576,799 16,808,416 82,647,815 14,916,530 9,011,532 58,719,753 In co m e b y Place o f R esidence T o t a l p e r s o n a l in c o m e ................................................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)’ .............................................. E a rn in g s b y Place o f W o rk Earnings hy type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7........................... Mining............................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products.......................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (9 ) (9) (9) (9) (9 ) (0) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9 ) 20,433* 0 (9) (D) (9 ) (0) (9) (9 ) 1,500,212* 2,502,597* 956,181* (0) (9) (9) (9) (9 ) (9) 16,709* 0 (9) (9) (9) 611,639* (9 ) (9 ) (9) (9) (9) 20,595* 0 (9) (9) (9) 653,679* (9) (9) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9) (9) 0 (9) (9) (9) 705,436* (9 ) (9) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9) (9) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (D) 1,749,740* 398,696* 513,079* (9 ) (9) (9) (0) 794,983* 2,210,800 712,745* (9 ) (9 ) 3,668,946* (0) 214,610* 46,000* (9) 234,742* 115,979* (9 ) (9 ) 961,148* 191,466* (9 ) (9 ) (D) 1,716,155* 342,484* 508,906* (9 ) (9) (D) 1,735,255* 325,704* 525,494* (9) (9) (9) (D) 1,844,420* 338,189* 542,872* (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) 773,304* 2,200,590* 731,438* (9) (9) 3,783,914* (9 ) 216,040* 45,420* (0) 244,113* 129,545* (9 ) (9) 1,024,677* 214,203* (9) (0) 794,961* 2,227,181 878,237* (9 ) (9 ) 4,166,095* (9 ) 215,067* 44,603* (9) 243,514* 121,373 (9 ) (9 ) 1,132,121* 231,362* (9 ) (0) (0) 826,083* 2,406,474 840,839* (9 ) (9 ) 4,563,472* (9 ) 250,570* 46,490* (9) 258,165* 143,552* (9) (9) 1,227,789* 257,142* (9) (9 ) (9 ) (9) (D) 2,029,435* 356,054* 565,778* (9) (9 ) (9) (9) 915,827* 2,588,718 843,972* (9 ) (9) 5,084,769* (D) 285,895* 46,711* (9 ) 285,882* 160,454* (9 ) (9 ) 1,335,251* 274,813* (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9) (9) (9 ) (9) (9) 4,268,137 892,913 212,674 3,162,550 (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) (9 ) 4,115,167 894,678 194,467 3,026,022 366,995* 4,485,489 950,090 223,361 3,312,038 399,220* ,4,727,145 1,023,778 225,780 3,477,587 460,094* 4,928,773 1,054,542 231,053 3,643,178 18 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME REGIONS Table 4.— Personal Income for Regions by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] F a r W e s t ( N o n m e t r o p o l i t a n p o r t i o n ) 10 F a r W e s t ( M e t r o p o l i t a n p o r t i o n ) 10 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 34,052,566 35,794,685 38,001,405 40,349,048 43,8 17,341 47,886,046 32,123,686 1,928,880 33,954,092 1,840,593 35,671,957 2,329,448 34,519.2 2,978.5 3,018.6 3,041.1 37,816,196 2,532,852 3,088.0 41,069,103 2,748,238 3,155.5 45,153,080 2,732,966 3,221.1 19,668 11,433 11,858 12,496 13,066 13,886 14,866 472,730,523 29,494,246 -431,898 442,804,379 100,624,395 81,907,441 507,588,418 32,823,160 -460,968 474,304,290 115,750,128 88,875,941 21,698,560 1,180,758 356,826 20,874,628 6,667,096 6,510,842 22,442,788 1,295,864 431,886 21,578,810 7,094,967 7,120,908 24,119,474 1,402,199 468,618 23,185,893 7,363,579 7,451,933 25,985,783 1,508,159 568,689 25,046,313 7,451,599 7,851,136 28,426,871 1,712,643 520,008 27,234,236 8,157,349 8,425,756 30,547,522 1,938,051 550,339 29,159,810 9,544,564 9,181,672 349,271,981 32,429,632 52,394,627 4,906,489 47,488,138 379,263,847 35,281,725 58,184,951 5,253,473 52,931,478 407,579,198 38,376,439 61,632,781 5,005,523 56,627,258 15,938,882 1,477,274 4,282,404 1,422,246 2,860,158 16,567,306 1,475,823 4,399,659 1,347,189 3,052,470 17,390,058 1,573,194 5,156,222 1,841,379 3,314,843 18,612,597 1,675,253 5,697,933 2,021,033 3,676,900 20,278,727 1,844,900 6,303,244 2,238,641 4,064,603 21,965,287 2,051,115 6,531,120 2,202,181 4,328,939 6,452,565 389,925,354 328,438,617 2,947,104* 2,466,747 569,476* 1,999,231* 6,861,337 427,234,903 361,138,482 3,610,415* 3,085,403* 521,174* 1,960,582* (0) 1,534,480* 7,054,062 500,534,356 424,147,909 4,375,306* 3,626,090* (») 2,356,770* (0) 1,811,317* 1,928,880 19,769,680 15,365,971 396,820* (0) 156,035* 339,711* 1,840,593 20,602,195 15,840,072 447,180* 221,724* 202,488* 342,988* (D) (D) <D) (D) (») (0) 34,170,401* 92,239,097 25,124,906 6,309,863* (0) 1,508,456* 4,184,063* 1,164,403* (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,439,601* 4,218,513* 1,209,366* 2,532,852 23,452,931 18,058,907 554,812* 326,847* 222,568* 419,089* (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,686,607* 4,571,648* 1,320,195* (0) 2,748,238 25,678,633 19,863,338 588,206* (0) (0) 539,490* (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) 2,329,448 21,790,026 16,756,513 485,031* 247,775* 231,170* 360,933* (0) (0) (0) 2,732,966 27,814,556 21,553,188 651,834* (0) (0) (0) 25,907,975* 76,498,681 20,156,841 5,445,363* 308,858* 1,818,466* (0) 4,539,313* 2,677,846* 1,641,818* 675* 1,644,152* 7,251,623 465,478,900 394,717,732 4,091,188* 3,344,692* 649,614* 2,334,937 (0) 1,712,445* 137,373* 1,891,747* 4,954,017* 1,435,379* (0) (0) (0) 2,041,344* 5,200,773* 1,564,952* (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 458,526,865 496,597,202 531,799,674 574,515,263 625,336,215 678,930,359 453,280,750 5,246,115 490,935,118 5,662,084 567,653,926 6,861,337 618,084,592 7,251,623 671,876,297 7,054,062 30,744.6 31,369.8 525,347,109 6,452,565 32,085.9 32,835.8 33,627.4 14,914 15,830 16,574 17,4 9 7 18,596 338,039,097 19,271,386 -135,794 318,631,917 78,162,153 61,732,795 366,977,374 21,894,997 -174,103 344,908,274 83,798,450 67,890,478 396,377,919 24,029,855 -287,162 372,060,902 87,564,820 72,173,952 434,096,240 26,114,110 -459,941 407,522,189 90,766,237 76,226,837 273,875,553 26,975,174 37,188,370 3,430,155 33,758,215 297,485,929 28,254,301 41,237,144 3,838,057 37,399,087 320,182,557 30,252,261 45,943,101 4,625,045 41,318,056 5,246,115 332,792,982 279,635,703 2,481,380* 2,217,106* 250,009* 2,565,300 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Derivation of total personal income: Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Earnings by industry: Food and kindred products............................ 21,404,364* 68,597,286 18,416,355 5,193,712* Apparel and other textile products................... 1,655,410* 5,662,084 361,315,290 303,346,853 2,740,133* 2,313,139* 416,964* 2,783,924* (0) (0) 63,736* (0) 23,318,852* 72,809,203 19,109,338 5,260,144* 284,002* 1,641,141* Rubber and misc. plastic products................... 3,911,189* 2,360,689* 1,578,486* 887* 1,521,243* 4,184,944* 2,539,107* 1,667,227* 546* 1,515,528* Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ....... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Construction.................................................. Manufacturing.......................................... ..... Furniture and fixtures................................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Trucking and warehousing............................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate’ .............. Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) 50,180,931 2,134,647* 1,198,055* 1,936,077* 4,357,177* 7,799,793* 12,735,438* 11,636,212* (0) 1,602,741* (0) 1,155,566* 23,126,390 1,305,969* 5,063,426* 987,164* (0) 6,926,278* (0) 21,927,774 34,502,018 21,790,193 8,426,542* 12,847,153* 83,160,440 2,976,775* 3,133,858* (D) 19,509,798 3,771,682 2,038,536* 2,998,589* 3,223,422* 21,912,785 6,151,030 (01 1,578,404 (0) 2,908,435 8,586,357 53,157,279 10,883,463 7,002,956 35,270,860 (D) (D) 53,699,865 2,108,699* 1,250,195* (0) 4,432,555* 8,165,916* 14,009,624* 13,169,634* (0) 1,624,125* (0) 1,126,133 24,203,746 1,275,393* 5,208,762* 1,010,965* (0) 7,098,410* (D) 24,038,953 36,791,863 24,316,071 9,214,431* 14,770,433* 92,212,960 (0) 3,810,693* (D) 21,829,880 4,236,302 2,010,415* 3,147,650* 3,637,448* 24,165,010 6,963,529 (0) I, (D) 3,115,551 9,425,488 57,968,437 II, 7,453,314 38,990,899 (D) (D) (D) 56,341,840 2,258,636* 1,258,380* (0) 4,519,139* 8,197,264* 14,303,993* 14,823,775* (D) 1,718,946* (») 1,129,882* 25,584,956 1,179,767* 5,565,822* 1,075,377* (D) 6,885,287* (0) 25,876,658 39,154,658 28,498,506 10,495,325* 17,997,797* 101,786,320 (0) 4,096,188* (D) 24,175,846 4,565,500 2,056,397* 3,613,068* 3,886,090* 26,423,767 8,144,218 (0) 2,025,503 776,659 (D) 3,301,302 10,987,202 61,486,737 11,587,954 524,224 7,742,114 42,156,669 (0) 28,265,184* 81,167,573 21,824,078 5,681,250* 366,226* 2,069,377* (D) 5,018,861* 2,872,282* 1,688,675* 1,080 1,889,526* (0) 59,343,495 2,536,316* 1,402,720* (0) 4,551,001* 8,570,789* 14,957,909* 15,697,802* (0) 1,823,925* (D) 1,241,374* 26,806,898 1,128,326* 5,887,171* 1,190,837* 10) (D) (D) 27,366,025 41,585,845 34,713,576 11,460,145* 23,245,925* 115,448,186 (0) 4,395,517* (D) 27,436,933 4,788,162 2,008,200* 4,169,024* 4,609,917* 30,640,443 9,410,281 (0) 2,341,622 (0) 3,530,063 12,624,807 66,096,421 12,303,392 8,004,409 45,788,620 31,454,187* 87,335,303 23,740,162 5,940,643* 411,181* 2,283,017* (D) 5,606,096* (D) 1,869,651* (D) 2,007,790* (0) 63,595,141 2,738,472* 1,469,817* (D) 4,757,322* 9,263,836* 15,254,107* 16,773,740* (0) 2,081,586* 5,103,883* 1,393,747* 28,347,605 1,139,938* 6,383,278* 1,247,947* (0) (0) (D) 30,506,225 45,524,591 35,605,363 11,859,618* 23,615,456* 129,400,171 (0) 5,055,504* (D) 31,418,600 5,094,089 2,288,527* 4,522,488* 5,132,069* 33,473,260 10,910,809 (D) 2,651,427 (D) 3,951,578 14,173,607 70,761,168 13,212,733 8,213,090 49,335,345 (D) 2,513,672* 2,013,889* 5,926,901* (0) 1.832,298* (D) 2,034,617* (D) 67,114,191 (D) 1,540,136* 2,126,661* 5,019,490* 9,940,991* 15,575,768* 16,779,929* (D) 2,198,521* 5,332,113* 1,453,851* 30,208,566 1,194,604* 6,636,641* 1,335,458* (D) (D) (D) 33,251,593 48,699,358 36,532,382 12,323,971* 24,069,189* 142,170,349 5,567,218* 5,780,052 (0) 34,223,263 5,533,765 2,516,763* 4,924,473* 5,511,569* 36,483,461 12,084,989 3,857,962 2,972,727 (0) 4,236,734 16,223,307 76,386,447 13,966,183 8,534,965 53,885,299 (D) (0) (0) 56,549* 0 (0) (0) 2,868,919* 2,072,880* (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) (0) 1,385,858* 158,989* 503,481* (0) (0) (0) (D) 693,192* 2,293,351 559,681* (D) (0) 3,851,081* (0) 182,812* (0) (0) 250,416* 134,193* (0) (0) 1,112,994* 159,239* (D) (0) 0» 217,613* 317,863* 4,403,709 733,914 378,176 3,291,619 (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) 73,594* 0 (0) (0) 2,720,978* 1,980,698* (0) (D) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) 1,545,990* 4,380,693* 1,265,529* (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) 73,727* 0 (D) (D) 2,854,920* 2,038,511* (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) 1,448,425* 160,949* 505,965* 20,984* 1,522,039* 154,409* 555,007* (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) 699,814* 2,378,929 566,229* (0) (0) 4,187,637* (0) 230,815* (0) (D) 285,370* 121,074* (D) (D) 1,221,662* 173,692* (D) 109,452* (D) 229,277* 329,993* 4,762,123 772,931 412,599 3,576,593 (0) (0) 716,336* 2,487,542 618,319* (0) (D) 4,545,934* (0) 248,394* (0) (0) 304,341* 133,559* (0) (0) 1,320,705* 192,936* (0) 121,250* (0) 240,582* 395,425* 5,033,513 765,972 426,552 3,840,989 (D) (0) ID) (0) (0) 76,872* 0 (D) (D) (0) 2,173,323* (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,583,822* 148,984* 609,173* (0) (D) (D) (D) 783,293* 2,630,773 788,520* (D) (0) 4,940,988* (0) 256,508* (0) (0) 312,874* 133,671* (0) (D) 1,494,442 197,702* (D) 131,925* (D) 268,292* 462,483* 5,394,024 828,100 439,755 4,126,169 (D) (D) (0) (0) 82,350* 0 (0) (D) 3,224,342* 2,274,751* (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,719,880* 154,835* 646,938* (0) (D) (D) (0) 851,182* 2,910,378 731,458* (D) (D) 5,513,894 470,109* 304,800* (D) (D) (D) 700,437* (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) 117,337* 0 (0) (D) 3,357,140* 2,228,933* (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) 1,828,127* 173,748* 683,682* (0) (0) (D) pi 976,598* 3,173,971 762,278* (0) (0) 6,084,427 524,066* 355,916* (D) 327,260* 156,078* (0) 359,746* 173,501* (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,673,337* 225,169* (D) 142,450* (0) 300,801* 504,983* 5,815,295 901,659 453,114 4,460,522 1,829,383* 248,012* (D) 157,487* (0) 321,374* 581,473* 6,261,368 950,347 476,567 4,834,454 Per Capita Personal Income, 1989 States $20,312 J $17,649 $13,693;;|3 $15 697 $22,236 * $18,113 $15’664 > r c 1 \ '14'f i- - / B f “¡¡SW, . :ä m s p ~ Mm m m m m ? $15,287 g | | $ 14p 6| $13,000f4 - r.fAi‘r “ ^^ ^ $ 1 3 ,6 2 » ffOUTHEASTÄ Ü • $13,669} I i!;ia i^ i6 .0 5 9 fc LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME $24,798 726 $18,750 $20,929 $22,998 UNITED STATES $17,592 ¡ ^ j $18,500-$24,999 | | $15,000-$18,499 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis states $11,000-$14,999 20 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89 [Thousands of dollars] A la b a m a 1984 A la s k a 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 40,349,074 43,026,145 46,003,287 48,958,922 52,772,046 56,286,526 9,139,835 9,801,724 9,819,797 9,561,307 10,010,344 11,2 53,8 61 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 39,598,483 750,591 42,388,498 637,647 45,269,304 733,983 48,133,884 825,038 51,693,062 1,078,984 55,286,385 1,000,141 9,131,941 7,894 3,992.1 4,022.1 4,050.7 4,083.8 4,102.5 4,117.8 505.3 9,804,868 14,929 530.6 9,547,707 13,600 524.3 9,996,385 13,959 524.4 11,243,146 10,715 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 9,794,189 7,535 522.4 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) ......................................................................... 10 ,10 7 10,697 11,3 5 7 11,988 12,863 13,669 18,089 18,762 18,508 18,235 19,088 21,3 75 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence....................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 29,182,180 1,764,981 514,416 27,931,615 5,199,899 7,217,560 31,168,293 1,969,844 513,363 29,711,812 5,607,339 7,706,994 33,396,078 2,019,312 552,245 31,929,011 5,919,628 8,154,648 35,883,978 2,134,154 589,642 34,339,466 6,108,562 8,510,894 38,748,275 2,390,313 606,516 36,964,478 6,738,449 9,069,119 40,855,149 2,620,881 624,245 38,858,513 7,677,682 9,750,331 8,461,012 514,345 -550,111 7,396,556 845,888 897,391 8,773,751 549,281 -569,077 7,655,393 948,631 1,197,700 8,619,656 603,535 -493,643 7,522,478 1,004,142 1,293,177 8,188,614 603,127 -451,353 7,134,134 1,048,919 1,378,254 8,475,245 654,989 -450,707 7,369,549 1,145,502 1,495,293 9,452,400 753,712 -496,989 8,201,699 1,427,042 1,625,120 23,645,221 2,363,825 3,173,134 661,515 2,511,619 25,526,241 2,446,476 3,195,576 548,710 2,646,866 27,062,231 2,629,872 3,703,975 645,757 3,058,218 28,995,813 2,788,305 4,099,860 731,857 3,368,003 31,046,959 3,011,518 4,689,798 985,419 3,704,379 32,766,360 3,241,043 4,847,746 904,785 3,942,961 6,993,214 611,634 856,164 5,495 850,669 7,130,658 607,842 1,035,251 5,188 1,030,063 6,813,203 585,921 1,220,532 12,649 1,207,883 6,449,158 576,005 1,163,451 11,236 1,152,215 6,607,626 580,617 1,287,002 11,670 1,275,332 7,379,057 663,559 1,409,784 8,493 1,401,291 750,591 28,431,589 22,576,379 150,169 86,755 63,414 533,158 395,864 79,584 1,412 56,298 1,568,340 7,532,536 3,579,487 477,045 619,792 610,690 741,505 222,389 376,804 50,555 6,727 471,808 2,172 3,953,049 518,777 139,211 798,898 504,142 401,707 496,984 419,529 296,222 198,648 72,557 106,374 2,192,192 232,117 628,322 71,586 87,354 596,758 576,055 1,630,824 2,745,486 1,284,790 527,177 757,613 4,938,884 103,389 224,000 183,210 661,335 250,778 109,757 68,986 8,730 1,752,782 354,374 156,418 106,435 269 219,872 738,549 5,855,210 1,738,373 708,042 3,408,795 637,647 30,530,646 24,125,698 145,367 87,367 58,000 587,565 430,735 97,867 1,032 57,931 1,767,877 7,832,020 3,665,473 497,616 599,702 615,586 782,225 246,126 391,175 50,616 6,466 474,595 1,366 4,166,547 540,954 151,993 815,700 501,480 463,123 516,475 458,457 334,581 210,181 63,969 109,634 2,221,640 229,038 637,261 72,480 96,889 556,473 629,499 1,770,087 2,911,625 1,419,711 579,948 839,763 5,469,806 113,830 266,641 184,486 872,926 282,272 108,722 83,133 9,157 1,870,209 396,923 168,204 116,272 329 217,085 779,617 6,404,948 1,826,386 751,774 3,826,788 733,983 32,662,095 25,978,418 135,769 92,049 43,720 503,281 386,053 56,148 (D) (D) 1,927,431 8,212,345 3,881,505 538,562 665,449 648,584 809,174 268,173 392,504 (0) (0) 495,269 (0) 4,330,840 559,581 166,036 816,306 513,311 493,779 545,335 493,032 353,902 221,772 68,691 99,095 2,317,227 215,025 677,376 68,066 105,450 553,741 697,569 1,851,647 3,159,368 1,576,487 654,638 921,849 6,294,863 124,054 292,389 184,560 1,102,597 305,526 120,998 84,123 10,240 2,049,594 464,130 175,079 125,583 377 237,084 1,018,529 6,683,677 1,783,870 779,567 4,120,240 825,038 35,058,940 28,004,311 157,886 117,858 40,028 465,494 352,705 (0) (0) (0) 2,006,715 8,723,685 4,174,812 573,942 733,248 694,071 829,219 285,325 420,948 62,073 9,697 564,447 1,842 4,548,873 613,720 184,537 827,774 520,947 542,934 572,869 524,668 347,756 238,663 74,405 100,600 2,464,951 202,235 719,923 65,277 122,745 616,825 737,946 1,959,478 3,328,452 1,816,001 688,930 1,127,071 7,081,649 139,145 310,315 185,073 1,302,055 307,467 123,933 99,179 11,315 2,354,765 511,722 191,239 136,138 476 251,110 1,157,717 7,054,629 1,945,405 837,018 4,272,206 1,078,984 37,669,291 30,199,640 162,564 124,274 38,290 494,836 359,867 (D) (D) 65,610 2,181,953 9,317,126 4,359,391 599,589 764,572 718,582 856,872 307,660 437,497 60,711 9,549 602,878 1,481 4,957,735 641,569 185,076 939,057 539,690 682,138 578,304 570,377 372,392 257,870 75,984 115,278 2,777,354 211,464 786,401 74,500 133,644 804,488 766,857 2,124,886 3,580,206 1,792,171 718,529 1,073,642 7,768,544 142,693 359,563 195,456 1,298,653 314,727 141,540 100,687 13,547 2,632,682 579,518 210,171 155,128 600 273,534 1,350,045 7,469,651 2,077,330 847,735 4,544,586 1,000,141 39,855,008 31,963,203 173,477 134,647 38,830 515,384 358,212 (D) (0) 72,863 2,227,283 9,747,200 4,552,213 637,162 813,871 742,421 915,675 317,604 460,263 (D) (D) 595,506 (0) 5,194,987 652,712 195,793 956,922 620,947 755,640 555,024 622,121 372,592 253,391 77,432 132,413 2,918,448 204,522 834,485 (0) (0) 850,570 808,413 2,314,140 3,735,630 1,831,676 742,284 1,089,392 8,499,965 144,526 398,035 204,609 1,454,991 330,761 158,297 116,206 15,561 2,817,791 646,855 224,734 173,855 613 285,277 1,527,854 7,891,805 2,117,653 840,471 4,933,681 7,894 8,453,118 5,999,426 42,905 12,260 30,645 562,776 9,335 527,422 20,797 5,222 1,390,890 344,064 234,830 126,387 193 911 29,051 42,485 20,146 14,164 (D) 1,484 (0) 109,234 67,273 927 (0) 7,179 3,209 769 2,643 7,535 8,766,216 6,151,200 181,385 11,374 170,011 639,395 (0) 602,377 (D) 6,566 1,219,160 349,486 244,370 132,261 14,929 8,604,727 5,920,395 279,949 10,469 269,480 652,917 10,701 617,819 19,160 5,237 937,243 364,438 256,697 138,475 163 1,113 32,368 45,841 18,700 18,746 (L) 1,201 87 107,741 77,312 (0) 350 5,524 3,350 451 2,588 13,600 8,175,014 5,502,014 261,172 12,476 248,696 621,710 9,633 575,644 32,259 4,174 714,442 405,188 274,456 154,467 322 989 38,390 40,891 19,453 18,846 (L) 1,038 56 130,732 101,813 (0) 287 5,562 1,754 628 3,710 0 13,977 (D) 1,774 761,448 0 89,218 37,844 293,800 199,798 140,788 254,909 685,343 372,742 150,044 222,698 1,425,060 86,968 81,865 8,023 271,786 72,831 44,607 33,754 10,223 314,603 102,360 22,031 83,849 407 85,242 206,521 2,673,000 551,534 535,878 1,585,588 13,959 8,461,286 5,718,923 308,951 12,189 296,762 667,753 (0) 610,085 42,102 (D) 669,901 475,793 324,939 198,738 10,715 9,441,685 6,556,775 331,753 11,968 319,785 731,052 m 664,189 53,248 (0) 736,724 527,874 358,591 224,043 (0) 1,314 47,722 41,185 21,275 21,618 526.5 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry.Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products..................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places....................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services........................................ Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises................... Federal, civilian.............................................. State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (D) 1,281 25,756 46,597 20,597 16,244 (L) 21,043 1,494 (») 105,116 67,216 1,059 457 6,630 3,950 420 3,723 (0) 18,721 (D) (D) (D) 2,501 827,104 75 116,510 49,871 328,990 231,700 99,958 301,513 770,268 352,092 154,462 197,630 1,407,814 82,355 61,309 7,826 296,073 64,436 49,267 15,576 9,452 285,664 91,440 19,414 71,608 527 81,199 271,668 2,453,692 522,079 451,289 1,480,324 2,658 812,819 in 116,530 52,242 307,341 200,704 135,962 308,994 789,829 377,844 164,740 213,104 1,472,288 84,093 78,331 8,086 313,437 72,505 48,197 22,064 10,521 296,865 98,369 21,806 79,741 546 80,204 257,523 2,615,016 514,579 475,711 1,624,726 (L) 15,325 (0) 1,918 807,889 0 97,938 42,124 300,152 210,253 157,422 283,086 734,230 388,798 169,623 219,175 1,471,845 85,388 84,397 8,160 292,245 71,711 49,715 29,688 10,273 309,061 100,746 21,591 84,529 536 89,399 234,406 2,684,332 526,873 499,575 1,657,884 m 1,176 (0) 40,126 19,358 20,573 (L) 1,144 -114 150,854 118,594 350 (0) 5,529 1,566 836 6,210 (0) 14,320 (0) 1,865 780,719 0 89,199 40,681 316,336 151,306 183,197 255,829 703,552 336,708 133,294 203,414 1,519,717 88,164 90,033 8,408 306,744 84,086 43,038 37,232 12,860 331,112 106,822 23,045 84,864 487 96,192 206,630 2,742,363 591,503 561,430 1,589,430 (L) 1,181 (0) 169,283 135,618 534 (0) 5,653 1,996 (D) 10,063 (D) 14,629 m 1,751 1,112,360 0 101,273 308,729 356,474 151,354 194,530 277,884 776,252 318,498 121,795 196,703 1,744,378 98,169 106,793 8,801 392,589 97,030 48,804 42,641 14,814 366,463 109,396 25,239 94,748 496 101,365 237,030 2,884,910 620,915 588,912 1,675,083 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 21 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A rk a n s a s A riz o n a In co m e b y Place o f R esidence Total personal incom e.............................................. Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent3............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ E a rn in g s b y P lace o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income.................................................. Proprietors' income*. ............................................... Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods........................................ Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products........................ Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate8. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places........................ Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 23,308,859 22,236,900 1,071,959 2,346.6 9,933 24,838,118 23,758,453 1,079,665 26,052,001 24,971,396 1,080,605 27,235,283 26,000,643 1,234,640 29,195,037 27,680,247 1,514,790 31,261,211 29,744,535 1,516,676 2,359.6 10,526 2,371.1 10,987 2,388.0 11,405 2,394.7 12,191 2,404.8 13,000 39,263,821 2,429,264 -105,694 36,728,863 10,986,809 8,636,954 16,351,146 972,659 -69,402 15,309,085 3,580,769 4,419,005 17,242,830 1,086,653 -64,142 16,092,035 3,980,381 4,765,702 18,192,871 1,248,738 -59,521 16,884,612 4,104,660 5,062,729 19,379,336 1,336,935 -68,087 17,974,314 3,982,845 5,278,124 20,879,723 1,482,604 -72,483 19,324,636 4,280,033 5,590,368 21,975,264 1,633,367 -55,346 20,286,551 4,898,585 6,076,075 31,063,308 2,632,388 3,797,449 509,243 3,288,206 32,524,118 2,797,705 3,941,998 437,220 3,504,778 12,350,696 1,293,005 2,707,445 906,951 1,800,494 13,070,704 1,310,598 2,861,528 917,079 1,944,449 13,835,120 1,371,398 2,986,353 920,545 2,065,808 14,553,544 1,449,060 3,376,732 1,067,044 2,309,688 15,494,532 1,549,803 3,835,388 1,347,382 2,488,006 16,323,401 1,667,971 3,983,892 1,348,001 2,635,891 670,491 36,822,654 30,300,127 297,183 287,761 9,422 565,167 52,199 45,812 448,886 18,270 2,897,279 6,005,554 1,054,867 225,573 7,512 67,284 73,543 418,801 134,562 6,668 (L) 115,615 5,278 4,950,687 181,603 56,874 265,079 221,441 867,619 1,466,524 1,105,818 49,495 231,177 409,691 95,366 2,282,153 109,347 487,884 2,230 510,569 587,718 584,405 1,898,667 4,121,538 2,804,575 1,110,277 1,694,298 9,428,011 562,459 449,017 92,158 1,918,938 440,867 160,583 229,614 28,108 2,911,581 814,368 198,515 248,913 10,722 453,289 908,879 6,522,527 1,275,737 634,993 4,611,797 602,625 38,661,196 31,690,948 307,265 298,479 8,786 557,503 53,443 47,988 436,867 19,205 2,737,474 6,097,801 1,102,154 238,599 12,281 72,741 60,592 432,946 142,805 3,298 (L) 132,799 6,062 4,995,647 167,378 61,387 262,048 212,640 851,947 1,485,133 1,135,432 47,919 200,174 474,214 97,375 2,448,348 101,640 517,141 1,868 609,246 613,505 604,948 2,174,458 4,351,190 2,762,173 1,098,612 1,663,561 10,254,736 588,987 502,696 98,122 2,100,354 480,174 180,986 259,513 35,837 3,184,386 831,210 218,942 280,994 11,986 482,108 998,441 6,970,248 1,334,280 663,223 4,972,745 1,071,959 15,279,187 12,768,934 102,696 79,138 23,558 166,726 1,515 132,431 5,722 27,058 981,843 4,096,839 1,840,630 610,336 60,114 116,664 369,633 169,353 174,497 40,798 (L) 225,398 13,825 2,256,209 363,235 147,019 210,185 315,373 293,969 527,618 62,935 82,869 104,008 91,704 57,294 1,360,429 205,857 485,838 6,243 70,385 283,560 308,546 847,664 1,765,567 739,828 301,061 438,767 2,707,342 83,033 180,127 66,718 386,614 174,797 70,277 46,523 5,456 1,084,288 164,708 57,217 85,481 376 122,949 178,778 2,510,253 505,215 253,485 1,751,553 1,079,665 16,163,165 13,440,226 89,327 73,025 16,302 178,841 1,206 140,624 9,061 27,950 1,052,431 4,156,850 1,865,156 652,704 37,662 112,579 372,545 181,651 168,899 37,519 (L) 225,382 76,207 2,291,694 371,344 148,837 202,083 326,799 353,126 469,985 76,466 87,628 105,573 94,675 55,178 1,454,790 204,444 526,778 5,960 72,580 306,339 338,689 892,509 1,842,809 810,512 321,791 488,721 2,962,157 83,672 222,890 67,038 438,561 194,743 65,408 51,219 6,530 1,161,165 182,879 69,885 95,614 429 128,922 193,202 2,722,939 536,560 269,256 1,917,123 1,080,605 17,112,266 14,232,481 79,520 70,692 8,828 133,374 2,334 94,814 1,234,640 18,144,696 15,166,914 111,075 99,485 11,590 124,998 1,276 (9) 6,345 (D) 1,093,135 4,661,881 2,146,139 807,408 (0) 123,224 430,830 216,118 169,183 (D) (L) 251,643 70,730 2,515,742 423,999 173,851 203,392 340,295 389,904 500,119 101,463 108,426 104,399 104,304 65,590 1,723,752 203,381 650,205 6,291 86,058 334,855 442,962 961,559 1,970,449 997,281 358,351 638,930 3,522,784 95,600 240,198 67,066 551,183 209,316 71,236 61,908 9,594 1,421,635 220,399 77,379 116,238 511 134,603 245,918 2,977,782 574,460 293,084 2,110,238 1,514,790 19,364,933 16,221,423 121,031 108,111 12,920 138,887 1,177 (0) 9,281 (D) 1,162,340 4,961,811 2,243,454 842,270 (0) 130,561 449,865 229,523 177,424 (0) (L) 267,276 68,177 2,718,357 444,989 177,304 236,190 371,020 416,182 526,341 135,241 124,475 108,433 98,702 79,480 1,825,813 217,086 722,076 8,084 93,991 352,438 432,138 1,034,860 2,130,977 962,384 367,170 595,214 3,883,320 96,254 271,618 70,716 623,004 220,148 82,362 64,681 7,059 1,566,917 249,666 88,928 126,580 578 146,312 268,497 3,143,510 625,957 289,324 2,228,229 1,516,676 20,458,588 17,123,910 131,590 111,296 20,294 144,108 (D) (0) (D) 32,393 1,152,087 5,184,225 2,387,276 899,428 (0) 136,838 456,012 233,702 203,633 (0) (1) 299,932 71,701 2,796,949 460,877 177,154 264,841 400,462 425,069 502,709 142,981 134,160 110,314 106,907 71,475 1,966,553 242,081 780,189 9,522 103,830 379,017 451,914 1,112,317 2,218,389 960,004 376,366 583,638 4,254,637 98,585 306,160 74,009 693,918 234,916 88,910 70,503 8,145 1,726,534 273,005 97,237 141,186 621 150,907 290,001 3,334,678 664,895 300,452 2,369,331 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 36,800,322 36,251,912 548,410 40,962,754 40,510,740 452,014 44,768,998 44,263,505 505,493 48,812,876 48,194,771 618,105 3,041.0 12,101 3,153.5 12,990 3,278.1 13,657 3,398.6 14,363 52,369,715 51,699,224 670,491 3,487.4 15,017 56,352,626 55,750,001 602,625 3,560.2 15,829 26,359,883 1,516,536 -80,951 24,762,396 6,678,703 5,359,223 29,299,546 1,752,247 -77,160 27,470,139 7,499,328 5,993,287 32,140,231 1,986,790 -88,869 30,064,572 8,160,441 6,543,985 34,976,752 2,029,678 -100,707 32,846,367 8,773,133 7,193,376 37,493,145 2,228,888 -110,235 35,154,022 9,376,732 7,838,961 21,903,859 1,994,525 2,461,499 397,843 2,063,656 24,523,927 2,141,444 2,634,175 301,261 2,332,914 26,860,426 2,366,201 2,913,604 354,623 2,558,981 28,987,153 2,477,465 3,512,134 457,954 3,054,180 548,410 25,811,473 21,172,245 197,371 194,502 2,869 513,029 (0) (D) 386,891 14,242 2,590,878 4,488,698 736,857 181,643 3,953 59,193 48,531 271,709 89,678 5,079 (L) 71,622 5,421 3,751,841 136,121 44,791 230,411 197,618 785,433 1,127,573 707,743 36,353 183,900 243,696 58,202 1,632,531 116,335 359,968 404 276,120 495,392 384,312 1,366,483 2,998,628 1,672,329 679,916 992,413 5,712,298 316,505 262,889 77,621 1,204,731 283,672 127,374 118,851 18,046 1,722,270 442,464 123,445 143,947 6,957 326,960 536,566 4,639,228 989,624 549,457 3,100,147 452,014 28,847,532 23,756,043 210,544 204,293 6,251 510,842 (0) 93,524 356,252 (D) 3,017,358 4,871,112 784,501 192,202 3,509 57,606 51,327 299,950 91,969 5,595 (L) 76,764 5,564 4,086,611 143,893 53,040 242,640 201,951 820,568 1,161,549 836,871 43,493 208,894 309,382 64,330 1,765,761 115,043 372,050 998 288,536 530,430 458,704 1,552,535 3,361,661 2,006,044 807,259 1,198,785 6,460,186 354,272 321,772 80,489 1,359,611 326,004 120,432 141,444 20,849 1,939,258 512,121 139,025 168,623 7,516 338,077 630,693 5,091,489 1,050,104 567,543 3,473,842 505,493 31,634,738 26,075,621 240,054 332,359 7,695 422,584 (0) (0) 325,056 (D) 3,221,713 5,276,896 888,612 215,265 5,271 63,551 59,410 337,955 103,064 5,877 (L) 91,967 6,224 4,388,284 169,619 57,163 243,956 206,098 790,598 1,232,993 1,018,722 46,102 219,450 333,122 70,461 1,905,449 115,807 406,321 1,212 336,576 531,699 513,834 1,624,190 3,617,155 2,382,438 969,529 1,412,909 7,385,142 389,227 360,550 82,914 1,548,104 396,747 146,179 161,445 25,743 2,193,561 604,734 149,835 187,093 8,500 366,097 764,413 5,559,117 1,061,886 590,294 3,906,937 618,105 34,358,647 28,307,792 282,122 274,419 7,703 440,415 49,339 29,894 341,415 19,767 2,967,655 5,623,055 959,654 217,379 6,149 62,293 63,384 389,021 108,085 6,888 (1) 100,022 6,402 4,663,401 194,047 56,688 234,659 219,874 790,275 1,344,736 1,086,522 49,273 229,995 374,295 83,037 2,134,389 118,379 451,260 1,594 445,517 561,362 556,277 1,820,020 3,846,398 2,871,539 1,066,339 1,805,200 8,322,199 492,923 394,752 85,443 1,637,778 419,646 135,176 186,231 25,089 2,589,366 707,881 173,124 217,480 9,382 405,684 842,244 6,050,855 1,175,257 613,945 4,261,653 1984 1984 m (0) 1,135,062 4,376,366 1,997,657 744,322 (0) 121,781 394,141 193,242 164,360 10) (L) 238,746 69,305 2,378,709 392,050 158,140 184,910 331,735 380,921 479,210 84,736 95,570 105,521 105,046 60,870 1,561,858 200,856 583,645 6,199 83,209 290,931 397,018 912,808 1,902,245 897,793 347,330 550,463 3,233,455 89,693 236,697 66,930 496,904 207,289 74,563 56,811 7,143 1,248,141 206,637 75,576 104,542 442 128,793 233,294 2,879,785 543,271 280,819 2,055,695 22 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] C o lo r a d o C a lifo r n ia 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 44,946,800 47,5 11,18 3 49,420,071 51,454,772 54,231,453 58,077,040 44,411,037 535,763 46,927,946 583,237 48,749,133 670,938 50,755,019 699,753 53,452,236 779,217 57,234,139 842,901 29,054.6 3,189.4 3,234.1 3,264.8 3,293.0 3,301.2 3,318.0 19,840 14,092 14,691 15,13 7 15,626 16,428 17,504 401,709,944 24,949,165 212,918 376,973,697 86,375,871 69,766,031 429,365,628 27,672,179 233,107 401,926,556 98,986,527 75,519,914 34,177,817 1,824,441 -26,907 32,326,469 7,489,761 5,130,570 36,166,762 2,021,547 -29,696 34,115,519 7,943,541 5,452,123 37,445,208 2,146,269 -38,498 35,260.441 8,222,558 5,937,072 38,899,014 2,215,290 -40,409 36,643,315 8,367,289 6,444,168 41,051,566 2,416,475 -40,938 38,594,153 8,806,785 6,830,515 43,395,832 2,643,919 -41,924 40,709,989 10,019,569 7,347,482 294,794,279 27,896,503 46,769,532 5,102,993 41,666,539 319,538,648 30,326,937 51,844,359 5,438,885 46,405,474 341,998,279 32,841,835 54,525,514 5,027,380 49,498,134 27,919,031 2,562,818 3,695,968 395,553 3,300,415 29,485,609 2,610,907 4,070,246 444,945 3,625,301 30,317,789 2,674,766 4,452,653 535,987 3,916,666 31,260,540 2,727,827 4,910,647 559,329 4,351,318 32,796,809 2,878,211 5,376,546 639,724 4,736,822 34,548,083 3,095,724 5,752,025 703,719 5,048,306 7,039,322 362,420,992 306,700,993 3,233,047 3,038,269 194,778 1,920,909 (0) 1,532,276 (0) 268,994 24,453,680 68,729,322 18,831,838 4,918,731 350,671 1,996,101 1,353,440 4,298,802 2,402,889 1,649,020 879 1,745,208 116,097 49,897,484 1,765,234 1,302,450 1,359,263 4,034,353 7,874,422 14,367,024 11,695,081 957,861 1,666,654 3,849,449 1,025,693 22,142,355 843,101 4,927,864 878,366 5,384,743 6,527,398 3,580,883 22,668,019 35,092,289 30,175,266 9,899,422 20,275,844 98,286,106 2,656,204 3,666,708 1,275,442 24,212,909 4,101,694 1,711,297 3,391,308 4,582,236 25,796,243 8,088,894 2,713,062 1,951,507 100,190 2,960,105 11,078,307 55,719,999 9,922,968 6,817,948 38,979,083 7,414,789 394,295,155 334,647,635 3,540,504 3,308,512 231,992 2,217,606 1,655 1,802,984 125,192 287,775 26,972,849 73,664,593 20,530,944 5,108,123 382,897 2,175,153 1,403,344 4,807,219 2,885,277 1,821,919 918 1,838,098 107,996 53,133,649 1,878,607 1,369,228 1,498,901 4,206,444 8,568,953 14,624,652 12,182,924 1,052,034 1,827,054 4,789,304 1,135,548 23,279,073 849,308 5,285,839 905,304 5,887,809 6,540,247 3,810,566 25,323,657 38,401,120 30,953,851 10,261,279 20,692,572 110,294,382 3,062,316 4,229,215 1,375,780 27,925,917 4,384,887 1,954,688 3,749,940 5,102,255 27,985,507 9,418,531 3,006,418 2,214,428 113,644 3,309,651 12,461,205 59,647,520 10,662,624 6,965,186 42,019,710 7,067,736 422,297,892 357,824,268 3,815,045 3,588,920 226,125 2,221,714 (0) 1,791,210 (0) 294,880 28,919,705 77,264,030 21,654,441 5,407,151 409,522 2,408,864 1,467,231 5,103,117 2,971,051 1,817,792 997 1,960,187 108,529 55,609,589 1,998,955 1,413,016 1,624,893 4,413,387 9,076,406 14,843,469 12,934,901 1,057,066 1,938,542 5,129,871 1,179,083 24,749,097 887,930 5,595,196 960,055 6,591,265 6,776,586 3,938,065 27,505,080 40,909,118 31,634,893 10,639,057 20,995,836 120,805,586 3,319,314 4,820,594 1,472,537 30,201,551 4,740,199 2,125,313 4,133,293 5,474,892 30,368,971 10,441,159 3,319,609 2,466,934 127,034 3,547,977 14,246,209 64,473,624 11,249,444 7,246,682 45,977,498 535,763 33,642,054 27,844,628 177,440 172,494 4,946 1,620,455 215,870 1,160,895 218,119 25,571 2,891,419 5,230,757 1,663,524 606,755 6,109 40,306 57,559 452,294 276,278 39,972 76 139,777 44,398 3,567,233 83,813 55,725 137,556 272,927 816,392 549,300 466,638 56,492 292,789 755,275 80,326 2,812,561 221,972 544,453 285 662,729 934,278 448,844 2,127,859 3,566,729 2,282,835 847,007 1,435,828 7,134,573 305,563 334,886 69,321 1,519,456 327,098 155,669 235,491 32,740 1,904,408 580,154 180,260 146,074 4,434 304,067 1,034,952 5,797,426 1,375,836 768,519 3,653,071 583,237 35,583,525 29,381,660 184,076 175,692 8,384 1,566,461 209,392 1,157,915 171,892 27,262 2,864,996 5,463,149 1,726,710 603,653 5,681 44,014 57,263 495,077 297,912 38,189 (L) 142,926 41,954 3,736,439 86,128 58,159 115,885 281,660 788,298 693,936 576,930 56,942 293,344 703,977 81,180 3,012,351 221,796 554,251 394 704,657 1,042,529 488,724 2,250,027 3,711,771 2,507,755 912,009 1,595,746 7,821,074 332,388 413,735 70,292 1,732,844 364,214 144,930 274,178 36,280 2,028,973 625,550 192,225 167,746 4,640 315,688 1,117,391 6,201,865 1,440,147 820,170 3,941,548 670,938 36,774,270 30,229,019 185,335 176,310 9,025 1,285,854 189,047 903,124 162,058 31,625 2,787,003 5,658,165 1,790,335 651,036 (D) 44,656 58,443 509,778 298,123 39,668 (D) 145,924 36,994 3,861,830 91,970 56,441 99,213 271,946 840,476 693,972 663,523 50,919 284,910 723,246 85,214 3,073,275 194,040 563,594 602 775,025 1,020,649 519,365 2,233,695 3,809,322 2,723,654 998,024 1,725,630 8,478,716 339,206 441,859 70,521 1,870,845 390,963 164,751 299,844 37,531 2,224,610 722,689 193,998 187,918 4,935 329,633 1,199,413 6,545,251 1,456,137 879,783 4,209,331 699,753 38,199,261 31,195,649 228,604 220,289 8,315 1,072,356 143,779 742,620 159,406 26,551 2,492,938 5,833,630 1,898,655 688,943 2,892 52,133 60,957 551,885 306,157 41,706 89 153,928 39,965 3,934,975 96,081 60,851 86,777 280,174 1,167,925 668,836 704,068 47,407 255,766 476,003 91,087 3,287,391 172,430 595,632 656 820,888 1,222,167 475,618 2,315,332 3,823,011 2,987,058 967,641 2,019,417 9,155,329 373,741 460,334 70,715 2,060,983 400,546 154,628 326,315 38,325 2,493,202 789,227 211,767 203,814 5,613 356,180 1,209,939 7,003,612 1,564,587 938,280 4,500,745 779,217 40,272,349 32,909,001 235,127 225,348 9,779 1,099,855 154,209 754,236 164,059 27,351 2,410,435 6,202,297 2,032,030 748,360 3,912 56,614 65,929 581,513 317,825 43,051 88 173,351 41,387 4,170,267 99,747 64,551 94,829 302,156 1,233,479 726,839 756,688 41,820 264,301 482,903 102,954 3,501,633 178,184 624,892 (0) (0) 1,293,999 519,100 2,428,906 3,987,853 2,889,450 902,697 1,986,753 10,153,445 382,644 518,150 74,482 2,392,399 415,467 173,683 362,310 45,750 2,747,266 885,784 235,556 234,766 6,477 395,111 1,283,600 7,363,348 1,676,389 971,970 4,714,989 842,901 42,552,931 34,863,831 241,265 231,640 9,625 1,107,007 166,906 710,669 199,327 30,105 2,423,726 6,526,637 2,110,314 753,104 4,920 65,264 72,670 613,597 326,637 43,382 88 190,412 40,240 4,416,323 93,329 66,837 105,153 323,613 1,327,996 783,705 775,433 43,193 275,927 517,041 104,096 3,623,327 189,802 652,807 976 911,416 1,327,649 540,677 2,621,117 4,180,063 2,899,339 871,809 2,027,530 11,241,350 399,279 593,470 78,133 2,737,869 449,494 188,220 379,471 46,976 3,022,953 959,302 260,641 264,193 7,414 421,486 1,432,449 7,689,100 1,765,763 970,798 4,952,539 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Total personal incom e............................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income'....................................................... 389,182,902 422,607,699 453,109,826 490,103,529 533,115,599 576,432,997 383,823,475 5,359,427 416,785,798 5,821,901 483,064,207 7,039,322 525,700,810 7,414,789 569,365,261 7,067,736 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ 25,779.7 26,358.3 446,574,570 6,535,256 26,997.1 27,652.5 28,314.1 15,096 16,033 16,784 1 7 ,7 2 4 18,829 286,025,502 16,251,598 222,796 269,996,700 66,934,590 52,251,612 311,401,904 18,532,466 266,744 293,136,182 71,780,369 57,691,148 336,712,370 20,294,396 232,788 316,650,762 74,869,826 61,589,238 369,460,314 22,084,129 190,085 347,566,270 77,563,589 64,973,670 229,739,788 23,094,108 33,191,606 3,549,151 29,642,455 250,462,964 24,158,093 36,780,847 4,012,665 32,768,182 269,725,369 25,961,330 41,025,671 4,723,363 36,302,308 5,359,427 280,666,075 236,317,653 2,320,180 2,175,500 144,680 2,459,015 4,856 2,146,523 58,081 249,555 18,265,681 58,285,977 15,847,974 4,477,965 260,567 1,549,087 1,138,153 3,361,322 1,964,741 1,541,384 806 1,435,048 118,901 42,438,003 1,389,338 1,103,361 1,443,633 3,887,562 7,173,434 12,227,109 8,823,774 888,930 1,450,165 3,074,083 976,614 19,023,689 980,663 4,170,822 747,101 4,199,492 5,964,634 2,960,977 17,957,767 28,909,125 18,528,836 7,372,640 11,156,196 70,567,383 1,907,234 2,564,988 1,204,664 17,377,652 3,229,286 1,776,925 2,161,795 3,202,840 18,428,736 5,202,454 2,280,795 1,287,044 65,541 2,420,321 7,457,108 44,348,422 8,754,664 5,982,554 29,611,204 5,821,901 305,580,003 257,097,662 2,484,143 2,282,267 201,876 2,666,548 (D) 2,328,144 (0) 261,016 20,063,750 61,962,065 16,413,406 4,533,147 266,855 1,572,969 1,187,027 3,593,503 2,094,816 1,635,648 503 1,420,254 108,684 45,548,659 1,423,467 1,152,446 1,275,395 4,032,623 7,523,376 13,485,168 9,945,865 949,980 1,480,402 3,336,586 943,351 19,968,359 947,707 4,298,851 785,837 4,373,237 6,252,446 3,310,281 19,860,283 30,981,880 20,898,081 7,960,497 12,937,584 78,212,553 2,080,276 3,143,476 1,231,104 19,388,758 3,631,892 1,752,724 2,450,443 3,609,132 20,310,658 5,891,669 2,426,998 1,453,224 76,641 2,611,707 8,153,851 48,482,341 9,308,564 6,345,527 32,828,250 6,535,256 330,177,114 278,422,205 2,600,112 2,360,227 239,885 1,978,651 (D) 1,604,062 (0) 287,138 22,290,671 64,744,668 17,341,879 4,682,761 300,481 1,747,109 1,259,309 3,891,311 2,214,677 1,606,793 578 1,524,868 113,992 47,402,789 1,561,760 1,169,221 1,307,480 4,044,557 7,548,611 13,742,966 10,972,949 944,605 1,580,095 3,593,753 936,792 21,200,486 876,697 4,610,072 844,689 5,104,541 6,269,061 3,495,426 21,457,988 33,034,704 24,661,754 9,025,573 15,636,181 86,453,171 2,243,258 3,393,185 1,252,619 21,452,609 3,909,581 1,768,298 2,892,538 3,857,373 22,183,662 6,926,306 2,505,086 1,674,045 88,922 2,771,336 9,534,353 51,754,909 9,384,782 6,608,281 35,761,846 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less. Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors' income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal Industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing.... .......................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Hotels and other lodging places......................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Government and government enterprises...................... M ilitary....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 23 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] D e la w a re C o n n e c tic u t 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1984 1989 1987 1986 1985 1989 1988 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e 53,892,924 57,891,554 62,299,605 68,401,482 75,254,739 80,333,123 8,390,636 9,105,622 9,748,653 10,616,496 11,5 87,082 12,6 11,389 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 53,738,877 154,047 62,128,964 170,641 68,228,993 172,489 75,073,411 181,328 80,163,071 170,052 8,250,739 139,897 8,985,714 119,908 9,581,894 166,759 10,487,296 129,200 12,424,751 186,638 672.6 T o t a l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ........................................................................................................................ Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 3,153.3 57,749,871 141,683 3,171.4 3,193.6 3,211.7 3,233.1 3,239.5 614.0 622.1 636.8 647.9 11,410,723 176,359 660.2 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 17,0 91 18,254 19,508 21,298 23,276 24,798 13,666 14,637 15,308 16,386 17,552 18,750 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 37,703,440 2,258,584 2,314,211 37,759,067 10,121,462 6,012,395 41,145,301 2,577,328 2,429,796 40,997,769 10,495,517 6,398,268 44,666,329 2,804,020 2,475,731 44,338,040 11,172,227 6,789,338 49,949,420 3,177,924 2,571,244 49,342,740 11,861,716 7,197,026 54,881,698 3,591,992 2,709,189 53,998,895 13,504,583 7,751,261 57,419,525 3,880,857 2,854,852 56,393,520 15,415,200 8,524,403 6,682,022 519,571 -215,471 5,946,980 1,354,120 1,089,536 7,222,344 590,536 -222,617 ■ 6,409,191 1,529,743 1,166,688 7,735,364 695,388 -194,433 6,845,543 1,629,078 1,274,032 8,572,073 831,161 -206,817 7,534,095 1,724,281 1,358,120 9,436,971 944,619 -279,801 8,212,551 1,890,334 1,484,197 10,286,025 1,062,025 -379,617 8,844,383 2,208,612 1,558,394 31,356,381 3,415,640 2,931,419 107,962 2,823,457 34,204,630 3,646,732 3,293,939 95,951 3,197,988 37,253,829 3,850,416 3,562,084 125,347 3,436,737 41,305,681 4,161,614 4,482,125 124,703 4,357,422 45,379,098 4,521,088 4,981,512 133,052 4,848,460 47,418,430 4,753,230 5,247,865 120,790 5,127,075 5,471,240 639,663 571,119 121,227 449,892 5,912,542 658,606 651,196 101,601 549,595 6,271,607 706,739 757,018 148,843 608,175 6,982,503 757,383 832,187 110,593 721,594 7,687,500 812,591 936,880 157,953 778,927 8,379,574 901,391 1,005,060 168,319 836,741 154,047 37,549,393 33,396,257 124,592 117,152 7,440 170,486 (D) 115,724 (0) 26,681 2,330,645 12,103,361 2,821,883 347,062 143,530 173,421 319,963 588,364 854,100 8,189 27,496 349,432 10,326 9,281,478 74,251 85,682 576,948 1,345,047 1,468,825 1,616,227 2,805,395 83,147 154,676 804,860 266,420 1,987,660 (0) 420,761 44,712 (0) 659,552 478,848 2,362,835 3,376,928 3,196,444 798,246 2,398,198 7,743,306 106,494 318,826 123,629 1,775,281 259,662 116,926 150,654 32,213 2,564,512 534,366 570,897 208,145 10,997 265,569 705,135 4,153,136 626,038 330,711 3,196,387 141,683 41,003,618 36,330,499 138,793 130,631 8,162 226,195 (0) 159,783 (0) 29,907 2,584,762 12,561,251 2,968,938 361,730 108,883 176,826 332,323 663,697 919,913 8,822 30,096 356,953 9,695 9,592,313 86,577 91,380 462,819 1,336,648 1,542,795 1,698,375 3,036,526 89,904 151,745 831,985 263,559 2,207,691 170,641 44,495,688 39,570,265 157,920 148,897 9,023 118,718 (0) 49,044 (0) 35,236 2,971,498 13,007,659 3,135,004 365,808 100,256 191,092 343,903 719,336 1,001,502 12,851 31,595 356,612 12,049 9,872,655 99,228 92,685 458,599 1,305,933 1,731,062 1,560,968 3,237,520 99,009 155,923 868,457 263,271 2,242,341 (0) 484,325 (0) (0) 707,891 553,767 2,922,918 4,133,160 4,143,844 1,052,108 3,091,736 9,872,207 145,095 449,148 124,082 2,305,093 329,765 149,584 208,915 43,288 3,039,938 712,712 672,885 276,347 12,794 321,472 1,081,089 4,925,423 669,506 358,691 3,897,226 172,489 49,776,931 44,301,085 225,090 218,033 7,057 118,947 (D) 50,057 (D) (D) 3,541,672 13,327,794 3,227,744 380,001 99,049 157,416 377,590 784,917 998,037 16,002 32,391 370,039 12,302 10,100,050 110,617 95,335 461,243 1,323,424 1,740,037 1,631,500 3,358,682 98,143 172,783 841,178 267,108 2,624,313 38,057 559,923 68,023 451,254 925,070 581,986 3,293,429 4,647,401 5,292,270 1,233,736 4,058,534 11,230,169 186,768 492,001 124,111 2,612,289 361,881 155,761 233,733 43,789 3,554,709 809,591 731,381 324,627 14,549 364,979 1,220,000 5,475,846 737,836 368,885 4,369,125 181,328 54,700,370 48,655,567 257,196 249,058 8,138 156,814 (0) (0) 734 (0) 4,039,442 13,752,364 3,373,727 392,514 90,071 167,253 402,286 875,416 1,014,532 17,119 34,209 369,305 11,022 10,378,637 120,162 99,789 491,615 1,420,783 1,835,038 1,636,057 3,317,065 109,793 190,274 887,973 270,088 2,820,088 35,144 613,467 73,630 493,312 987,559 616,976 3,733,545 5,161,276 5,783,118 1,350,641 4,432,477 12,951,724 218,724 571,438 131,430 3,011,149 395,832 206,353 254,808 56,283 4,106,146 939,980 782,669 396,069 16,511 413,153 1,451,179 6,044,803 798,430 375,766 4,870,607 170,052 57,249,473 50,652,559 264,431 255,566 8,865 142,438 (D) 77,618 (0) (D) 3,895,097 13,814,202 3,412,910 390,612 77,323 140,781 400,241 897,484 1,075,079 (0) 17,598 374,756 139,897 6,542,125 5,628,612 19,532 18,584 948 22,094 0 19,859 (D) (D) 550,523 2,436,118 1,812,912 152,218 9,686 13,024 64,463 44,657 1,377,267 67,277 119,908 7,102,436 6,127,186 20,131 18,947 1,184 31,268 0 29,631 (D) (0) 604,810 2,601,091 1,913,322 161,709 8,287 12,070 67,258 51,660 1,469,425 65,582 166,759 7,568,605 6,522,404 21,733 20,144 1,589 11,730 0 9,022 (0) (0) 663,726 2,597,104 1,965,656 170,507 (0) (0) 68,291 56,815 1,501,464 (0) (L) (0) 129,200 8,442,873 7,315,385 28,420 26,936 1,484 10,348 0 7,822 (0) (D) 723,852 2,739,834 2,052,689 172,124 (0) (0) 70,740 64,587 1,583,095 54,592 176,359 9,260,612 8,035,463 32,085 30,439 1,646 16,049 0 13,201 (0) (0) 837,249 2,864,727 2,226,777 172,972 (0) (0) 73,359 67,493 1,735,046 (0) 186,638 10,099,387 8,791,372 34,282 32,571 1,711 18,028 0 14,252 (D) (0) 838,201 3,169,088 2,407,806 (D) 17,215 (0) 75,770 70,603 1,873,554 61,817 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6........................... Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction................................. Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate’ .............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (D) 443,422 (0) (0) 758,524 534,217 2,723,016 3,649,776 3,527,232 891,952 2,635,280 8,711,783 124,625 404,717 124,378 1,979,995 296,037 122,606 175,157 41,191 2,813,064 600,775 633,356 239,606 11,980 290,264 854,032 4,673,119 659,947 350,963 3,662,209 (D) 10,401,292 103,596 95,633 389,542 1,399,263 1,902,901 1,614,249 3,443,676 110,417 185,328 875,499 281,188 3,008,088 34,059 628,635 68,255 541,076 1,065,053 671,010 4,002,021 5,412,194 5,902,179 1,488,746 4,413,433 14,211,909 222,768 643,881 137,398 3,242,348 427,672 219,572 280,201 54,997 4,629,743 1,021,463 837,033 456,418 19,738 446,704 1,571,973 6,596,914 835,792 386,064 5,375,058 (L) (D) (0) 623,206 13,881 8,106 (0) 41,970 29,764 97,464 (0) 335,616 20,522 19,065 3,676 340,575 42,189 92,245 11,338 (0) 56,542 (0) 260,363 587,833 343,026 187,865 155,161 1,068,548 26,246 42,428 31,402 179,714 53,540 22,124 24,012 1,901 378,735 84,949 45,829 41,359 8,545 51,400 76,364 913,513 143,908 111,933 657,672 di (D) (0) 687,769 16,082 7,901 (0) 40,755 32,626 84,692 (D) (0) 17,319 21,521 4,292 350,140 39,331 92,809 13,036 (D) 57,460 (D) 280,175 626,618 403,195 232,839 170,356 1,209,758 27,178 51,149 31,846 227,220 62,117 21,757 29,005 2,163 411,952 93,848 44,314 45,140 9,081 54,291 98,697 975,250 148,135 116,737 710,378 (D) 631,448 (0) 9,698 (D) 51,266 34,798 (0) (0) 330,974 18,186 24,363 3,305 382,927 (D) 104,338 (D) (0) 57,743 (D) 302,544 683,470 502,330 312,133 190,197 1,356,840 28,615 56,272 32,184 263,445 59,851 23,092 32,073 2,631 467,085 109,065 47,151 50,555 9,544 55,553 119,724 1,046,201 150,894 121,408 773,899 (L) 82,752 (0) 687,145 23,073 14,225 (D) 51,764 36,517 82,240 (0) 394,230 20,570 27,623 2,836 460,853 (D) 137,404 31,070 44,482 73,432 (0) 338,271 753,118 699,381 397,981 301,400 1,561,308 34,008 61,694 32,539 313,573 67,016 25,930 36,840 2,748 531,138 129,072 57,586 57,240 10,573 64,588 136,763 1,127,488 162,792 128,217 836,479 (L) 94,441 225 637,950 (D) 16,654 30,341 55,584 39,054 (0) 6,308 314,535 23,304 28,973 3,303 496,357 (0) 143,139 34,721 47,571 86,929 (0) 399,765 823,412 738,697 451,895 286,802 1,827,122 37,711 70,275 34,944 373,639 77,805 29,637 44,128 2,824 626,146 153,612 66,936 65,927 13,730 71,573 158,235 1,225,149 176,115 129,407 919,627 id (0) (0) 761,282 28,115 15,914 42,853 62,184 (0) (0) 5,918 400,998 23,303 27,082 4,390 551,335 52,310 153,295 (0) (0) 96,359 (D) 437,161 881,322 798,091 494,044 304,047 2,063,864 42,059 82,484 37,117 429,092 88,099 33,326 46,273 3,061 695,747 184,111 68,937 76,338 12,429 75,391 189,400 1,308,015 185,281 133,798 988,936 24 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] F lo rid a D is tr ic t o f C o lu m b ia 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 10,391,868 11 ,1 0 5 ,1 0 7 11,423,380 12 ,141,0 5 7 13,362,602 10,391,868 0 11,105,107 0 11,423,380 0 12,141,057 0 13,362,602 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 13,973,425 143,926,341 158,411,433 171,115 ,6 8 9 187,065,359 20 4,4 78,713 224,410,256 13,973,425 0 141,902,703 2,023,638 156,328,257 2,083,176 168,854,037 2,261,652 184,888,418 2,176,941 201,899,795 2,578,918 221,961,180 2,449,076 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ........................................................................................................................ Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 623.9 623.3 625.2 621.2 617.0 607.6 11,046.5 11,364.6 11,688.8 12,022.8 12,335.2 12,667.9 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 16,6 57 17 ,8 1 7 18 ,271 19,546 21,658 22,998 13,029 13,939 14,639 15,559 16 ,5 77 17 ,7 15 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 18,021,177 1,216,324 -10,365,393 6,439,460 1,543,295 2,409,113 19,306,595 1,337,767 -11,005,411 6,963,417 1,683,962 2,457,728 20,337,197 1,371,943 -11,639,085 7,326,169 1,737,627 2,359,584 22,125,004 1,446,007 -12,761,954 7,917,043 1,749,262 2,474,752 24,420,551 1,594,213 -14,061,350 8,764,988 1,962,337 2,635,277 26,089,760 1,715,844 -15,368,594 9,005,322 2,255,022 2,713,081 89,719,323 4,812,671 -37,084 84,869,568 35,097,173 23,959,600 98,559,577 5,564,978 -56,672 92,937,927 39,271,060 26,202,446 107,762,545 6,131,068 -65,816 101,565,661 41,825,764 27,724,264 120,036,911 6,514,939 -97,368 113,424,604 43,918,994 29,721,761 130,894,576 7,427,864 -133,743 123,332,969 48,863,281 32,282,463 139,478,956 8,291,397 -143,966 131,043,593 57,523,907 35,842,756 16,059,387 1,072,122 889,668 0 889,668 17,227,044 1,099,047 980,504 0 980,504 18,156,900 1,144,288 1,036,009 0 1,036,009 19,646,180 1,289,502 1,189,322 0 1,189,322 21,573,337 1,468,662 1,378,552 0 1,378,552 22,964,646 1,654,251 1,470,863 0 1,470,863 73,882,193 6,774,687 9,062,443 1,522,781 7,539,662 81,017,208 7,157,654 10,384,715 1,586,370 8,798,345 87,972,568 7,890,611 11,899,366 1,768,411 10,130,955 97,472,405 8,567,880 13,996,626 1,658,318 12,338,308 106,391,533 9,293,136 15,209,907 2,058,602 13,151,305 113,516,715 9,983,162 15,979,079 1,922,134 14,056,945 0 18,021,177 9,706,202 156,813 3,091 153,722 24,036 (0) 22,612 (0) (0) 312,442 476,027 421,248 20,399 814 749 11,368 363,811 12,786 9,702 1,405 (0) (0) 54,779 1,066 638 (0) 2,010 4,048 8,630 (0) (0) 4,031 1,672 2,760 904,019 74,845 20,950 2,954 (D) 551,078 (0) 296,999 727,324 922,051 389,594 532,457 5,886,491 212,845 70,441 105,170 988,964 44,570 17,159 41,877 19,085 794,762 1,400,306 555,317 153,292 3,531 809,304 669,868 8,314,975 6,582,129 442,139 1,290,707 0 19,306,595 10,560,892 167,155 3,545 163,610 33,831 (D) 32,688 (D) (0) 350,200 523,906 443,907 20,782 778 925 2,607 394,528 12,818 9,350 1,398 (0) (0) 79,999 966 1,114 (0) 2,476 7,498 11,005 (0) (D) 4,969 1,957 3,042 925,475 82,095 22,445 3,556 (D) 570,287 (0) 301,135 751,261 1,060,081 425,162 634,919 6,447,848 239,313 78,431 105,068 1,130,281 49,424 19,153 42,858 20,614 851,032 1,499,026 601,712 162,793 4,522 878,168 765,453 8,745,703 6,904,203 480,897 1,360,603 0 20,337,197 11,459,459 178,367 4,227 174,140 13,028 (D) 11,645 (0) (0) 403,969 576,474 461,987 19,845 286 (0) 1,917 417,768 13,321 7,223 0 (0) (0) 114,487 (0) 1,176 (D) 2,397 10,145 (0) (0) 4,007 5,669 2,270 3,093 946,011 0» 26,269 (D) (0) 566,121 (0) 311,580 794,101 1,176,799 466,224 710,575 7,059,130 261,197 85,904 104,485 1,244,701 53,631 19,696 43,044 23,814 938,861 1,671,652 612,391 172,233 5,114 952,051 870,356 8,877,738 6,910,555 514,826 1,452,357 0 22,125,004 12,691,686 201,550 5,262 196,288 12,491 (0) 11,264 (D) (0) 439,827 622,181 502,551 19,646 316 (0) 1,809 456,563 16,195 6,409 (0) 364 (0) 119,630 1,155 1,605 (0) 2,503 10,633 47,840 (0) 4,445 6,225 3,500 3,527 1,038,486 (0) 25,899 4,045 (0) 628,863 (0) 311,841 840,681 1,351,610 498,817 852,793 7,873,019 304,413 88,747 103,245 1,421,576 57,156 17,859 48,039 29,476 1,045,155 1,868,004 692,904 202,912 6,765 1,033,094 953,674 9,433,318 7,286,877 542,395 1,604,046 0 24,420,551 14,153,345 212,891 6,994 205,897 19,586 (0) 18,259 (0) (0) 468,135 684,476 565,980 18,685 320 (0) 1,663 522,061 16,855 5,176 (0) 263 0 118,496 (D) 1,740 1,706 3,213 21,247 (0) 14,877 4,842 6,907 4,625 3,375 1,167,560 (0) 28,900 4,171 (D) 731,964 (D) 345,621 901,343 1,377,555 511,726 865,829 8,976,178 324,079 94,956 107,331 1,649,934 63,225 20,197 60,765 40,101 1,161,076 2,227,127 749,430 220,700 7,563 1,150,905 1,098,789 10,267,206 7,902,858 559,419 1,804,929 0 26,089,760 15,123,069 223,852 6,907 216,945 20,508 (0) 19,263 (0) (0) 494,789 694,783 567,543 (0) 403 1,075 2,198 526,607 17,710 5,026 2,600 (D) 0 127,240 3,211 1,881 3,179 3,520 (0) (D) 15,470 6,374 7,535 3,296 3,321 1,192,957 94,200 27,342 3,580 (0) 737,663 (0) 345,037 938,827 1,403,069 538,060 865,009 9,809,247 357,370 99,858 110,222 1,785,035 67,043 19,807 72,908 43,507 1,272,309 2,474,192 813,165 244,344 8,333 1,235,439 1,205,715 10,966,691 8,444,256 589,274 1,933,161 2,023,638 87,695,685 73,333,122 795,492 730,861 64,631 627,993 4,760 387,290 12,407 223,536 7,507,541 11,146,846 4,071,118 1,010,402 34,952 375,656 429,138 1,045,800 756,112 51,996 37,314 291,845 37,903 7,075,728 474,189 202,031 128,388 742,375 1,167,680 1,822,530 1,487,345 81,675 539,093 268,439 161,983 7,021,709 357,320 1,258,051 277,598 1,746,964 2,267,310 1,114,466 5,594,975 11,283,640 6,335,641 2,271,306 4,064,335 23,019,285 1,266,797 847,628 640,737 3,611,150 935,640 473,029 1,049,214 71,369 7,175,136 1,913,393 610,967 472,929 7,410 874,894 3,068,992 14,362,563 2,671,917 2,043,403 9,647,243 2,083,176 96,476,401 80,795,465 912,505 793,136 119,369 824,005 4,600 580,934 13,467 225,004 8,187,207 12,004,866 4,281,636 1,041,478 33,820 365,207 448,351 1,194,614 774,476 54,853 34,232 301,165 33,440 7,723,230 499,296 221,978 130,295 788,830 1,281,524 2,004,473 1,676,421 93,290 549,433 305,262 172,428 7,427,372 329,523 1,310,400 294,144 1,884,201 2,354,366 1,254,738 6,232,523 12,363,306 7,155,252 2,539,948 4,615,304 25,688,429 1,375,894 1,027,074 659,369 4,117,219 1,042,718 450,190 1,133,502 81,756 7,930,718 2,186,068 678,193 541,820 8,917 916,212 3,538,779 15,680,936 2,882,433 2,216,416 10,582,087 2,261,652 105,500,893 88,509,247 1,004,651 844,857 159,794 421,108 4,530 184,216 12,919 219,443 8,894,304 12,709,676 4,499,115 1,099,012 38,987 386,122 454,701 1,317,184 768,465 62,913 29,872 312,696 29,163 8,210,561 526,397 240,839 135,884 830,129 1,300,920 2,080,899 1,867,516 111,365 600,336 330,957 185,319 7,881,529 310,799 1,457,396 291,449 2,052,307 2,346,467 1,423,111 6,615,110 13,521,956 8,179,497 2,925,379 5,254,118 29,281,416 1,561,140 1,146,669 672,983 4,694,554 1,150,895 519,994 1,262,711 89,613 8,709,543 2,535,778 730,274 623,595 10,411 997,086 4,576,170 16,991,646 2,932,650 2,395,653 11,663,343 2,176,941 117,859,970 99,155,213 1,162,258 1,033,300 128,958 413,091 2,440 185,732 13,780 211,139 9,220,033 13,533,353 4,787,375 1,132,928 59,156 416,421 470,868 1,452,378 765,058 65,212 30,139 363,703 31,512 8,745,978 558,816 266,801 149,563 882,337 1,302,817 2,192,476 2,048,005 130,968 651,633 364,546 198,016 8,456,741 293,166 1,605,009 330,943 2,258,261 2,483,572 1,485,790 7,440,770 14,798,993 10,814,230 3,220,491 7,593,739 33,315,744 1,789,388 1,237,059 688,585 5,391,894 1,243,669 556,340 1,423,987 98,901 10,268,433 2,987,953 813,038 725,273 11,535 1,107,429 4,972,260 18,704,757 3,187,731 2,493,326 13,023,700 2,578,918 128,315,658 107,917,510 1,306,810 1,151,634 155,176 547,189 2,894 290,738 14,032 239,525 10,007,504 14,551,318 5,191,822 1,206,181 66,406 452,375 495,463 1,607,950 816,752 62,912 29,217 421,435 33,131 9,359,496 577,717 293,294 160,111 894,464 1,394,790 2,388,569 2,190,510 145,768 689,439 403,934 220,900 8,834,188 322,064 1,802,247 376,449 2,265,153 2,508,772 1,559,503 8,349,544 16,240,984 10,582,345 3,470,317 7,112,028 37,497,628 1,968,491 1,419,011 744,234 6,163,074 1,354,398 612,947 1,546,642 108,419 11,574,255 3,306,936 914,501 857,090 13,791 1,272,726 5,641,113 20,398,148 3,520,909 2,522,921 14,354,318 2,449,076 137,029,880 114,768,012 1,393,775 1,236,301 157,474 574,292 (0) 299,780 (D) 255,954 10,092,400 14,966,319 5,447,782 1,276,894 95,718 463,492 526,221 1,675,434 836,620 60,840 29,268 446,586 36,709 9,518,537 566,034 288,408 176,205 880,172 1,387,467 2,495,092 2,212,338 164,097 695,834 435,339 217,551 8,907,457 323,340 1,917,315 393,215 2,162,723 2,465,608 1,645,256 9,011,995 17,226,768 10,593,697 3,597,401 6,996,296 42,001,309 2,114,586 1,581,252 796,606 7,202,848 1,460,414 688,449 1,821,823 128,337 12,893,655 3,497,483 996,503 984,853 15,969 1,393,591 6,424,940 22,261,868 3,803,067 2,704,687 15,754,114 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products......................... Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation6..................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9......... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 25 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] H a w a ii G e o r g ia 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e 68,920,097 75 ,394,317 82,408,544 89,194,152 96,822,597 103,338,670 13,6 27,901 14,588,685 15,607,407 16 ,7 97,70 9 18,412,225 20,477,460 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 67,735,589 1,184,508 13,360,945 266,956 14,330,335 258,350 15,301,957 305,450 16,542,315 255,394 18,141,566 270,659 20,233,549 243,911 6,227.3 95,535,871 1,286,726 6,341.7 101,962,174 1,376,496 5,844.3 81,293,421 1,115,123 6,100.6 88,047,400 1,146,752 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 74,446,467 947,850 5,974.8 6,438.4 1,036.0 1,051.5 1,063.6 1,082.0 1,098.2 1,114.2 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 11,79 3 12,619 13,508 14,323 15,268 16,050 13,154 13,8 74 14,674 15,525 16,765 18,379 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earrings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent3............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 53,290,193 2,878,546 -171,332 50,240,315 9,476,251 9,203,531 58,477,244 3,324,187 -154,475 54,998,582 10,369,158 10,026,577 64,372,250 3,661,967 -233,579 60,476,704 11,110,177 10,821,663 70,132,905 3,965,904 -211,217 65,955,784 11,706,996 11,531,372 75,865,116 4,438,775 -144,427 71,281,914 13,027,823 12,512,860 79,860,844 4,811,775 -58,652 74,990,417 14,930,760 13,417,493 10,271,819 625,891 0 9,645,928 2,048,626 1,933,347 11,004,618 678,072 0 10,326,546 2,188,788 2,073,351 11,833,010 727,730 0 11,105,280 2,308,163 2,193,964 12,872,915 765,976 0 12,106,939 2,395,102 2,295,668 14,196,327 873,019 0 13,323,308 2,625,409 2,463,508 15,665,930 995,344 0 14,670,586 3,147,335 2,659,539 44,042,375 4,158,566 5,089,252 1,037,932 4,051,320 48,647,287 4,421,397 5,408,560 803,028 4,605,532 53,092,118 4,926,869 6,353,263 972,458 5,380,805 57,751,992 5,336,008 7,044,905 996,052 6,048,853 62,281,371 5,756,291 7,827,454 1,135,356 6,692,098 65,383,285 6,114,192 8,363,367 1,222,606 7,140,761 8,583,544 751,660 936,615 114,940 821,675 9,184,056 758,523 1,062,039 107,963 954,076 9,778,278 852,189 1,202,543 153,717 1,048,826 10,691,074 908,635 1,273,206 96,799 1,176,407 11,755,532 983,814 1,456,981 111,215 1,345,766 12,997,074 1,113,282 1,555,574 80,003 1,475,571 1,184,508 52,105,685 42,921,562 224,475 165,414 59,061 266,565 1,280 63,138 1,925 200,222 3,486,268 11,258,487 6,378,213 1,181,104 1,795,565 864,462 900,522 634,667 510,354 35,591 92,263 344,881 18,804 4,880,274 594,556 175,152 449,310 432,128 533,286 606,148 814,131 618,035 424,997 119,217 113,314 5,020,921 447,049 1,124,719 58,290 1,371,976 1,224,399 794,488 4,857,448 5,423,734 3,062,564 1,055,226 2,007,338 9,321,100 401,330 403,586 309,304 1,773,301 455,166 191,712 160,193 41,984 2,489,737 776,303 361,351 175,063 2,571 405,012 1,374,487 9,184,123 2,288,747 1,372,623 5,522,753 947,850 57,529,394 47,626,568 242,674 191,190 51,484 308,857 (0) 96,555 (0) 211,252 3,936,617 12,057,892 6,671,683 1,248,125 1,795,712 858,484 952,300 726,001 550,237 34,264 110,107 376,878 19,575 5,386,209 651,369 193,225 474,195 451,936 603,029 662,158 915,713 719,015 464,030 132,470 119,069 5,452,813 435,822 1,184,382 61,357 1,522,744 1,352,915 895,593 5,494,150 5,999,600 3,510,409 1,210,502 2,299,907 10,623,556 437,605 491,093 316,096 2,068,899 515,405 174,213 180,449 50,912 2,870,166 886,676 408,447 195,136 3,817 422,141 1,602,501 9,902,826 2,493,657 1,429,607 5,979,562 1,115,123 63,257,127 52,700,988 249,794 208,532 41,262 263,715 (0) 28,600 (D) 234,268 4,562,490 13,031,648 7,208,469 1,371,062 1,955,484 879,780 1,027,566 830,611 583,182 41,258 116,600 384,067 18,859 5,823,179 692,474 197,253 496,671 490,830 652,961 768,233 997,485 746,043 514,525 144,205 122,499 5,959,126 418,973 1,288,355 67,266 1,623,120 1,450,955 1,110,457 5,776,169 6,475,322 4,096,778 1,412,821 2,683,957 12,285,946 484,879 548,737 320,579 2,413,530 572,889 204,962 211,765 57,310 3,279,254 1,048,705 455,429 225,499 4,516 437,414 2,020,478 10,556,139 2,483,442 1,511,598 6,561,099 1,146,752 68,986,153 57,608,237 300,908 261,666 39,242 288,547 (0) 30,270 (D) 257,315 4,601,683 13,843,149 7,674,539 1,457,336 2,135,929 892,606 1,069,638 903,087 605,588 46,444 149,691 393,083 21,137 6,168,610 725,539 213,947 526,074 510,682 717,561 796,528 1,121,263 740,768 536,626 149,158 130,464 6,530,096 407,041 1,409,049 61,912 1,787,241 1,685,779 1,179,074 6,256,759 7,018,415 4,818,518 1,565,291 3,253,227 13,950,162 535,685 595,862 325,902 2,783,621 619,460 226,238 243,630 64,600 3,918,646 1,170,903 506,829 252,305 5,152 474,647 2,226,682 11,377,916 2,633,275 1,556,392 7,188,249 1,286,726 74,578,390 62,290,356 326,944 284,000 42,944 332,539 1,030 52,503 584 278,422 4,798,191 14,419,368 8,035,558 1,538,452 2,209,245 922,982 1,110,556 997,784 644,671 41,607 153,131 393,089 24,041 6,383,810 750,823 212,427 535,512 529,992 721,646 906,929 1,067,453 782,491 560,118 172,771 143,648 6,896,368 417,273 1,533,196 64,061 1,869,664 1,807,920 1,204,254 7,029,580 7,596,113 5,105,162 1,680,213 3,424,949 15,786,091 568,134 680,357 348,798 3,272,210 661,111 253,973 283,521 77,086 4,504,809 1,345,327 562,522 286,342 6,413 525,355 2,410,133 12,288,034 2,853,120 1,605,075 7,829,839 1,376,496 78,484,348 65,225,373 337,813 296,976 40,837 338,919 471 54,900 519 283,029 4,708,540 14,618,076 8,309,358 1,576,069 2,359,051 909,755 1,195,312 992,627 654,217 39,190 158,536 399,463 25,138 6,308,718 735,580 213,613 542,146 555,331 764,669 992,272 990,710 614,164 559,112 197,310 143,811 7,037,765 396,939 1,580,158 63,271 1,870,251 1,894,660 1,232,486 7,535,178 7,866,902 5,281,462 1,769,226 3,512,236 17,500,718 593,780 785,209 369,196 3,775,535 704,871 260,662 313,211 90,351 4,949,319 1,471,054 617,819 318,385 8,416 553,149 2,689,761 13,258,975 3,013,950 1,653,977 8,591,048 266,956 10,004,863 6,780,180 45,802 40,648 5,154 16,164 0 15,112 (L) 1,076 601,438 487,179 395,176 205,521 3,651 30,010 5,242 109,744 12,405 24,226 (0) 3,094 (D) 92,003 5,474 7,427 (0) 18,240 5,221 621 9,057 (0) 31,225 (0) 11,746 862,433 0 77,389 72,817 380,701 241,371 90,155 407,874 1,179,429 690,460 223,631 466,829 2,489,401 504,459 90,748 32,182 375,603 107,427 37,239 75,723 19,216 596,282 193,846 98,930 53,103 5,845 100,260 198,538 3,224,683 918,809 1,174,848 1,131,026 258,350 10,746,268 7,313,895 50,071 39,489 10,582 22,949 0 21,887 (L) 1,091 661,169 523,989 420,005 199,631 (0) 35,195 5,625 135,612 11,750 24,248 305,450 11,527,560 8,005,449 58,550 44,612 13,938 7,467 0 6,185 (L) 1,294 771,988 542,123 429,347 209,475 4,284 39,407 6,311 129,437 11,845 24,420 156 3,052 960 112,776 7,686 (0) 969 19,659 4,248 2,453 16,209 760 38,620 (0) 11,714 983,619 0 88,287 77,426 451,931 254,905 111,070 464,519 1,333,552 836,156 278,940 557,216 3,007,475 574,746 116,995 32,798 485,874 118,185 38,508 95,099 19,369 710,836 238,251 117,274 65,633 6,995 118,546 268,366 3,522,111 949,742 1,294,632 1,277,737 255,394 12,617,521 8,950,860 67,215 54,638 12,577 11,710 0 6,466 (L) 5,214 886,833 570,896 451,486 213,308 4,220 37,548 6,707 145,035 12,151 28,144 183 3,238 952 119,410 8,924 (D) 228 20,614 2,958 3,361 16,009 821 40,240 (D) 12,096 1,108,447 0 93,998 93,882 522,371 281,052 117,144 506,605 1,486,390 972,056 298,600 673,456 3,340,708 647,730 122,171 33,192 544,026 126,067 40,245 108,188 19,711 812,250 267,927 123,221 73,653 7,981 122,321 292,025 3,666,661 991,853 1,326,173 1,348,635 270,659 13,925,668 10,032,610 80,308 64,476 15,832 16,122 0 11,328 (1) 4,752 1,017,136 626,923 487,639 227,634 (0) 38,469 (D) 161,784 13,375 29,699 205 3,745 860 139,284 10,124 14,088 (D) 19,836 6,552 3,670 18,907 (D) 48,487 (0) 15,010 1,200,215 0 103,973 101,738 567,559 300,215 126,730 556,286 1,664,839 1,028,741 316,246 712,495 3,842,040 772,084 137,419 35,453 620,871 131,757 49,795 121,914 17,054 946,578 308,877 134,261 78,873 9,188 124,625 353,291 3,893,058 1,041,837 1,352,253 1,498,968 243,911 15,422,019 11,286,229 85,640 71,174 14,466 16,790 0 12,525 (L) 4,217 1,310,252 666,958 511,374 231,220 (0) 39,236 7,515 179,031 13,038 32,616 188 4,571 (0) 155,584 11,259 17,702 (D) 18,489 7,921 (D) 21,981 (0) 52,709 (0) 11,399 1,307,773 0 117,445 109,133 644,688 296,894 139,613 615,706 1,845,797 1,119,170 346,702 772,468 4,318,143 870,273 159,064 37,575 717,322 145,376 54,811 136,372 21,998 1,033,745 325,084 146,759 94,211 10,737 135,262 429,554 4,135,790 1,086,334 1,393,820 1,655,636 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Proprietors’ income8................................................ Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal Industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, Insurance, and real estate*.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households. ....................................... Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... State and local.............................................. See footnotes at end of tables. ai 2,834 (0) 103,984 8,428 8,666 840 16,725 4,076 766 14,542 (0) 37,078 (0) 11,419 903,390 0 81,172 76,902 395,153 248,207 101,956 441,550 1,254,069 738,566 245,970 492,596 2,718,142 533,691 108,989 32,656 426,894 110,572 33,887 84,760 17,586 652,322 217,906 105,466 60,245 6,582 110,221 216,365 3,432,373 966,851 1,273,806 1,191,716 26 STATES LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] Idaho 1984 In co m e b y Place o f R esidence Total personal incom e........................................... Nonfarm personal income.............................. 10,357,253 9,836,036 521,217 Illin o is 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 11,198,124 10,649,255 548,869 11,841,301 11,128,598 712,703 12,750,378 12,000,421 749,957 13,953,031 13,077,272 875,759 161,425,549 159,991,791 1,433,758 169,967,941 168,228,641 1,739,300 178,528,278 176,836,140 1,692,138 189,659,239 188,013,577 1,645,662 204,693,445 203,280,393 1,413,052 220,021,480 217,702,725 2,318,755 1,003.1 11,164 999.8 11,843 1,002.8 12,715 1,014.0 13,760 11,524.6 14,007 11,537.5 14,732 11,554.2 15,451 11,585.1 16,371 11,614.7 17,624 11,659.7 18,870 Population (thousands)".................................. Per capita personal income (do lla rs)............................ 999.8 10,360 10,868,939 10,377,478 491,461 1,004.1 10,825 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work............................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus; Adjustment for residence............................. Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*.............................. Plus: Transfer payments. ................................ 7,490,005 471,389 58,347 7,076,963 1,736,259 1,544,031 7,781,415 521,343 64,643 7,324,715 1,848,992 1,695,232 7,971,316 515,977 71,906 7,527,245 1,874,495 1,796,384 8,571,287 536,548 73,351 8,108,090 1,856,381 1,876,830 9,315,933 593,185 73,534 8,796,282 1,942,448 2,011,648 10,141,775 668,854 75,329 9,548,250 2,251,117 2,153,664 117,129,183 7,054,483 70,754 110,145,454 29,147,055 22,133,040 123,917,930 7,828,553 93,400 116,182,777 30,259,428 23,525,736 131,397,295 8,523,125 -42,840 122,830,730 31,260,971 24,436,577 141,248,414 9,002,771 -48,656 132,196,987 31,909,407 25,552,845 153,314,589 10,189,408 -1,902 143,123,279 34,625,764 26,944,402 162,469,671 11,130,594 70,054 151,409431 39,782,540 28,829,809 5,583,085 525,316 1,381,604 373,776 1,007,828 5,868,606 528,063 1,384,746 346,691 1,038,055 5,925,126 530,623 1,515,567 406,007 1,109,560 6,173,925 555,019 1,842,343 562,877 1,279,466 6,680,075 600,845 2,035,013 600,525 1,434,488 7,207,514 664,449 2,269,812 725,116 1,544,696 95,338,235 9,660,632 12,130,316 1,193,764 10,936,552 100,664,722 9,823,496 13,429,712 1,500,908 11,928,804 106,561,038 10,431,369 14,404,888 1,456,927 12,941,961 113,966,317 11,023,200 16,258,897 1,399,024 14,859,873 123,797,715 11,884,546 17,632,328 1,168,146 16,464,182 130,251,160 12,672,027 19,546,484 2,071,927 17,474,557 521,217 6,968,788 5,692,804 88,177 67,524 20,653 157,268 93 12,333 102,062 42,780 654,507 1,299,858 581,797 327,814 302 2,517 63,487 59,110 112,021 108 (L) 14,905 1,519 718,061 409,914 7,875 4,674 38,951 144,017 72,269 6,964 3,033 20,530 2,324 7,510 573,559 109,070 203,280 1,795 35,323 113,601 110,490 419,756 789,708 323,843 158,402 165,441 1,386,128 44,175 73,583 (D) 329,752 81,624 45,542 21,856 6,438 389,167 84,136 39,785 29,770 (0) 76,449 148,523 1,275,984 288,462 130,031 857,491 491,461 7,289,954 5,928,685 86,099 70,701 15,398 148,024 91 16,945 95,041 35,947 653,095 1,359,916 624,735 336,907 356 3,900 68,781 69,184 122,851 (L) (1) 20,748 1,975 735,181 411,978 8,501 1,952 41,769 155,790 68,719 8,810 6,365 20,555 2,734 8,008 598,435 112,883 206,492 1,739 37,693 118,061 121,567 420,971 810,941 333,924 154,166 179,758 1,517,280 46,917 89,199 (D) 373,302 90,777 41,611 24,349 4,670 425,122 92,160 42,183 32,932 (0) 78,046 160,609 1,361,269 302,473 133,294 925,502 548,869 7,422,447 6,021,376 77,348 69,845 7,503 117,937 112 5,888 70,788 41,149 634,973 1,368,861 627,855 329,145 223 4,516 73,028 71,634 124,909 (L) (L) 21,787 2,566 741,006 427,874 7,095 2,128 43,751 144,167 67,994 8,691 7,838 20,087 2,858 8,523 585,809 98,034 202,430 2,047 39,884 116,610 126,804 424,606 819,765 355,191 158,595 196,596 1,636,886 48,887 93,869 (») 386,337 95,837 48,128 (D) 712,703 7,858,584 6,383,820 107,147 97,258 9,889 99,120 117 5,388 60,685 32,930 629,713 1,470,647 650,257 345,595 302 4,715 75,441 75,958 123,561 97 (L) 21,399 3,170 820,390 465,386 8,406 2,205 45,078 157,001 86,812 11,153 9,083 21,074 3,890 10,302 579,949 86,622 210,614 2,564 45,465 119,896 114,788 449,554 852,735 418,257 158,702 259,555 1,776,698 54,547 95,416 (0) 414,954 102,128 46,202 31,866 4,279 527,067 109,558 51,942 39,666 (D) 84,062 199,674 1,474,764 319,857 151,076 1,003,831 749,957 8,565,976 6,986,821 119,520 110,666 8,854 133,161 153 8,726 83,009 41,273 680,110 1,634,077 695,728 378,774 412 5,187 77,805 80,200 136,502 132 (L) 13,879 2,819 938,349 500,776 9,281 2,783 49,297 177,542 133,779 12,182 13,023 22,112 4,758 12,816 622,343 92,791 220,370 (D) (D) 122,271 131,136 478,881 932,444 409,203 163,297 245,906 1,977,082 56,919 111,807 15,850 461,786 109,439 53,743 37,416 4,597 585,529 122,045 56,088 44,612 312 93,495 223,444 1,579,155 350,944 149,279 1,078,932 875,759 9,266,016 7,587,297 127,261 118,201 9,060 150,630 76 8,664 100,703 41,187 728,995 1,781,717 722,262 392,218 1,565 4,750 82,875 83,327 142,875 628 (L) 11,045 2,960 1,059,455 549,752 10,353 5,894 56,904 205,275 160,903 13,714 15,141 23,707 4,998 12,814 671,858 105,543 240,806 3,675 59,063 124,355 138,416 533,602 1,005,605 419,336 171,141 248,195 2,168,293 57,268 130,204 16,716 520,916 121,566 60,340 40,894 5,484 633,074 133,852 61,960 51,347 374 99,089 235,209 1,678,719 362,200 153,629 1,162,890 1,433,758 115,695,425 100,523,513 416,885 396,525 20,360 1,295,907 700,707 430,118 1,266 163,816 6,608,417 28,069,334 10,287,938 2,663,355 49,188 280,401 837,510 2,774,393 1,991,708 417,232 14,830 1,168,531 90,790 17,781,396 212,126 395,518 2,058,690 3,207,574 4,686,015 3,555,559 664,297 764,889 720,793 936,395 579,540 9,188,169 991,020 2,410,473 86,549 1,862,744 2,158,187 1,679,196 9,396,429 10,589,053 8,952,142 2,965,210 5,986,932 26,007,177 523,735 1,084,801 276,691 6,424,281 964,021 464,114 455,689 192,195 7,693,638 2,392,075 1,186,921 581,589 49,025 1,258,894 2,459,508 15,171,912 2,801,504 864,011 11,506,397 1,739,300 122,178,630 106,254,010 405,679 387,606 18,073 1,374,007 687,312 508,405 327 177,963 7,061,709 28,419,398 10,573,481 2,678,197 54,057 281,003 841,487 2,917,645 2,079,966 419,637 13,660 1,203,566 84,263 17,845,917 221,530 402,427 1,978,774 3,319,063 4,838,462 3,405,458 652,718 787,512 723,999 1,003,156 512,818 9,732,622 932,442 2,440,126 85,325 2,033,235 2,401,899 1,839,595 10,002,825 11,132,138 9,648,443 3,021,800 6,626,643 28,477,189 532,587 1,295,256 276,992 7,385,407 1,056,624 430,308 485,369 202,635 8,080,935 2,619,907 1,303,681 653,105 54,377 1,301,573 2,198,433 15,924,620 2,921,434 951,866 12,045,320 1,692,138 129,705,157 112,822,167 414,798 399,420 15,378 1,071,689 651,309 230,560 95 189,725 7,627,522 28,775,554 10,968,741 2,787,756 63,005 288,132 895,261 2,960,787 2,171,151 456,735 11,901 1,252,615 81,398 17,806,813 220,012 392,862 1,943,044 3,404,773 4,634,228 3,416,505 676,076 862,456 709,296 977,956 569,605 10,309,340 932,468 2,527,037 84,432 2,374,955 2,482,920 1,907,528 10,468,449 11,784,636 10,646,051 3,336,613 7,309,438 31,724,128 555,169 1,432,878 275,325 8,483,752 1,169,302 500,900 552,798 217,279 8,656,750 3,024,214 1,367,510 740,999 60,716 1,398,192 3,288,344 16,882,990 2,939,827 1,035,292 12,907,871 1,645,662 139,602,752 121,840,560 578,525 559,761 18,764 1,010,772 606,282 (D) (D) 189,734 8,344,811 29,652,187 11,476,950 2,830,905 60,257 280,035 950,686 3,154,077 2,281,026 493,662 12,068 1,323,436 90,798 18,175,237 245,450 442,404 1,930,376 3,493,907 4,818,932 3,421,170 654,827 870,351 736,872 951,255 609,693 10,922,766 948,462 2,763,080 88,231 2,529,868 2,661,383 1,931,742 11,230,116 12,706,990 12,899,515 3,588,773 9,310,742 34,494,878 633,346 1,511,297 274,636 9,406,691 1,221,219 472,741 603,672 213,305 9,442,779 3,326,793 1,439,284 831,860 69,158 1,543,848 3,504,249 17,762,192 3,152,134 1,019,246 13,590,812 1,413,052 151,901,537 132,977,260 643,382 621,679 21,703 1,047,930 585,902 271,265 963 189,800 9,164,017 32,485,005 12,401,128 3,053,143 74,540 310,160 1,030,404 3,442,776 2,526,743 529,777 12,157 1,325,683 95,745 20,083,877 297,187 462,165 2,161,547 3,626,800 5,377,113 3,551,048 744,631 1,128,107 865,097 1,200,337 669,845 11,487,910 917,995 2,954,762 95,453 2,737,875 2,720,720 2,061,105 12,183,393 13,668,872 13,786,820 3,893,430 9,893,390 38,509,931 699,159 1,745,192 289,771 10,447,399 1,325,355 589,617 652,156 254,659 10,260,965 3,829,446 1,590,716 946,173 77,462 1,727,188 4,074,673 18,924,277 3,411,165 1,010,296 14,502,818 2,318,755 160,150,916 140,229,103 689,880 668,823 21,057 1,048,003 587,752 270,783 673 188,795 9,689,389 33,327,359 12,611,733 3,021,443 70,554 313,733 1,043,441 3,527,189 2,643,173 501,928 142 1,395,719 94,411 20,715,626 323,365 467,478 2,225,895 3,593,017 5,528,064 3,781,887 760,562 1,316,326 832,944 1,222,306 663,782 11,782,770 901,832 3,028,010 96,207 2,904,654 2,692,497 2,159,570 13,316,692 14,350,548 13,855,333 4,057,664 9,797,669 42,169,129 748,443 1,953,278 303,463 11,582,884 1,420,087 664,228 695,621 283,377 10,982,182 4,197,528 1,712,398 1,054,511 81,935 1,859,666 4,629,528 19,921,813 3,588,568 1,039,932 15,293,313 E a rn in g s b y P lace o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income"................................................ Farm......................................................... Nonfarm........................................................ Earnings by Industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7........................... Mining................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining............................. ................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products....................... .. Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products........................ Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale hade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate®.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. m 457,515 102,978 46,333 35,830 122 79,610 193,274 1,401,071 301,558 144,040 955,473 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 27 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1 98 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] Iow a In d ia n a 1984 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 72,415,257 71,484,524 930,733 76,907,230 75,930,774 976,456 82,238,946 81,594,040 644,906 88,498,787 87,396,057 1,102,730 5,503.0 13,159 5,529.7 13,908 5,556.5 14,801 5,590.4 15,830 34,763,303 33,175,674 1,587,629 2,904.4 11,969 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 36,216,796 34,149,594 2,067,202 37,738,515 35,006,604 2,731,911 39,149,193 36,488,029 2,661,164 41,017,9G4 38,936,882 2,081,022 44,536,572 42,093,598 2,442,974 2,881.4 12,569 2,840.2 13,287 2,823.0 13,868 2,833.9 14,474 2,843.3 15,664 In co m e b y P lace o f R esidence Farm income1....................................................... 65,014,516 64,097,989 916,527 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ 5,492.7 11,837 68,337,626 67,535,493 802,133 5,500.4 12,424 Derivation of total personal Income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social Insurance’ ............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments........................................... 47,288,624 2,619,311 666,486 45,335,799 10,542,518 9,136,199 49,794,825 2,921,236 753,897 47,627,486 11,093,661 9,616,479 52,718,580 3,111,451 976,726 50,583,855 11,483,079 10,348,323 56,773,742 3,267,706 983,328 54,489,364 11,620,754 10,797,112 61,005,469 3,679,383 1,017,984 58,344,070 12,359,618 11,535,258 65,151,147 4,056,344 943,608 62,038,411 14,186,512 12,273,864 23,394,270 1,355,193 234,975 22,274,052 7,353,349 5,135,902 24,369,885 1,468,611 297,335 23,198,609 7,506,325 5,511,862 25,783,410 1,565,358 282,111 24,500,163 7,544,263 5,694,089 27,417,234 1,728,244 265,587 25,954,577 7,331,856 5,862,760 28,987,883 1,954,951 327,576 27,360,508 7,468,741 6,188,655 31,139,280 2,185,419 338,488 29,292,349 8,521,096 6,723,127 38,370,717 4,273,310 4,644,597 742,887 3,901,710 40,667,211 4,279,549 4,848,065 634,686 4,213,379 42,853,298 4,496,763 5,368,519 769,052 4,599,467 46,041,380 4,717,105 6,015,257 811,895 5,203,362 49,734,379 5,075,597 6,195,493 485,203 5,710,290 52,657,194 5,445,791 7,048,162 947,120 6,101,042 17,301,018 1,751,492 4,341,760 1,311,338 3,030,422 17,753,160 1,704,512 4,912,213 1,803,103 3,109,110 18,281,683 1,784,217 5,717,510 2,477,763 3,239,747 19,623,343 1,894,820 5,899,071 2,404,656 3,494,415 21,218,209 2,042,736 5,726,938 1,832,875 3,894,063 22,609,337 2,207,097 6,322,846 2,203,612 4,119,234 916,527 46,372,097 40,492,315 151,390 147,436 3,954 454,467 303,362 (D) (D) 64,266 2,562,728 17,294,267 4,067,475 828,960 13,024 131,322 299,285 666,333 1,060,145 182,762 1,136 853,790 30,718 13,226,792 384,781 383,322 2,867,735 1,331,378 1,898,333 2,555,394 1,011,926 1,798,783 484,523 297,593 213,024 3,354,592 386,619 1,210,024 28,209 251,986 695,927 781,827 2,506,399 4,496,078 2,041,208 798,149 1,243,059 7,631,186 172,287 447,117 105,403 970,334 416,469 192,293 140,783 26,820 3,171,428 485,809 347,233 224,713 7,818 411,548 511,131 5,879.782 1,100,779 256,258 4,522,745 802,133 48,992,692 42,677,834 152,915 148,890 4,025 480,528 295,218 115,717 124 69,469 2,817,606 17,728,382 4,258,222 862,760 13,091 132,122 310,019 723,425 1,113,663 187,257 978 885,753 29,154 13,470,160 414,937 398,921 2,785,244 1,398,933 1,892,742 2,629,844 1,009,489 1,915,196 493,376 309,114 222,364 3,501,933 385,446 1,274,691 29,947 267,684 726,244 817,921 2,673,853 4,706,841 2,173,317 855,477 1,317,840 8,442,459 187,639 561,545 105,494 1,178,175 470,770 190,136 162,139 29,669 3,407,377 528,224 374,201 245,477 8,476 417,402 575,735 6,314,858 1,176,079 285,940 4,852,839 930,733 51,787,847 45,063,714 148,713 145,182 3,531 383,266 258,612 45,567 180 78,907 3,098,913 18,063,812 4,414,744 856,745 14,899 130,240 325,541 773,487 1,152,338 180,394 949 951,347 28,804 13,649,068 471,436 424,228 2,613,749 1,413,183 1,845,399 2,634,809 1,023,607 2,112,259 525,137 368,015 217,246 3,772,129 364,479 1,402,118 30,896 324,664 761,332 888,640 2,850,087 4,998,055 2,419,055 944,267 1,474,788 9,329,684 198,182 604,827 104,937 1,376,061 512,166 219,415 187,640 30,048 3,669,008 595,424 415,133 269,347 9,148 433,333 705,015 6,724,133 1,196,135 317,537 5,210,461 976,456 55,797,286 48,618,963 221,442 218,795 2,647 369,181 <D) 45,267 (0) 83,480 3,349,302 18,937,785 4,783,352 891,324 17,847 141,068 345,939 831,469 1,290,074 186,713 902 1,044,668 33,348 14,154,433 530,453 443,779 2,646,482 1,474,196 1,934,597 2,580,338 1,066,381 2,278,905 558,118 409,377 231,807 4,114,567 343,960 1,552,358 47,541 365,999 812,321 992,388 3,055,212 5,355,754 2,910,205 1,011,498 1,898,707 10,305,515 222,045 635,142 104,933 1,586,390 544,340 204,439 207,666 29,761 4,144,982 622,749 436,371 307,561 9,942 472,299 776,895 7,178,323 1,263,612 333,123 5,581,588 644,906 60,360,563 52,631,428 235,096 232,397 2,699 378,826 230,281 59,454 257 88,834 3,767,313 20,310,632 5,068,100 905,812 18,579 157,674 377,968 891,171 1,359,777 193,997 956 1,125,809 36,357 15,242,532 571,795 477,756 2,867,087 1,591,342 2,179,086 2,777,018 1,066,123 2,387,123 593,552 464,022 267,628 4,320,886 352,374 1,693,085 52,559 391,873 865,854 965,141 3,316,659 5,787,015 2,949,733 1,057,230 1,892,503 11,565,268 232,904 741,919 110,774 1,835,973 586,730 234,826 235,635 33,195 4,576,947 720,666 472,954 341,741 13,077 517,606 910,321 7,729,135 1,360,245 333,869 6,035,021 1,102,730 64,048,417 55,779,119 254,202 251,625 2,577 396,771 239,628 67,261 272 89,610 4,003,665 21,207,279 5,329,968 905,502 20,729 167,249 393,782 955,210 1,443,278 229,249 961 1,178,102 35,906 15,877,311 591,388 511,331 3,115,505 1,643,151 2,260,943 2,870,038 1,027,638 2,439,316 635,486 500,064 282,451 4,515,569 351,300 1,794,653 57,354 437,445 885,252 989,565 3,580,361 6,124,522 3,053,667 1,126,491 1,927,176 12,643,083 250,068 838,785 116,170 2,017,176 628,887 256,695 253,108 37,512 4,965,964 797,993 510,265 381,022 16,218 540,461 1,032,759 8,269,298 1,451,339 335,264 6,482,695 1,587,629 21,806,641 18,321,516 223,985 216,114 7,871 88,057 5,399 39,460 2,067,202 22,302,683 18,621,947 186,035 180,599 5,436 104,061 5,385 54,481 2,731,911 23,051,499 19,220,716 157,661 154,251 3,410 66,607 5,596 17,160 2,661,164 24,756,070 20,684,236 262,440 258,538 3,902 75,391 (D) (0) 2,081,022 26,906,861 22,526,959 267,753 264,160 3,593 83,003 (0) (0) 2,442,974 28,696,306 24,050,573 271,529 268,399 3,130 81,459 3,310 26,270 (L) 51,835 1,435,931 6,771,382 2,591,298 1,238,198 8,758 79,968 125,519 492,182 220,289 6,325 (L) 405,002 15,035 4,180,084 164,835 162,933 309,738 505,074 1,613,386 742,889 55,708 277,604 159,707 62,762 125,448 1,990,164 237,814 796,035 7,151 120,965 415,635 412,564 2,132,018 2,870,700 1,841,694 644,727 1,196,967 6,655,696 112,204 446,508 74,908 1,374,959 797,657 130,542 102,765 17,085 2,365,456 523,303 308,875 218,764 3,464 243,744 435,462 4,645,733 675,489 83,005 3,937,239 E a rn in g s b y P lace o f W o rk Earnings by type: Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ...... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Hotels and other lodging places......................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Government and government enterprises..................... State and local. .............................................. See footnotes at end of tables. ai 43,216 1,204,934 5,473,756 2,070,233 1,021,842 12,908 56,267 98,271 359,630 196,791 5,687 (L) 309,532 9,287 3,403,523 94,162 94,209 284,536 394,685 1,456,545 508,675 22,196 225,681 120,030 62,232 140,572 1,646,252 234,803 688,530 4,787 75,883 314,011 328,238 1,681,490 2,313,105 1,332,842 517,050 815,792 4,357,095 83,431 246,601 70,448 803,221 229,299 100,827 60,720 11,652 1,581,649 351,557 205,593 129,566 1,870 196,009 284,652 3,485,125 490,842 59,201 2,935,082 (L) 44,222 1,180,582 5,405,465 2,055,131 1,009,003 12,835 64,165 108,319 372,403 197,880 5,407 (L) 275,305 9,805 3,350,334 105,662 104,602 258,766 397,199 1,392,566 535,042 19,721 214,003 109,774 69,763 143,236 1,646,735 221,795 657,890 4,300 84,728 324,680 353,342 1,712,346 2,322,454 1,373,863 524,414 849,449 4,690,406 90,154 301,717 69,872 923,649 245,524 92,502 67,845 12,180 1,657,264 373,138 223,497 145,268 2,196 194,545 291,055 3,680,736 518,604 63,247 3,098,885 ai 43,863 1,196,714 5,457,394 2,122,309 1,026,028 14,866 65,137 125,898 397,660 194,817 5,334 (L) 282,099 10,454 3,335,085 123,987 109,604 265,306 402,707 1,264,842 601,221 21,447 226,730 119,907 71,037 128,297 1,729,606 214,535 680,567 5,843 106,248 344,107 378,306 1,697,772 2,373,646 1,468,625 546,643 921,982 5,072,691 86,801 318,443 68,657 1,023,263 254,928 106,878 79,483 13,147 1,753,590 419,742 254,590 155,715 2,479 198,902 336,073 3,830,783 528,604 71,549 3,230,630 (L) ID 52,225 1,208,891 5,983,033 2,298,127 1,131,775 16,500 65,521 136,865 423,293 192,336 5,567 54,690 1,359,700 6,429,846 2,446,619 1,161,826 18,111 73,274 148,292 470,021 206,066 3,666 (L) 315,917 10,330 3,684,906 143,273 124,920 259,038 430,144 1,438,390 664,655 26,882 250,153 145,491 83,739 118,221 1,773,188 207,599 718,352 7,085 110,443 376,013 353,696 1,787,764 2,457,232 1,714,468 562,100 1,152,368 5,421,829 98,975 330,867 67,893 1,090,356 259,754 101,661 84,014 13,783 1,951,683 417,084 266,302 166,235 2,467 214,160 356,595 4,071,834 565,605 78,674 3,427,555 (L) 353,194 12,147 3,983,227 154,503 135,700 280,491 480,378 1,545,086 715,537 47,805 279,691 154,143 62,551 127,342 1,908,965 220,846 761,942 7,725 119,347 408,774 390,331 1,970,169 2,698,225 1,753,433 605,261 1,148,172 6,055,865 108,279 394,613 71,559 1,220,237 279,576 118,207 90,161 16,262 2,155,557 482,669 287,218 189,937 2,956 232,672 405,962 4,379,902 602,401 81,078 3,696,423 28 STATES LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued K an sas 1984 K e n tu c k y 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 31,788,624 30,871,325 917,299 33,818,510 32,532,581 1,285,929 35,595,744 33,968,033 1,627,711 37,045,902 35,491,608 1,554,294 39,178,053 37,774,690 1,403,363 41,511,244 40,445,751 1,065,493 38,732,439 37,530,726 1,201,713 2,442.2 13,017 2,449.9 13,804 2,459.9 14,470 2,475.3 14,966 2,495.6 15,699 2,511.9 16,526 22,181,931 1,300,900 706,670 21,587,701 5,884,874 4,316,049 23,496,979 1,433,539 821,136 22,884,576 6,328,586 4,605,348 24,985,296 1,553,211 828,204 24,260,289 6,447,433 4,888,022 26,119,478 1,631,052 966,609 25,455,035 6,478,981 5,111,886 27,584,401 1,737,707 958,224 26,804,918 6,935,767 5,437,368 17,238,596 1,728,004 3,215,331 751,959 2,463,372 18,058,175 1,729,626 3,709,178 1,125,583 2,583,595 18,932,462 1,838,043 4,214,791 1,472,062 2,742,729 19,871,163 1,902,871 4,345,444 1,393,480 2,951,964 917,299 21,264,632 17,585,185 108,960 107,638 1,322 528,138 15,910 485,933 (L) 26,338 1,413,643 4,464,030 1,602,652 582,263 1,142 46,142 91,984 344,644 228,408 121,221 (L) 183,861 2,965 2,861,378 66,334 26,573 80,494 244,910 446,643 201,191 1,180,672 315,078 188,967 75,795 34,721 2,060,783 488,614 620,894 378 190,663 382,978 377,256 1,604,432 2,143,132 1,146,823 454,703 692,120 4,115,244 72,108 251,719 63,364 835,661 219,697 155,913 63,204 9,859 1,433,318 254,232 88,355 95,366 1,028 159,844 411,576 3,679,447 645,573 531,012 2,502,862 1,285,929 22,211,050 18,231,977 101,942 100,097 1,845 520,925 16,033 478,259 tu 26,660 1,406,962 4,576,850 1,686,355 621,460 2,264 44,595 96,242 359,460 241,955 118,201 ai 199,009 3,158 2,890,495 63,762 25,796 73,723 256,070 454,706 205,120 1,179,706 331,345 189,969 74,414 35,884 2,042,300 463,909 609,427 422 185,761 380,365 402,416 1,691,575 2,239,465 1,220,471 483,862 736,609 4,431,487 78,635 306,282 63,552 930,836 256,279 137,859 64,675 10,524 1,513,519 272,286 101,964 105,482 1,562 162,702 425,330 3,979,073 687,029 591,803 2,700,241 1,627,711 23,357,585 19,124,699 96,212 94,503 1,709 359,441 13,135 317,261 (L) 29,050 1,524,231 4,853,858 1,788,284 655,023 3,220 46,634 98,514 383,634 265,658 124,873 139 207,643 2,946 3,065,574 63,721 25,151 77,254 258,698 482,622 205,563 1,357,185 296,684 194,535 68,976 35,185 2,107,487 444,612 621,618 561 208,433 420,034 412,229 1,733,609 2,316,008 1,332,762 519,155 813,607 4,801,091 76,306 329,892 63,443 1,032,174 268,868 154,685 72,613 11,057 1,598,844 307,070 111,090 113,171 1,696 168,509 491,673 4,232,886 704,797 626,029 2,902,060 1,554,294 24,565,184 20,141,272 141,614 139,803 1,811 333,095 13,942 290,538 186 28,429 1,582,827 4,983,113 1,877,778 682,679 5,659 48,223 103,390 399,987 280,606 132,234 (L) 222,069 2,902 3,105,335 71,822 25,826 79,705 266,859 496,605 205,378 1,409,034 249,713 189,479 74,011 36,903 2,137,754 436,999 629,514 636 204,368 459,302 406,935 1,806,473 2,396,213 1,599,923 546,601 1,053,322 5,160,260 86,157 341,879 63,612 1,123,690 264,808 163,013 76,058 11,399 1,758,866 318,168 124,725 123,962 1,751 178,502 523,670 4,423,912 746,329 673,217 3,004,366 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 41,955,708 41,196,256 759,452 3,721.9 11,273 44,589,203 43,682,804 906,399 3,722.6 11,978 47,934,166 46,915,061 1,019,105 3,720.2 10,411 40,101,991 39,191,046 910,945 3,728.5 10,755 3,726.2 12,864 51,512,737 50,264,045 1,268,692 3,726.7 13,823 28,578,843 1,899,988 1,046,718 27,725,573 7,891,949 5,893,722 27,469,108 1,420,993 207,249 26,255,364 5,770,424 6,706,651 28,285,268 1,573,257 219,574 26,931,585 6,126,901 7,043,505 29,513,577 1,698,684 279,530 28,094,423 6,353,123 7,508,162 31,934,207 1,831,839 267,233 30,369,601 6,391,804 7,827,798 34,478,073 2,061,596 243,571 32,660,048 6,919,385 8,354,733 36,709,038 2,279,427 247,769 34,677,380 7,931,436 8,903,921 21,057,750 2,036,851 4,489,800 1,245,031 3,244,769 22,066,879 2,175,802 4,336,162 908,850 3,427,312 21,183,425 2,304,131 3,981,552 1,045,219 2,936,333 22,249,753 2,301,369 3,734,146 755,529 2,978,617 23,210,651 2,399,978 3,902,948 603,852 3,299,096 25,010,516 2,542,951 4,380,740 741,683 3,639,057 26,766,700 2,747,261 4,964,112 852,874 4,111,238 28,292,703 2,955,776 5,460,559 1,077,865 4,382,694 1,403,363 26,181,038 21,464,488 147,309 145,360 1,949 328,121 (0) 289,205 (0) 27,887 1,577,140 5,259,120 1,956,437 679,626 6,061 54,934 111,408 447,728 279,129 133,660 (L) 241,237 2,626 3,302,683 74,667 28,710 88,064 291,500 539,049 203,497 1,450,331 304,854 190,454 93,658 37,899 2,272,844 427,357 666,383 701 248,753 471,067 458,583 1,926,088 2,640,027 1,602,894 558,201 1,044,693 5,710,945 91,877 396,182 67,470 1,257,078 270,275 179,466 81,450 13,209 1,959,303 357,475 135,049 137,126 2,037 194,449 568,499 4,716,550 824,282 691,004 3,201,264 1,065,493 27,513,350 22,491,178 156,030 154,728 1,302 324,507 10,736 287,513 216 26,042 1,536,618 5,452,838 2,006,372 675,514 5,328 51,647 146,525 458,920 282,050 131,656 (L) 252,217 2,487 3,446,466 70,659 31,962 83,388 280,475 555,368 215,381 1,602,559 271,266 195,372 104,083 35,953 2,411,214 425,448 695,752 606 240,917 558,957 489,534 2,016,644 2,730,820 1,584,283 578,149 1,006,134 6,278,224 82,518 441,958 70,778 1,448,494 285,051 198,986 90,199 13,908 2,112,585 380,051 148,836 158,276 2,339 202,125 642,120 5,022,177 870,546 703,335 3,448,291 1,201,713 26,267,395 21,739,176 139,998 137,516 2,482 1,798,984 1,623,492 124,745 -7 1 50,818 1,508,934 6,423,496 2,604,773 465,933 93,611 313,457 188,462 326,909 440,975 161,624 288,087 297,679 28,036 3,818,723 163,653 93,090 601,247 344,517 931,356 811,468 37,190 519,325 175,166 73,342 68,369 2,042,294 371,505 678,204 52,172 137,445 383,562 419,406 1,393,161 2,779,923 1,112,117 514,963 597,154 4,540,269 127,517 272,916 101,936 528,882 250,670 103,520 93,853 10,771 1,910,763 328,213 148,154 117,811 3,248 198,598 343,417 4,528,219 927,621 741,698 2,858,900 910,945 27,374,323 22,579,675 146,419 143,932 2,487 1,749,773 1,558,142 140,200 (L) 51,417 1,550,151 6,566,453 2,689,115 466,660 90,658 322,745 198,075 367,376 454,462 168,090 279,635 313,267 28,147 3,877,338 173,765 97,626 575,261 357,580 959,471 783,594 44,813 551,218 189,470 72,264 72,276 2,093,799 360,929 665,726 56,894 152,540 372,690 485,020 1,485,420 2,899,191 1,194,285 550,006 644,279 4,894,184 132,929 321,862 102,021 598,089 269,776 90,605 101,432 11,402 2,053,057 344,770 157,254 123,513 3,870 203,972 379,632 4,794,648 988,718 788,576 3,017,354 759,452 28,754,125 23,746,278 154,559 152,042 2,517 1,626,024 1,486,288 82,300 (L) 57,390 1,706,427 6,726,306 2,807,632 477,447 100,361 334,539 210,115 403,641 472,108 173,052 256,359 353,561 26,449 3,918,674 196,892 97,051 557,477 368,380 942,752 810,793 58,070 526,995 205,863 71,888 82,513 2,235,710 329,631 711,649 59,693 184,038 401,761 548,938 1,491,321 3,040,189 1,311,794 592,082 719,712 5,453,948 135,426 357,654 101,356 706,049 300,612 113,712 115,378 11,425 2,223,165 389,604 172,324 131,492 4,227 212,121 479,403 5,007,847 985,037 792,583 3,230,227 906,399 31,027,808 25,686,670 197,774 195,408 2,366 1,547,050 1,410,466 79,289 404 56,891 1,927,218 7,188,187 2,998,700 497,793 116,883 365,798 235,405 419,501 482,209 204,827 248,633 397,508 30,143 4,189,487 226,024 95,439 615,606 409,983 960,620 856,860 69,218 568,363 221,428 75,417 90,529 2,318,149 304,334 729,832 62,474 289,849 435,605 496,055 1,617,946 3,230,777 1,548,366 623,884 924,482 6,111,203 150,707 387,420 100,939 848,012 322,495 123,296 130,308 12,287 2,505,323 435,323 191,734 147,376 4,800 232,806 518,377 5,341,138 1,048,348 823,350 3,469,440 1,019,105 33,458,968 27,771,432 212,184 209,547 2,637 1,496,392 1,347,063 85,301 408 63,620 2,075,303 7,752,335 3,230,696 520,270 118,841 409,957 253,001 460,811 527,785 240,104 245,711 423,067 31,149 4,521,639 251,185 97,075 653,121 445,202 968,660 921,979 77,182 660,210 257,346 87,328 102,351 2,582,760 311,387 823,381 67,370 338,893 449,085 592,644 1,735,239 3,541,340 1,499,741 631,094 868,647 6,876,138 159,321 452,592 106,150 980,892 337,485 135,378 142,667 14,113 2,814,500 497,477 207,342 159,915 5,600 257,351 605,356 5,687,536 1,128,358 840,404 3,718,774 1,248,692 35,460,346 29,475,033 214,500 211,777 2,723 1,490,047 1,343,367 83,978 480 62,222 2,155,731 8,147,665 3,378,360 534,328 176,195 413,146 288,110 486,111 559,561 215,584 256,327 420,137 28,861 4,769,305 263,963 90,890 679,637 491,224 1,036,817 923,970 81,303 722,857 284,409 83,374 110,861 2,721,196 281,443 883,577 74,312 381,206 457,262 643,396 1,905,851 3,715,732 1,544,788 662,851 881,937 7,579,523 165,046 519,005 110,663 1,115,713 362,992 145,035 161,580 15,107 3,102,680 546,816 222,973 175,572 5,750 269,285 661,306 5,985,313 1,201,220 852,971 3,931,122 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal income.......................................... Nonfarm personal income................................. Farm income1................................................... Population (thousands)2 ................................ Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place ol work.................................. Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.............................. Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus.- Dividends, interest, and rent5.............................. Plus: Transfer payments.......................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. .......................................... Proprietors’ income*. ............................................... Farm............................................................ Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining.............................................. Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products........................... Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical... ...................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens............. Membership organizations.............................. . Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian..................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 29 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] M a in e L o u is ia n a 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 12,915,190 12,807,795 107,395 13,855,886 13,759,200 96,686 15,035,637 14,952,457 83,180 16,621,968 16,486,740 135,228 18,322,061 18,209,452 112,609 20,066,258 19,931,182 135,076 4,382.5 12,923 1,157.9 11,154 1,165.6 11,888 1,171.8 12,832 1,186.1 14,014 1,205.6 15,197 1,221.9 16,422 38,952,011 2,531,306 -252,865 36,167,840 8,007,117 9,830,887 40,296,989 2,745,236 -250,699 37,301,054 9,079,034 10,256,103 8,944,522 492,964 -5,515 8,446,043 2,087,778 2,381,369 9,639,526 556,639 9,090 9,091,977 2,234,301 2,529,608 10,525,476 591,175 48,157 9,982,458 2,419,681 2,633,498 11,826,334 641,376 55,192 11,240,150 2,659,684 2,722,134 13,102,639 738,333 72,883 12,437,189 2,969,363 2,915,509 14,114,604 825,236 59,723 13,349,091 3,504,374 3,212,793 29,036,253 2,950,615 4,477,936 409,430 4,068,506 30,630,006 3,111,996 5,210,009 739,952 4,470,057 31,816,649 3,291,242 5,189,098 448,698 4,740,400 7,113,339 790,769 1,040,414 57,648 982,766 7,619,778 806,584 1,213,164 47,562 1,165,602 8,302,897 872,331 1,350,248 35,400 1,314,848 9,216,029 958,129 1,652,176 85,237 1,566,939 10,192,403 1,069,886 1,840,350 62,251 1,778,099 10,943,096 1,163,600 2,007,908 83,884 1,924,024 526,971 35,937,833 29,523,956 200,082 130,494 69,588 2,025,578 8,884 1,919,383 6,205 91,106 2,421,766 5,133,682 3,228,506 450,576 44,634 105,706 456,818 241,089 1,178,717 693,001 99 56,217 1,649 1,905,176 280,318 10,625 86,812 277,963 223,412 228,417 491,332 117,507 128,796 20,500 39,494 3,184,194 178,142 645,880 565,629 404,589 593,430 796,524 2,073,723 3,635,932 2,150,796 842,811 1,307,985 8,698,203 274,280 398,580 229,217 1,503,588 289,441 172,453 135,152 17,748 2,952,167 1,104,053 362,668 165,009 3,170 316,413 774,264 6,413,877 985,748 707,055 4,721,074 858,099 38,093,912 31,513,508 217,502 137,130 80,372 2,182,474 9,981 2,076,352 6,963 89,178 2,628,164 5,523,247 3,399,765 462,325 52,377 113,467 488,207 250,471 1,294,332 682,664 99 54,673 1,150 2,123,482 288,688 13,365 96,691 317,344 272,939 228,129 578,429 134,522 129,389 19,996 43,990 3,346,355 182,963 681,575 626,554 417,922 583,341 854,000 2,227,616 3,782,555 2,093,103 827,007 1,266,096 9,512,492 271,840 448,703 238,812 1,696,105 297,123 185,650 155,173 20,129 3,201,332 1,208,591 397,725 172,344 3,373 352,400 863,192 6,580,404 1,078,679 727,765 4,773,960 568,673 39,728,316 32,828,448 222,588 141,341 81,247 2,129,579 10,833 2,050,585 8,178 59,983 2,635,088 5,816,840 3,563,581 471,999 67,440 126,861 506,186 253,651 1,403,180 672,489 143 61,488 144 2,253,259 291,793 15,401 91,699 373,327 307,427 218,828 616,892 133,866 136,378 20,115 47,533 3,460,666 189,325 686,253 671,312 446,316 585,743 881,717 2,335,079 3,861,716 2,050,895 812,726 1,238,169 10,315,997 270,629 498,036 247,550 1,889,725 312,993 219,967 165,427 22,078 3,486,899 1,257,750 424,356 184,792 3,782 370,322 961,691 6,899,868 1,147,865 745,081 5,006,922 107,395 8,837,127 7,191,614 79,298 32,124 47,174 24,790 124 20,807 974 2,885 605,967 2,383,636 1,365,744 132,726 120,327 62,093 600,418 82,126 23,123 7,724 (1) 73,856 263,342 1,017,892 300,603 (0) 14,231 75,955 98,248 193,399 270,649 (0) 21,304 9,720 14,000 556,172 60,700 192,811 (D) (0) 140,181 105,352 435,432 995,871 377,545 148,902 228,643 1,732,903 73,279 82,048 44,920 165,447 85,887 34,882 27,365 5,012 723,912 120,166 81,093 68,826 1,409 70,852 147,805 1,645,513 466,454 217,826 961,233 96,686 9,542,840 7,766,956 146,660 35,240 111,420 33,125 114 30,224 533 2,254 704,347 2,389,599 1,341,486 137,589 117,828 56,563 611,547 92,281 22,683 (0) (D) 77,588 218,736 1,048,113 307,981 (0) 17,792 74,743 116,582 202,615 253,451 (D) 29,193 8,710 15,092 570,122 58,115 196,194 15,033 46,547 142,838 111,395 494,681 1,081,850 414,984 156,526 258,458 1,931,588 81,472 108,926 45,182 201,191 91,283 33,403 33,662 6,416 783,765 136,828 93,415 77,486 1,745 72,613 164,201 1,775,884 493,671 234,314 1,047,899 83,180 10,442,296 8,590,764 179,032 39,414 139,618 12,455 112 (0) 702 (0) 871,351 2,516,595 1,367,877 141,392 124,350 58,069 649,049 102,324 23,126 7,695 (L) 75,919 185,945 1,148,718 326,200 21,631 18,787 69,098 119,944 223,321 303,145 2,286 34,679 13,779 15,848 574,872 24,759 217,890 15,559 53,759 147,932 114,973 547,726 1,219,556 495,359 182,536 312,823 2,173,818 86,802 121,312 45,114 246,254 99,743 42,735 40,129 4,891 844,585 159,927 104,038 87,939 1,959 76,323 212,067 1,851,532 480,978 233,935 1,136,619 135,228 11,691,106 9,695,522 183,816 57,928 125,888 12,210 131 8,320 944 2,815 1,093,803 2,651,706 1,400,894 146,926 129,570 47,837 656,409 115,778 24,503 7,799 di 79,487 192,575 1,250,812 366,026 25,948 16,704 73,279 123,107 237,904 327,362 4,216 42,064 17,239 16,963 628,229 20,115 245,890 (0) (0) 156,575 127,235 619,669 1,358,275 654,476 201,886 452,590 2,493,338 102,488 135,820 45,408 300,873 119,683 46,918 46,994 4,728 951,834 178,931 115,717 98,752 2,034 84,715 258,443 1,995,584 509,778 240,090 1,245,716 112,609 12,990,030 10,807,951 222,675 65,080 157,595 20,945 160 13,211 1,343 6,231 1,217,963 2,882,996 1,481,031 154,014 124,004 48,277 696,084 130,392 26,595 8,026 (L) 87,266 206,362 1,401,965 377,339 28,332 17,629 78,384 157,663 245,040 402,735 7,226 43,787 22,293 21,537 686,584 (0) 264,838 17,552 (0) 162,620 153,944 700,669 1,544,837 658,169 222,706 435,463 2,873,113 113,599 162,067 48,556 362,199 129,896 54,418 51,024 6,469 1,089,784 211,629 125,081 111,486 2,219 95,200 309,486 2,182,079 549,963 251,979 1,380,137 135,076 13,979,528 11,593,413 231,864 69,368 162,496 20,169 (0) 14,105 (0) 5,263 1,240,211 3,017,906 1,541,426 152,595 123,995 (0) 732,823 139,280 (0) (D) (0) 94,606 207,181 1,476,480 373,105 28,870 21,398 86,673 160,014 236,879 472,648 8,478 42,795 27,022 18,598 726,429 (0) 287,726 17,505 (0) 159,993 170,925 758,185 1,657,703 688,581 240,211 448,370 3,252,365 121,038 191,269 51,296 423,196 146,355 57,535 58,273 6,768 1,221,675 239,672 139,256 129,603 2,695 102,611 361,123 2,386,115 600,220 255,587 1,530,308 1989 1985 1986 1987 1988 48,798,105 48,370,736 427,369 50,678,777 50,376,034 302,743 50,659,014 50,296,648 362,366 50,885,739 50,358,768 526,971 54,005,844 53,147,745 858,099 56,636,191 56,067,518 568,673 Per capita personal incom e (d o lla rs )...................................... 4,462.5 10,935 4,486.0 11,297 4,497.5 11,264 4,447.9 11,440 4,407.8 12,252 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 36,557,046 1,988,838 -379,163 34,189,045 7,204,480 7,404,580 37,174,816 2,133,804 -353,602 34,687,410 7,784,808 8,206,559 36,221,860 2,228,801 -289,250 33,703,809 7,865,571 9,089,634 36,464,804 2,298,452 -239,543 33,926,809 7,646,907 9,312,023 29,709,642 3,092,868 3,754,536 313,564 3,440,972 30,206,725 3,032,537 3,935,554 190,091 3,745,463 29,019,405 2,959,114 4,243,341 250,757 3,992,584 427,369 36,129,677 30,172,352 163,135 117,224 45,911 2,791,829 (0) 2,694,300 (0) 87,232 3,375,406 5,180,461 3,072,109 455,028 26,684 102,691 397,457 208,999 1,187,232 649,993 103 41,774 2,148 2,108,352 261,828 11,867 111,612 324,814 264,750 277,161 475,680 132,127 186,610 19,984 41,919 3,354,646 246,858 620,080 747,225 411,373 616,910 712,200 2,232,921 3,738,918 1,798,526 815,643 982,883 7,536,510 281,670 330,472 232,754 1,483,333 280,315 238,600 145,596 16,482 2,252,152 803,435 238,549 127,671 2,785 297,149 745,547 5,957,325 871,670 587,458 4,498,197 302,743 36,872,073 30,632,614 188,779 113,467 75,312 2,897,913 8,141 2,796,652 4,479 88,641 3,086,333 5,221,818 3,100,248 440,213 27,185 95,522 416,176 232,054 1,191,466 652,175 (L) 43,622 1,787 2,121,570 261,955 12,422 102,402 336,824 277,331 289,920 487,152 136,840 159,704 19,294 37,726 3,394,284 223,528 616,977 746,080 409,055 616,398 782,246 2,246,095 3,766,560 1,887,520 863,847 1,023,673 7,943,312 274,358 395,806 233,913 1,517,727 294,339 207,325 132,226 17,542 2,471,675 880,907 319,087 152,647 2,833 285,527 757,400 6,239,459 925,893 622,027 4,691,539 362,366 35,859,494 29,551,775 198,059 104,839 93,220 2,266,740 11,093 2,154,367 5,578 95,702 2,685,605 5,071,860 3,148,495 455,705 (D) 91,319 450,019 230,323 1,172,430 663,630 73 47,921 (0) 1,923,365 271,992 10,299 81,815 318,430 230,427 240,645 453,760 122,629 140,493 17,390 35,485 3,271,153 199,937 624,406 627,766 411,190 576,233 831,621 2,111,431 3,689,287 1,979,027 878,528 1,100,499 8,278,613 261,738 406,638 233,001 1,483,976 298,346 198,323 145,034 17,346 2,641,356 1,010,438 330,950 163,611 2,940 294,981 789,935 6,307,719 927,680 654,774 4,725,265 1984 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Proprietors’ income®............................................... Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Hotels and other lodging places......................... Private households........................................ Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Amusement and recreation services..................... Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Government and government enterprises...................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. 30 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] M a ry la n d 1984 M a s s a c h u s e tts 1985 1986 19 8 7 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 64,544,058 70,153,609 75,684,642 82,683,115 90,632,757 98,159,345 88,260,038 94,956,954 102,800,096 112 ,127,48 2 123,446,689 13 1,472,637 Nonfarm personal Income.......................................... Farm Income1....................................................... 64,212,042 332,016 69,840,621 312,988 75,320,483 364,159 82,298,874 384,241 90,208,675 424,082 97,727,139 432,206 88,061,735 198,303 94,776,801 180,153 111,911,917 215,565 5,855.8 123,211,963 234,726 5,889.5 131,249,944 222,693 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 4,348.4 4,392.8 4,461.4 4,535.9 4,622.0 4,690.2 5,792.1 5,819.5 102,541,597 258,499 5,834.6 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) ......................................................................... 14,843 15,970 16,964 18,229 19,609 20,929 15,238 16 ,3 17 17,6 19 19,148 20,960 22,236 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 41,749,015 2,534,863 6,295,148 45,509,300 10,177,293 8,857,465 45,675,471 2,956,428 6,893,003 49,612,046 11,058,333 9,483,230 49,677,606 3,191,241 7,299,830 53,786,195 11,853,706 10,044,741 54,968,849 3,446,688 8,146,156 59,668,317 12,372,654 10,642,144 60,269,918 3,899,127 9,086,621 65,457,412 13,703,889 11,471,456 64,412,911 4,274,652 9,835,743 69,974,002 15,838,767 12,346,576 64,641,464 3,644,943 -957,493 60,039,028 15,378,631 12,842,379 70,718,493 4,174,112 -1,204,794 65,339,587 16,311,136 13,306,231 77,244,392 4,739,549 -1,332,971 71,171,872 17,277,798 14,350,426 85,316,539 4,990,361 -1,531,938 78,794,240 18,257,296 15,075,946 94,076,673 5,713,258 -1,726,940 86,636,475 20,442,785 16,367,429 97,825,616 6,155,353 -1,886,950 89,783,313 23,295,714 18,393,610 35,287,316 3,166,967 3,294,732 258,554 3,036,178 38,573,447 3,286,619 3,815,405 241,050 3,574,355 41,864,998 3,562,039 4,250,569 293,160 3,957,409 46,120,358 3,853,756 4,994,735 310,141 4,684,594 50,511,966 4,149,538 5,608,414 350,567 5,257,847 53,867,971 4,522,784 6,022,156 358,073 5,664,083 53,727,539 5,395,462 5,518,463 150,098 5,368,365 58,706,617 5,597,417 6,414,459 133,078 6,281,381 63,955,901 6,021,904 7,266,587 212,606 7,053,981 70,421,622 6,440,332 8,454,585 168,016 8,286,569 77,445,356 7,019,493 9,611,824 187,370 9,424,454 80,296,774 7,348,094 10,180,748 175,194 10,005,554 332,016 41,416,999 31,640,101 170,859 160,035 10,824 134,823 (D> 80,729 O) (D) 3,071,606 5,834,535 2,230,946 557,008 17,852 193,392 236,642 611,648 375,536 28,503 (L) 189,904 20,443 3,603,589 66,706 67,930 739,542 218,276 541,575 1,201,758 (0) (D) 204,389 71,862 43,701 2,686,393 244,096 645,732 143,510 258,263 843,486 551,306 2,577,088 4,660,300 2,375,999 819,935 1,556,064 10,128,498 188,756 401,404 214,492 2,714,829 348,659 200,133 201,152 29,628 2,863,352 603,686 439,097 255,016 1,944 391,501 1,274,849 9,776,898 4,240,947 895,252 4,640,699 312,988 45,362,483 35,000,520 211,134 180,057 31,077 172,405 31,805 121,405 (L) 19,198 3,576,307 6,093,357 2,351,099 590,506 17,623 175,846 247,481 669,324 399,032 30,183 (L) 202,098 19,000 3,742,258 74,589 70,674 662,935 228,005 546,229 1,321,312 304,443 210,485 209,843 66,878 46,865 2,864,808 246,603 673,379 141,546 291,129 892,668 619,483 2,783,775 5,119,847 2,673,295 930,413 1,742,882 11,505,592 221,671 497,455 216,618 3,244,535 413,148 215,771 227,911 33,711 3,121,715 683,661 502,673 296,125 2,153 397,955 1,430,490 10,361,963 4,419,691 947,923 4,994,349 364,159 49,313,447 38,406,212 250,565 202,386 48,179 86,780 28,217 35,077 (L) 23,487 4,144,656 6,154,955 2,488,571 627,300 (0) 168,648 262,230 704,674 433,960 (D) (L) 221,294 18,957 3,666,384 77,275 71,272 541,109 260,062 540,803 1,366,346 247,105 227,919 200,731 83,784 49,978 2,974,346 221,402 744,731 139,045 373,010 866,781 629,377 3,018,027 5,588,867 3,113,049 1,098,506 2,014,543 13,074,967 259,005 547,631 218,306 3,811,584 466,303 238,849 256,650 36,679 3,392,517 808,623 562,602 341,107 2,195 441,453 1,691,463 10,907,235 4,403,531 1,049,574 5,454,130 384,241 54,584,608 42,862,405 314,542 268,399 46,143 93,952 28,343 36,641 (L) 28,936 4,776,979 6,290,617 2,553,726 643,467 (D) 153,472 256,744 766,475 440,798 34,369 (D) 217,328 20,502 3,736,891 85,467 66,117 476,752 267,169 530,400 1,404,200 319,042 228,029 202,446 102,218 55,051 3,303,052 202,521 819,351 135.838 440,744 1,072,146 632,452 3,272,782 6,207,968 3,841,343 1,211,167 2,630,176 14,761,170 299,376 517,898 220,553 4,481,555 508,727 244,616 295,561 38,876 3,931,508 882,167 638,431 366,264 2,596 510,980 1,762,062 11,722,203 4,695,871 1,085,068 5,941,264 424,082 59,845,836 47,263,732 358,920 300,604 58,316 118,064 27,514 60,112 ai 30,405 5,403,221 6,661,023 2,706,186 659,291 (D) 166,510 269,206 829,865 481,711 (0) (l) 213,312 (0) 3,954,837 88,707 67,864 450,061 283,099 620,756 1,434,955 344,716 224,162 250,044 128,729 61,744 3,647,308 210,724 884,490 129,390 482,094 1,234,491 706,119 3,587,437 6,750,391 4,039,089 1,305,116 2,733,973 16,698,279 336,745 678,313 236,674 5,107,500 546,832 287,256 339,844 46,716 4,480,643 1,048,215 714,022 395,375 2,857 575,576 1,901,711 12,582,104 5,002,101 1,102,541 6,477,462 432,206 63,980,705 50,334,089 386,176 327,956 58,220 123,717 29,029 64,850 (D 29,800 5,628,664 6,900,081 2,825,122 690,399 24,689 (0) 274,564 882,296 496,542 37,050 (L) 222,981 (D) 4,074,959 89,721 67,512 495,568 291,180 608,898 1,455,090 336,872 256,756 262,121 149,031 62,210 3,934,568 199,471 919,314 (0) (0) 1,381,432 752,564 3,783,383 7,188,766 4,227,583 1,411,668 2,815,915 18,161,151 364,739 750,958 250,590 5,436,462 586,287 310,346 378,342 50,800 4,977,476 1,119,753 762,926 464,980 4,271 615,690 2,087,531 13,646,616 5,380,306 1,142,701 7,123,609 198,303 64,443,161 56,539,674 268,085 187,204 80,881 169,275 (D) 138,616 (0) 29,501 3,402,587 17,311,162 4,792,665 517,089 406,874 489,145 694,968 1,144,427 574,741 61,335 132 654,150 249,804 12,518,497 107,711 142,477 375,341 1,217,791 3,277,490 3,539,672 1,129,965 226,846 326,621 1,720,843 453,740 3,685,010 150,038 787,134 (D) (D) 1,248,873 707,363 4,139,365 6,208,597 4,315,294 1,382,910 2,932,384 17,040,299 364,194 547,569 154,012 3,897,347 546,366 244,955 254,593 63,441 5,116,772 1,180,672 1,760,674 507,468 38,628 473,719 1,889,889 7,903,487 1,525,493 406,496 5,971,498 180,153 70,538,340 61,945,850 357,440 223,913 133,527 232,378 (D) 195,285 (D) 36,017 3,992,084 18,030,181 4,882,166 543,144 402,641 460,230 685,095 1,261,953 596,881 63,081 99 647,674 221,368 13,148,015 113,332 150,549 363,828 1,242,564 3,460,635 3,833,329 1,256,290 227,849 337,320 1,720,218 442,101 3,891,631 129,664 817,488 (0) (D) 1,302,767 757,770 4,525,761 6,885,542 4,856,667 1,561,506 3,295,161 19,174,166 415,526 677,020 154,777 4,679,794 629,732 246,289 291,978 73,249 5,552,676 1,344,125 1,902,289 585,217 44,808 482,181 2,094,505 8,592,490 1,612,048 412,307 0,568,135 258,499 76,985,893 67,730,674 445,378 259,750 185,628 106,415 (D) 57,803 215,565 85,100,974 75,086,126 527,758 344,852 182,906 115,129 259 62,364 224 52,282 5,741,243 18,549,612 5,326,026 573,198 404,772 411,325 728,686 1,550,603 649,084 77,113 144 744,605 186,496 13,223,586 145,476 186,249 403,646 1,252,677 3,716,121 3,426,515 1,236,590 171,708 346,548 1,876,502 461,554 4,300,308 (0) 942,939 78,783 (D) 1,368,441 834,897 5,816,498 8,329,540 7,233,806 2,121,434 5,112,372 24,472,232 543,661 808,988 153,729 6,326,705 752,147 300,505 375,671 99,770 6,719,043 1,805,785 2,302,262 802,816 58,059 605,250 2,817,841 10,014,848 1,734,755 465,010 7,815,083 234,726 93,841,947 82,852,176 597,278 387,495 209,783 151,530 343 89,005 300 61,882 6,427,759 19,557,253 5,616,079 606,788 422,784 426,549 763,718 1,675,526 703,883 86,254 303 744,017 186,257 13,941,174 151,483 185,348 418,463 1,326,608 3,967,215 3,582,430 1,224,344 112,197 399,491 2,056,252 517,343 4,646,463 128,240 1,009,024 84,021 1,034,317 1,426,787 964,074 6,558,581 9,148,635 7,784,744 2,384,854 5,399,890 27,979,933 599,791 946,991 162,698 7,322,243 822,696 345,734 427,616 115,359 7,659,754 2,093,071 2,467,152 938,606 66,658 692,871 3,318,693 10,989,771 1,892,981 482,762 8,614,028 222,693 97,602,923 85,933,319 600,589 388,728 211,861 148,111 278 93,392 138 54,303 6,034,159 19,736,693 5,671,534 605,472 424,855 402,567 752,021 1,711,385 794,549 83,331 141 720,696 176,517 14,065,159 141,599 167,849 437,042 1,516,972 4,035,072 3,508,628 1,244,408 115,858 387,280 2,006,316 504,135 4,687,586 123,378 1,001,263 81,895 1,070,651 1,363,217 1,047,182 6,934,968 9,405,103 7,690,245 2,449,121 5,241,124 30,695,865 683,565 1,060,507 170,392 7,880,532 864,554 378,709 445,101 123,353 8,587,469 2,316,795 2,703,006 1,050,157 70,781 743,929 3,617,015 11,669,604 1,989,125 493,053 9,187,426 5,912.5 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income8................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate........................ Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate*.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services................................ ........... Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian....................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. m 47,803 4,843,377 18,204,875 5,030,660 564,392 395,996 424,501 693,728 1,375,349 617,224 67,001 120 702,357 189,992 13,174,215 126,462 177,651 394,809 1,214,215 3,312,100 3,950,303 1,242,868 195,396 329,250 1,786,076 445,085 3,947,416 120,874 875,284 (0) (D) 1,230,270 774,703 4,979,898 7,648,428 5,724,637 1,852,522 3,872,115 21,830,250 466,583 742,309 153,974 5,513,493 709,923 290,165 331,467 88,277 6,013,423 1,608,060 2,136,622 677,337 50,089 534,980 2,513,548 9,255,219 1,636,769 446,719 7,171,731 STATES LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 31 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued (Thousands of dollars] M in n e s o ta M ic h ig a n 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 118 ,0 4 7,218 127,2 49,796 136,040,184 142 ,3 77,018 151,995,332 162,609,996 55,824,394 59,277,6 27 62,773,9 92 66,669,583 71 ,0 1 3 ,7 11 76,8 01,794 111,398,027 649,191 9,062.0 126,578,516 671,280 135,360,870 679,314 141,608,582 768,436 151,344,478 650,854 161,680,854 929,142 54,427,271 1,397,123 57,757,748 1,519,879 60,731,877 2,042,115 64,659,482 2,010,101 69,405,893 1,607,818 74,760,982 2,040,812 9,088.3 9,142.5 9,204.7 9,239.8 9,273.4 4,164.0 4,191.6 4,213.1 4,244.3 4,306.6 4,351.6 13,027 14,001 14,880 15,468 16,450 17,535 13,407 14,142 14,900 15,708 16,490 17,6 49 85,523,596 5,260,597 632,347 80,895,346 18,375,281 18,776,591 93,603,295 6,102,515 706,581 88,207,361 19,571,201 19,471,234 100,247,980 6,363,476 661,380 94,545,884 20,564,677 20,929,623 105,125,792 6,986,271 728,625 98,868,146 21,285,066 22,223,806 112,530,329 7,779,426 789,644 105,540,547 22,986,637 23,468,148 119,040,199 8,490,398 838,295 111,388,096 26,304,362 24,917,538 41,448,576 2,728,437 -189,104 38,531,035 9,515,954 7,777,405 44,204,311 3,053,013 -232,896 40,918,402 10,029,753 8,329,472 47,320,817 3,229,761 -273,696 43,817,360 10,481,608 8,475,024 50,874,900 3,467,562 -348,764 47,058,574 10,636,042 8,974,967 54,629,283 3,900,233 -361,329 50,367,721 11,075,048 9,570,942 58,320,979 4,294,904 -390,406 53,635,669 12,659,217 10,506,908 70,861,955 8,684,601 5,977,040 460,181 5,516,859 78,043,083 9,052,388 6,507,824 483,478 6,024,346 83,314,188 9,669,484 7,264,308 493,718 6,770,590 87,023,009 9,833,452 8,269,331 572,288 7,697,043 93,398,827 10,294,109 8,837,393 454,455 8,382,938 98,471,935 10,944,954 9,623,310 728,775 8,894,535 33,480,623 3,346,664 4,621,289 1,177,301 3,443,988 35,750,257 3,483,880 4,970,174 1,299,908 3,670,266 37,857,734 3,752,375 5,710,708 1,824,627 3,886,081 40,858,885 3,900,193 6,115,822 1,784,725 4,331,097 44,294,628 4,151,172 6,183,483 1,383,792 4,799,691 46,944,950 4,476,096 6,899,933 1,814,836 5,085,097 649,191 84,874,405 73,360,161 238,919 199,914 39,005 434,436 553 265,965 94,124 73,794 3,317,911 33,377,508 5,731,597 1,184,781 50,722 583,123 618,221 816,858 1,430,399 92,329 108 902,109 52,947 27,645,911 226,708 679,401 1,920,586 3,409,456 4,106,103 980,647 600,352 14,667,191 528,484 343,563 183,420 4,747,948 372,436 1,359,262 31,795 477,330 1,172,308 1,334,817 4,645,264 7,565,920 3,282,221 1,436,504 1,845,717 15,750,034 254,570 657,762 177,439 2,651,058 631,464 318,818 315.486 89,835 5.940,100 1.053,753 409,107 437,932 13,950 776,550 2,022,210 11,514,244 1.489.337 316,253 9,708,654 671,280 92,932,015 80,781,344 254,729 229,413 25,316 491,149 452 329,526 86,569 74,602 3,915,791 36,749,092 6,233,097 1,213,046 50,832 680,661 649,112 914,558 1,546,637 95,857 ai 1,029,653 52,692 30,515,995 262,824 761,965 1,871,508 4,021,187 4,462,034 1,053,257 663,701 16,293,287 554,345 380,598 191,289 4,995,326 356,865 1,434,094 33,844 541,996 1,247,836 1,380,691 4,988,202 7,982,461 3,595,818 1,560,494 2,035,324 17,808,776 275,887 807,886 177,938 3,576,822 739,052 351,737 346,718 106,788 6,106,993 1,163,998 444,321 497,627 13,898 819,419 2,379,692 12,150,671 1,582,552 335,232 10,232,887 679,314 99,568,666 86,444,556 263,210 253,080 10,130 365,469 568 182,728 97,350 84,823 4,530,272 38,052,774 6,569,050 1,236,160 40,750 748,381 725,059 949,067 1,650,787 130,771 74 1,039,339 48,662 31,483,724 279,073 823,465 1,904,967 4,051,004 4,579,830 1,159,538 722,832 16,785,940 574,376 406,158 196,541 5,285,245 352,993 1,508,770 35,978 683,268 1,272,082 1,432,154 5,395,182 8,624,654 4,055,661 1,709,934 2,345,727 19,872,089 322,076 875,645 177,815 4,066,738 808,445 375,936 396,045 115,635 6,652,093 1,312,006 470,787 546,131 15,535 856,445 2,880,757 13,124,110 1,583,014 349,913 11,191,183 768,436 104,357,356 90,486,996 332,714 319,351 13,363 386,344 393 196,447 106,515 82,989 4,874,189 37,288,047 6,845,911 1,290,158 43,770 725,706 733,434 996,734 1,714,163 143,172 162 1,143,786 54,826 30,442,136 320,419 951,947 1,891,493 3,963,830 4,269,132 1,163,984 759,804 15,871,483 628,910 419,006 202,128 5,646,566 368,292 1,553,759 37,342 838,937 1,325,353 1,522,883 5,895,855 9,216,665 5,051,310 1,871,465 3,179,845 21,795,306 364,876 933,329 178,140 4,552,234 829,744 386,152 421,740 120,361 7,410,468 1,465,760 523,051 612,459 17,690 944,837 3,034,465 13,870,360 1,684,865 370,160 11,815,335 650,854 111,879,475 97,230,216 375,262 365,087 10,175 463,047 178 248,639 115,366 98,864 5,584,173 39,191,895 7,428,410 1,369,764 51,495 773,175 755,464 1,117,369 1,907,347 152,927 194 1,237,218 63,457 31,763,485 358,365 1,075,212 1,946,080 4,252,024 4,492,234 1,188,378 746,349 16,303,789 706,630 465,637 228,787 5,954,471 372,510 1,627,402 42,694 943,997 1,370,372 1,597,496 6,480,030 10,013,460 5,132,225 2,002,912 3,129,313 24,035,653 387,304 1,087,027 187,911 4,935,265 873,852 439,363 483,031 149,784 7,973,182 1,708,627 606,838 717,607 17,622 1,041,435 3,426,805 14,649,259 1,815,587 373,277 12,460,395 929,142 118,111,057 102,491,920 400,680 393,235 7,445 481,080 187 248,331 131,435 101,127 5,827,991 40,562,677 7,790,038 1,414,111 46,296 767,199 781,751 1,244,207 1,995,611 129,366 193 1,341,364 69,940 32,772,639 372,855 1,152,048 1,916,941 4,457,649 4,816,624 1,234,412 787,336 16,511,967 743,706 556,904 222,197 6,077,451 358,569 1,648,177 45,426 1,056,180 1,352,239 1,616,860 7,029,091 10,563,799 5,211,217 2,080,230 3,130,987 26,337,934 426,583 1,219,934 196,697 5,395,480 962,372 483,171 524,447 177,629 8,585,991 1,818,383 657,535 831,961 20,002 1,109,296 3,928,453 15,619,137 1,895,263 383,903 13,339,971 1,397,123 40,051,453 34,271,875 187,326 167,724 19,602 373,558 277 83,286 242,757 47,238 2,491,443 10,133,779 3,893,666 1,118,981 37,499 43,151 1,208,627 878,779 240,512 71,283 (L) 255,166 39,628 6,240,113 312,691 88,273 191,885 1,023,782 2,689,692 628,688 63,625 145,901 214,054 760,465 121,057 3,224,438 385,471 906,719 27,918 751,268 615,258 537,804 3,153,953 4,114,579 2,490,884 863,395 1,627,489 8,101,915 220,950 435,283 75,865 1,418,034 398,318 168,812 194,588 31,770 2,811,370 621,479 321,756 405,077 13,708 356,542 628,363 5,779,578 807,933 105,274 4,866,371 1,519,879 42,684,432 36,496,836 180,242 166,043 14,199 377,497 145 112,650 216,675 48,027 2,650,619 10,642,099 4,059,662 1,128,272 37,918 42,214 1,251,723 968,095 255,053 71,232 (L) 265,557 39,577 6,582,437 351,575 100,219 174,440 1,074,841 2,827,088 677,872 72,830 164,538 212,841 795,558 130,635 3,335,728 345,326 890,000 28,840 854,280 635,062 582,220 3,292,221 4,310,657 2,743,844 919,865 1,823,979 8,963,929 238,719 560,184 76,395 1,646,022 447,576 151,988 224,526 35,860 3,052,884 673,182 352,064 438,088 16,047 369,848 680,546 6,187,596 865,671 113,720 5,208,205 2,042,115 45,278,702 38,704,975 173,205 164,275 8,930 267,870 154 48,539 167,455 51,722 2,925,783 11,062,704 4,279,434 1,199,695 39,007 45,944 1,306,673 1,017,578 272,912 72,825 (L) 287,964 36,802 6,783,270 409,073 114,020 186,196 1,046,746 2,723,955 654,218 82,630 206,847 215,408 992,631 151,546 3,438,636 344,659 908,002 23,522 887,338 645,658 629,457 3,430,150 4,486,619 3,097,202 1,016,642 2,080,560 9,822,806 240,907 616,646 76,270 1,831,079 480,409 173,159 255,285 38,467 3,270,800 761,384 396,964 471,906 20,364 389,956 799,210 6,573,727 876,238 129,641 5,567,848 2,010,101 48,864,799 41,835,444 236,572 226,875 9,697 262,423 55 46,464 166,788 49,116 3,204,283 11,688,895 4,593,809 1,273,104 40,623 44,408 1,377,704 1,117,976 294,115 84,304 (L) 324,498 37,029 7,095,086 487,337 126,668 209,007 1,088,126 2,801,942 710,673 122,823 206,054 231,456 963,947 147,053 3,590,669 340,053 921,228 28,101 993,386 682,776 625,125 3,671,022 4,759,408 3,637,519 1,023,959 2,613,560 10,784,653 268,552 654,782 76,405 2,081,547 495,442 175,638 279,273 41,598 3,631,827 818,886 416,192 511,622 20,668 420,538 891,683 7,029,355 947,743 143,394 5,938,218 1,607,818 53,021,465 45,480,071 247,133 237,742 9,391 321,909 187 59,387 210,486 51,849 3,267,185 12,842,767 4,968,785 1,364,098 40,883 49,407 1,482,713 1,224,192 331,131 88,291 (L) 347,515 40,507 7,873,982 686,956 137,205 236,453 1,155,222 3,102,020 787,761 148,933 212,571 247,409 1,004,380 155,072 3,835,893 335,165 959,637 37,402 1,103,631 711,571 688,487 4,039,258 5,234,556 3,701,882 1,075,463 2,626,419 11,989,488 273,768 761,935 81,469 2,349,354 541,977 196,471 327,120 48,712 3,975,124 929,266 455,465 569,989 22,209 466,881 989,748 7,541,394 1,029,867 148,975 6,362,552 2,040,812 56,280,167 48,302,631 260,259 250,486 9,773 361,341 352 62,496 242,500 55,993 3,409,286 13,236,429 5,285,327 1,481,826 47,191 51,739 1,542,526 1,305,841 351,665 97,603 tu 359,907 46,981 7,951,102 556,519 146,439 219,092 1,208,962 3,112,359 900,591 168,181 214,391 259,026 992,479 173,063 4,137,800 331,073 995,96/ 34,696 1,305,702 752,256 718,106 4,290,969 5,471,621 3,804,286 1,115,892 2,688,394 13,330,640 294,169 871,065 85,785 2,654,721 581,923 220,855 334,976 56,282 4,431,173 1,027,185 513,399 637,477 23,795 496,579 1,101,256 7,977,536 1,092,967 152,803 6,731,766 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Farm income'. ...................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) ......................................................................... Derivation of total personal income: Less-. Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Lumber and wood products........................... Primary metal industries.............................. Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Other transportation8..................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Hotels and other lodging places......................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Amusement and recreation services..................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Government and government enterprises..................... Military....................................................... State and local. .............................................. See footnotes at endof tables. 32 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued (Thousands of dollars] M is s is s ip p i 1984 M is s o u r i 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 23,159,109 24,174,424 25,402,329 26,903,081 29,073,025 30,941,795 62,524,522 66,728,683 70,489,968 74,560,861 79 ,475 ,8 17 84,864,081 Nonfarm personal Income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 22,481,982 677,127 23,601,152 573,272 24,897,236 505,093 26,132,860 770,221 28,027,172 1,045,853 30,143,654 798,141 61,969,057 555,465 65,931,025 797,658 69,707,039 782,929 73,661,533 899,328 78,599,011 876,806 83,980,566 883,515 Population (thousands)'.............................................. 2,599.3 2,614.4 2,624.3 2,624.3 2,620.0 2,620.9 5,005.5 5,035.3 5,141.2 5,160.0 8,910 9,247 9,680 10,252 11,0 9 7 11,806 12,491 13,252 5,066.5 13,913 5,107.6 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 14,598 15,459 16,447 Derivation of total personal Income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance'............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Pius: Transfer payments............................................ 16,102,230 880,920 507,201 15,728,511 2,971,861 4,458,737 16,796,322 972,180 526,074 16,350,216 3,041,351 4,782,857 17,602,649 1,067,588 507,691 17,042,752 3,285,079 5,074,498 18,805,279 1,081,290 544,755 18,268,744 3,320,733 5,313,604 20,447,279 1,198,032 577,452 19,826,699 3,546,988 5,699,338 21,380,411 1,319,752 635,724 20,696,383 4,068,943 6,176,469 45,880,172 2,687,293 -1,707,514 41,485,365 11,858,578 9,180,579 49,245,545 3,016,463 -1,953,951 44,275,131 12,490,887 9,962,665 52,231,006 3,220,859 -2,061,395 46,948,752 12,972,751 10,568,465 55,850,723 3,455,222 -2,250,676 50,144,825 13,281,023 11,135,013 59,538,466 3,877,098 -2,356,745 53,304,623 14,222,946 11,948,248 62,757,206 4,253,229 -2,523,305 55,980,672 16,303,291 12,580,118 12,591,524 1,263,155 2,247,551 542,936 1,704,615 13,291,268 1,263,867 2,241,187 440,986 1,800,201 13,836,774 1,347,855 2,418,020 374,179 2,043,841 14,557,936 1,396,787 2,850,556 632,295 2,218,261 15,564,096 1,507,090 3,376,093 907,352 2,468,741 16,459,484 1,620,516 3,300,411 657,599 2,642,812 37,141,541 3,750,314 4,988,317 397,946 4,590,371 39,745,453 3,855,764 5,644,328 645,584 4,998,744 41,952,619 4,122,136 6,156,251 635,690 5,520,561 44,567,440 4,299,111 6,984,172 748,760 6,235,412 47,395,167 4,566,643 7,576,656 729,499 6,847,157 49,857,414 4,902,161 7,997,631 738,781 7,258,850 677,127 15,425,103 12,262,365 109,739 59,033 50,706 255,249 138 241,243 (L) 13,862 881,836 4,079,161 1,625,730 345,897 89,715 409,537 223,412 112,895 179,207 93,171 (L) 159,474 12,416 2,453,431 428,883 275,379 90,867 241,416 269,275 462,740 422,121 63,241 120,558 23,476 55,475 1,105,874 111,110 359,668 46,674 50,462 263,856 274,104 843,619 1,714,569 692,820 328,146 364,674 2,579,498 75,250 124,700 123,571 244,215 140,494 67,515 31,599 3,936 889,864 196,306 72,279 74,783 (L) 122,623 412,333 3,162,738 649,384 470,552 2,042,802 573,272 16,223,050 12,847,945 94,675 59,276 35,399 261,291 174 246,815 (L) 14,291 891,453 4,290,900 1,678,007 371,485 98,191 387,538 229,887 122,215 191,952 93,639 (L) 175,827 7,270 2,612,893 458,850 310,005 96,932 254,176 286,255 488,436 445,756 72,375 114,242 22,688 63,178 1,170,478 98,538 375,040 47,028 67,142 267,970 314,760 865,444 1,769,333 742,046 354,244 387,802 2,762,325 79,622 147,940 124,281 290,961 155,649 64,012 34,830 5,265 950,186 211,594 78,894 80,332 63 117,693 421,003 3,375,105 694,934 493,657 2,186,514 505,093 17,097,556 13,556,661 79,923 57,710 22,213 190,235 155 174,768 (L) 15,307 914,569 4,534,832 1,799,971 386,966 107,097 406,074 257,649 127,046 214,425 94,849 (L) 199,764 6,094 2,734,861 478,367 335,516 91,822 264,298 282,214 480,932 502,878 82,885 122,266 22,125 71,558 1,231,092 85,990 399,733 47,330 72,810 262,646 362,583 879,885 1,842,702 823,185 388,237 434,948 3,060,238 77,045 156,855 123,850 331,765 165,957 72,614 37,666 3,843 1,030,568 243,584 85,053 83,352 78 116,221 531,787 3,540,895 691,200 525,395 2,324,300 770,221 18,035,058 14,344,173 100,457 76,213 24,244 167,350 119 154,780 (L) 12,448 908,718 4,750,854 1,864,003 412,973 112,339 407,937 266,091 134,885 206,224 98,054 (L) 220,468 5,022 2,886,851 516,248 393,451 101,108 282,175 301,214 470,334 498,112 90,424 129,843 25,251 78,691 1,350,611 72,558 451,512 49,414 84,567 289,933 402,627 921,496 1,900,564 936,839 413,560 523,279 3,307,284 76,731 162,525 123,214 370,118 165,640 71,172 37,967 3,724 1,159,839 261,848 95,459 87,579 60 116,745 574,663 3,690,885 730,063 528,989 2,431,833 1,045,853 19,401,426 15,446,611 100,098 81,190 18,908 180,627 (D) 167,578 0 (D) 980,287 5,134,401 1,975,696 427,988 123,121 425,231 281,162 146,755 237,092 101,464 (L) 228,269 4,604 3,158,705 552,210 446,600 105,511 314,898 325,677 519,172 520,631 119,443 139,919 32,317 82,327 1,425,986 69,055 490,072 56,760 99,577 295,664 414,858 983,825 2,039,250 949,139 427,765 521,374 3,652,998 80,113 184,828 129,448 412,351 170,613 96,465 40,735 4,287 1,277,982 302,496 104,699 92,151 166 121,214 635,450 3,954,815 781,386 527,202 2,646,227 798,141 20,582,270 16,310,180 108,532 88,676 19,856 178,877 148 166,379 0 12,350 1,028,748 5,316,498 2,061,304 445,433 125,973 435,396 302,814 155,406 246,094 100,355 (L) 242,738 7,085 3,255,194 585,851 471,843 115,725 347,749 343,745 531,166 482,272 123,114 139,700 36,603 77,426 1,514,432 67,683 527,460 59,494 106,834 311,416 441,545 1,059,929 2,112,301 974,077 447,223 526,854 4,016,786 79,398 203,899 135,089 463,479 183,376 113,987 42,944 4,451 1,399,665 333,492 119,214 94,671 168 123,460 719,493 4,272,090 823,164 520,995 2,927,931 555,465 45,324,707 38,951,862 190,613 171,485 19,128 317,389 102,372 91,836 57,901 65,280 2,918,470 10,992,156 4,253,631 1,181,392 12,126 321,327 323,667 880,350 970,407 40,386 140 260,226 263,610 6,738,525 159,077 200,720 412,715 718,450 813,675 1,233,813 1,194,210 1,286,116 288,849 301,106 129,794 4,492,823 497,597 1,250,042 94,841 859,720 1,080,029 710,594 3,312,118 4,557,251 2,572,539 966,299 1,606,240 9,598,503 270,209 457,009 133,692 1,958,674 468,673 182,286 231,436 73,700 3,259,686 657,314 487,026 232,093 6,146 391,328 789,231 6,372,845 1,783,027 442,067 4,147,751 797,658 48,447,887 41,629,682 180,781 166,614 14,167 364,610 101,861 130,670 60,006 72,073 3,150,225 11,559,822 4,463,200 1,225,158 12,393 317,251 337,891 935,710 1,047,053 58,743 304 275,713 252,984 7,096,622 161,805 204,577 398,300 754,279 806,432 1,324,432 1,280,691 1,431,485 291,447 310,266 132,908 4,670,392 447,390 1,260,517 80,373 967,316 1,144,291 770,505 3,519,244 4,845,138 2,797,777 1,031,407 1,766,370 10,541,693 284,913 559,918 134,488 2,265,156 514,192 155,797 264,100 80,886 3,509,051 736,796 528,362 248,261 7,765 401,398 850,610 6,818,205 1,894,973 463,295 4,459,937 782,929 51,448,077 44,317,871 180,543 169,797 10,746 272,621 97,516 42,008 53,864 79,233 3,537,812 11,945,992 4,659,560 1,309,926 9,972 313,549 358,321 990,862 1,091,220 62,237 408 282,986 240,079 7,286,432 183,732 217,982 395,976 777,653 813,164 1,275,979 1,378,635 1,483,632 306,240 316,066 137,373 4,925,741 432,773 1,339,907 68,187 951,943 1,247,916 885,015 3,579,667 5,112,393 3,193,326 1,147,817 2,045,509 11,569,776 288,647 605,764 134,404 2,528,870 570,379 181,444 281,078 83,770 3,763,900 837,055 589,718 269,933 8,574 424,135 1,002,105 7,130,206 1,865,725 494,853 4,769,628 899,328 54,951,395 47,337,009 257,199 249,123 8,076 253,931 72,408 42,862 48,659 90,002 3,676,302 12,152,399 4,842,806 1,353,673 10,975 329,281 368,068 1,031,628 1,139,594 62,552 348 292,276 254,411 7,309,593 202,136 244,624 407,890 768,848 822,662 1,200,417 1,578,005 1,321,590 308,034 321,271 134,116 5,134,356 428,952 1,434,137 79,075 985,381 1,314,584 892,227 3,981,294 5,369,566 3,841,494 1,214,672 2,626,822 12,670,468 326,908 645,431 134,773 2,758,065 592,867 179,563 307,710 88,210 4,222,358 915,656 639,239 286,794 10,802 465,822 1,096,270 7,614,386 1,991,531 504,460 5,118,395 876,806 58,661,660 50,577,026 265,758 258,244 7,514 270,593 70,411 63,802 40,818 95,562 3,809,952 12,921,378 5,174,396 1,428,447 10,989 324,628 399,319 1,122,999 1,244,912 65,833 395 315,574 261,300 7,746,982 223,420 263,572 425,039 812,062 880,732 1,258,835 1,720,760 1,328,625 322,328 358,035 153,574 5,454,683 434,784 1,526,620 90,677 1,094,850 1,379,573 928,179 4,281,569 5,745,328 3,888,128 1,280,860 2,607,268 13,939,637 335,119 735,231 142,507 3,016,190 630,891 212,679 341,931 106,727 4,643,419 1,017,730 699,646 324,275 11,974 514,938 1,206,380 8,084,634 2,117,698 506,812 5,460,124 883,515 61,873,691 53,358,926 275,734 269,124 6,610 272,053 60,611 67,827 49,998 93,617 3,761,028 13,600,530 5,545,754 1,453,258 11,686 328,322 450,231 1,191,964 1,434,461 63,646 210 369,533 242,443 8,054,776 233,326 269,327 424,352 867,802 941,414 1,266,439 1,915,155 1,307,919 327,927 356,634 144,481 5,733,726 449,739 1,583,267 71,549 1,221,702 1,464,371 943,098 4,554,747 5,976,435 3,954,934 1,329,023 2,625,911 15,229,739 352,791 815,100 149,192 3,331,885 657,287 226,316 353,525 110,977 5,095,695 1,124,595 762,217 357,538 13,828 540,454 1,338,339 8,514,765 2,197,522 537,136 5,780,107 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... '-Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services.................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places........................ Personal services........................................ Private households........................................ Business services....................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 33 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] N e b ra s k a M o n ta n a 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ......................................................................................................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 8,922,334 9,092,290 9,587,581 9,985,905 10,426,928 11,3 92,495 19 ,7 78 ,1 94 20,807,873 21,582,999 22,330,859 23,564,488 25 ,271,729 8,851,840 70,494 9,084,916 7,374 9,223,324 364,257 9,548,702 437,203 10,131,424 295,504 10,918,138 474,357 18,459,156 1,319,038 19,107,951 1,699,922 19,616,143 1,966,856 20,404,922 1,925,937 21,686,805 1,877,683 23,424,279 1,847,450 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 823.5 825.5 817.3 809.2 804.6 805.2 1,605.2 1,604.9 1,598.1 1,594.0 1,602.1 1,610.0 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) ......................................................................... 10,835 11,0 15 11,73 0 12,341 12,958 14,149 12,321 12,965 13,505 14,009 14,708 15,697 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus. Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 5,932,899 392,814 12,948 5,553,033 1,825,849 1,543,452 5,950,320 420,788 13,302 5,542,834 1,907,573 1,641,883 6,316,389 447,553 12,118 5,880,954 1,898,659 1,807,968 6,602,446 451,927 10,847 6,161,366 1,935,376 1,889,163 6,842,104 496,900 13,071 6,358,275 2,071,147 1,997,506 7,366,801 548,617 13,652 6,831,836 2,433,098 2,127,561 14,342,765 865,504 -254,867 13,222,394 3,911,716 2,644,084 15,270,821 961,796 -293,114 14,015,911 3,955,511 2,836,451 16,013,444 997,172 -299,829 14,716,443 3,905,392 2,961,164 16,797,115 1,115,170 -285,743 15,396,202 3,862,540 3,072,117 17,849,721 1,254,950 -335,331 16,259,440 4,048,047 3,257,001 18,784,532 1,385,394 -336,930 17,062,208 4,628,991 3,580,530 4,714,358 436,257 782,284 -49,676 831,960 4,764,534 427,207 758,579 -106,193 864,772 4,711,331 413,700 1,191,358 259,166 932,192 4,830,595 435,907 1,335,944 332,463 1,003,481 5,093,357 457,028 1,291,719 197,495 1,094,224 5,334,287 495,605 1,536,909 383,481 1,153,428 10,618,596 987,409 2,736,760 1,121,784 1,614,976 11,148,174 989,677 3,132,970 1,510,745 1,622,225 11,489,730 1,019,054 3,504,660 1,786,035 1,718,625 12,084,370 1,061,382 3,651,363 1,742,701 1,908,662 12,925,093 1,132,284 3,792,344 1,700,384 2,091,960 13,685,062 1,215,341 3,884,129 1,676,332 2,207,797 70,494 5,862,405 4,601,153 49,602 32,512 17,090 246,940 58,925 122,379 38,477 27,159 442,556 559,346 203,504 65,411 51 7,071 32,570 38,029 16,803 40,859 (D) 2,069 (0) 355,842 224,184 3,490 54,266 14,180 9,481 7,363 1,043 2,912 28,663 2,692 7,568 706,323 170,729 216,253 242 47,940 119,521 151,638 375,438 744,399 265,610 132,924 132,686 1,210,939 58,568 58,853 13,842 132,316 74,149 37,133 21,156 4,858 463,268 85,167 29,826 41,139 659 75,963 114,042 1,261,252 312,231 94,635 854,386 7,374 5,942,946 4,617,056 42,270 30,532 11,738 232,679 63,195 108,619 30,928 29,937 424,677 ■ 551,532 202,653 58,515 88 8,481 32,421 39,356 18,034 43,145 (D) 1,881 (0) 348,879 221,062 4,387 49,639 13,580 10,587 7,927 1,371 2,989 26,511 1,788 9,038 694,416 165,355 215,618 239 46,654 103,997 162,553 366,329 739,068 270,770 136,190 134,580 1,295,315 59,793 74,621 13,866 155,863 79,325 32,056 24,038 5,138 495,356 95,128 30,785 42,775 752 77,159 108,660 1,325,890 327,952 97,425 900,513 364,257 5,952,132 4,609,072 34,794 28,004 6,790 201,384 59,978 70,489 39,211 31,706 397,878 549,775 209,581 62,056 (D) 9,369 34,174 40,436 18,814 41,081 (L) 2,165 (0) 340,194 222,560 3,778 42,344 14,263 11,203 3,915 1,239 2,721 26,395 2,236 9,540 697,292 132,055 216,301 192 52,619 120,968 175,157 343,211 718,467 279,564 139,420 140,144 1,386,707 59,783 78,802 13,637 166,544 82,458 34,693 (0) (0) 524,419 111,314 32,060 45,030 (0) 77,098 126,019 1,343,060 321,475 103,252 918,333 437,203 6,165,243 4,767,843 52,190 43,086 9,104 203,151 54,605 62,459 56,878 29,209 360,081 556,956 209,324 63,034 207 7,958 34,594 41,868 18,292 39,679 (L) 2,708 974 347,632 227,027 5,040 45,992 13,544 11,888 3,649 1,334 2,912 22,775 2,654 10,817 692,428 134,491 213,502 191 54,540 120,998 168,706 348,598 730,373 332,633 138,781 193,852 1,491,433 64,443 78,685 13,421 181,161 80,140 36,096 34,664 4,698 580,212 123,737 33,059 50,224 902 79,069 130,922 1,397,400 345,337 111,337 940,726 295,504 6,546,600 5,079,450 51,446 42,782 8,664 235,566 54,589 66,915 81,590 32,472 386,396 575,694 213,235 63,184 72 7,635 33,687 45,392 19,373 41,245 (L) 2,401 236 362,459 228,774 5,330 48,796 13,674 12,539 5,095 2,249 3,515 22,161 3,663 16,663 712,698 129,284 219,410 (0) (0) 124,019 179,122 355,271 794,937 332,763 134,046 198,717 1,634,679 65,525 91,055 14,027 194,373 82,488 42,084 38,933 5,221 633,438 138,945 36,409 61,006 1,017 87,233 142,925 1,467,150 381,875 118,575 966,700 474,357 6,892,444 5,373,742 52,695 43,919 8,776 247,713 55,915 63,116 101,025 27,657 405,222 619,250 215,802 60,172 114 9,845 34,774 48,529 20,567 40,357 (L) 1,600 -166 403,448 244,751 6,057 59,769 15,200 14,400 7,872 2,509 4,123 25,327 4,543 18,897 720,226 126,589 226,476 217 61,853 125,173 179,918 386,504 849,978 313,684 133,584 180,100 1,778,470 68,365 103,001 14,622 220,017 90,751 48,201 42,339 6,826 681,634 145,963 39,392 66,477 1,066 91,759 158,057 1,518,702 394,156 133,145 991,401 1,319,038 13,023,727 10,499,256 100,226 98,707 1,519 68,190 3,084 43,632 -125 21,599 846,693 2,042,917 959,336 558,949 2,666 20,368 34,707 145,908 73,210 6,911 (L) 112,982 3,627 1,083,581 33,110 36,985 51,252 159,113 301,382 232,570 50,819 63,438 55,499 82,174 17,239 1,536,790 530,630 437,687 824 72,867 357,114 137,668 1,047,054 1,374,121 930,291 324,828 605,463 2,552,974 60,936 144,801 38,349 403,890 156,753 76,253 43,268 7,524 916,191 194,072 109,139 79,288 2,505 114,327 205,678 2,524,471 405,914 331,031 1,787,526 1,699,922 13,570,899 10,887,200 88,912 86,703 2,209 77,214 2,505 51,999 (L) 22,747 862,354 2,075,958 1,012,940 586,851 2,680 21,476 37,754 162,261 74,870 6,995 (L) 115,641 4,408 1,063,018 32,819 37,918 50,573 161,520 280,302 226,984 52,470 61,731 57,512 84,667 16,522 1,554,518 533,222 433,840 697 72,413 363,837 150,509 1,063,158 1,423,253 999,006 336,828 662,178 2,742,827 61,782 176,633 38,340 473,390 164,720 66,728 46,192 7,688 962,862 211,147 115,584 82,236 3,277 115,045 217,203 2,683,699 427,042 356,189 1,900,468 1,966,856 14,046,588 11,264,175 86,652 83,362 3,290 52,468 2,649 25,730 316 23,773 839,725 2,109,554 1,057,049 597,944 1,942 24,857 42,590 176,400 77,899 3,817 (L) 124,800 6,793 1,052,505 32,795 40,027 48,200 154,872 284,476 223,841 44,240 64,604 58,419 86,059 14,972 1,561,330 506,901 471,507 635 76,691 364,959 140,637 1,062,475 1,451,584 1,089,563 353,543 736,020 3,010,824 63,825 195,712 37,941 542,345 178,845 79,432 53,037 7,847 1,024,109 249,251 120,076 88,354 3,651 116,479 249,920 2,782,413 433,818 374,984 1,973,611 1,925,937 14,871,178 11,936,032 133,537 130,836 2,701 51,758 (0) 25,233 (D) 23,651 849,969 2,187,623 1,083,807 592,531 2,093 27,212 46,219 189,245 78,008 3,305 (L) 137,230 7,954 1,103,816 35,807 44,113 52,021 162,513 291,827 232,931 44,798 75,049 59,263 91,215 14,279 1,585,232 496,947 525,086 599 88,330 376,956 97,314 1,135,644 1,503,272 1,242,689 366,048 876,641 3,246,308 67,496 207,150 37,637 595,783 183,793 • 77,624 57,644 7,895 1,138,221 259,435 126,038 98,332 3,964 126,811 258,485 2,935,146 459,120 398,660 2,077,366 1,877,683 15,972,038 12,905,768 137,472 134,194 3,278 56,502 (0) 28,682 (0) 24,525 921,850 2,389,257 1,183,656 655,149 2,306 28,835 49,077 206,606 79,209 3,304 (L) 149,103 10,057 1,205,601 38,169 46,580 58,773 170,740 332,972 252,248 47,835 83,085 61,804 99,089 14,306 1,659,416 510,389 576,002 751 98,306 390,924 83,044 1,256,697 1,623,135 1,233,782 377,933 855,849 3,627,657 67,179 242,673 39,769 681,185 192,931 94,568 63,214 8,887 1,257,383 294,285 135,560 108,302 4,337 138,613 298,771 3,066,270 479,526 405,215 2,181,529 1,847,450 16,937,082 13,673,520 143,524 140,427 3,097 54,660 2,273 26,849 1,187 24,351 922,699 2,486,725 1,231,092 693,633 (0) 30,882 50,075 215,910 82,726 (D) (0) 141,419 10,349 1,255,633 39,430 69,312 65,083 150,379 353,406 249,445 50,326 84,168 66,174 110,234 17,676 1,731,099 542,556 608,916 785 102,895 398,952 76,995 1,330,256 1,718,345 1,267,929 387,029 880,900 4,018,283 67,541 272,516 41,625 811,433 209,112 99,429 67,582 8,679 1,365,617 316,433 150,192 121,916 4,780 144,821 336,607 3,263,562 507,458 415,825 2,340,279 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens... ............. Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. 34 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Thousands of dollars]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ N evada 1984 N e w H a m p s h ir e 1985 1986 1987 12,678,389 13,8 01,270 14,931,665 16,476,305 18,563,226 21,086,956 12,634,354 44,035 13,771,831 29,439 14,899,305 32,360 16,422,607 53,698 18,504,334 58,892 21,010,760 76,196 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 13,751,6 80 15,340,216 17,038,567 19,061,934 2 1,10 2 ,5 77 22,486,015 13,716,743 34,937 16,998,219 40,348 1,026.7 19,001,991 59,943 1,056.3 21,038,802 63,775 1,085.2 22,432,576 53,439 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ......................................................................................................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 916.6 936.5 966.2 1,006.2 1,054.3 1,110.5 978.2 15,307,931 32,285 998.9 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 13,832 14 ,73 7 15,454 16,3 75 17,6 08 18,989 14,057 15,357 16,595 18,046 19,445 20,312 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social Insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 9,601,359 422,478 -233,265 8,945,616 2,048,228 1,684,045 10,351,093 477,752 -247,418 9,625,923 2,295,563 1,879,784 11,191,786 546,289 -259,273 10,386,224 2,467,649 2,077,792 12,479,738 587,193 -272,862 11,619,683 2,605,509 2,251,113 14,109,658 687,978 -319,980 13,101,700 2,994,804 2,466,722 15,855,593 798,832 -351,281 14,705,480 3,644,376 2,737,100 9,086,004 510,441 1,285,200 9,860,763 2,281,705 1,609,212 10,204,524 604,116 1,522,517 11,122,925 2,509,510 1,707,781 11,474,551 663,476 1,635,636 12,446,711 2,760,317 1,831,539 13,018,908 724,195 1,849,903 14,144,616 3,004,791 1,912,527 14,415,849 827,137 2,016,242 15,604,954 3,424,512 2,073,111 15,018,385 893,804 2,176,414 16,300,995 3,936,229 2,248,791 8,313,065 601,100 687,194 23,048 664,146 8,986,879 616,722 747,492 8,829 738,663 9,685,619 675,720 830,44) 12,119 818,328 10,754,910 735,798 989,030 32,636 956,394 12,148,201 840,505 1,120,952 37,964 1,082,988 13,633,210 968,091 1,254,292 55,248 1,199,044 7,288,948 778,637 1,018,419 20,539 997,880 8,176,695 829,482 1,198,347 18,072 1,180,275 9,170,367 938,526 1,365,658 26,246 1,339,412 10,233,742 1,016,321 1,768,845 45,132 1,723,713 11,278,886 1,122,743 2,014,220 48,812 1,965,408 11,708,759 1,178,061 2,131,565 38,183 2,093,382 44,035 9,557,324 8,051,261 37,761 31,194 6,567 228,212 (D) (0) 155,591 46,400 754,497 497,890 150,523 35,339 1,497 3,654 3,441 61,611 21,718 1,642 (0) 21,610 (D) 347,367 18,657 5,455 39,824 27,522 58,158 66,244 14,064 15,620 40,662 18,155 42,906 736,837 55,292 117,424 1,220 201,396 184,701 176,799 347,287 1,024,036 428,540 168,996 259,544 3,996,201 1,408,577 110,272 25,995 590,083 98,214 44,170 717,542 6,796 505,622 127,132 14,430 28,930 158 88,403 229,877 1,506,063 271,741 217,307 1,017,015 29,439 10,321,654 8,711,049 43,290 34,421 8,869 231,467 426 35,001 152,272 43,768 809,806 528,477 163,011 36,437 1,787 4,886 2,775 69,319 21,800 2,191 (D) 23,796 (0) 365,466 18,697 6,265 39,308 29,701 68,064 68,159 6,510 17,303 42,749 18,410 50,300 762,478 52,816 120,445 2,636 209,156 183,131 194,294 389,320 1,102,483 472,699 186,944 285,755 4,371,029 1,759,851 132,946 26,701 641,217 107,131 41,459 557,975 7,856 567,494 143,394 16,625 31,342 176 93,177 243,685 1,610,605 286,346 217,203 1,107,056 32,360 11,159,426 9,469,174 45,561 35,857 9,704 244,813 306 14,478 186,312 43,717 926,348 539,373 179,293 37,948 1,767 4,729 2,625 77,201 24,303 1,983 (0) 28,704 (0) 360,080 21,909 7,340 35,556 32,016 66,793 64,174 4,109 7,713 45,743 20,682 54,045 819,439 45,083 129,165 3,203 243,426 183,245 215,317 432,418 1,167,037 533,709 219,135 314,574 4,760,476 1,876,459 136,750 27,279 695,809 121,977 46,632 581,032 8,263 676,380 161,602 18,427 33,454 232 101,998 274,182 1,690,252 295,902 221,421 1,172,929 53,698 12,426,040 10,584,463 55,239 49,041 6,198 315,209 (D) (D) 264,464 35,738 994,944 592,841 203,154 39,169 1,451 4,547 3,116 91,619 24,509 1,035 (L) 37,689 (L) 389,687 25,393 11,585 39,838 33,163 64,802 64,883 8,179 5,710 51,210 23,319 61,605 890,372 39,012 143,058 5,301 276,740 196,420 229,841 497,658 1,284,247 634,723 236,148 398,575 5,319,230 2,125,406 142,606 28,256 754,112 132,940 47,044 615,343 17,179 802,297 192,898 22,191 38,257 723 111,025 288,953 1,841,577 328,676 232,382 1,280,519 58,892 14,050,766 12,060,734 65,419 56,027 9,392 447,823 (D) 76,196 15,779,397 13,561,544 77,831 66,756 11,075 582,095 0 24,254 519,896 37,945 1,564,986 700,554 239,565 40,166 1,262 8,553 1,796 107,723 26,975 887 (L) 52,217 34,937 9,051,067 7,987,978 35,275 25,488 9,787 31,190 0 21,766 (L) 9,435 830,196 2,808,391 809,729 71,401 73,643 34,852 158,777 132,236 26,213 806 (L) 204,613 107,171 1,998,662 100,073 (D) 116,652 159,203 680,514 609,853 23,365 (D) 65,197 172,307 45,164 462,190 15,511 128,983 (0) (D) 161,334 116,514 484,960 1,038,074 443,070 152,416 290,654 1,854,632 84,121 94,663 26,210 353,988 99,960 32,374 46,992 3,881 572,976 108,798 154,796 61,276 1,660 59,371 153,566 1,063,089 188,245 97,528 777,316 32,285 10,172,239 9,013,093 43,435 32,176 11,259 42,723 0 31,873 (L) 10,848 1,048,257 2,997,015 821,206 74,753 70,172 34,049 162,832 148,782 29,163 (D) (0) 215,314 84,583 2,175,809 113,896 (0) 121,774 164,122 772,828 637,250 33,196 (D) 74,249 181,210 46,781 482,310 (0) 135,131 4,141 (D) 160,515 125,414 564,622 1,164,168 510,919 172,511 338,408 2,159,644 92,943 121,473 26,757 451,395 120,941 32,550 52,917 4,647 638,163 124,818 170,508 72,286 1,760 63,954 184,532 1,159,146 201,284 106,097 851,765 40,348 11,434,203 10,171,495 48,148 38,506 9,642 23,713 0 8,791 (U 14,897 1,280,453 3,151,603 838,702 77,735 73,909 33,163 166,209 164,076 32,178 1,813 59,943 12,958,965 11,556,898 67,399 61,693 5,706 28,269 0 (D) (D) 18,864 1,450,168 3,311,196 888,221 82,454 82,388 30,939 186,042 192,120 37,717 1,319 57 205,186 69,999 2,422,975 156,409 33,385 134,205 171,171 877,740 651,608 39,164 1,718 93,577 215,880 48,118 568,734 (0) 173,064 (D) 64,045 169,778 149,242 756,057 1,567,906 856,904 267,027 589,877 2,950,265 117,308 160,944 27,980 654,517 155,556 43,170 73,116 5,854 847,187 175,779 207,299 99,915 2,167 81,213 298,260 1,402,067 229,530 115,413 1,057,124 63,775 14,352,074 12,811,864 76,322 70,467 5,855 36,933 0 (D) (D) 21,167 1,577,193 3,537,882 951,834 87,320 87,950 30,614 192,673 218,099 43,642 1,600 96 222,482 67,358 2,586,048 158,650 34,927 152,286 191,153 940,705 683,690 35,549 1,942 101,630 231,186 54,330 626,197 (0) 189,325 4,655 (0) 190,446 163,453 843,667 1,757,347 922,943 298,436 624,507 3,433,380 126,693 194,792 30,251 791,845 171,146 50,781 83,656 6,907 986,685 204,423 225,785 116,014 2,581 94,673 347,148 1,540,210 250,612 113,939 1,175,659 53,439 14,964,946 13,253,649 79,368 73,716 5,652 33,417 0 16,440 113 16,864 1,441,760 3,627,612 959,392 88,835 93,577 (D) 198,822 216,957 (0) 1,726 1,107.1 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor Income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by Industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other’ ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, Insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. M ilitary....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables, (0 ) 389,305 34,610 1,248,011 655,728 225,803 41,214 1,281 7,563 2,852 98,866 25,535 1,291 (L) 47,218 (L) 429,925 30,273 13,154 41,910 40,326 68,786 52,287 9,513 5,411 64,010 28,030 76,225 970,694 38,827 156,242 6,013 301,799 213,551 254,262 576,928 1,433,106 655,416 •256,847 398,569 6,007,609 2,525,697 167,809 31,224 864,691 146,759 56,201 548,569 14,319 910,391 214,361 26,506 41,764 1,198 129,506 328,614 1,990,032 353,564 226,396 1,410,072 (L ) 460,989 32,098 19,295 44,651 47,393 60,659 31,680 12,972 9,603 70,868 57,949 73,821 1,062,167 40,320 175,106 4,133 326,512 238,011 278,085 669,906 1,585,927 713,402 269,576 443,826 6,604,676 2,763,149 199,241 34,281 977,498 168,137 62,519 520,465 13,487 1,024,943 234,848 29,519 49,105 1,377 143,252 382,855 2,217,853 384,732 267,989 1,565,132 1 (u 212,467 77,138 2,312,901 135,797 30,578 122,112 164,059 844,286 641,048 39,596 1,587 82,857 202,964 48,017 523,918 (D) 155,086 5,013 (D) 158,383 145,325 637,012 1,361,971 625,365 211,150 414,215 2,519,312 100,321 141,697 27,313 541,509 140,577 41,040 62,206 4,879 720,504 151,651 188,972 85,470 2,135 66,945 244,093 1,262,708 206,390 112,189 944,129 ai ¡22,467 68,160 2,668,220 144,832 31,512 155,634 197,413 967,039 725,169 37,475 1,841 105,502 245,560 56,243 639,548 5,580 186,326 4,763 79,209 179,726 183,944 891,421 1,811,957 909,346 309,839 599,507 3,819,220 123,940 221,835 32,149 894,818 184,312 55,944 91,063 7,104 1,123,736 223,871 245,414 130,509 2,906 100,741 380,878 1,711,297 275,760 118,786 1,316,751 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 35 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] New 1984 Je r s e y New 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 M e x ic o 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... 123,6 02,112 133,333,392 143 ,1 10 ,319 155,737,430 171,76 2 ,9 74 183,622,398 14,978,694 16,238,244 16,889,851 17,7 61,326 18,789,055 20,165,315 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 123,353,535 248,577 133,063,690 269,702 142,842,239 268,080 171,455,523 307,451 183,319,414 302,984 14,807,044 171,650 15,995,910 242,334 16,631,399 258,452 17,482,532 278,794 18,483,643 305,412 19,844,149 321,166 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 7,511.3 7,561.0 7,625.3 155,440,842 296,588 7,674.4 7,721.1 7,739.3 1,427.2 1,451.3 1,477.4 1,496.1 1,507.0 1,525.2 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 16,455 17,6 34 18,768 20,293 22,246 23,726 10,495 11,18 8 11,4 32 11 ,8 72 12,468 13,221 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less-. Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence....................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 80,834,163 4,967,495 10,396,926 86,263,594 22,481,111 14,857,407 87,750,982 5,639,322 11,567,422 93,679,082 24,059,511 15,594,799 95,142,565 6,520,327 12,824,724 101,446,962 25,171,327 16,492,030 105,148,106 7,175,422 13,753,079 111,725,763 26,471,025 17,540,642 115,735,530 8,198,813 15,425,278 122,961,995 30,090,449 18,710,530 121,766,841 8,897,832 15,624,176 128,493,185 34,347,771 20,781,442 10,937,665 653,370 3,318 10,287,613 2,341,417 2,349,664 11,745,414 725,017 3,753 11,024,150 2,650,758 2,563,336 12,108,123 782,697 8,142 11,333,568 2,792,274 2,764,009 12,722,022 818,724 19,329 11,922,627 2,860,925 2,977,774 13,405,143 902,237 19,660 12,522,566 3,029,060 3,237,429 14,136,245 983,251 17,917 13,170,911 3,509,448 3,484,956 67,321,315 6,843,096 6,669,752 180,314 6,489,438 72,954,220 7,003,521 7,793,241 203,207 7,590,034 79,252,259 7,490,954 8,399,352 203,223 8,196,129 87,184,215 8,010,217 9,953,674 229,016 9,724,658 95,877,670 8,690,484 11,167,376 240,199 10,927,177 100,734,892 9,182,467 11,849,482 235,522 11,613,960 9,049,223 850,392 1,038,050 108,312 929,738 9,670,536 879,498 1,195,380 180,523 1,014,857 9,933,441 894,910 1,279,772 197,944 1,081,828 10,353,552 900,988 1,467,482 215,824 1,251,658 10,865,541 975,499 1,564,103 243,026 1,321,077 11,422,437 1,054,317 1,659,491 258,848 1,400,643 248,577 80,585,586 69,288,670 266,446 252,683 13,763 246,198 847 186,112 3,504 55,735 4,733,289 19,991,413 10,454,626 1,386,454 325,444 728,412 893,263 1,450,967 4,180,825 536,896 13,247 861,208 77,910 9,536,787 134,295 242,142 663,596 1,343,802 1,713,630 2,723,834 149,598 392,468 677,998 987,775 507,649 6,985,602 95,158 1,839,911 602,875 1,045,017 2,335,112 1,067,529 7,023,194 7,381,141 4,356,628 1,327,034 3,029,594 18,304,759 1,192,780 630,458 218,195 5,718,164 646,924 379,768 338,701 60,433 4,858,658 1,167,567 626,649 329,817 4,373 572,640 1,559,632 11,296,916 2,255,896 543,558 8,497,462 269,702 87,481,280 75,392,157 312,947 284,480 28,467 332,682 (0) 269,849 (0) 59,560 5,392,216 20,608,516 10,946,109 1,476,038 336,628 718,553 897,018 1,639,695 4,399,633 528,091 11,750 860,174 78,529 9,662,407 154,509 259,848 637,962 1,395,687 1,783,751 2,703,288 161,608 353,412 683,585 1,039,485 489,272 7,427,647 90,637 1,932,333 614,065 1,164,063 2,478,695 1,147,854 7,559,857 8,077,361 4,962,222 1,500,281 3,461,941 20,718,709 1,332,590 771,656 219,699 6,794,662 728,148 386,375 405,531 68,787 5,328,961 1,310,660 674,254 384,894 4,763 609,297 1,698,432 12,089,123 2,322,327 550,862 9,215,934 268,080 94,874,485 81,992,869 348,966 310,460 38,506 151,294 (0) 79,110 0» 69,110 6,122,348 21,288,485 11,372,563 1,593,483 333,925 741,014 871,923 1,727,818 4,614,314 536,639 10,629 867,142 75,676 9,915,922 173,279 274,452 659,774 1,433,686 1,810,942 2,786,506 160,465 296,708 716,502 1,107,021 496,587 8,005,268 97,815 2,080,764 649,258 1,277,045 2,706,647 1,193,739 8,210,760 8,905,773 5,910,723 1,789,694 4,121,029 23,049,252 1,415,745 844,286 219,878 7,567,006 810,042 437,940 451,479 76,134 5,898,444 1,492,233 730,517 440,070 5,453 670,620 1,989,405 12,881,616 2,303,225 582,110 9,996,281 296,588 104,851,518 90,896,950 454,892 421,193 33,699 167,684 (D) 83,278 (0) 79,577 7,000,666 22,089,688 11,883,814 1,645,402 355,718 744,639 880,643 1,868,927 4,842,343 564,968 10,333 895,004 75,837 10,205,874 196,488 267,221 664,323 1,411,257 1,821,907 2,875,389 179,854 369,516 738,331 1,154,369 527,219 8,514,438 (D) 2,258,002 572,661 (D) 2,964,808 1,200,316 9,205,360 9,738,662 7,740,204 2,077,435 5,662,769 25,985,356 1,580,349 896,116 220,180 8,562,346 865,144 464,255 508,941 81,016 6,783,880 1,722,478 798,732 486,253 5,617 761,735 2,248,314 13,954,568 2,405,618 582,558 10,966,392 307,451 115,428,079 100,199,928 496,118 454,603 41,515 234,256 (D) 139,747 (0) 89,234 7,881,919 23,510,421 12,884,966 1,749,911 376,110 767,147 928,251 2,038,903 5,451,094 581,008 (0) 905,887 (D) 10,625,455 199,787 257,209 696,434 1,450,173 1,980,250 2,876,262 208,895 370,408 760,289 1,237,161 588,587 9,166,381 (D) 2,449,641 540,686 (D) 3,224,799 1,320,227 10,322,178 10,689,734 8,212,947 2,309,107 5,903,840 29,685,974 1,716,006 1,031,656 233,049 9,815,606 979,291 499,831 602,177 114,659 7,835,546 2,013,513 865,354 562,619 6,479 865,731 2,544,457 15,228,151 2,538,772 584,214 12,105,165 302,984 121,463,857 105,078,747 518,434 475,573 42,861 250,244 (0) 146,935 (0) 97,244 7,904,028 23,737,551 13,231,127 1,816,211 386,095 750,147 927,510 2,098,146 5,680,340 599,322 8,010 895,478 69,868 10,506,424 180,656 241,581 708,678 1,432,394 1,973,982 2,798,665 191,624 345,614 748,722 1,281,643 602,865 9,277,198 108,921 2,577,997 500,078 1,653,333 3,078,406 1,358,463 11,009,871 11,082,282 8,652,244 2,516,434 6,135,810 32,646,895 1,845,177 1,152,906 243,591 10,712,986 1,058,947 531,826 625,617 130,741 8,794,015 2,222,787 918,138 648,657 7,904 957,551 2,796,052 16,385,110 2,698,269 587,410 13,099,431 171,650 10,766,015 7,863,738 45,714 42,329 3,385 696,513 (0) (0) 130,973 75,422 924,817 779,939 238,845 70,159 15,540 19,567 2,819 62,036 21,703 40,002 (L) 2,204 4,806 541,094 47,980 6,121 43,474 23,760 65,826 151,020 74,920 26,460 56,374 25,480 19,679 927,947 104,627 197,545 (i) 80,270 212,217 333,243 487,037 1,183,150 467,122 217,094 250,028 2,351,499 106,574 99,118 45,428 701,974 112,009 45,733 44,181 11,537 595,535 143,723 44,640 57,503 774 118,586 224,184 2,902,277 715,797 368,087 1,818,393 242,334 11,503,080 8,395,077 46,521 43,649 2,872 703,160 (D) 412,679 116,084 (0) 942,741 849,511 251,948 72,751 16,064 19,301 2,447 68,587 19,323 45,811 ID 3,343 4,317 597,563 49,551 7,358 37,989 28,288 67,758 173,279 92,796 33,240 60,881 28,749 17,674 959,357 98,666 203,460 204 83,088 214,770 359,169 525,887 1,257,142 513,275 239,061 274,214 2,597,483 107,967 122,296 46,197 797,620 126,287 45,831 48,457 11,537 648,787 165,047 47,067 61,068 978 123,831 244,513 3,108,003 757,918 392,747 1,957,338 258,452 11,849,671 8,618,425 46,690 44,138 2,552 558,530 (D) (0) 83,731 59,143 931,377 888,205 257,678 76,046 17,959 20,193 2,424 70,386 17,460 43,427 (L) 4,791 4,985 630,527 53,498 6,679 41,578 26,437 64,222 120,023 106,889 29,251 58,664 101,915 21,371 973,939 95,191 200,479 247 87,592 210,816 379,614 520,113 1,306,959 554,798 252,849 301,949 2,837,814 113,581 128,706 46,741 869,473 129,712 47,818 54,718 16,864 710,369 180,112 47,669 62,463 1,206 136,139 292,243 3,231,246 761,280 408,965 2,061,001 278,794 12,443,228 9,014,602 58,457 56,832 1,625 508,461 100,284 268,148 79,663 60,366 881,985 922,064 255,330 75,778 16,717 22,733 2,283 73,373 17,054 35,865 (L) 6,126 5,391 666,734 53,124 9,839 40,432 25,121 62,033 132,377 114,698 34,679 55,099 113,298 26,034 1,006,890 93,590 208,071 283 95,056 223,979 385,911 548,620 1,357,850 646,174 259,693 386,481 3,084,101 122,929 135,580 47,092 936,723 134,847 45,050 60,666 9,848 794,109 201,228 53,211 67,780 1,398 149,218 324,422 3,428,626 798,829 422,917 2,206,880 305,412 13,099,731 9,555,866 62,765 60,978 1,787 529,789 99,792 285,329 76,303 68,365 899,386 1,020,305 263,320 74,917 16,108 24,124 2,548 77,664 17,062 38,387 (L) 7,169 5,331 756,985 53,207 10,764 51,736 24,951 83,718 160,642 119.192 51,365 55,558 112,019 33,833 1,023,150 94,025 230,611 282 102,898 225,870 369,464 581,800 1,436,132 608,038 262,957 345,081 3,394,501 126,250 151,304 50,001 1,048,291 138,977 49,887 65,517 10,244 877,141 225,555 59,175 79,246 1,694 167,331 343,888 3,543,865 852,145 412,972 2,278,748 321,166 13,815,079 10,049,989 63,646 61,620 2,026 535,148 96,820 282,388 77,810 78,130 898,094 1,107,568 281,120 78,572 16,427 28,255 3,073 79,519 18,349 40,941 (L) 10,066 5,908 826,448 54,890 10,916 55,607 24,862 89,954 179,095 117,096 65,568 59,829 130,102 38,529 1,047,404 96,002 248,191 391 111,662 230,809 360,349 606,942 1,497,870 604,526 264,765 339,761 3,688,791 131,195 170,517 52,817 1,137,131 148,484 55,320 69,518 10,295 941,698 244,330 71,362 87,166 2,297 180,470 386,191 3,765,090 941,895 414,054 2,409,141 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc plastic products.................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate*.............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services...................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. 36 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] N e w Y o rk 1984 1985 263,536,530 262,980,247 556,283 N o r t h C a ro lin a 1986 19 8 7 1988 1989 280,266,119 297,9 01,426 319,229,483 347,942,221 373,682,411 279,694,930 571,189 297,251,799 649,627 318,530,714 698,769 372,841,159 841,252 17,713.1 17,746.3 17,805.1 17,835.6 347,242,287 699,934 17,909.4 17,950.8 14,878 15,793 16 ,7 31 17,898 19,428 20,8 17 194,740,278 12,511,953 -12,462,241 169,766,084 49,209,568 44,560,878 210,475,590 14,142,992 -13,783,469 182,549,129 51,160,225 46,556,765 227,288,764 15,895,283 -14,956,454 196,437,027 52,615,212 48,849,187 247,036,310 17,114,405 -15,916,296 214,005,609 53,980,926 51,242,948 268,969,496 19,297,979 -17,559,503 232,112,014 61,209,696 54,620,511 161,976,271 15,159,054 17,604,953 310,616 17,294,337 174,869,926 15,491,683 20,113,981 326,792 19,787,189 188,973,076 16,483,658 21,832,030 407,128 21,424,902 204,405,210 16,942,061 25,689,039 443,286 25,245,753 556,283 194,183,995 165,300,248 568,753 409,136 159,617 705,406 8,889 543,746 39,498 113,273 8,808,289 37,096,793 15,416,787 2,242,110 597,506 2,553,131 1,258,346 4,477,180 2,219,506 959,491 131,786 650,218 327,513 21,680,006 276,602 396,456 1,133,916 1,788,867 5,161,116 4,381,196 1,333,218 1,197,581 935,297 4,006,603 1,069,154 14,628,585 614,072 1,972,007 577,683 3,860,482 5,352,299 2,252,042 14,290,458 15,032,868 23,824,243 7,803,274 16,020,969 50,344,853 1,084,961 1,452,363 912,090 11,205,834 1,189,965 665,259 1,330,117 961,091 13,215,705 5,834,232 3,206,163 2,014,882 135,147 1,807,414 5,329,630 28,883,747 4,231,379 672,371 23,979,997 571,189 209,904,401 179,009,451 624,756 443,239 181,517 881,398 5,883 726,590 30,467 118,458 10,174,457 38,304,791 15,757,921 2,320,544 603,603 2,520,183 1,239,644 4,767,551 2,308,517 897,933 131,514 675,054 293,378 22,546,870 294,684 428,148 1,002,855 1,859,432 5,304,328 4,504,596 1,442,435 1,410,764 923,616 4,346,122 1,029,890 15,131,661 634,000 2,005,541 571,364 4,007,151 5,502,488 2,411,117 15,399,788 16,179,942 26,420,025 8,165,189 18,254,836 55,892,633 1,161,670 1,740,465 913,995 12,788,305 1,336,415 672,901 1,531,861 1,112,364 14,476,328 6,427,269 3,505,526 2,254,288 150,017 1,907,722 5,913,507 30,894,950 4,432,245 725,380 25,737,325 649,627 226,639,137 193,071,925 678,920 478,257 200,663 443,815 6,665 286,255 25,478 125,417 11,703,822 38,841,182 15,929,083 2,343,010 600,977 2,507,913 1,237,537 5,031,261 2,358,412 733,547 112,183 721,024 283,219 22,912,099 321,008 464,338 972,394 1,861,898 5,281,221 4,640,536 1,496,436 1,389,127 986,198 4,446,893 1,052,050 15,216,605 618,461 2,151,521 516,946 4,151,922 5,272,603 2,505,152 16,058,621 17,541,785 30,765,380 9,236,446 21,528,934 61,821,795 1,231,296 1,881,876 909,272 14,222,220 1,441,647 116,600 1,758,342 1,126,739 15,589,009 7,403,711 3,820,271 2,590,923 168,956 1,955,388 7,005,545 33,567,212 4,437,297 771,589 28,358,326 698,769 246,337,541 209,968,155 818,588 607,556 211,032 446,629 2,607 274,201 39,562 130,259 12,823,180 38,783,376 16,166,890 2,392,031 614,829 2,554,244 1,314,254 5,477,764 2,393,769 266,958 77,112 794,277 281,652 22,616,486 362,626 499,527 899,735 1,877,832 4,977,876 4,735,587 1,504,458 1,280,811 1,026,757 4,352,225 1,099,052 15,940,584 633,659 2,337,757 484,390 4,382,137 5,484,739 2,617,902 17,181,748 18,706,707 37,152,109 10,060,099 27,092,010 68,115,234 1,419,996 1,984,823 905,828 15,471,784 1,590,735 723,317 2,011,773 1,285,777 17,503,102 8,167,293 4,090,271 2,860,539 183,363 2,192,701 7,723,932 36,369,386 4,666,909 855,875 30,846,602 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 67,850,775 72,986,599 78,788,266 66,341,331 1,509,444 77,467,242 1,321,024 6,169.0 71,760,321 1,226,278 6,260.7 85,211,558 92,885,530 100,417,638 83,827,175 1,384,383 98,634,212 1,783,426 6,407.5 91,327,729 1,557,801 6,487.4 6,325.0 10,999 11,658 12,457 13,299 14,318 15,287 281,746,888 20,743,311 -17,851,524 243,152,053 70,212,172 60,318,186 52,104,714 3,039,471 -37,000 49,028,243 9,200,541 9,621,991 56,116,874 3,451,122 -117,695 52,548,057 10,089,971 10,348,571 60,919,111 3,762,131 -180,722 56,976,258 10,738,676 11,073,332 66,606,288 3,979,261 -259,097 62,367,930 11,144,936 11,698,692 72,542,334 4,477,917 -313,219 67,751,198 12,479,368 12,654,964 77,465,205 4,943,466 -369,448 72,152,291 14,363,302 13,902,045 222,127,817 18,086,120 28,755,559 443,606 28,311,953 231,977,101 19,069,374 30,700,413 580,065 30,120,348 42,568,107 3,995,871 5,540,736 1,275,295 4,265,441 46,184,364 4,114,991 5,817,519 993,904 4,823,615 49,844,937 4,479,543 6,594,631 1,090,553 5,504,078 54,518,961 4,791,703 7,295,624 1,140,468 6,155,156 59,161,284 5,222,955 8,158,095 1,311,697 6,846,398 62,987,579 5,629,915 8,847,711 1,532,462 7,315,249 699,934 268,269,562 228,783,433 898,867 671,941 226,926 628,921 2,982 439,864 41,139 144,936 13,964,604 41,198,308 17,483,016 2,493,206 595,375 2,681,144 1,352,181 6,112,081 2,649,880 310,919 94,863 914,026 279,341 23,715,292 407,684 526,126 926,536 2,006,813 5,337,978 4,883,726 1,449,149 1,289,781 1,102,654 4,601,709 1,183,136 16,748,737 647,181 2,508,748 437,281 4,591,687 5,800,081 2,763,759 18,692,919 20,165,687 40,428,005 11,315,408 29,112,597 76,057,385 1,513,501 2,287,887 957,388 17,231,354 1,662,111 838,978 2,365,211 1,395,817 19,589,007 9,246,426 4,430,377 3,168,216 208,091 2,430,605 8,732,416 39,486,129 5,037,653 926,848 33,521,628 841,252 280,905,636 238,022,690 939,799 703,244 236,555 640,261 3,065 449,726 36,231 151,239 14,315,827 41,642,103 17,533,350 2,511,562 628,617 2,679,375 1,424,775 6,042,556 2,607,103 315,421 106,963 938,766 278,212 24,108,753 433,277 528,257 1,020,098 2,030,635 5,218,036 4,820,989 1,389,083 1,522,057 1,153,003 4,789,703 1,203,615 16,856,446 677,251 2,608,035 427,382 4,863,593 5,357,006 2,923,179 19,276,622 21,078,763 40,284,808 11,799,197 28,485,611 82,988,061 1,539,463 2,485,410 1,000,924 18,545,517 1,750,873 881,364 2,548,102 1,569,395 21,595,762 10,216,822 4,763,518 3,614,940 225,277 2,582,589 9,668,105 42,882,946 5,260,775 1,014,717 36,607,454 1,509,444 50,595,270 41,931,519 209,560 181,651 27,909 188,749 795 76,215 207 111,532 3,214,997 16,044,402 9,049,243 807,761 3,510,812 1,041,178 599,901 458,665 1,035,370 19,768 843,059 676,122 56,607 6,995,159 628,441 1,331,759 299,267 608,328 1,495,272 1,385,521 87,193 415,737 408,680 234,663 100,298 3,592,515 210,788 1,346,833 22,252 393,026 793,817 825,799 3,074,624 5,302,176 2,139,914 895,463 1,244,451 8,164,582 245,439 500,511 357,259 1,387,960 436,241 254,985 145,321 34,822 2,378,579 458,067 556,597 213,513 4,195 347,162 843,931 8,663,751 1,228,236 1,822,299 5,613,216 1,226,278 54,890,596 45,428,794 254,550 204,807 49,743 237,190 485 117,758 531 118,416 3,780,204 16,613,736 9,210,205 857,664 3,394,486 993,928 648,342 518,190 1,108,337 21,025 913,441 701,107 53,685 7,403,531 655,266 1,356,878 278,228 619,849 1,619,284 1,524,552 96,951 463,117 437,622 244,339 107,445 3,849,376 209,548 1,379,611 28,567 470,583 820,773 940,294 3,455,508 5,754,806 2,358,253 987,569 1,370,684 9,125,171 263,416 619,875 362,626 1,693,802 496,698 238,102 166,755 35,999 2,593,307 514,246 604,807 239,581 4,906 341,955 949,096 9,461,802 1,321,702 1,919,781 6,220,319 1,321,024 59,598,087 49,428,125 268,404 215,249 53,155 156,233 469 33,038 378 122,348 4,248,649 17,885,061 10,089,995 923,121 3,744,703 1,046,244 685,456 568,502 1,320,801 23,321 983,743 739,000 55,104 7,795,066 761,867 1,454,197 305,438 651,378 1,681,608 1,497,414 103,334 495,682 472,470 252,699 118,979 4,193,487 193,256 1,451,704 26,697 556,312 871,039 1,094,479 3,666,530 6,185,433 2,722,017 1,118,999 1,603,018 10,102,311 285,894 680,004 364,418 1,953,186 537,613 268,660 193,683 45,117 2,864,878 594,138 657,628 270,628 5,550 352,111 1,028,803 10,169,962 1,352,484 1,960,693 6,856,785 1,384,383 65,221,905 54,304,298 367,260 317,803 49,457 173,809 242 34,496 1,035 138,036 4,523,372 19,169,560 10,934,775 1,025,497 4,108,034 1,060,880 725,809 611,157 1,401,597 25,216 1,082,667 837,785 56,133 8,234,785 787,279 1,599,723 306,340 651,991 1,770,540 1,531,145 125,371 534,626 503,324 294,738 129,708 4,586,126 172,516 1,587,268 26,524 687,278 965,587 1,146,953 4,091,740 6,643,857 3,422,290 1,279,230 2,143,060 11,326,284 313,677 732,272 367,072 2,278,961 576,056 277,339 225,370 44,580 3,327,496 649,182 733,431 307,785 6,126 382,925 1,104,012 10,917,607 1,421,203 2,037,765 7,458,639 1,557,801 70,984,533 59,246,652 404,443 344,022 60,421 206,044 292 56,566 1,427 147,759 4,945,296 20,549,536 11,677,542 1,107,609 4,251,388 1,097,141 770,302 679,022 1,609,478 27,598 1,185,911 886,792 62,301 8,871,994 808,548 1,677,834 346,429 694,142 1,941,388 1,625,892 149,883 601,126 549,531 334,338 142,883 4,900,128 185,615 1,697,333 28,939 822,981 998,075 1,167,185 4,496,628 7,348,133 3,441,738 1,383,017 2,058,721 12,954,706 344,588 830,528 391,326 2,632,480 615,635 326,243 254,770 35,572 3,913,822 744,011 815,066 355,455 6,839 412,483 1,275,888 11,737,881 1,593,125 2,042,304 8,102,452 1,783,426 75,681,779 63,001,830 424,366 363,081 61,285 216,630 315 60,000 1,626 154,689 4,997,851 21,450,008 12,157,805 1,128,033 4,352,211 1,192,353 791,275 732,971 1,810,176 27,818 1,157,185 903,432 62,351 9,292,203 812,327 1,667,581 388,617 729,175 2,181,161 1,697,613 142,213 638,589 594,965 293,115 146,847 5,179,331 186,627 1,737,436 31,999 982,266 1,037,959 1,203,044 4,903,804 7,798,282 3,585,941 1,490,664 2,095,277 14,445,617 369,487 938,399 413,150 2,970,623 675,871 351,994 290,094 39,277 4,382,417 833,980 911,103 413,752 7,502 425,131 1,422,837 12,679,949 1,665,106 2,152,057 8,862,786 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal income.............................................. Nonfarm personal Income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent2............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 6,568.8 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm........................................................... Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.. ........................ Tobacco manufactures............ ................... Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households....................................... Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 37 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] O hio N o rth D a kota 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 9,037,057 8,452,595 584,462 134,761,491 133,759,351 1,002,140 141,971,547 141,002,201 969,346 148,974,900 148,109,409 865,491 157,249,818 156,318,248 931,570 168,342,741 167,549,353 793,388 179,381,445 178,425,536 955,909 667.0 12,487 660.0 13,693 10,744.0 12,543 10,747.4 13,210 10,778.1 13,822 10,815.5 14,539 10,854.5 15,509 10,896.9 16,462 6,056,089 390,577 -175,222 5,490,290 1,584,468 1,452,238 5,891,693 430,281 -188,402 5,273,010 1,575,457 1,480,526 6,327,211 470,302 -193,372 5,663,537 1,752,780 1,620,740 98,006,543 6,417,100 -711,512 90,877,931 21,825,963 22,057,597 103,671,094 7,135,551 -844,002 95,691,541 22,775,103 23,504,903 108,813,913 7,634,160 -862,855 100,316,898 23,573,279 25,084,723 115,479,678 8,023,876 -827,413 106,628,389 23,944,617 26,676,812 124,084,598 8,899,977 -860,874 114,323,747 25,821,547 28,197,447 130,328,900 9,687,122 -896,195 119,745,583 29,376,516 30,259,346 4,158,815 329,085 1,370,891 709,269 661,622 4,314,723 332,645 1,408,721 695,803 712,918 4,480,905 348,529 1,062,259 292,168 770,091 4,650,582 369,975 1,306,654 506,026 800,628 81,200,856 8,702,150 8,103,537 830,174 7,273,363 86,344,829 8,747,754 8,578,511 800,804 7,777,707 90,356,571 9,161,297 9,296,045 699,931 8,596,114 95,810,708 9,181,518 10,487,452 759,535 9,727,917 103,074,039 9,756,130 11,254,429 623,341 10,631,088 107,978,381 10,348,427 12,002,092 785,866 11,216,226 778,760 5,080,031 3,872,966 27,523 27,019 504 153,681 56,960 86,173 -8 2 10,630 343,699 335,247 186,430 92,727 9,107 3,304 (0) 40,141 3,139 16,807 770,406 5,285,683 4,033,408 40,545 39,927 618 135,004 52,508 71,895 (0) (0) 344,393 351,425 188,946 95,038 8,641 4,279 1,404 39,732 3,892 16,580 (1) 19,280 96 162,479 6,958 6,293 (L) 20,126 66,206 7,091 15,378 14,458 15,308 1,811 8,874 573,663 86,179 150,538 121 31,911 100,577 204,337 481,289 565,612 307,427 140,468 166,959 1,234,050 33,491 91,134 14,246 106,922 54,393 25,285 17,996 1,945 591,684 61,059 26,963 42,445 586 68,116 97,785 1,252,275 240,776 258,327 753,172 368,052 5,523,641 4,238,574 40,401 40,101 300 142,280 53,965 77,851 242 10,222 337,379 375,600 187,454 99,147 10,227 5,306 1,411 41,484 4,669 17,159 (L) 8,054 584,462 5,742,749 4,397,987 41,205 41,142 63 143,105 56,123 75,695 262 11,025 331,807 391,631 185,265 98,386 8,116 5,777 1,511 42,771 3,407 17,805 (0) 7,509 (0) 206,366 11,038 6,688 -870 23,415 84,013 19,754 18,182 18,709 15,414 2,185 7,838 616,374 88,806 160,660 156 38,024 109,486 219,242 522,561 615,798 305,488 142,747 162,741 1,430,018 36,608 113,676 15,319 132,892 57,306 29,747 21,118 2,384 672,459 69,079 30,674 54,806 987 76,168 116,795 1,344,762 268;496 269,322 806,944 1,002,140 97,004,403 84,546,701 316,937 300,822 16,115 1,139,002 520,203 508,213 -1,580 112,166 4,821,655 33,425,887 9,607,068 1,610,040 96,538 265,057 1,045,612 1,493,448 2,084,936 431,085 2,208 2,496,167 81,977 23,818,819 291,953 320,074 3,991,348 3,981,631 4,808,872 2,440,633 1,734,217 3,904,782 1,485,417 555,923 303,969 6,437,601 624,984 2,180,736 106,716 518,719 1,660,378 1,346,068 6,055,176 9,081,797 4,399,750 1,666,701 2,733,049 18,868,896 311,270 871,514 248,629 2,872,145 688,369 290,584 445,288 43,984 7,328,028 1,286,692 801,921 562,126 33,247 873,778 2,211,321 12,457,702 2,406,023 447,870 9,603,809 969,346 102,701,748 89,423,901 318,262 311,507 6,755 1,159,445 489,167 558,138 -1,098 113,238 5,045,621 34,768,926 9,950,938 1,641,268 98,030 267,882 1,096,630 1,593,267 2,178,040 467,365 2,194 2,533,381 72,881 24,817,988 329,707 319,098 3,828,762 4,189,831 4,959,168 2,508,581 1,987,113 4,280,718 1,523,895 580,049 311,066 6,486,340 621,198 2,151,411 105,703 547,051 1,601,993 1,458,984 6,501,513 9,663,202 4,708,459 1,766,667 2,941,792 20,772,133 339,404 1,062,249 248,602 3,407,503 775,773 291,804 504,121 44,735 7,855,098 1,398,250 862,716 614,578 36,122 904,037 2,427,141 13,277,847 2,531,793 525,701 10,220,353 865,491 107,948,422 94,015,284 329,116 326,057 3,059 914,354 469,274 313,760 -178 131,498 5,368,441 35,343,752 10,422,201 1,728,432 107,678 269,047 1,153,233 1,698,673 2,300,325 463,686 2,170 2,627,865 71,092 24,921,551 379,434 336,053 3,643,007 4,225,661 4,895,913 2,548,134 2,210,817 4,231,758 1,536,865 596,704 317,205 6,788,275 613,891 2,202,491 105,574 617,121 1,667,536 1,581,662 6,754,184 10,250,788 5,295,990 1,935,909 3,360,081 22,970,384 346,941 1,130,157 247,026 3,809,228 840,599 318,536 553,481 46,496 8,469,023 1,585,295 928,858 669,490 39,339 928,134 3,057,781 13,933,138 2,516,851 510,040 10,906,247 931,570 114,548,108 99,706,064 425,869 422,916 2,953 863,574 (0) (0) 12,872 132,380 5,954,343 35,663,264 10,798,603 1,761,002 106,489 260,532 1,183,643 1,802,149 2,416,642 509,133 2,226 2,687,421 69,366 24,864,661 431,661 348,274 3,721,448 4,135,014 4,887,999 2,545,721 2,160,294 4,161,068 1,508,500 617,843 346,839 6,988,254 554,998 2,312,774 106,794 662,612 1,718,103 1,632,973 7,199,736 10,696,760 6,541,161 2,088,837 4,452,324 25,373,103 390,146 1,198,979 246,721 4,349,575 892,388 349,546 600,431 49,462 9,443,537 1,721,576 1,003,956 736,062 43,928 1,021,192 3,325,604 14,842,044 2,664,853 534,897 11,642,294 793,388 123,291,210 107,225,259 455,318 453,026 2,292 840,193 366,408 319,623 13,595 140,567 6,560,750 37,879,759 11,435,952 1,885,927 111,554 268,546 1,253,931 1,954,511 2,624,503 501,688 2,346 2,748,227 84,719 26,443,807 483,950 381,689 4,119,149 4,360,977 5,269,097 2,605,714 1,949,140 4,657,194 1,555,380 683,768 377,749 7,383,048 568,558 2,465,175 113,308 736,329 1,768,937 1,730,741 7,840,856 11,572,844 6,676,268 2,212,169 4,464,099 28,016,223 421,546 1,350,031 260,352 4,831,680 948,590 402,501 687,921 57,500 10,317,757 1,953,372 1,081,964 803,261 47,382 1,118,719 3,733,647 16,065,951 2,812,261 547,689 12,706,001 955,909 129,372,991 112,396,391 487,792 486,101 1,691 833,050 365,487 306,753 14,597 146,213 6,885,278 39,037,095 11,785,060 1,908,245 118,767 266,947 1,278,819 2,062,477 2,736,413 495,956 144 2,840,136 77,156 27,252,035 487,126 386,370 4,268,573 4,441,703 5,507,490 2,686,348 2,001,480 4,774,937 1,598,360 711,677 387,971 7,651,170 652,009 2,496,168 133,189 812,441 1,855,879 1,801,484 8,286,565 12,057,418 6,801,929 2,365,475 4,436,454 30,356,094 442,645 1,499,416 272,563 5,402,455 1,016,955 435,102 712,699 62,578 11,017,090 2,082,850 1,124,065 876,141 50,912 1,170,506 4,190,117 16,976,600 3,001,372 566,748 13,408,480 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In co m e b y P lace o f R esidence Total personal income............................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 7,930,244 7,292,768 637,476 8,182,182 7,469,339 712,843 8,386,307 7,607,547 778,760 8,526,996 7,756,590 770,406 8,328,993 7,960,941 368,052 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (do lla rs)............................ 686.8 11,547 684.9 11,946 678.5 12,361 671.4 12,700 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 5,588,244 315,558 -172,369 5,100,317 1,658,708 1,171,219 5,733,069 339,489 -168,937 5,224,643 1,699,206 1,258,333 5,858,791 369,806 -168,939 5,320,046 1,692,167 1,374,094 4,077,144 340,699 1,170,401 568,541 601,860 4,149,651 332,286 1,251,132 643,524 607,608 637,476 4,950,768 3,858,985 32,539 32,026 513 224,952 56,654 157,506 -8 5 10,8/7 431,692 320,160 172,776 86,525 8,100 3,246 1,289 37,379 2,794 16,395 712,843 5,020,226 3,852,025 29,886 28,999 887 216,987 63,985 143,695 -207 9,514 358,608 330,768 179,934 91,328 8,643 3,171 1,331 39,220 2,892 16,150 E a rn in g s b y P lace o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income8............................................. Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (1 ) 17,046 0 147,384 5,700 4,783 1,001 15,452 69,386 3,246 12,537 10,290 16,947 904 7,138 538,365 86,926 148,560 131 28,411 93,544 180,793 466,542 560,510 248,580 123,025 125,555 1,035,645 36,076 62,069 14,695 92,228 43,204 25,475 13,821 2,149 500,702 49,946 23,293 30,740 299 58,446 82,502 1,091,783 200,972 234,371 656,440 (U 17,194 (L) 150,834 5,272 5,293 (L) 15,523 67,796 4,610 13,934 13,101 17,073 791 7,483 537,366 83,415 138,779 147 30,682 84,191 200,152 462,988 565,188 260,501 129,088 131,413 1,089,733 34,271 78,357 14,647 97,543 49,108 22,116 15,283 2,095 519,442 53,699 25,249 32,790 346 62,078 82,709 1,168,201 213,811 246,618 707,772 (U 19,699 (0) 148,817 5,922 5,877 ai 16,335 62,130 5,917 15,720 11,352 15,922 1,317 8,296 566,176 83,494 140,675 216 33,564 101,283 206,944 461,162 556,881 275,077 134,910 140,167 1,153,520 32,598 84,133 14,459 97,967 54,094 25,753 17,256 2,110 546,273 59,799 25,811 36,939 437 63,730 92,161 1,207,065 223,936 246,840 736,289 ai 188,146 7,425 7,539 51 21,117 70,606 20,862 17,016 16,455 15,848 2,034 9,193 602,981 87,083 154,673 108 35,759 107,654 217,704 498,013 596,125 301,120 140,261 160,859 1,344,675 34,439 102,142 14,863 121,735 55,295 28,036 20,026 2,269 640,077 66,944 28,431 48,567 698 73,952 107,201 1,285,067 256,485 261,690 766,892 38 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] O k la h o m a 1984 O re g o n 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... 38,824,384 40,234,719 40,596,296 40,820,420 43,031,560 45,6 14,132 32,302,376 33,951,399 35,479,110 3 7,72 1,14 6 4 1,175 ,3 74 45 ,129,472 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 38,195,129 629,255 39,534,774 699,945 39,536,040 1,060,256 39,746,347 1,074,073 41,854,960 1,176,600 44,447,064 1,167,068 31,719,498 582,878 33,325,180 626,219 34,686,539 792,571 36,873,991 847,155 40,149,330 1,026,044 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 3,312.6 3,306.1 3,300.6 3,259.2 3,242.1 3,232.5 2,676.5 2,685.8 2,702.6 2,723.3 2,766.6 44,121,266 1,008,206 2,819.0 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) .......................................... 11,72 0 12 ,1 70 12,300 12,525 13,273 1 4 ,1 1 1 12,069 12,641 13,128 13,851 14,883 16,009 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, Interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 28,014,330 1,645,540 225,797 26,594,587 6,435,324 5,794,473 28,612,896 1,764,859 255,449 27,103,486 6,936,536 6,194,697 28,536,123 1,761,587 276,534 27,051,070 6,785,984 6,759,242 28,674,943 1,769,887 313,703 27,218,759 6,482,949 7,118,712 30,237,178 1,939,141 320,718 28,618,755 6,782,043 7,630,762 31,640,272 2,117,392 308,213 29,831,093 7,667,715 8,115,324 22,639,911 1,438,368 -173,708 21,027,835 5,978,170 5,296,371 23,911,565 1,585,884 -224,661 22,101,020 6,217,892 5,632,487 25,327,083 1,734,252 -262,048 23,330,783 6,476,889 5,671,438 27,346,125 1,832,915 -331,407 25,181,803 6,583,020 5,956,323 30,139,783 2,081,899 -345,669 27,712,215 7,072,276 6,390,883 32,551,981 2,344,506 -412,395 29,795,080 8,197,926 7,136,466 21,871,582 2,259,137 3,883,611 528,171 3,354,840 22,305,760 2,171,621 4,135,515 601,592 3,533,923 21,807,031 2,167,226 4,561,866 963,729 3,598,137 21,863,035 2,104,742 4,707,166 973,092 3,734,074 22,893,651 2,208,065 5,135,462 1,076,413 4,059,049 23,927,923 2,351,539 5,360,810 1,066,563 4,294,247 18,026,142 1,717,736 2,896,033 396,268 2,499,765 18,907,312 1,875,336 3,128,917 440,060 2,688,857 19,940,530 1,904,094 3,482,459 607,752 2,874,707 21,365,290 2,035,105 3,945,730 652,635 3,293,095 23,386,136 2,228,502 4,525,145 831,333 3,693,812 25,328,818 2,449,616 4,773,547 811,385 3,962,162 629,255 27,385,075 22,293,366 113,005 106,744 6,261 2,506,379 55,485 2,405,172 1,309 44,413 1,868,019 4,590,169 1,598,231 313,191 19,336 104,476 102,141 229,731 98,927 386,597 344 338,972 4,516 2,991,938 62,108 33,984 123,070 419,347 996,936 268,339 264,756 391,980 280,746 58,527 92,145 2,124,861 107,635 602,069 3,046 435,714 499,120 477,277 1,686,500 2,970,716 1,474,064 669,948 804,116 4,959,653 111,284 280,758 102,159 1,035,004 314,638 103,218 84,883 15,396 1,503,648 421,631 126,891 127,493 2,940 236,943 492,767 5,091,709 1,252,341 668,871 3,170,497 699,945 27,912,951 22,497,822 104,839 100,846 3,993 2,346,510 44,760 2,256,303 1,083 44,364 1,729,099 4,628,473 1,564,508 313,898 17,492 104,350 99,420 243,944 97,381 339,413 217 343,287 5,106 3,063,965 54,077 32,903 120,246 421,369 1,035,103 249,085 298,292 404,174 294,747 64,734 89,235 2,145,377 99,513 559,384 2,965 453,663 505,873 523,979 1,713,064 3,014,593 1,497,151 694,015 803,136 5,318,716 116,343 351,910 102,047 1,129,506 346,749 95,358 89,302 17,697 1,594,468 472,545 132,539 134,244 2,767 235,538 497,703 5,415,129 1,362,979 702,343 3,349,807 1,060,256 27,475,867 21,855,304 98,184 95,828 2,356 1,935,495 (D) 1,844,203 884 (0) 1,557,537 4,448,376 1,543,746 312,361 18,270 103,009 111,290 244,871 94,479 335,347 315 318,077 5,727 2,904,630 53,534 35,114 121,601 387,395 934,326 236,390 320,835 365,822 295,266 72,679 81,668 2,232,192 98,156 542,046 3,007 515,779 512,994 560,210 1,585,884 2,904,224 1,543,994 697,071 846,923 5,549,418 111,275 363,570 101,355 1,140,847 351,611 93,044 92,350 14,801 1,695,843 527,135 139,564 147,195 2,652 237,652 530,524 5,620,563 1,372,306 729,858 3,518,399 1,074,073 27,600,870 21,868,739 131,100 127,613 3,487 1,727,702 29,118 1,651,350 1,599 45,635 1,426,036 4,422,965 1,568,663 320,046 18,909 102,745 108,359 245,830 99,043 353,111 407 314,443 5,770 2,854,302 59,917 35,756 120,148 376,918 908,325 219,094 340,953 336,066 299,629 77,133 80,363 2,246,836 94,925 536,767 3,055 539,280 539,531 533,278 1,555,828 2,830,790 1,627,197 649,217 977,980 5,900,285 112,568 370,329 99,691 1,205,387 349,334 96,101 98,929 15,354 1,854,562 569,647 154,620 159,073 2,696 252,619 559,375 5,732,131 1,445,065 775,943 3,511,123 1,176,600 29,060,578 23,152,113 131,913 128,007 3,906 1,714,098 27,465 1,639,080 1,922 45,631 1,535,070 4,704,809 1,604,652 323,451 19,655 106,523 108,001 248,595 107,216 352,393 420 333,022 5,376 3,100,157 70,537 43,814 140,589 428,695 900,957 320,093 328,901 379,069 304,310 82,588 100,604 2,324,581 98,282 551,871 3,274 582,517 529,769 558,868 1,663,397 3,057,818 1,563,629 626,734 936,895 6,456,798 111,908 417,337 103,761 1,357,203 356,828 114,474 106,563 16,574 2,023,316 634,770 168,081 167,390 2,831 275,258 600,504 5,908,465 1,467,310 768,163 3,672,992 1,167,068 30,473,204 24,214,124 135,000 131,603 3,397 1,720,270 25,406 1,651,377 2,192 41,295 1,543,247 4,846,086 1,559,248 323,569 17,999 106,233 115,529 256,137 107,933 275,164 432 350,550 5,702 3,286,838 72,120 45,425 157,747 469,841 950,448 360,655 332,141 391,483 303,575 101,186 102,217 2,465,821 101,138 504,602 2,812 750,424 538,169 568,676 1,760,252 3,108,491 1,563,596 619,349 944,247 7,071,361 107,870 469,560 107,885 1,560,448 382,817 124,653 122,278 18,641 2,181,383 663,903 182,641 183,228 2,817 288,103 675,134 6,259,080 1,570,037 758,153 3,930,890 582,878 22,057,033 18,315,920 208,195 104,422 103,773 80,474 (D) (D) (D) 25,438 1,108,316 5,262,678 1,246,675 468,117 28,160 40,493 335,324 232,496 59,167 15,581 (D) 60,326 (D) 4,016,003 1,812,709 48,715 309,132 265,410 441,012 335,080 125,627 137,334 77,794 404,290 58,900 1,829,277 205,521 632,716 83,141 169,326 425,401 313,172 1,600,350 2,557,815 1,129,901 450,413 679,488 4,538,914 135,880 221,465 57,960 726,977 263,599 131,979 86,937 17,848 1,617,919 361,746 148,792 140,649 5,113 226,942 395,108 3,741,113 777,561 84,770 2,878,782 626,219 23,285,346 19,218,564 222,169 104,663 117,506 96,433 (D) 57,850 (D) 26,821 1,201,297 5,335,046 1,292,486 477,789 29,437 35,962 353,200 251,903 61,339 11,607 (0) 64,390 (D) 4,042,560 1,785,546 50,425 296,263 277,528 445,541 346,732 137,971 142,632 84,066 416,254 59,602 1,871,272 197,248 647,631 72,344 179,975 429,453 344,621 1,698,684 2,626,039 1,187,907 465,468 722,439 4,979,717 141,716 268,130 58,135 850,431 292,405 121,477 102,831 18,644 1,756,207 384,874 156,516 158,501 5,922 240,682 423,246 4,066,782 811,361 98,618 3,156,803 792,571 24,534,512 20,363,876 246,045 111,109 134,936 58,310 (0) 19,153 (D) 29,502 1,301,145 5,545,005 1,351,804 488,694 (D) 38,478 367,519 265,663 61,849 16,287 97 77,508 (D) 4,193,201 1,835,117 51,243 301,159 276,099 457,153 356,581 194,534 140,016 91,223 430,217 59,859 1,905,254 182,934 693,963 73,738 199,853 412,165 342,601 1,782,130 2,758,419 1,306,497 499,075 807,422 5,461,071 150,422 285,357 58,041 953,290 314,835 147,003 109,189 20,079 1,897,207 430,498 167,408 179,564 6,977 250,241 490,960 4,170,636 810,111 112,617 3,247,908 847,155 26,498,970 22,049,488 311,730 167,151 144,579 58,325 (») (0) 2,001 29,795 1,365,861 5,875,256 1,453,037 510,971 36,737 41,113 384,047 298,251 66,728 17,214 135 89,667 8,174 4,422,219 1,941,759 57,845 344,503 282,683 489,535 403,474 183,853 160,945 100,651 383,673 73,298 2,040,755 173,635 754,983 79,266 228,117 480,962 323,792 1,877,120 2,888,811 1,585,554 526,930 1,058,624 6,046,076 174,763 292,649 58,203 1,091,946 332,270 152,516 126,058 21,277 2,137,186 454,238 189,655 201,352 7,468 273,646 532,849 4,449,482 882,592 109,227 3,457,663 1,026,044 29,113,739 24,340,927 345,986 181,604 164,382 68,493 (D) 28,956 (D) 32,210 1,593,909 6,405,899 1,553,694 530,361 39,118 43,863 390,216 339,107 71,620 22,855 156 110,006 6,392 4,852,205 2,066,317 66,220 386,446 305,935 553,325 475,722 214,374 177,918 122,510 389,899 93,539 2,237,678 177,539 803,921 85,154 272,589 526,566 371,909 2,079,735 3,199,508 1,609,088 557,603 1,051,485 6,800,631 200,267 343,053 62,143 1,271,887 351,373 172,477 142,654 26,982 2,346,690 521,091 205,764 225,647 8,448 303,527 618,628 4,772,812 969,084 109,090 3,694,638 1,008,206 31,543,775 26,456,223 368,673 196,699 171,974 73,349 (0) 31,482 (D) 34,620 1,813,204 6,719,696 1,588,362 525,561 40,716 47,086 410,878 341,669 76,935 20,172 67 118,835 6,443 5,131,334 2,070,433 75,364 461,585 358,429 603,305 546,499 213,178 198,766 135,535 370,572 97,668 2,389,059 190,998 873,621 91,238 302,180 548,568 382,454 2,311,237 3,457,200 1,684,079 594,092 1,089,987 7,639,726 224,522 395,505 66,025 1,486,547 389,499 199,815 156,355 31,222 2,594,200 564,956 224,078 258,923 9,796 324,653 713,630 5,087,552 1,029,301 111,688 3,946,563 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7. ...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining........................................................ Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services.................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services........................................ Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repain, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services...................................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................ Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 39 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] R h o d e Is la n d P e n n s y lv a n ia 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1987 1986 1989 1988 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e 151,386,259 160,819,999 16 9,696,711 180,559,186 19 4,6 78 ,177 209,393,190 12,505,072 13,320,261 14,255,3 71 15,444,402 16,876,331 18,069,743 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 1 5 0 ,4 0 4 ,1 4 4 9 8 2 ,1 1 5 1 5 9 ,9 2 6 ,7 3 3 8 9 3 ,2 6 6 1 6 8 , 7 5 6 ,8 1 8 9 3 9 ,8 9 3 1 7 9 ,6 3 9 ,9 5 8 9 1 9 ,2 2 8 1 9 3 ,8 0 4 ,0 5 2 8 7 4 ,1 2 5 2 0 8 ,3 2 5 ,2 7 3 1 ,0 6 7 ,9 1 7 1 2 ,4 7 0 ,2 1 4 3 4 ,8 5 8 1 3 , 2 7 2 ,3 9 4 4 7 ,8 6 7 1 4 ,2 0 5 ,6 2 0 4 9 ,7 5 1 1 5 ,3 9 8 ,0 3 3 4 6 ,3 6 9 1 6 ,8 2 9 ,3 2 7 4 7 ,0 0 4 1 8 ,0 2 6 ,9 1 3 4 2 ,8 3 0 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 1 1 ,8 9 1 .3 1 1 ,8 6 3 .7 1 1 , 8 9 6 .1 1 1 ,9 4 2 .7 1 2 , 0 0 2 .1 1 2 ,0 4 3 .3 9 6 0 .1 9 6 6 .9 9 7 4 .6 9 8 6 .3 9 9 2 .7 9 9 7 .6 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 12 ,73 1 13,556 14,265 15 ,119 16,220 17,3 8 7 13,024 13 ,7 7 7 14,627 15,659 17,0 0 1 18 ,113 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 1 0 5 ,5 8 4 ,5 6 6 6 ,6 9 7 ,8 8 4 - 8 ,4 9 1 9 8 ,8 7 8 ,1 9 1 2 5 ,3 9 5 ,1 7 8 2 7 , 1 1 2 ,8 9 0 1 1 1 ,4 5 7 ,9 6 8 7 ,3 8 0 ,6 8 5 8 1 ,7 0 8 1 0 4 , 1 5 8 ,9 9 1 2 7 , 6 4 8 ,4 9 4 2 9 ,0 1 2 ,5 1 4 1 1 7 , 8 2 8 ,0 7 5 7 ,9 3 8 ,2 6 2 2 4 ,1 7 3 1 0 9 ,9 1 3 ,9 8 6 2 8 ,9 2 7 ,2 3 7 3 0 ,8 5 5 ,4 8 8 1 2 7 , 5 9 7 ,1 0 7 8 , 5 5 2 ,7 5 9 - 1 0 ,5 3 5 1 1 9 ,0 3 3 ,8 1 3 2 9 ,7 2 5 ,0 3 2 3 1 ,8 0 0 ,3 4 1 1 3 7 ,8 9 0 ,6 4 0 9 ,6 2 8 ,7 9 3 1 0 ,2 1 5 1 2 8 , 2 7 2 ,0 6 2 3 2 , 7 6 7 ,5 3 5 3 3 ,6 3 8 ,5 8 0 1 4 6 ,2 9 5 ,7 0 4 1 0 , 5 8 2 ,8 8 1 1 1 9 ,8 4 3 1 3 5 , 8 3 2 ,6 6 6 3 7 ,7 9 3 ,9 6 8 3 5 ,7 6 6 ,5 5 6 8 ,4 6 2 ,0 5 6 5 9 7 ,1 5 2 2 2 8 ,3 2 9 8 ,0 9 3 ,2 3 3 2 , 2 0 8 ,5 5 1 2 , 2 0 3 ,2 8 8 9 ,0 9 8 ,2 7 6 6 7 0 ,7 4 2 2 4 5 ,7 1 7 8 ,6 7 3 ,2 5 1 2 , 2 7 0 ,4 7 8 2 , 3 7 6 ,5 3 2 9 , 9 1 9 ,2 9 2 7 4 2 ,5 8 0 2 1 1 ,4 8 8 9 ,3 8 8 ,2 0 0 2 ,4 0 1 ,3 0 4 2 ,4 6 5 ,8 6 7 1 0 ,8 7 0 ,1 7 6 7 8 6 ,1 6 3 2 0 8 ,2 0 4 1 0 ,2 9 2 ,2 1 7 2 , 5 5 3 ,6 8 1 2 , 5 9 8 ,5 0 4 1 1 ,8 7 9 ,0 4 0 8 9 5 ,6 9 0 2 1 2 ,8 2 6 1 1 , 1 9 6 ,1 7 6 2 ,8 9 3 ,7 4 4 2 ,7 8 6 ,4 1 1 1 2 ,5 1 1 ,5 4 2 9 8 1 ,8 8 3 2 1 4 ,4 4 3 1 1 , 7 4 4 ,1 0 2 3 ,3 3 8 ,8 5 4 2 , 9 8 6 ,7 8 7 8 5 , 2 5 4 ,3 9 6 9 ,3 2 0 ,5 1 2 1 1 ,0 0 9 ,6 5 8 7 5 8 ,0 7 1 1 0 , 2 5 1 ,5 8 7 9 0 , 1 2 6 ,1 4 4 9 ,4 2 0 ,8 6 7 1 1 ,9 1 0 ,9 5 7 6 6 8 ,0 1 9 1 1 , 2 4 2 ,9 3 8 9 5 ,0 3 2 ,2 0 7 9 , 9 1 4 ,8 1 4 1 2 ,8 8 1 ,0 5 4 7 1 5 ,3 3 4 1 2 , 1 6 5 ,7 2 0 1 0 2 ,6 6 6 ,7 9 0 1 0 ,5 1 5 ,6 4 9 1 4 ,4 1 4 ,6 6 8 6 8 0 ,5 8 2 1 3 , 7 3 4 ,0 8 6 1 1 0 ,8 3 4 ,3 5 5 1 1 ,3 0 6 ,2 9 3 1 5 , 7 4 9 ,9 9 2 6 3 2 ,5 2 5 1 5 , 1 1 7 ,4 6 7 1 1 7 , 2 8 0 ,2 7 2 1 2 ,0 7 6 ,6 7 4 1 6 ,9 3 8 ,7 5 8 8 2 0 ,2 1 7 1 6 , 1 1 8 ,5 4 1 7 ,0 3 0 ,9 6 4 7 1 0 ,5 1 8 7 2 0 ,5 7 4 2 9 ,1 7 3 6 9 1 ,4 0 1 7 , 5 7 4 ,3 8 8 7 2 4 ,2 9 5 7 9 9 ,5 9 3 4 2 ,2 9 5 7 5 7 ,2 9 8 8 , 2 2 8 ,2 7 6 7 9 2 ,4 0 5 8 9 8 ,6 1 1 4 4 ,2 7 3 8 5 4 ,3 3 8 8 ,9 7 6 ,3 6 7 8 5 3 ,8 7 9 1 ,0 3 9 ,9 3 0 4 0 ,6 5 5 9 9 9 ,2 7 5 9 , 7 9 1 ,7 6 7 9 2 3 ,7 1 3 1 , 1 6 3 ,5 6 0 4 1 ,3 3 0 1 , 1 2 2 ,2 3 0 1 0 , 2 9 9 ,5 2 1 9 7 8 ,5 1 6 1, 2 3 3 ,5 0 5 3 7 ,1 4 2 1 , 1 9 6 ,3 6 3 9 8 2 ,1 1 5 1 0 4 ,6 0 2 ,4 5 1 9 0 ,6 5 1 ,2 4 7 3 6 3 ,7 2 0 3 3 1 ,1 6 3 3 2 ,5 5 7 1 ,7 0 1 ,3 4 8 1 ,2 1 8 ,4 9 2 3 7 9 ,9 5 4 908 1 0 1 ,9 9 4 6 ,0 2 2 ,7 8 6 2 9 ,0 7 1 ,2 0 7 1 0 , 5 0 7 ,2 5 0 2 ,0 3 7 ,0 6 1 5 6 2 ,0 8 8 1 ,3 9 7 ,0 9 1 1 , 1 5 0 ,6 5 4 1 ,6 1 6 ,6 9 1 1 ,9 9 0 ,4 0 5 6 8 5 ,8 1 4 4 1 ,5 4 5 8 4 4 ,3 6 1 1 8 1 ,5 4 0 1 8 , 5 6 3 ,9 5 7 4 3 9 ,2 2 0 4 0 2 ,2 5 9 4 , 1 2 4 ,2 8 6 2 ,3 9 9 ,8 0 9 3 , 2 4 5 ,4 3 9 2 ,8 3 6 ,8 6 3 1 , 2 4 0 ,2 7 4 9 5 4 ,9 0 6 1 ,3 4 0 ,9 0 0 1 , 0 0 6 ,8 3 5 5 7 3 ,1 6 6 7 , 7 0 7 ,6 4 9 7 4 0 ,8 2 8 2 , 1 6 6 ,0 1 9 2 2 1 ,8 4 6 9 0 2 ,3 3 3 1 ,7 8 6 ,7 8 7 1 ,8 8 9 ,8 3 6 6 ,3 3 2 ,9 4 2 9 ,9 7 7 ,9 4 0 5 ,6 6 5 ,1 4 8 2 , 1 6 3 ,6 5 2 3 , 5 0 1 ,4 9 6 2 3 ,8 0 8 ,5 0 7 5 2 6 ,7 2 4 9 5 8 ,2 9 1 2 6 5 ,6 2 6 3 ,8 2 3 ,5 2 8 1 ,0 6 5 ,5 2 8 4 4 5 ,5 0 7 4 9 0 ,9 5 2 6 5 ,3 8 2 8 ,8 7 3 ,5 5 6 1 ,6 9 4 ,1 2 7 1 , 8 8 8 ,4 9 5 7 1 2 ,0 7 5 2 6 ,1 3 1 9 2 5 ,7 8 5 2 ,0 4 6 ,8 0 0 1 3 ,9 5 1 ,2 0 4 3 , 5 4 1 ,1 2 1 5 6 8 ,3 1 6 9 ,8 4 1 ,7 6 7 8 9 3 ,2 6 6 1 1 0 , 5 6 4 ,7 0 2 9 5 , 8 2 3 ,8 6 5 3 7 2 ,1 7 4 3 4 2 ,4 0 9 2 9 ,7 6 5 1 , 7 4 2 ,6 1 2 1 , 1 1 2 ,6 4 5 5 0 6 ,1 6 4 565 1 2 3 ,2 3 8 6 ,4 9 5 ,4 1 9 2 9 ,4 6 7 ,0 8 9 1 0 ,8 7 2 ,9 0 4 2 , 1 2 2 ,0 4 8 5 2 3 ,2 7 6 1 ,3 4 2 ,3 9 2 1 ,2 0 6 ,1 7 4 1 ,7 7 6 ,2 3 2 2 , 1 4 2 ,3 7 4 6 8 5 ,6 1 3 4 0 ,5 0 7 8 6 9 ,2 5 0 1 6 5 ,0 3 8 1 8 , 5 9 4 ,1 8 5 4 9 6 ,3 3 7 4 2 8 ,1 4 6 3 , 7 2 9 ,5 4 9 2 , 5 0 2 ,9 8 6 3 , 4 1 1 ,8 0 8 2 , 8 2 3 ,9 7 6 1 ,3 1 3 ,3 7 4 9 0 3 ,5 1 9 1 ,3 7 9 ,0 5 7 1 ,0 3 6 ,5 4 8 5 6 8 ,8 8 5 7 ,8 7 8 ,4 2 1 7 6 0 ,2 9 0 2 , 1 4 6 ,0 7 0 1 9 2 ,8 2 3 9 7 9 ,7 8 3 1 , 6 9 1 ,8 5 3 2 , 1 0 7 ,6 0 2 6 , 7 2 2 ,8 1 3 1 0 ,5 0 3 ,7 8 4 6 , 1 7 2 ,8 1 3 2 ,3 4 9 ,1 2 2 3 , 8 2 3 ,6 9 1 2 6 ,4 6 8 ,7 4 0 5 8 1 ,6 4 2 1 ,2 0 1 ,0 4 1 2 6 5 ,1 0 1 4 ,5 2 0 ,0 1 4 1 , 1 9 8 ,9 4 6 4 3 9 ,4 2 5 5 4 5 ,6 0 8 6 9 ,1 4 6 9 ,6 0 6 ,0 5 9 1 ,8 8 4 ,9 7 3 2 ,0 6 4 ,9 2 5 8 0 0 ,1 5 1 2 8 ,0 8 9 9 5 0 ,6 1 1 2 ,3 1 3 ,0 0 9 1 4 ,7 4 0 ,8 3 7 3 , 7 7 9 ,9 9 8 6 1 2 ,8 5 1 1 0 ,3 4 7 ,9 8 8 9 3 9 ,8 9 3 1 1 6 ,8 8 8 ,1 8 2 1 0 1 , 6 6 7 ,9 8 3 3 9 8 ,7 2 9 3 7 5 ,6 0 3 2 3 ,1 2 6 1 ,4 4 4 ,4 5 0 1 ,0 5 5 ,4 5 9 2 4 3 ,1 7 2 643 1 4 5 ,1 7 6 7 ,4 3 6 ,0 3 9 2 9 , 4 6 0 ,8 7 9 1 1 , 1 8 3 ,8 6 4 2 , 2 0 3 ,0 6 1 5 4 8 ,9 4 8 1 , 2 7 0 ,0 3 6 1 ,2 7 2 ,6 0 0 1 , 9 2 3 ,7 6 3 2 ,2 4 0 ,1 2 4 6 0 3 ,6 1 6 4 0 ,4 7 4 9 1 9 ,3 7 7 1 6 1 ,8 6 5 1 8 , 2 7 7 ,0 1 5 6 0 1 ,3 5 9 4 4 2 ,8 0 2 3 ,3 2 2 ,2 7 2 2 , 5 8 5 ,4 2 1 3 , 2 7 0 ,8 1 6 2 , 7 7 8 ,8 4 6 1 ,3 8 8 ,9 1 0 8 4 2 ,2 4 3 1 , 4 1 0 ,6 9 2 1 , 0 4 2 ,2 4 8 5 9 1 ,4 0 6 8 , 2 2 9 ,9 1 5 7 6 3 ,9 5 6 2 , 2 3 7 ,6 3 3 1 7 6 ,2 0 9 1 , 1 0 0 ,3 0 4 1 ,7 5 4 ,7 0 5 2 , 1 9 7 ,1 0 8 7 , 1 3 8 ,6 1 3 1 1 , 2 9 5 ,9 9 8 7 ,0 2 6 ,2 8 3 2 ,6 0 6 ,3 7 5 4 ,4 1 9 ,9 0 8 2 9 , 2 3 7 ,0 7 7 6 1 5 ,9 1 8 1 ,3 1 2 ,7 6 9 2 6 4 ,0 3 1 5 ,0 7 9 ,2 9 4 1 ,3 2 0 ,2 5 2 4 7 1 ,9 4 3 5 7 9 ,1 6 3 7 4 ,9 5 2 10 ,4 2 8 ,8 7 3 2 , 1 3 8 ,8 5 2 2 , 2 1 4 ,4 8 6 9 3 9 ,5 1 6 3 0 ,1 5 7 1 , 0 2 6 ,7 8 1 2 ,7 4 0 ,0 9 0 1 5 ,2 2 0 ,1 9 9 3 ,7 1 7 ,6 2 6 6 3 5 ,0 8 1 1 0 ,8 6 7 ,4 9 2 9 1 9 ,2 2 8 1 2 6 ,6 7 7 ,8 7 9 1 1 0 , 2 7 2 ,9 0 9 5 2 7 ,9 4 5 5 0 7 ,4 9 8 2 0 ,4 4 7 1 ,3 2 4 ,3 1 7 9 3 4 ,3 6 1 2 3 6 ,1 4 6 2 ,1 5 5 1 5 1 ,6 5 5 8 , 2 7 3 ,9 3 4 3 0 , 5 5 3 ,5 8 2 1 1 , 6 7 6 ,2 3 0 2 ,3 1 0 ,3 0 3 5 9 2 ,1 1 3 1 , 2 3 7 ,8 5 4 1 ,3 3 4 ,9 5 3 2 ,0 4 4 ,8 7 0 2 , 3 3 7 ,1 5 5 6 2 0 ,3 9 9 2 5 ,8 9 2 1 ,0 0 4 ,0 1 5 1 6 8 ,6 7 6 1 8 , 8 7 7 ,3 5 2 7 0 2 ,2 4 7 4 8 3 ,1 9 1 3 ,3 8 6 ,1 2 2 2 , 6 8 3 ,6 5 8 3 ,3 5 4 ,6 2 7 2 , 7 9 4 ,3 6 3 1 ,4 2 8 ,0 6 5 8 9 6 ,4 1 2 1 ,4 6 9 ,6 4 4 1 ,0 3 6 ,4 7 5 6 4 2 ,5 4 8 8 , 6 1 2 ,6 4 6 7 6 5 ,2 2 9 2 ,3 7 5 ,7 3 3 1 8 2 ,3 2 3 1 , 1 8 0 ,6 8 1 1 ,8 5 5 ,0 8 4 2 ,2 5 3 ,5 9 6 7 , 7 5 7 ,2 7 3 1 1 ,8 9 4 ,4 9 5 8 ,7 9 7 ,0 4 8 2 ,8 1 8 ,7 1 0 5 ,9 7 8 ,3 3 8 3 2 ,5 3 1 ,6 6 9 6 7 8 ,3 3 5 1 ,3 8 9 ,0 7 2 2 6 3 ,6 5 1 5 ,7 4 5 ,2 7 7 1 ,3 7 8 ,4 8 5 4 8 6 ,0 5 0 6 3 2 ,8 1 6 7 9 ,8 9 4 1 1 ,8 2 5 ,3 0 4 2 ,3 8 0 ,1 2 4 2 ,3 8 9 ,6 2 6 1 ,0 7 0 ,4 3 9 3 2 ,8 1 2 1 , 1 1 7 ,9 9 9 3 ,0 6 1 ,7 8 5 1 6 ,4 0 4 ,9 7 0 3 , 9 8 5 ,2 9 8 7 3 0 ,3 4 3 1 1 ,6 8 9 ,3 2 9 8 7 4 ,1 2 5 1 3 7 ,0 1 6 ,5 1 5 1 1 9 , 6 6 4 ,0 5 9 5 7 4 ,6 6 2 5 5 3 ,7 2 7 2 0 ,9 3 5 1 ,3 6 8 ,8 2 5 9 0 6 ,4 2 7 2 9 1 ,2 7 6 2 ,1 6 2 1 6 8 ,9 6 0 9 , 1 9 7 ,4 8 0 3 2 ,6 3 3 ,3 5 6 1 2 ,4 9 3 ,4 0 8 2 ,4 5 7 ,4 6 0 6 1 7 ,4 7 5 1 , 2 5 7 ,4 2 2 1 ,4 1 2 ,3 6 6 2 , 2 1 5 ,4 0 5 2 , 6 6 2 ,5 3 3 6 1 6 ,8 0 4 2 4 ,8 7 2 1 ,0 5 2 ,8 3 5 1 7 6 ,2 3 6 2 0 , 1 3 9 ,9 4 8 7 8 8 ,5 0 5 5 1 3 ,8 6 3 3 ,6 8 0 ,7 4 6 2 ,8 2 3 ,1 4 7 3 , 7 2 3 ,8 1 2 2 ,8 1 6 ,6 0 3 1 ,4 5 0 ,8 2 3 9 1 0 ,1 5 0 1 , 5 6 3 ,1 4 9 1 , 1 5 4 ,6 3 5 7 1 4 ,5 1 5 9 , 1 2 6 ,3 6 7 7 6 1 ,9 5 0 2 ,5 5 5 ,1 3 3 1 8 4 ,2 2 4 1 ,2 9 4 ,4 7 9 1 , 9 4 9 ,3 4 5 2 ,3 8 1 ,2 3 6 8 , 5 9 8 ,2 6 7 1 3 ,0 7 1 ,5 2 1 8 ,8 8 1 ,9 4 0 3 ,0 0 4 ,5 5 9 5 ,8 7 7 ,3 8 1 3 6 , 2 1 1 ,6 4 1 7 1 9 ,0 7 8 1 , 6 4 7 ,2 8 2 2 7 8 ,6 4 4 6 ,4 4 5 ,9 0 4 1 ,4 5 6 ,1 3 7 5 3 6 ,9 5 2 7 2 3 ,9 4 9 8 8 ,4 0 5 1 2 ,9 7 7 ,2 2 7 2 , 7 8 2 ,9 3 4 2 ,5 8 8 ,1 1 5 1 ,2 0 3 ,1 6 1 3 5 ,2 7 5 1 ,2 4 9 ,2 4 5 3 ,4 7 9 ,3 3 3 1 7 ,3 5 2 ,4 5 6 4 ,2 3 4 ,6 0 4 7 2 0 ,4 8 1 1 2 ,3 9 7 ,3 7 1 1 ,0 6 7 ,9 1 7 1 4 5 ,2 2 7 ,7 8 7 1 2 6 ,7 9 0 ,5 0 4 6 1 5 ,6 2 9 5 9 6 ,5 7 3 1 9 ,0 5 6 1 ,3 8 4 ,4 9 8 8 8 0 ,8 8 1 3 0 8 ,3 2 5 2 ,4 0 4 1 9 2 ,8 8 8 9 ,5 5 4 ,7 9 2 3 3 ,4 9 9 ,7 3 0 1 2 ,9 2 0 ,8 2 6 2 , 5 9 1 ,4 4 2 6 0 7 ,5 8 7 1 , 2 6 2 ,2 8 8 1 ,4 4 5 ,1 4 1 2 ,3 0 2 ,5 0 8 2 , 7 6 5 ,9 0 2 6 1 1 ,5 6 1 2 5 ,9 3 5 1 , 1 2 6 ,1 8 0 1 8 2 ,2 8 2 2 0 ,5 7 8 ,9 0 4 8 1 7 ,7 0 9 5 2 5 ,6 2 5 3 ,9 1 3 ,8 4 9 2 ,8 6 0 ,3 4 0 3 ,8 8 2 ,2 6 2 2 ,8 8 7 ,5 4 2 1 ,5 0 9 ,9 0 8 6 9 7 ,8 2 7 1 ,6 1 0 ,1 1 6 1 , 1 4 6 ,9 1 4 7 2 6 ,8 1 2 9 ,5 9 7 ,4 3 7 7 5 1 ,6 3 4 2 ,6 9 9 ,0 0 6 1 8 4 ,9 0 8 1 ,4 1 4 ,5 3 8 2 ,0 6 8 ,9 4 6 2 ,4 7 8 ,4 0 5 9 ,2 1 8 ,7 3 5 1 3 ,8 5 4 ,3 4 2 9 ,0 3 1 ,0 9 1 3 , 1 2 0 ,0 3 0 5 ,9 1 1 ,0 6 1 4 0 ,0 3 4 ,2 5 0 7 7 4 ,5 3 2 1 ,8 6 4 ,9 9 4 2 9 1 ,7 7 0 7 ,2 2 3 ,2 9 4 1 , 5 6 2 ,0 7 9 5 7 2 ,6 9 3 7 9 2 ,6 7 5 9 7 ,5 1 1 1 4 ,2 7 2 ,7 4 7 3 , 1 0 3 ,6 2 2 2 ,7 9 3 ,3 5 8 1 ,3 5 9 ,1 1 2 3 7 ,6 2 6 1 ,3 2 6 ,2 3 3 3 ,9 6 2 ,0 0 4 1 8 ,4 3 7 ,2 8 3 4 ,4 3 5 ,3 4 2 6 8 7 ,4 9 9 1 3 , 3 1 4 ,4 4 2 3 4 ,8 5 8 8 ,4 2 7 ,1 9 8 7 ,0 7 1 ,1 3 5 4 4 ,1 2 3 2 2 ,9 1 1 2 1 ,2 1 2 2 0 ,6 5 3 0 1 8 ,1 7 2 0 2 ,4 8 1 4 2 3 ,3 8 1 2 ,5 2 4 ,1 7 7 7 6 0 ,5 2 8 6 0 ,3 4 3 2 0 1 ,4 5 4 4 6 ,3 8 9 5 1 ,1 5 7 1 4 0 ,9 2 2 8 4 ,6 1 9 5 ,2 2 7 4 7 ,8 6 7 9 ,0 5 0 ,4 0 9 7 ,5 9 2 ,9 9 5 6 7 ,7 3 9 2 4 ,6 3 5 4 3 ,1 0 4 2 8 ,0 5 4 0 2 5 ,1 6 5 0 2 ,8 8 9 4 9 3 ,2 3 3 2 , 5 2 3 ,9 0 9 7 7 2 ,3 1 0 6 2 ,0 4 3 1 9 3 ,6 1 7 4 4 ,0 0 7 5 0 ,1 5 4 1 5 5 ,3 3 2 8 5 ,7 2 4 8 ,1 7 8 4 9 ,7 5 1 9 ,8 6 9 ,5 4 1 8 ,3 3 9 ,4 6 8 9 2 ,5 8 7 2 7 ,3 2 0 6 5 ,2 6 7 1 0 ,8 0 1 0 4 6 ,3 6 9 1 0 ,8 2 3 ,8 0 7 9 , 1 8 6 ,1 5 3 9 9 ,0 7 3 3 6 ,8 1 7 6 2 ,2 5 6 1 1 ,7 8 8 0 7 ,061 0 4 ,7 2 7 6 9 8 ,4 6 2 2 , 7 1 4 ,8 3 8 8 3 2 ,1 8 0 6 6 ,0 9 5 2 1 0 ,3 4 6 4 5 ,6 7 8 5 3 ,1 1 0 1 7 9 ,4 8 4 9 4 ,4 7 5 8 ,6 3 6 4 7 ,0 0 4 1 1 ,8 3 2 ,0 3 6 1 0 ,0 4 3 ,1 8 8 1 1 6 ,5 4 0 4 2 ,3 1 5 7 4 ,2 2 5 1 6 ,9 9 9 0 1 1 ,6 7 1 0 5 ,3 2 8 8 0 5 ,0 7 3 2 ,8 1 4 ,8 5 3 8 7 3 ,6 0 3 7 0 ,7 5 6 2 2 4 ,7 6 6 3 6 ,2 4 7 5 1 ,8 5 5 1 9 3 ,0 3 5 9 9 ,8 6 1 9 ,6 4 3 4 2 ,8 3 0 1 2 ,4 6 8 ,7 1 2 1 0 , 5 5 8 ,5 4 4 1 2 0 ,1 4 1 4 6 ,1 5 8 7 3 ,9 8 3 1 6 ,4 9 5 0 1 2 ,1 1 9 0 4 ,3 7 6 8 2 5 ,3 4 6 2 ,8 6 2 ,5 2 3 8 8 4 ,6 1 2 7 0 ,3 7 7 2 1 6 ,7 7 1 3 0 ,8 0 1 5 5 ,9 3 1 1 9 7 ,6 2 4 1 0 0 ,4 4 5 1 ,639 T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ......................................................................................................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors' income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods..... .................................. Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation"..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade..................................... ......... Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services.......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. ( D) 0 (0 ) 5 9 6 ,3 4 2 2 ,6 5 0 ,3 4 3 8 1 4 ,5 7 2 6 7 ,5 8 9 2 0 0 ,2 8 2 4 6 ,4 2 4 5 2 ,4 3 4 1 6 9 ,2 9 1 8 9 ,6 4 6 6 ,1 8 5 (L) ( L) ( L) ( L) id (L) 1 3 0 ,9 8 7 3 9 ,4 1 6 1 ,7 6 3 ,6 4 9 2 5 ,7 0 4 2 5 ,4 7 9 2 0 2 ,3 7 0 1 9 1 ,1 0 1 1 5 6 ,9 9 7 2 7 6 ,0 3 7 2 1 5 ,7 6 8 3 5 ,1 5 9 5 1 ,4 8 9 9 8 ,8 9 4 4 8 4 ,6 5 1 3 6 6 ,7 7 0 1 3 7 ,2 7 2 3 5 ,9 7 6 1 ,7 5 1 ,5 9 9 2 5 ,2 3 9 3 0 ,5 8 8 1 4 0 ,5 0 9 1 9 7 ,0 7 4 1 3 7 ,2 6 7 2 8 6 ,3 7 9 2 3 0 ,0 4 6 2 8 ,2 0 1 5 0 ,8 7 9 1 1 8 ,4 4 8 5 0 6 ,9 6 9 3 8 5 ,4 8 4 1 4 2 ,5 3 1 4 0 ,1 7 7 1 ,8 3 5 ,7 7 1 2 9 ,0 9 9 3 3 ,9 1 3 1 3 8 ,8 2 4 2 0 0 ,2 9 4 1 4 8 ,8 4 4 3 1 3 ,2 6 4 2 2 5 ,1 0 9 3 8 ,8 8 8 5 3 ,2 0 4 1 1 0 ,5 7 2 5 4 3 ,7 6 0 4 1 8 ,1 0 1 1 3 7 ,5 2 9 3 6 ,8 0 8 1 ,8 8 2 ,6 5 8 2 9 ,8 3 3 3 6 ,1 0 6 1 3 5 ,0 9 4 1 9 6 ,2 7 8 1 6 3 ,4 7 9 3 1 6 ,2 0 3 2 1 8 ,8 9 6 4 1 ,7 8 1 5 6 ,6 3 3 1 1 4 ,5 5 2 5 7 3 ,8 0 3 4 5 6 ,9 2 4 1 4 8 ,4 1 7 3 9 ,0 0 5 1 ,9 4 1 ,2 5 0 3 0 ,1 1 6 4 0 ,7 4 3 1 3 4 ,2 1 4 2 1 8 ,0 3 3 1 7 2 ,2 1 1 2 9 0 ,7 3 0 2 2 4 ,0 0 4 4 3 ,1 3 7 6 4 ,9 9 0 1 2 3 ,5 7 9 5 9 9 ,4 9 3 4 8 7 ,0 4 3 1 7 1 ,1 1 7 3 9 ,8 8 9 1 ,9 7 7 ,9 1 1 2 7 ,5 7 7 4 6 ,7 5 1 1 2 9 ,8 9 7 2 3 0 ,5 6 3 1 7 7 ,3 7 8 2 9 3 ,8 5 7 2 1 5 ,9 8 8 4 4 ,1 0 2 6 8 ,5 8 5 1 1 8 ,1 7 4 6 2 5 ,0 3 9 4 8 9 ,6 7 5 (0 ) 9 0 ,4 1 2 1 2 ,3 1 4 (0 ) 9 1 ,8 4 8 1 3 ,5 4 8 (0 ) 1 0 0 ,2 1 0 1 6 ,9 8 1 (D) ( D) 1 1 3 ,2 6 5 1 9 ,4 9 9 1 2 0 ,3 0 1 1 8 ,6 5 6 (0 ) 1 2 6 ,3 6 6 1 9 ,4 4 7 ( D) (0 ) 1 3 1 ,2 6 3 8 7 ,4 9 0 5 0 5 ,3 8 4 9 2 4 ,6 8 7 5 3 6 ,7 7 9 2 1 3 ,0 9 7 3 2 3 ,6 8 2 2 , 1 2 7 ,7 2 6 3 7 ,1 8 1 9 7 ,8 8 1 2 2 ,9 3 0 3 1 0 ,0 7 3 7 5 ,5 9 4 3 5 ,6 6 0 4 3 ,2 0 1 3 ,2 3 1 7 9 7 ,6 7 9 1 5 4 ,8 8 4 2 0 9 ,2 1 0 8 4 ,4 7 3 2 ,3 8 2 7 2 ,7 6 4 1 8 0 ,5 8 3 1 ,4 5 7 ,4 1 4 2 7 6 ,8 1 9 1 6 8 ,7 3 8 1 ,0 1 1 ,8 5 7 1 4 0 ,3 5 5 9 0 ,4 9 0 5 5 3 ,1 7 3 1 ,0 2 3 ,5 2 0 6 1 2 ,5 9 7 2 4 4 ,2 1 2 3 6 8 ,3 8 5 2 ,3 8 2 ,0 0 4 3 6 ,2 3 1 1 1 0 ,6 4 6 2 2 ,9 4 8 3 7 2 ,4 2 6 8 6 ,7 4 1 4 1 ,4 8 6 4 7 ,7 8 3 3 ,1 4 9 8 4 8 ,0 4 1 1 8 0 ,9 1 0 2 2 4 ,1 7 1 9 5 ,0 7 2 2 ,5 0 3 8 2 ,8 0 6 2 2 7 ,0 9 1 1 , 5 3 0 ,0 7 3 2 7 9 ,5 4 5 1 9 6 ,3 4 6 1 , 0 5 4 ,1 8 2 (0 ) 1 4 8 ,0 1 3 9 7 ,4 3 7 6 0 8 ,5 0 8 1 , 1 3 0 ,8 5 6 7 5 7 ,8 6 1 2 7 7 ,1 1 3 4 8 0 ,7 4 8 2 ,7 0 7 ,8 4 3 4 2 ,7 8 0 1 2 0 ,6 7 8 2 3 ,0 9 3 4 5 3 ,1 3 9 9 3 ,2 1 6 4 1 ,7 5 0 5 3 ,1 1 8 3 ,1 0 8 9 5 3 ,0 6 5 2 0 3 ,2 8 9 2 5 1 ,3 4 3 1 1 0 ,0 4 0 2 ,8 1 0 9 3 ,7 7 1 2 6 2 ,6 4 3 1 ,6 3 7 ,6 5 4 3 0 5 ,1 1 0 1 9 8 ,9 5 6 1 , 1 3 3 ,5 8 8 (0 ) 1 5 5 ,7 8 4 1 0 9 ,8 5 3 6 6 5 ,2 9 6 1 , 2 4 9 ,6 6 5 8 0 3 ,4 5 0 3 2 1 ,6 0 9 4 8 1 ,8 4 1 3 ,0 8 4 ,2 6 9 4 9 ,1 7 6 1 3 8 ,8 2 8 2 4 ,4 6 9 5 2 1 ,6 3 8 1 0 1 ,5 6 9 4 4 ,3 4 8 5 8 ,7 2 0 3 ,3 4 4 1 ,0 8 8 ,1 3 1 2 3 8 ,4 0 5 2 7 4 ,4 1 5 1 3 0 ,7 6 1 3 ,2 6 7 1 0 7 ,7 0 5 2 9 9 ,4 9 3 1 ,7 8 8 ,8 4 8 3 3 0 ,3 7 4 2 0 7 ,4 8 4 1 ,2 5 0 ,9 9 0 1 4 0 ,6 7 2 1 1 5 ,0 8 4 7 2 1 ,0 9 7 1 ,3 0 3 ,0 6 7 8 1 7 ,4 4 9 3 3 2 ,9 2 5 4 8 4 ,5 2 4 3 ,4 0 2 ,7 5 1 5 2 ,3 3 9 1 5 7 ,1 1 1 2 5 ,6 5 4 5 7 5 ,6 2 3 1 1 2 ,2 6 4 4 7 ,1 3 4 6 2 ,9 1 4 3 ,3 2 7 1 ,2 0 8 ,2 8 7 2 5 5 ,8 0 5 3 0 1 ,3 2 2 1 5 5 ,9 5 6 3 ,8 3 2 1 1 4 ,1 9 3 3 2 6 ,9 9 0 1 ,9 1 0 ,1 6 8 3 4 9 ,8 8 0 2 1 6 ,1 8 3 1 ,3 4 4 ,1 0 5 1 2 6 ,2 8 6 8 0 ,6 2 8 4 4 8 ,1 6 6 8 4 2 ,5 3 0 4 9 3 ,6 8 6 1 9 4 ,4 4 8 2 9 9 ,2 3 8 1 ,9 0 7 ,6 4 9 3 0 ,5 0 6 7 8 ,1 6 9 2 2 ,7 7 2 2 7 5 ,3 5 3 6 7 ,5 1 8 3 6 ,4 0 2 3 7 ,3 3 6 3 ,1 5 2 7 2 7 ,6 9 4 1 4 0 ,5 8 6 1 8 7 ,6 4 1 7 4 ,2 2 1 645 7 3 ,3 6 9 1 5 2 ,2 8 5 1 ,3 5 6 ,0 6 3 2 6 2 ,2 7 3 1 4 6 ,6 6 4 9 4 7 ,1 2 6 ( D) . ( D) 40 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] S o u th C a ro lin a 1984 S o u th D a k o ta 1985 1986 1987 33,475,940 35,780,067 38,338,937 41,355,984 44,924,344 47,904,887 7,483,422 7,810,5 76 8,3 21,413 8 ,7 87,3 97 9,083,848 9,892,718 35,548,762 231,305 38,163,422 175,515 41,028,764 327,220 44,526,704 397,640 47,462,037 442,850 6,880,480 602,942 3,380.2 3,424.4 3,469.0 3,516.3 705.2 7,459,343 862,070 707.6 7,813,126 974,271 709.4 8,975,270 917,448 3,333.5 7,125,458 685,118 708.2 8,310,296 773,552 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 33,141,092 334,848 3,295.4 713.0 714.2 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 10,158 10,734 11,3 42 12 ,0 77 12,950 13,624 10,612 11,028 11,76 0 12,387 12,740 13,852 Derivation of total personal Income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent1............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 25,099,381 1,442,779 380,011 24,036,613 4,279,590 5,159,737 26,518,802 1,607,353 449,080 25,360,529 4,715,185 5,704,353 28,520,598 1,780,452 562,822 27,302,968 5,007,016 6,028,953 31,017,376 1,802,798 615,662 29,830,240 5,204,522 6,321,222 33,846,574 2,041,114 615,124 32,420,584 5,701,693 6,802,067 36,300,201 2,266,590 564,887 34,598,498 5,806,594 7,499,795 5,078,883 301,371 8,669 4,786,181 1,481,741 1,215,500 5,313,470 330,991 11,556 4,994,035 1,528,748 1,287,793 5,724,375 351,706 12,098 5,384,767 1,577,680 1,358,966 6,161,086 368,761 8,362 5,800,687 1,569,527 1,417,183 6,351,964 413,593 9,011 5,947,382 1,634,418 1,502,048 6,833,103 462,670 6,057 6,376,490 1,896,703 1,619,525 21,052,263 1,951,127 2,095,991 258,024 1,837,967 22,369,079 1,984,183 2,165,540 155,416 2,010,124 23,874,780 2,110,497 2,535,321 100,471 2,434,850 25,774,584 2,280,970 2,961,822 247,584 2,714,238 28,025,585 2,505,268 3,315,721 317,341 2,998,380 30,133,274 2,742,668 3,424,259 360,795 3,063,464 3,496,181 319,930 1,262,772 529,526 733,246 3,637,030 318,949 1,357,491 613,770 743,721 3,793,666 337,886 1,592,823 792,989 799,834 4,027,799 357,089 1,776,198 903,120 873,078 4,297,683 385,258 1,669,023 703,695 965,328 4,548,262 416,597 1,868,244 848,607 1,019,637 334,848 24,764,533 19,563,420 113,209 74,244 38,965 70,840 (D) 32,157 (0) 38,029 1,770,736 7,578,313 4,989,010 253,327 2,012,765 533,594 476,710 166,521 1,010,011 14,818 9,765 507,567 3,932 2,589,303 257,910 77,191 216,844 317,844 687,609 436,452 91,792 70,535 258,832 113,107 61,187 1,614,731 138,863 410,265 50,379 108,806 356,533 549,885 1,159,741 2,472,754 1,063,485 437,507 625,978 3,719,611 189,502 193,747 184,651 504,104 187,862 94,916 89,259 9,043 995,341 269,594 138,923 84,826 917 167,566 609,360 5,201,113 930,734 1,299,336 2,971,043 231,305 26,287,497 20,671,798 124,613 82,407 42,206 89,257 (D) 50,470 (D) 37,849 1,867,259 7,689,640 5,031,696 273,453 1,920,141 500,852 504,111 184,638 1,071,412 12,813 9,456 550,799 4,021 2,657,944 278,048 80,778 228,748 332,829 689,708 431,379 100,882 75,579 262,625 116,986 60,382 1,660,765 133,604 427,409 52,088 120,901 353,229 573,534 1,250,465 2,674,508 1,169,930 481,256 688,674 4,145,361 205,344 236,889 186,688 606,136 216,775 98,559 102,639 10,814 1,107,162 298,593 149,105 96,051 1,263 168,450 660,893 5,615,699 967,971 1,321,156 3,326,572 175,515 28,345,083 22,349,873 134,558 91,698 42,860 53,935 (0) 13,915 (0) 38,876 2,084,260 8,057,858 5,289,063 289,413 2,021,517 524,502 543,788 198,181 1,105,995 14,977 8,315 578,095 4,280 2,768,795 305,001 71,308 238,940 344,566 720,187 437,351 97,486 86,648 275,531 124,909 66,868 1,789,061 126,910 451,754 53,514 140,608 399,235 617,040 1,309,214 2,900,609 1,289,821 524,128 765,693 4,730,557 232,486 257,303 187,599 697,113 241,926 109,177 109,193 9,718 1,220,313 354,456 161,910 113,108 1,637 169,778 864,840 5,995,210 973,509 1,353,889 3,667,812 327,220 30,690,156 24,334,403 157,236 115,548 41,688 60,629 (0) 15,214 397,640 33,448,934 26,646,062 177,824 130,005 47,819 76,032 (D) 23,446 (0) 50,851 2,399,014 9,275,128 5,936,141 324,511 2,244,650 558,061 595,015 236,504 1,311,099 442,850 35,857,351 28,516,506 185,174 134,501 50,673 80,092 555 24,773 9,331 45,433 2,495,325 9,816,960 6,287,672 330,721 2,215,242 579,024 643,523 259,872 1,542,896 14,475 (D) 694,477 (D) 3,529,288 346,399 85,027 298,728 449,922 980,386 585,113 119,907 162,538 305,623 116,466 79,179 2,156,078 127,886 538,275 66,833 241,223 476,451 705,410 1,648,470 3,719,391 1,640,345 617,535 1,022,810 6,774,671 266,941 369,587 212,837 1,125,248 303,759 178,400 141,729 13,838 1,745,640 510,656 210,681 167,179 2,472 209,899 1,315,805 7,340,845 1,244,522 1,427,672 4,668,651 602,942 4,475,941 3,517,071 46,948 43,096 3,852 86,053 646 10,425 52,991 21,991 277,635 539,188 246,810 168,234 69 20,248 3,924 35,887 3,850 52 (L) 13,734 806 292,378 28,445 2,240 6,311 22,222 84,090 54,329 3,222 16,109 23,391 35,437 16,582 419,953 33,212 212,505 (L) 26,704 77,831 69,678 347,088 567,141 265,495 140,540 124,955 967,570 29,718 58,429 15,573 94,615 52,397 28,976 16,983 2,277 417,773 53,059 41,274 33,239 69 56,440 66,748 958,870 239,816 135,699 583,355 685,118 4,628,352 3,613,091 41,140 37,423 3,717 87,806 629 12,948 53,505 20,724 280,684 531,406 241,737 158,120 88 19,842 4,589 38,209 5,378 (L) (L) 14,989 506 289,669 30,481 2,592 5,906 23,389 82,419 45,404 2,626 16,459 23,581 37,859 18,953 419,462 29,631 205,735 63 26,423 75,186 82,424 349,094 576,503 288,876 158,546 130,330 1,038,120 31,823 71,601 15,631 109,874 56,712 24,966 18,307 2,325 445,828 56,720 41,323 36,856 72 57,308 68,774 1,015,261 250,796 140,489 623,976 862,070 4,862,305 3,802,417 34,212 30,245 3,967 87,672 887 6,453 58,107 22,225 302,914 575,041 264,632 179,461 299 17,174 (0) 39,754 6,352 (L) (L) 16,304 (D) 310,409 36,174 2,894 7,003 27,019 87,904 43,811 3,155 18,406 24,024 40,297 19,722 437,428 24,347 214,449 111 31,197 84,432 82,892 345,477 580,820 307,173 165,549 141,624 1,131,680 32,344 77,148 15,524 117,852 62,708 29,777 20,907 2,277 471,861 64,159 45,402 44,990 78 59,381 87,272 1,059,888 256,419 149,614 653,855 974,271 5,186,815 4,046,664 50,635 48,252 2,383 89,882 773,552 5,578,412 4,383,341 50,952 48,323 2,629 101,804 (0) 917,448 5,915,655 4,653,235 53,000 50,451 2,549 102,648 553 8,691 74,775 18,629 345,062 688,526 286,088 172,601 (0) 26,988 7,776 47,252 3,235 (D) (L) 27,498 (0) 402,438 49,243 4,549 10,900 35,584 93,255 65,068 3,976 28,967 26,488 47,355 37,053 492,965 17,084 242,581 188 35,067 94,638 103,407 429,780 690,960 373,126 200,224 172,902 1,477,168 50,426 106,317 17,021 151,301 69,037 37,579 28,063 4,672 627,808 81,454 56,966 57,557 265 72,553 116,149 1,262,420 314,172 186,954 761,294 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... Nonfarm personal Income.......................................... Farm Income1....................................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm........................................... .................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services.......................... Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (0 ) 44,144 2,144,866 8,640,285 5,632,414 309,250 2,180,316 545,615 569,220 217,507 1,153,642 (0) (0) 632,148 4,111 3,007,871 328,709 79,580 253,257 367,131 781,707 487,049 111,418 116,140 285,083 130,200 67,597 1,910,224 119,040 488,677 62,657 174,294 436,109 629,447 1,414,000 3,154,849 1,524,315 547,290 977,025 5,327,999 256,678 275,760 188,994 830,398 260,784 125,254 122,365 11,334 1,410,725 391,921 174,636 129,791 1,929 182,703 964,727 6,355,753 1,035,390 1,382,294 3,938,069 (0 ) (D) 641,076 2,627 3,338,987 358,139 84,450 272,494 411,298 893,817 540,208 121,586 152,911 304,580 124,740 74,764 2,063,051 127,995 541,485 67,757 209,643 439,840 676,331 1,527,550 3,534,668 1,556,650 583,558 973,092 6,036,145 280,935 330,412 201,421 947,727 279,992 150,366 126,588 11,694 1,572,650 466,035 190,632 146,027 2,222 200,120 1,129,324 6,802,872 1,130,031 1,382,027 4,290,814 (0 ) (0 ) (0 ) 62,618 (D) 309,607 600,533 261,660 166,294 188 20,428 5,297 42,341 6,735 53 (L) 19,937 377 338,873 41,744 3,500 7,744 30,837 98,298 45,853 4,070 20,829 19,338 44,436 22,224 449,358 19,354 226,774 199 30,213 89,121 83,697 366,497 603,682 352,091 170,468 181,623 1,224,379 35,696 81,183 15,470 127,609 61,836 29,426 23,527 2,233 521,623 66,769 51,338 49,312 144 61,959 96,254 1,140,151 274,262 173,800 692,089 71,005 21,818 331,331 663,034 282,056 177,180 191 23,388 7,442 44,675 9,499 343 (L) 19,134 194 380,978 45,922 4,053 9,176 34,933 106,456 47,734 5,355 26,666 21,931 46,809 31,943 484,083 18,354 240,781 237 32,814 90,847 101,050 405,464 648,794 344,048 180,321 163,727 1,353,831 49,236 94,558 16,321 135,050 65,234 34,657 25,193 2,514 576,278 75,618 54,741 51,409 183 67,982 104,857 1,195,071 295,901 176,762 722,408 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 41 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] Texa s Tennessee 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 50,359,948 53,636,509 57,850,069 62,740,498 68,203,414 72,756,796 205,505,430 220 ,711,0 8 7 224,976,615 230,464,051 245,652,499 263,610,358 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 49,650,331 709,617 53,107,847 528,662 57,409,412 440,657 62,111,607 628,891 226,887,135 3,576,916 241,887,348 3,765,151 260,154,839 3,455,519 4,800.0 4,854.9 202,997,072 2,508,358 16,079.0 222,341,698 2,634,917 4,767.4 72,063,688 693,108 4,937.3 218,045,939 2,665,148 4,728.9 67,451,951 751,463 4,895.0 16,383.0 16,678.2 16,777.9 16,837.2 16,993.6 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 10,649 11,2 5 1 12,052 12,923 13,933 14,736 12 ,78 1 13,472 13,489 13,736 14,590 15,512 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus-. Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 38,171,509 2,213,577 -467,176 35,490,756 6,933,550 7,935,642 40,652,412 2,492,752 -523,823 37,635,837 7,459,593 8,541,079 43,774,022 2,683,122 -601,212 40,489,688 7,840,552 9,519,829 48,131,450 2,812,457 -746,366 44,572,627 8,060,857 10,107,014 52,167,504 3,155,108 -794,261 48,218,135 9,082,376 10,902,903 55,223,772 3,480,010 -867,816 50,875,946 10,455,271 11,425,579 159,858,743 8,477,920 -391,706 150,989,117 31,349,561 23,166,752 170,686,266 9,534,648 -485,452 160,666,166 34,934,774 25,110,147 171,767,321 9,711,214 -465,706 161,590,401 35,914,820 27,471,394 176,276,116 9,966,350 -468,506 165,841,260 35,403,107 29,219,684 187,403,702 10,881,417 -495,890 176,026,395 38,459,543 31,166,561 197,455,005 11,891,557 -504,335 185,059,113 44,235,474 34,315,771 30,584,171 3,007,782 4,579,556 606,494 3,973,062 32,836,492 3,083,537 4,732,383 426,525 4,305,858 35,288,416 3,364,718 5,120,888 338,438 4,782,450 38,586,738 3,632,861 5,911,851 520,730 5,391,121 41,576,999 3,926,996 6,663,509 642,347 6,021,162 43,955,282 4,243,360 7,025,130 581,029 6,444,101 128,725,780 12,915,913 18,217,050 2,038,303 16,178,747 137,621,376 12,961,224 20,103,666 2,200,245 17,903,421 137,421,013 13,349,391 20,996,917 2,175,348 18,821,569 140,158,446 13,550,488 22,567,182 3,092,014 19,475,168 148,319,804 14,535,556 24,548,342 3,280,535 21,267,807 156,208,043 15,592,003 25,654,959 2,964,524 22,690,435 709,617 37,461,892 31,682,782 146,935 133,523 13,412 260,499 109,964 58,609 26,003 65,923 2,267,451 10,366,367 5,058,953 820,648 390,510 733,298 471,839 539,669 1,274,951 27,104 40,333 572,812 187,789 5,307,414 320,422 372,843 496,158 927,733 854,053 800,753 342,306 433,234 371,258 189,648 199,006 2,672,731 316,171 1,087,504 24,047 536,752 571,302 136,955 2,557,795 3,995,670 1,896,200 721,517 1,174,683 7,519,134 320,278 422,387 187,886 1,350,574 349,222 166,593 160,117 30,124 2,863,983 421,008 298,918 111,605 2,783 285,958 547,698 5,779,110 1,672,424 306,055 3,800,631 528,662 40,123,750 33,885,776 146,015 133,024 12,991 274,479 103,637 75,844 23,284 71,714 2,492,557 10,699,625 5,145,341 866,644 354,755 708,837 502,341 583,753 1,317,369 25,242 45,031 595,179 146,190 5,554,284 332,184 408,287 460,243 1,000,947 896,313 805,922 384,277 475,225 379,283 209,778 201,825 2,845,464 307,297 1,116,192 27,454 626,236 604,305 163,980 2,774,694 4,267,379 2,080,517 778,074 1,302,443 8,305,046 341,491 521,228 189,375 1,553,683 396,551 155,959 183,430 28,969 3,110,813 455,577 331,012 126,938 3,628 297,271 609,121 6,237,974 1,760,480 315,009 4,162,485 440,657 43,333,365 36,737,121 142,657 129,316 13,341 224,288 97,075 34,436 22,142 70,635 2,814,749 11,260,776 5,366,154 919,800 381,027 742,273 529,868 644,154 1,341,545 28,378 39,887 606,063 133,159 5,894,622 373,094 415,610 495,069 1,038,304 920,640 810,173 448,816 542,131 410,090 225,120 215,575 3,111,889 287,047 1,184,122 23,331 773,179 630,682 213,528 2,965,653 4,555,261 2,378,291 852,417 1,525,874 9,283,557 363,268 579,552 189,625 1,785,689 431,870 181,850 214,119 29,039 3,418,278 520,841 355,779 140,360 4,089 314,859 754,339 6,596,244 1,756,103 327,981 4,512,160 628,891 47,502,559 40,299,448 208,918 198,379 10,539 231,135 80,766 36,738 37,240 76,391 3,063,523 11,870,675 5,640,483 961,820 415,991 775,599 583,446 703,184 1,351,531 31,089 40,027 640,345 137,451 6,230,192 422,688 445,460 485,337 1,060,218 965,426 846,219 492,387 596,275 440,015 232,542 243,625 3,481,584 281,658 1,310,176 27,328 891,463 717,923 253,036 3,256,701 4,958,744 2,815,921 938,002 1,877,919 10,412,247 407,120 631,085 190,702 1,964,904 458,438 184,271 248,271 30,307 3,940,886 561,190 393,587 149,517 5,120 342,713 904,136 7,203,111 1,934,779 349,247 4,919,085 751,463 51,416,041 43,678,530 216,157 205,684 10,473 260,207 79,423 52,211 39,696 88,877 3,289,388 12,760,075 6,037,523 1,019,876 418,871 825,303 645,184 788,451 1,412,255 36,281 42,120 708,187 140,995 6,722,552 461,475 470,111 541,012 1,154,560 1,049,086 925,234 440,459 678,688 465,266 259,131 277,530 3,740,977 290,419 1,397,371 37,286 1,014,454 745,847 255,600 3,499,897 5,415,900 2,817,794 990,244 1,827,550 11,678,135 438,247 734,301 202,278 2,208,265 488,573 215,368 285,461 35,170 4,443,938 639,332 438,007 167,638 6,523 377,617 997,417 7,737,511 2,109,035 355,652 5,272,824 693,108 54,530,664 46,492,152 230,658 220,307 10,351 267,042 78,221 52,652 44,521 91,648 3,400,962 13,391,012 6,379,583 1,043,540 428,280 855,890 706,847 848,496 1,495,612 38,013 40,639 776,260 146,006 7,011,429 455,545 507,407 460,683 1,239,897 1,121,308 1,003,514 431,832 752,857 469,852 289,161 279,373 4,010,225 283,564 1,479,651 (0) (D) 781,882 268,187 3,728,189 5,639,199 2,850,095 1,015,211 1,834,884 12,974,770 467,960 836,908 212,831 2,516,122 532,055 230,398 315,290 40,927 4,899,312 714,018 470,588 194,900 7,642 397,464 1,138,355 8,038,512 2,023,411 368,371 5,646,730 2,508,358 157,350,385 134,265,444 749,468 693,014 56,454 10,134,047 59,514 9,854,007 19,946 200,580 14,254,090 26,401,209 11,042,265 2,079,323 85,518 790,417 664,393 1,527,957 2,922,554 2,067,865 2,556 789,708 111,974 15,358,944 812,710 309,163 1,120,821 2,008,297 3,751,562 2,858,669 1,930,405 454,779 1,151,930 574,896 385,712 11,936,119 936,501 2,724,708 442,861 2,256,760 2,769,038 2,806,251 11,715,985 17,010,828 10,714,762 3,747,644 6,967,118 31,348,936 986,689 1,657,296 774,367 7,338,038 1,469,205 722,111 598,915 115,109 8,554,341 2,691,995 801,630 568,520 25,776 1,069,883 3,975,061 23,084,941 4,644,449 2,740,877 15,699,615 2,665,148 168,021,118 142,697,552 816,707 726,349 90,358 10,237,811 64,940 9,965,255 17,162 190,454 14,607,453 27,677,067 11,376,249 2,159,877 84,320 771,670 676,528 1,668,271 3,186,130 1,933,800 3,414 781,462 110,777 16,300,818 809,079 312,764 996,291 2,063,206 3,946,865 3,338,769 2,170,319 464,835 1,222,404 595,966 380,320 12,744,769 914,681 2,742,250 421,030 2,490,844 2,998,222 3,177,742 12,402,783 11,926,126 11,771,234 4,160,584 7,610,650 34,513,602 1,031,710 1,972,171 788,985 8,452,754 1,601,161 684,164 667,610 126,286 9,210,701 3,082,230 886,822 638,354 28,802 1,172,037 4,169,755 25,323,566 5,102,012 2,815,016 17,346,538 2,634,917 169,132,404 142,745,187 789,555 684,384 105,171 8,521,381 194,362 8,110,165 11,343 205,511 13,811,112 21,562,697 11,710,860 2,289,022 82,915 731,351 692,265 1,737,895 3,458,894 1,806,496 3,578 798,815 109,629 15,851,837 783,450 316,251 901,944 1,957,809 3,256,542 3,546,180 2,516,094 396,550 1,208,973 599,661 368,383 12,609,959 860,832 2,764,986 358,518 2,674,447 2,983,270 2,967,906 12,407,193 17,945,914 12,457,612 4,360,021 8,097,591 36,639,764 1,026,780 2,055,115 798,512 8,686,009 1,668,284 685,673 717,792 131,284 9,883,399 3,588,028 952,418 660,097 33,344 1,252,492 4,500,537 26,387,217 5,121,123 3,043,103 18,222,991 3,576,916 172,699,200 144,901,211 937,010 858,412 78,598 7,697,811 192,146 7,296,151 16,158 193,356 12,245,117 28,146,807 12,029,022 2,349,680 81,856 765,336 736,356 1,766,315 3,547,210 1,809,539 2,167 853,484 117,079 16,117,785 742,848 315,231 844,122 1,938,478 3,150,176 3,744,679 2,840,416 431,866 1,120,359 590,407 399,203 12,854,400 833,069 2,870,456 371,368 2,956,330 3,394,105 2,529,072 12,242,582 17,826,607 13,291,976 4,293,648 8,998,328 39,658,901 1,086,382 2,115,317 798,980 9,265,332 1,718,019 680,969 777,271 137,262 11,261,046 4,034,685 1,083,056 723,865 35,543 1,355,569 4,585,605 27,797,989 5,421,660 3,173,276 19,203,053 3,765,151 183,638,551 154,121,123 994,410 904,106 90,304 8,112,303 186,897 7,710,449 23,258 191,699 12,361,782 30,560,072 12,941,314 2,436,670 78,700 803,924 793,331 1,855,486 4,211,398 1,728,691 2,641 913,311 117,162 17,618,758 752,814 327,826 954,610 2,061,146 3,532,815 4,034,198 3,125,140 547,184 1,118,231 708,025 456,769 13,789,692 847,400 3,011,461 401,814 3,278,101 3.338,683 2,912,233 13,129,853 18,533,246 13,232,266 4,250,536 8,981,730 43,407,500 1,087,837 2,349,915 843,647 10,070,346 1,741,656 747,418 883,366 160,222 12,582,902 4,598,327 1,199,998 783,128 38,598 1,510,529 4,809,611 29,517,428 5,978,834 3,182,712 20,355,882 3,455,519 193,999,486 162,513,812 1,019,963 924,752 95,211 7,997,853 193,266 7,594,953 33,844 175,790 12,459,130 31,715,783 13,239,046 2,503,272 83,908 857,736 826,033 1,862,280 4,268,686 1,731,289 2,470 980,888 122,484 18,476,737 716,738 330,043 944,541 2,214,261 3,765,771 4,286,360 3,337,125 518,355 1,122,638 761,426 479,479 14,711,257 882,976 3,125,508 412,686 3,654,777 3,495,113 3,140,197 14,085,589 19,295,886 13,351,712 4,336,859 9,014,853 47,876,639 1,077,314 2,623,222 887,802 11,517,326 1,876,710 834,912 941,471 169,163 13,754,182 5,069,179 1,320,499 868,286 41,694 1,589,554 5,305,325 31,485,674 6,413,639 3,253,315 21,818,720 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors' income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other’ ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................. Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. 42 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] U ta h 1984 V e rm o n t 1985 1986 1987 1988 1984 1989 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal incom e.............................................. Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 16,425,857 17 ,5 12 ,175 18,391,267 19,372,665 20,6 87,514 22,353,064 6,122,0 74 6,620,711 7,147,9 8 8 7,823,534 8,579,547 9,353,629 16,314,949 110,908 17,419,431 92,744 18,247,522 143,745 19,186,993 185,672 20,461,739 225,775 22,144,348 208,716 6,018,920 103,154 6,521,462 99,249 7,036,455 111,533 7,693,877 129,657 9,232,495 121,134 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ 1,623.8 1,645.1 1,664.0 1,679.6 1,689.9 1,705.8 530.1 535.2 539.9 547.1 8,454,072 125,475 557.4 10 ,115 10,645 11,0 52 11,534 12,242 13,104 11,549 12 ,371 13,240 14,299 15,391 16,514 12,780,234 738,743 57,769 12,099,260 2,147,192 2,179,405 13,562,373 804,100 73,779 12,832,052 2,329,736 2,350,387 14,118,115 874,592 78,402 13,321,925 2,416,509 2,652,833 14,730,307 863,481 66,444 13,933,270 2,537,053 2,902,342 15,781,966 920,584 80,002 14,941,384 2,688,427 3,057,703 16,917,892 1,025,028 89,068 15,981,932 3,137,016 3,234,116 4,255,561 215,753 33,290 4,073,098 1,099,754 949,222 4,662,779 250,085 37,183 4,449,877 1,178,777 992,057 5,105,706 288,073 47,775 4,865,408 1,241,798 1,040,782 5,682,784 319,644 72,220 5,435,360 1,312,290 1,075,884 6,244,146 365,175 80,861 5,959,832 1,468,409 1,151,306 6,698,648 407,584 93,907 6,384,971 1,708,788 1,259,870 10,611,523 1,028,845 1,139,866 63,746 1,076,120 11,311,493 1,044,601 1,206,279 46,882 1,159,397 11,680,150 1,064,446 1,373,519 99,280 1,274,239 12,122,069 1,087,581 1,520,657 139,980 1,380,677 12,929,789 1,156,017 1,696,160 181,082 1,515,078 13,853,198 1,270,429 1,794,265 164,655 1,629,610 3,368,130 338,767 548,664 73,460 475,204 3,696,213 354,792 611,774 69,926 541,848 4,043,642 394,803 667,261 82,324 584,937 4,438,947 423,325 820,512 98,904 721,608 4,881,478 464,586 898,082 94,507 803,575 5,238,170 506,085 954,393 89,666 864,727 110,908 12,669,326 10,053,978 39,632 38,513 1,119 467,958 119,090 149,437 176,661 22,770 1,070,843 2,211,429 508,877 161,541 1,858 65,658 16,565 117,517 80,464 39,652 (0) 24,901 92,744 13,469,629 10,595,266 43,572 41,729 1,843 377,867 128,159 133,568 90,811 25,329 1,084,912 2,343,290 549,090 173,407 1,060 64,412 27,018 128,863 83,816 41,354 (0) 28,472 (0) 1,794,200 65,523 49,129 197,256 151,833 406,982 197,285 454,317 32,614 112,665 78,037 48,559 1,185,990 159,530 310,461 95 163,273 263,561 289,070 874,827 1,330,703 686,385 316,257 370,128 2,667,720 87,700 129,486 (0) 481,780 145,805 71,292 75,601 33,937 767,096 158,816 183,192 43,594 (») 222,595 246,370 2,874,363 1,011,554 188,642 1,674,167 143,745 13,974,370 10,934,904 36,563 34,875 1,688 309,498 129,152 79,448 73,847 27,051 1,026,846 2,363,834 582,438 189,163 1,247 64,621 32,254 138,988 82,338 40,972 (0) 32,065 185,672 14,544,635 11,435,259 45,608 43,871 1,737 311,206 117,686 64,253 105,516 23,751 905,367 2,417,877 628,817 212,704 2,733 62,777 33,433 148,680 82,597 42,417 52 42,914 510 1,789,060 59,742 50,912 108,889 147,242 395,535 201,285 537,994 38,681 102,677 90,088 56,015 1,234,682 118,061 349,530 120 220,496 251,995 294,480 906,188 1,423,843 873,336 355,152 518,184 3,317,152 99,308 146,586 (D) 628,234 158,671 72,767 90,152 46,781 1,002,323 206,445 224,798 52,016 (0) 274,692 293,565 3,109,376 1,054,990 209,131 1,845,255 225,775 15,556,191 12,327,352 45,905 43,811 2,094 332,527 118,842 72,321 117,143 24,221 914,658 2,687,263 704,135 224,459 4,588 64,259 36,259 166,703 106,633 42,141 208,716 16,709,176 13,298,589 48,341 46,581 1,760 343,302 123,660 69,790 124,626 25,226 960,035 2,853,127 733,901 241,364 4,755 65,279 42,353 178,975 105,477 46,024 103,154 4,152,407 3,541,375 28,826 23,048 5,778 24,335 0 12,610 (L) 11,730 334,460 1,142,478 256,793 45,528 12,893 20,544 58,162 71,930 15,912 342 99,249 4,563,530 3,904,374 27,123 23,723 3,400 29,034 0 18,283 (U (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) (L) 129,657 5,553,127 4,783,300 40,764 38,753 2,011 18,488 0 (0) (0) 13,515 531,572 1,350,262 309,221 64,903 14,220 17,521 66,085 95,390 17,749 (L) 58,706 338 1,983,128 57,849 49,280 199,555 159,385 371,111 219,588 574,666 41,336 101,753 117,321 91,284 1,332,911 119,570 391,867 313 277,692 242,678 300,791 986,095 1,497,806 873,581 358,395 515,186 3,656,606 98,403 171,269 20,339 725,686 163,462 83,148 98,455 44,472 1,092,792 223,285 236,847 63,135 1,771 314,986 318,556 3,228,839 1,089,977 213,073 1,925,789 49,089 561 2,119,226 61,759 54,790 219,242 179,095 221,710 377,316 607,861 61,727 108,228 130,434 97,064 1,447,824 127,511 425,629 506 326,146 248,659 319,373 1,096,969 1,613,305 901,495 365,884 • 535,611 4,034,191 97,853 196,606 21,382 841,984 177,964 90,661 109,374 51,559 1,181,216 246,583 256,112 72,686 1,963 339,920 348,328 3,410,587 1,177,408 221,156 2,012,023 27,282 4,192 885,685 70,178 30,393 18,211 99,068 114,048 387,181 63,593 5,996 48,873 34,500 13,644 265,561 22,615 86,472 2,546 28,466 70,806 54,656 193,903 465,848 173,581 77,130 96,451 912,383 96,965 40,059 22,231 103,128 42,403 14,006 18,125 3,040 301,963 54,200 86,093 33,475 1,680 25,990 69,025 611,032 112,304 19,256 479,472 29,183 3,414 951,870 73,541 35,367 17,748 105,415 116,309 415,125 75,950 5,220 54,606 39,070 13,519 280,214 24,269 88,769 2,855 30,910 71,336 62,075 227,154 511,481 195,518 85,592 109,926 1,013,215 103,603 51,647 22,449 122,958 48,793 11,862 19,179 3,375 327,500 60,867 93,690 37,149 2,180 27,224 80,739 659,156 121,406 20,535 517,215 30,573 4,744 996,546 82,646 37,336 18,990 104,236 113,567 425,511 90,469 3,795 57,754 49,526 12,716 287,872 19,085 91,849 3,074 35,737 73,241 64,886 248,958 553,013 234,916 97,598 137,318 1,156,670 120,975 58,375 22,504 146,218 55,609 14,952 22,119 4,558 366,493 70,348 102,193 38,398 2,387 28,464 103,077 706,241 123,006 23,128 560,107 125,475 6,118,671 5,262,592 45,226 43,813 1,413 23,227 0 (0) (D) 15,115 601,976 1,428,090 322,164 72,926 15,958 16,647 65,977 105,110 18,987 (L) (L) 24,819 1,688 1,105,926 104,710 47,554 20,325 105,161 124,574 457,619 93,091 2,142 79,133 54,804 16,813 329,879 12,036 112,088 3,949 42,909 83,156 75,741 348,197 690,516 319,288 121,605 197,683 1,476,193 154,440 79,983 24,308 195,302 66,205 21,978 28,442 5,088 469,889 91,809 122,059 47,950 2,725 36,572 129,443 856,079 151,054 26,926 678,099 121,134 6,577,514 5,633,944 45,261 44,285 976 22,567 0 8,686 10,757 398,233 1,222,402 270,532 49,603 12,944 17,082 63,603 78,639 16,046 111,533 4,994,173 4,287,932 26,228 24,995 1,233 17,112 0 (0) (0) 12,311 465,493 1,297,670 301,124 58,611 13,108 18,467 66,563 92,047 16,980 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 566.4 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation9..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places........................ Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (D) 1,702,552 63,432 43,235 219,770 157,968 377,150 211,069 370,486 32,199 108,135 75,963 43,145 1,150,680 158,649 304,982 170 162,240 251,498 273,141 818,765 1,257,003 634,345 310,450 323,895 2,403,323 84,294 106,222 (0) 414,430 134,337 70,634 64,709 31,854 693,585 148,252 163,917 39,176 (0) 207,736 224,103 2,615,348 922,916 171,874 1,520,558 (D) 1,781,396 61,023 48,262 141,334 144,831 412,879 203,290 486,697 34,927 113,369 86,260 48,524 1,210,051 137,216 320,553 94 183,802 251,359 317,027 904,189 1,386,327 767,518 346,335 421,183 2,930,078 81,115 140,131 (0) 537,349 156,655 74,407 81,748 41,943 852,769 179,347 210,503 45,768 (0) 239,671 267,917 3,039,466 1,025,900 200,258 1,813,308 ai (U 28,405 4,900 1,041,041 95,382 42,108 19,825 104,795 111,438 434,060 96,419 2,922 67,329 52,837 13,926 302,817 11,375 102,799 3,439 41,089 76,757 67,358 296,985 617,088 320,483 109,988 210,495 1,304,841 142,337 66,354 22,679 176,965 59,681 16,551 26,020 5,931 407,220 78,379 111,179 41,662 2,584 30,660 116,639 769,827 133,628 25,630 610,569 id 13,870 634,474 1,491,604 344,697 80,010 11,635 16,143 69,279 113,077 20,912 5,689 (0) 26,846 (0) 1,146,907 100,773 45,343 25,144 103,709 135,222 471,283 100,930 3,746 86,179 57,965 16,613 350,545 13,001 121,357 4,283 46,460 81,233 84,211 364,169 737,405 329,548 140,495 189,053 1,658,371 162,986 92,718 25,749 220,122 72,409 28,991 32,953 6,167 531,193 104,398 135,831 51,229 2,990 40,350 150,285 943,570 161,570 27,466 754,534 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES 43 Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] V irg in ia 1984 W a s h in g to n 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 76,452,199 82,523,057 89,589,190 97,753,532 106,618,997 115 ,7 62,213 75,950,661 501,538 82,198,915 324,142 89,174,531 414,659 97,223,607 529,925 105,980,358 638,639 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 58,415,764 62,031,519 66,280,478 70,563,331 76,299,357 84,166,980 57,227,109 1,188,655 4,350.3 61,006,401 1,025,118 4,407.8 64,858,652 1,421,826 69,109,317 1,454,014 74,799,221 1,500,136 82,532,090 1,634,890 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ................................................................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income'. ................................ Population (thousands)’ ......................................... 5,635.6 5,702.0 5,797.9 5,913.8 6,015.1 115,103,698 658,515 6,099.4 4,461.1 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 4,541.8 4,647.9 4,756.2 13,566 14,473 15,452 16,530 17,7 25 18,979 13,428 14,073 14,858 15,536 16,416 17,6 96 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less.- Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments................................... 53,554,532 2,882,378 3,239,083 53,911,237 12,197,335 10,343,627 58,420,199 3,262,845 3,252,150 58,409,504 13,067,525 11,046,028 63,904,759 3,630,554 3,368,981 63,643,186 14,055,269 11,890,735 70,703,398 3,859,086 3,500,468 70,344,780 14,772,065 12,636,687 77,079,204 4,355,507 3,765,779 76,489,476 16,545,927 13,583,594 82,571,680 4,798,612 4,277,105 82,050,173 19,155,297 14,556,743 41,470,885 2,339,700 405,209 39,536,394 9,867,761 9,011,609 43,755,600 2,594,759 463,118 41,623,959 10,599,593 9,807,967 47,266,154 2,857,117 469,989 44,879,026 11,114,035 10,287,417 50,795,846 3,118,032 522,932 48,200,746 11,465,718 10,896,867 55,198,009 3,487,847 540,841 52,251,003 12,338,793 11,709,561 60,362,738 3,945,694 619,940 57,036,984 14,465,863 12,664,133 45,322,345 3,957,883 4,274,304 374,017 3,900,287 49,651,306 4,136,530 4,632,363 198,280 4,434,083 54,026,185 4,544,970 5,333,604 291,084 5,042,520 59,510,828 4,916,176 6,276,394 400,700 5,875,694 64,686,087 5.343.058 7.050.059 509,586 6,540,473 69,189,142 5,826,022 7,556,516 528,701 7,027,815 33,735,440 3,039,504 4,695,941 883,934 3,812,007 35,696,080 3,079,973 4,979,547 723,692 4,255,855 38,221,097 3,284,311 5,760,746 1,123,190 4,637,556 40,970,099 3,437,479 6,388,268 1,139,258 5,249,010 44,469,589 3,730,681 6,997,739 1,183,932 5,813,807 48,584,178 4,168,012 7,610,548 1,313,691 6,296,857 501,538 53,052,994 38,891,472 181,624 161,211 20,413 807,165 649,032 97,333 5,113 55,687 3,465,135 9,421,608 4,763,573 704,904 686,786 346,086 441,825 592,643 1,019,933 16,857 568,558 350,613 35,368 4,658,035 405,774 356,078 348,822 472,908 379,714 1,110,090 952,684 209,087 286,585 70,391 65,902 3,964,186 434,670 801,048 98,221 811,357 1,163,364 655,526 2,896,060 5,015,294 2,443,540 962,588 1,480,952 10,696,860 423,521 499,986 315,620 2,849,667 380,985 215,721 169,949 32,472 2,880,969 612,474 301,048 232,680 10,015 495,973 1,275,780 14,161,522 4,963,637 3,821,695 5,376,190 324,142 58,096,057 42,912,589 222,000 182,046 39,954 820,044 613,570 140,374 4,723 61,377 4,089,640 9,922,064 4,942,336 750,325 669,429 335,544 465,515 676,048 1,040,992 17,224 575,021 377,904 34,334 4,979,728 442,260 373,403 340,794 502,445 420,943 1,157,848 1,044,698 231,428 314,779 80,765 70,365 4,263,781 414,241 810,874 104,557 887,312 1,309,800 736,997 3,066,979 5,525,332 2,741,152 1,074,533 1,666,619 12,261,597 480,754 611,667 319,393 3,517,942 430,469 207,608 192,352 35,101 3,174,861 678,915 334,811 259,672 11,387 545,106 1,461,559 15,183,468 5,154,519 4,129,269 5,899,680 414,659 63,490,100 47,531,262 255,612 207,992 47,620 698,999 583,028 45,819 1,094 69,058 4,919,994 10,485,335 5,225,378 783,664 727,833 351,086 496,201 766,875 1,084,197 19,527 559,132 407,333 29,530 5,259,957 513,886 391,200 345,732 520,765 411,902 1,180,872 1,082,098 275,799 349,162 112,348 76,193 4,621,651 403,521 886,375 108,518 1,022,670 1,369,898 830,669 3,383,074 6,102,911 3,178,590 1,264,380 1,914,210 13,885,096 489,263 673,290 321,981 4,044,707 480,565 242,906 216,935 36,119 3,489,324 787,732 374,413 295,464 42,664 587,273 1,802,460 15,958,838 5,162,187 4,258,510 6,538,141 529,925 70,173,473 53,071,513 314,333 277,869 36,464 659,181 529,809 51,440 2,719 75,213 5,546,794 11,102,487 5,543,210 808,081 799,563 355,532 522,248 846,853 1,135,907 21,695 584,528 446,602 22,201 5,559,277 580,311 415,902 366,364 517,847 451,897 1,230,893 1,102,742 261,585 389,767 152,940 89,029 4,999,552 408,834 962,827 119,899 1,114,125 1,515,702 878,165 3,691,630 6,585,296 4,117,807 1,464,308 2,653,499 16,054,433 564,364 730,417 326,637 4,888,493 543,074 256,763 247,587 41,770 4,037,300 883,139 408,696 338,243 45,738 661,563 2,080,649 17,101,960 5,455,661 4,470,735 7,175,564 638,639 76,440,565 58,053,605 349,840 305,727 44,113 716,740 536,573 79,022 3,167 97,978 6,206,356 11,667,484 5,736,705 792,292 776,494 358,333 544,949 940,545 1,208,174 24,575 611,087 466,624 13,632 5,930,779 619,227 427,244 418,474 542,868 572,081 1,235,523 1,128,641 294,219 416,823 183,747 91,932 5,359,122 403,217 1,010,090 129,054 1,227,957 1,667,200 921,604 4,062,518 7,185,510 4,267,689 1,603,221 2,664,468 18,238,346 592,818 844,638 349,662 5,638,179 595,783 294,551 297,517 53,128 4,550,800 1,035,342 459,286 383,686 49,121 743,563 2,350,272 18,386,960 5,899,393 4,607,916 7,879,651 658,515 81,913,165 62,114,341 376,965 332,160 44,805 709,293 525,637 84,322 3,800 95,534 6,479,118 12,058,558 5,951,799 784,637 803,235 383,272 591,692 996,015 1,194,919 24,596 672,928 478,677 21,828 6,106,759 631,830 433,312 444,479 565,234 623,303 1,268,793 1,130,146 283,733 419,589 227,748 78,592 5,659,233 382,448 1,072,063 144,826 1,304,492 1,772,528 982,876 4,446,616 7,666,853 4,478,556 1,661,750 2,816,806 20,239,149 619,360 959,789 370,146 6,373,452 648,726 300,277 316,482 60,153 5,041,882 1,174,942 509,397 428,878 54,098 799,576 2,581,991 19,798,824 6,358,490 4,793,821 8,646,513 1,188,655 40,282,230 32,316,840 372,192 207,606 164,586 154,548 (0) 71,959 (0) 39,562 2,848,258 8,755,818 2,344,200 690,393 15,067 94,700 600,664 378,304 380,041 83,303 54 94,970 6,704 6,411,618 1,122,540 67,450 511,042 264,607 451,533 288,190 3,084,703 63,463 177,611 276,274 104,205 2,961,904 264,559 696,262 286,218 652,842 804,840 257,183 2,732,167 4,304,393 2,274,979 900,210 1,374,769 7,912,581 218,785 430,990 96,271 1,431,026 431,147 221,148 226,475 34,986 2,473,564 619,633 230,666 229,977 3,796 413,862 850,255 7,965,390 1,813,411 1,096,501 5,055,478 1,025,118 42,730,482 34,159,650 505,466 205,559 299,907 187,910 34,155 105,405 11,492 36,858 2,756,169 9,208,621 2,473,632 707,791 18,110 91,838 632,637 406,250 422,311 93,938 (L) 95,609 5,119 6,734,989 1,064,065 70,128 470,217 257,345 481,178 318,447 3,437,879 57,100 178,792 302,078 97,760 3,065,359 248,123 705,382 286,843 693,835 848,703 282,473 2,799,124 4,460,390 2,335,748 958,903 1,376,845 8,840,863 225,258 511,284 97,510 1,643,376 490,461 217,102 249,517 36,259 2,752,481 717,903 256,651 250,694 4,221 422,974 965,172 8,570,832 1,890,884 1,204,565 5,475,383 1,421,826 45,844,328 36,939,875 637,103 212,292 424,811 131,884 (D) 37,472 (D) 40,452 3,013,781 10,057,471 2,572,052 721,222 (0) 91,535 654,195 442,283 438,549 92,609 (D) 105,038 (D) 7,485,419 1,099,969 70,604 446,472 271,485 516,196 351,449 4,055,698 73,838 179,199 317,744 102,765 3,201,039 237,155 748,888 282,671 759,736 878,288 294,301 2,927,527 4,682,040 2,627,526 1,080,233 1,547,293 9,661,504 218,058 542,391 98,155 1,827,277 523,548 238,500 268,771 40,638 2,987,360 819,347 268,698 268,026 4,683 441,051 1,115,001 8,904,453 1,863,131 1,226,347 5,814,975 1,454,014 49,341,832 39,862,445 702,478 297,149 405,329 140,718 (D) 40,684 (D) 40,947 3,221,327 10,542,758 2,697,921 753,283 22,420 96,494 680,953 471,706 449,410 100,604 56 116,332 6,663 7,844,837 1,166,803 79,241 415,126 291,019 470,131 372,954 4,263,009 146,649 191,455 339,526 108,924 3,327,368 234,559 793,361 318,439 781,394 923,834 275,781 3,111,840 4,951,271 3,124,789 1,136,805 1,987,984 10,739,896 260,465 562,895 99,405 2,182,284 534,220 239,547 293,350 40,715 3,399,159 872,558 296,325 292,985 5,815 469,731 1,190,442 9,479,387 1,997,256 1,284,607 6,197,524 1,500,136 53,697,873 43,531,774 830,605 316,236 514,369 177,790 (D) (D) (D) 45,481 3,620,634 11,564,683 2,919,805 803,780 23,823 100’282 696,926 523,959 523,555 107,120 56 134,087 6,217 8,644,878 1,238,167 93,803 473,428 319,995 550,808 387,876 4,685,682 160,714 222,200 384*404 127701 3,591*028 242,042 849,098 348,837 858,628 965,706 326,717 3,393,360 5,401,235 3,140,996 1,175,037 1,965*959 11,811,443 278,061 631,018 106,974 2,280,338 538,419 264,889 318,997 44,018 3,904,321 982,672 329,827 323 638 7759 527714 1,273,698 10,166,099 2,129,120 1,365,532 6,671,447 1,634,890 58,727,848 47,859,062 873*247 345 706 527Ì541 209,356 (D) 78,226 (D) 51,424 4,016,036 12,757,865 3,269*455 903Ì471 25082 103738 901742 547 598 518,036 110991 57 148,969 ¿871 9,488*410 1,137,886 90*020 524757 350,904 610*714 435762 5,367*309 172*488 229694 430329 139547 3,848*263 255703 923*036 380,563 967*534 976,193 345*234 3,747,206 5,921,084 3,281,217 1,219 004 2,062,213 13,204788 287,813 726*571 114*328 2,586*260 595 776 305^461 350757 52*086 4,326,865 1,092,810 362*908 368,598 8316 560717 1,465722 10,868,786 2*253*053 1 385 173 7,230*560 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors' income6......................................... Farm............................................... Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other’ ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining......................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing............................................... Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods....................................... Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing Industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................ Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation..................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services...................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trace.... .......................................... Finance, Insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate®.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services.......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. 44 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME STATES Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] W is c o n s in W e s t V irg in ia 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... 18 ,9 0 1,772 19,504,244 20,202,346 20,814,425 21,8 8 1,70 0 23,096,348 59,900,493 62,899,876 66,497,888 70 ,141,6 40 74 ,79 7,4 79 80,456,879 18,838,064 63,708 19,467,387 36,857 20,147,344 55,002 20,756,163 58,262 21,812,270 69,430 23,043,599 52,749 61,605,916 1,293,960 64,840,969 1,656,919 68,450,597 1,691,043 73,412,263 1,385,216 78,490,113 1,966,766 1,951.0 1,937.2 1,917.6 1,898.1 1,876.8 1,857.6 58,563,783 1,336,710 4,763.6 4,775.8 4,783.8 4,806.9 4,854.5 4,889.7 9,688 10,068 10,535 10,966 11,6 59 12,434 12,575 13 ,170 13,901 14,592 15,408 16,454 12,873,191 742,967 -222,229 11,907,995 2,769,801 4,223,976 13,201,640 806,026 -227,867 12,167,747 2,846,625 4,489,872 13,532,287 824,484 -254,293 12,453,510 3,018,457 4,730,379 13,943,576 861,866 -208,767 12,872,943 3,023,860 4,917,622 14,641,491 947,110 -257,008 13,437,373 3,228,375 5,215,952 15,166,606 1,036,910 -236,322 13,893,374 3,643,950 5,559,024 42,050,471 2,515,971 738,330 40,272,830 10,416,972 9,210,691 43,997,385 2,769,117 815,166 42,043,434 11,012,076 9,844,366 46,783,875 2,900,907 939,649 44,822,617 11,351,851 10,323,420 50,133,692 3,220,092 1,050,962 47,964,562 11,378,143 10,798,935 53,982,758 3,666,911 1,155,896 51,471,743 12,017,052 11,308,684 57,475,425 4,028,709 1,262,200 54,708,916 13,652,679 12,095,284 10,540,405 1,208,738 1,124,048 42,990 1,081,058 10,849,182 1,177,047 1,175,411 16,603 1,158,808 11,079,987 1,186,774 1,265,526 35,016 1,230,510 11,378,772 1,190,741 1,374,063 37,454 1,336,609 11,900,775 1,234,174 1,506,542 48,728 1,457,814 12,291,681 1,302,513 1,572,412 31,877 1,540,535 33,874,958 3,540,215 . 4,635,298 1,041,122 3,594,176 35,590,521 3,553,394 4,853,470 1,001,574 3,851,896 37,537,024 3,764,426 5,482,425 1,369,497 4,112,928 40,107,200 3,987,107 6,039,385 1,389,238 4,650,147 43,427,262 4,352,944 6,202,552 1,082,590 5,119,962 45,771,486 4,632,910 7,071,029 1,661,809 5,409,220 63,708 12,809,483 10,702,314 31,248 27,408 3,840 1,892,429 1,707,016 161,992 36,857 13,164,783 10,897,714 29,626 27,049 2,577 1,782,151 1,595,523 162,611 (L) 34,037 653,341 2,505,126 1,111,266 87,704 10,337 41,374 22,412 88,242 778,930 22,031 4,504 36,106 19,626 1,393,860 96,502 16,505 482,920 230,173 159,001 81,299 42,443 18,016 230,872 23,126 13,003 1,206,096 246,883 243,463 26,916 36,709 229,505 422,620 671,551 1,280,740 453,467 225,879 227,588 2,315,616 83,040 147,096 53,239 212,308 88,847 67,006 48,256 4,032 1,075,528 169,519 51,744 54,972 1,415 119,140 139,474 2,267,069 401,296 44,687 1,821,086 55,002 13,477,285 11,088,431 28,296 26,556 1,740 1,673,462 1,525,739 121,872 (E) 25,852 672,820 2,530,198 1,106,971 86,559 (0) 38,271 22,749 90,107 773,939 21,469 58,262 13,885,314 11,391,435 42,175 40,705 1,470 1,562,532 1,418,269 116,413 132 27,718 726,974 2,542,624 1,112,107 87,370 (D) 40,459 24,823 91,730 767,290 21,428 (D) 41,716 20,942 1,430,517 127,798 20,201 511,010 220,042 158,021 73,955 42,607 17,030 227,589 19,967 12,297 1,223,047 202,355 270,609 28,660 40,044 239,655 441,724 685,804 1,356,026 577,678 243,980 333,698 2,674,575 97,012 163,295 51,566 267,026 95,836 71,237 54,988 4,053 1,233,951 197,032 55,989 66,766 1,471 135,152 179,201 2,493,879 429,020 50,023 2,014,836 69,430 14,572,061 12,039,307 44,032 42,477 1,555 1,548,796 1,397,137 125,194 198 26,267 768,626 2,715,548 1,183,743 88,313 (0) 40,865 27,608 98,941 820,008 22,020 (D) 47,036 20,789 1,531,805 141,749 20,665 565,870 233,180 153,656 74,316 54,666 20,167 218,357 34,679 14,500 1,262,866 206,897 277,215 28,591 44,526 243,349 462,288 734,192 1,449,670 558,800 251,518 307,282 2,956,777 100,485 184,595 53,566 306,028 99,721 75,764 58,968 4,744 1,370,236 222,451 60,573 71,005 1,563 147,685 199,393 2,532,754 464,275 51,507 2,016,972 52,749 15,113,857 12,530,752 46,994 45,489 1,505 1,591,407 1,429,936 132,016 1,375 28,080 764,898 2,817,705 1,182,468 84,382 (0) 44,314 28,427 102,702 823,928 15,314 (0) 46,543 20,140 1,635,237 150,717 14,522 623,278 240,366 165,578 77,260 64,444 20,785 220,030 42,788 15,469 1,282,452 188,709 281,319 28,903 49,183 254,559 479,779 773,352 1,489,375 551,742 256,297 295,445 3,212,827 104,150 203,541 55,304 352,889 105,074 79,854 60,983 5,164 1,469,323 247,981 65,244 82,354 1,647 152,864 226,455 2,583,105 507,455 53,194 2,022,456 1,336,710 40,713,761 34,752,435 224,801 194,111 30,690 123,066 555 (D) (0) 43,628 2,109,461 13,481,241 4,785,362 1,420,374 79,528 92,666 1,501,697 763,115 316,225 16,501 148 453,819 141,289 8,695,879 422,025 182,163 553,785 1,360,318 2,946,362 1,308,849 186,177 1,077,080 198,093 248,258 212,769 2,701,595 238,002 1,035,330 18,851 259,443 557,076 592,893 2,415,495 3,892,283 2,092,761 749,433 1,343,328 7,711,732 174,632 387,040 93,321 1,391,136 308,364 142,385 183,628 16,195 3,069,306 489,301 306,665 268,209 3,680 353,126 524,744 5,961,326 680,974 171,348 5,109,004 1,293,960 42,703,425 36,350,962 213,498 191,924 21,574 155,219 743 108,426 1,386 44,664 2,197,638 13,770,678 4,984,472 1,420,932 79,680 95,993 1,599,579 818,159 337,218 13,552 105 486,133 133,121 8,786,206 449,477 191,414 518,226 1,379,007 3,001,749 1,321,821 176,067 1,059,868 198,510 275,282 214,785 2,764,068 217,758 1,047,425 18,169 280,454 571,782 628,480 2,526,434 4,094,513 2,229,774 810,476 1,419,298 8,399,140 178,854 466,343 93,593 1,634,677 345,928 132,214 199,983 16,031 3,223,805 538,717 336,036 295,909 4,369 360,160 572,521 6,352,463 722,707 194,051 5,435,705 1,656,919 45,126,956 38,417,973 201,302 193,263 8,039 86,241 713 34,315 2,044 49,169 2,468,836 14,250,632 5,286,730 1,494,447 . 81,545 103,654 1,680,295 888,621 362,123 14,416 137 535,431 126,061 8,963,902 505,573 204,855 528,257 1,457,636 3,102,488 1,321,111 208,721 937,044 215,878 279,166 203,173 2,930,790 195,617 1,119,581 16,350 315,521 602,111 681,610 2,628,023 4,321,713 2,450,640 859,934 1,590,706 9,079,796 178,535 496,588 93,157 1,803,065 360,134 144,239 209,704 15,845 3,464,329 590,314 363,040 311,699 4,821 381,468 662,858 6,708,983 725,258 208,515 5,775,210 1,691,043 48,442,649 41,432,980 275,256 264,316 10,940 94,843 326 36,519 6,266 51,732 2,647,703 15,082,973 5,636,613 1,571,619 87,362 115,235 1,780,388 970,177 374,220 16,080 70 588,235 133,227 9,446,360 578,859 226,642 548,430 1,499,315 3,252,455 1,333,000 210,844 1,048,472 240,619 303,610 204,114 2,994,058 168,278 1,183,980 16,452 327,344 608,328 689,676 2,864,643 4,543,427 2,976,052 904,095 2,071,957 9,954,025 204,831 521,593 93,142 2,008,311 380,121 145,567 228,581 16,097 3,839,468 634,807 385,343 352,473 5,456 417,507 720,728 7,009,669 777,936 221,299 6,010,434 1,385,216 52,597,542 45,120,901 289,779 281,515 8,264 118,858 398 54,223 7,347 56,890 2,955,769 16,379,231 6,025,170 1,682,644 96,722 121,008 1,859,311 1,063,093 405,597 18,731 71 638,290 139,703 10,354,061 638,722 252,434 658,642 1,669,963 3,511,718 1,428,312 209,266 1,148,928 265,759 339,544 230,773 3,186,151 149,479 1,280,299 1,966,766 55,508,659 47,643,380 305,720 297,603 8,117 130,568 419 57,212 7,072 65,865 3,136,756 16,820,012 6,299,971 1,733,301 94,115 125,806 1,923,967 1,127,668 432,915 17,189 71 710,044 134,895 10,520,041 629,277 284,909 690,639 1,763,368 3,621,639 1,440,251 239,153 960,133 273,024 373,484 244,164 3,300,768 129,059 1,343,479 18,742 403,575 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Other labor income. ................................................. Earnings by industry: Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... (L ) Manufacturing................................................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Fabricated metal products............................ Electric and electronic equipment.................... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries.............. Water transportation...................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Retail trade................................................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Miscellaneous services.................................... State and local........................................... See footnotes at endof tables. 23,459 621,964 2,467,723 1,092,634 88,226 11,262 40,317 23,594 80,727 767,083 23,084 4,418 34,901 19,022 1,375,089 90,263 14,504 568,964 143,868 147,567 87,688 45,625 7,686 233,777 21,747 13,400 1,207,781 253,680 253,961 25,667 37,359 235,932 401,182 647,116 1,241,259 440,068 210,613 229,455 2,152,726 80,835 120,562 53,672 183,938 79,107 65,842 41,773 4,135 1,014,902 159,356 46,673 50,707 1,354 121,196 128,674 2,107,169 386,511 41,307 1,679,351 (D) 37,054 20,496 1,423,227 109,906 18,913 517,197 217,469 149,911 73,248 47,638 16,482 239,179 20,293 12,991 1,202,156 218,985 261,892 29,213 38,593 229,607 423,866 673,318 1,319,686 478,621 239,336 239,285 2,509,874 87,670 156,393 52,366 242,886 94,060 73,883 54,150 4,910 1,135,741 192,609 54,637 61,412 1,324 130,265 167,568 2,388,854 402,388 48,183 1,938,283 361,206 637,018 739,841 3,154,222 4,956,138 3,007,669 948,682 2,058,987 11,073,084 224,008 601,525 98,859 2,284,346 413,844 172,366 263,675 21,554 4,145,119 759,206 3,430,745 5,306,278 3,106,822 2,124,345 12,105,711 236,994 677,658 103,795 2,523,806 454,839 191,502 276,197 24,740 416,686 394,859 5,891 470,817 455,659 447,940 6,585 500,389 7,476,641 7,865,279 229,618 6,408,533 236,330 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Table 5.— Personal Income for States by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Thousands of dollars] W y o m in g 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal incom e............................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income'..................................... Population (thousands)1 .............................................. Per capita personal income (do lla rs)............................ Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence................................... Equals: Net earnings by place ol residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 6,279,690 6,537,169 6,453,694 6,279,316 6,591,846 6,902,600 6,258,530 21,160 6,508,076 29,093 6,399,561 54,133 6,501,460 90,386 479.3 6,858,585 44,015 512.9 509.7 507.1 6,204,306 75,010 489.7 12,244 12,826 12,728 12,822 13,753 14,554 4,803,857 238,442 -65,475 4,499,940 1,064,342 715,408 4,992,742 260,610 -79,605 4,652,527 1,114,557 770,085 4,811,409 251,192 -78,903 4,481,314 1,100,121 872,259 4,593,500 263,353 -57,219 4,272,928 1,103,787 902,601 4,757,832 282,983 -59,034 4,415,815 1,229,667 946,364 4,875,027 305,093 -56,717 4,513,217 1,390,817 998,566 3,974,353 344,790 484,714 -28,367 513,081 4,158,691 344,840 489,211 -18,084 507,295 3,967,638 327,961 515,810 9,161 506,649 3,711,552 302,740 579,208 29,805 549,403 3,822,717 316,793 618,322 46,971 571,351 3,937,378 335,749 601,900 2,526 599,374 21,160 4,782,697 3,725,979 22,425 18,543 3,882 1,032,187 272,271 553,682 48,704 157,530 432,487 198,229 105,594 19,735 29,093 4,963,649 3,842,310 20,790 16,897 3,893 995,425 287,316 511,970 38,229 157,910 552,524 196,325 105,465 21,779 (L) 838 83 25,590 11,450 42,829 (L) 2,693 193 90,860 21,913 372 5,251 10,175 20,636 1,351 2,508 151 25,674 982 1,847 532,815 135,831 129,546 127 33,088 74,090 160,133 228,583 465,986 174,684 96,226 78,458 675,178 57,928 45,761 9,728 92,877 46,634 32,864 15,082 2,819 161,413 54,823 9,787 27,084 1,089 37,031 80,258 1,121,339 184,462 90,420 846,457 54,133 4,757,276 3,594,495 18,635 15,746 2,889 826,211 269,571 367,218 30,933 158,489 513,089 199,714 109,591 23,621 75,010 4,518,490 3,362,049 26,334 23,355 2,979 742,353 238,575 319,139 29,570 155,069 361,246 210,353 115,775 23,286 90,386 4,667,446 3,480,319 26,134 23,332 2,802 777,969 251,023 333,734 28,923 164,289 351,449 229,660 129,925 24,480 44,015 4,831,012 3,608,965 27,562 24,641 2,921 776,850 257,142 319,205 29,386 171,117 349,281 241,629 137,853 23,446 (L) 1,971 474.3 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors' income6................................................ Farm.............................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by Industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining.................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation'..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate*.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services.......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. U) 749 87 24,735 9,407 48,057 (L) 2,621 192 92,635 22,414 268 7,722 9,116 19,606 1,524 2,006 68 26,877 1,264 1,770 531,671 139,448 135,927 184 36,353 77,408 142,351 226,126 458,559 168,538 93,810 74,728 655,757 61,704 37,137 9,787 93,958 43,872 38,160 12,757 2,341 152,709 52,052 9,458 24,773 1,131 36,728 79,190 1,056,718 174,729 81,982 800,007 (L ) (F) 1,001 (L) 25,096 13,073 42,853 (L) 2,961 940 90,123 24,452 230 5,859 9,683 19,535 1,340 3,139 124 22,771 989 2,001 513,594 126,982 117,948 78 30,178 69,481 168,927 204,024 442,477 174,483 93,882 80,601 702,268 62,145 46,084 9,628 87,795 44,387 32,773 17,628 2,879 176,501 59,804 9,806 27,068 1,150 36,551 88,069 1,162,781 186,029 94,526 882,226 980 (L) 25,666 15,636 45,654 (L) 3,395 1,119 94,578 28,735 420 5,426 10,044 19,260 1,724 3,708 123 21,978 1,004 2,156 499,448 123,959 126,113 (L) 29,204 68,005 152,145 178,555 425,410 197,309 88,373 108,936 721,041 60,898 45,418 9,253 86,360 44,839 27,886 20,259 2,794 199,568 64,428 10,720 27,883 1,471 40,752 78,512 1,156,441 197,688 100,905 857,848 (F) 1,538 (L) 32,157 19,941 46,061 (L ) 4,738 958 99,735 30,374 1,228 6,285 10,323 20,498 1,383 4,396 174 19,758 2,551 2,765 527,169 127,669 137,065 (D) (D) 69,111 161,236 179,441 441,677 177,032 86,717 90,315 769,788 64,186 50,957 9,519 86,757 49,931 35,065 23,257 3,132 208,368 67,779 12,395 30,099 1,781 45,532 81,030 1,187,127 213,034 101,493 872,600 (L ) 32,662 23,283 50,436 (F) 5,201 810 103,776 30,174 1,236 9,250 11,098 22,640 1,483 4,870 132 17,324 2,945 2,624 542,498 137,041 140,655 (F) 33,386 67,732 163,663 189,529 459,721 177,660 89,339 88,321 844,235 72,215 57,994 9,816 98,134 52,808 37,355 28,665 3,777 226,817 71,062 13,505 32,575 2,061 47,977 89,474 1,222,047 219,905 102,419 899,723 STATES 45 46 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 1984-89 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Thousands of dollars]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C h ic a g o — G a ry — L a k e C o u n ty , IL — I N — W l ( C M S A ) B u f f a lo — N ia g a r a F a lls , N Y ( C M S A ) 1984 In co m e b y P lace o f R esidence Total personal incom e........................................ Nonfarm personal income. ................................... Farm income'. ................................................ Population (thousands)2 ....................................... Per capita personal income (dollars)...................... Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work............................ Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3....... . Plus: Adjustment for residence.............................. Equals: Net earnings by place of residence................ Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent8......................... Plus: Transfer payments..................................... E a rn in g s b y Place o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries.......................................... Other labor income. .......................................... Proprietors’ income®......................................... Farm....................................................... Nonfarm................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm.......................................................... Nonfarm...................................................... Private..................................................... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7. Agricultural services............................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 .................... Mining.................................................. Coal mining......................................... Oil and gas extraction............................. Metal mining....................................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels............... Construction........................................... Manufacturing......................................... Nondurable goods.................................. Food and kindred products..................... Textile mill products............................ Apparel and other textile products............ Paper and allied products...................... Printing and publishing......................... Chemicals and allied products................. Petroleum and coal products................... Tobacco manufactures......................... Rubber and misc. plastic products............ Leather and leather products.................. Durable goods...................................... Lumber and wood products.................... Furniture and fixtures.......................... Primary metal industries....................... Fabricated metal products...................... Machinery, except electrical................... Electric and electronic equipment............. Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles... Motor vehicles and equipment................ Stone, clay, and glass products............... Instruments and related products............. Miscellaneous manufacturing industries...... Transportation and public utilities................... Railroad transportation............................ Trucking and warehousing........................ Water transportation............................... Other transportation8.............................. Communication.................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services.............. Wholesale trade....................................... Retail trade............................................ Finance, insurance, and real estate................. Banking and credit agencies.................... . Other finance, insurance, and real estate9....... Services............................................... Hotels and other lodging places................. Personal services.................................. Private households................................. Business services.................................. Auto repair, services, and garages.............. Miscellaneous repair services..................... Amusement and recreation services.............. Motion pictures.................................... Health services.................................... Legal services...................................... Educational services............................... Social services..................................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens......... Membership organizations........................ Miscellaneous services............................ Government and government enterprises.............. Federal, civilian....................................... M ilitary................................................ State and local. ....................................... See footnotes at endof tables. 1986 1987 1988 1989 126,297,269 133,258,329 142,420,897 154,352,611 165,474,896 126,144,446 152,823 133,114,552 143,777 142,276,233 144,664 154,220,269 132,342 165,281,818 193,078 8,056.4 8,080.4 8,105.1 8,145.6 8,180.9 8,228.8 14,839 15,630 16,441 17,484 18,867 20,109 14,061,465 1,043,535 -132,012 12,885,918 3,747,609 3,797,292 90,063,281 5,447,834 -740,314 83,875,133 20,529,398 15,140,780 95,568,993 6,070,009 -726,148 88,772,836 21,532,977 15,991,456 101,745,747 6,630,629 -767,601 94,347,517 22,252,206 16,658,606 109,891,110 7,024,051 -871,397 101,995,662 23,055,366 17,369,869 119,994,884 7,967,248 -974,849 111,052,787 24,997,397 18,302,427 126,788,765 8,692,920 -956,822 117,139,023 28,712,854 19,623,019 11,069,609 1,044,670 1,189,589 27,228 1,162,361 11,686,900 1,101,810 1,272,755 35,061 1,237,694 74,903,417 7,628,240 7,531,624 98,388 7,433,236 79,375,440 7,753,962 8,439,591 112,641 8,326,950 84,350,703 8,228,999 9,166,045 103,938 9,062,107 90,574,938 8,712,164 10,604,008 102,688 10,501,320 98,862,786 9,411,544 11,720,554 90,423 11,630,131 104,199,551 10,046,019 12,543,195 150,557 12,392,638 42,991 13,260,877 10,965,347 42,233 41,299 934 34,249 109 22,051 169 11,920 695,910 3,465,916 1,126,028 242,136 12,079 47,034* 90,714 257,747 284,605 17,385 0 169,316 2,408* 2,339,888 21,692 20,275 163,993 385,694 313,462 242,967 (0) (0) 126,048 111,679 116,019 833,483 56,094 244,774 20,725 113,075 185,045 213,770 803,568 1,222,443 802,409 401,202 401,207 3,065,136 51,600 126,563 22,647 491,965 115,185 52,755 98,276 8,360 1,107,575 291,362 118,564 134,632 4,459 128,652 312,541 2,295,530 308,598 26,914 1,960,018 51,133 14,010,332 11,536,775 43,861 42,961 900 33,044 112 19,404 185 13,343 755,420 3,475,503 1,155,668 237,011 9,931* 52,404* 90,929 265,154 297,028 17,561 0 179,106 2,991* 2,319,835 25,964 23,455 201,622 397,626 334,617 240,686 (0) (0) 130,005 99,531 110,588 855,867 54,989 249,147 22,566 122,460 176,139 230,566 834,494 1,329,083 835,273 425,557 409,716 3,374,230 53,636 136,277 23,661 561,586 126,364 58,420 101,533 9,877 1,237,791 319,249 124,044 149,699 4,600 135,689 331,804 2,473,557 324,791 27,886 2,120,880 138,651 89,924,630 79,495,003 239,849 214,727* 11,876* 323,183 (D) (D) (0) (0) 4,765,034 22,453,851 8,112,860 1,897,796* (D) 218,644* 704,814* 2,241,572* (0) 370,765* 14,830 779,978* 64,065* 14,340,991 133,031* 331,876* (D) 2,533,042* (D) 2,854,257* 419,355* (D) 460,409* 767,761* 508,813* 6,994,886* 697,569 1,698,739 54,338* 1,602,844* 1,688,305* (0) 7,954,340 7,966,427 7,585,471 2,305,662* 4,847,197* 21,066,852* 413,275* 759,563* 183,317 5,434,295 712,725 344,222 378,659 178,690* 5,942,824 2,095,051 1,037,858* 395,194* 48,271* 965,949 2,161,046 10,429,627 1,929,480 536,941 7,963,206 152,823 95,416,170 84,486,689 251,879 224,549* 11,959* 427,833 3,922 (0) (L) <») 5,259,333 22,574,320 8,340,391 1,893,472* (0) 219,746* 701,129 2,381,780* (») 381,968* 13,660 796,580* 59,571* 14,233,929 138,855* 334,881* (0) 2,645,512* 143,777 101,601,970 90,004,843 275,173* 248,028* 11,456* 252,844* 5,728 (0) 68 (0) 5,881,431 22,566,800 8,568,755 1,938,437* (0) 231,131* 752,460* 2,402,883* (D) 373,411* 11,901 826,052* 56,607* 13,998,045 137,833* 330,940* (0) 2,727,589* (0) 2,823,214* 387,917* (0) 464,106* 825,199* 495,296* 7,912,581* 652,796 1,811,846* 51,915* 2,029,200* 1,988,020* (0) 8,958,781 9,015,179 9,098,032 2,582,768* 5,906,824* 25,864,241* 434,958* 1,001,890* 182,359 7,217,950 859,299 387,257 459,358 201,966* 6,683,295 2,662,938 1,191,385* 512,463* 59,614* 1,084,300 2,910,658 11,597,127 2,063,934 659,672 8,873,521 144,664 109,746,446 97,594,925 352,541 338,655 13,886 244,173 (D) (0) (0) (D) 6,498,352 23,268,729 8,937,745* 1,974,388* (0) 243,602* 789,251* 2,570,720* (0) 388,223* (0) 872,478* 59,426* 14,248,277* 157,476* 368,517* (0) 2,750,503* (0) 2,818,428* 336,733* (D) 509,263* 783,028* 528,786* 8,442,977* 0» 2,008,198 (D) (0) 2,075,346* (0) 9,623,949 9,759,544 11,022,367 2,944,630* 8,041,412* 28,183,626* 485,343* 1,053,505* 176,164* 8,050,675 893,594 361,783 505,602 196,651* 7,286,532 2,946,949 1,255,919* 566,845* 68,101* 1,199,519 3,095,082 12,151,521 2,210,506 636,113 9,304,902 132,342 119,862,542 106,820,835 407,859 391,678 16,181 284,387 (0) 151,798* 866 122,824* 7,218,614 25,469,258 9,733,582* 2,148,914* (0) 275,015* 844,243* 2,804,238* (0) 418,212* (D) 879,188* 65,341* 15,539,843* 187,119* 384,574* 193,078 126,595,687 112,872,678 434,436 397,511* 14,750* 279,707 (0) 1984 1985 20,430,819 119,545,3 11 20,379,686 51,133 119,406,660 138,651 1,171.5 17,439 13,303,868 956,022 -127,098 12,220,748 3,278,474 3,525,910 10,269,692 991,696 1,065,159 28,152 1,037,007 43,855 12,282,692 10,159,589 38,018 37,263 755 26,080 95 14,196* (0) 10,221 644,531 3,295,042 1,059,761 225,298 11,564 40,992* 90,447 246,933 264,514 16,199 0 159,857 2,004* 2,235,281 18,721 21,212 151,605 359,458 306,669 264,191 (D) (D) 119,326 99,869 86,983 782,333 56,058 224,474 18,723 99,835 177,094 206,149 747,361 1,131,726 762,180 366,080 396,100 2,732,318 49,382 111,937 21,462 447,863 108,570 45,022 81,152 7,132 971,704 255,938 110,685 121,703 4,084 116,532 279,152 2,123,103 285,003 25,897 1,812,203 1985 1986 1987 1988 15,323,235 16,032,748 16 ,74 2,5 71 17,579,6 05 19,025,132 15,287,741 35,494 15,995,509 37,239 16,703,728 38,843 17,535,750 43,855 18,982,141 42,991 1,192.6 1,184.9 1,177.2 1,171.6 1,175.6 12,849 13,531 14,222 15,004 16,183 10,431,490 667,715 -107,788 9,655,987 2,711,663 2,955,585 11,067,002 743,851 -108,788 10,214,363 2,789,069 3,029,316 11,612,024 810,969 -119,605 10,681,450 2,865,622 3,195,499 12,326,547 852,515 -120,253 11,353,779 2,888,300 3,337,526 8,678,966 930,321 822,203 20,419 801,784 9,248,516 939,025 879,461 22,232 857,229 9,704,581 980,078 927,365 23,946 903,419 35,494 10,395,996 8,661,873 23,403 22,961 442 46,418 309 35,355* (0) 7,934 516,426 3,194,331 993,171 209,338 13,293 35,913* 74,610 206,192 261,681 42,158 986 141,858 5,518* 2,201,160 13,985 16,650 193,879 333,486 296,258 276,865 (0) (D) 116,548 87,880 71,531 722,583 61,589 212,690 21,878 83,254 162,171 181,001 609,555 945,447 508,142 260,905 247,237 2,095,568 (D) 77,684 21,588 338,794 86,703 40,279 65,896 4,766 743,806 195,685 (0) 89,998 3,533 105,097 188,127 1,734,123 258,361 21,906 1,453,856 37,239 11,029,763 9,193,457 27,456 26,652 804 51,205 226 38,531* (D) 8,438 562,563 3,309,494 990,540 197,002 (0) 38,815* 74,335 223,659 253,606 43,320 0 141,173 4,826 2,318,954 15,196 17,971 159,213 360,816 301,409 272,372 (D) (D) 109,247 94,594 69,265 750,439 60,780 215,377 19,284* (0) 173,394 195,447 651,270 1,007,507 533,118 264,673 268,445 2,300,405 (0) 96,034 21,631 395,160 97,508 40,549 72,086 4,738 798,123 213,995 (0) 101,999 3,566 107,496 206,215 1,836,306 270,668 23,629 1,542,009 38,843 11,573,181 9,622,838 30,196 29,233 963 29,304 240 17,834* (D) 9,689 603,663 3,314,028 1,028,106 212,914 (D) 40,036* 80,891 237,928 254,979 38,152 0 148,224 2,265 2,285,922 17,432 18,495 147,495 360,153 306,320 276,207 (D) (D) 106,631 99,346 75,814 757,913 58,036 223,484 16,849 96,210 166,256 197,078 688,959 1,077,669 613,417 317,331 296,086 2,507,689 40,188 106,427 21,533 434,616 101,361 44,480 74,559 5,334 869,954 241,824 106,616 104,684 3,572 104,033 248,508 1,950,343 267,895 24,715 1,657,733 1989 (0 ) 2,782,088* 382,136* (0) 477,224* 840,491* 449,530* 7,509,509* 652,610 1,759,138 53,851* 1,752,700* 1,930,372* (D) 8,509,652 8,444,096 8,211,405 2,449,771* 5,758,130* 23,131,800* 415,009* 897,549* 183,503 6,260,936 777,904 328,928 402,513 188,503* 6,220,627 2,302,745 1,143,959* 451,467* 53,497* 1,005,511 2,484,847 10,929,481 2,026,433 597,766 8,305,282 (0 ) 2,789,720* (D) 3,008.982* 386,403* (D) 619,981* 954,983* 579,562* 8,880,465* 627,827* 2,185,069 59,869* 2,463,728* 2,093,967* (D) 10,497,555 10,460,068 11,914,361 3,030,656* 8,019,471* 31,480,925* 580,082* 1,210,073* 173,470* 8,918,674 975,496 463,977 550,978 236,219* 7,876,959 3,391,939 1,390,987* 646,926* 70,566* 1,345,746 3,623,912 13,041,707 2,402,451 633,844 10,005,412 (0 ) 458 (0) 7,721,983 25,987,604 10,049,991* 2,190,105* (D) 268,835* 854,121* 2,864,845* 2,336,554* 425,624* (D) 937,254* 60,884* 15,717,430* 188,390* 381,829* (0) 2,875,345* 2,818,288* 3,170,340* 408,838* (m 576,797* 980,478* 576,318* 9,205,694* 630,888* 2,225,875 56,367* 2,607,496* 2,132,265* (0) 11,473,759 11,027,498 11,969,633 3,379,115* 8,559,343* 34,556,948* 638,698* 1,344,692* 181,724* 9,912,785 1,059,679 528,961 585,181 261,875* 8,415,877 3,725,444 1,502,161* 724,986* 77,579* 1,456,937 4,130,567 13,723,009 2,524,273 663,589 10,535,147 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S 47 Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] C in c in n a ti-- H a m i l t o n , O H — K Y — I N 1984 (C M S A ) C le v e la n d — A k r o n — - L o r a in , O H 1985 1986 1987 21,743,800 23 ,0 17,3 10 24,56 1,517 26,385,172 28,364,413 30,309,607 21,696,306 47,494 22,975,482 41,828 24,524,504 37,013 26,343,925 41,247 28,328,914 35,499 30,265,320 44,287 1,673.0 1,681.3 1,702.9 1,719.8 1,728.5 12,997 13,690 14,424 15,342 16,410 15,878,742 1,027,307 -85,904 14,765,531 3,778,436 3,199,833 16,968,100 1,153,562 -117,945 15,696,593 3,939,540 3,381,177 18,215,328 1,261,132 -156,630 16,797,566 4,139,216 3,624,735 19,782,946 1,351,323 -196,313 18,235,310 4,303,408 3,846,454 13,327,484 1,393,535 1,157,723 36,538 1,121,185 14,319,054 1,419,552 1,229,494 31,240 1,198,254 15,341,522 1,523,653 1,350,153 26,762 1,323,391 47,494 15,831,248 14,018,091 36,294 33,614* (0) 59,759 4,786 43,053* (1) 9,644* 813,919* 5,216,106 2,070,336 381,266* (0) 56,169* 303,963* 322,300 759,700* 32,562* 0 124,657* (D) 3,145,770 38,719* (0) (D) (0) 658,938 (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) 1,075,863* 116,989 349,924 21,402* (0) 315,583* (D) 1,199,534 1,552,668 801,744 248,040* 524,378* 3,177,731 72,539* 145,053 46,800 543,019 119,182 43,047* (0) 11,745* 1,166,383 214,134 (0) 107,838 5,040* 133,173 343,806 1,813,157 344,744 34,708 1,433,705 41,828 16,926,272 14,997,801 38,994 38,357 637 77,376 5,743 58,218* ft> 10,074* 829,721* 5,502,984 2,162,599 380,209* (0) 56,043* 321,107* 338,589 814,158* 34,490* 0 134,216* (D) 3,340,385 42,190* (0) (0) (D) 695,776 (D) (0) 0» (D) (0) (0) 1,123,600* 115,192 354,615 21,205* (0) 329,991* (D) 1,293,659 1,665,603 871,933 266,307* 574,573* 3,517,522 74,463* 175,932 46,805 641,461 137,500 42,899 (0) 10,761* 1,264,840 226,675 (D) 117,079 5,537* 138,920 379,493 1,928,471 371,759 37,719 1,518,993 37,013 18,178,315 16,111,069 41,128 40,564 564 37,475 3,406 20,691* (u 11,658* 990,197 5,797,550 2,332,475 402,032* (D) 55,687* (0) 359,367 896,828* 31,853* 0 (D) (D) 3,465,075 48,434* (0) (D) (D) 716,957 (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) 1,200,918 108,555 353,742 (0) (D) 354,143* (0) 1,383,108 1,789,457 973,622 (D) (0) 3,897,614 76,522* 188,324 46,494 714,348 151,042 47,236 144,547* 9,585* 1,372,873 259,785 (D) 125,251 6,088* 142,940 483,088 2,067,246 388,134 39,926 1,639,186 1988 1989 1984 (C M S A ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 38,566,912 40,581,140 42,361,146 44,654,342 47,703,296 50,895,753 38,510,692 56,220 40,521,898 59,242 42,303,232 57,914 44,583,498 70,844 47,642,983 60,313 50,828,715 67,038 1,745.5 2,786,1 2,772.7 2,779.8 2,775.9 2,769.0 2,769.2 17,365 13,843 14,636 15,239 16,086 17,228 18,380 21,248,495 1,497,281 -162,880 19,588,334 4,645,958 4,130,121 22,433,655 1,634,451 -193,716 20,605,488 5,296,027 4,408,092 28,572,672 1,877,165 -644,166 26,051,341 6,492,137 6.023,434 30,102,076 2,076,810 -676,796 27,348,470 6,820,906 6,411,764 31,444,241 2,208,087 -669,230 28,566,924 6,947,730 6,846,492 33,266,184 2,309,966 -677,429 30,278,789 7,116,644 7,258,909 35,661,676 2,553,449 -706,066 32,402,161 7,672,854 7,628,281 37,529,241 2,785,843 -792,075 33,951,323 8,726,654 8,217,776 16,597,739 1,564,734 1,620,473 30,795 1,589,678 17,860,337 1,653,520 1,734,638 25,329 1,709,309 18,839,994 1,766,735 1,826,926 34,339 1,792,587 23,881,491 2,565,729 2,125,452 35,278 2,090,174 25,236,744 2,560,292 2,305,040 38,693 2,266,347 26,203,327 2,655,906 2,585,008 37,704 2,547,304 27,658,172 2,658,667 2,949,345 49,806 2,899,539 29,652,393 2,812,082 3,197,201 39,478 3,157,723 31,163,100 2,972,563 3,393,578 46,144 3,347,434 41,247 19,741,699 17,533,733 55,068 54,586 482 37,750 1,827 19,978* 104 13,070* 1,152,921 5,885,688 2,419,792 396,316* (0) 58,841* (0) 387,645 961,770* 27,110 0 (0) (0) 3,465,896 55,366* (0) (D) (D) 724,202 195,005* (D) (0) (D) 71,370* (0) 1,306,550 97,190 373,566 20,220* (0) 383,467* (D) 1,529,545 1,893,171 1,251,860 (D) (D) 4,421,180 91,074* 202,903 45,939* 840,294 165,798 58,463 153,084* 10,710* 1,575,154 288,279 (D) 137,649 7,077* 156,707 542,483 2,207,966 418,085 42,929 1,746,952 35,499 21,212,996 18,805,031 61,269 60,770 499 47,516 (D) 28,829* (D) 13,475* 1,281,074 6,014,764 2,544,504 403,999* (D) (D) 340,133* 420,959 1,009,455* 31,324 0 181,918 (0) 3,470,260 58,707* (0) (D) (D) 735,163 260,781* 0» (D) 78,032 81,778* (0) 1,430,030 100,114 399,111 29,041* (0) 391,541* (0) 1,648,822 2,098,893 1,313,894 340,206* 924,189* 4,908,769 104,046* 234,981 48,499* 939,453 169,695 67,149 (D) 12,578* 1,750,133 324,241 133,041* 143,264 7,965* 172,709 597,969 2,407,965 460,798 44,358 1,902,809 1 44,287 22,389,368 19,828,878 67,423 67,043 380 49,912 1,611 31,410* (D) 13,732* 1,363,085 6,184,254 2,619,293 (0) (D) (0) 364,958* 453,623 1,062,791* 30,559 0 188,105* (0) 3,564,961 65,805* (D) (0) 453,094* 718,129 253,175* (D) (0) (0) (D) (D) 1,533,184 92,655 424,001 30,796* (D) 405,493* (D) 1,791,502 2,190,982 1,308,625 (D) 0» 5,339,911 105,345* 262,538 51,317 1,043,065 182,593 72,763 186,672* 14,136* 1,891,667 339,468 146,476* 159,618 8,627* 181,238 668,253 2,560,490 495,592 45,710 2,019,188 56,220 28,516,452 25,284,443 82,925 (0) (D) 151,990 36,848 78,180* (D) (D) 1,443,321 9,559,746 2,960,382 251,521 (0) (D) (D) 448,012* 614,821 250,425* 0 1,084,129 701 6,599,364 27,394 (D) (0) 1,441,564 1,284,461 708,633 (0) 1,018,539* 144,694 (0) 81,878* 1,905,819 98,794 579,133 68,920* (») 534,768* (0) 2,133,941 2,493,404 1,333,978 515,318* 785,101* 6,179,319 83,003* 230,363 67,553 986,037 203,717 91,062 159,806 (D) 2,253,855 514,821 287,339* 155,866* 10,052* 240,969 865,970 3,232,009 658,222 56,995 2,516,792 59,242 30,042,834 26,602,454 85,364 (0) 1,063* 176,565 37,159 (D) (0) (0) 1,446,761 9,883,665 3,023,885 252,513 (D) (0) (0) 483,055 618,756* 276,624 0 1,081,787 728* 6,859,780 32,398 55,170* 1,023,036* 1,496,381 1,341,044 738,973* (0) 1,093,856* 146,888 (D) 92,225 1,902,544 92,449 573,763 67,820* 213,984* 498,635* (D) 2,297,723 2,617,220 1,418,420 531,029* 845,125* 6,774,192 88,756* 271,938 67,542 1,131,922 231,598 95,380 175,939 12,617* 2,423,117 569,798 310,615* 166,455* 10,180* 251,660 948,076 3,440,380 702,386 61,729 2,676,265 57,914 31,386,327 27,791,163 89,099 88,172 927 118,534 40,220 (D) (D) (0) 1,427,916 9,928,900 3,139,933 260,533 (D) (D) (D) 516,062 674,128 272,623 0 1,105,665 (D) 6,788,967 34,871 (D) 932,040* 1,536,719 1,276,379 733,231* (D) 1,086,147* 141,220 (0) 102,085 1,973,981 91,731 597,066 65,794* 223,820* 518,503* (0) 2,370,811 2,748,785 1,587,634 570,686* 970,153* 7,545,503 86,727* 285,927 67,087 1,267,016 250,513 102,014 192,616 (D) 2,636,575 652,832 331,798* 186,088 10,908* 256,062 1,193,687 3,595,164 696,315 66,814 2,832,035 70,844 33,195,340 29,403,732 111,731 111,082 649 120,173 25,904 51,022* (D) (D) 1,554,317 10,000,980 3,273,253 279,749 (D) (D) (D) 540,014 705,663 321,358 0 1,113,217 (D) 6,727,727 (D) (0) 1,026,922* 1,501,464 1,248,384 718,558* (0) 1,063,366* 159,245 (D) 118,441* 1,995,696 81,631 616,764 63,593* 247,568* 521,921* (0) 2,467,616 2,853,694 2,011,692 606,531* 1,331,460* 8,287,833 97,957* 302,535 67,007 1,435,301 264,742 112,949 203,661 15,140* 2,941,996 722,071 347,223* 202,675 12,609* 278,721 1,270,339 3,791,608 746,727 71,561 2,973,320 60,313 35,601,363 31,581,966 125,421 124,795 626 131,955 27,104 61,171* (D) (D) 1,678,176 10,663,593 3,371,915 301,637 (D) 65,584* (D) 579,169 797,584 295,990 0 1,066,227 (D) 7,291,678 (D) 70,500* 1,202,981* 1,603,169 1,351,402 749,926 (D) (0) 169,818 (D) 132,213 2,042,043 84,168 649,583 65,376* 241,204* 536,714 (D) 2,700,414 3,019,290 2,051,575 685,265 1,366,310 9,169,499 107,230* 339,050 70,731 1,594,969 281,639 134,148 247,970 17,791* 3,182,064 826,889 374,797* 229,948 13,295* 301,659 1,434,315 4,019,397 786,009 72,761 3,160,627 67,038 37,462,203 33,145,058 134,965 134,427 538 128,036 24,999 56,927* (D) (D) 1,818,202 11,011,408 3,500,841 296,365 (D) 63,019* (0) 616,519 826,754 286,709 o 1,136,178 (D) 7,510,567 (D) 74,844* 1,221,973* 1,688,402 1,462,094 791,917 (D) (D) 177,296 (D) 134,630 2,128,629 83,806 648,500 80,323* 277,773* 558,882* (D) 2,825,690 3,106,536 2,092,822 731,589 1,361,233 9,898,770 105,010* 375,195 74,061 1,766,254 304,209 145,995 251,767 18,967* 3,339,009 895,354 390,061* 245,084 13,738* 313,177 1,646,477 4,317,145 860,287 75,422 3,381,436 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal incom e................................ Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1............................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ Derivation of total personal Income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus. Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent'............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income®........................................... Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm....................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm........................................................... Nonfarm................................................... Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining.............................................. Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile producls................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies..................... ....... Other finance, insurance, and real estate9............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. 48 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] D a lla s — F o r t W o r t h , T X D e n v e r— B o u ld e r , C O (C M S A ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 28,434,946 30,066,834 31,083,952 32,234,387 33,826,230 36,0 71,4 31 28,366,545 68,401 29,993,181 73,653 31,000,358 83,594 32,151,057 83,330 33,740,749 85,481 35,991,313 80,118 3,849.8 1,797.4 1,828.0 1,844.1 1,856.3 1,858.0 1,864.6 18 ,721 15,820 16,448 16,856 17,365 18,206 19,345 55,797,246 3,296,080 -584,532 51,916,634 9,589,428 5,730,063 58,790,134 3,578,207 -538,962 54,672,965 11,031,044 6,368,590 23,240,933 1,252,236 -693,380 21,295,317 4,446,331 2,693,298 24,606,853 1,388,229 -741,360 22,477,264 4,723,321 2,866,249 25,296,955 1,465,709 -774,636 23,056,610 4,905,361 3,121,981 26,147,773 1,505,691 -815,234 23,826,848 5,009,982 3,397,557 27,432,718 1,629,836 -833,162 24,969,720 5,272,672 3,583,838 28,849,571 1,770,040 -858,588 26,220,943 5,993,022 3,857,466 43,375,402 4,286,594 5,278,186 82,160 5,196,026 45,564,806 4,567,273 5,665,167 92,751 5,572,416 47,863,165 4,879,358 6,047,611 91,138 5,956,473 19,464,776 1,828,502 1,947,655 47,828 1,899,827 20,539,775 1,862,091 2,204,987 53,226 2,151,761 21,011,791 1,904,189 2,380,975 63,498 2,317,477 21,491,602 1,937,849 2,718,322 62,181 2,656,141 22,434,236 2,032,137 2,966,345 64,276 2,902,069 23,517,606 2,166,814 3,165,151 58,696 3,106,455 99,097 52,841,085 47,644,430 186,555 172,225* 2,438* 1,310,509 8,109* 1,198,390* (D) (D) 3,374,190 10,643,421 2,824,077 678,102* (0) 205,980* 238,823* 783,095* 398,449* 124,964* 0 306,210* (D) 7,819,344 185,921* (D) (D) (0) 973,822* 2,378,616* (0) (0) 309,709* 209,179* 153,768 4,297,877 194,325 (D) (0) (0) 1,044,671* 459,365* 4,939,260 5,494,487 5,201,155 1,456,745* 3,736,070* 12,196,976 407,264* 653,484 175,105 3,465,849 507,082 167,850 293,833* 69,950* 2,956,019 1,246,741 299,385* 177,954* 12,468* 349,257 1,407,548 5,196,655 1,206,953 243,453 3,746,249 109,529 55,687,717 50,108,763 193,491 181,356* (D) 1,355,067 7,271* 1,247,731* (D) 28,343* 3,156,467 11,400,993 3,031,178 698,157* (0) 208,601* 259,356* 830,131* 473,677* 139,673 0 329,052* (D) 8,369,815 175,924* (D) 160,849* (D) 977,092* 2,496,650* (D) 107,935 58,682,199 52,714,112 203,019 189,853* ID) 1,377,962 6,972* 1,245,731* (D) (D) 2,944,327 11,744,891 3,078,439 712,729* (D) 229,649* 264,749* 819,221 509,481* 134,950 0 303,885* (D) 8,666,452 159,029* (D) 165,329* (D) 967,757* 2,654,068* (D) (D) 284,500* 290,442* 191,693* 4,884,430 181,386 (D) (D) (D) 1,165,173* 514,975 5,499,196 5,893,640 5,412,490 1,578,029* 3,822,194* 14,754,157 413,163* 793,665 194,680 4,333,215 554,276 192,592 347,797* 79,656* 3,698,846 1,599,976 361,522* 214,574* 15,962* 415,306 1,530,815 5,968,087 1,432,085 261,225 4,274,777 68,401 23,172,532 19,806,609 92,288 90,729 1,559 1,117,684 27,588 967,331 109,067* 12,333* 1,782,593 3,771,616 1,363,279 (D) (D) 30,817* (0) 341,514* (D) 33,081 76 (D) (D) 2,408,337 39,533* 43,906 (D) 200,313 522,776 (D) ID) ID) 225,194* 430,900* 61,447* 2,116,760 120,131 369,351* (D) (D) 756,294 (D) 1,775,750 2,295,841 1,777,178 608,806* 1,101,164* 5,076,899 137,038* 222,726 40,760* 1,196,546 217,163 (D) 115,327 22,910* 1,300,518 481,270 134,129* 95,695 (0) 197,497 812,814 3,365,923 938,541 238,612 2,188,770 73,653 24,533,200 20,925,500 97,627 95,351 2,276 1,088,943 28,945 963,463* 80,739* (0) 1,768,007 3,910,055 1,424,731 (D) (D) 34,988* (D) 373,753* (D) 35,018 (L) (D) (D) 2,485,324 39,325 45,151 ID) 206,370 426,351 (D) (D) (D) 217,285 (D) 59,190* 2,283,248 113,389 369,080 (D) (D) 867,450 (D) 1,872,271 2,386,932 1,945,857 683,926 1,261,931 5,572,560 150,475* 275,098 41,323* 1,358,250 240,282 85,731 136,204 25,632* 1,394,674 517,262 143,032* 111,490 3,102* 203,987 873,912 3,607,700 987,298 259,071 2,361,331 83,594 25,213,361 21,423,323 101,465 98,998 2,467 885,844 26,935 766,085* 74,830 14,941* 1,676,387 4,031,929 1,468,081 (D) (D) (D) (D) 379,514* (D) 38,466 (0) (D) (D) 2,563,848 38,305 43,567 (D) 200,900 444,094 402,114 (D) (D) 213,820 (D) 63,553* 2,323,216 97,328 376,042 (D) (D) 845,996 (D) 1,854,313 2,459,080 2,113,371 750,967 1,362,404 5,977,718 143,629* 292,291 41,451* 1,455,417 257,796 99,836 147,348 26,584* 1,510,200 598,855 144,982* 124,979 3,385* 214,815 905,172 3,790,038 992,123 278,437 2,519,478 83,330 26,064,443 22,092,742 117,757 115,530 2,227 739,289 25,585 615,642* 83,978 11,141* 1,481,453 4,153,093 1,517,635 (D) (D) 40,473* (D) 397,206 (D) 39,752 89 (D) (0) 2,635,458 (D) 45,751* 24,515* (D) 772,322 356,348 (D) (0) 198,164 190,000* 70,911 2,545,030 82,709 404,101 (D) (D) 1,049,999 85,481 27,347,237 23,193,121 117,835 115,334 2,501 757,398 20,465 619,794* 101,943* 11,496* 1,421,048 4,362,430 1,592,593 (D) (D) 47,729* (D) 419,bltj (D) 40,823 88 (D) (D) 2,769,837 (D) 48,952* 26,877* (D) 802,187 373,247* (D) (D) 207,735 195,592* 79,074 2,713,873 87,709* 429,265 (D) (D) 1,118,298 (0) 1,976,502 2,508,770 2,239,508 672,026 1,567,482 7,095,757 139,445* 338,943 (D) 1,841,311 268,248 103,900 188,429 80,118 28,769,453 24,428,737 116,524 114,195 2,329 738,421 22,076* 570,589* 128,897* (D) 1,395,032 4,535,962 1,653,207 (D) (D) 55,263* (0) 443,611 (0) 40,748 88 (D) (0) 2,882,755 (D) 52,599* 31,296* (D) 852,073 387,487* (D) 24,017* 213,684 215,751* 79,845 2,787,240 96,234* 450,392 (D) (D) 1,139,115* (D) 2,126,945 2,605,163 2,247,338 1988 1989 1985 1986 1987 52,546,695 58,212,756 6 1,217,5 5 1 63,444,189 67,236,125 72,072,599 52,458,701 87,994 58,117,391 95,365 61,121,333 96,218 63,345,092 99,097 67,126,596 109,529 71,964,664 107,935 3,379.6 3,525.8 3,644.7 3,732.4 3,766.1 15,548 16,510 16,796 16,998 17,853 44,047,751 2,375,816 -596,787 41,075,148 7,297,204 4,174,343 48,796,704 2,772,280 -685,331 45,339,093 8,307,651 4,566,012 51,073,029 2,927,986 -659,584 47,485,459 8,747,141 4,984,951 52,940,182 3,047,494 -604,627 49,288,061 8,819,914 5,336,214 36,319,138 3,665,524 4,063,089 71,071 3,992,018 40,311,303 3,853,569 4,631,832 78,824 4,553,008 41,930,362 4,153,326 4,989,341 80,021 4,909,320 87,994 43,959,757 39,796,574 142,005 (0) 3,262* 1,442,109 (D) 1,321,623* (D) 28,096* 3,652,572 8,920,741 2,421,923 572,811* 15,452* 209,995* 235,573* 642,367* 314,166* 83,137* (D) 281,287* (D) 6,498,818 189,875* (D) 156,797* 578,007* 1,171,855* 1,679,073* 1,438,148* 307,665* 314,253 216,419* 148,596 3,506,249 189,676 (0) (0) (D) 829,703* 443,343* 4,230,308 4,911,155 3,945,932 1,131,872* 2,805,354* 9,045,503 348,573* 505,872 169,772 2,471,449 403,646 155,782 212,665* 53,865* 2,123,873 784,625 229,933* 147,698* 8,881* 265,773 1,157,916 4,163,183 1,028,761 192,788 2,941,634 95,365 48,701,339 44,119,547 163,824 (D) 3,826* 1,508,773 (D) 1,379,145* (D) (D) 4,053,917 9,891,623 2,572,958 610,507* 14,368* 208,501* 223,661* 723,437 362,192* 78,151* 300 282,993* (D) 7,318,665 207,499* 107,099* (0) 602,916* 1,311,233 2,042,427* 1,689,184* 320,100* 342,496* 201,155* 153,014 3,819,589 192,293 96,218 50,976,811 46,072,950 164,839 151,257* 3,102* 1,384,062 (D) 1,248,666* 370 (0) 3,969,888 10,160,871 2,739,342 668,881* 13,028* 191,364* 216,572* 781,818* 389,896* 114,446* 310 292,939 (D) 7,421,529 198,577* 122,914« (0) 590,273* 1,001,791* 2,214,181* 1,977,522* (0) 352,606* 212,981* 137,805 4,039,756 190,327 (0) (0) (0) 933,902* 513,063* 4,863,347 5,496,443 4,871,720 1,460,668* 3,404,746* 11,122,024 394,713* 619,650 175,031 3,149,077 481,415 160,289 261,922* 69,629* 2,538,194 1,087,944 274,184* 163,805* 11,722* 318,433 1,408,765 4,903,861 1,151,561 226,371 3,525,929 1984 (C M S A ) 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Mining......................................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Construction.................................................. Apparel and older textile products................... Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Trucking and warehousing............................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate'.............. Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Federal, civilian............................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (D) (0) (0) 905,785* 492,577* 4,609,450 5,305,798 4,537,261 1,335,911* 3,195,310* 10,229,312 363,801* 585,170 172,963 2,950,699 446,048 150,530 236,287* 64,441* 2,354,848 918,626 259,048* 163,051* 10,204* 296,066 1,252,018 4,581,792 1,130,263 209,734 3,241,795 (D) 297,339* 263,481* 185,507* 4,530,843 185,587 to (0) (D) 1,079,907* 493,249 5,211,584 5,653,731 5,268,964 1,466,688* 3,784,252* 13,337,623 415,654* 719,736 184,972 3,742,885 514,413 178,147 333,544* 81,243* 3,346,247 1,438,523 332,644* 196,765* 14,790* 387,456 1,446,720 5,578,954 1,324,527 250,218 4,004,209 (D) 1,888,935 2,445,054 2,303,105 (D) (D) 6,419,026 144,884* 304,949 (0) 1,588,229 261,244 96,013 164,616 (D) 1,682,187 653,036 157,968* 132,411 (D) 232,128 902,088 3,971,701 1,065,901 274,775 2,631,025 (D) 1,842,390 729,758 172,100* 153,812 (D) 254,526 953,035 4,154,116 1,150,477 271,466 2,732,173 (D) (D) 7,876,112 139,674* 388,277 (D) 2,112,125 288,590 109,278 187,573 (D) 2,041,027 792,227 186,286* 172,292 (0) 270,772 1,074,455 4,340,716 269,413 2,852,063 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S 49 Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] D e tr o it— A n n A r b o r , M l ( C M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 H o u s to n — G a lv e s to n — - B r a z o r ia , T X 1988 1989 1984 (C M S A ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... 65,895,778 71,7 92,2 0 0 76 ,9 57,4 74 80,363,222 85,880,109 91,6 17,065 52,213,097 54,3 54,817 53,840,666 54,192,497 58,805,477 64,062,885 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 65,797,563 98,215 71,689,433 102,767 76,858,779 98,695 80,252,125 111,097 91,484,780 132,285 4,621.1 52,100,467 112,630 3,590.7 54,242,778 112,039 53,746,096 94,570 54,087,172 105,325 58,681,732 123,745 63,947,549 115,336 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 4,582.3 4,592.0 4,606.3 4,626.7 85,775,560 104,549 4,620.2 3,605.5 3,655.6 3,621.8 3,641.5 3,652.7 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 14,380 15,634 16 ,7 07 17,369 18,588 19,826 14,541 15,076 14,728 14,963 16,149 17,538 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less-. Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent1............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 49,128,952 3,063,597 -143,248 45,922,107 10,100,242 9,873,429 54,558,755 3,605,411 -135,950 50,817,394 10,811,669 10,163,137 58,724,564 3,780,441 -213,444 54,730,679 11,332,466 10,894,329 61,533,635 4,142,950 -259,609 57,131,076 11,728,884 11,503,262 66,056,100 4,620,234 -359,583 61,076,283 12,659,369 12,144,457 69,652,999 5,019,446 -309,146 64,324,407 14,488,204 12,804,454 44,261,923 2,359,503 -516,136 41,386,284 6,873,402 3,953,411 45,478,290 2,558,989 -403,027 42,516,274 7,576,113 4,262,430 44,131,247 2,510,880 -354,231 41,266,136 7,746,910 4,827,620 44,275,155 2,534,349 -338,377 41,402,429 7,675,156 5,114,912 48,309,687 2,834,693 -415,512 45,059,482 8,368,709 5,377,286 52,190,870 3,154,405 -478,379 48,558,086 9,606,488 5,898,311 41,122,983 5,114,673 2,891,296 70,897 2,820,399 45,931,306 5,406,168 3,221,281 75,825 3,145,456 49,271,998 5,817,580 3,634,986 72,264 3,562,722 51,432,967 5,938,612 4,162,056 83,396 4,078,660 55,300,973 6,248,311 4,506,816 77,011 4,429,805 58,229,615 6,598,288 4,825,096 104,465 4,720,631 36,618,437 3,850,705 3,792,781 92,278 3,700,503 37,634,835 3,690,774 4,152,681 92,146 4,060,535 36,184,448 3,656,044 4,290,755 75,080 4,215,675 36,302,166 3,632,369 4,340,620 84,925 4,255,695 39,357,278 3,947,284 5,005,125 103,527 4,901,598 42,499,133 4,342,682 5,349,055 95,085 5,253,970 98,215 49,030,737 43,033,683 106,376 102,418* 2,661* 116,553 (0) (0) (0) (0) 1,730,258* 19,069,696 2,404,015 423,781* (0) (0) 112,590* 500,337* 361,837* 59,342* (L) 447,747* (0) 16,665,681 37,555* 0» 945,166* 1,873,373 2,516,888 (0) (D) 9,730,164* 354,316* 121,351* 83,538* 2,769,642* 190,008 756,568 (0) (0) 707,841* (0) 2,894,339 4,199,953 2,143,864 893,199* 1,219,082* 9,832,425 123,406 361,957 93,804 1,954,853 345,692 203,033 206,265 (D) 3,532,800 722,125 184,801* 235,762 11,616* 404,332 1,373,776 5,997,054 917,290 101,786 4,977,978 102,767 54,455,988 48,172,617 121,659 119,551 2,108 159,113 194 (D) -7 7 (0) 2,142,191* 21,294,019 2,638,178 396,371* (D) 424,205* 117,943* 552,511* 405,033* 63,284* (L) 527,444* (0) 18,655,841 47,814* (D) 904,382* 2,128,331 2,758,680 (D) (0) 11,066,502* 357,911* 138,869* 91,061* 2,996,869* 177,784* 835,485 19,036* 424,364* 757,622* (0) 3,143,020 4,463,063 2,364,125 977,350* 1,351,796* 11,334,369 130,016* 439,979 94,101 2,739,643 409,008 226,924 227,167 (0) 3,580,150 795,904 195,915 276,931 11,025* 429,797 1,685,223 6,283,371 963,356 109,807 5,210,208 98,695 58,625,869 51,883,614 142,355 141,250 1,105 76,306 231 (D) 72 (D) 2,452,141* 22,202,173 2,757,986 396,028* (0) 528,831* 126,212* 560,559* 428,446* 67,887* (D) 539,298 (0) 19,444,187 58,972* (0) 985,737* 2,146,260 2,810,172 (D) (0) 11,723,235* 360,970* 146,237* 104,331 3,214,748* 174,742* 908,176 21,429* 525,618* 770,245* (0) 3,423,193 4,812,423 2,681,311 1,090,925* 1,548,094* 12,711,175 161,613* 475,558 93,118* 3,130,788 441,221 242,425 264,102 (0) 3,887,839 902,357 209,395 302,525 12,136* 453,781 2,034,325 6,742,255 959,368 116,983 5,665,904 111,097 61,422,538 54,356,973 171,292 160,022* (0) 84,483 69 (0) 855 (0) 2,636,953* 21,735,451 2,790,876 391,495* (0) 514,261* 118,115* 582,681* (0) 74,132* (D) 571,887 (0) 18,944,575 65,213 104,549 65,951,551 58,593,244 204,405 185,292* (0) 113,535 86 (0) 906 (0) 2,991,429* 23,046,873 3,030,935 407,974* (0) 558,357* 136,326* 644,153* (0) 80,389* (0) 601,675 (0) 20,015,938 76,604 132,285 69,520,714 61,614,978 219,695 197,302* (0) 120,055 93 77,102* 1,009 (9) 3,089,591* 23,556,008 3,149,859 404,382* (0) 556,041 146,777* 730,789* (D) 77,129* 108 619,303* (9) 20,406,149 77,404 (9) 969,736* 2,372,488 2,942,424 667,253* 455,255* 11,911,838* 417,224* 200,568* 121,888* 3,636,303* 173,415* 958,548 (9) (9) 793,803* 908,241 4,624,214 5,857,973 3,487,134 1,402,055* 2,074,963* 16,790,253 213,005 656,940 104,062 4,076,491 521,039 302,520 347,966 149,539* 4,999,678 1,273,951 305,445 444,976 15,405* 584,189 2,794,727 7,905,736 1,132,021 128,300 6,645,415 112,630 44,149,293 39,786,345 150,327 140,720 9,607 4,457,602 (0) 4,248,948* (D) 112,039 45,366,251 40,516,785 149,541 136,718 12,823 4,464,271 26,556 4,259,534* (0) (0) 3,942,063 6,794,266 3,782,454 385,757* 2,041 19,439* 125,188* 419,468 1,670,690* 1,006,996* 0 141,103* (0) 3,011,812 70,232* 30,930* (0) 651,931* 1,254,402 (0) (0) 26,015* 179,753 175,204* 73,584 3,555,821 174,689 636,533 314,998* 703,992* 734,516* 939,718* 3,898,709 4,119,686 3,363,059 1,107,894* 2,250,021* 10,229,369 272,644* 444,416 198,853 2,644,160 345,693 187,613 206,155* 20,057* 2,470,904 1,115,942 309,507 142,819 (0) 281,570 1,580,268 4,849,466 804,480 102,500 3,942,486 94,570 44,036,677 39,084,746 141,506* 125,633* 15,884 3,770,097* 22,638 3,606,799* (D) (0) 3,624,966 6,460,831 3,861,360 392,133* 1,515 18,522* 130,495* 408,918 1,828,849* 904,503* 0 139,254* (D) 2,599,471 69,896 30,366* (0) 585,969* 992,874* (0) (0) 23,860* 161,284 147,797* 70,788 3,388,629 174,714 626,648* 269,158* 738,008* 656,632* 862,046* 3,740,014 3,966,443 3,461,226 1,114,650* 2,341,019* 10,524,439 239,707* 454,484 201,172 2,572,954 349,856 179,837 210,334* 18,789* 2,624,062 1,295,703 335,020 146,622 (0) 294,698 1,580,978 4,951,931 788,666 108,613 4,054,652 105,325 44,169,830 39,027,160 152,433* 141,343* 11,097 3,324,928* 10,704 3,189,012* 6,484* (0) 3,295,920 6,384,817 3,917,473 400,475* 1,170 19,681* 122,442* 416,210 1,882,576* 888,251 0 156,739* 1,310* 2,467,344 71,039 27,801* (0) 578,451 957,182 (0) (0) 25,700 150,071 131,350* 77,628 3,378,017 177,957 675,372 276,861* 819,057* 734,804* 639,728* 3,617,833 3,899,829 3,653,764 1,083,625 2,570,139 11,313,920 247,603* 461,859 201,229 2,723,799 356,136 178,316 226,973* 24,045* 2,962,350 1,442,682 390,195 160,821 (0) 309,125 1,604,675 5,142,670 839,202 116,385 4,187,083 123,745 48,185,942 42,783,694 166,314 153,668 12,646 3,703,365 10,977 3,634,581* 7,161* (0) 3,659,096 7,170,323 4,232,433 412,277* (D) 22,094* 127,195* 422,741* 2,255,508* 785,061* 0 173,564* (0) 2,937,890 76,517* 30,130* (D) 659,592 1,237,901 (D) (0) 27,616* 158,474* 141,686* 88,901* 3,865,649 187,625 721,238* 300,203* 909,266* 754,673* 925,627* 3,953,300 4,082,304 3,618,532 1,049,005 2,569,527 12,564,811 249,843* 516,383 212,669 3,050,134 373,921 208,825 247,492* 29,244* 3,323,125 1,613,194 439,720 176,809 10,602* 345,225 1,751,831 5,402,248 905,527 119,721 4,377,000 115,336 52,075,534 46,264,522 172,534 154,378* (D) 3,722,893 11,248 3,635,205* 11,613 (0) 4,167,567 7,588,335 4,347,870 440,505* 2,579* 23,720* 135,016* 443,781* 2,245,606 835,617 0 199,229* 861* 3,240,465 74,807* 34,236* (D) 758,560 1,349,259* (D) 136,757* 28,470* 193,670 167,365* 85,584 4,258,477 205,300 754,250 315,372* 1,019,383* 797,337* 1,109,283* 4,378,159 4,299,022 3,643,351 1,056,112 2,587,239 14,034,184 236,352* 575,420 223,880 3,539,379 409,071 246,599 277,522* 34,295* 3,616,851 1,811,165 489,259 202,651* 11,905* 342,623 1,997,691 5,811,012 973,730 120,352 4,716,930 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation.................................. Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and n al estate........................ Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services.......................................... Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (D) 938,574* 2,111,884 2,600,719 588,969* (D) 11,381,519* 378,361* 149,833* 106,749* 3,377,230* 180,001 906,782 (0) (0) 803,123* (D) 3,759,113 5,146,236 3,348,010 1,253,057* 2,048,512* 13,902,743 178,264 508,426 94,131 3,505,332 452,346 248,657 279,218 (D) 4,308,995 1,017,926 229,710 338,187 13,887* 502,153 2,127,428 7,065,565 1,005,188 121,507 5,938,870 (D) 964,435* 2,225,956 2,709,261 656,089* (0) 12,009,216 416,696* 184,830* 119,562* 3,578,952* 180,400* 964,556 (D) (01 826,738* (D) 4,117,778 5,553,003 3,470,251 1,359,803* 2,100,498* 15,300,835 192,349 588,803 98,648* 3,743,961 481,484 277,592 324,455 126,021* 4,620,828 1,201,315 284,037 386,446 13,305* 550,186 2,410,334 7,358,307 1,081,814 124,118 6,152,375 m 4,445,496 6,713,609 3,682,093 374,909* 2,544 20,862* 122,547* 389,508 1,554,980 1,056,006* 0 152,969* (0) 3,031,516 76,954* 30,360* 215,571* 639,493* 1,222,125* (0) (D) 23,831* 186,417 161,215* 79,062 3,394,728 180,395 638,663 329,235* 638,942* 658,796* 939,635 3,758,267 4,050,929 3,246,613 1,038,305 2,208,308 9,568,774 277,540* 390,218 195,058 2,394,954 327,197 195,934 185,743* 22,409* 2,357,768 986,427 282,289 122,975 (D) 260,947 1,561,230 4,362,948 742,679 92,620 3,527,649 50 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M ia m i— F o r t L a u d e r d a le , F L ( C M S A ) L o s A n g e le s — A n a h e im — R iv e rs id e , C A ( C M S A ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 40,407,063 40,239,924 167,139 43,484,197 43,312,232 171,965 46,157,431 45,968,535 188,896 50,171,640 49,986,026 185,614 54,725,555 54,532,082 193,473 14,152.8 20,004 2,830.8 14,274 2,864.6 15,180 2,903.2 15,899 2,950.1 17,006 3,000.5 18,239 59,433,476 59,232,166 201,310 3,043.9 19,526 202,544,557 12,700,834 -119,304 189,724,419 40,128,334 31,726,018 216,167,651 14,047,215 -111,156 202,009,280 46,653,064 34,444,151 25,999,316 1,412,939 -108,722 24,477,655 10,084,348 5,845,060 28,131,338 1,605,247 -139,259 26,386,832 10,903,716 6,193,649 30,449,725 1,749,901 -143,210 28,556,614 11,225,615 6,375,202 33,838,231 1,850,189 -143,802 31,844,240 11,587,828 6,739,572 36,623,114 2,092,344 -157,307 34,373,463 12,883,423 7,468,669 38,343,938 2,289,473 -163,166 35,891,299 15,156,349 8,385,828 151,228,426 14,605,564 20,828,152 762,852 20,065,300 163,350,284 15,768,534 23,425,739 869,440 22,556,299 174,155,347 16,947,717 25,064,587 743,089 24,321,498 21,823,318 2,026,717 2,149,281 126,026 2,023,255 23,587,630 2,097,029 2,446,679 131,919 2,314,760 25,328,082 2,288,954 2,832,689 149,650 2,683,039 28,054,181 2,474,601 3,309,449 144,826 3,164,623 30,412,136 2,652,359 3,558,619 153,005 3,405,614 31,729,691 2,770,494 3,843,753 161,003 3,682,750 1,158,841 185,503,301 163,327,217 1,013,478 969,046 44,432 762,155 (0) 644,629 (0) 112,004 11,004,191 39,655,600 10,591,300 1,909,359 310,839* 1,561,653 806,940* 2,448,937 1,285,165 831,427 879 1,321,548 88,590* 29,064,300 601,055 1,044,478 859,513 2,891,353 3,286,277 8,262,063 8,142,518* 639,858* 855,779 1,544,899 743,505 10,659,939 371,712* 2,393,270 450,135* 2,770,320* 2,909,499* 1,389,841 13,026,852 17,572,576 16,206,055 5,147,966 11,058,089 53,426,371 1,143,680 1,791,371 703,133 12,497,495 1,996,949 860,501 2,339,521 4,334,394 13,568,227 4,496,274 1,469,579 883,077 38,327 1,405,519 5,898,324 22,176,084 3,504,861 1,623,105 17,048,118 1,261,946 201,282,611 177,494,806 1,108,378 1,051,817 56,561 869,261 689 (0) 5,203 115,628* 12,255,094 42,006,686 11,511,832 1,942,281 339,557 1,687,665 857,494 2,716,931 1,554,632 938,056 (D) 1,387,925 (0) 30,494,854 650,018 1,087,697 942,776 3,012,099 3,359,346 8,165,212 8,587,020 724,481 948,690 2,185,981 831,534 11,144,850 380,452 2,538,618 469,433* 3,042,461* 2,851,848* 1,471,707 14,551,520 19,170,841 16,642,648 5,295,338 11,347,310 59,745,528 1,370,423 2,068,256 758,687 14,234,044 2,162,518 978,872 2,548,566 4,781,052* 14,686,979 5,208,597 1,626,763 1,008,708 45,908* 1,575,522 6,684,930 23,787,805 3,781,214 1,664,863 18,341,728 1,143,054 215,024,597 189,211,855 1,204,229 1,149,378 54,851 836,294 (D) 700,145 4,769* (D) 13,282,058 43,292,886 12,092,616 2,054,390 (0) 1,870,750 888,267 2,882,644 1,571,982 909,762 (D) 1,462,442 (D) 31,200,270 (D) 1,119,917 1,033,955 3,073,286 3,398,907 7,966,304 8,926,188* 705,113 1,001,649 2,247,138 859,280 11,930,158 396,680* 2,688,564 512,541* 3,383,543* 3,032,093* 1,512,414 15,884,410 20,338,818 17,066,209 5,502,935 11,563,274 65,376,793 1,591,334 2,371,735 812,141 15,184,858 2,351,933 1,054,969 2,832,954 5,114,184 15,858,017 5,796,411 1,801,729 1,127,381 51,746 1,688,787 7,738,614 25,812,742 3,969,227 1,721,136 20,122,379 167,139 25,832,177 22,474,668 125,463 121,399 4,064 145,889 3,635* 116,159 (0) 25,971 1,837,511 2,759,294 1,168,292 160,183 32,055 238,935 41,367 390,869 115,598 14,363 7,761* 138,212 27,904* 1,591,002 65,443 87,693 35,124 209,673 325,516 442,421 150,780 20,161 133,233 59,114 61,844 2,742,439 38,264 284,345 124,218 (0) 701,072 (D) 1,997,434 3,248,304 2,198,894 878,184 1,320,710 7,419,440 394,120 247,271 221,874 1,135,642 298,434 132,886 251,305 (w 2,301,914 856,392 315,488 127,433 (0) 252,972 854,480 3,357,509 579,016 133,310 2,645,183 171,965 27,959,373 24,266,956 136,758 129,556 7,202 194,462 3,535* 162,335 (D) 28,507 1,927,439 2,848,931 1,214,312 166,065 30,858 227,637 45,590 442,732 119,445 14,407 6,383* 135,487 25,099* 1,634,619 75,213 96,572 30,754 218,749 358,546 438,534 146,674 21,237 124,795 61,746 61,799 2,870,345 36,175 292,001 131,769 (D) 704,638 (D) 2,210,293 3,513,933 2,447,215 972,980 1,474,235 8,117,580 406,792 285,817 228,340 1,248,404 334,804 119,618 269,802 (D) 2,489,758 975,192 349,583 146,757 (0) 256,422 971,557 3,692,417 634,285 161,367 2,896,765 188,896 30,260,829 26,273,825 142,821 133,905 8,916 89,281 3,492* 54,469 (0) 31,229 2,086,597 2,969,664 1,295,538 177,025 34,187 240,475 48,754 486,522 138,232 17,632 2,091* 129,793 20,576* 1,674,126 82,201 100,242 35,808 224,049 333,316 423,943 187,727 23,221 132,085 64,561 66,973 3,009,839 35,798 333,039 131,339 (D) 676,996 (0) 2,351,966 3,756,319 2,717,318 1,112,876 1,604,442 9,150,020 436,943 320,733 233,005 1,408,961 357,818 141,517 299,662 35,513 2,675,613 1,127,987 380,527 164,163 2,474 275,783 1,289,321 3,987,004 653,057 182,121 3,151,826 185,614 33,652,617 29,235,687 170,580 163,787 6,793 88,809 (0) 49,824 (0) 37,010 2,154,430 3,178,602 1,396,055 193,700 38,593 260,353 54,583 531,792 123,169 19,983 2,084* 150,445 21,052* 1,782,547 84,171 118,760 36,570 235,038 344,938 444,734 192,255 22,676 149,864 68,594 84,947 3,232,938 (0) 369,261 144,886 1,565,636 719,977 (D) 2,674,132 4,059,976 3,408,054 1,215,546 2,192,508 10,268,166 505,614 349,293 238,374 1,559,970 387,669 150,762 331,103 40,623 3,084,911 1,343,045 424,022 188,300 2,699 295,108 1,366,673 4,416,930 719,422 186,449 3,511,059 193,473 36,429,641 31,608,513 200,638 192,186 8,452 117,263 2,261* 75,143 (D) 39,813 2,320,155 3,392,014 1,470,931 196,128 (0) 282,351 53,650 563,047 129,769 21,728 1,921 156,829 21,354* 1,921,083 91,832 130,113 37,583 238,305 308,140 542,735 216,396 22,853 161,718 76,558 94,850 3,362,037 35,013 (0) 186,062 1,478,329 790,467 (0) 3,028,924 4,455,009 3,465,747 1,342,198 2,123,549 11,266,726 528,160 389,856 257,760 1,715,272 418,309 165,287 352,551 43,402 3,353,493 1,429,760 476,896 221,253 2,777 335,476 1,576,474 4,821,128 814,462 185,450 3,821,216 201,310 38,142,628 33,003,478 209,908 201,935 7,973 112,893 (D) 70,188 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 205,721,481 204,660,636 1,060,845 261,578,771 260,316,825 1,261,946 283,106,495 281,963,441 1,143,054 12,759.3 16,123 221,356,472 220,230,117 1,126,355 13,122.1 16,869 241,015,794 239,856,953 1,158,841 Population (thousands)*....................................... Per capita personal income (do lla rs)..................... 189,261,165 188,246,074 1,015,091 19,488.7 15,155 13,458.0 17,909 13,769.7 18,997 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work............................ Less; Personal contributions for social insurance3........ Plus: Adjustment for residence.............................. Equals: Net earnings by place of residence................ Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent’ ......................... Plus: Transfer payments..................................... 142,376,226 8,173,600 -4,406 134,198,220 31,120,202 23,942,743 155,277,785 9,357,107 -28,495 145,892,183 33,335,486 26,493,812 168,616,237 10,284,293 -64,683 158,267,261 34,868,535 28,220,676 186,662,142 11,276,236 -137,917 175,247,989 36,040,811 29,726,994 115,666,395 11,927,230 14,782,601 683,191 14,099,410 126,505,811 12,379,781 16,392,193 709,980 15,682,213 136,761,217 13,472,438 18,382,582 758,006 17,624,576 1,015,091 141,361,135 123,902,521 707,789 671,712 36,077 1,084,784 (D) 983,806 (0) (0) 7,666,223 33,162,338 8,790,361 1,750,830 221,244* 1,165,010 693,225 1,890,472 1,110,620 793,678 806 1,062,357 91,696* 24,371,977 431,767 887,977 867,088 2,564,907 3,261,766 6,970,054 5,914,553* 660,161* 772,723 1,282,170 642,010 9,037,894 437,147* 1,974,413 392,203* 2,118,273* 2,898,672 1,118,705 10,347,464 14,391,003 9,671,275 3,752,509 5,918,766 37,833,751 808,916 1,252,135 626,096* 8,943,766 1,565,408 830,953 1,427,208 3,027,144 9,691,268 2,833,048 1,285,557 567,368 21,464* 1,153,446 3,760,803 17,458,614 3,063,179 1,354,598 13,040,837 1,060,845 154,216,940 135,165,883 757,852 713,387 44,465 1,096,242 (D) 988,291 (0) 101,876 8,640,336 35,266,285 9,115,903 1,736,537 237,725* 1,207,371* 724,058 2,014,231 1,139,203 889,788 503 1,067,259 85,855* 26,150,382 443,005 931,574 782,080 2,708,580 3,373,945 7,699,949 6,576,415* 668,980* 760,101 1,393,908 670,016 9,505,855 434,991* 2,057,987 413,399* 2,227,544* 3,047,616 1,216,241 11,417,305 15,446,909 10,934,023 4,046,105 6,887,918 42,101,076 915,912 1,511,393 678,836 10,036,161 1,754,216 852,118 1,623,282 3,411,138 10,619,796 3,249,046 1,342,892 638,058 27,502 1,229,780 4,210,946 19,051,057 3,234,138 1,504,620 14,312,299 1,126,355 167,489,882 147,036,137 791,043 737,691 53,352 810,161 2,216 693,209 3,014 111,722 9,784,010 36,929,636 9,649,549 1,814,331 267,202* 1,364,386 745,025* 2,171,144 1,187,409 836,847 578 1,151,770 87,709* 27,280,087 514,950 949,156 818,227 2,749,493 3,189,041 7,979,618 7,365,030* 619,092* 814,233 1,453,725 667,415 10,116,176 398,880* 2,200,540 449,066* 2,662,478* 3,040,362 1,296,106 12,424,100 16,452,310 13,086,546 4,620,262 8,466,284 46,642,155 971,490 1,633,287 690,627 11,142,064 1,902,776 871,684 1,941,207 3,617,284 11,543,582 3,812,614 1,369,675 733,361 34,218 1,307,512 5,070,774 20,453,745 3,285,030 1,559,140 15,609,575 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal income.................................. ........ Nonfarm personal income................................... Farm income1................................................ . E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries.......................................... Other labor income. .......................................... Proprietors' income*......................................... Farm....................................................... Nonfarm................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm............... ........................................... Nonfarm...................................................... Private........ ............................................. Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7. Agricultural services............................... Forestry, fisheries, and other’ .................... Mining.................................................. Coal mining........................................ Oil and gas extraction............................. Metal mining....................................... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels............... Construction........................................... Manufacturing......................................... Nondurable goods.................................. Food and kindred products..................... Textile mill products............................ Apparel and other textile products............ Paper and allied products...................... Printing and publishing........................ Chemicals and allied products................. Petroleum and coal products.................. . Tobacco manufactures......................... Rubber and misc. plastic products............ . Leather and leather products................. . Durable goods...................................... Lumber and wood products.................... Furniture and fixtures.......................... Primary metal industries....................... Fabricated metal products..................... Machinery, except electrical................... Electric and electronic equipment............ Transportation equip excl. motor vehicles... Motor vehicles and equipment................ Stone, clay, and glass products.............. Instruments and related products............ Miscellaneous manufacturing industries...... Transportation and public utilities................... Railroad transportation............................ Trucking and warehousing... ...................... Water transportation.............................. Other transportation*.............................. Communication.................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services.............. Wholesale trade....................................... Retail trade............................................ Finance, insurance, and real estate................. Banking and credit agencies..................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate*. ...... Services............................................... Hotels and other lodging places................. Personal services.................................. Private households................................. Business services................................. Auto repair, services, and garages.............. Miscellaneous repair services..................... Amusement and recreation services.............. Motion pictures.................................... Health services.................................... legal services...................................... Educational services............................... Social services..................................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens......... Membership organizations........................ Miscellaneous services............................ Government and government enterprises.............. Federal, civilian....................................... Military................................................ State and local........................................ See footnotes at endof tables. m 2,294,409 3,436,915 1,525,883 207,202 (0) 297,871 69,463 571,700 126,161 23,470 1,773 150,572 24,155* 1,911,032 84,850 128,069 32,910 220,205 304,000 569,184 212,743 13,978 168,543 87,415 89,135 3,166,591 32,767 (D) 200,387 1,315,826 733,664 (0) 3,277,243 4,676,937 3,407,198 1,393,721 2,013,477 12,421,384 536,924 417,448 275,951 2,002,598 455,209 183,959 392,495 (D) 3,686,108 1,487,875 522,119 249,814 (D) 369,259 1,786,959 5,139,150 870,337 192,120 4,076,693 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S 51 Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] ______________________ _ N e w Y o r k — N o r t h e r n N e w J e rs e y — L o n g Is la n d , N Y — N J — C T ( C M S A ) M ilw a u k e e — R a c in e , W l ( C M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 401,415,275 401,100,463 314,812 429,451,540 429,133,697 317,843 17,985.2 22,319 18,013.0 23,841 In co m e b y P lace o f R esidence Total personal incom e......................................... Nonfarm personal income.................................... Farm income1................................................. 22,216,226 22,141,772 74,454 23,266,309 23,180,226 86,083 24,409,920 24,319,189 90,731 25,778,294 25,682,635 95,659 27,632,373 27,551,307 81,066 29,551,255 29,448,547 102,708 296,236,222 295,980,128 256,094 317,259,353 316,993,432 265,921 338,732,123 338,451,691 280,432 Population (thousands)2 ........................................ Per capita personal income (dollars)............... ....... 1,549.0 14,342 1,551.3 14,998 1,553.9 15,709 1,557.5 16,551 1,571.7 17,581 1,581.5 18,686 17,713.2 16,724 17,786.9 17,837 17,896.9 18,927 366,255,366 365,948,648 306,718 17,944.7 20,410 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work............................ Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3......... Plus: Adjustment for residence.............................. Equals: Net earnings by place of residence................ Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*......................... Plus: Transfer payments..................................... 16,493,808 1,045,614 -303,874 15,144,320 3,822,002 3,249,904 17,297,056 1,149,679 -334,975 15,812,402 4,006,725 3,447,182 18,253,831 1,205,012 -402,563 16,646,256 4,099,646 3,664,018 19,505,052 1,329,687 -406,387 17,768,978 4,183,421 3,825,895 21,129,244 1,505,168 -418,988 19,205,088 4,419,890 4,007,395 22,362,925 1,649,052 -467,679 20,246,194 5,012,932 4,292,129 213,370,707 13,564,683 -3,515,850 196,290,174 57,363,859 42,582,189 231,657,249 15,392,654 -3,838,657 212,425,938 60,202,890 44,630,525 251,686,168 17,513,053 -4,176,516 229,996,599 61,998,410 46,737,114 276,527,574 19,103,081 -4,708,551 252,715,942 64,330,808 49,208,616 302,609,395 21,635,304 -5,120,726 275,853,365 72,976,032 52,585,878 315,827,647 23,199,681 -5,198,065 287,429,901 83,607,518 58,414,121 13,040,125 1,453,944 1,099,739 57,252 1,042,487 14,630,936 1,454,410 1,211,710 68,967 1,142,743 15,433,125 1,540,420 1,280,286 73,900 1,206,386 16,412,026 1,603,847 1,489,179 78,050 1,411,129 17,800,009 1,731,336 1,597,899 63,423 1,534,476 18,805,571 1,844,950 1,712,404 84,943 1,627,461 177,293,622 16,879,814 19,197,271 196,479 19,000,792 191,969,776 17,419,478 22,267,995 207,839 22,060,156 209,049,539 18,540,799 24,095,830 224,053 23,871,777 228,527,316 19,416,242 28,584,016 248,672 28,335,344 249,653,961 20,885,537 32,069,897 257,679 31,812,218 259,743,939 21,907,699 34,176,009 261,227 33,914,782 74,454 16,419,354 14,483,028 42,674 41,743 931 43,194 io (D) 0 (D) 702,632 5,710,990 1,439,074 429,852 11,605* 29,763* 111,840* 392,896* (0) 4,606* <L) 135,106* (D) 4,271,916 20,640 29,779* 275,190 655,987 1,628,187 982,498 73,802* 350,192* 57,374 97,052* 68,536* 1,035,676 67,834 354,570 (0) (D) (0) 189,981* 1,144,412 1,358,080 1,062,937 343,426* 695,460* 3,382,433 52,848 150,163 34,887 658,585 102,788 47,893 79,250 8,945* 1,309,230 275,111 194,342 118,421 1,752* 117,073* 219,437 1,936,326 292,539 61,401 1,582,386 86,083 17,210,973 15,168,018 44,273 43,291 982 57,314 (L) (D) 0 (D) 746,395 5,740,594 1,480,356 414,905 10,509* 32,637* 109,129* 417,717* (D) 4,136* 0 148,073 (D) 4,260,238 22,345 30,799* 257,779 661,909 1,603,809 992,964 49,088* 337,266* 57,436 (0) 68,971* 1,108,652 62,277 362,435 (D> (0) (0) 230,989* 1,191,683 1,439,351 1,146,047 382,312* 739,452* 3,693,709 53,966 174,908 34,926 796,586 118,244 44,289 85,330 9,220* 1,351,303 306,825 213,730 130,847 2,119* 118,216* 241,156 2,042,955 307,968 69,236 1,665,751 90,731 18,163,100 16,031,147 45,870 45,005 865 26,612 (L) (0) 0 (0) 856,331 5,888,322 1,582,329 434,334 11,129* (0) 120,385* 456,028* (D) 3,935* 0 163,247 (0) 4,305,993 25,944 35,770* 254,466 674,019 1,647,608 970,511 50,229* 333,978* 66,157 (0) 75,067 1,165,461 53,929 (0) 6,297* (0) (0) (0) 1,225,107 1,531,038 1,272,616 407,715 864,901 4,019,790 49,770 185,635 34,736 884,260 127,590 47,533 85,713 8,903* 1,457,915 337,208 233,571 141,674 2,234* 123,783* 286,960 2,131,953 303,844 74,069 1,754,040 95,659 19,409,393 17,183,712 60,550 59,761 789 27,160 (L) (0) 0 (0) 939,904 6,068,905 1,681,711 450,021 11,349* (D) 124,427* 498,227* (D) 5,039* 0 175,070 (0) 4,387,194 31,502 39,615* 259,516 675,522 1,698,334 976,167 57,886* 311,830* 75,413 133,796* 81,682 1,183,158 40,702* (0) 6,803* (0) (0) (D) 1,327,500 1,621,149 1,520,220 426,023* 1,065,469* 4,435,166 60,233 193,950 34,710 1,001,077 134,611 48,919 91,828 8,824* 1,611,221 369,411 249,058 163,126 2,461* 136,579* 315,948 2,225,681 329,726 78,173 1,817,782 81,066 21,048,178 18,651,875 66,161 65,325 836 35,357 (L) (0) 0 (D) 1,044,310 6,488,737 1,803,304 475,187 10,956* (D) 136,728* 546,605* (0) 4,291* 0 186,668 (D) 4,685,433 36,508 43,621* 295,308 732,675 1,826,731 1,004,327 68,945* (D) 88,386 (D) 90,548 1,247,306 43,257 (0) 4,914* (0) (D) (0) 1,464,946 1,772,116 1,563,293 444,346* 1,092,452* 4,969,649 65,784 220,130 36,894 1,162,859 149,184 60,698 107,259 (0) 1,734,941 420,231 268,284 186,575 2,687* 168,892 372,938 2,396,303 353,445 80,911 1,961,947 102,708 22,260,217 19,743,480 72,506 71,610 896 37,958 (L) (D) 0 (0) 1,123,908 6,690,518 1,884,875 479,804 11,018* (D) 149,904* 576,422* (D) 2,501 0 185,919 (0) 4,805,643 35,189 48,143* 310,968 749,469 1,861,320 1,021,209 79,984* (0) 91,615 (D) 102,953 1,290,273 44,098 (0) 3,866* (») (0) (D) 1,615,099 1,906,696 1,609,844 461,644* 1,122,106* 5,396,678 68,639 245,372 38,757 1,285,354 164,268 67,829 112,604 12,131* 1,850,431 460,842 293,670 204,624 2,978* 178,954 409,448 2,516,737 376,238 82,739 2,057,760 314,812 317,843 306,718 280,432 256,094 265,921 315,509,804 302,294,583 231,391,328 251,405,736 276,220,856 213,114,613 241,423,108 264,469,618 274,676,090 219,241,707 201,600,670 185,355,425 1,123,797 783,304* 985,047 1,081,611 708,522* 644,909 761,577* 838,496* 490,137 529,788* 579,645* (0) 219,706* 238,525* 183,287* 208,419* 154,772 (0) 646,962 446,019 643,735 939,005* 433,640* 724,030 (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) 436,043* (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) 30,196* 31,473* 16,363* 17,326* (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (D) (0) 16,634,988 15,098,024 16,559,890 13,549,518 11,497,167 9,913,338 44,856,437 42,340,319 45,036,620 40,559,367 41,486,152 39,424,185 24,809,433 24,651,283 22,187,600 22,735,315 21,034,802 21,773,961 2,897,334 2,655,378* 2,820,112* 2,397,968* 2,413,250* 2,273,157* 754,898* 754,891* 767,683* 758,828* 760,742* (0) 3,172,772* 3,087,548* 3,214,208* 3,042,286* 3,067,416* 3,079,829* 1,544,414* 1,514,139* 1,477,122* 1,405,161* 1,457,130* 1,521,558* 6,303,867 7,035,886 6,930,903 5,503,922 5,776,957 5,082,412 7,215,953* 5,836,502* 6,091,402* 6,295,506* 7,029,935* 5,544,517* 538,133* 500,127* 998,680* 868,866* 1,052,939* (0) 151,023 167,250 169,408 m (0) (0) 1,133,117* 1,209,523* 1,129,389* 1,182,948* 1,066,081* 1,100,620* 230,324* 218,457* 222,985* 222,011* 248,947* 233,668* 20,385,337 20,047,004 19,298,552 19,605,004 18,389,383 18,785,406 349,872* (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) 492,269* 508,745* 461,217* 502,868* 437,095* (0) 801,794* 833,189* 837,976* 828,049* 800,026* 939,292* 2,188,525* 2,166,707* 2,143,808* 2,208,233* 2,052,528* 2,110,700* 3,624,311* 3,407,164* 3,800,448* 3,475,949* 3,451,312 3,323,648 5,044,965* 4,997,273* 5,062,001* 4,796,848 4,610,083 4,616,389 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) (D) 529,444* 565,230* 512,481* 570,019* 510,667* 514,457* 2,569,824* 2,707,022* 2,444,653* 2,450,860* 2,244,844* 2,330,960* 1,308,896* 1,371,577* 1,212,791* 1,241,579* 1,211,020* 1,252,755* 21,398,705 21,512,640 19,120,774 20,208,855 18,682,664 17,898,678 471,927* 494,388* 438,309* 463,038* 420,244* 446,676* 3,371,844* 3,807,145* 3,619,673* 3,124,776 2,632,852* 2,884,850* 805,321* 855,703* 1,065,600* 944,000* 1,086,688* 1,097,763* (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 26,253,221 20,930,951 22,772,098 25,208,505 18,398,393 19,930,103 22,994,411 23,873,051 19,801,501 21,347,966 18,058,128 16,713,320 41,580,534 45,435,568 45,637,303 33,923,348 25,846,485 28,893,556 12,437,744* 11,505,004* 8,330,834* 9,491,123* 10,412,608* 7,894,400* 29,271,722* 31,201,931* 31,354,577* 23,106,636* 17,237,043* 19,520,503* 94,137,691 76,644,246 86,110,573 55,792,087 62,307,710 69,197,038 958,564* 1,050,465* 1,411,223* 1,492,018* 1,239,313* (D) 2,332,931* 2,540,372* 1,925,570* 2,020,661* 1,776,295* 1,489,836* 979,339* 976,582* 1,032,880* 1,079,945* 980,377* 983,465* 24,115,113 26,014,821 19,556,520 21,473,786 15,321,724 17,603,830 1,916,139 2,031,408 1,613,543 1,788,509 1,484,525 1,325,535 1,060,564 900,378 922,468 1,023,151 795,977 815,770 2,548,603* 2,747,481 1,880,793 2,166,370 1,418,707 1,642,649 1,463,227* 1,336,407* 1,641,848* 1,001,140* 1,158,879* 1,180,506* 21,058,840 23,378,059 16,510,888 18,671,293 13,855,979 15,195,299 6,814,759 7,862,226 8,771,239 9,964,351 11,020,959 6,168,850 3,274,444* 3,648,223 3,873,867 3,027,427* 2,794,810* 2,542,045* 3,311,404 2,599,316 2,887,978 2,381,535 1,829,486 2,053,815 163,687* 203,869* 151,005* (D) (0) (») 2,196,207 2,446,289 2,636,290 1,753,054 1,860,196 1,957,969 8,626,721 9,728,297 10,751,473 6,000,208 6,676,250 7,859,488 34,797,748 37,824,965 40,833,714 29,790,658 32,164,029 27,759,188 6,017,324 4,933,890 5,113,005 5,351,689 5,733,580 5,120,960 632,082 652,493 639,508 569,029 602,419 624,313 34,163,897 26,426,711 28,813,977 31,451,877 22,256,269 24,067,279 E a rn in g s b y P lace o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries.......................................... Other labor income........................................... Proprietors’ income6.......................................... Farm........................................... ............ Nonfarm...................... ............................. Earnings by industry: Farm.......................................................... Nonfarm...................................................... Private..................................................... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7, Agricultural services............................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 .................... Mining.................................................. , Coal mining........................................ . Oil and gas extraction............................. Metal mining............................ ........... Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels............... Construction........................................... Manufacturing................................ ........ Nondurable goods................................. Food and kindred products.................... Textile mill products............................ Apparel and other textile products............ Paper and allied products..................... Printing and publishing........................ Chemicals and allied products................. Petroleum and coal products.................. Tobacco manufactures......................... Rubber and misc. plastic products............ Leather and leather products.................. Durable goods...................................... Lumber and wood products.................... Furniture and fixtures.......................... Primary metal industries....................... Fabricated metal products..................... Machinery, except electrical................... Electric and electronic equipment............ Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles... Motor vehicles and equipment................. Stone, clay, and glass products................ Instruments and related products............ Miscellaneous manufacturing industries...... Transportation and public utilities................... Railroad transportation........................... Trucking and warehousing........................ Water transportation.............................. Other transportation*............................. Communication.................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services............. Wholesale trade...................................... Retail trade........................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate................. Banking and credit agencies.................... Other finance, insurance, and real estate9...... Services............................................... Hotels and other lodging places......... ....... Personal services.................................. Private households................................ Business services................................. Auto repair, services, and garages.............. Miscellaneous repair services.................... Amusement and recreation services............. Motion pictures.................................... Health services.................................... Legal services..................................... Educational services.............................. Social services.................................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens........ Membership organizations....................... Miscellaneous services........................... Government and government enterprises.............. Federal, civilian...................................... Military............................................... State and local. ...................................... See footnotes at endof tables. 52 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA'S Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] P h ila d e lp h ia — W ilm in g to n — T r e n t o n , P A — N J - D E — M D 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 P itts b u rg h — B e a v e r V a lle y , P A (C M S A ) 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 (C M S A ) 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o t a l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 82,355,800 88,854,037 94,734,108 10 2 ,3 72,3 77 111,2 6 1,0 5 1 119,713,9 60 30,733,263 31,9 71,533 33,121,690 34,527,686 36,992,557 39,552,580 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 82,092,14? 263,653 88,576,118 277,919 94,470,058 264,050 102,108,710 263,667 110,998,939 262,112 119,440,127 273,833 30,680,426 52,837 31,920,059 51,474 33,074,555 47,135 34,478,186 49,500 36,935,147 57,410 39,488,286 64,294 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 5,758.3 5,786.5 5,848.9 5,910.8 5,963.3 6,013.0 2,369.2 2,334.4 2,309.8 2,292.0 2,284.1 2,266.0 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 14,302 15,355 16 ,19 7 17,3 20 18,658 19,909 12,9 72 13,696 14,340 15,064 16,196 17,455 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by plate of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent3............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 58,880,863 3,788,596 807,373 55,899,640 13,766,326 12,689,834 63,670,960 4,268,799 846,919 60,249,080 15,043,527 13,561,430 68,333,072 4,757,016 840,314 64,416,370 15,828,026 14,489,712 75,064,662 5,252,553 914,160 70,726,269 16,531,984 15,114,124 81,757,929 5,943,977 1,011,394 76,825,346 18,355,331 16,080,374 86,701,894 6,511,276 1,072,861 81,263,479 21,148,367 17,302,114 21,372,146 1,371,543 -369,515 19,631,088 5,347,950 5,754,225 22,065,292 1,480,725 -388,048 20,196,519 5,681,670 6,093,344 22,763,207 1,554,578 -384,093 20,824,536 5,853,134 6,444,020 24,064,953 1,640,076 -389,426 22,035,451 5,856,327 6,635,908 25,759,643 1,831,025 -406,958 23,521,660 6,453,000 7,017,897 27,164,912 2,007,894 -433,704 24,723,314 7,431,664 7,397,602 48,888,068 5,043,445 4,949,350 172,904 4,776,446 52,818,785 5,207,465 5,644,710 187,756 5,456,954 56,666,946 5,583,032 6,083,094 174,773 5,908,321 62,067,337 5,967,569 7,029,756 169,300 6,860,456 67,594,476 6,430,278 7,733,175 167,071 7,566,104 71,564,538 6,886,625 8,250,731 176,997 8,073,734 17,302,275 1,972,626 2,097,245 42,372 2,054,873 17,879,378 1,923,783 2,262,131 41,101 2,221,030 18,392,130 1,945,987 2,425,090 36,887 2,388,203 19,391,425 2,001,948 2,671,580 38,685 2,632,895 20,689,165 2,113,529 2,956,949 46,547 2,910,402 21,767,288 2,223,065 3,174,559 53,273 3,121,286 263,653 58,617,210 49,886,604 208,157 199,906* 6,863* 192,468 (D) (0) (0) (0) 3,648,962 14,625,361 7,163,660 898,264* (0) 440,704* 557,570* 1,012,372 2,745,124* 670,274* 2,192 418,169* (D) 7,461,701 62,321* 170,918* (0) 1,018,376* 1,479,887* 1,365,046* (0) (D) 539,022* (D) (0) 3,691,320 383,278 854,934 (D) 277,919 63,393,041 54,123,235 226,262 214,824* 9,966* 267,891 1,922* (0) (0) (D) 3,732,756* 15,448,364 7,572,532 958,180* (D) 424,688* 585,206* 1,126,044* 2,950,710* 698,891* 2,212 439,436* (0) 7,875,832 (0) 183,771* (D) (0) 1,608,659* 1,433,883* (D) (0) 550,558* (0) (0) 3,555,718* 398,286 888,849 (D) (0) (0) (0) 4,310,453 5,670,134 4,315,540 1,435,626 2,879,914 16,015,101* 245,528* 552,947* 180,780* 3,528,477* 627,188 260,940* 300,639 (0) 5,107,990 1,400,959 (D) 478,614 (0) 491,588 1,388,839 9,269,806 2,419,862 571,281 6,278,663 264,050 68,069,022 58,433,967 260,640 247,702* 11,171* 127,396 2,071* (D) (D) (0) 4,156,718* 15,803,864 7,838,861 982,542* (0) 401,410* 627,076* 1,207,863 3,099,928* 625,684* 2,459 (D) (0) 7,965,003 (D) 198,252* (D) (D) 1,511,827* 1,575,389* (D) (D) 592,251* (0) 263,667 74,800,995 64,267,770 320,305* 311,597* 9,189 120,469* 1,225 66,662* (0) 45,263* 4,600,491* 16,369,188 8,149,374 1,021,095* (D) 378,483* 650,156* 1,293,732 3,227,859* 721,304* (0) 450,463* (D) 8,219,814 101,706* (D) (D) (0) 1,548,504* (0) (0) (0) 606,722* (0) (D) 4,056,290* (D) 1,099,099 (0) (0) (0) (0) 5,103,421 6,621,389 6,368,468 1,879,835* 4,398,813* 19,960,407* 296,949* 623,196* 180,773* 4,625,392* 719,833 272,496* 348,280 (D) 6,326,226 1,793,168 ID) 646,234 (D) 592,265 1,856,316 10,533,225 2,552,308 674,896 7,306,021 262,112 81,495,817 70,274,433 360,812* 350,948* 10,468 165,094* 1,462 102,850* (D) 51,032* 5,278,834* 17,292,590 8,744,466 1,078,580* (D) 383,730* 703,548* 1,400,050* 3,570,017* 672,396* (D) 467,753* (D) 8,548,124 (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,719,283* 1,608,008* (D) (D) 615,692* (D) (D) 4,306,497* (D) 1,209,484 (D) (0) (0) (D) 5,664,671 7,268,029 6,594,278 2,054,225* 4,454,351* 22,498,068* 316,463* 802,242 183,053* 5,212,176* 779,827 300,528 392,561* 63,048* 7,069,626 2,113,492 1,721,004 732,504 273,833 86,428,061 74,503,821 392,907* 382,916* 10,592 193,262* 1,545 (D) (D) (D) 5,692,128 17,991,677 9,238,768 1,127,133* (D) 383,576* 735,674* 1,457,448* 3,886,434* 741,994* (D) 481,990* (D) 8,752,909 104,652* (D) (D) (D) 1,686,652* 1,673,195* (0) (D) 621,975* (D) 52,837 21,319,309 18,940,749 48,750 46,323 2,427 406,375 305,018 87,462 (D) (D) 1,450,917 5,346,560 1,127,271 243,084 (D) 36,555 (D) 226,898 288,973* 166,071 0 82,342* 360 4,219,289 17,339 (D) 1,770,407 382,771* 580,781 504,946* (D) (D) 347,844* 170,725* 31,088 1,607,929 148,635 325,530 51,474 22,013,818 19,528,078 44,236 41,703 2,533 427,267 295,807 117,198 (D) (D) 1,521,012 5,079,540 1,125,409 217,966* (D) 30,004 (D) 243,165 308,530* 130,147 0 88,557* 413 3,954,131 19,021 (D) 1,531,960 389,524* 565,237 (D) (D) (D) 359,931* 167,720* 31,336 1,602,338 ¡50,591 309,073 47,135 22,716,072 20,155,281 46,788 44,515 2,273 380,410 294,721* 68,628 163* 16,037* 1,683,624 4,698,670 1,062,402 219,707* (0) 26,533 (D) 250,060 317,931* 46,819 0 100,403 373 3,636,268 20,680 29,668* 1,279,923* 374,459* 542,332 (D) (D) (D) 363,660* 168,369* 31,159 1,647,284 144,462 321,095 (D) (D) 332,552 497,412 1,484,251 2,248,974 1,396,399 675,699 720,700 6,568,881 49,500 24,015,453 21,326,568 63,437 61,772 1,665 320,277 224,671* 68,057* (D) (D) 1,738,858 4,713,348 1,131,676 229,261* (0) 25,639 (0) 249,795 386,619 34,493 0 121,837 (0) 3,581,672 23,710 31,788* 1,230,835* 381,143* 548,110 (D) 73,642* (D) 371,981* (D) 35,172 1,696,344 128,528 340,618 (D) 57,410 25,702,233 22,850,716 67,355 65,617 1,738 327,112 223,125* 81,592 1,129 (D) 1,724,598 5,050,447 1,278,481 244,543* (D) 30,480 (D) 262,047 485,598 33,291 0 128,978 (D) 3,771,966 27,253 31,744* 1,343,988* 402,496* 567,5« (D) 54,080* (D) 427,476 (D) 39,744* 1,819,934 134,031 366,849 64,294 27,100,618 24,085,774 69,053 67,444 1,609 307,223 196,251* 87,666 (D) (D) 1,842,216 4,957,954 1,250,745 245,798* (D) 30,663 (D) 272,517 432,094 30,659 0 135,362* (0) 3,707,209 36,598 35,378* 1,373,592* 415,971 584,819 (D) (D) (D) 424,670* (D) 43,114* 1,961,419 137,370 396,023 (D) 428,046* 377,942 558,126 1,792,607 2,656,221 1,668,139 717,774* 915,645* 8,830,942 (D) 382,286 48,987* 1,656,666 252,154 111,800 191,310 (D) 3,202,141 664,402 684,173 214,395 (D) 274,660 996,477 3,014,844 618,096 95,471 2,301,277 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors' income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products........................ Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and lixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products................. Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... hiotion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Government and government enterprises...................... State and local. ........................................ ...... See footnotes at end of tables. (D) (D) (0) 4,048,371 5,273,692 3,836,437 (0) 2,404,627* 14,361,836 227,676* 452,503* 180,349* 3,011,920 562,173 254,744* 249,180 (0) 4,673,523 1,237,837 (0) 429,771 (0) 472,139 1,209,746 8,730,606 2,269,506 557,555 5,903,545 (D) 3,729,013* 356,570* 975,857 (D) (D) (D) (0) 4,626,980 6,177,986 5,036,292 1,656,772* 3,305,648* 17,844,721* 271,624* 594,261* 180,619* 4,046,436* 690,490 262,967* 323,789 (0) 5,584,108 1,595,648 (0) 579,992 (D) 531,006 1,636,106 9,635,055 2,381,147 586,476 6,667,432 (D) 659,162 2,154,847 11,221,384 2,734,931 655,186 7,831,267 (D) 4,753,027* 378,970* 1,262,855 (D) (D) (D) (D) 5,974,680 7,584,270 6,664,050 2,125,835* 4,144,641* 24,975,453* 349,371* 900,391 201,245* 5,836,725* 841,677 331,586 «1,068 (D) 7,815,935 2,346,805 1,860,303 828,254 (D) 700,371 2,487,200 11,924,240 2,872,761 614,011 8,437,468 (D) 251,091* 376,361 452,510 1,357,894 2,110,212 1,169,960 578,786 591,174 5,442,152 (D) 215,904 46,696 934,006 190,259 97,849 133,397 16,831* 2,016,864 359,813 451,332 111,030 4,891* 200,376 579,021 2,378,560 494,273 76,792 1,807,495 (D) 278,895* 336,840 478,675 1,430,629 2,162,936 1,259,522 621,758 637,764 6,000,598 (D) 265,824 46,602 1,109,390 206,810 99,825 141,558 15,916* 2,161,727 385,614 492,080 127,458 5,198* 203,970 649,075 2,485,740 514,851 84,996 1,885,893 (D) 284,939 46,423 1,206,228 226,425 104,604 146,851 19,877* 2,332,971 433,765 539,037 141,236 5,618* 217,443 768,951 2,560,791 512,432 90,650 1,957,709 (D) 348,350 508,537 1,545,438 2,297,306 1,696,372 711,344 985,028 7,255,188 (D) 291,861 46,356 1,313,061 231,042 101,647 155,515 (D) 2,682,192 490,090 588,138 170,444 (D) 232,178 822,955 2,688,885 539,890 91,212 2,057,783 (D) 369,724* 360,931 528,404 1,706,614 2,493,143 1,620,925 712,165 908,760 8,040,588 (D) 340,511 46,785* 1,473,888 242,061 109,940 172,889 (0) 2,929,268 583,523 654,091 191,213 (D) 259,521 897,393 2,851,517 584,069 93,186 2,174,262 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S 53 Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] S a n F ra n c is c o — O a k la n d -- S a n P o rtla n d — V a n c o u v e r , O R — W A ( C M S A ) 1984 1987 Jo s e , C A (C M S A ) 1988 1989 1985 1986 1987 102,3 37,791 110,3 13,5 97 116,832,245 124,852,659 136,091,669 145 ,8 72,7 0 1 101,844,807 492,984 109,802,632 510,965 116,216,195 616,050 124,222,370 630,289 135,436,472 655,197 5,707.5 5,802.7 5,874.0 5,948.1 6,041.8 145,202,696 670,005 6,134.7 17,9 31 19 ,0 11 19,890 20,990 22,525 23,778 19,432,727 1,413,286 -207,770 17,811,671 4,415,567 3,427,287 77,397,544 4,401,684 -280,758 72,715,102 18,288,474 11,334,215 83,558,894 4,972,586 -305,024 78,281,284 19,654,962 12,377,351 89,077,343 5,380,061 -340,276 83,357,006 20,333,208 13,142,031 96,103,522 5,751,599 -362,395 89,989,528 21,067,412 13,795,719 104,754,068 6,500,747 -399,794 97,853,527 23,453,431 14,784,711 111,556,504 7,167,294 -400,266 103,988,944 25,888,746 15,995,011 14,367,498 1,344,688 2,073,563 183,014 1,890,549 15,700,381 1,490,574 2,241,772 198,641 2,043,131 62,867,086 6,485,900 8,044,558 298,678 7,745,880 67,775,877 6,871,770 8,911,247 306,910 8,604,337 72,139,557 7,136,781 9,801,005 403,783 9,397,222 77,305,851 7,489,962 11,307,709 401,942 10,905,767 84,157,726 8,149,627 12,446,715 416,321 12,030,394 89,730,570 8,789,304 13,036,630 414,477 12,622,153 227,346 17,558,403 15,228,464 104,534 85,557 18,977 38,959 (0) (D) (0) (0) 1,033,912 3,648,046 1,037,364 257,971 (D) (D) 282,403* 246,650 46,319* 14,345 (0) 81,279 (0) 2,610,682 (0) (0) 299,960* 247,651 (D) 396,597 175,414* (0) 74,438 (0) 69,806 1,406,945 83,892 458,367 70,612 235,050 (0) 188,433* 1,598,760 1,817,417 1,260,459 374,793* 778,890* 4,319,432 104,178 194,576* 32,506 941,840 199,936 99,100 83,634 (D) 1,376,872 389,936 149,996* 144,769 6,954* 158,841 397,935 2,329,939 583,182 56,874 1,689,883 243,612 19,189,115 16,694,004 112,997 89,196* (D) 52,045 (D) (D) (0) 12,386* 1,203,251 3,884,466 1,045,301 246,860 (0) 44,876* 291,375* 240,241 49,011* 12,686* 67 (0) (0) 2,839,165 (D) 56,085* 355,895* 280,438 (D) 444,461 172,691* (D) 81,906 (0) 73,238 1,496,299 85,363 506,823* 72,144* 231,832* (D) (D) 1,771,841 1,966,477 1,331,050 409,828* 805,744* 4,875,578 112,858 230,117 34,567 1,109,257 221,616 115,244 93,279 21,724* 1,532,223 427,575 176,721 162,544 7,965* 168,443 459,215 2,495,111 623,705 58,153 1,813,253 492,984 76,904,560 66,048,671 349,425 329,569 19,856 462,791 739 (D) 31,766* (D) 5,392,339 16,715,448 4,283,344 1,258,468 (D) 292,669* 252,369* 889,005 681,762* 637,359* 0 229,113* (0) 12,432,104 128,937 134,811* 485,840 894,940 3,065,586 4,219,049* 1,384,000* 113,872* 316,584 1,445,985 223,503 5,902,069 227,409* 974,443* 279,339* (») 1,838,817* (») 4,752,546 7,396,711 5,829,429 2,243,841* 3,270,378* 19,247,913 (0) 683,913 (D) 5,662,895 840,477 496,394 373,370* 122,565* 4,445,022 1,581,045 (D) 400,782 13,439* 646,052 2,422,482 10,855,889 2,614,513 958,658 7,282,718 510,965 83,047,929 71,140,156 366,851 335,376 31,475 537,825 (0) (0) 39,005* 41,483* 5,814,944 17,520,848 4,396,148 1,288,719* (0) 267,843* 241,453* 924,395 782,589* 658,515* 0 189,436* (D) 13,124,700 (D) 137,664* (D) 806,878* 3,193,101 4,549,512* 1,628,923* 162,843* 328,619 1,555,235 151,789 6,205,873 227,394 1,018,024 296,517* (D) (D) (0) 5,293,768 7,905,314 6,545,244 2,432,342* 3,787,194* 20,949,489 (0) 848,753 (0) 6,122,827 941,446 466,223 413,995* 139,271* 4,932,270 1,750,215 (0) 446,855 15,139* 698,285 2,520,116 11,907,773 2,747,016 1,019,266 8,141,491 616,050 88,461,293 76,087,145 (0) 346,811 40,526* (0) 826 (0) (D) 45,509* 6,166,257 18,092,338 4,640,172 1,313,582* (0) 284,254* 261,556* 1,008,478 853,034* 678,245* 0 204,187* (D) 13,452,166 127,842* 118,073* (0) 815,376 3,330,796 4,471,754* 1,755,806* 202,910* 343,945 1,702,851 146,454 6,613,661 206,070 1,075,802 339,950* (0) (0) (0) 5,624,770 8,429,981 7,567,208 2,758,724 4,808,484 22,859,558 (D) 906,665 (0) 6,707,237 1,006,093 437,236 469,320* 177,896* 5,378,067 2,063,980 (0) 500,671 17,420* 743,394 2,720,762 12,374,148 2,739,639 1,031,664 8,602,845 630,289 95,473,233 82,181,165 (D) (0) 35,017 335,261* (0) 244,957* 66,002* 43,253* 6,580,530 18,877,660 4,904,641 1,334,500* (0) 318,422* 267,918* 1,092,188 912,131* 722,014* 0 222,239* (0) 13,973,019 162,023* 130,616* (D) 694,604 3,607,398 4,703,064* 1,698,462* 186,254* 358,142 1,843,577 151,342 6,777,579 208,222 1,045,024* 372,494* (0) (D) (0) 5,924,311 8,767,077 8,876,760 2,900,049 5,976,711 25,511,280 (0) 952,564 (D) 7,513,212 1,052,894 400,588 538,537* 177,260* 6,043,485 2,366,725 (0) 569,762 20,030* 781,787 3,188,294 13,292,068 2,889,570 1,088,814 9,313,684 655,197 104,098,871 90,017,875 544,531 (D) 37,319* 432,585 308 323,793 64,052* (0) 7,204,853 20,588,720 5,365,478 1,383,034 14,973* 366,856* 267,834* 1,236,944 1,058,461 785,148* 0 234,666 (0) 15,223,242 172,555* 147,237* (D) 704,589 4,045,119* 4,891,599* 1,831,707* 186,051* 415,355 2,083,516 145,769 7,028,521 200,898 1,212,370 379,255* (D) (0) (D) 6,663,826 9,498,526 9,120,574 3,011,563 6,109,011 28,935,739 (0) 1,107,041 m 8,981,395 1,103,993 449,680 637,361* 220,875* 6,510,837 2,761,275 (0) 657,081 21,830* 866,942 3,509,007 14,080,996 3,121,480 1,102,288 9,857,228 670,005 110,886,499 95,853,624 579,749 (0) (D) 464,768 (0) 351,745 (0) (0) 7,506,467 21,951,443 5,637,388 1,427,499 (0) 403,522* 288,843* 1,333,076 1,111,321* 769,742 0 255,214* (D) 16,314,055 204,041 161,674* (0) 725,169 4,501,879 5,256,448* 1,903,423* 204,581* 424,334 2,283,199 148,248 7,359,881 202,594* (0) 393,061* (0) (0) (D) 7,187,826 10,119,680 9,077,089 3,110,694 5,966,395 31,606,721 795,104* 1,250,206 (0) 9,802,583 1,177,847 482,355 685,795* 257,040* 7,074,577 3,060,494 1,029,934 736,275 23,636* 932,132 3,940,808 15,032,875 3,267,482 1,148,882 10,616,511 1988 1989 1985 1986 17,9 95,3 37 18,978,739 19,891,785 21,1 97,445 23,226,147 25,654,525 18,834,414 144,325 1,350.1 19,704,230 187,555 1,370.3 20,996,911 200,534 1,384.4 22,998,801 227,346 Population (thousands)'.............................................. 17,863,741 131,596 1,338.2 1,414.2 25,410,913 243,612 1,448.3 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) ......................................................................... 13,447 14,058 14,516 15,312 16,423 17 ,7 1 3 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less-. Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals- Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 13,207,764 847,862 -105,471 12,254,431 3,159,261 2,581,645 14,061,145 940,754 -135,666 12,984,725 3,295,793 2,698,221 14,895,545 1,038,563 -128,552 13,728,430 3,445,362 2,717,993 16,055,117 1,093,952 -165,287 14,795,878 3,544,242 2,857,325 17,785,749 1,250,262 -193,141 16,342,346 3,807,495 3,076,306 10,827,585 1,042,396 1,337,783 89,414 1,248,369 11,424,453 1,180,456 1,456,236 102,314 1,353,922 12,158,528 1,151,535 1,585,482 145,776 1,439,706 12,991,820 1,220,783 1,842,514 156,380 1,686,134 131,596 13,076,168 11,252,124 66,440 47,015 19,425 45,013 (0) (D) 511 8,609 720,628 2,936,101 824,634 219,936 (0) (D) 241,670* 161,403 41,494* 10,497* (0) 50,021* (0) 2,111,467 (0) 38,807 243,651 220,907 (0) 272,831 97,027* (0) 50,396 (0) 44,625 1,164,384 113,783* 357,075 69,098 (0) (D) 177,666* 1,213,124 1,439,748 841,765 310,182 531,583 2,824,921 65,489 125,683* 30,211 519,301 151,595 74,039 51,107 (0) 949,627 260,920 106,775* 90,276 4,262* 120,883 250,027 1,824,044 471,408 38,942 1,313,694 144,325 13,916,820 11,877,047 67,804 47,980 19,824 54,668 (D) 34,729 (0) 9,170 744,605 3,016,185 858,321 228,062 (0) (0) 255,499* 176,939 43,512* 7,410* (0) 48,893* (0) 2,157,864 (D) 40,452 237,818* 219,190 (0) 279,078 109,147* (0) 51,506 (0) 45,966 1,189,186 103,071* 374,660 57,351* 140,554* (0) 201,692 1,297,465 1,471,968 900,621 325,976 574,645 3,134,545 67,373 152,431* 30,330 619,256 168,965 69,912 62,377 (0) 1,039,421 277,674 113,846* 100,539 4,915* 127,591 271,732 2,039,773 496,808 47,278 1,495,687 187,555 14,707,990 12,668,639 69,986 52,086 17,900 30,769 (0) 12,214 (0) 10,567 801,954 3,173,580 889,378 232,599 (0) (0) 268,387* 186,062 40,928* 10,204* 97 50,829* (D) 2,284,202 (D) 39,033* 238,242* 216,303 (D) 300,971 163,144* (D) 55,779 (0) 47,281 1,195,514 94,077* 387,222 59,454* (0) (0) 189,072 1,370,772 1,553,256 1,005,731 355,168 650,563 3,467,077 72,835 165,542* 30,299 702,170 179,919 86,732 63,248 (0) 1,128,121 315,758 122,318* 112,877 5,941* 133,911 317,213 2,039,351 499,702 56,463 1,483,186 200,534 15,854,583 13,685,111 96,345 74,687* (0) 30,919 (D) (D) (D) 9,566 857,023 3,316,791 960,493 249,384 (0) (D) 273,333* 212,300 42,068* 9,695 135 59,514* (0) 2,356,298 (0) (0) 258,335* 231,255 (0) 341,141 148,998* (D) 61,935 (D) 57,392 1,301,333 86,592 429,345 65,324* 180,124* 345,188 182,606 1,425,943 1,624,566 1,200,099 380,096 820,003 3,832,092 85,919 170,128* 30,410 808,262 190,171 90,607 72,198 (0) 1,255,968 337,984 139,216* 126,961 6,194* 143,693 342,694 2,169,472 533,759 56,768 1,578,945 1984 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ........................................................................................................................ Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Punting and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and mlsc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products........................ Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services.......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. 54 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME CMSA’S Table 6.— Personal Income for CMSA’s by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Thousands of dollars] S e a ttle — T a c o m a , W A (C M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o t a l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ........................................................................................................................ 32,933,918 35,454,633 38,152,831 40,985,019 44,688,045 49,486,830 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 32,868,395 65,523 35,381,712 72,921 38,059,794 93,037 44,574,052 113,993 49,360,734 126,096 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 2,210.8 2,250.5 2,296.9 40,879,064 105,955 2,351.4 2,420.8 2,493.0 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 14,897 15,754 16 ,6 11 17,430 18,460 19,851 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence....................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 24,793,383 1,434,708 -215,464 23,143,211 5,365,808 4,424,899 26,744,301 1,611,959 -264,902 24,867,440 5,803,662 4,783,531 29,149,452 1,804,793 -339,007 27,005,652 6,118,114 5,029,065 31,576,082 1,982,833 -366,891 29,226,358 6,420,247 5,338,414 34,605,904 2,235,790 -415,130 31,954,984 6,913,246 5,819,815 38,096,094 2,539,118 -474,780 35,082,196 8,097,280 6,307,354 20,702,083 1,949,215 2,142,085 40,759 2,101,326 22,297,916 2,010,448 2,435,937 48,602 2,387,335 24,284,912 2,183,974 2,680,566 68,980 2,611,586 26,191,878 2,299,603 3,084,601 80,544 3,004,057 28,668,469 2,511,280 3,426,155 88,455 3,337,700 31,552,882 2,823,266 3,719,946 100,165 3,619,781 65,523 24,727,860 20,723,678 163,957 87,894 76,063 59,562 (0) 44,674 72,921 26,671,380 22,351,631 253,154 88,674 164,480 81,130 1,605* 66,244 102* 13,108 1,704,566 6,099,263 1,030,572 328,021 5,909* 93,037 29,056,415 24,522,219 332,671 94,237 238,434 40,277 1,038 24,426 313 14,500 1,927,570 6,832,620 1,084,463 339,335 (0) 105,955 31,470,127 26,668,152 365,158 131,804 233,354 43,427 (0) 26,195 (D) 14,467 2,078,087 7,238,639 1,135,887 352,461 8,139* (0) (0) 346,551 69,911* 16,071 56 77,463 4,457 6,102,752 437,203 62,121 99,711 205,321 246,105 265,831* 4,161,903 134,694 138,820 241,611* 79,741 2,331,339 104,678 384,434* 257,118 710,989 (0) 133,153 2,221,386 3,073,140 2,363,432 816,220 1,547,212 6,953,544 168,878 349,078 54,723 1,454,175 325,250 146,267 207,265 28,209* 2,038,849 666,205 194,648 179,769 4,528* 250,784 882,088 4,801,975 889,073 727,780 3,185,122 113,993 34,491,911 29,375,213 448,916 142,025 306,891 59,415 1,770 38,774 2,770 16,101 2,354,787 7,958,249 1,208,442 373,979 8,138* 72,769 (M 389,852 72,918* 18,329 56 86,903 3,755* 6,749,807 474,516 (0) 102,963 234,012 306,901 276,474* 4,560,533 142,891* 167,781 288,414 95,186 2,556,105 109,126 126,096 37,969,998 32,498,616 459,308 148,463 310,845 60,268 1,837 36,299 3,567 18,565 2,579,105 8,960,889 1,474,359 451,938 8,320* (D) 332,319 403,589 77,799* 18,155 57 97,487 6,693* 7,486,530 375,724 (0) 111,536 259,637 339,842 295,001* (0) 152,264 164,639 (0) 101,806 2,744,513 117,041 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private........................................................... Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households...................................... Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military.............................................. State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (0 ) 12,841 1,713,534 5,636,154 987,339 318,474 3,440* 77,090 (0) 269,956 61,315* 16,964 54 64,234 4,435* 4,648,815 399,897 51,376 123,376* 185,340 212,809 (D) 2,933,234* (D) 119,605 184,310* 64,922 2,027,625 (0) 377,626 (0) 566,018* (D) 126,930 1,924,336 2,585,652 1,707,336 628,402 1,078,934 4,905,522 135,681 268,241 53,013 868,333 254,506 125,298 157,633 23,282* 1,455,738 464,373 147,392 140,797 2,975* 213,595 592,727 4,004,182 794,315 630,116 2,579,751 (0 ) (D) 292,134 67,630* 13,941 (L) 63,412 3,135* 5,068,691 386,195 53,570 114,812 181,687 (D) (D) 3,360,319 (D) 124,364 209,840* 67,010 2,123,021 108,263 354,425* (0) 606,624* (0) 141,662 1,997,887 2,712,544 1,787,825 677,043 1,110,782 5,592,241 143,301 317,282 53,697 1,018,793 295,230 128,298 179,956 23,980* 1,637,327 540,604 168,699 154,516 3,398* 220,073 704,831 4,319,749 840,214 699,369 2,780,166 (0 ) (D) 321,776 69,838* 14,431 (D) 71,890 3,642* 5,748,157 400,750 54,863 103,540 191,030 (0) (0) 3,972,249 63,593 126,865 216,992* 71,150 2,231,435 104,836 366,971* (0 ) 668,554* (D) 144,294 2,097,651 2,876,717 2,014,361 772,788 1,241,573 6,168,917 143,370 334,437 54,041 1,157,670 316,557 139,759 191,149 28,213* 1,782,880 619,332 175,359 164,432 3,752* 235,818 819,728 4,534,196 837,833 717,660 2,978,703 (0 ) 279,613 775,808 (0) 165,959 2,454,354 3,362,198 2,430,366 858,827 1,571,539 7,750,823 178,445 389,252 58,900 1,609,161 330,279 166,306 229,709 (0) 2,356,420 746,128 217,840 197,877 5,542* 281,197 951,383 5,116,698 947,700 737,782 3,431,216 (0 ) 309,822 864,369 (0) 184,167 2,723,544 3,698,688 2,555,063 896,255 1,658,808 8,717,238 186,598 447,165 62,961 1,837,513 364,550 197,186 252,392 (0) 2,624,515 832,342 238,736 229,393 6,391* 301,783 1,096,711 5,471,382 1,009,978 729,608 3,731,796 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME METROPOLITAN AREAS 55 Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89 [Thousands of dollars] A b ile n e , T X 1984 1985 1986 A kro n , O H (M S A ) 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 (P M S A ) 1987 1986 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... 1,5 27,318 1,642,009 1,625,465 1,648,095 1,734,0 10 1,820,398 8,285,983 8 ,776,512 9,222,511 9,722,353 10,390,459 11,0 32,8 73 1,622,500 19,509 122.9 1,602,582 22,883 124.5 1,622,197 25,898 1,702,298 31,712 1,788,693 31,705 8,271,563 14,420 8,765,646 10,866 9,211,758 10,753 9,710,079 12,274 10,383,639 6,820 11,024,683 8,190 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 1,515,623 11,695 122.4 123.6 121.8 121.4 648.9 645.3 647.6 648.6 653.5 656.5 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 12,481 13,358 13,055 13,3 37 14,237 15,001 12,768 13,601 14,240 14,989 15,900 16,805 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 1,222,787 64,926 -82,150 1,075,711 261,137 190,470 1,291,462 71,882 -85,216 1,134,364 292,961 214,684 1,256,281 70,568 -77,022 1,108,691 284,866 231,908 1,260,804 70,568 -76,334 1,113,902 286,305 247,888 1,316,999 76,156 -76,543 1,164,300 310,514 259,196 1,329,586 80,052 -67,832 1,181,702 357,003 281,693 5,697,230 381,610 460,052 5,775,672 1,223,544 1,286,767 5,995,923 421,619 510,041 6,084,345 1,294,970 1,397,197 6,332,428 452,982 529,546 6,408,992 1,337,867 1,475,652 6,694,531 474,210 556,460 6,776,781 1,368,533 1,577,039 7,118,284 519,726 667,043 7,265,601 1,477,015 1,647,843 7,508,176 568,428 646,298 7,586,046 1,677,070 1,769,757 972,173 86,202 164,412 10,653 153,759 1,023,747 86,169 181,546 18,521 163,025 986,307 83,214 186,760 21,946 164,814 969,516 80,920 210,368 24,952 185,416 999,541 85,714 231,744 30,806 200,938 994,217 86,927 248,442 30,840 217,602 4,842,016 498,528 356,686 11,568 345,118 5,111,395 499,972 384,556 8,101 376,455 5,372,857 528,310 431,261 8,051 423,210 5,674,499 521,548 498,484 9,471 489,013 6,040,228 545,157 532,899 4,062 528,837 6,369,706 581,261 557,209 5,446 551,763 11,695 1,211,092 965,393 9,453 9,431 19,509 1,271,953 1,012,125 7,176 7,146 22,883 1,233,398 948,064 6,687 6,653 ai 78,006 (L) (0) 0 (D) 81,842 124,192 44,984 24,943 0 2,596 0 8,277 25,898 1,234,906 938,587 13,145 13,121 ai 66,675 (L) 31,712 1,285,287 979,602 11,719 11,692 (L) 58,585 (L) (D) 0 (D) 71,826 127,139 49,805 30,405 0 2,493 0 1,888 (D) 5,225 0 3,506 31,705 1,297,881 982,362 12,482 12,456 (L) 46,432 ai (D) 0 (D) 64,386 131,090 50,114 30,063 0 2,927 0 8,291 (D) 5,110 0 (D) (D) 80,976 882 (D) 0 17,376 30,966 (D) (D) (0) 1,415 14,420 5,682,810 4,953,908 25,574 (D) (D) 30,046 114 25,695 id 4,273 258,774 2,103,868 1,072,320 62,522 (D) 10,866 5,985,057 5,206,518 25,417 (D) (D) 37,486 115 32,838 ai 4,553 284,977 2,161,666 1,077,902 68,319 (D) 10,753 6,321,675 5,476,963 24,950 24,470 480 23,030 101 18,032 12,274 6,682,257 5,780,706 29,570 29,273 297 19,912 53 15,047 155 4,657 322,162 2,219,915 1,124,242 74,481 (0) (D) 45,443 87,270 97,809 13,693 0 794,650 ID) 1,095,673 3,760 11,380 29,174 416,355 266,130 62,360 (D) ID) 24,106 15,450* 31,573* 446,777 11,481 219,383 (0) 18,473 88,938 (D) 413,365 658,925 293,012 86,084 206,928 1,377,068 16,635 75,952 12,321 246,581 59,129 23,609 51,372 (D) 534,698 79,758 6,820 7,111,464 6,151,690 32,661 32,341 320 23,090 62 17,871 161 4,996 353,304 2,300,042 1,156,958 81,062 (D) ID) 47,747 101,708 137,308 21,260 0 755,350 (D) 1,143,084 7,754 13,598 38,164 419,531 285,104 64,711 ID) (D) 25,983 17,966* 36,368 461,565 13,298 237,772 (D) 8,190 7,499,986 6,499,340 35,401 35,123 278 25,370 64 19,947 175 5,184 365,761 2,422,916 1,215,619 78,656 (D) ID) 51,204 108,182 134,415 14,879 0 813,802 (D) 1,207,297 5,986 17,539 45,907 439,284 312,990 68,179 (D) (D) 26,171 17,488 39,846 478,888 14,447 246,418 (D) 23,401 75,347 (D) 480,381 714,888 274,219 91,091 183,128 1,701,516 16,941 98,256 13,594 333,140 66,546 31,564 63,159 (D) 649,367 92,072 (D) 52,083 1,284 69,089 175,328 1,000,646 77,971 13,709 908,966 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income. ................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation............... ...................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (i) 120,065 (L) 116,272 0 3,784 90,923 125,416 46,171 26,995 (0) 2,021 (») 7,512 260 6,122 0 2,929 (0) 79,245 835 (0) 0 24,188 27,651 (D) (D) (D) 2,612 (D) 6,703 71,521 923 23,598 (1) (D) 16,394 (D) 76,848 140,926 57,622 29,424 28,198 272,619 6,805 14,128 5,548 50,519 16,759 4,139 2,480 492 95,534 14,101 (0) 4,020 (D) 7,519 24,150 245,699 28,763 102,273 114,663 (U 119,804 (L) 115,742 0 4,052 90,884 131,337 45,994 26,650 (D) 0 20,589 33,260 (D) 79,208 1,282 (0) 0 15,919 31,910 0 (0) 71,531 119,310 48,248 28,499 0 2,496 0 8,112 (D) 6,163 0 2,688 (0) 71,062 877 ID) 0 14,766 30,655 (D) (0) (D) (D) 2,127 0 8,046 244 6,460 0 2,317 (D) 85,343 962 (0) (0) 2,286 (0) 4,854 73,836 684 21,448 w (0) 18,597 (0) 81,189 148,574 58,731 30,266 28,465 300,594 7,529 17,090 5,650 55,561 18,972 3,975 2,552 522 108,603 15,768 (D) 4,048 (D) 8,153 23,708 259,828 31,062 104,685 124,081 (D) 6,283 0 2,531 (0) (0) (D) 1,983 (0) 3,262 70,055 705 19,255 (U (0) 16,512 (0) 74,126 140,581 57,423 28,691 28,732 315,152 6,891 17,436 5,721 57,177 17,816 4,460 2,865 670 117,763 17,452 (D) 4,378 (0) 8,268 24,773 285,334 30,600 126,298 128,436 (D) (D) 1,657 (D) 1,270 78,733 692 17,343 (L) (D) 26,594 (D) 68,361 134,659 65,209 28,676 36,533 320,964 5,850 16,838 5,728 54,334 16,803 4,583 2,753 609 125,553 18,318 (0) 4,542 (D) 8,823 25,501 296,319 31,604 130,323 134,392 (D) 77,334 350 (D) 0 17,330 32,270 (D) (D) (D) 1,432 (D) (») 1,454 86,053 1,014 18,947 1,491 92,547 1,412 21,059 a> (D) 29,885 (D) 83,010 142,326 58,148 26,533 31,615 340,796 4,370 18,031 6,041 58,983 17,100 5,074 4,172 683 136,325 20,919 (D) 4,649 (D) 9,457 23,744 305,685 32,886 128,267 144,532 id (D) 33,127 I») 70,202 147,449 53,011 21,574 31,437 364,763 4,025 20,250 6,355 67,119 17,181 5,123 4,449 704 145,331 23,666 (D) 5,350 (D) 9,880 24,016 315,519 34,191 129,046 152,282 (D) 49,232 63,476* 83,706 8,955* 0 791,425 0 1,031,548 4,363 7,777 24,840 419,589 239,494 62,348 (D) (D) 30,159 9,517* 20,991* 426,515 15,789 213,209 (D) (D) 86,543 (D) 337,025 557,999 180,183 71,091 109,092 1,033,924 12,658 55,558 12,409 174,045 45,420 17,742 37,873 (D) 418,449 56,029 (D) 31,511 877 54,577 87,886 728,902 59,737 9,771 659,394 (0) (U 4,900 299,050 2,242,167 1,111,363 67,231 (0) 48,557 71,343 76,471* 9,868 0 785,435 (0) 1,083,764 3,922 7,421 25,266 432,386 255,656 65,373 (D) (0) 27,700 9,361* 21,179 417,051 14,215 203,345 (D) (D) 49,637 78,793 91,300 12,843 0 800,240 (D) 1,130,804 3,518 7,718 24,380 462,323 260,745 59,425 (D) (D) 20,582 10,855* 25,263 437,016 13,457 215,461 (0) 82,534 (D) 368,866 585,639 200,542 74,377 126,165 1,124,874 13,610 64,936 12,406 195,313 50,555 18,373 43,334 (D) 443,749 61,912 (D) 34,317 930 56,922 95,456 778,539 63,468 11,253 703,818 86,453 (D) 381,747 622,401 223,733 81,048 142,685 1,222,869 14,553 70,469 12,331 212,146 56,319 21,319 46,623 (D) 465,618 67,651 (D) 38,439 977 57,929 124,311 844,712 64,426 12,094 768,192 (D) (0) (0) 41,450 1,074 62,498 137,955 901,551 68,584 12,862 820,105 (0) 75,554 ID) 453,432 695,985 280,651 90,431 190,220 1,550,960 16,580 89,515 12,990 296,009 61,761 26,062 60,771 (D) 589,139 87,171 (D) 46,421 1,138 67,246 157,075 959,774 74,025 13,368 872,381 56 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME METROPOLITAN AREAS Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A lb a n y , G A ( M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 A lb a n y -- S c h e n e c ta d y — T r o y , N Y 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 (M S A ) 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Total personal incom e............................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1.................................................... 1,185,325 1,248,3 67 1,302,486 1,352,809 1,455,491 1,538,496 11,0 8 9,13 7 11 ,7 8 1 ,9 3 7 12,633,089 13,592,927 14,839,661 16,061,599 1,162,822 22,503 1,232,321 16,046 1,283,677 18,809 1,336,072 16,737 1,435,889 19,602 11,055,232 33,905 11,745,679 36,258 12,588,582 44,507 13,545,026 47,901 14,789,744 49,917 16,005,896 55,703 Population (thousands)’ .............................................. Per capita personal income (do lla rs)............................ 117.3 117.6 117.7 117.1 116.3 1,524,456 14,040 115.3 836.9 839.1 842.7 843.2 850.8 854.2 10,109 10 ,6 17 11,068 11,550 12,5 13 13,348 13,250 14,041 14,992 16 ,121 17,4 4 1 18,802 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place ol residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 1,008,762 54,109 -95,207 859,446 134,002 191,877 1,064,643 59,941 -106,394 898,308 141,511 208,548 1,086,156 61,038 -99,427 925,691 150,355 226,440 1,117,997 62,278 -101,935 953,784 157,952 241,073 1,187,753 67,902 -103,220 1,016,631 175,451 263,409 1,241,539 73,173 -109,575 1,058,791 199,790 279,915 7,861,941 465,795 -290,038 7,106,108 1,938,301 2,044,728 8,520,386 524,575 -339,091 7,656,720 1,990,816 2,134,401 9,208,317 586,717 -369,078 8,252,522 2,110,841 2,269,726 10,022,390 636,664 -384,886 9,000,840 2,201,218 2,390,869 10,929,612 721,922 -415,133 9,792,557 2,499,431 2,547,673 11,673,860 793,527 -454,960 10,425,373 2,860,811 2,775,415 850,333 79,740 78,689 17,864 60,825 904,220 81,888 78,535 11,473 67,062 913,475 81,873 90,808 14,311 76,497 939,110 83,548 95,339 11,992 83,347 991,590 88,502 107,661 14,844 92,817 1,037,521 95,533 108,485 9,214 99,271 6,718,811 588,773 554,357 22,310 532,047 7,285,367 604,287 630,732 24,859 605,873 7,876,785 646,431 685,101 33,305 651,796 8,542,535 675,727 804,128 36,216 767,912 9,312,470 727,087 890,055 38,305 851,750 9,953,959 777,840 942,061 44,019 898,042 22,503 986,259 157,793 4,320 16,046 1,048,597 805,729 4,791 (0) (D) (D) 18,809 1,067,347 810,154 5,052 2,504 2,548 (0) (L) 428 0 (D) 56,374 284,399 220,511* 74,622* (9) (9) (9) 8,964* 16,737 1,101,260 829,421 6,223 3,481 2,742 (9) (L) 325 0 (9) 73,480 252,330 198,724* 75,341* (9) (9) (9) 9,700* 19,602 1,168,151 867,973 5,504 3,663 1,841 (9) 14,040 1,227,499 905,643 4,937 (9) (9) (9) (E) 589 0 (9) 68,593 260,870 210,103* 81,402 26,011 (9) (9) 8,699* 33,905 7,828,036 5,680,787 (9) (9) 1,073 (9) 56 (9) -6 5 (9) 400,599 1,464,795 608,565 93,296* (9) 41,163 96,042* 91,635 (0) 16,845* 0 (9) (9) 856,230 (9) 36,258 8,484,128 6,166,061 (9) (9) 1,061 (9) 44,507 9,163,810 6,630,298 (0) (0) 924 (9) 47,901 9,974,489 7,226,781 (9) (9) 842 (9) (E) (9) 281 (9) 638,925 1,517,561 710,435 116,662* (9) 29,646* 119,478 133,747 (0) 7,694* 0 (9) (9) 807,126 20,974 49,917 10,879,695 7,910,173 35,016 34,102 914 29,301 (E) 55,703 11,618,157 8,405,697 36,433 35,567 866 33,082 (E) (9) 308 (9) 762,797 1,633,180 772,289 120,306* 68,831* (9) 130,149 155,915 (9) 9,948* 0 (9) (9) 860,891 21,203 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6. ............................................... Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining........................................................ Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels.. .................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing.............................. Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate*.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... M ilitary....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (D ) (D ) (9) (L) 779 0 (0) 52,049 295,166 243,159* 75,990 (0) (0) (0) 7,178* (D) 0 0 (0) 0 46,862* 1,264* (0) 0 4,731* (0) (0) (0) (0) (D ) 0 (0) 65,494 7,504 27,604 (E) (D) 21,496 (0) 60,953* 97,933 37,126 17,257* 19,489* 141,224 3,755 9,927 5,627 15,289 10,407 2,541 1,446* (0) 48,086 10,961 2,709 8,395 (D) 7,179* 13,884 228,466 83,566 25,820 119,080 (1 ) 1,177 0 (0) 49,910 317,400 258,587* 78,468 (0) 0» (0) 8,624* (D) 0 0 (0) 0 (D) 1,691* (0) 0 5,086 (0) (D) 2,442 (0) (0) 0 (0) 66,378 7,216 27,414 (L) (0) 21,601 (0) 63,292* 102,231 40,660 20,138* 20,144* 157,373 3,813 11,248 5,747 20,644 10,625 2,166 1,554* (0) 53,628 11,676 2,728 9,615* (0) 7,862 15,657 242,868 88,634 26,490 127,744 m 0 0 (D) 0 53,993* 2,132* (D) 0 4,220 (0) (9 ) 0 0 (L) 609 0 (9) 72,195 254,961 200,422* 78,794 (0) (D) (9) 8,629* (9) 0 0 (9) 0 0 (9) (9) (9) 0 45,006* 2,408* 0 47,174* 2,235* 0 46,125* 2,060* (9 ) (9) (9) 0 3,898 4,557 0 3,306 3,934 (9) (9) (9 ) (9) (9) (9) 0 3,325* 2,966 (0) 2,602 0 3,118 (9) (0) (0) (9 ) 65,142 (9) 25,999* (L) (9 ) 20,110 (9) 70,189* 109,289 42,592 22,905 19,687 172,687 4,069 12,286 5,829 21,399 11,783 2,249 (9) (9) 58,489 12,712 3,230 9,902* (9) 7,887 20,552 257,193 89,094 27,735 140,364 (9) 66,850 5,684 28,447 (E) 2,708 20,133 9,882 73,390* 110,859 48,878 25,191 23,687 191,173 3,046* 12,673 5,933 22,443 11,982 2,391 2,067 (0) 3,217 (9) (9) 70,971 6,440 32,561 0 2,785 19,527 9,658 76,843* 116,418 48,483 26,324* 21,854* 216,656 3,257* 13,881 6,339 25,409 13,541 3,124 2,213 (9) (9) 3,162 0 (0) 78,808 6,967 38,903* (E) 2,937* 19,676 < 9,915 79,103* 116,786 51,798 27,863* 23,612* 238,485 4,084 15,726 6,704 30,917 14,017 3,236 2,387* (9 ) (9) (9) 69,715 15,079 3,960 10,544* 80,366 17,108 4,379 10,773* 85,571 18,379 4,652 11,344* (9) (9) (9) 8,222 22,731 271,839 91,140 28,225 152,474 8,827 27,004 300,178 106,482 29,338 164,358 9,327 31,672 321,856 112,914 30,203 178,739 (9) (9 ) (9) 429,247* (9) (9) (9) (9 ) (9) (9) 507,669 84,340* 99,346* (9) (9) 184,568 (9) 446,687 708,747 357,851 108,757* 242,537* 1,753,303 (L) (9) (E) (9) 467,713 1,498,715 636,068 103,192* (9) 36,066 105,673* 99,950 (9) 16,265* 0 (9) 4,380* 862,647 (9) (») (9) 41,760* 455,705* (D ) (9) (0) (0) (9) (9) 523,150 85,321* 100,545* (9) (9) 183,910* (9) 478,713 778,056 400,254 113,335* 280,031* 1,968,242 (L) (9) (E) (0) 543,045 1,528,358 674,508 110,795* (9) 31,776* 112,022 116,170 (9) 16,709* 0 (9) (9) 853,850 (9) (0) (9) 45,175 464,369* (9) (9 ) (9) (9) (9) (9) 526,095 (9) 104,183* 4,782* (0) 180,958* (9) 506,629 848,462 475,876 132,313* 335,789* 2,160,041 (9) (9) 46,029* 311,964* (0) (0) (9 ) (9) (9) 38,582* 554,312 (9) (9) 4,280* (9) 188,896* (9) 551,656 912,653 595,203 150,618* 434,049* 2,405,979 (D ) 282 (0) 738,033 1,559,653 758,272 120,383* (9) 28,019* 123,548 153,402 (9) 8,154* 0 (9) (9) 801,381 23,074 (0) (0) 59,273* 285,274* (D) (9) (D) (9) 10) 24,739* 584,368 86,534 131,439* (9) (0) 190,812* (9) 610,524 1,012,821 641,108 169,182* 460,477* 2,699,349 (0) 104,285 15,814 508,995 90,089 40,105 43,403 (9) (9 ) (9) (9) 64,457 15,086 338,306 57,548 29,821 28,321 80,415 15,110 394,141 67,613 29,820 31,523 (9) 607,901 131,453 (9) 89,067 85,205 15,044 422,255 75,383 30,966 35,997 90,484 14,996 462,524 83,003 33,885 39,628 (9) (9) (9) 643,562 148,093 (0) 111,917 824,527 184,008 (9) (9) 105,989 173,435 2,318,067 258,390 64,521 1,995,156 108,765 215,124 2,533,512 259,349 70,405 2,203,758 727,437 162,254 (9) 130,896 (0) 122,044 247,144 2,747,708 266,134 78,308 2,403,266 (9) 559,171 115,651 (9) 74,384 (9) 98,093 150,500 2,147,249 243,966 62,794 1,840,489 (9) (9) 63,820 369,293 (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) (9) 593,069 92,006 135,373* (9) (9) 178,752* (9) 633,488 1,066,082 659,553 174,481* 473,240* 2,988,013 (9) 118,731 16,517 567,587 96,815 44,447 (9) (9) 906,580 205,418 (9) (9) 149,643 (9) 137,183 283,406 2,969,522 288,731 77,960 2,602,831 172,875 (9) 147,357 325,941 3,212,460 303,710 74,059 2,834,691 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 57 metropolitan areas Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] Alexandria, L A (M S A ) Albuquerque, N M (M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Income by Place of Residence Nonfarm personal Income.......................................... Farm income'....................................................... 5,598,679 6,168,037 6,540,378 7,001,334 7,413,064 7,928,533 1,372,423 1,467,358 1,530,274 1,575,642 1,662,588 1,767,823 5,586,494 12,185 6,153,917 14,120 6,525,564 14,814 6,984,767 16,567 7,395,236 17,828 7,910,226 18,307 1,360,473 11,950 1,454,038 13,320 1,513,540 16,734 1,557,620 18,022 1,631,452 31,136 1,749,481 18,342 Population (thousands)’ .............................................. 455.1 465.1 474.7 487.3 493.1 501.6 139.3 139.2 140.0 139.6 137.8 137.4 Per capita personal income (dollars)................................................... 12,303 13,261 13,778 14,369 15,035 15,806 9,855 10,545 10,928 11,288 12,061 12,865 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence. ...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 4,468,105 271,823 -280,059 3,916,223 890,786 791,670 4,895,238 309,449 -304,087 4,281,702 1,023,451 862,884 5,213,539 346,815 -337,804 4,528,920 1,090,907 920,551 5,587,554 371,245 -353,221 4,863,088 1,139,533 998,713 5,921,797 408,729 -395,448 5,117,620 1,206,871 1,088,573 6,220,828 441,032 -425,480 5,354,316 1,396,345 1,177,872 936,561 51,565 -9,130 875,866 202,521 294,036 979,332 56,274 -13,738 909,320 227,062 330,976 1,016,736 61,575 -15,358 939,803 236,164 354,307 1,050,708 64,900 -14,803 971,005 237,256 367,381 1,112,403 70,493 -19,554 1,022,356 247,775 392,457 1,181,205 78,744 -30,863 1,071,658 281,373 414,792 3,815,669 353,762 298,674 9,930 288,744 4,183,652 378,007 333,579 11,891 321,688 4,449,948 399,557 364,034 12,605 351,429 4,738,140 411,628 437,786 14,229 423,557 5,008,235 445,718 467,844 15,481 452,363 5,249,936 474,382 496,510 15,919 480,591 752,216 65,961 118,384 8,648 109,736 779,722 66,716 132,894 10,070 122,824 799,911 69,963 146,862 13,524 133,338 823,172 71,320 156,216 14,645 141,571 854,467 75,234 182,702 27,746 154,956 914,527 83,208 183,530 14,908 168,622 12,185 4,455,920 3,493,580 13,327 13,170 157 20,721 103 14,658 4,656 1,304 365,721 410,216 96,220 33,168 205 10,577 (0) 37,561 5,355 1,111 (L) 1,544 (0) 313,996 (D) 3,581 2,268 13,903 40,900 117,233 (0) 2,626 28,695 19,420 11,127 362,313 21,316 91,600 0 (0) 121,204 (0) 319,133 490,185 260,742 100,532 160,210 1,251,222 32,554 43,355 (D) 480,828 52,265 16,623 13,403 3,530 304,483 79,360 20,340 24,222 (0) 38,689 125,037 962,340 312,109 134,623 515,608 14,120 4,881,118 3,856,712 13,860 13,640 220 23,361 101 17,836 <D) (0) 422,960 455,241 101,901 33,039 293 10,208 (D) 41,838 5,856 2,142 (L) 2,643 (0) 353,340 (0) 4,018 1,763 16,674 40,868 134,586 (D) 2,133 33,072 22,839 11,078 372,193 13,358 95,072 0 (0) 127,572 (») 350,354 526,342 297,537 116,650 180,887 1,394,864 36,477 52,256 (D) 537,428 59,785 16,857 16,058 3,969 335,410 91,747 21,253 27,237 (D) 38,574 140,821 1,024,406 334,530 140,884 548,992 14,814 5,198,725 4,118,456 15,313 15,005 308 14,305 108 10,565 1,747 1,885 420,338 488,990 109,161 34,839 324 11,211 (D) 43,392 7,023 2,497 (L) 3,570 (0) 379,829 (0) 3,533 2,058 15,677 39,494 79,328 (D) 1,945 31,705 96,324 13,668 380,648 14,153 100,989 0 (D) 122,306 (0) 353,120 552,424 334,830 129,495 205,335 1,558,488 40,383 56,718 (0) 603,646 62,815 18,241 18,579 3,308 370,674 102,911 20,513 28,677 (D) 42,437 172,343 1,080,269 344,470 144,708 591,091 16,567 5,570,987 4,417,546 18,922 18,722 200 13,193 72 10,356 803 1,962 414,626 514,257 111,076 32,086 245 11,601 (0) 45,565 7,773 3,328 (D 3,885 (0) 403,181 (D) 4,921 2,121 16,319 40,723 80,128 (0) 3,520 30,443 107,922 15,983 401,961 14,752 106,991 0 IB) 134,474 (D) 3/3,443 587,923 382,401 135,073 247,328 1,710,820 43,953 58,934 (0) 649,914 66,964 19,243 22,315 3,836 419,138 119,092 22,115 31,074 (0) 47,187 189,69? 1,153,441 362,778 152,246 638,417 17,828 5,903,969 4,691,264 20,646 20,425 221 13,897 (L) 10,669 437 2,782 414,274 548,276 118,309 33,814 197 12,218 (0) 48,387 7,766 3,910 (L) 5,172 (D) 429,967 (D) 5,273 2,299 15,185 55,765 89,266 (D) 4,689 31,064 105,733 19,947 430,956 19,090 121,757 0 (D) 134,855 (D) 394,728 619,782 371,859 139,465 232,394 1,876,846 43,355 64,429 (D) 729,103 68,528 21,599 24,991 3,915 459,843 132,985 24,417 34,620 (0) 52,915 197,589 1,212,705 394,277 154,026 664,402 18,307 6,202,521 4,885,076 21,064 20,847 217 14,019 a) 11,293 (0) (D) 396,893 585,409 126,218 34,706 380 13,957 2,913 48,844 8,870 4,287 (L) (B) (0) 459,191 (B) 6,414 2,260 14,600 62,474 94,378 (D) 4,787 30,924 121,705 23,501 431,382 24,892 131,634 0 (0) 139,624 (B) 400,138 637,241 362,474 136,251 226,223 2,036,456 43,854 72,399 (0) 788,521 73,118 22,010 25,085 3,984 494,095 143,583 28,389 38,095 (B) 56,309 227,483 1,317,445 442,193 159,582 715,670 11,950 924,611 643,907 4,979 3,595 1,384 11,493 (L) 8,774 0 2,708 73,037 79,727 32,947 8,482 (B) (B) (B) (B) (B) 0 0 (B) 0 46,780 11,665 (0) (B) (B) 886 (B) (D) (0) 7,592 (B) 1,384 68,417 11,396 14,288 0 3,430 18,463 20,840 41,909 106,834 43,997 24,024 19,973 213,514 4,122 11,346 8,756 22,606 11,000 4,997 (0) (D) 95,882 15,886 6,866 7,003 0 7,913 15,921 280,704 60,963 60,055 159,686 13,320 966,012 674,268 4,509 3,500 1,009 11,830 a) 8,650 0 3,168 75,048 81,493 34,158 8,208 (B) (B) (D) 6,331 (B) 0 0 (0) 0 47,335 10,919 (B) (B) (B) 1,075 (0) (B) (B) 7,726 (B) 1,587 71,062 13,642 15,566 0 3,659 17,065 21,130 43,250 106,637 46,068 25,734 20,334 234,371 5,086 14,045 8,796 27,209 12,257 4,212 (B) (B) 102,754 18,185 7,748 7,941 0 7,895 16,862 291,744 64,163 62,941 164,640 16,734 1,000,002 707,858 3,900 3,421 479 9,171 (L) 5,921 0 3,237 72,252 85,921 38,342 9,206 (B) (D) (B) 6,587 (B) 0 0 (0) 0 47,579 8,380 (B) 0 23,693 1,097 (B) (B) (B) 6,939 0 1,864 74,900 11,377 17,303 0 4,140 14,855 27,225 41,634 108,307 49,355 25,295 24,060 262,418 6,402 15,188 8,761 31,138 12,004 4,841 (B) (B) 116,458 22,954 8,426 8,864 0 8,256 17,439 292,144 63,873 64,378 163,893 18,022 1,032,686 732,028 5,096 4,371 725 8,454 (L) (B) 0 (B) 65,632 87,163 40,288 10,560 (B) 0 (B) 7,135 (B) 0 0 (B) 0 46,875 8,022 (B) 0 22,754 1,133 (B) (B) 0 5,812 0 2,162 73,758 9,306 17,590 0 4,685 14,442 27,735 41,537 110,105 55,631 26,134 29,497 284,652 5,231 14,671 8,619 32,122 11,109 5,038 1,517 (0) 135,296 26,353 8,524 9,290 (B) 8,915 17,468 300,658 69,592 66,882 164,184 31,136 1,081,267 764,192 5,018 4,503 515 7,715 (L) 5,359 0 2,347 67,804 92,053 42,898 11,052 (B) (B) (B) 7,310 (B) 0 0 (B) 0 49,155 8,849 (B) 0 (B) 1,282 (B) (B) (B) 5,286 0 2,430 75,519 9,784 16,926 0 3,971 15,888 28,950 40,047 116,979 55,855 29,112 26,743 303,202 4,710 16,402 8,981 31,799 10,671 5,482 1,784 (B) 145,885 27,753 9,978 10,102 (B) 10,129 19,030 317,075 77,563 69,178 170,334 18,342 1,162,923 824,121 4,987 4,460 527 7,004 (L) (D) 0 (B) 82,592 101,686 47,109 12,554 0 (B) (B) 7,607 (B) 0 0 (B) 0 54,577 8,597 (B) 0 (B) 1,131 (B) (B) (B) 5,195 0 5,440 83,795 10,731 18,359 0 4,213 17,698 32,794 40,875 118,329 54,169 29,194 24,975 330,684 4,639 18,360 9,311 34,512 11,435 5,716 1,878 (B) 160,326 30,627 9,996 11,246 (B) 10,611 21,592 338,802 86,481 72,855 179,466 Earnings by Place of Work Earnings by type: Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels........ ............. Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing Industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Hotels and other lodging places......................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services................................... Government and government enterprises...................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. 58 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME METROPOLITAN AREAS Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] Allentown— Bethlehem— Easton, PA -- N J (M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Altoona, P A (M S A ) 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Income by Place of Residence Total personal incom e.............................................. Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social Insurance8............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 8,781,982 9,384,398 9,963,842 10,781,989 11,653,039 12,536,912 1,344,809 1,447,614 1,529,022 1,593,009 1,687,801 1,810,296 8,737,032 44,950 646.8 9,346,064 38,334 9,923,812 40,030 10,739,478 42,511 11,614,261 38,778 12,492,125 44,787 1,337,181 7,628 1,442,049 5,565 1,798,710 11,586 657.8 667.4 677.1 685.3 133.5 132.9 1,586,572 6,437 132.7 1,678,604 9,197 650.7 1,522,597 6,425 132.4 132.5 132.3 13,578 14,422 15,147 16,155 17,210 18,294 10,070 10,889 11,546 12,002 12,736 13,685 5,842,308 371,575 493,110 5,963,843 1,490,462 1,327,677 6,139,242 410,882 577,895 6,306,255 1,655,927 1,422,216 6,366,966 434,719 736,034 6,668,281 1,746,692 1,548,869 6,965,201 474,326 870,026 7,360,901 1,828,262 1,592,826 7,565,614 537,961 941,433 7,969,086 2,025,428 1,658,525 8,051,259 594,294 967,663 8,424,628 2,331,296 1,780,988 924,754 60,605 -45,913 818,236 193,845 332,728 999,915 68,872 -54,337 876,706 211,329 359,579 1,065,753 75,168 -60,402 930,183 225,509 373,330 1,121,858 78,819 -58,977 984,062 228,635 380,312 1,182,934 86,904 -60,793 1,035,237 252,196 400,368 1,254,181 95,428 -63,711 1,095,042 290,487 424,767 4,694,624 567,206 580,478 34,809 545,669 4,947,624 563,798 627,820 28,236 599,584 5,110,808 574,357 681,801 30,055 651,746 5,558,940 609,242 797,019 32,036 764,983 6,046,446 651,494 867,674 28,265 839,409 6,431,941 698,327 920,991 34,120 886,871 744,849 74,450 105,455 5,385 100,070 808,370 79,294 112,251 3,307 108,944 858,816 84,905 122,032 4,166 117,866 901,862 87,795 132,201 4,028 128,173 943,355 91,295 148,284 6,750 141,534 997,193 97,139 159,849 9,070 150,779 44,950 5,797,358 5,285,970 15,571 15,054 517 23,887 38,334 6,100,908 5,548,186 17,900 17,226 674 32,634 (D) (D) (0) (0) 354,802 2,444,141 988,782 (D) (D) 209,774 (0) 122,864* (D) 1,633* 2,781* 64,036* (0) 1,455,359 9,299 24,469* (D) 84,889* (0) 327,644* (D) (D) 73,008 (D) 63,708 473,261 17,963 127,295 (L) (D) 109,795 (D) 266,000 568,483 200,882 98,883 101,999 1,190,083 24,768* 78,073 8,768 186,768 65,730 19,947 30,009 (0) 480,003 48,398 103,717 33,127 (0) 47,606 59,311 552,722 61,489 18,326 472,907 40,030 6,326,936 5,725,401 19,723 19,000 723 23,144 (D) 42,511 6,922,690 6,278,820 28,522 27,938 584 26,198 38,778 7,526,836 6,829,322 31,490 30,693 797 32,121 (D) (0) 0 (D) 601,144 2,442,073 1,131,435 (D) 52,486* 195,827 (0) 156,516* (0) 2,567* (0) 73,145* (D) 1,310,638 12,389 29,975* (0) 92,107* 185,579* 253,199* (0) (D) 85,989 (0) 84,603 547,070 21,003 144,444 (L) (0) 136,466 (D) 344,415 771,026 350,445 114,570* 224,504* 1,709,538 27,456* 109,114 9,231 281,652 79,714 27,666 40,878 (0) 694,247 70,318 133,838 49,291 (0) 64,352 114,869 697,514 76,008 21,305 600,201 44,787 8,006,472 7,256,664 33,588 32,753 835 32,634 7,628 917,126 791,197 2,750 2,259 491 4,179 (D) 1,412 0 (0) 48,343 219,713 111,549 14,908 (0) 15,658 36,835 19,630 2,302 815 0 (0) (D) 108,164 5,641 (0) 10,328 12,173 27,432 16,539 (0) (0) 25,261 (D) 1,371 148,087 72,981 30,096 0 9,125 21,807 14,078 53,399 105,149 28,114 14,487 13,627 181,463 3,552 9,203 2,321 14,936 10,560 3,788 2,145 513 94,090 6,564 6,244 7,072 0 7,600 12,875 125,929 22,365 3,291 100,273 5,565 994,350 862,723 2,434 2,186 248 4,288 1,695 2,128 (D) (0) 65,945 229,709 115,924 16,377 (0) 13,175 37,529 22,747 3,217 614 0 (0) (D) 113,785 6,196 (0) 9,830 11,817 27,039 18,305 (0) 1,891 29,838 (0) 1,330 165,404 78,662 31,127 0 7,722 32,693 15,200 56,569 112,841 27,517 15,369 12,148 198,016 3,563 11,582 2,315 19,586 12,576 3,833 2,550 475 98,395 6,896 6,732 7,595 0 7,727 14,191 131,627 23,897 3,705 104,025 6,425 1,059,328 921,534 2,140 2,140 0 2,184 901 703 (0) (0) 71,102 241,631 126,939 17,868 (0) 12,903 42,450 27,179 3,529 731 0 (0) (0) 114,692 6,664 217 (D) 11,949 27,615 16,953 (D) (0) (0) (0) 1,599 172,728 81,158 32,792 0 9,019 35,090 14,669 61,082 119,845 30,366 15,970 14,396 220,456 3,986 12,611 2,307 23,425 13,010 4,242 3,388 435 107,362 7,959 6,976 8,787 0 8,088 17,880 137,794 25,020 3,970 108,804 6,437 1,115,421 969,252 3,835 3,786 (L) 1,911 479 771 (0) (0) 75,243 253,883 138,890 17,895 (0) 11,817 50,109 29,943 (D) 930 0 (0) (0) 114,993 7,318 207 (0) 11,787 28,840 13,643 (0) (D) (0) (0) 2,165 159,560 83,144 34,899 0 9,641 18,936 12,940 59,641 130,067 39,266 17,058 22,208 245,846 4,055 13,499 2,305 25,620 12,987 6,664 3,928 537 124,353 7,984 7,312 8,651 0 8,900 19,051 146,169 27,016 3,958 115,195 9,197 1,173,737 1,020,161 3,848 3,870 (0 1,848 (0) 1,181 0 (D) 76,544 260,488 140,610 17,991 (0) 13,701 46,712 33,015 (D) 1,278 0 (0) (0) 119,878 7,688 215 (0) 12,688 30,482 12,361 (0) (0) 28,419 (0) 2,198 159,393 84,602 31,977 0 9,813 18,973 14,028 68,361 142,764 40,068 18,376 21,692 266,847 4,301 15,565 2,433 28,224 13,469 7,645 4,120 544 132,406 9,212 7,730 9,473 0 9,901 21,824 153,576 29,623 4,081 119,872 11,586 1,242,595 1,077,324 4,034 4,079 (L) 1,615 216 1,268 0 131 77,489 258,362 140,526 16,774 (0) 12,958 57,340 25,477 (D) 1,422 0 0 (0) 117,836 7,406 255 (0) (0) 34,278 5,896 (0) (D) 30,593 (0) 2,553 162,515 84,890 33,991 0 11,518 18,064 14,052 78,720 158,670 42,080 18,744 23,336 293,839 4,229 17,849 2,547 29,797 14,133 8,055 3,954 559 147,806 10,275 8,297 10,112 0 10,533 25,693 165,271 32,155 4,151 128,965 Earnings by Place of Work Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income... .............................................. Proprietors’ income*................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Eocd and kindred products... ........................ textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (0) (0) (D) (0) 312,796 2,432,329 966,433 (0) 52,744* 219,600 (0) 111,828* (0) 1,645 2,672* 59,617* (0) 1,465,896 8,370 19,134* (0) 82,801* (0) 300,757* (0) (0) 70,101 (0) 72,211 445,453 15,064 122,643 (0) (0) 110,732 (0) 252,071 543,003 194,965 (0) (D) 1,065,895 20,653* 62,727 8,776 161,693 54,946 20,124 25,248 (0) 439,394 44,140 96,030 27,263 (D) 46,846 54,773 511,388 56,533 16,614 438,241 (0) (0) (0) 421,982 2,304,230 1,016,122 (0) 43,631* 194,945 (D) 131,302* (D) 1,909* 4,087 68,349* (0) 1,288,108 10,316 26,035* (0) 87,528* (0) (0) (0) (0) 74,416 (0) 68,706 502,685 19,286 133,329 (L) (D) 115,954 (0) 282,432 634,082 225,570 88,032* 130,355* 1,311,553 25,596* 86,137 8,743 205,339 71,273 22,268 26,866 (») 528,770 54,583 113,833 37,549 (0) 51,710 74,081 601,535 63,334 19,835 518,366 (0) (0) 0 (D) 544,300 2,339,037 1,037,316 (0) 47,113* 191,581 (D) 144,803* (0) 2,441* (0) 72,276* (0) 1,301,721 13,254 28,796* (») 88,741* 175,745* 255,776* (0) (0) 77,335 (D) 75,403* 512,953 20,906 139,921 (L) (0) 123,309 (0) 314,990 684,730 319,554 98,654* 208,768* 1,508,536 24,020* 95,545 8,737 243,154 74,254 23,544 33,906 (0) 618,704 60,202 124,069 43,821 (0) 56,619 96,357 643,870 68,905 20,477 554,488 (0) (D) 0 (D) 615,532 2,502,091 1,156,579 (0) 58,893* 189,779 m 171,884* (0) 2,824* (0) 86,674* (0) 1,345,512 15,631 28,909* (0) 90,877* 207,876 240,027* (0) (0) 83,359 (0) 88,892* 582,413 21,016 152,333 (L) (0) 158,711 (0) 382,193 • 813,501 373,632 (D) (D) 1,921,080 27,038* 123,080 9,660 320,384 90,191 34,985 44,710 (D) 780,565 78,976 145,347 58,032 (0) 69,506 130,340 749,808 80,357 22,071 647,380 METROPOLITAN AREAS LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 59 Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A m a rillo , T X 1984 1985 A n a h e im — S a n ta A n a , C A ( P M S A ) (M S A ) 1987 1986 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e Farm income1....................................................... P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 2,4 97,78 7 2,652,946 2,6 6 7,112 2,783,085 2 ,8 8 7,117 3,036,168 36,655,670 40,169,595 43,395,937 47,434,460 51,436,367 55,999,537 2,454,070 43,717 2,601,670 51,276 2,602,891 64,221 2,730,494 52,591 2,817,017 70,100 2,973,135 63,033 36,545,599 110,071 40,048,876 120,719 43,274,248 121,689 47,327,997 106,463 51,329,811 106,556 55,910,605 88,932 191,9 193.8 196.4 197.4 196.3 197.2 2,087.7 2,127.0 2,173.5 2,216.0 2,257.0 2,305.7 13,014 13,691 13 ,5 77 14,100 14,70 7 15,396 17,558 18,886 19,966 21,406 22,790 24,288 Derivation of total personal income: Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 1,883,337 99,423 44,961 1,828,875 404,943 263,969 1,976,090 110,134 51,255 1,917,211 442,744 292,991 1,952,752 109,905 57,799 1,900,646 445,969 320,497 2,046,884 116,446 55,992 1,986,430 451,532 345,123 2,042,419 118,138 97,694 2,021,975 491,354 373,788 2,081,307 125,548 95,011 2,050,770 564,849 420,549 24,537,902 1,399,447 3,998,780 27,137,235 6,087,177 3,431,258 27,174,425 1,629,259 4,288,936 29,834,102 6,587,596 3,747,897 29,826,364 1,813,509 4,459,449 32,472,304 6,931,993 3,991,640 33,160,426 1,995,712 4,839,550 36,004,264 7,221,670 4,208,526 36,985,063 2,308,271 4,195,752 38,872,544 8,040,877 4,522,946 39,991,552 2,583,733 4,357,766 41,765,585 9,338,625 4,895,327 1,460,322 145,274 277,741 39,877 237,864 1,515,270 141,500 319,320 47,453 271,867 1,482,527 143,344 326,881 60,431 266,450 1,550,679 147,811 348,394 48,594 299,800 1,502,226 145,305 394,888 66,097 328,791 1,519,380 149,422 412,505 58,968 353,537 19,828,070 2,032,863 2,676,969 64,442 2,612,527 22,017,399 2,153,320 3,003,706 67,062 2,936,644 24,072,998 2,383,943 3,369,423 68,160 3,301,263 26,668,824 2,607,812 3,883,790 50,766 3,833,024 29,776,032 2,896,261 4,312,770 51,046 4,261,724 32,246,662 3,151,371 4,593,519 33,223 4,560,296 43,717 1,839,620 1,580,645 9,731 9,681 50 99,019 0 98,529 51,276 1,924,814 1,646,294 9,641 9,514 127 101,110 0 101,100 0 (L) 160,094 231,220 116,300 78,187 0 (0) (0) 14,689 2,485* 3,549 0 (0) (0) 114,920 13,087 1,386 (0) 3,400 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 442 1,396 224,415 62,220 41,106 0 11,614 40,960 68,515 159,627 232,661 99,821 44,180 55,641 427,705 11,103 28,443 15,489 90,355 30,591 6,222 6,763 (0) 143,453 39,103 (0) 9,616 0 14,480 27,714 278,520 61,367 4,769 212,384 64,221 1,888,531 1,602,777 9,334 9,158 176 93,029 0 92,991 0 <L> 147,009 228,262 111,112 80,405 0 (D) (0) 15,051 2,377* 2,320 0 (0) (0) 117,150 11,197 1,158 (0) 2,728 11,551 (0) (0) (0) 52,591 1,994,293 1,694,030 10,936 10,818 118 146,499 0 146,486 0 (L) 139,985 237,022 118,339 86,713 0 (0) (D) 15,199 2,417* 2,439 0 (0) (0) 118,683 10,957 1,235 (0) 2,627 10,522 (0) (D) (D) 70,100 1,972,319 1,666,631 11,103 10,961 142 57,382 0 57,365 0 (L) 143,158 233,057 115,707 82,559 0 (0) (0) 16,396 2,740* 2,273 0 (0) (D) 117,350 ID) 1,328 (D) 2,817 10,758 (D) (D) (D) (D) 592* 1,455 220,433 51,685 47,713 0 12,070 54,278 54,687 141,919 242,081 113,742 (D) (0) 503,756 10,499* 37,607 16,569 94,063 29,710 8,263 8,055 (D) 179,049 50,712 5,214 11,900 (D) 17,583 32,404 305,688 60,328 5,739 239,621 63,033 2,018,274 1,699,524 11,030 10,886 144 65,652 0 (D) 0 (D) 144,975 217,532 117,715 (D) 0 (D) (D) 17,900 4,400* 2,203 0 (D) (D) 99,817 11,196 1,302* (D) 110,071 24,427,831 21,934,384 170,191 166,751 3,440 195,810 409 186,531 166 8,704 1,718,974 6,370,813 1,441,273 244,426 55,689 53,438 112,536 308,678 256,226 103,701 0 302,939 3,640 4,929,540 62,023 162,562 71,760 533,305 924,011 2,016,751 480,066 67,663 88,817 439,071 83,511 996,731 11,042 288,671 5,397 173,836 392,572 125,213 1,525,912 2,834,650 1,832,868 635,706 1,197,162 6,288,435 182,990 227,154 61,795 1,915,038 283,808 122,383 246,374 28,906 1,622,668 322,267 103,826 72,040 1,142 186,724 911,320 2,493,447 352,534 273,319 1,867,594 120,719 27,053,706 24,342,259 181,756 176,862 4,894 182,266 477 169,229 632 11,928 1,947,092 6,991,442 1,489,326 258,165 53,102 55,988 128,068 321,596 253,281 104,377 0 311,524 3,225 5,502,116 65,802 162,659 62,917 635,223 990,151 2,246,796 640,581 66,821 88,905 455,318 86,943 1,106,456 9,988 306,417 6,393 187,937 455,195 140,526 1,762,846 3,081,681 2,152,243 687,639 1,464,604 6,936,477 232,828 277,523 63,150 2,019,044 320,086 123,360 283,443 32,789 1,774,516 375,043 115,632 82,261 1,133 199,886 1,035,783 2,711,447 381,316 288,544 2,041,587 121,689 29,704,675 26,786,025 198,861 190,223 8,638 96,646 458 85,234 931 10,023 2,261,843 7,368,152 1,607,752 289,190 61,903 66,939 132,580 386,507 219,094 109,700 0 338,623 3,216 5,760,400 81,006 162,681 64,833 658,197 960,787 2,221,021 838,999 74,078 97,443 512,005 89,350 1,148,474 9,005 330,722 6,412 231,306 415,947 155,082 1,971,731 3,257,980 2,647,168 849,343 1,797,825 7,835,170 232,961 307,248 64,259 2,286,807 343,567 152,032 378,415 39,173 1,965,941 438,896 122,368 109,611 1,390 211,788 1,180,714 2,918,650 396,933 273,608 2,248,109 106,463 33,053,963 29,922,593 253,753 248,675 5,078 90,288 (D) 71,702 (D) 17,650 2,586,761 7,941,960 1,791,088 289,308 72,529 77,660 148,282 435,696 251,687 118,556 0 393,131 4,239 6,150,872 109,248 189,022 71,100 684,691 965,768 2,250,560 978,197 91,156 115,610 577,304 118,216 1,233,837 8,262 352,378 6,457 234,724 455,505 176,511 2,130,216 3,520,753 3,240,450 969,852 2,270,598 8,924,575 278,691 352,824 65,433 2,608,197 351,480 159,189 434,701 45,074 2,285,720 514,258 137,571 142,104 1,936 232,154 1,315,243 3,131,370 433,300 277,391 2¡420,679 106,556 36,878,507 33,532,061 292,253 285,666 6,587 96,216 173 75,132 637 20,274 2,888,758 8,709,563 2,015,445 307,339 78,112 87,183 145,854 506,933 343,251 125,819 88,932 39,902,620 36,286,568 326,568 319,312 7,256 94,088 183 73,936 659 19,310 3,171,076 9,089,677 2,124,050 322,603 (D) 101,257 150,754 541,822 351,720 118,902 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... (D) Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Hotels and other lodging places......................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Amusement and recreation services..................... Museums, botanical, zoological gardens.............. Government and government enterprises..................... State and local. .............................................. See footnotes at end of tables. (0) 159,706 234,621 122,540 78,434 0 (0) (0) 13,565 2,446 7,299 0 (D) (0) 112,081 (») 1,383* 32,233 3,116 (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) 411* 1,368 213,952 62,106 41,692 0 12,117 30,197 67,840 159,008 229,213 93,085 41,104 51,981 382,310 10,456 22,506 15,202 72,669 28,474 6,342 6,469 1,175* 132,808 34,000 (0) 8,561 0 13,618 26,909 258,975 56,034 4,343 198,598 (D) 424 1,415 209,655 56,677 40,852 0 12,237 32,633 67,256 145,690 230,574 101,274 (D) (D) 437,950 10,072 31,387 15,673 86,192 29,433 6,321 7,059 (0) 146,724 43,428 (D) 10,440 0 15,107 31,789 285,754 61,817 5,225 218,712 (D) 434 1,576 208,833 52,404 42,139 0 12,965 48,030 53,295 134,893 232,437 114,809 (D) (D) 468,616 11,008* 32,391 15,675 87,187 29,469 7,613 7,595 (D) 165,886 46,926 4,160 11,305 (D) 16,052 31,064 300,263 64,032 5,658 230,573 <D) 12,998 (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 1,067* 227,047 51,345 47,863 0 (D) 56,683 (D) 148,758 244,480 107,151 (D) (D) 532,899 (D) 42,697 17,441 90,724 31,198 9,270 8,419 (D) 194,541 57,372 4,831 13,219 (D) 18,559 34,514 318,750 62,948 5,948 249,854 415,921 5,033 6,694,118 138,151 200,036 74,705 769,730 1,026,985 1,907,343 1,100,383 98,876 130,108 1,101,518 146,283 1,289,226 7,209 384,703 8,897 209,267 481,684 197,466 2,535,613 3,925,661 3,563,983 987,116 2,576,867 10,230,788 336,533 415,138 70,566 3,046,215 388,037 188,353 487,942 57,887 2,575,235 633,114 155,919 155,720 2,788 262,293 1,455,048 3,346,446 478,438 268,579 2,599,429 440,720 (D) 6,965,62/ 146,011 220,910 107,949 798,475 1,047,895 1,923,317 1,202,795 65,467 152,764 1,16/,196 142,848 1,341,493 6,041 397,927 10,877 245,988 489,498 191,162 2,913,247 4,219,819 3,820,743 1,038,976 2,781,767 11,309,857 372,712 478,945 75,522 3,305,641 422,591 202,340 524,678 66,704 2,799,410 734,083 175,101 184,979 3,240 282,493 1,681,418 3,616,052 499,325 285,276 2,831,451 60 METROPOLITAN AREAS LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] Anchorage, A K (M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 Anderson, IN (M S A ) 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 Income by Place of Residence Total personal income.................................. Nonfarm personal income. ............................. Population (thousands)2 ................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)....................... Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work........................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence............................. Equals-. Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus- Dividends, interest, and rent5................... Plus: Transfer payments...................................... 4,623,085 4,872,610 4,824,644 4,604,853 4,741,243 5,312,714 1,594,404 4,623,085 0 1,665,775 1,722,961 4,872,610 0 1,740,545 1,894,700 2,047,804 4,824,644 0 4,604,853 0 4,741,243 0 5,312,714 0 1,575,065 19,339 1,649,514 16,261 1,707,827 15,134 1,886,535 8,165 2,033,746 14,058 227.5 232.3 226.5 221.3 218.5 20,319 20,974 214.5 133.9 21,299 133.5 132.9 1,723,962 16,583 132.1 20,810 21,699 131.8 24,773 1316 11,908 12,480 12,966 13,173 14,372 15,558 4,114,337 251,266 -34,210 3,828,861 423,062 371,162 4,299,987 271,907 -119,921 3,908,159 471,013 493,438 4,260,293 307,810 -140,770 3,811,713 489,053 523,878 3,990,339 301,301 -137,741 3,551,297 492,261 561,295 4,040,089 317,991 -128,721 3,593,377 536,145 611,721 4,404,690 354,897 -61,445 3,988,348 665,037 659,329 1,184,942 68,096 -13,677 1,103,169 244,174 247,061 1,251,729 76,384 -13,559 1,161,786 252,363 251,626 1,281,930 78,913 -11,583 1,191,434 257,659 273,868 1,268,171 76,010 3,405 1,195,566 257,604 287,375 1,395,508 87^814 -2,882 1,304^812 273,608 316,280 1,498 982 97,861 2*292 1,398*829 313*576 335(199 3,362,155 289,248 462,934 0 462,934 3,506,794 297,415 495,778 0 495,778 3,430,103 294,668 535,522 0 535,522 3,195,928 283,087 511,324 0 511,324 3,213,986 278,215 547,888 0 547,888 3,484,642 308,110 611,938 0 611,938 995,991 102,431 86,520 16,293 70,227 1,057,895 101,932 91,902 13,436 78,466 1,080,794 103,234 97,902 12,513 85,389 1,063,835 97,404 106,932 14,046 92,886 1,178,968 107,926 108,614 5,821 102,793 1,260,225 116,444 122,313 11,938 110,375 0 4,114,337 3,079,305 9,447 7,676 1,771 221,407 189 213,558 7,321 339 647,457 27,462 43,530 11,051 (D) 475 (D) 30,116 0 4,299,987 3,196,638 15,581 7,294 8,287 289,327 182 283,067 5,888 190 598,322 77,377 46,766 11,749 (D) 772 (0) 32,775 (0) (D) (L) (0) (D) 30,611 5,519 1,059 457 3,640 3,710 (0) 2,062 (0) 11,688 (D) 1,870 397,997 (L) (0) 12,992 (D) 92,557 59,608 236,561 445,304 264,013 121,885 142,128 872,156 46,478 50,524 3,459 188,806 39,921 18,993 13,534 8,542 173,315 77,020 12,468 37,181 90 34,881 166,944 1,103,349 296,527 220,558 586,264 0 4,260,293 3,116,680 30,404 6,827 23,577 376,352 (D) 368,814 6,936 (D) 510,953 67,195 44,671 10,120 163 868 (0) 32,117 (0) 281 (L) (0) 87 22,524 3,082 (D) 332 3,455 3,111 376 759 (0) 9,090 0 3,990,339 2,840,552 31,998 7,211 24,787 340,223 241 (0) (D) 110 391,312 62,297 43,188 12,492 (D) 751 (D) 28,804 (D) (D) (L) (0) 56 19,109 1,695 (D) (D) 3,135 1,444 540 312 0 9,006 (0) 1,475 370,447 0 (D) 10,227 (0) 84,415 52,479 195,390 369,005 251,762 110,143 141,619 828,118 45,600 50,143 (D) 155,146 36,509 14,262 20,664 8,034 179,763 81,772 14,181 37,583 (0) 33,802 147,162 1,149,787 324,299 260,672 564,816 0 4,040,089 2,872,362 36,572 (0) (D) 371,838 (L) (D) (D) 136 342,067 62,303 44,988 15,003 (D) (0) (D) 27,880 (0) 244 <L) 821 -114 17,315 1,025 350 (D) (0) 1,150 677 536 (D) 7,663 (0) 1,572 393,069 0 (D) 10,829 (D) 78,866 64,363 192,999 384,466 227,719 99,650 128,069 861,329 47,606 54,534 (0) 157,096 37,023 15,537 22,265 10,480 191,476 86,067 14,696 39,230 (0) 34,901 146,714 1,167,727 350,699 264,206 552,822 1 0 4,404,690 3,189,149 38,767 (0) (D) 410,636 51 399,378 11,071 136 390,460 62,315 44,198 12,873 160 (D) (0) 29,060 (0) 513 19,339 1,165,603 1,066,316 4,315 4,305 (L) 1,793 (L) 1,205 0 582 33,185 691,201 34,014 16,893 0 (D) (0) 11,221 (D) 0 0 (D) 0 657,187 1,417 1,780 (D) 14,514 12,223 587,582 (0) (D) 17,973 272 2,440 35,071 6,157 14,708 0 (D) 6,266 (D) 24,419 95,225 26,256 15,659 10,597 154,851 1,906 10,408 2,769 9,438 7,366 3,215 3,097 321 83,168 7,061 (D) 2,640 (0) 8,496 6,792 99,287 8,972 3,026 87,289 16,261 1,235,468 1,128,455 4,314 4,300 15,134 1,266,796 1,151,970 4,601 4,585 (L) 1,316 (L) 639 0 670 37,975 714,800 36,968 18,290 0 (D) (D) 12,118 (D) 0 0 (D) (D) 677,832 1,271 2,292 (0) 12,364 11,893 606,127 (D) (0) 19,640 110 2,563 37,495 4,550 17,390 0 16,583 1,251,588 1,131,085 5,928 5,917 (L) 1,416 8,165 1,387,343 1,253,678 6,114 6,103 (L) 1,624 (L) 916 0 703 44,745 745,680 44,205 21,505 0 (D) (9) 13,470 1,111 0 0 2,831 (9) 701,475 1,311 4,408 (9) 14,026 16,108 621,057 (9) (9) 22,319 350 3,138 40,916 3,975 20,234 0 (9) 6,886 (9) 32,965 119,309 34,228 18,395 15,833 228,097 2,623 17,115 2,910 25,115 10,482 5,450 4,676 321 104,964 9,360 (0) 3,892 (9) 10,028 20,199 133,665 10,793 4,350 118,522 14,058 1,484,924 1,342,059 6,460 6,449 (L) 1,700 (L) (D) 0 (D) 45,126 802,004 45,144 22,224 0 (D) (D) 13,475 (D) 0 0 2,906 (9) 756,860 1,392 4,912 (9) 17,651 16,204 671,072 (0) (9) (D) (D) 3,172 39,643 3,901 19,146 0 5,357 6,298 4,941 35,324 127,656 34,288 18,716 15,572 249,858 2,962 19,311 3,052 30,406 12,155 5,772 5,364 388 112,147 10,007 (9) 4,686 (9) 10,430 21,317 142,865 10,884 4,454 127,527 Earnings by Place of Work Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors income6................................................ Farm................................................. Nonfarm...................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................ Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining....................................................... Coa! mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication........................................... Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. 0» (0) (0) (0) (0) 33,932 7,889 927 (D) 3,312 2,512 616 1,127 (0) 14,300 (D) 1,823 387,042 75 (D) 14,378 (0) 79,174 45,071 229,327 440,556 245,703 113,766 131,937 820,904 44,220 41,923 3,346 175,862 36,789 18,609 9,195 (D) 164,951 70,318 9,987 32,284 (D) 36,895 168,913 1,035,032 308,206 209,523 517,303 m 1,457 373,129 0 (D) 10,473 (0) 87,104 61,981 218,771 408,941 267,702 122,920 144,782 863,233 46,570 53,525 (9) 167,840 38,128 16,591 18,138 8,182 179,422 78,794 13,073 36,322 (D) 36,515 166,573 1,143,613 300,318 246,610 596,685 ai 666 (0) 18,117 1,077 534 (0) 2,658 1,686 (D) 1,843 (0) 8,191 (D) 1,709 453,198 0 (D) 40,046 (D) 79,895 62,112 208,097 422,465 209,022 88,084 120,938 994,189 55,579 64,229 (0) 207,483 42,504 18,341 25,103 12,082 209,430 88,468 16,749 43,572 (D) 36,994 169,812 1,215,541 362,288 276,433 576,820 ai 2,595 (L) 1,881 0 708 34,810 728,995 35,450 17,651 0 (D) (0) 11,795 (0) 0 0 (D) 0 693,545 1,396 1,876 (D) 13,146 13,364 620,004 (D) (D) 20,058 274 2,437 34,127 5,064 15,447 0 (f>) 6,179 (D) 28,270 99,742 27,018 16,620 10,398 168,584 2,068 13,299 2,773 15,097 7,398 3,269 3,537 278 84,577 7,382 (0) 2,950 (D) 8,464 8,864 107,013 9,405 3,433 94,175 m 6,628 (D) 28,757 104,809 30,014 17,858 12,156 192,203 2,349 14,148 2,759 21,027 9,018 3,930 4,159 255 91,712 8,075 (D) 3,063 (D) 8,826 13,532 114,826 9,559 4,007 101,260 (U 630 0 782 39,559 655,433 39,038 19,428 0 (D) (9) 12,948 963 0 0 (0) (D) 616,395 1,401 3,011 (9) 13,796 12,541 543,124 (9) (D) 22,557 185 2,699 39,883 3,982 19,712 0 (9) 6,805 (D) 31,240 111,491 36,968 18,202 18,766 209,167 2,502 15,114 2,759 23,652 9,884 4,553 4,348 289 98,891 8,199 (D) 3,055 (D) 9,455 16,337 120,503 9,851 4,166 106,486 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 61 metropolitan areas Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A n n A rb o r, M l (P M S A ) A n d e rso n , SC (M S A ) 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In co m e b y Place o f R esidence Total personal incom e............................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income*....................................................... 1,382,988 1,375,554 7,434 1,457,463 1,451,167 6,296 1,542,126 1,537,606 4,520 1,803,780 1,792,490 11,290 1,932,142 1,923,711 8,431 4,081,261 4,071,387 9,874 4,444,288 4,431,238 13,050 4,863,333 4,851,468 11,865 5,278,996 5,267,448 11,548 5,653,676 5,641,580 12,096 6,060,627 6,043,973 16,654 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. Per capita personal income (dollars)............................ 138.3 9,997 139.4 10,453 140.0 11,011 1,663,989 1,655,320 8,669 141.4 11,769 143.1 12,607 144.3 13,388 260.7 15,652 262.0 16,961 261.7 18,581 264.3 19,975 267.8 21,110 269.2 22,512 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 897,252 53,183 142,129 986,198 185,104 211,686 927,019 58,266 154,673 1,023,426 197,147 236,890 981,346 63,435 170,406 1,088,317 206,801 247,008 1,073,888 64,577 192,182 1,201,493 204,985 257,511 1,164,857 72,980 212,921 1,304,798 224,650 274,332 1,232,869 81,091 222,408 1,374,186 260,198 297,758 3,746,288 202,257 -503,633 3,040,398 602,793 438,070 4,126,016 234,448 -535,669 3,355,899 639,637 448,752 4,372,773 240,735 -449,942 3,682,096 685,840 495,397 4,644,746 269,958 -368,285 4,006,503 736,517 535,976 5,053,970 303,520 -460,463 4,289,987 797,286 566,403 5,351,458 330,377 -483,832 4,537,249 912,478 610,900 734,893 75,078 87,281 5,917 81,364 756,174 73,846 96,999 4,822 92,177 792,597 77,594 111,155 3,085 108,070 865,036 83,745 125,107 7,177 117,930 932,280 91,037 141,540 9,811 131,729 985,822 97,685 149,362 6,953 142,409 3,121,234 408,098 216,956 6,619 210,337 3,444,916 426,218 254,882 9,849 245,033 3,639,050 443,330 290,393 8,728 281,665 3,844,454 453,757 346,535 8,267 338,268 4,184,299 487,303 382,368 8,839 373,529 4,422,383 515,059 414,016 13,372 400,644 7,434 889,818 785,283 1,656 920 736 985 0 (D) 0 (D) 46,718 419,871 310,373 5,789 169,560 26,415 (D) 8,255 (D) 0 0 54,738 0 109,498 872 6,296 920,723 803,725 1,990 1,150 840 1,468 0 (0) 0 (0) (0) 407,989 292,710 5,321 149,890 22,407 (D) 9,060 (D) 0 0 58,479 0 115,279 917 (0) (0) 8,466 17,182 32,275 (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (0) 1,218 11,516 (D) 3,028 12,766 (0) 34,546 107,480 25,070 13,059 12,011 133,378 (D) 8,305 2,990 16,497 10,048 4,094 1,973 454 41,996 6,784 (0) 2,498 0 5,842 27,051 116,998 8,220 6,879 101,899 4,520 976,826 851,079 2,504 (0) (0) 440 0 (0) 0 (0) 58,475 419,986 302,412 4,699 153,641 21,011 (D) 9,374 (0) 0 0 64,277 0 117,574 1,237 (0) (0) 9,092 18,633 28,477 (D) (D) (0) (D) (0) 44,153 1,018 12,719 (0) 3,206 12,660 (0) 33,667 114,890 27,236 14,531 12,705 149,728 1,646 8,765 3,007 17,797 11,025 4,627 2,358 444 45,167 7,352 (0) 2,937 (D) 5,853 35,077 125,747 8,218 6,969 110,560 8,669 1,065,219 929,018 3,238 2,235 1,003 481 0 (0) 0 (D) 63,646 444,692 322,194 4,798 170,904 21,325 (0) 11,027 (0 0 0 63,757 0 122,498 1,582 (D) (0) 10,605 19,013 (D) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) 45,111 790 13,789 (D) 3,542 12,418 (0) 33,269 128,710 32,815 15,316 17,499 177,056 2,098 9,452 3,032 26,654 12,188 7,767 2,554 599 53,546 7,385 (0) 3,342 (0) 6,213 38,252 136,201 9,178 7,351 119,672 11,290 1,153,567 1,006,370 3,504 2,518 986 739 0 (0) 0 (D) 74,451 470,924 338,474 (0) 179,698 20,619 (D) 10,405 (D) 0 0 66,609 0 132,450 1,648 (0) (D) 13,796 24,450 (0) (D> (0) (D) (0) (0) 48,689 1,020 15,991 (0) (0) 12,436 14,667 36,223 141,335 32,315 16,701 15,614 198,190 2,476 11,649 3,224 29,677 12,211 10,763 2,921 505 57,458 8,341 (0) 4,439 (D) 6,786 42,976 147,197 10,989 7,650 128,558 8,431 1,224,438 1,063,600 3,402 2,405 997 787 0 (D) 0 (D) 75,976 495,644 353,681 7,435 181,828 21,707 (0) 10,314 (0) 0 0 75,059 0 141,963 1,536 (0) (0) 16,369 29,291 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 49,544 1,190 15,112 (D) (D) 13,039 15,555 38,836 146,444 32,466 16,987 15,479 220,501 (9) 12,995 3,403 30,525 13,721 16,077 3,204 534 62,801 9,496 (D) 5,441 0 7,011 47,930 160,838 12,091 7,834 140,913 9,874 3,736,414 2,835,225 7,203 6,833 370 10,742 (L) 13,050 4,112,966 3,107,398 8,754 8,452 302 15,186 (L) (9) (L) (0) 120,708 1,638,257 197,048 13,658 (9) (9) 6,492 61,072 (0) 0 0 76,543 (9) 1,441,209 1,271 629 6,195 55,577 79,773 (9) (9) 964,788 1,784 32,878 7,860 139,576 2,908 51,395 0 40,651 22,101 22,521 87,833 243,990 81,572 43,643 37,929 771,522 10,797 23,580 6,100 • 267,843 14,291 6,235 6,784 2,975 228,084 24,227 10,761 22,860 173 20,720 126,092 1,005,568 72,961 5,497 927,110 11,865 4,360,908 3,271,424 10,162 9,803 359 7,373 (L) (D) 0 (D) 135,169 1,615,633 176,045 15,510 (0) (0) 8,848 64,580 (D) 0 0 41,903 (0) 1,439,588 1,391 887 9,265 55,585 99,533 (0) (0) 916,102 1,802 35,692 8,185 159,681 2,947 62,961 0 49,574 21,567 22,632 98,421 269,237 92,004 49,436 42,568 883,744 12,894 26,658 6,096 311,070 16,812 6,838 7,627 964 247,111 28,485 11,696 24,532 260 24,116 158,585 1,089,484 71,140 5,979 1,012,365 11,548 4,633,198 3,453,053 10,319 (D) (0) 7,526 (L) (D) 0 (D) 149,335 1,604,074 182,793 14,668 (D) (D) (0) 70,772 (0) 0 0 35,673 (0) 1,421,281 1,683 (D) (0) 52,054 114,697 322,819 892 852,040 5,010 44,467 9,107 146,654 2,914 43,359 0 53,117 28,007 19,257 110,690 313,635 129,160 55,229 73,931 981,660 17,750 27,899 6,105 326,611 18,588 7,179 8,371 1,079 283,797 31,625 13,065 32,613 338 27,303 179,337 1,180,145 80,377 6,753 1,093,015 12,096 5,041,874 3,801,094 15,676 (0) (0) 9,513 (L) (0) 0 (D) 183,243 1,724,869 209,632 16,090 968 (D) 8,338 80,778 (0) 0 0 44,520 (0) 1,515,237 2,053 (0) (0) 50,655 133,080 328,755 948 893,288 5,284 61,512 10,783 166,909 2,677 50,688 0 63,768 28,493 21,283 142,148 341,752 132,305 60,670 71,635 1,084,679 15,513 34,156 6,442 338,225 19,951 8,509 9,490 2,400 325,099 35,106 15,344 30,536 370 30,598 212,940 1,240,780 87,634 6,904 1,146,242 16,654 5,334,804 4,018,063 18,927 (0) (0) 6,998 in 5,771 0 1,226 203,846 1,695,415 229,643 17,452 (0) 601 9,695 87,734 E a rn in g s b y Place o f W o rk Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products.......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products.... ........................ Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................... ............... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. m (0) 9,037 17,084 26,798 (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) 42,574 1,530 11,022 (D) 2,890 13,631 (0) 30,896 101,383 23,887 12,430 11,457 117,313 (0) 6,583 2,956 13,870 8,851 4,161 1,721 485 36,994 6,872 (D) 2,271 0 5,986 22,014 104,535 7,498 6,433 90,604 TO (1) (9) 138,291 1,488,191 168,948 12,912 (9) (9) 7,885 50,714 (9) 0 0 61,266 (9) 1,319,243 1,723 331 5,243 56,964 74,832 (0) (9) 876,194 1,612 29,240 7,022 112,742 3,126 42,669 (9) (0) 16,284 17,975 85,609 222,326 75,866 41,630 34,236 694,255 10,256 17,090 6,084 218,577 12,219 6,069 6,203 3,036 217,269 25,147 10,060 19,475 145 19,655 122,970 901,189 62,865 4,907 833,417 TO 0 0 49,026 (D) 1,465,772 2,354 (0) to 61,437 155,686 294,978 (0) 842,312 11,732 63,810 12,288 196,845 2,343 50,396 0 88,255 29,296 26,555 176,749 377,106 128,432 67,027 61,405 1,213,745 17,258 39,660 6,743 388,337 22,189 8,356 10,753 1,394 367,886 39,969 16,019 35,417 433 34,546 224,785 1,316,741 93,133 7,195 1,216,413 62 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME METROPOLITAN areas Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A n n is to n , A L 1984 1985 1986 (M S A ) 1987 A p p le to n — O s h k o s h — N e e n a h , W l ( M S A ) 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l i n c o m e ..................................................................................... Nonfarm personal income........................ Farm income1................................... 1,16 6 ,5 71 1,229,019 1,289,958 1,356,420 1,442,1 5 7 1,517,6 0 2 3,728,734 1,157,845 8,726 3,962,252 4,208,553 4,449,824 1,219,983 9,036 4,738,009 1,278,280 11,678 1,345,784 10,636 5,071,2 04 1,428,933 13,224 3,660,101 68,633 302.0 3,891,231 71,021 4,118,772 89,781 4,356,665 93,159 4,663,788 74,221 4^974745 96,959 Population (thousands)2 ................................ 125.0 123.5 121.8 123.1 123.3 1,500,064 17,538 122.9 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 304.5 305.3 308.3 3129 9,335 9,948 3163 10,587 11,0 19 11,6 96 12,353 12,3 47 13,014 13,785 14,433 15,143 16,032 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence...................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest and rent’ ............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 911,433 53,934 -47,577 809,922 128,111 228,538 955,306 58,300 -51,989 845,017 139,177 244,825 998,021 58,403 -54,638 884,980 146,869 258,109 1,056,041 61,200 -55,616 939,225 147,451 269,744 1,108,787 66,385 -52,858 989,544 162,712 289,901 1,151,019 70,584 -59,126 1,021,309 184,825 311,468 2,932,266 181,757 -148,911 2,601,598 647,936 479,200 3,125,775 204,510 -157,922 2,763,343 692,561 506,348 3,338,565 215,569 -166,557 2,956,439 713,934 538,180 3,600,208 240,186 -185,421 3,174,601 710,350 564,873 3,872,162 271,862 -201505 3,398795 750,358 588,856 4,067,897 294 106 187418 3,586^373 852*324 632,507 785,215 60,174 66,044 7,961 58,083 824,519 62,347 68,440 8,289 60,151 855,466 65,248 77,307 10,954 66,353 902,394 69,809 83,838 9,893 73,945 938,741 76,388 93,658 12,494 81,164 964,911 84,020 102,088 16,818 85,270 2,412,088 267,966 252,212 52,586 199,626 2,577,798 275,522 272,455 55,356 217,099 2,738,273 296,749 303,543 74,517 229,026 2,946,152 318,460 335,596 77,249 258,347 3,185,680 347,013 339,469 58,391 281,078 3,324,660 366,389 376,848 81,187 295,661 8,726 902,707 499,772 3,135 2,504 631 2,371 (L) 760 0 1,587 29,562 191,027 84,465 7,790 34,058 24,101 (D) (0) (0) 0 0 (0) 0 106,562 4,603 (D) 25,935 60,876 4,194 (D) (D) (D) 1,378 (D) 2,016 39,124 1,180 14,240 0 1,340 9,851 12,513 40,419 80,352 20,785 11,612 9,173 92,997 (D) 6,043 5,941 6,553 7,862 1,959 1,458 (D) 31,635 5,676 3,108 1,997 0 5,972 11,960 402,935 183,958 127,994 90,983 9,036 946,270 529,959 3,258 2,759 499 2,550 (L) 1,181 0 1,344 31,818 197,003 82,293 7,290 30,284 25,199 (D) 4,761 (D) 142 0 (D) 0 114,710 4,953 5,666 26,964 61,327 6,977 (D) 0 (D) 1,576 (D) 2,503 41,131 1,214 14,703 0 1,446 10,080 13,688 41,297 88,102 22,389 12,664 9,725 102,411 (D) 6,536 5,980 8,722 7,969 2,064 1,751 (D) 36,431 6,203 3,018 2,184 0 6,010 11,409 416,311 198,982 117,202 100,127 11,678 986,343 569,376 (0) (D) 344 10,636 1,045,405 601,957 3,820 3,420 400 1,621 (L) 369 0 1,243 38,188 209,176 89,396 7,657 34,632 32,147 (D) 5,265 (D) 163 0 (D) 0 119,780 6,888 6,957 29,064 55,100 6,882 (D) (D) (D) 2,061 (D) 2,654 49,275 2,555 15,532 0 2,619 11,827 16,742 42,894 100,305 26,950 13,181 13,769 129,728 (D) 8,376 5,997 16,435 9,271 2,713 1,938 (0) 45,011 8,491 2,980 2,648 0 6,421 15,577 443,448 208,691 124,017 110,740 13,224 1,095,563 642,830 3,587 (D) (D) 2,565 (L) 565 0 1,989 40,512 217,899 90,591 6,718 35,492 33,827 (D) 5,533 (0) 0 0 (D) 0 127,308 7,277 7,641 33,575 54,707 6,450 (D) 925 (D) 1,711 (D) 3,121 52,815 2,483 15,652 0 5,313 12,012 17,355 46,963 107,872 25,509 12,727 12,782 145,108 (D) 10,200 6,335 21,310 10,390 3,000 1,515 (D) 49,753 7,938 3,128 2,716 0 7,266 17,744 452,733 211,084 121,726 119,923 17,538 1,133,481 670,863 3,793 3,644 149 2,807 (L) 595 0 2,201 38,051 226,509 92,596 3,573 38,026 36,285 (0) 5,447 (D) 0 0 (D) 0 133,913 6,517 8,590 38,916 57,892 5,957 (D) (D) (0) 2,032 (D) 3,093 55,464 2,273 15,004 0 8,157 12,165 17,865 53,791 110,527 26,115 13,373 12,742 153,806 (0) 11,638 6,632 22,239 11,285 3,543 1,753 (D) 51,085 8,807 3,409 3,249 0 7,445 19,046 462,618 221,740 111,139 129,739 68,633 2,863,633 2,554,869 10,197 9,828 369 11,218 (L) (0) 0 (0) 181,379 1,279,793 786,451 91,398 21,410* (D) 546,532 78,601 8,419* 0 0 (D) (0) 493,342 26,456* (D) (D) (D) 182,692 (D) (0) (0) 7,096* 2,704 (D) 131,434 (0) 58,847 (D) (D) (0) (D) 147,708 232,130 125,061 (D) (D) 435,949 7,448* 23,569 4,095 72,658 20,447 7,911 8,073 (D) 186,236 20,329 15,657 13,671* (D) 20,274 34,301 308,764 24,845 9,529 274,390 71,021 3,054,754 2,730,018 10,092 9,653 439 13,263 51 (D) 0 (D) 190,831 1,350,970 822,928 92,253 21,550* (D) 572,543 78,983 7,818* 0 0 31,211 (D) 528,042 39,863* (D) (D) (D) 193,236 61,683* (D) (D) (D) 2,845 (D) 143,205 5,345* 59,122 (D) (D) 28,126 21,281* 153,394 248,801 140,441 (0) (D) 479,021 7,823* 28,810 4,108 83,585 23,064 7,398 8,712 (0) 200,312 20,904 16,865 16,310* (D) 20,194 39,579 324,736 26,397 10,854 287,485 89,781 3,248,784 2,904,968 10,028 9,609 419 8,865 (L) 93,159 3,507,049 3,145,451 12,671 12,281 390 10,041 (L) (D) 0 (D) 226,523 1,534,486 945,160 100,688 26,027* (D) 659,084 91,677 8,450* 0 0 37,328* (D) 589,326 46,702 (0) (D) (D) 203,326 (D) (0) (D) (0) 3,202 (D) 156,554 4,762* 64,852 (0) (D) (D) (D) 168,904 274,343 186,051 (D> (D) 575,878 11,227* 32,804 4,088 106,596 23,891 9,176 9,950 (D) 247,751 21,718 19,250 21,369* (D) 22,530 44,032 361,598 28,070 12,658 320,870 74,221 3,797,941 3,414,933 12,901 12,467 434 11,888 (L) 96,959 3,970,938 3,565,900 (D) 13,220 (D) (D) (L) (D) 0 (D) 272,606 1,670,133 974,587 114,708 27,309* (D) 641,803 108,905 7,619* 759 0 (D) (0) 695,546 41,114 (D) (D) (D) 249,132 (0) (D) (0) (D) 3,185* (D) 192,782 1,057 77,511 209* (D) (D) (0) 204,374 316,003 191,270 (D) (D) 688,752 12,521* 41,851 4,550 131,909 27,814 11,154 11,317 (D) 281,085 26,181 22,056 31,470 (D) 27,278 58,382 405,038 33,363 13,563 358,112 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor Income.............................................. Proprietors’ income6........................................... Farm...................................................... Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry.Farm................................................ Nonfarm............................................................. Private................................................. Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods........................................ Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods. ............................................ Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate........................ Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (0 ) (l) 372 0 (D) 33,435 203,528 85,688 7,595 32,026 27,751 (D) 5,054 (D) 146 0 0 0 117,840 5,751 6,129 27,574 58,863 7,223 (D) 0 (D) 2,147 (D) 2,475 45,422 2,259 15,452 0 1,972 10,617 15,122 41,138 98,273 23,359 13,446 9,913 119,141 (D) 7,758 5,981 15,280 8,722 2,582 2,842 (D) 39,505 7,589 2,627 2,504 0 6,033 14,017 416,967 196,193 114,765 106,009 (0) 0 (D) 214,240 1,429,170 874,734 93,778 22,700* (D) 604,351 83,480 15,003* 0 0 37,171* (D) 554,436 42,425* (D) (D) (D) 195,412 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,107 (D) 151,828 (D) 62,680 (D) (D) 28,032 (0) 155,618 265,382 153,472 (D) (0) 516,365 10,350* 30,253 4,089 95,070 22,400 8,386 9,156 (D) 213,244 22,203 18,055 18,063* (0) 20,701 43,010 343,816 26,184 11,772 305,860 (0 ) 0 (D) 281,792 1,637,608 988,253 107,683 27,850* (D) 675,510 99,072 8,721* 0 0 (D) (0) 649,355 49,085 (D) (D) (D) 221,825 (D) (D) (D) (D) 3,615 (0) 173,851 3,095 71,311 211* (D) (D) (D) 188,643 297,386 181,084 44,615* 130,989* 629,780 12,011* 37,496 4,335 118,145 27,045 10,414 10,558 (D) 260,905 23,887 21,106 24,415 (D) 25,548 52,780 383,008 31,719 13,151 338,138 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME METROPOLITAN AREAS 63 Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A s h e v ille , N C 1984 1985 1986 A th e n s , G A ( M S A ) (M S A ) 1987 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1989 1988 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... 1,869,978 2,010,9 37 2,133,695 2,292,726 2,502,457 2,730,323 1,443,560 1,560,028 1,720,608 1,854,126 2,021,312 2,192,5 12 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... 1,852,378 17,600 2,116,261 17,434 2,275,500 17,226 2,486,377 16,080 2,713,573 16,750 1,376,694 66,866 1,504,709 55,319 1,640,889 79,719 1,948,912 72,400 144.7 2,101,097 91,415 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 166.3 1,993,505 17,432 168.4 169.9 171.3 173.1 174.7 137.2 139.4 139.8 1,793,626 60,500 142.1 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 11,2 44 11,9 39 12,557 13,381 14,459 15,627 10,522 1 1 ,1 9 1 12,308 13,049 13 ,9 71 15,052 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent3............................... Plus-. Transfer payments............................................ 1,380,963 83,893 -46,479 1,250,591 311,931 307,456 1,485,772 94,545 -56,199 1,335,028 343,999 331,910 1,576,503 100,633 -62,062 1,413,808 367,426 352,461 1,693,703 104,889 -63,106 1,525,708 391,982 375,036 1,857,713 119,087 -74,667 1,663,959 438,670 399,828 1,997,484 132,924 -82,324 1,782,236 508,476 439,611 1,080,157 54,315 -740 1,025,102 213,196 205,262 1,154,467 60,992 9,296 1,102,771 231,345 225,912 1,284,202 66,714 12,644 1,230,132 243,655 246,821 1,373,946 72,087 32,007 1,333,866 257,345 262,915 1,502,688 81,149 30,049 1,451,588 286,330 283,394 1,648,610 90,988 2,151 1,559,773 328,051 304,688 1,146,639 108,631 125,693 15,324 110,369 1,232,752 111,212 141,808 15,178 126,630 1,302,885 117,766 155,852 15,209 140,643 1,398,304 121,589 173,810 14,890 158,920 1,534,533 133,654 189,526 13,738 175,788 1,650,511 145,914 201,059 14,379 186,680 858,398 71,992 149,767 62,656 87,111 934,864 75,680 143,923 51,187 92,736 1,017,551 83,818 182,833 75,676 107,157 1,104,818 90,986 178,142 56,268 121,874 1,201,054 100,315 201,319 68,183 133,136 1,308,244 112,023 228,343 87,172 141,171 17,600 1,363,363 1,167,279 3,417 3,322 95 4,741 148 2,970 ai 1,629 80,687 413,679 183,905 20,718 40,062 45,282 1,690 14,121 (D) 123 0 7,906 0» 229,774 (0) 10,063 0 16,001 41,389 93,396 10,562 (0) 14,800 17,902 1,248 92,192 17,432 1,468,340 1,255,997 3,689 3,626 63 6,755 92 (0) (L) (0) 94,474 429,939 181,824 21,330 38,324 46,865 1,681 16,413 (0) 109 0 10,356 (0) 248,115 11,661 8,397 0 17,567 54,341 97,567 (0) (0) 16,920 14,974 1,135 97,840 (0) 30,080 0 7,517 30,124 (0) 71,168 170,642 46,775 20,367 26,408 334,715 18,018 20,078 13,012 41,863 14,866 5,622 10,034 (D) 152,098 14,445 8,955 6,464 (0) 9,903 18,137 212,343 66,517 3,346 142,480 17,434 1,559,069 1,331,640 3,943 3,915 (L) 3,755 89 (0) 0 (0) 104,732 447,240 188,479 21,468 48,844 35,550 1,896 16,783 (0) 104 0 11,156 (D) 258,761 11,633 (0) 0 18,596 55,266 102,588 (D) (0) 19,132 14,032 1,401 105,586 (D) 37,458 0 7,607 29,216 (0) 68,498 183,551 50,477 22,149 28,328 363,858 19,985 20,667 13,069 44,848 17,195 5,955 10,991 (0) 163,109 17,429 10,219 7,809 (0) 10,230 21,340 227,429 67,291 3,652 156,486 17,226 1,676,477 1,433,734 5,750 5,714 (L) 4,151 (U (0) 0 (0) 115,964 443,380 185,937 21,825 65,253 25,226 (D) 17,653 (0) 146 0 11,917 16,080 1,841,633 1,576,859 6,045 6,014 (L) 5,186 a) (0) 0 (9) 129,746 462,344 197,449 22,436 65,727 26,405 (0) 19,924 (0) 162 (D) 13,983 (0) 264,895 11,201 3,293 0 34,348 51,604 99,183 (0) (D) 16,563 12,737 2,103 120,025 (D) 45,098 0 12,511 29,990 (9) 98,263 214,443 64,344 27,938 36,406 476,463 25,049 26,285 14,048 64,674 17,143 9,480 12,835 (0) 219,353 22,103 13,664 9,743 (0) 11,868 29,089 264,774 73,492 4,057 187,225 16,750 1,980,734 1,692,678 6,937 6,909 (L) 5,450 59 (9) 0 (9) 134,451 480,103 203,132 17,843 71,534 27,387 (9) 22,227 46,939 161 (9) (9) (9) 276,971 12,619 3,024 0 36,836 55,893 97,156 (0) (9) 16,917 13,429 2,516 126,471 (0) 44,244 0 66,866 1,013,291 697,478 2,837 2,453 384 3,071 ai (9) 0 (9) 52,443 247,507 139,342 39,713* (9) 36,690 (9) 6,458* (9) 129 0 5,073 (9) 108,165 5,246 55,319 1,099,148 755,057 2,851 2,646 205 4,089 id (9) 0 (9) 65,007 251,788 137,119 41,904* (9) 32,690 (9) 6,677* (9) 271 0 5,490 (9) 114,669 5,911 (9) (D) (9) (9) 50,165* (9) (9) 16,129* (0) (9) 52,875 (9) 14,996* 0 (9) 79,719 1,204,483 829,737 3,210* 3,111* 95 (9) (9) (0) 0 (9) 77,572 269,371 148,499 48,353* (D) 32,154 (9) 7,758* (9) 314 0 (9) (9) 120,872 8,169 (9) (9) (9) (9) 51,749* (9) (0) 16,755* (9) (9) 60,286 (9) 16,527* 0 60,500 1,313,446 914,424 4,916 (9) (9) 3,651 (D) 513* (9) (9) 79,386 284,029 155,822 50,051* (9) 30,022 (9) 9,083* 4,170* 725 0 (9) (9) 128,207 9,333 (0) (9) (9) (9) 53,633* (9) (9) 18,271* (9) (D) 65,228 (9) 17,065* 0 (9) (0) (9) 64,345 127,976 54,946 (9) 31,247* 229,947 (9) 11,395 8,838 22,213 17,916 (9) 3,695* (9) 93,577 13,297 (9) 9,089* 0 72,400 1,430,288 999,793 5,826 (9) (9) 4,113 (L) (9) 0 (9) 90,305 297,486 160,434 (9) (9) 29,583 (0) 11,171* (0) 885 0 6,530* (9) 137,052 10,465 (9) 91,415 1,557,195 1,088,741 5,401 (9) (9) 3,844 (L) (9) 0 (D) 93,272 329,069 165,001 62,895* (9) 23,259* (9) 9,489* (9) 132 0 (0) (0) 164,068 14,958 145.7 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other’ ...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining........................................................ Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, Insurance, and real estate'.............. Services....................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. I») 28,668 0 6,941 27,717 (0) 66,366 164,560 43,886 18,692 25,194 297,751 16,879 17,160 12,817 32,250 13,375 6,312 8,551 (0) 136,506 12,885 8,297 5,578 (D) 10,232 15,810 196,084 63,747 2,940 129,397 111 257,443 9,987 9,710 0 18,953 53,262 101,679 (0) (9) 19,048 12,161 2,365 111,581 (0) 40,688 0 8,178 30,494 (0) 79,727 192,815 69,430 24,694 44,736 410,936 22,325 23,414 13,158 50,941 15,862 7,191 12,215 (0) 190,005 19,736 11,576 8,700 (0) 10,917 23,608 242,743 69,010 3,879 169,854 (9) 34,456 18,774 110,158 230,533 68,041 30,555 37,486 530,534 27,062 29,464 14,838 71,016 18,798 10,503 14,197 (9) 248,184 22,636 16,398 12,036 (9) 11,679 30,892 288,056 78,688 4,141 205,227 (9) (9) (9) (D) 47,196 (9) (9) 15,445* (9) (9) 47,925 (9) 12,995* 0 (9) (9) (9) 47,996 105,178 33,741 (9) (9) 156,780 (0) 8,045 8,385 16,524 12,091 (0) 1,651* (9) 57,040 8,143 (9) 5,350* 0 (9) 18,864 315,813 57,806 17,854 240,153 (9) (9) 54,004 113,106 36,564 (0) 19,211* 174,773 (9) 9,746 8,571 19,518 13,717 (9) 1,895* (9) 66,985 10,235 (9) 5,636* 0 (9) 17,848 344,091 59,866 19,887 264,338 (9) (9) (0) 57,631 118,935 43,505 (9) 22,490* 195,887 (9) 10,038 8,693 19,656 15,039 (0) 2,473* (9) 77,474 11,579 (9) 6,149* 0 (9) 23,131 374,746 61,954 20,742 292,050 (9) 26,169 399,022 64,297 19,432 315,293 (9) 3,199* (9) 59,135* 0 (9) 19,537* (9) 361 66,800 (9) 18,247* (9) (9) (0) 26,173 79,026 142,238 52,192 (9) 27,702* 261,807 (9) 12,372 9,457 30,273 20,606 (9) (9) (9) 108,903 14,536 (0) 6,206* 0 (9) 27,176 430,495 69,053 20,572 340,870 (9) (9) (0) (9) (9) (9) (9) 19,686* (9) (9) 69,921 (0) 19,461 0 1,638* (9) 28,226 93,991 149,339 52,794 (9) 27,238* 291,110 (9) 14,625 10,006 36,521 21,760 3,882 (9) 332 117,423 17,800 (9) 6,376* 0 (0) 31,570 468,454 72,663 23,967 371,824 64 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME METROPOLITAN AREAS Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued ___________________________ [Thousands of dollars] A tlanta, G A ( M S A ) 1984 A tlantic City, N J ( M S A ) 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 42,123,578 41,970,686 152,892 46,193,019 46,065,294 127,725 2,565.9 16,417 2,656.2 17,391 50,408,491 50,265,218 143,273 2,736.6 18,420 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 53,714,928 53,549,109 165,819 2,818.9 19,055 4,755,007 4,743,135 11,872 5,574,885 5,559,029 15,856 6,102,315 6,088,602 13,713 6,692,877 6,679,145 13,732 7,200,078 7,185,453 14,625 288.9 16,458 5,180,031 5,162,469 17,562 293.7 17,640 298.6 18,669 303.5 20,105 309.2 21,647 313.0 23,001 In co m e b y Place o f R esidence Total personal incom e........................................ ..... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income'. ............................................... 34,081,819 33,954,543 127,276 Population (thousands)1 .............................................. Per capita personal income (do lla rs)............................ 2,379.4 14,324 38,186,249 38,070,449 115,800 2,469.4 15,464 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance’ ............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent5............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 28,485,241 1,562,463 -727,261 26,195,517 4,664,771 3,221,531 32,180,013 1,850,468 -866,272 29,463,273 5,218,465 3,504,511 35,797,666 2,060,172 -1,038,112 32,699,382 5,618,727 3,805,469 39,502,796 2,257,788 -1,179,421 36,065,587 6,041,981 4,085,451 43,045,213 2,538,618 -1,273,011 39,233,584 6,726,582 4,448,325 45,155,610 2,732,105 -1,205,895 41,217,610 7,709,372 4,787,946 3,248,749 201,791 182,758 3,229,716 819,189 706,102 3,566,305 229,261 204,222 3,541,266 889,535 749,230 3,870,946 264,821 223,839 3,829,964 946,368 798,553 4,297,753 293,222 254,287 4,258,818 997,052 846,445 4,720,771 335,082 288,511 4,674,200 1,134,649 884,028 4,984,864 365,599 296,765 4,916,030 1,295,363 988,685 24,058,158 2,334,698 2,092,385 117,394 1,974,991 27,223,199 2,528,995 2,427,819 106,222 2,321,597 30,082,004 2,847,579 2,868,083 143,613 2,724,470 33,160,194 3,116,134 3,226,468 118,099 3,108,369 36,093,678 3,362,496 3,589,039 133,752 3,455,287 37,774,918 3,536,004 3,844,688 156,358 3,688,330 2,752,173 226,262 270,314 5,308 265,006 2,997,394 232,479 336,432 11,097 325,335 3,252,598 255,887 362,461 9,492 352,969 3,586,772 280,851 430,130 7,025 423,105 3,931,383 304,778 484,610 7,017 477,593 4,161,748 325,701 497,415 7,807 489,608 127,276 28,357,965 24,745,709 84,181* 81,286* 2,400* 61,401* 228 (0) (L) (0) 1,874,515 4,379,198 1,882,947 474,446* (0) (0) (0) 460,456* 115,800 32,064,213 28,094,438 103,219 101,557 1,662 86,265 (0) (D) (D) (0) 2,211,954 4,821,584 2,004,843 503,930* (0) 171,366* 152,892 35,644,774 31,351,688 115,308 113,548 1,760 52,454 (0) (D) (D) (0) 2,540,474 5,322,294 2,227,530 565,918* (0) 173,732* (0) 586,945* (D) 13,732* 0 158,900* (D) 3,094,764 (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) (0) (D) 55,105* 4,100,817 171,478 808,471* (0) (D) 1,067,869* (D) 4,586,044 3,692,303 3,021,426 902,407* 2,091,844* 7,920,568 (D) 311,698* 139,891 2,002,996 325,043 123,175* 153,611’ 47,367* 1,693,607 762,281 127,725 39,375,071 34,629,738 135,708* 138,110* (0) (0) 143,273 42,901,940 37,697,176 146,531* 151,016* 165,819 44,989,791 39,311,370 167,468* 163,180* 2,048* 64,229* (0) (D) (0) (0) 2,687,779 5,678,911 2,640,442 644,407* (D) (0) ID) 702,084* (0) 19,215* 0 (D) (0) 3,038,469 86,721* 83,648* (D) (D) 297,351* 526,164* 11,872 3,236,877 2,706,767 17,884 10,390 7,494 7,907 66 6,594 (0) 849* 277,979 179,795 97,644 (0) (0) 10,036* (D) 17,982 (D) 0 0 23,773* 0 82,151 1,771* 1,215* 1,062 2,556* 5,459* 17,562 3,548,743 2,990,888 (0) (D) (D) 10,879 (D) 9,285 15,856 3,855,090 3,256,654 (0) 13,713 4,284,040 3,649,782 (0) (0) (0) 5,229 (L) (01 (0) (0) (0) 216,671 111,002 (D) (0) 10,524* (0) 22,788 (D) 0 0 25,446* 0 105,669 1,548* 2,230 (0) 3,873* 6,683 (0) 27,493 0 53,098* 985* 3,140 (0) 4,711 (0) 6,861 (0) 47,512 93,150 120,261 488,238 184,124 58,457 125,667 1,765,987* 1,226,759 (0) 9,603 (0) 28,938 (0) 87,169 (D) 252,326 61,191 8,058 18,565 (D) 29,798 47,690 634,258 94,414 33,180 506,664 13,732 4,707,039 4,012,059 (D) (0) (0) 7,170 (L) (0) (0) (0) (0) 249,608 121,407 (D) (0) 9,997* (0) (0) (0) 0 0 24,559* 0 128,201 2,642 2,792 (0) 5,797* 8,222 (0) 42,140 0» 56,614* (D) 3,055 (0) 6,857 (0) 5,677 (D) 52,108 100,006 138,318 555,231 176,993 (0) (0) 1,943,726* 1,299,259 46,690 10,167 (») 34,462 13,163 99,216 (D) 297,361 72,040 8,878 23,428 (0) 35,620 53,610 694,980 102,622 33,339 559,019 14,625 4,970,239 4,211,164 40,509 E a r n i n g s b y P l a c e of W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ . Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining........................................................ Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, Insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services..................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. M ilitary....................................................... State and local. ....................................... 7...... See footnotes at end of tables. to 14,033* 0 (0) (0) 2,496,251 (D) 79,467* (D) (D) (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) (D) 41,353* 3,459,163 169,295* 704,808* (0) (D) m 333,331* 3,768,839* 3,021,896 2,182,784 638,585* 1,519,355* 5,892,078 (D) 225,573* 134,979 1,460,389 247,199 106,783 112,078* 33,850* 1,305,439 552,315 (0) 96,001 381 208,027 913,125 3,612,256 1,017,811 215,204 2,379,241 (0) 511,973* (0) 11,731* 0 131,631* (D) 2,816,741 (D) (D) (0) (D) 253,793* (D) 1») (0) (0) (D) 47,115* 3,784,083 173,511 741,639* (D) (D) 983,237* 368,266* 4,320,269 3,406,745 2,555,213 763,912* 1,771,283* 6,805,106 (D) 273,804* 138,000 1,710,574 287,661 102,919 128,089* 42,071* 1,487,587 635,243 (0) 109,071 (0) 227,119 1,102,426 3,969,775 1,106,369 235,638 2,627,768 0» 129,458 (0) 242,506 1,357,030 4,293,086 1,121,766 259,688 2,911,632 m (D) (0) (0) 2,654,808 5,655,153 2,391,812 615,187* (D) (0) (0) 619,453* (D) 17,221 0 184,954* (0) 3,263,341 (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) m 58,452* 4,586,374 171,491 888,810 (D) (0) 1,275,539* 461,869* 4,953,884 4,043,597 3,532,457 1,014,744* 2,478,939* 9,002,495 352,026* 341,130* 142,180 2,308,916* 357,781 140,384 176,973* 53,492* 2,015,857 855,727 (D) 143,959 (D) 264,199 1,500,333 4,745,333 1,218,194 274,423 3,252,716 (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (D) 2,804,296 5,841,551 2,585,088 643,084* (D) (D) (D) 699,084* (0) 17,802 0 193,130* (D) 3,256,463 (D) m (0) (0) (0) (D) (D) (D) (0) (D) 67,319* 4,870,755 176,384 971,540 (0) (0) 1,368,302* 524,857* 5,594,201 4,373,797 3,809,992 1,054,798* 2,640,880* 10,171,775 372,994* 392,830* 152,312 2,686,867* 375,841 (0) 210,875 63,113* 2,316,751 981,971 (D) 167,687* (0) 295,299 1,588,274 5,204,764 1,347,163 284,288 3,573,313 (0) (0) (0) (0) 66,468* 4,982,731 174,684 991,777 (D) (D) 1,465,990* 544,653* 5,966,941 4,516,506 3,951,906 (D) (D) 11,282,877 378,951* 436,616* 161,281 3,057,289* 408,275 148,872* 232,824 74,495* 2,562,577 1,074,283 (0) 192,409 (0) 312,671 1,757,370 5,678,421 1,427,693 293,746 3,956,982 (D) 15,649* 0 (D) 191 3,026 178,862 1,237 20,481 3,751 31,375 46,083 75,935 92,942 389,476 124,624 (0) (0) 1,437,298 950,605 (D) 9,522 72,441 23,323 (D) 45,730 (0) 177,654 42,871 6,694 15,160 (D) 21,022 30,799 530,110 91,699 42,318 396,093 (D) 1,080* (0) 183,368 98,749 (0) (D) 10,150* (0) 19,719 (0) 0 0 23,017* 0 84,619 2,556* 2,171* (D) 2,990* 6,169* (D) 17,644* 0 45,261* 253* 2,545 (D) 1,563 (D) 4,678 (0) 45,705 83,007 93,101 420,914 137,078 48,490 88,588 1,474,864* 1,072,852 (D) 9,583 (0) 25,494 (D) 55,995 (0) 196,829 51,267 6,912 16,215 (D) 22,798 34,535 557,855 95,261 40,466 422,128 (0) (0) 4,526 <») (D) (D) (D) (0) 202,659 106,005 (D) (D) 9,919* (0) 20,584 (0) 0 0 23,368* 0 96,654 2,467* 2,208* (D) 2,972* 8,204 (D) 21,776* 0 50,632* (D) 2,675 (D) 2,310 (D) 5,826 (D) 46,208 87,948 104,144 449,336 142,518 51,487 91,031 1,587,249* 1,115,595 (0) 9,591 (D) 28,028 (0) 76,361 (D) 224,908 55,012 6,744 17,670 (D) 26,315 42,047 598,436 90,374 40,575 467,487 1 (0) (0) 7,188 (L) (D) (D) (D) (0) 241,643 126,150 (D) (D) 9,419* (0) (0) (0) 1,682 0 (D) 0 115,493 2,419 2,711 (0) 6,199* 13,579 (0) 28,409 0 52,441* (D) 3,032 (D) 9,073 (0) 5,803 (0) 54,960 104,545 147,265 566,135 167,425 55,838 111,587 (0) 1,366,192 52,364 (») (D) 37,221 13,707 105,563 (D) 331,317 79,290 9,892 26,130 (0) 38,380 62,810 759,075 110,591 32,865 615,619 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 65 metropolitan areas Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 198 4-8 9— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A u g u s ta , G A - - S C 1984 1985 A u ro ra — E lg in , I L ( P M S A ) (M S A ) 1987 1986 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... 4,0 68,417 4 ,4 77,5 48 4,849,629 5,076,942 5,461,409 5,998,803 4,6 82,773 5,039,798 5,447,639 6,003,067 6,595,426 7,102,268 4,050,818 17,599 4,832,409 17,220 389.2 5,053,192 23,750 392.3 5,430,095 31,314 396.4 5,963,411 35,392 400.7 4,656,022 26,751 5,013,413 26,385 5,418,551 29,088 5,976,468 26,599 6,564,554 30,872 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 370.2 4,459,498 18,050 380.1 330.4 336.0 339.6 346.6 355.4 7,053,879 48,389 362.6 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 10,991 1 1 ,7 8 1 12,461 12,943 13 ,7 7 7 14,970 1 4 ,17 1 15,000 16,044 17,3 21 18,560 19,587 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social insurance3............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent4............................... Plus: Transfer payments............................................ 3,037,910 166,337 71,125 2,942,698 479,283 646,436 3,367,723 193,498 69,068 3,243,293 526,144 708,111 3,624,866 210,997 88,412 3,502,281 583,266 764,082 3,946,610 223,224 -56,355 3,667,031 592,112 817,799 4,284,464 250,699 -101,159 3,932,606 655,532 873,271 4,788,110 288,458 -201,333 4,298,319 752,810 947,674 2,926,595 177,168 722,309 3,471,736 740,282 470,755 3,032,355 193,474 931,714 3,770,595 760,408 508,795 3,194,105 208,745 1,120,464 4,105,824 806,827 534,988 3,522,359 225,792 1,299,055 4,595,622 846,322 561,123 3,955,888 263,379 1,389,954 5,082,463 918,803 594,160 4,104,777 281,658 1,563,277 5,386,396 1,052,495 663,377 2,609,077 238,457 190,376 14,853 175,523 2,890,911 257,785 219,027 15,354 203,673 3,092,911 277,192 254,763 14,571 240,192 3,350,495 299,447 296,668 20,966 275,702 3,619,513 330,013 334,938 28,529 306,409 4,041,354 384,556 362,200 32,580 329,620 2,388,086 242,669 295,840 19,010 276,830 2,466,628 242,918 322,809 18,622 304,187 2,580,722 256,167 357,216 21,374 335,842 2,831,799 278,537 412,023 18,454 393,569 3,189,068 310,779 456,041 22,727 433,314 3,280,648 325,212 498,917 40,103 458,814 17,599 3,020,311 2,205,081 (0) 18,050 3,349,673 2,516,417 18,385* (0) (0) 16,380* 0 (D) 0 (D) 241,857 993,596 762,310 39,327* 112,554* (0) (0) (D) ID) 0 0 (D) 0 231,286 22,980 (0) (D) (D) (0) 5,389* (W (D) (0) (0) (D) 145,376 12,578 (0) (D) (0) 45,756* 25,738* 108,101 319,191 109,726 46,664* (0) 561,074 10,559* 25,701 18,876 94,586 25,424 6,781 8,760 (0) 243,779 29,671 (0) 10,392 (D) 21,125 49,908 833,256 206,620 227,451 399,185 17,220 3,607,646 2,735,187 12,545* (D) (0) (D) 0 (0) 0 (D) 260,266 1,041,757 803,019 45,356* 114,486* (D) (0) (0) (D) 0 0 (D) 0 238,738 24,694 (D) (D) (D) (D) 5,273* (0) (0) (D) (0) (0) 155,562 12,688 23,750 3,922,860 2,994,038 16,956* 14,376 3,327* (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 297,246 1,091,399 835,638* 47,629* 119,484* (0) (0) (0) (0) 0 0 (0) 0 (0) 26,492 (0) (0) (0) (D) 5,709 (0) 0 (0) (0) 1,759* 165,251 12,478 (0) (0) (D) 51,203* 34,072 120,879 377,011 153,235 (0) (0) 754,964 11,598* 29,751 19,367 139,890 31,551 8,979 13,238 (0) 326,627 39,393 (D) 13,938 (0) 22,513 78,092 928,822 218,394 230,640 479,788 31,314 4,253,150 3,268,207 15,650* 14,363* 1,290 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 371,710 1,180,963 906,057* 51,161* 109,469* (0) (D) (0) (0) 0 0 (0) 0 (0) 27,324 1,513 (0) (0) (0) (0) (D) 0 (0) (0) 1,166* 171,349 15,941 (0) (0) (D) 56,455* 34,734 129,932 400,619 155,134 65,861 89,273 824,640 11,093* 33,207 20,700 139,672 36,778 10,251 14,240 (0) 364,409 46,111 (D) 14,810 (0) 24,299 87,500 984,943 232,777 226,513 525,653 35,392 4,752,718 3,714,787 14,353* 13,843 1,214* (D) 0 (») 0 (D) 491,891 1,403,317 1,131,582 51,956* 113,915* (0) (0) (0) (0) 0 0 (0) 0 271,735 24,731 (0) (0) 20,861* (D) (0) (0) 0 (0) (0) 732* 164,600 18,171 (0) (0) (0) 40,663* 39,232 150,982 414,661 154,207 63,358 90,849 900,503 11,503* 38,093 21,895 164,808 33,687 10,676 16,749 (0) 394,106 46,139 (0) 16,519 (0) 25,197 98,952 1,037,931 239,528 232,281 566,122 26,751 2,899,844 2,626,214 14,201 26,385 3,005,970 2,717,197 16,274 (0) (D) 10,909 245 7,862 0 2,802 185,578 1,074,433 246,141 43,776* (0) 10,314 21,556 64,657* 42,902* 859 0 (0) (0) 828,292 11,610 93,897* 37,433 137,678 (0) (0) (D) (0) 27,313* 32,521* 14,629* 112,700 15,483 52,735 (D) (0) 28,391 (0) 263,955 327,698 129,267 44,038* 81,725* 596,383 9,673* 41,296 8,678 124,057 28,318 10,374 9,482 1,838 226,308 31,190 17,305 19,048* 0 33,512 35,037 288,773 51,621 4,569 232,583 29,088 3,165,017 2,854,093 15,688* (0) (0) 5,935* 295 2,527 0 3,385* 235,467 1,051,739 274,171 44,055* (0) 10,042 24,540 77,628* 47,432* 1,071 0 0» (0) 777,568 14,588* 92,094 43,988 123,550 (0) 141,423* (0) (D) 33,006* 29,763 15,139* 112,201 14,099 47,091* 0 9,887 28,470 (D) 284,018 345,248 143,657 47,498* 91,772* 658,572 10,033* 43,366 8,624 144,665 33,770 12,588 11,597 1,557 236,635 34,766 18,457 21,159* 0 37,223 43,877 310,924 56,519 5,003 249,402 26,599 3,495,760 3,155,624 19,571 18,748 823 7,347 (0) (0) 0 3,859 284,796 1,091,640 291,861 47,675* (D) 9,794 24,584 86,287 56,268* (0) 0 (0) 0 799,779 15,411* 90,141 45,536 128,372 (D) 118,411* (D) (D) 33,786* 26,145* 17,628* 119,291 13,075 56,755 0 11,509* 30,056 (0) 309,427 388,514 199,075 66,818* 126,165* 735,963 (0) 44,926 8,470 176,871 36,786 12,359 12,249 (0) 261,995 38,887 20,542 22,569* 0 39,923 47,514 340,136 63,813 5,607 270,716 30,872 3,925,016 3,556,756 21,212 20,244 968 9,652 (D) (0) 0 4,862 337,081 1,191,342 333,539* 54,070* (0) 8,941 26,973 102,080* 54,648* (D) 0 (0) 0 (D) 17,591* 97,886 55,047 107,967 (0) 127,757* (D) (D) 38,044* 34,947* 17,372* 127,146 (D) 60,438 0 12,088* (0) (0) 334,516 435,613 236,738 95,399* 135,868* 863,456 11,497* 52,487 8,943 197,709 38,228 46,459 12,876 1,630 300,147 43,987 22,404 24,665* 0 45,220 57,047 368,260 69,868 5,953 292,439 48,389 4,056,388 3,650,607 23,668 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income1....................................................... E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors’ income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by industry-. Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products........................... Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9.............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian............................................... Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at endof tables. (0 ) (D) 14,814* 0 (0) 0 (0) 214,563 918,590 700,126 37,272* 119,024* (») (0) (D) (D) 0 0 (0) 0 218,464 21,958 (0) (D) 11,392* (0) (D) (D) (0) (0) (0) (0) 129,916 13,790 (0) m m 39,283* 22,157* 98,907 286,145 97,384 42,952* 51,041* 433,085 8,115* 20,879 18,524 76,879 23,061 7,004 7,763* (0) (0) (0) 11,347* 10,175 (D) 20,361 43,310 815,230 174,238 224,279 416,713 m (D) (D) 46,814* 32,666* 115,512 348,198 129,425 (D) (D) 655,672 9,409* 28,663 19,096 120,685 28,868 7,915 10,855 (0) 274,979 33,973 (0) 12,031 (0) 21,018 70,134 872,459 204,385 230,270 437,804 (0 ) (D) 8,427 234 5,759 0 2,434 159,439 1,044,391 232,091 46,367* (0) 10,951 19,344 58,557* 39,501* 817 0 (0) (0) 812,300 10,096 93,066 40,031* 127,382 (D) (D) (0) (D) 27,069* 30,556 14,191* 114,846 18,579 54,464 (D) (0) 28,142 (D) 314,524 306,642 120,854 40,514* 76,744* 542,890 9,580* 34,797 8,671 99,109 25,233 11,436 8,165 1,780 218,510 29,009 15,865 15,994* 0 30,211 34,337 273,630 49,326 4,045 220,259 (0 ) (0 ) 10,347 (0) (D) 0 5,345 368,072 1,249,455 355,760* 53,219* (D) 9,035 29,015 127,691* 53,595* (0) 0 (D) 0 (0) 22,673* 101,515* 50,771 111,220 340,206 125,451* 1,830 19,783* 34,744* 42,137* 18,497* 137,288 (0) 70,177 0 15,787 (0) 7,303 279,532 428,275 210,888 111,607* 93,957* 943,082 11,840* 57,570 9,370 229,041 42,762 55,314 14,517 1,886 312,881 47,525 18,890 26,182* 0 47,435 67,642 405,781 76,557 6,213 323,011 66 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME METROPOLITAN AREAS Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] A u s tin , T X 1984 1985 (M S A ) 1986 1987 B a k e rs fie ld , C A 1988 1989 1984 1985 1986 (M S A ) 1987 1988 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e T o ta l p e rs o n a l in c o m e ...................................................................... Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm income'. .................................................. 8,952,056 10,167,889 10 ,63 7,1 21 10,867,168 11,466,021 12,348,554 5,723,149 6,224,135 6,579,013 6,877,657 7,505,365 7,948,480 8,924,589 27,467 10,129,137 38,752 10,599,017 38,104 11,412,988 53,033 5,273,951 449,198 5,735,683 488,452 6,046,866 532,147 6,273,806 603,851 6,878,543 626,822 7,394,691 553,789 Population (thousands)’ .............................................. 650.2 697.6 731.2 10,813,247 53,921 745.9 748.5 12,303,328 45,226 766.4 463.6 479.6 492.6 505.8 520.0 535.1 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o lla r s ) ........................................... 13,769 14,575 14,548 14,568 15,319 16 ,113 12,345 12,978 13,355 13,599 14,433 14,856 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social Insurance’ ............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence....................... Plus. Dividends, interest, and rent*............................... Plus: Transfer payments. ........................................... 7,283,184 381,324 -217,818 6,684,042 1,377,212 890,802 8,338,034 456,818 -276,209 7,605,007 1,572,100 990,782 8,691,389 484,472 -294,846 7,912,071 1,628,951 1,096,099 8,846,429 494,068 -283,505 8,068,856 1,608,187 1,190,125 9,264,111 523,945 -297,798 8,442,368 1,752,370 1,271,283 9,808,778 571,728 -309,278 8,927,772 2,015,930 1,404,852 4,453,988 233,640 -157,646 4,062,702 749,581 910,866 4,844,763 265,882 -163,537 4,415,344 795,888 1,012,903 5,107,597 283,304 -170,965 4,653,328 820,371 1,105,314 5,343,213 293,115 -165,687 4,884,411 821,907 1,171,339 5,827,897 332,933 -191,174 5,303,790 916,089 1,285,486 6,045,593 364,875 -186,522 5,494,196 1,066,384 1,387,900 6,030,207 518,385 734,592 24,293 710,299 6,907,695 567,734 862,605 35,674 826,931 7,155,859 608,534 926,996 35,113 891,883 7,241,622 606,757 998,050 50,817 947,233 7,550,682 648,787 1,064,642 49,980 1,014,662 7,971,627 701,492 1,135,659 42,202 1,093,457 3,305,716 326,790 821,482 307,104 514,378 3,607,429 333,184 904,150 357,371 546,779 3,756,745 347,503 1,003,349 408,907 594,442 3,867,545 358,315 1,117,353 473,556 643,797 4,221,358 398,151 1,208,388 493,390 714,998 4,447,358 425,712 1,172,523 415,509 757,014 27,467 7,255,717 5,392,020 21,728 21,549 179 64,107 69 46,997* (L) 14,024* 731,547 1,023,763 172,003 35,336 (D) 3,426 1,321 90,334 38,752 8,299,282 6,253,616 27,593 27,321 272 70,955 68* 56,182 (D) 14,707 824,968 1,152,261 200,217 38,554 (D) 3,165 1,506 103,206 (D) 2,666 0 7,226* (D) 952,044 37,845 14,884* (D) 61,419 370,735 295,498* 2,709* (D) 56,551 70,337 29,942 322,532 7,876 71,003 324 48,982 167,150 27,197 403,277 878,457 611,733 204,099 407,634 1,961,840 67,807 103,403 (D) 524,138 78,490 26,973 (D) 7,992* 385,919 186,690 (D) 69,177 (D) 92,880 340,965 2,045,666 264,561 121,128 1,659,977 38,104 8,653,285 6,519,360 28,267 27,967 300 65,604 74 (D) (L) (D) 742,647 1,197,882 218,104 36,977 (D) 3,008 1,566* 108,705 (D) 2,684 0 6,055* (0) 979,778 (0) 14,556* (D) 64,895 381,449* 309,583* 2,362* ID) 52,686 76,470 30,221 347,669 (D) 76,992 343 59,264* 173,239 29,846 424,583 889,455 682,278 223,361 458,917 2,140,975 71,434 101,029* (D) 555,155 83,714 27,767 (D) 10,936* 419,381 217,995 (D) 76,385 (D) 112,646 366,984 2,133,925 269,627 130,957 1,733,341 53,921 8,792,508 6,498,197 30,192 29,962 230 51,693 (L) 39,024 (L) 12,614 575,324 1,233,390 229,155 39,100 0 3,213 1,554* 109,417 (D) 2,846 0 9,594* (D) 1,004,235 (D) 14,370* 3,206* 54,269 389,685* 343,345* 1,664 (D) 45,387 79,700 31,561 354,690 4,246 76,345 421* 67,399* 179,007 25,319 417,430 862,501 691,409 224,926 466,483 2,281,568 78,274 106,575* (D) 588,022 84,537 31,479 (D) 12,746* 481,908 245,067 (D) 83,347 (0) 123,075 343,265 2,294,311 290,912 139,102 1,864,297 53,033 9,211,078 6,770,267 30,481 30,213 268 54,671 (L) 39,244* (L) (D) 535,495 1,379,250 248,917 39,506 (D) 4,013 1,821* 122,831 (D) 3,477 0 10,380* (D) 1,130,333 (D) 10,210* 4,589* 32,331 449,137* 397,554* (D) (0) 42,063 110,769 32,355* 363,352 4,502 76,624 527 67,804 187,969 25,926 437,005 882,701 673,404 210,876 462,528 2,413,908 74,228 (D) (D) 625,679 82,386 32,533 (D) 13,050* 551,260 280,303 (D) 74,984 (D) 137,140 311,565 2,440,811 323,184 138,370 1,979,257 45,226 9,763,552 7,167,912 32,412 32,144 268 60,572 (L) 46,330* (L) (D) 478,405 1,538,374 271,466 42,374 (D) 4,642* (D) 127,819 74,692* 3,579 0 (D) (D) 1,266,908 35,684 10,668* 6,737* 35,348 519,279* 459,866 (D) (D) 35,951 107,381* 41,186 391,281 4,950 80,066 692 (D) 205,959 (D) 456,075 917,645 661,356 207,920 453,436 2,631,792 76,013 (D) 26,014 696,636 89,167 36,924 (D) 16,001* 616,927 312,891 ID) 80,272 824 149,921 303,032 2,595,640 334,451 137,379 2,123,810 449,198 4,004,790 3,111,132 156,439 155,916 523 553,535 165 514,511 (D) (D) 348,022 310,844 152,548 36,107 (0) 1,390 ID) 17,598 14,944 66,563 0 14,140 0 158,296 5,085 (D) 8,434 14,022 32,878 1,146 55,376 2,177 35,151 (D) 808 280,770 39,081 109,339 (D) (D) 65,108 45,960 209,774 429,071 121,486 59,452 62,034 701,191 14,283 29,934 11,122 146,756 50,900 39,761 13,859 2,117 223,624 30,998 8,110 12,442 (L) 32,767 84,479 893,658 302,111 108,515 483,032 488,452 4,356,311 3,361,063 169,255 168,808 447 605,055 192 (D) 135 (D) 392,455 298,150 130,552 38,084 (D) (D) (D) 18,857 9,924 40,740 0 14,578 0 167,598 7,466 984 (D) 14,709 35,012 1,964 65,027 2,578 32,066 (D) 855 304,687 37,349 113,712 (D) (D) 70,931 55,912 241,138 448,424 131,577 61,542 70,035 770,322 14,317 35,836 11,359 169,445 54,541 36,716 11,734 2,261 241,930 36,227 8,414 13,599 76 35,600 98,267 995,248 331,601 122,388 541,259 532,147 4,575,450 3,504,858 172,944 172,462 482 514,397 131 (D) 731 (D) 457,449 306,040 132,801 35,940 (D) 2,446 (D) 20,348 10,907 40,295 0 14,551 0 • 173,239 7,019 762 (D) 13,599 30,549 2,043 78,396 2,306 33,625 (D) 911 312,585 35,043 119,617 (D) (D) 75,236 55,916 257,583 465,693 146,285 65,825 80,460 871,882 15,034 40,107 11,566 191,677 62,856 40,327 12,734 2,268 272,118 44,369 8,240 15,289 128 38,104 117,065 1,070,592 338,262 126,782 605,548 603,851 4,739,362 3,613,447 202,571 202,181 390 474,714 (L) 433,256 (D) (D) 459,261 323,254 132,655 33,709 (D) 2,542 (D) 21,715 13,540 37,584 0 15,141 0 190,599 9,524 957 (D) 12,767 29,635 2,135 88,112 2,498 40,595 (D) 1,242 312,560 33,079 119,347 (D) (D) 78,019 56,577 222,233 473,377 171,455 72,647 98,808 974,022 15,385 40,276 11,784 236,282 64,820 41,487 14,829 2,340 310,258 47,826 10,047 16,773 155 40,682 121,078 1,125,915 345,073 134,317 646,525 626,822 5,201,075 3,963,613 220,680 220,208 472 550,965 65 508,461 (D) (D) 505,920 364,100 150,200 48,292 (D) 2,664 (D) 23,189 13,967 37,234 0 15,316 0 213,900 7,391 1,480 (D) 12,677 31,311 ID) 109,833 2,846 42,442 2,886 1,553 323,867 34,138 121,573 (D) (0) 87,120 60,395 233,119 518,443 179,612 74,510 105,102 1,066,907 18,167 44,686 12,684 254,402 68,880 42,590 16,519 2,825 339,238 57,920 12,806 21,097 169 44,831 130,093 1,237,462 379,203 138,979 719,280 553,789 5,491,804 4,153,398 208,105 207,502 603 539,031 95 493,208 (D) (D) 531,662 379,342 147,210 49,234 2,096 3,083 (D) 23,902 15,389 34,611 0 (D) (D) 232,132 8,754 1,854 (D) 18,451 33,180 1,202 112,786 2,965 47,361 (D) 1,714 343,043 36,314 128,760 225 28,635 84,948 64,161 261,538 540,935 190,856 77,205 113,651 1,158,886 18,371 51,324 13,566 281,412 72,162 44,308 15,634 3,072 357,421 60,344 13,297 26,227 327 47,440 153,981 1,338,406 410,775 146,072 781,559 E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Wages and salaries................................................. Other labor income................................................. Proprietors' income6................................................ Farm.............................................................. Nonfarm......................................................... Earnings by Industry: Farm................................................................. Nonfarm............................................................. Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7....... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other7 ........................... Mining......................................................... Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Construction.................................................. Manufacturing................................................ Nondurable goods........................................ Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc. plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation*..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Retail trade................................................... Finance, insurance, and real estate........................ Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate*. ............. Services...................................................... Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Health services............................................ Legal services............................................. Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Miscellaneous services.................................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. Military....................................................... State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. m 2,290 0 6,041* (D) 851,760 39,665* 20,355* (D) 43,476 335,375 260,028 (D) 481 (0) 60,931* 26,706 275,273 (D) 66,159 239 42,252* 129,537* (D) 362,672 776,763 511,254 168,322 342,932 1,624,913 55,856 78,412 (0) 398,862 64,264 25,785 (D) 5,260* 340,291 154,700 ID) 56,491 (D) 83,658 288,574 1,863,697 225,280 118,915 1,519,502 LOCAL AREA PERSONAL INCOME 67 METROPOLITAN AREAS Table 7.— Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas by Type and Industry, 1984-89— Continued [Thousands of dollars] B a ltim o r e , M D 1984 1985 B a n g o r, M E (N E C M A ) (M S A ) 1986 1987 1984 1989 1988 1986 1985 1988 1987 1989 In c o m e b y P la c e o f R e s id e n c e 32,5 67,4 77 35,203,903 37,783,698 40,899,096 44,554,886 47,996,339 1,477,2 0 6 1,552,204 1,650,826 1,810,866 1,993,568 2,176,909 Nonfarm personal income.......................................... Farm Income1....................................................... 32,475,624 91,853 35,116,164 87,739 37,694,305 89,393 40,792,002 107,094 44,442,232 112,654 47,889,343 106,996 1,467,736 9,470 1,546,145 6,059 1,644,038 6,788 1,801,951 8,915 1,985,808 7,760 2,166,138 10,771 Population (thousands)2 .............................................. 2,238.1 2,251.6 2,284.7 2,310.6 2,342.5 2,368.2 138.4 137.8 138.5 139.4 141.4 142.9 P e r c a p ita p e rs o n a l in c o m e ( d o ll a r s ) .......................................................................... 14,551 15,635 16,538 17,700 19,021 20,267 10,673 11,2 62 11,9 23 12,989 14,102 15,239 Derivation of total personal income: Total earnings by place of work................................... Less: Personal contributions for social Insurance’ ............... Plus: Adjustment for residence.................................... Equals: Net earnings by place of residence...................... Plus: Dividends, interest, and rent’ ............................... Plus; Transfer payments............................................ 22,794,176 1,387,693 1,574,849 22,981,332 4,871,826 4,714,319 24,647,769 1,603,951 1,846,194 24,890,012 5,295,355 5,018,536 26,410,074 1,704,099 2,062,222 26,768,197 5,628,653 5,386,848 28,935,085 1,824,885 2,373,702 29,483,902 5,834,220 5,580,974 31,561,381 2,055,480 2,598,302 32,104,203 6,462,318 5,988,365 33,506,979 2,242,614 2,812,760 34,077,125 7,466,387 6,452,827 1,121,947 61,293 -43,178 1,017,476 185,124 274,606 1,180,331 67,913 -45,330 1,067,088 197,472 287,644 1,250,970 69,568 -45,215 1,136,187 211,874 302,765 1,388,557 74,790 -51,110 1,262,657 234,473 313,736 1,534,111 85,689 -55,055 1,393,367 261,743 338,458 1,648,638 95,008 -58,786 1,494,844 308,576 373,489 19,374,380 1,852,244 1,567,552 70,945 1,496,607 20,951,915 1,896,853 1,799,001 67,397 1,731,604 22,420,241 2,003,846 1,985,987 69,419 1,916,568 24,470,599 2,135,196 2,329,290 86,346 2,242,944 26,687,381 2,277,595 2,596,405 92,174 2,504,231 28,263,436 2,463,019 2,780,524 86,483 2,694,041 907,083 107,817 107,047 6,976 100,071 960,105 108,957 111,269 3,585 107,684 1,012,073 113,589 125,308 4,370 120,938 1,114,297 123,198 151,062 6,370 144,692 1,228,825 136,220 169,066 5,183 163,883 1,315,471 146,982 186,185 8,132 178,053 91,853 22,702,323 17,648,183 75,379 71,896 3,483 44,920 (0) (D) 0 (0) 1,446,996 4,055,598 1,377,113 320,635* (D) 138,444* (D) 322,524* 87,739 24,560,030 19,291,550 89,273 80,977 8,296 65,795 89,393 26,320,681 20,743,738 105,364 92,803 12,561 23,802 (0) (0) 0 (D) 1,934,632 4,173,349 1,504,801 338,860* (D) (0) (D) 360,952* 336,295* 27,358* 0 (D) (0) 2,668,548 24,779* (») (D) (D) (0) (0) 203,435* (0) 132,371* (0) (0) 1,781,061 155,915 357,423 124,787* (D) (0) (D) 1,784,501 2,609,412 1,975,137 667,651 1,307,486 6,356,480 (0) 256,564* 98,558 1,304,380 (0) 115,286* 144,416 (0) 1,943,366 509,858 (0) 165,785 (0) 198,996 801,021 5,576,943 1,994,012 521,772 3,061,159 107,094 28,827,991 22,867,448 139,791 128,111 11,680 26,578 (0) (0) 0 (0) 2,247,518 4,262,674 1,545,873 352,888 (D) 112,654 31,448,727 25,000,301 155,157 140,414 14,743 38,187 (0) (0) 0 (0) 2,496,165 4,493,750 1,642,922 368,553 (0) (0) (D) 401,865* 390,864* 32,860* 0 (0) (D) 2,850,828 35,367 (0) (0) 181,411* 328,781 106,996 33,399,983 26,529,595 165,980 151,185 14,795 40,648 290* 9,470 1,112,477 916,879 8,178 1,650 6,528 2,483 (L) 1,891 (0) (D) 56,713 330,809 261,523 9,204 19,542 (0) 166,895 10,539 (D) 3,432 0 (D) 49,594 69,286 41,832 (0) 0 1,595 10,657 10,596 (0) 6,059 1,174,272 964,653 7,451 1,758 5,693 3,045 6,788 1,244,182 1,019,502 5,656 1,857 3,799 1,515 (D 673 (0) (0) 76,365 334,696 255,880 8,044 20,856 (0) 168,879 12,783 (0) 3,581 0 0 39,440 78,816 48,659 (0) 0 855 13,522 9,199 (0) (D) 3,623 0 (0) 97,325 6,516 35,118 (D (0) 31,438 (D) 67,167 147,752 41,128 21,179 19,949 247,898 10,186 11,184 2,992 18,396 11,460 4,849 2,185 (0) 118,899 17,774 6,711 12,664 8,915 1,379,642 1,131,113 7,083 2,828 4,255 1,801 7,760 1,526,351 1,251,087 7,271 3,089 4,182 3,083 (D 1,020 (D) (0) 107,561 368,054 263,364 9,808 16,010 (D) 166,436 14,909 (D) 4,748 0 0 48,874 104,690 56,814 (D) 0 1,300 20,807 11,207 (0) (D) 5,734 0 (0) 112,043 5,357 48,387 0 (0) 24,384 (0) 85,223 185,568 54,132 25,604 28,528 328,152 11,877 14,390 3,218 29,295 15,151 5,608 3,026 (D) 157,421 22,994 7,424 14,530 (D) 11,153 30,962 275,264 38,239 8,820 228,205 10,771 1,637,867 1,331,743 8,316 3,515 4,801 1,520 (D 1,085 (D) (D) 110,578 371,186 264,988 10,040 14,237 (D) 171,106 16,717 (») 6,029 0 0 44,104 106,198 54,605 (D) 0 1,513 22,347 10,983 (0) (0) 6,155 (0) E a r n in g s b y P la c e o f W o r k Earnings by type: Proprietors' income6................................................ Nonfarm.......................................................... Earnings by industry: Private............................................................ Agricultural services, forestry, fisheries, and other7...... Agricultural services...................................... Forestry, fisheries, and other’ ........................... Mining........................................................ Coal mining............................................... Oil and gas extraction.................................... Metal mining.............................................. Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels...................... Nondurable goods......................................... Food and kindred products............................ Textile mill products................................... Apparel and other textile products................... Paper and allied products............................ Printing and publishing............................... Chemicals and allied products........................ Petroleum and coal products......................... Tobacco manufactures................................ Rubber and misc plastic products................... Leather and leather products......................... Durable goods............................................. Lumber and wood products........................... Furniture and fixtures................................. Primary metal Industries.............................. Fabricated metal products............................ Machinery, except electrical.......................... Electric and electronic equipment.................... Transportation equip, excl. motor vehicles.......... Motor vehicles and equipment....................... Stone, clay, and glass products...................... Instruments and related products.................... Miscellaneous manufacturing industries............. Transportation and public utilities.......................... Railroad transportation................................... Trucking and warehousing............................... Water transportation...................................... Other transportation8..................................... Communication............................................ Electric, gas, and sanitary services..................... Wholesale trade.............................................. Finance, insurance, and real estate......................... Banking and credit agencies............................ Other finance, insurance, and real estate9. ............. Hotels and other lodging places......................... Personal services......................................... Private households........................................ Business services......................................... Auto repair, services, and garages...................... Miscellaneous repair services............................ Amusement and recreation services..................... Motion pictures............................................ Educational services...................................... Social services............................................ Museums, botanical, zoological gardens................ Membership organizations............................... Government and government enterprises...................... Federal, civilian.............................................. State and local............................................... See footnotes at end of tables. (D) 24,474* 0 (0) (D) 2,678,485 21,777* (0) (D) 164,526* (D) (D) 209,823 (0) 151,014* (D) (0) 1,782,205 172,582 315,361 131,903* (D) (0) (0) 1,537,941 2,239,851 1,501,372 507,985 993,387 4,963,921 (0) 201,936 96,841 934,247 (D) 98,883* 113,780 14,380* 1,637,077 382,487 (D) 136,427 1,333* 180,693 573,613 5,054,140 1,995,754 431,757 2,626,629 (D) (0) 0 (D) 1,676,876 4,208,156 1,429,353 332,592* (D) 122,822* (0) 344,796* (D) 25,271* 0 (D) (0) 2,778,803 (D) (D) (D) 160,166* (0) (D) 209,199 (D) 150,685* 33,798* (D) 1,863,700 179,395 329,084 129,728* (D) (D) (D) 1,658,558 2,409,699 1,710,050 587,551 1,122,499 5,609,443 (0) 232,471* 97,786 1,112,674 (D) (D) 127,122 (D) 1,791,334 436,436 (D) 154,991 (D) 180,092 656,473 5,268,480 2,003,417 460,556 2,804,507 (D) (D) 375,313* 359,120* 28,245* 0 (D) (0) 2,716,801 29,902* (0) (0) 175,713* 268,729 1,014,045* 256,398* (0) 136,679* (D) (0) 1,815,628 138,262 375,823 119,016* (0) (D) (0) 1,912,566 2,883,235 2,367,475 741,610* 1,619,528* 7,211,983 (0) 274,798* 99,586 1,645,584 (D) 115,839* 164,628 (D) 2,248,788 556,142 0» 172,241 (0) 226,184 772,334 5,960,543 2,113,450 538,225 3,308,868 (D) 275,418* (D) 171,290* (D) (D) 1,948,392 129,338* 409,191 112,493* (D) (0) (0) 2,093,138 3,102,564 2,493,569 782,048* 1,676,226* 8,179,379 (D) 329,903* 106,833 1,895,112 (D) (D) 173,688 (D) 2,566,269 679,032 (0) 180,571 (0) 252,581 803,108 6,448,426 2,293,282 538,509 3,616,635 (D) 0 (D) 2,586,629 4,614,094 1,705,831 383,580 (0) (0) (0) 429,936* 403,363* 30,619* 0 (0) (0) 2,908,263 38,475 (0) (0) 183,200* 341,151 (0) (D) (D) 178,343* (0) (0) 2,061,226 123,079 420,021 108,576* (D) (D) (D) 2,238,230 3,283,363 2,582,502 810,566* 1,687,970* 8,956,923 (0) 372,202 113,102 2,048,784 (D) 149,602* 195,032 (0) 2,876,707 708,785 (D) 213,955 (0) 267,765 900,364 6,870,388 2,377,727 550,306 3,942,355 (»1 2,166 0 142 98,358 15,973 32,425 ID (D) 29,954 (D) 54,489 124,297 33,154 17,268 15,886 208,398 8,533 8,154 2,977 15,575 9,372 4,664 1,529 (D) 101,785 13,852 6,306 9,873 (0) 8,340 15,842 195,598 28,129 4,038 163,431 (D 2,575 (D) (0) 69,473 328,950 255,341 6,990 19,178 (0) 168,079 11,596 (0) 3,175 0 (0) 44,089 73,609 46,319 385 0 1,650 12,364 8,028 (D) (0) 2,741 (D) (0) 100,226 15,292 31,981 (D (D) 31,102 (D) 61,145 133,819 35,836 18,368 17,468 224,708 9,014 10,722 2,996 15,