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«c «? *o? / Labor and Material Requirements for Sewer Works Construction U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics 1979 Bulletin 2003 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Labor and material requirements for sewer works construction. (Bulletin - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ; 2003) Bibliography: p. Supt. of Docs. no. L 2.3:2003 1. Labor costs— United States. 2. Sewage disposal plants— United States--Costs. 3* Wages--Construction workers— United States. I. Title. II. Series: United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulletin ; 2003. HDJ+966.B89U623 338. ^ *3 78 -21^80 Labor and Material Requirements for Sewer Works Construction U.S. Department of Labor Ray Marshall, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet L. Norwood Acting Commissioner' January 1979 Bulletin 2003 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock Number 029-001-02263-8 < Preface This study of labor and material requirements for the construction of sewer facilities is one in a series of studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of various types of construction activity. The sample projects for this study were selected from among all sewer works construction projects built in the 48 contiguous States between January 1, 1969, and August 31, 1973. All of the projects received Federal funds under programs administered by the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Other published studies in this series cover highways, hospitals, schools, private one-family houses, private multifamily housing, public housing, college housing, Federal office buildings, and civil works. This study is the second one conducted on sewer works construction; the first (presented in BLS Bulletin 1490) covered projects completed during 1962-63. This study includes not only the presentation and analysis of the current survey data but also an analysis of changes in labor and materials usage since the initial survey. In addition, estimates of the employ ment impact of sewer works construction during calendar year 1976 are included. The Bureau gratefully acknowledges the generous cooperation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Mr. Robert L. Michel of the Municipal Construction Division of EPA provided invaluable assistance in the selection of the universe and sample projects from the EPA data bank. The Bureau also wishes to thank the 3,000 general and special trade contractors who provided data for the survey. This study was prepared in the Bureau’s Office of Productivity and Technology by Joseph T. Finn, assisted by Maurice G. Wright, under the supervision of Robert Ball in the Division of Technological Studies, John J. Macut, Chief. A summary of the results of this study was published in the November 1976 issue of the Monthly Labor Review (“ Labor and materials requirements for sewer works construction,” by Robert Ball and Joseph T. Finn, pp. 38-41). Material in this publication is in the public domain and may be reproduced without permission of the Federal Government. Please credit the Bureau of Labor Statistics and cite Labor and Material Requirements for Sewer Works Construction, Bulletin 2003. iii Contents Page Chapters: I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ Scope of survey ............................................................................................... Survey methods ................................................................................................................................. Nature of the industry ...................................................................................................................... 1 1 1 1 II. Highlights of the study ............................................................................................................................... General findings ................................................................................................................................. Employment estimates ...................................................................................................................... Requirements by occupation ............................................................................................................ Distribution of costs ......................................................................................................................... Regional differences ......................................................................................................................... 3 3 3 4 5 6 III. Labor requirements and characteristics ................................................................................................. Onsite .................................................................................................................................................. Labor requirements by region .................................................................................................. Labor requirements by occupation ......................................................................................... Apprentice onsite employee-hours .......................................................................................... Offsite ................................................................................................................................................. Builders’ offsite employee-hours .............................................................................................. Manufacturing ............................................................................................................................ Wholesale trade, transportation,and services .......................................................................... Mining and other industries ..................................................................................................... 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 11 11 IV. Distribution of costs and wages ............................................................................................................... Distribution of construction contractcosts ..................................................................................... Wages as a percent of contract costs .............................................................................................. Materials, equipment, and supplies ................................................................................................. 12 12 13 13 V. Comparison with previous surveys .......................................................................................................... Comparison of cost components, all sewer works construction studies ..................................... Comparison of all construction labor requirements studies ......................................................... 19 19 19 Tables: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Employee-hours per $1,000 of contest cost for sewer works construction, by industry, 1963 and 1971 ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Percent distribution and average annual rate of change of employee-hour requirements per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, by industry, 1963 and 1971 (1963 dollars) ....... 5 Onsite employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, by occupation, 1963 and 1971 ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Range of onsite employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, 1971 6 Operating engineers onsite employee-hours and percent distribution per $1,000 of contract cost, United States and regions, 1971 ......................................................................................................... 10 Apprentice employee-hours as a percent of skilled onsite employment for sewer works construction, by occupation and major construction type, 1963 and 1971 ........................................................... 11 v Contents— continued Page 7. Percent distribution of contract costs for sewer works construction, United States, 1963 and 1971, and regions, 1971 .................................................................................................................................. 8. Percent distribution of contract costs for sewer works construction by percent of contract cost expended for wages, United States, 1963 and 1971, and regions, 1971 ........................................ 9. Materials, equipment, and supplies used in sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 ................... 10. Percent distribution of materials, equipment, and supplies for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 ........................................................................................................................................................ 11. Employee-hour requirements per 1,000 current dollars of contract cost, by industry, all construction studies, 1958-73 .................................................................................................................................... 12. Percent distribution of onsite employee-hour requirements per 1,000 current dollars of contract cost, by occupation, all construction studies, 1958-73 .................................................................... 13. Percent distribution of contract costs, all construction studies, 1958-73 ........................................... 14. Percent distribution of cost of materials, supplies, and equipment, by product group, all construction studies, 1958-73 .................................................................................................................................... 12 13 14 16 20 21 22 23 Charts: 1. Employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 ............ 5 2. Percent distribution of contract costs for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 ......................... 7 3. Employee-hours per $ 1,000 of contract cost for sewer line and plant construction, 1963 and 1971 ... 11 4. Percent distribution of contract costs for sewer line and plant construction, 1963 and 1971 ........... 12 Appendixes: A. Survey scope and methods ......................................................................................................................... 24 B. Forms used for data collection .................................................................................................................. 27 C. Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 54 vi Chapter I. Introduction The BLS program of construction labor require ments studies was started in 1959 when Congress rec ognized the need for information on the possible em ploym ent-generating effects of various types of construction. Since then, the Bureau has conducted a series of studies presenting data on the total amount of employment and employee-hours, both onsite and off site, per $ 1,000 of construction expenditures and, for some studies, per 100 square feet of space. These studies provide occupational data which are important in planning for training requirements as well as in determining skill shortages or bottlenecks for various types of construction. Resurveys of a given type of construction over time can contribute information about changes in costs and productivity for onsite con struction labor. Market research analysts and compa nies manufacturing equipment and supplies are inter ested especially in lists of m aterials used for construction. Sewer works construction is a major component of construction and a prime source of employment. Jobs are created not only at the construction site but also in many manufacturing, trade, transportation, mining, and other industries which furnish the materials and services for construction. The study shows for sewer lines and treatment plants (1) the amount of labor required to complete an aver age installation; (2) detailed characteristics by contrac tor and occupation; (3) ratios per $ 1,000 of construc tion contract cost; (4) materials used by type; (5) distribution of costs; and (6) total labor requirements generated by the manufacture, sale, and delivery of these materials. The multiplier effect of jobs created by the respend ing of wages and salaries of workers and profits of contractors is not included in the present study, nor are the accelerator effects of capital expenditures. uous States during calendar year 1969 and completed by August 31, 1973. The survey covers an extended period because of the long-term nature of sewer con struction. In general, the data refer primarily to con struction during 1971. A sampling frame of over 1,500 units was developed from lists of 907 projects supplied by the Environmen tal Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The EPA list consisted of 874 projects. The HUD list consisted of 33 projects. These lists were stratified by (a) the four broad economic regions, (b) type of construction: Sewer lines, treatment plants, pumping stations, etc., (c) location: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA) or nonmetropolitan areas, and (d) construc tion contract cost class. Labor requirements for onsite construction were ta bulated from payroll data supplied by contractors and HUD and HEW regional offices. Labor requirements other than for onsite construction were developed by translating the requirements for materials, equipment, and supplies produced in the various industries of the economy into the labor expended to mine, process, transport, and distribute them. Estimates were derived by first classifying and aggregating material values by type and then deflating by an appropriate wholesale price index to match the base year of the 1963 interin dustry study of the Bureau of Economic Analysis, De partment of Commerce. These deflated values were grouped in the appropriate industry sectors in inputoutput tables to generate estimates of final demand. Sector productivity factors then were applied to derive employee-hours by industry group. Further details on survey methods are given in appendix A. Scope of survey Nature of the industry The current survey was designed to measure the number of employee-hours and the value of materials, supplies, and equipment required for each $1,000 of sewer works construction. Survey sample projects were selected from a universe of federally supported sewer works construction projects started in the 48 contig The basic function of a wastewater treatment plant has been to speed up the process of purifying water. Generally, this function is divided into three levels of treatment (primary, secondary, and advanced) requir ing different facilities to be constructed with different materials, built-in equipment, and labor requirements. Survey methods 1 dollars was $1.4 billion for 1971 compared with $2.2 billion in 1976.3 An additional indication of the economic impact of sewer works construction on the local economies can be inferred from the following data on the funding level of the EPA grant program for the construction of sewer works by State and local authorities, authorized by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Public Law 92-500). The figures reported by EPA as of February 28, 1978, show 11,587 active projects: 6,369 in Step 1 (planning) with grants of $518 million, 1,568 in Step 2 (engineering) at $376 million, and 3,650 in Step 3 (construction) at $16 billion. There were 3,731 proj ects completed under PL 92-500 (75-percent grant money), including 787 construction projects that took Federal grants of $811 million.4 According to a survey of 66 major sanitary districts in the United States which was reported in Engineering News-Record, these districts planned to spend $1.9 billion in fiscal year 1978, 73 percent more than they spent in fiscal year 1977. Almost 46 percent of the proposed expenditure was to be for new, upgraded or expanded treatment plants. When the survey was con ducted, Congress had not passed the proposed amend ments to the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act. There fo re, many sanitary districts were being very conservative when planning for fiscal 1979, and re ported plans for $1.1 billion during 1979.5During De cember 1977, the Congress approved a 5-year spending authority amounting to $24.5 billion for the grant pro gram for municipal sewage treatment plants.6 In primary treatment, large objects are screened out and remaining solids are allowed to settle from the water in tanks or ponds. In secondary treatment, wastewater is purified by aiding natural biological processes in the breakdown of organic material. Advanced treat ment is a relatively new process which goes beyond the objectives of the first two forms of treatment. Wastewater treatment in the past was aimed at clean ing up domestic and simple industrial wastes. Water pollution was then primarily a local matter, but this is no longer the case. Population and industrial growth coupled with the large-scale use of such products as chemical fertilizers, synthetic and organic pesticides, inorganic chemicals from mining, manufacturing, and agricultural sources, and other pollutants have required that wastewater in some areas be subjected to further treatment to remove or dilute these materials. Such processing is referred to as advanced wastewater treat ment (AWT). Advanced wastewater treatment plants are more efficient than other types of plants and re quire more advanced equipment.1 The value-put-in-place (VPIP) for publicly con structed sewer systems during 1971 was $1.8 billion; the comparable figure for 1976 was $5.3 billion.2 The large increase in VPIP from 1971 to 1976 reflects, to a great extent, the impact of inflation. Therefore, a com parison of the VPIP for these two periods should be made on a constant-dollar basis. The VPIP in 1967 1Advanced wastewater treatment ranges from extensions of bio logical treatment for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients to physical-chemical separation techniques such as coagulation, adsorp tion, distillation, and reverse osmosis. For a detailed explanation of sewer system facilities, refer to “A Primer on Wastewater Treat ment” by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, U.S. Department of the Interior, the forerunner of the current Environ mental Protection Agency. 2See table 1 of Report C30-74S and table 2 of Report C 30-77-10, Bureau of the Census. 3See table 2 of Report C30-74S and table 3 of Report C 30-77-4, Bureau of the Census. 4 Activities of the Grants Assistance Programs, February 1978 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), pp. 17-19. 5 Engineering News-Record, Oct. 6, 1977, p. 40. 6Engineering News-Record, Dec. 22, 1977, p. 39. 2 Chapter II. Highlights of the Study General findings The employee-hours per $1,000 of contract costs varied very little between lines and plants, as shown in table 1. For example, in 1963 dollars, $1,000 in 1971 generated 180 employee-hours for lines and 183 for plants, all industries included. The totals for the con struction sector were 72 hours for lines and 75 hours for plants. The total for other industries, however, was 108 for both lines and plants. Sewer works construction required 124 employeehours for each $ 1,000 expended on construction con tracts in 1971. (See table 1.) Fifty-one of these hours were expended in the construction sector directly, 48 of them at the site and 3 in offsite construction.**7 This compares with 204 employee-hours total, 90 construc tion (85 onsite and 5 offsite) for a similar study con ducted in 1963.8 (See chart 1.) In addition to the direct hours, 73 employee-hours were created in industries which produce, transport, and sell the materials, equipment, and supplies used in sewer works construction. For 1963, 114 hours were created in the supporting industries. (Employee-hours by type of industry are shown in table 1.) When adjusted for inflation (by applying the EPA’s cost indexes for sewer systems),9 the resulting em ployee-hours per $1,000 spent in 1971 totaled 183. The construction sector generated 75 hours, 71 onsite and 4 offsite, and the supporting industries generated 108. The average annual rate of decline of onsite hours per $1,000 in constant dollars was 2.2 percent. (See table 2.) While this is not a pure measure of onsite labor productivity, the decline does point to some im provement in productivity between the two survey pe riods. Employment estimates The $1.8 billion spent on sewer works construction in 1971 generated 116,900 full-time jobs in construc tion and in other industries supplying materials and equipment to the job site: 51,500 in construction and 65,400 in other industries. The employment distribu tion among the industry sectors was as follows: Number of full time jobs in 1971 116,900 All industries Construction ....................................... Onsite .......................................... Offsite ................... 51,500 48,800 2,700 Other industries ................................... Manufacturing .............................. 65,400 44,300 Wholesale trade, transportation, and 7 Not covered by the survey were construction inspection by government employees and installations by public utility employees. Excluded from other industry employee-hour requirements was labor generated by money spent by builders or contractors for taxes (in cluding payroll taxes) and other overhead items such as real estate commissions, rent, bonds, financing, utilities, business services, and legal and professional services. These payments probably generate little direct employment. Employment created by the respending of wages and profits of the workers and their employers—the multiplier effect—was also outside the scope of the study. 8See Roland V. Murray, “Labor and Material Requirements for Sewer Works Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, March 1966, pp. 288-90, and Labor and Materials Requirements for Sewer Works Construction, Bulletin 1490 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1966). ’ The EPA’s price indexes for sewer lines and treatment plants were used to compare the change in total employee-hours per $ 1,000 o f sewer works construction completed between 1963 and 1971 expressed in 1963 dollars. However, the change in the cost of the materials used to construct projects was measured by comparison of the wholesale price indexes for these construction materials, for the years 1962 and 1970. The assumption was made that the materials used to construct the survey projects were mostly purchased during these years. services ...................................... Mining and other .......................... 14,200 6,900 The number of full-time jobs generated by a given amount of expenditures for sewer construction has decreased in recent years because of inflation and imThe cost index used to express the employee-hours data for 1971 and 1976 in 1963 dollars is an unweighted average of the EPA price indexes of lines and plants (1967 = 100). The index values and the unweighted averages for the years 1963, 1971, and 1976 were: 1963 ............... 1971 ............... 1976 ............... Lines Plants 90.9 134.3 221.0 90.9 133.8 219.7 Unweighted average 90.9 134.0 220.4 The productivity estimate used is the inverse of the change in onsite employee-hours per $1,000, adjusted for price change, be tween 1963 and 1971. The average annual rate of change was 2.2 percent over the period. 3 Table 1. Employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, by industry, 1963 and 1971 _______________________________________________________________________________ Current dollars Sewer plants 203 1971 Sewer plants 125 Sewer plants 183 All industries ........................................... 204 124 Construction ....................................................... Onsite ........................................................... Offsite ............................................................ 90 85 5 91 86 5 88 83 5 51 48 3 49 48 1 51 47 4 75 71 4 72 71 1 75 69 6 Other industries .................................................. Manufacturing ............................................. Wholesale trade, 1 transportation, and services .................... ................................ Mining and o th e r........................................ 114 78 113 76 115 80 73 50 74 49 74 52 108 74 108 72 108 76 23 13 23 14 23 12 15 8 16 9 15 7 22 12 23 13 22 10 Total Total Sewer lines 180 Sewer lines 123 Total Sewer lines 204 1963 dollars 1971 1963 Industry 183 1 1n the input-output tables used to generate the "other industries" employment inpact, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Depart ment of Commerce, classifies lumberyards in the retail trade sector. Thus, by excluding the labor impact of retail trade in these figures, the employ ment-generating effects of materials sold to contractors by lumberyards were not counted. As a result, these figures are slightly understated. If all retail trade were included, about 4.0 employee-hours would be added to the 1963 figures and 3.0 to the 1971 data in current dollars. However, it cannot be determined what portion of these hours should be included. Lumber and wood products are used extensively in residential construc tion, but the impact for sewer works construction is less significant. For the 1972 input-output tables, BEA is planning to reclassify lumberyards selling mainly to contractors from retail trade to wholesale trade. When these data become available, future studies will be adjusted to reflect the labor-generating effects of purchases by contractors from such lumber yards. proved productivity. Estimates of the number of jobs generated in 1971 and 1976 were based on employeeyears of 1,800 hours in onsite construction and 2,000 hours in offsite construction. By these estimates, the $5.3 billion spent on sewer construction in 1976 gener ated 191,600 jobs—79,000 in construction and 112,600 in other industries.10 This is only about one and one-half times the number of construction jobs generated by the $1.8 billion spent in 1971. BLS surveys also indicate that, in 1975, funds spent on sewer plant construction created more jobs than the same amount of funds spent on school and Federal office building construction but fewer than those spent on residential construction, although the demand for workers in each occupation varies significantly with the type of construction. Estimates for 1976|i developed from the survey data, indicate that each billion dollars spent on sewer plant construction generated the equivalent of about 36,600 full-time jobs, compared with 36,500 (preliminary) for funds spent on elementary and secondary schools and j 35,500 for Federal office buildings. In residential con struction in 1976, the equivalent of about 35,500 full time jobs were created for each billion dollars spent on private single-family hpuses, 39,300 for private multi family housing, and 39,200 for public housing." NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. Data for 1963 are based on the 1963 input-output table inverse matrix and the data for 1971 are based on the 1970 tables with adjustments for productivity between 1970 and 1971. Revised data for other industries are shown for 1963. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Requirements by occupation Over 62 percent of sewer works onsite labor require ments in 1971 were accounted for by only three occu pational groups: Laborers, helpers, and tenders; oper ating engineers; and superintendents and blue-collar supervisors. These occupations provided about 74 per cent of the onsite employee-hours used to construct sewer lines and 47 percent for treatment plants. In 1963, these three groups accounted for an even larger share of all hours—over 66 percent for sewer works (see table 3). In both time periods, i.e., 1963 and 1971, the percentages of total onsite employee-hours credited to operating engineers and to laborers, help ers, and tenders were greater in lines than in plants. The percentages of onsite employee-hours provided by superintendents and blue-collar supervisors were about the same for both lines and plants in both survey peri ods. 10More workers would be employed than indicated by the full time job estimates because of the seasonal nature of employment in the construction industry. Furthermore, transients and part-time workers tend to inflate actual employment figures. Because different assumptions are used for the number of employee-hours in construc tion and in other industries, employee-hour ratios do not apply to employee-year estimates. In other industries, in 1971, employee-year estimates were 2,069 in manufacturing, 1,939 in wholesale trade, transportation, and services, and 2,135 in mining and other. In 1976, the figures were 2,053, 1,803, and 2,074, respectively. Retail trade is excluded from these estimates because purchase transactions for materials are assumed to be made at the wholesale level only. Some retail transactions are made, but the extent of such purchases in construction is not known. 11 See John G. Olsen, “Decline Noted in Hours Required to Erect Federal Office Buildings," Monthly Labor Review, October 1976, pp. 18-22; Joseph T. Finn, “Labor Requirements for School Construc tion,” Monthly Labor Review, August 1968, pp. 40-43; Robert Ball, “Labor and Material Requirements for Apartment Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, January (975, pp. 70-73; Robert Ball and Larry Ludwig, “ Labor Requirements for Construction of SingleFamily Houses,” Monthly Labor Review, September 1971, pp. 12-14; and Joseph T. Finn, “Labor Requirements for Public Housing,” Monthly Labor Review, April 1972, pp. 40-42. 4 Table 2. Percent distribution and average annual rate of change of employee-hour requirements per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, by industry, 1963 and 1971 (1963 dollars) 1963 Industry Average annual rate of change, 1963-71 1971 Total Lines Plants Total Lines Plants Total Lines Plants All industries ........................................... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 -1 .4 - 1.6 -1 .3 Construction ....................................................... Onsite ............................................................ Offsite ............................................................ 44.1 41.7 2.5 44.6 42.2 2.5 43.3 40.9 2.5 41.0 38.8 2.2 40.0 39.4 .6 41.0 37.7 3.3 -2 .2 -2 .2 -2 .7 - 2.9 - 2.3 -1 8 .0 -2 .0 -2 .2 2.3 Other industries.................................................. Manufacturing ............................................. Wholesale trade, transportation, and services ..................................................... Mining and o th e r ........................................ 55.9 38.2 55.4 37.3 56.7 39.4 59.0 40.4 60.0 40.0 59.0 41.5 - .7 .7 - .6 .7 - 11.3 6.4 11.3 6.9 11.3 5.9 12.0 6.6 12.8 7.2 12.0 5.5 - .6 -1 .0 - .0 .9 - .6 -2 .2 .8 .6 NOTE: Percents and rates of change calculated on rounded data. Detail may not add to 100.0 percent because of rounding. Distribution of costs ment. Nearly 41 percent of costs in 1971 were ac counted for by these factors. However, this represents a decline of about 6 percentage points since 1963. The most important types of materials including contrac tors’ equipment were stone, clay, glass, and concrete products; machinery except electrical; contractors’ equipment; primary metal products; and fabricated metal products. Together, these five groups of products made up 86 percent of the contract cost of all materi als, equipment, and supplies used for sewer works con struction in 1971. The same groups also accounted for Onsite labor costs accounted for about 25 percent of total contract construction costs in 1971. (See chart 2.) This was virtually the same percentage as in 1963. While onsite wages and salaries remained very stable as a percent of costs, other factors of production changed considerably in sewer works construction. The survey indicates that the largest component of contract construction costs was for materials, built-in equipment, and supplies, excluding contractors’ equip Chart 1. Employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 Employee-hours 0 20 40 60 80 ---------------------------- !------------------------- 1-------- -------------------- 1-------------------------- T Construction Manufacturing Wholesale trade, transportation, and services Mining and other 5 100 ---- 1 ings were the lowest in the South ($3.97) and highest in the Northeast ($6.35) but onsite wages and salaries as a percent of total costs for these two regions were nearly identical. The reason for this apparent produc tivity difference is that the relatively cheaper labor in the South is utilised more extensively than the rela- about 86 percent of contract costs in 1963. While contractors’ capital equipment costs increased slightly (about 1 1/2 percentage points), the overhead and profit segment increased substantially, from 18 percent in 1963 to 23 percent in 1971. The overhead and profit segment contains numerous cost elements which were not collected separately, such as labor payroll costs for office and warehouse employees, sup plemental wage benefits for onsite workers, cost of construction financing, other overhead expenses, and contractors’ profit. Data from the study were provided for the continental United States and four broad geographic regions: Northeast—Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont; North Central—Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin; South—Ala bama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Okla homa, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Vir ginia; and West—Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Regional differences Differences in construction characteristics of sewer works reflect regional conditions under which projects are erected.12For example, average onsite hourly earn Table 3. Onsite employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, by occupation, 1963 and 1971 1971 1963 To tal O c c u p a tio n All occupations....... Lines P lants Lines T o ta l Plants E m ployee hours P e rc en t d istri bution E m ployee hours P e rc en t d istri bution E m ployee hours P e rc en t d istri b ution Em ployee hours P e rc ent distri bution E m ployee hours P ercent distri bution E m ployee hours P ercent distri bution 8 4 .5 1 0 0 .0 8 5 .9 1 0 0 .0 8 2 .7 1 0 0 .0 4 8 .0 1 0 0 .0 4 8 .0 1 0 0 .0 4 7 .0 1 0 0 .0 f. Professional, technical. and clerical ................... 1 .3 1 .5 1 .0 1 .2 1 .7 2 .0 .6 1 .2 .4 .8 .9 1 .9 Superintendents and blue-collar supervisors .. 8 .2 9 .7 8 .9 1 0 .4 7 .4 9 .0 5 .6 1 1 .7 6 .1 1 2 .7 4 .9 1 0 .4 3 0 .5 3 6 .1 2 1 .8 2 5 .4 4 0 .8 4 9 .3 2 0 .5 4 2 .7 1 5 .4 3 2 .0 2 6 .5 1 .4 1 .7 1.1 1 .3 1 .7 2 .0 .5 1 .0 .1 .2 .9 1 .9 6 .5 7 .7 2.1 2 .4 1 1 .8 3 .3 6 .9 .6 1 .2 6 .7 1 4 .3 2 .8 Skilled trades ................... Bricklayers ................ C arpen ters................. Cement finishers ..... Electricians ............... Ironworkers ............... Operating engineers .. Painters ...................... Plumbers ................... Other skilled trades .. 1 4 .3 5 6 .3 1.1 1 .3 .4 .5 1 .9 2 .3 .9 1 .9 .7 1 .5 1 .3 1.3 1 .5 .1 .1 2 .7 3 .3 1 .4 2 .9 .2 .4 2 .7 5 .7 1 .6 1 .9 .3 .4 3 .2 3 .9 .9 1 .9 .1 .2 2 .1 4 .5 1 4 .7 1 7 .4 1 6 .8 1 9 .6 1 2 .1 1 4 .6 1 3 .1 2 7 .3 1 .5 9 .8 .4 2 0 .4 1 .2 .6 — .7 — .8 5 .4 1 1 .4 — — .9 1 .9 — — 3 .4 7 .2 2.1 2 .5 .3 .4 4 .2 5.1 1 .6 3 .3 1 .2 1 .4 .6 .7 1 .9 2 .3 1 .7 3 .5 .6 1 .2 3 .1 6 .6 O ile rs ................................... 2 .4 2 .8 2 .7 3 .2 2 .1 2 .5 .9 1 .9 .9 1 .9 1.1 2 .3 Pipelayers .......................... 5 .1 6 .0 8 .2 9 .6 1 .3 1 .6 2 .0 4 .2 3 .0 6 .2 .4 .9 Power and handtool op erato rs........................ 1 .2 1 .4 1 .0 1 .2 1 .4 1 .7 2 .4 5 .0 4 .0 8 .3 .3 .6 Truckdrivers ...................... 2 .7 3 .2 3 .5 4 .1 1 .7 2 .1 1 .6 3 .3 2 .0 4 .2 1 .0 2.1 Laborers, helpers, and tenders ........................... 3 3 .0 3 9 .1 3 8 .6 4 4 .9 2 6 .3 3 1 .8 1 4 .4 3 0 .0 1 6 .2 3 3 .7 1 1 .8 2 5 .1 NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. Table 4. Dash denotes no data reported. Range of onsite employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer works construction, 1971 Principal type of contract Total sewer works .............................. Total lines ............................................ Sewer lines ................................... Lift statio ns................................... Sewer lines and other ............... Total plants ........................................... Primary treatment plants .......... Secondary treatment plants .... Pumping stations ........................ Waste stabilization p o n d s ......... United States 10 10 10 27 18 19 27 19 24 28 — — — — — — — — — — 237 237 237 54 101 85 76 84 65 85 Northeast 10 10 10 27 18 24 40 27 24 — 237 — 237 — 237 — 43 — 71 — 62 — 40 — 62 — 50 — 6 South 18 18 18 32 29 39 .41 39 65 85 — — — — — — — — — — 163 163 163 54 101 85 76 84 65 85 North Central 19 28 28 44 31 19 27 19 33 — — — — — — — — — — 98 98 70 44 98 71 34 71 33 West 20 — 85 20 — 64 20 — 64 31 28 39 28 33 28 — — — — — — 61 85 50 41 35 85 tively more expensive labor in the Northeast. That is, in the Northeast, machinery and equipment are substi tuted more freely for relatively more expensive labor. Consequently, there is a large differential in the num ber of onsite employee-hours required between the two regions—43 hours per $ 1,000 of cost in the Northeast as opposed to 67 hours in the South, as shown in the following tabulation: Chart 2. Percent distribution of contract costs for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 Percent Materials, built-in equipment, and supplies Onsite employeehours per $ 1,000 of Average hourly earnings contract cost United States ... Northeast .............. North Central ........ South .................... West ...................... Onsite wages and salaries $5.35 43 39 67 39 6.35 5.92 3.97 5.77 The largest disparities among the cost factors were in construction equipment costs between the Western and the Southern regions, about 6 percent and 15 percent, respectively, materials, supplies, and built-in equip ment costs of 51 percent and 37 percent for the West ern and North Central regions, respectively, and in overhead and profit between the Southern and the North Central regions, about 16 and 29 percent, re spectively. For further details, see “ Distribution of construction contract costs” in chapter IV of this bulle tin. Overhead and profit Construction equipment 1963 48 1971 7 Chapter III. Labor Requirements and C h arac teris tic s Onsite significant variation in the onsite employee-hour re quirements. These regional differences are largely the result of the regional variation in project mix, the avail able labor supply, and the local prevailing wage rates. The high labor requirements in the South reflect the existence of a large local pool of unskilled labor and low wage rates; hence, there is a preference for the use of labor rather than construction machinery. The onsite labor hours for individual projects ranged nationally from 10 to 237 per $1,000 in sewer line construction, and for treatment plants, from 19 to 85 hours per $1,000. (See table 4.) For the United States as a whole, the variation in hours was greater in the construction of sewer lines than for treatment plants but the range varied among the regions. In the North east the onsite employee-hour spread was the same as for the United States. However, the spread was nar rower in the other regions. Onsite labor requirements per 1,000 current dollars of contract value averaged 48 hours in 1971 for sewer works at the national level. The requirements were virtually identical for lines and plants—48 and 47 hours, respectively. The comparable data for 1962-63 were 86 hours for lines and 83 hours for plants. A major portion of the decline in onsite labor hours was the result of inflationary forces and the concomitant reduction in the purchasing power of construction capital. The tabulation below compares the onsite la bor hours of the two studies on a constant-dollar basis. Employee-hours per $1,000, 1963 dollars 1962-63 1971 Average annual percent change Total ....... 85 71 -2.2 Lines ................ Plants ............... 86 83 71 69 -2.3 -2.2 Labor requirements by occupation. Forty-three percent of the onsite employee-hours required to construct sewer facilities were performed by operating engineers and other skilled tradesworkers, e.g., carpenters, elec tricians, etc. (See table 3.) Unskilled and semiskilled workers, i.e., laborers, helpers, tenders, truckdrivers, etc., accounted for 44 percent of onsite labor require ments. However, the occupational distribution of sewer line construction differs from that for treatment plants. Operating engineers were credited with 27 percent of the onsite hours required to construct sewers, whereas they performed only 11 percent of the onsite hours used to erect the treatment plants. The other skilled trades accounted for only 5 percent of the onsite labor for sewer lines. On the other hand, these trades provided 45 percent of the onsite employee-hours re quired to build treatment plants. Unskilled and semi skilled workers performed a substantial portion of the onsite employee-hours required by both types of con struction. They accounted for 54 percent of the onsite hours for sewer lines and 31 percent for treatment plants. The occupational pattern for sewer lines is one that is naturally associated with construction that requires excavating, pipe handling, and backfilling. These ac tivities call for operators of a large amount of heavy construction equipment—backhoes, cranes, trench - After removing the effects of cost inflation, onsite labor hours declined over 2 percent a year for both lines and plants. However, this decline cannot be attrib uted solely to improved efficiency in the utilization of onsite labor. Other factors involved are shifts in the mix of materials, construction methods, and characteristics of the structure. Nevertheless, there is an indication of improved onsite worker productivity. Labor requirements by region. Onsite employee-hours per $1,000 of construction cost for 1971 for each region are indicated below: Total Lines Plants 48 47 48 United States ......... Northeast ......................... North Central .................. South ............................... West ................................ 43 39 67 39 37 42 67 41 46 36 66 38 The data demonstrate that on the national level there is no significant difference between the labor require ments for sewer lines compared with treatment plants. However, except in the South, the regional data show 8 ers—in addition to a substantial amount of semiskilled and unskilled labor. This is shown by the fact that 82 percent of the onsite labor requirements for sewer line construction and only 42 percent of the onsite labor hours for the erection of treatment plants were per formed by these occupations. Regionally, the percentage distribution of onsite em ployee-hours among operating engineers, skilled tradesworkers, and semiskilled and unskilled workers generally resembled the national pattern. However, there were a few significant exceptions. In the con struction of treatment plants, the South showed rela tively greater use of operating engineers and semi skilled and unskilled workers, and less use of the other skilled tradesworkers. On the other hand, in the North Central region the relationship was reversed, as is shown in the following tabulation: Percent distribution of onsite hours for treatment plants United States South North Central Operating engineers........ 11.4 19.6 6.3 Other skilled tradesworkers.. 44.9 27.3 57.7 Semiskilled and unskilled workers.......... 31.0 36.8 26.9 tion of the total onsite employee-hours increased sub stantially in the carpentry, bricklaying, cement finish ing, and ironworking trades. (See table 6.) Offsite Offsite employee-hours represent builders’ adminis trative office and warehousing activities, and the labor to produce and distribute the materials, equipment, and supplies required at the construction site. Major categories involved are: (1) Offsite construction, (2) manufacturing, (3) wholesale trade, transportation, and services, and (4) mining and other industries either directly or indirectly involved in the production and distribution process. (See chart 3.) Offsite or indirect labor requirements are higher than onsite requirements as a percent of total labor demand and have grown larger since 1963. Offsite require ments, including offsite construction, went from 58 percent of total requirements in 1963 to 61 percent in 1971 for sewer works construction. This trend is ex pected to continue as the prefinishing of materials offsite and the use of more complex, expensive equip ment shift jobs away from the construction site to industries such as manufacturing. Builders' offsite employee-hours. Three employee- There are two other significant departures from the national averages. These occurred in regard to the use of skilled tradesworkers13in sewer line construction. In the North Central region only 1.7 percent of onsite labor hours were attributable to these occupations, compared to 9.2 percent in the West. The national average was 4.7 percent. Regional differences in the distribution of employee-hours by occupation are diffi cult to interpret. They may be due largely to the chance occurrence of projects with unusual features or to local differences in job classification. Since operating engineers made up such a large per centage of sewer works construction hours, a separate tabulation was made of labor requirements by type of operating engineer. (See table 5.) Five types of operat ing engineers—bulldozer, front-end loader, backhoe, crane-shovel dragline, and pump and compressor op erators—made up over 80 percent of this occupational group at the national level. These types of operating engineers generally are dominant in each of the four regions. hours per $1,000 of contract costs were expended in this category for sewer works in 1971.14 This includes contractors’ administrative, coordinating, estimating, scheduling, engineering (but not design work), mainte nance, site protection, and warehousing activities. The figure for 1963 was 5 hours. Both of these figures represent slightly more than 2 percent, a relatively small portion, of total labor requirements for sewer works construction. This is so because general contrac tors often limit their major responsibilities to overall coordination, scheduling, control, and supervision of construction. Manufacturing. Manufacturing was by far the largest and most important contributor of offsite employeehours because the bulk of materials, supplies, and equipment required for construction were produced in that sector. Manufacturing contributed 50 employeehours per $1,000 of contract cost in 1971 and 78 hours in 1963. This represents over 40 percent of total labor Apprentice onsite employee-hours. The 1963 survey 14Offsite construction employee-hours were estimated from the ratio of nonconstruction workers to total workers for total contract construction as shown in the March issues of Employment and Earn ings (Bureau of Labor Statistics) for the years covered or Employ ment and Earnings, United States, 1909-72, Bulletin 1312-9 (Bureau of Labor Statistics). The resulting ratio was applied to the onsite hours obtained from the survey. An adjustment was made to remove administrative and clerical hours already counted in the onsite fig ures. showed that employee-hours for apprentices as a per cent of skilled onsite employee-hours were significant mainly in the plumbing and electrical trades. The 1971 study found that, while apprentices continued to be utilized extensively in these two trades, their propor<3Other than operating engineers. 9 Table 5. Operating engineers: Onsite employee-hours and percent distribution per $1,000 of contract cost, United States and regions, 1971 Un ited S tates To tal T y p e of o p e ra tin g en g in e e r Total .......................... Bulldozer operator .......... Roller o p e ra to r................. Trencher operator ........... Front-end loader operator . Backhoe o p e ra to r............ Crane-shovel dragline operator ......................... Tractor operator .............. Pump and compressor operator ......................... Scraper operator ............. Other operating engineers ....................... Northeast Lines Em ployee hours P e rc en t o f tota l hou rs 9 .8 Plants T o ta l E m ployee hours E m ployee hours P e rc ent o f total hours E m ployee hours P e rc ent o f total hours E m ployee hou rs P e rc ent of total hours E m ployee hours P ercent o f total hours 2 0 .4 1 3 .1 2 7 .3 5 .4 1 1 .4 7 .1 1 6 .4 9 .5 2 5 .7 4 .7 1 0 .3 1 .7 3 .5 1 .9 4 .0 1 .2 2 .6 .6 1 .4 .7 1 .8 .6 1 .2 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .0 .1 .2 .2 .4 .0 .0 .4 .8 .7 1 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 .5 3 .2 2 .5 5 .0 .3 .7 1 .5 3 .5 2 .7 7 .5 .4 .8 1 .6 3 .3 2 .2 4 .5 .8 1 .6 1 .0 2 .3 1 .1 3 .0 .9 2 .0 1 .8 3 .7 2 .1 4 .4 1 .3 2 .7 1 .4 3 .3 1 .5 4 .0 1 .3 2 .9 .1 .2 .1 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 .3 2 .7 2 .1 4 .3 .3 .7 .8 1 .8 .9 2 .5 .6 1 .3 .1 .3 .2 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 .3 2 .7 1 .2 2 .6 1 .5 3 .1 1 .7 3 .9 2 .4 6 .5 .9 2.1 .0 N o rth C e ntral T o ta l Total .......................... Bulldozer operator .......... Roller o p e ra to r................. Trencher operator ........... Front-end loader operator . Backhoe o p e ra to r............ Crane-shovel-dragline operator ......................... Tractor operator .............. Pump and compressor operator ......................... Scraper operator ............. Other operating engineers ....................... Plants Lines P e rc ent o f total hours South Lines E m ployee hou rs P e rc en t o f to ta l hou rs 8 .0 P lants Em ployee hours P e rc ent o f total hours 2 0 .4 1 1 .2 1 .5 3 .8 .0 .0 .2 T o ta l Lines Plants Em ployee hou rs Percent of total hours E m ployee hours P ercent of total hours 2 6 .2 1 9 .2 2 8 .6 1 2 .9 1 9 .6 3 .5 5 .2 2 .9 4 .3 4 .7 7 .1 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .0 .0 1 .4 2.1 1 .9 2 .9 .1 .2 .1 .2 1 .8 2 .7 2 .5 3 .7 .3 .4 6 .5 .1 .2 2 .6 3 .8 2 .7 4 .0 1 .8 2 .7 2.1 5 .1 .8 2 .2 2 .4 3 .6 2 .9 4 .3 .8 1 .2 .2 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .2 .5 4 .0 5 .9 5 .3 7 .9 .3 .4 .2 .1 .3 .0 .0 .4 .6 .6 .9 .0 .0 2 .8 1 .5 3 .6 .4 1 .3 1 .5 2 .3 .3 .4 4 .9 7 .6 E m ployee hours P e rc ent o f tota l hours E m ployee hours P e rc ent o f total hours 2 6 .6 2 .3 6 .3 1 7 .6 1 .9 4 .6 .0 .0 .7 1 .9 .0 .0 .6 .4 .9 .0 1 .4 3 .7 2 .2 5 .2 1 .8 4 .6 2 .8 1 .7 4 .3 .1 .2 .1 .1 1.1 W est Lines T o ta l T o ta l............................. Bulldozer operator ............. Roller o p erato r..................... Trencher operator .............. Front-end loader operator . Backhoe o p e ra to r............... Crane-shovel-dragline o p e ra to r.......... Tractor operator ................. Pump and compressor o p e ra to r......... Scraper operator ................ Other operating engineers 10 E m ployee hours P ercent of total hours 5 .4 Plants E m ployee hou rs P ercent o f total hours E m ployee hours Percent o f total hours 1 3 .8 1 0 .7 2 6 .1 3 .2 ■ 8 .5 1 .0 2 .6 2 .7 6 .3 .3 .9 .0 .0 .0 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 1 .0 2 .6 2 .3 5 .7 .4 1 .0 .9 2 .3 2 .2 5 .4 .3 .9 1 .4 3 .7 1 .8 4 .4 1 .3 3 .4 .4 .9 .6 1 .5 .3 .7 .0 .0 .2 .5 .0 .0 .0 .0 .1 .2 .0 .0 .7 1 .7 .8 2 .0 .6 1 .6 Chart 3. Employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost for sewer line and plant construction, 19t>3 and 1971 Employee-hours Construction Manufacturing Wholesale trade, transportation, and services Mining and other works construction, about 15 employee-hours per $1,000 were generated in industries which provide transportation or other services for materials, either between processing stages or between the last stage of manufacturing and the construction site. About 23 hours were generated in 1963. Wholesale trade, trans portation, and services accounted for about 12 and 11 percent in 1971 and 1963, respectively, of total em ployee-hour requirements. In future studies, an attempt will be made to include the employee-hours expended in the retail trade sector. This would have the effect of raising labor requirements a few hours per $1,000 of contract cost. Mining and other industries. Measured in this category is the labor impact of producing materials, equipment, and supplies from mining, agriculture, communica tions, public utilities, finance, insurance, real estate, and government enterprises. This sector accounted for 8 employee-hours per $ 1,000 of contract cost for sewer works in 1971 and 13 hours in 1963, contributing about 7 and 6 percent, respectively, of total labor requirements. Tabl* 6. Apprentice employee-hours as a percent of skilled onsite employment for sewer works construction, by occupation and major construction type, 1963 and 1971 197 1 1963 O c c u p a t io n T o ta l All skilled trades .... Operating engineers ..... Carpenters ....... Plumbers .......... Ironw orkers..... Bricklayers ....... Electricians ..... Cement finishers Painters ............ Other skilled trades ............ L in e s P la n ts T o ta l L in e s P la n ts 3.5 0.1 5.9 2.2 1.1 2.9 .3 6.3 7.8 2.6 4.6 13.4 .1 — 6.2 .7 — 3.6 1.0 7.0 7.8 2.6 5.5 14.2 .2 2.0 8.9 1.4 1.5 14.1 .4 4.6 18.9 — 1.5 8.0 1.6 2.7 14.5 3.9 2.6 1.0 1.7 6.8 5.2 2.3 2.5 5.5 — — .2 — — 8.3 — — .4 1.2 1.8 7.1 requirements in 1971 and about 38 percent in 1963. Important components of this sector are stone, clay, glass, and concrete products; construction equipment; and machinery, except electrical. Wholesale trade, transportation, and services. For sewer 11 Chapter IV. Distribution of Costs and Wages Distribution of construction contract costs Chart 4. Percent distribution of contract costs for sewer line and plant construction, 1963 and 1971 The distribution of costs in 1971 was as follows: 25 percent for onsite wages and salaries, 52 percent for materials, supplies, and equipment, and 23 percent for overhead and profit. (See table 7.) The cost distribu tion varied only slightly between lines and plants. (See chart 4.) However, there was a major difference in cost components between lines and plants regarding the use of construction equipment as opposed to materials, supplies, and built-in equipment. Construction equip ment accounted for about 17 percent of the cost for lines and about 6 percent for plants. On the other hand, materials, supplies, and built-in equipment accounted for a much larger share for plants than for lines, i.e., about 47 and 35 percent, respectively. Onsite labor costs as a percent of total cost for sewer line construction did not change between 1963 and 1971. Materials, equipment, and supplies declined to 51.9 percent in 1971 from 55.7 percent in 1963, while the percentage allocated to profit and overhead in creased to 23.8 percent from 20.0 percent. A similar shift in the allocation of the construction costs occurred for treatment plants surveyed. Onsite labor costs decreased only slightly, to 25.2 percent in 1971 from 26.6 percent in 1963. On the other hand, the share of m aterials, equipm ent, and supplies dropped to 52.6 percent in 1971 from 57.4 percent in 1963. Profit and overhead climbed to 22.2 percent in 1971 from 16.0 percent in 1963. The total cost allotted to materials, equipment, and Table 7. Materials, built-in equipment, and supplies Onsite wages and salaries Overhead and profit Construction equipment Percent distribution of contract costs for sewer works construction, United States, 1963 and 1971, and regions, 1971 R e g io n s . 1971 U n ite d S ta te s 1963 Type of cost T o ta l L in e s N o rth e a s t 197 1 P la n ts Total expenditures . 100.0 100.0 100.0 Onsite wages and 25.3 24.3 26.6 sa laries..................... Materials, built-in equipment, and 46.6 44.5 49.2 supp lies.................... Construction eq u ip m e n t............... 9.9 11.2 8.2 Overhead and profit i ... 18.2 20.0 16.0 T o ta l L in e s P la n ts 100.0 100.0 100.0 T o ta l L in e s N o r th C e n t r a l P la n ts 100.0 100.0 100.0 T o ta l L in e s P la n ts 100.0 100.0 100.0 S o u th T o ta l L in e s W est P la n ts 100.0 100.0 100.0 T o ta l L in e s P la n ts 100.0 100.0 100.0 24.7 24.3 25.2 26.0 24.1 27.4 23.4 24.2 21.8 25.5 25.3 26.0 22.2 21.2 22.6 40.7 35.2 47.0 37.9 35.1 39.8 36.5 29.0 51.3 43.2 39.2 53.5 50.6 41.4 54.2 11.5 23.1 16.7 23.8 5.6 22.2 11.7 24.4 19.1 21.7 6.5 26.3 10.8 29.3 14.5 32.4 3.6 23.3 15.0 16.3 17.9 17.6 7.4 13.1 5.8 21.4 10.8 26.6 3.8 19.3 i Overhead costs include salaries of offsite workers, supplemental benefits, interest expense, bonding, office expense, inventory and other overhead and miscellaneous expenses. NOTE: Detail may not add to 100.0 percent because of rounding, 12 supplies declined by 6.8 percent for sewer lines and 8.4 percent for plants. (For more detailed description of material costs, see next section.) However, the profit and overhead portion increased by 19 percent for sewer lines and 38.7 percent for plants. This sharp change in the relative position of these components is largely the result of differential shifts in costs among the various categories. The cost of sewer works con struction increased over 47 percent between the two survey periods, as measured by the EPA price indexes for sewer lines and treatment plants, while the whole sale price index for all construction materials rose only 20 percent. The cost distributions for the regions were similar to the distribution for the Nation, but there were some differences. The North Central region showed the greatest proportion of contract dollars allotted to over head and profit for sewer lines (32.4 percent). The South had the lowest percentage in that cost category for both sewer lines and plants: 17.6 and 13.1 percent, respectively. In both regions, the materials, equipment, and supplies cost component exhibited the same in verse relationship with the profit and overhead compo nent that was observed nationally: As one decreased the other increased. The survey did not provide infor mation regarding the items included in overhead. One of these items would be the cost of fringe benefits received by the worker. These benefits would tend to be less costly in an area like the South, where unions are not strong, than in the more highly unionized areas, such as the North Central region. The variation in the level of fringe benefits may partially explain the fact that the percentages of the total contract cost allotted to profit and overhead in the regions differ markedly. A definitive explanation of this situation cannot be made without further research. construction in class intervals by percent of construc tion contract amount allocated to onsite wages, the class with the greatest percent of the weighted total contract value (the modal class) was usually 20 to under 30 percent. (See table 8.) The exceptions were the Northeast and the West for sewer line construction where the modal class was 10 to under 20 percent. However, at the national level the modal class for both lines and plants was 20 to under 30 percent in 1963 and 1971. Materials, equipment, and supplies The total of all expenditures for materials, supplies, and equipment per $1,000 of construction contract cost for sewer works construction in the 1971 survey was $522.01 (table 9), a decline of $42.69 or 7.6 percent from the previous study. The cost of materials, equipment, and supplies for lines in 1971 was $519.23; the cost for plants was $525.20. These represent de creases since 1963 of 6.8 and 8.5 percent, respectively. Materials, equipment, and supplies used in sewer works construction accounted for 52.2 percent of each $1,000 of construction contract cost (table 10). For lines it was 51.9 percent and for plants 52.5 percent. The comparable data for 1963 were: All sewer works construction, 56.5 percent; lines, 55.7 percent; and plants, 57.4 percent. These declines were largely the result of the increase in the proportion of the construction dollar represented by other cost factors, primarily costs allocated to profit and overhead. The distribution of materials shown in table 10 indi cates the relative importance of the various product groups. The stone, clay, glass, and concrete products category ranked first with 29 percent of the total prod uct value for sewer works constructed in 1971; con tractor equipment was second with 22 percent. This group was followed by machinery except electrical, 18 percent; primary metal products, 9 percent; and fabri- Wages as a percent of contract coats When the percent distribution of the weighted total cost of all contracts was arrayed by region and type of Tabie 8. Percent distribution of contract cost for sewer works construction by percent of contract cost expended for wages, United States, 1963 and 1971, and regions, 1971 Regions, 1971 United States 1971 1963 Wages as a percent of Northeast North Central South West Lines Plants Lines Plants Lines Plants Lines Plants Lines Plants Lines Plants Total ................. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Under 1 0 ...................... 10 and under 20 ....... 20 and under 30 ........ 30 and under 40 ........ 40 and under 50 ........ 2.5 30.8 47.2 15.8 3.7 1.1 8.7 61.5 28.4 .3 .4 25.0 65.9 8.7 0.0 0.0 19.9 63.4 14.7 2.0 0.0 49.5 35.1 15.4 0.0 0.0 9.8 62.8 23.1 4.4 0.0 5.8 87.4 6.8 0.0 0.0 26.7 61.1 12.2 0.0 1.1 14.2 82.6 2.1 0.0 0.0 16.0 71.1 12.9 0.0 0.0 57.2 21.4 21.3 0.0 0.0 39.0 81.0 0.0 0.0 contract cost NOTE: Detail may not add to 100.0 percent because of rounding. 13 cated metal products, 8 percent. These product groups ranked in the same order with regard to sewer works construction in 1963. As would be expected, the various construction products that were used to construct sewer lines were used in proportions that differed sharply from those required to erect sewage treatment plants. The follow ing tabulation shows the percent of the total made up by the leading groups of materials, equipment, and supplies used to construct sewer works in 1971: Product group Total .................... Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products ........ Contractor equipment ..... Primary metal products .... Petroleum refining and related products ........... Machinery, except electrical ..................... Fabricated metal products . All other ......................... equipment for lines. Several factors can account for these shifts. In addition to the general decline in mate rials costs for a given unit of costs (i.e., $ 1,000), substi tution of one type of material for another and relative price changes can account for the change. Total materials, equipment, and supplies used to construct sewer works break down into 11 major groups. The expenditures for six of these groups in creased between 1963 and 1971 while the expenditures for the remaining five groups decreased during the same period. The decreases were sufficiently large to offset the increases that occurred in the remaining six groups. The following tabulation lists selected products that showed significant shifts between 1963 and 1971 in value per $ 1,000 of contract cost of the total materials, equipment, and supplies used to construct sewer lines and plants: Percent 1971 change 1963 Sewer lines Treatment plants 100 100 41 32 7 16 11 11 5 1 4 2 9 34 14 13 Over 50 percent of the value of the stone, clay, glass, and concrete products used to construct sewer lines consisted of concrete pipe. A comparatively insignifi cant amount of concrete pipe went into the erection of the sewage treatment plants. The leading product group used for treatment plants, machinery except electrical, consisted largely of built-in sewage process ing equipment. There were a few significant shifts in the distribution of the major groups of materials, supplies, and equip ment between 1963 and 1971. There was a decline in the percentage allotted to stone, clay, glass, and con crete products for lines; an increase in the proportion spent on machinery, except electrical, for plants; and an increase in the proportion spent on contractor Table 9. Sewer lines: Asphalt paving ............. $7.40 $15.06 + 104 Asbestos cement pipe .... 7.20 14.31 + 99 Contractor equipment ... 112.50 Pumps, compressors, and pumping equipment ... 15.80 Reinforcing rods and 4.70 bars-joist ................... 167.28 + 49 Sand and gravel ........... 22.80 Treatment plants: Steel pipe ..................... 6.70 Asphalt paving ............. 1.60 Chlorinators ................. 2.40 Electric meters and measuring equipment . 3.90 Mechanical collectors .... 34.10 Power distributors and specialty transformers . 4.30 2.84 — 82 2.69 - 43 14.75 - 35 12.41 2.72 3.78 + 85 + 70 + 58 .87 8.47 1.72 78 — 75 ___ — 60 Materials, equipment, and supplies used In sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 Per $1,000 of contract cost 1963 Item Total materials, equipment, and supplies................ Total Lines $564.70 $557.20 1971 Plants Total Lines Plants $573.90 $522.01 $519.23 $525.20 Materials, built-in equipment, and supplies Total materials, built-in equipment, and supplies 466.10 444.70 492.10 406.80 351.95 469.57 Agricultural products................... N ursery..................................... 1.00 1.00 .40 .40 1.80 1.80 1.08 1.08 1.28 1.28 .84 .84 Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals except fuels .............................................. Sand and gravel ..................... Other nonmetallic minerals except fuels ........................ 20.10 17.70 25.90 22.80 13.00 11.50 12.22 10.06 17.80 14.75 5.83 4.70 2.40 3.10 1.50 2.16 3.05 1.13 14 Table 9. Materials, equipment, and supplies used in sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971—Continued Per $1,000 of contract cost 1971 1963 Item Total Lines Plants Total Lines Plants Materials, built-in equipment, and supplies Lumber and wood products except furniture ......................... Dimension lumber ................ Other lumber and wood products .............................. 6.70 5.40 4.40 4.20 9.40 6.90 10.28 5.81 7.96 3.13 12.92 8.87 1.30 .20 2.50 4.47 4.83 4.05 3.60 1.80 1.10 2.00 1.30 .10 5.60 2.50 2.40 5.28 2.79 1.12 5.93 4.99 .06 4.56 .29 2.34 .70 .60 .70 1.37 .88 1.93 14.00 16.80 10.60 16.44 25.03 6.54 8.70 4.80 .50 9.20 7.40 .20 8.00 1.60 1.00 6.45 9.30 .69 9.38 15.06 .59 3.14 2.72 .68 214.50 88.00 29.80 2.50 6.00 311.30 147.40 16.30 2.40 7.20 96.30 15.70 46.30 2.70 4.50 151.22 64.48 24.99 1.29 9.05 211.71 108.05 16.81 .49 14.31 82.03 14.82 34.35 2.20 3.04 88.20 138.00 27.10 51.41 72.05 27.62 Primary metal products ............... Cast iron p ip e ......................... Steel p ip e ................................. Structural s te e l....................... Cast iron products (manholes, etc.) .................. Fence posts, fencing ............ Other primary metal products .......................... 64.20 34.10 8.00 8.80 49.00 28.50 9.00 .70 83.10 41.00 6.70 18.70 47.98 23.05 10.55 6.17 38.32 20.15 8.93 1.05 58.94 26.38 12.41 12.02 5.50 1.80 8.80 .50 1.40 3.40 3.51 2.21 5.31 .96 1.45 3.61 6.00 1.50 11.90 2.49 1.92 3.07 Fabricated metal pro d u c ts.......... Reinforcing rods and bars; joist ....................................... Pipe fittings and plumbing fixtures ................................. Metal plate products ............ Fabricated metal plate products .............................. Metal doors, windows, and fra m e s ................................... Other fabricated metal products ............................... 41.50 13.30 75.50 39.84 11.43 72.85 15.30 4.70 28.20 10.94 2.69 20.83 8.30 4.20 2.30 1.70 15.70 7.30 9.42 1.94 1.61 .04 18.36 4.13 3.40 .60 6.70 1.62 .08 3.39 2.50 .80 4.60 1.74 .08 3.66 7.80 3.20 13.00 14.18 6.93 22.48 Machinery, except ele ctrica l....... Sewage "packaged" eq u ip m e n t........................... Other sewage injector and disposal equipm ent........... Blowers, exhaust and ventilating fans ................... Chlorinators............................ Pumps, compressors, and pumping eq uip m ent.......... Collectors, m echanical......... Digesters, clarifiers............... D iffusers................................... Other machinery, except ele ctrica l.............................. 66.40 16.80 128.20 94.55 23.29 176.01 N.A. N.A. N.A. 32.59 19.35 47.75 N.A. N.A. N.A. 10.05 0) 21.54 2.40 1.10 .20 0) 5.00 2.40 1.02 1.82 .23 .11 1.93 3.78 27.20 15.40 10.00 5.10 15.80 0) .10 (D 41.00 34.10 22.10 11.40 15.44 3.96 11.69 3.09 2.84 .01 .07 .08 29.86 8.47 24.98 6.52 5.20 .70 12.20 14.89 .60 31.18 26.80 4.10 54.60 19.26 5.33 35.31 1.56 1.43 1.72 Chemical and allied products..... Dynamite and caps ............... Paint ......................................... Other chemical and allied products ............................... Petroleum refining and related products ...................................... Fuels, diesel fuel, gas, oil, grease ................................... Asphalt paving ....................... Other petroleum products ... Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products ...................................... Concrete p ip e ......................... Ready mixed concrete ......... Concrete b lo c k ....................... Asbestos cement pipe .......... Other stone, clay, glass, and concrete prod ucts............. Electrical machinery, equipment. and supplies................................ Power distribution and specialty transformers ...... Electrical switchboards and panel b o a rd s ....................... Electric motors and ge nerators........................... 1.90 4.30 d) 12.80 1.40 26.80 6.96 1.48 13.64 1.40 .20 3.00 1.95 1.14 2.88 15 Table 9. Materials, equipment, and supplies used in sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971—Continued Per $1,000 of contract cost 1971 1963 Item Total Lines Total Plants Lines Plants Materials, built-in equipment, and supplies Electric meters and measuring equipment ....... Conduit and conduit fittings Current-carrying devices ..... Lighting fixtures and nonelectric lamps and b u lb s ..................................... Other electric equipment and supplies ............................... All other types of materials, builtin equipment, and supplies ..... 2.10 1.60 1.20 .60 .40 .20 3.90 3.20 2.40 .51 1.69 .47 .20 .28 .15 .87 3.31 .84 1.00 .20 2.10 1.15 .07 2.38 4.80 1.10 8.90 4.97 .58 9.67 7.30 .70 14.00 8.65 3.87 13.74 Contractor equipment Total, contractor equipment2 ...................... Drill rigs .......................................... Front-end loaders ......................... Trucks .............................................. Power cranes, drag lines, shovels......................................... Tractors and bulldozers .............. Other ................................................ 98.60 112.50 81.80 115.21 167.28 55.63 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 29.54 16.12 11.98 46.70 26.89 17.20 9.87 3.78 6.03 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 15.44 14.24 27.89 18.36 16.96 41.17 12.11 11.13 12.71 t insufficient data. 2 Rental value if rented, depreciation or equivalent rental value if owned. NOTE: Dollar figures for 1963 are rounded to the nearest 10 cents, Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. N.A. = Not available. Table 10. Percent distribution of materials, equipment, and supplies for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971 Percent Total Total materials. equipment, and supplies................ 1971 1963 Item 100.0 Plants Lines 100.0 100.0 Total 100.0 Lines 100.0 Plants , * .; . . ' {,.-V ,• 100.0 Materials, built-in equipment, and supplies * 82.54 79.81 85.75 77.93 67.78 89.41 Agricultural products.................... Nursery products .................. .18 .18 .07 .07 .31 .31 .21 .21 .25 .25 .16 .16 Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals except fuels .............................................. Sand and gravel ..................... Other nonmetallic minerals except fuel .......................... 3.56 3.13 4.65 4.09 2.27 2.00 2.34 1.93 3.43 2.84 1.11 .89 .43 .56 .26 .41 .59 .22 1.19 .96 .79 .75 1.64 1.20 1.97 1.11 1.53 .60 2.46 1.69 .23 .04 .44 .86 .93 .77 .64 .32 .19 .36 .23 .02 .98 .44 .42 1.01 .53 .21 1.14 .96 .01 .87 .06 .45 .12 .11 .12 .26 .17 .37 2.48 3.02 1.85 3.15 4.82 1.25 .54 .85 .09 1.65 1.33 .04 1.39 .28 .17 1.24 1.78 .13 1.81 2.90 .11 .60 .52 .13 Total materials, built-in equipment, and supplies . Lumber and wood products except furniture ......................... Dimension lumber ................ Other lumber and wood products .............................. Chemical and allied products..... Dynamite and caps ............... Paint ......................................... Other chemical and allied products .............................. Petroleum refining and related products ...................................... Fuels, diesel fuel, gas, oil, and grease .......................... Asphalt paving ....................... Other petroleum products ... 16 Table 10. Percent distribution of materials, equipment, and supplies for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971—Continued Percent Item 1971 1963 Total Lines Plants Total Lines Plants Materials, built-in equipment, and supplies Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products ...................................... Concrete p ip e ......................... Ready mixed concrete ......... Concrete b lo c k ....................... Asbestos cement pipe .......... Other stone, clay, glass, and concrete p rod ucts............. 37.98 15.58 5.28 .44 1.06 55.87 26.45 2.93 .43 1.29 16.78 2.74 8.07 .47 .78 28.97 12.35 4.79 .25 1.73 40.77 20.81 3.24 .09 2.76 15.62 2.82 6.54 .42 .58 15.62 24.77 4.72 9.85 13.88 5.26 Primary metal prod ucts............... Cast iron p ip e ......................... Steel p ip e ................................. Structural s te e l....................... Cast iron products (manhole covers, etc.) ........................ Fence posts, fencing ............ Other primary metal products .............................. 11.37 6.04 1.42 1.56 8.79 5.11 1.62 .13 14.48 7.14 1.17 3.26 9.19 4.42 2.02 1.18 7.38 3.88 1.72 .20 11.22 5.02 2.36 2.29 .97 .32 1.58 .09 .24 .59 .67 .42 1.02 .18 .28 .69 1.06 .27 2.07 .48 .37 .58 Fabricated metal prod ucts.......... Reinforcing rods and bars; joist ....................................... Pipe fittings and plumbing fixtures ................................. Metal plate products ............ Fabricated metal plate products .............................. Metal doors, windows, and fra m e s ................................... Other fabricated metal products .............................. 7.35 2.39 13.16 7.63 2.20 13.87 2.71 .84 4.91 2.10 .52 3.97 1.47 .74 .41 .31 2.74 1.27 1.80 .37 .31 .01 3.50 .79 .60 .11 1.17 .31 .02 .65 .44 .14 .80 .33 .02 .70 1.38 .57 2.27 2.72 1.33 4.28 Machinery, except ele ctrica l....... Sewage "packaged" equipment ........................... Other sewage injector and disposal equip m ent........... Blowers, exhaust and ventilating fans ................... C hlorinators............................ Pumps, compressors, and pumping equip m ent.......... Collectors, m echanical......... Digesters, clarifiers............... D iffusers................................... Other machinery, except ele ctrica l.............................. 11.76 3.02 22.34 18.11 4.49 33.51 N.A. N.A. N.A. 6.24 3.73 9.09 N.A. N.A. N.A. 1.93 (1) 4.10 .43 .19 .04 (i) .87 .42 .20 .35 .04 .02 .37 .72 4.82 2.73 1.77 .90 2.84 <1) .02 0) 7.14 5.94 3.85 1.99 2.96 .76 2.24 .59 .55 (2) .01 .02 5.69 1.61 4.76 1.24 .92 .13 2.13 2.85 .12 5.94 4.75 .74 9.51 3.69 1.03 6.72 .34 0) .75 .30 .28 .33 2.27 .25 4.67 1.33 .29 2.60 .25 .04 .52 .38 .22 .55 .37 .28 .21 .11 .07 .04 .68 .56 .42 .10 .32 .09 .04 .05 .03 .17 .63 .16 .18 .04 .37 .22 .01 .45 .85 .20 1.55 .95 .11 1.84 1.29 .13 2.44 1.66 .75 2.62 Electrical machinery, equipment. and supp lies............................... Power distribution and specialty transformers ...... Electrical switchboards and panel b o ard s....................... Electrical motors and ge nerators........................... Electrical meters and measuring eq u ip m e n t....... Conduit and conduit fittings . Current-carrying devices ..... Lighting fixtures and nonelectric lamps and bulbs .. Other electric equipment and supplies ............................... All other types of materials, builtin equipment, and su pp lies.... i 17 Table 10. Percent distribution of materials, equipment, and supplies for sewer works construction, 1963 and 1971—Continued Percent 1971 1963 Item Total Lines Plants Total Lines Plants Contractor equipment Total, contractor equipm ents.......................... Drill rigs .......................................... Front-end loaders ......................... Power cranes, drag lines. shovels......................................... Tractors and bulldozers .............. Trucks .............................................. Other ................................................ 17.46 20.19 14.25 22.07 32.22 10.59 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 5.66 3.09 8.99 5.18 1.88 .72 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.96 2.73 2.29 5.34 3.54 3.27 3.31 7.93 2.31 2.12 1.15 2.42 1 1nsufficient data. Less than .01 percent. 3 Rental value if rented, depreciation or equivalent rental value if owned. N.A. = Not available. 2 NOTE: Detail may not add to 100.0 percent because of rounding, i 4 18 Chapter V. Comparison with Previous Surveys Comparison of cost components, all sewer works construction studies Employee-hour requirements for sewer works con struction during 1971 were higher than those required for federally aided highways during 1973. (See table 11.) These two types of construction are roughly com parable. Comparison of the percent distribution of the onsite employee-hour requirements for the various types of construction (table 12) shows that sewers and high ways have in common extensive use of operating engi neers. They fulfilled over one-fourth of all labor re quirements for highways and over one-fifth for sewer works. For sewer lines the figure is even higher, over 27 percent. This reflects the heavy use of construction equipment for these projects, as shown in table 13. Comparison of cost figures in table 13 shows that the percentage of total costs expended for onsite wages and salaries was virtually identical for sewer works and highways. Materials, supplies, and built-in equipment, however, represented a slightly larger proportion of total costs for highways than for sewer works. The cost of construction equipment, while not available sepa rately for highways, is a substantial portion of total costs for both of these activities. The figure for high ways is estimated to be relatively close to the figure for sewer works, about 12 percent. The heavy use of construction equipment for high ways has to be inferred from a comparison of the percent of contract costs that is allocated to the com bined contract cost category, “ construction equipment and overhead and profit,” for sewer works and high ways. This analysis is necessary because construction equipment for highways is included in the contract cost category “overhead and profit.” Table 14 also demonstrates that in both highways and sewer works projects a comparatively large propor tion of the cost of materials, supplies, and equipment is allocated to construction equipment. A higher percentage of all materials, equipment, and supplies was expended for stone, clay, glass, and con crete products for sewer works than for highways. Of course, a large proportion, over one-fifth, of sewer works expenditures for materials was for machinery and built-in equipment for which there was no equiv alent expenditure for highways. A much larger propor tion for highways, on the other hand, was spent on petroleum products (asphaltic tars and pitches, bitu The earliest BLS studies of labor and material re quirements for sewer works construction were for 1934, 1940, and 1949.15 Differences in scope, sam pling, classification, and data collection between these earlier studies and the latest two studies limit the use fulness of comparisons. However, some generalizations seem reasonable. For 1963 and 1971, onsite wages as a percentage of the total contract costs have declined from the earlier stud ies. The percentage of combined overhead and profit appears to be increasing. The materials, supplies, and built-in equipment category is decreasing as a percent of total costs. Percent distribution of sewer works construction contract cost 1934 1940 1949 1963 1971 Total costs ............. Onsite wages and salaries .. Materials, supplies, and built-in equipment ........ Overhead and profit and other costs, including construction equipment . 100 100 100 100 100 26 30 32 25 25 51 50 44 47 41 23 20 24 28 35 Comparison of ali construction labor requirements studies Total labor requirements for sewer works were lower than for all other types of construction studied except highways. The major disparity between sewer and high way construction was in the higher indirect require ments for sewer works, indicating the greater amount of embodied labor in the more expensive, complex materials and equipment used. i 15“Relative Cost of Material and Labor in Construction of Water and Sewage System,” Monthly Labor Review, January 1935 (based on data collected about 1934), pp. 145-46; “Expenditures for Labor and Material and Man-Hours of Labor Created per $1 Million of Contracts Awarded for Sewers and Sewage Systems,” BLS release, November 1944 (based on data collected about 1940); “Expendi tures per Million Dollars for Construction of New Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Systems,” BLS release, May 1951 (based on data for 1948-50). 19 highways), and mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals (gravel, stone, clay, etc.). mens, etc.), fabricated metal products (structural steel for bridges and steel bars and mesh for reinforcing Table 11. 1958-73 Employee-hour requirements per 1,000 current dollars of contract cost, by industry, all construction studies, Manufac turing Wholesale trade, transportation, and services Mining and all other 3 1 4 50 49 52 15 16 15 8 9 7 43 7 N.A. N.A. 114 137 160 178 44 52 80 76 6 10 14 10 37 41 42 64 18 20 16 18 8 14 , 8 10 1964-65 188 72 9 65 26 15 H 9 6 2 -6 3 11962-63 11962-63 204 204 203 , 85 86 83 5 5 5 78 76 80 23 23 23 Multifamiiy housing .. Single-family housing . College housing ....... General hospitals .... Public ho using.......... 1971 H962 H 960-61 11959-60 11959-60 126 203 226 224 237 50 72 94 89 '114 8 12 11 11 12 43 61 72 76 62 15 31 31 31 29 Civil works: Land projects.... Dredging ............ i 1959-60 i 1959-60 201 238 85 134 4 10 53 57 35 24 24 14 11959 222 86 10 74 33 ■ 19 H959 228 97 10 72 31 17 11958 237 97 10 66 39 ■ 24 Type of construction Second studies: Sewer works ............. Lines ................... P la n ts .................. Federal office buildings ................ Federally aided highw ays................ ! Single-family housing . Public housing.......... General hospitals .... Elementary and secondary schools .. Initial studies: Sewer works ............. Lines ................... P la n ts .................. Elementary and secondary schools .. Federal office buildings ................ Federally aided highw ays................ Year of construc tion Total, all industries Onsite construc tion 1971 1971 1971 124 123 125 48 48 47 1973 N.A. 1973 1969 1968 1965-66 Offsite construc tion i ■ 11ndirect data revised from original study results due to reprocessing materials through improved input-output tables. NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding, N.A. — Not available. 20 N.A. 13 14 12 •. • i C ' 10 26 18 18 r‘ 20 . Table 12. Percent distribution of onsite employee-hour requirements per 1,000 current dollars of contract cost, by occupation, all construction studies, 1958-73 Year of con s tru c tio n T ype of c o n s t r u c t io n A ll occupa tio n s A d m in is tr a tiv e and s u p e r v is o ry O p e r a t B r ic k la y e rs C a rp e n te rs Ir o n E le c tr ic ia n s w o rke rs ing e n g i n e e rs P la s P a in te r s te r e r s and la th e rs P lu m b e rs and p ip e fitt e r s O th e r O th e r s k ille d con L a b o rers , h e lp e r s , s tr u c tio n and te n d e r s tra d e s occupa tio n s (in c lu d in g tru c k d riv e r s ) S e c o n d s tu d ie s : S e w e r w o rk s : T o t a l ................ L in e s ............... 197 1 1 0 0 .0 1 2 .9 1971 1 0 0 .0 1 3 .5 1 .0 .2 6 .9 1 .2 2 .9 .4 1 .9 .2 2 7 .3 — P la n ts ............. 1971 1 0 0 .0 1 2 .3 1 .9 1 4 .0 5 .7 4 .5 1 1 .5 1 .9 1973 N .A . N .A . N .A . N .A . N .A . N .A . N .A . N .A . h i g h w a y s ....... S in g le -f a m ily 1973 1 0 0 .0 5 .9 6.1 1.1 2 .5 2 5 .5 .3 h o u s in g ......... 1969 1 0 0 .0 2 .8 5 .7 3 4 .9 3 .0 1 .8 7 .3 1 .7 P u b lic h o u s in g . 1968 1 0 0 .0 3 .6 7 .8 2 0 .3 5 .8 3 .5 3.1 4 .9 3 .0 1 9 6 5 -6 6 1 0 0 .0 3 .2 5 .0 1 3 .0 9 .9 3.1 1 .8 2 .6 1 9 6 4 -6 5 1 0 0 .0 3 .6 9 .2 1 6 .5 7 .3 3.1 2 .7 3 .5 2 0 .4 .8 1 4 .4 3 .3 5 .4 — 3 .0 3 0 .0 3 3 .7 2 0 .6 7 .2 9 .8 25.1 5 .9 N .A . N .A . N .A . N .A . .2 1 8 .9 3 4 .0 2 1 9 .0 4 .3 2 0 .0 2 7 .9 .5 9 .3 6 .6 3 0 .2 1 .9 6.1 1 5 .6 13.1 2 5 .7 .7 2 .0 9 .6 10.1 3 0 .9 1 .5 — — F e d e r a l o ff ic e b u ild in g s ....... N .A . F e d e r a lly a id e d G e n e ra l h o s p ita ls ....... E le m e n t a r y a n d s ec o n d a ry s c h o o ls ......... In it ia l s tu d ie s : S e w e r w o rks : T o t a l ................ 1 9 6 2 -6 3 1 0 0 .0 1 1 .2 1 .7 7 .7 1 .5 1 .9 1 7 .4 L in e s 1 9 6 2 -6 3 1 0 0 .0 10.1 1 .3 2 .4 .1 .4 1 9 .6 ............... P la n ts .............. .7 — — 1 3 .4 2 .5 .4 2 .7 3 9 .1 2 .7 4 4 .5 1 8 .5 6 .6 3 1 .7 * 8 .0 1 9 6 2 -6 3 1 0 0 .0 9 .0 2 .0 1 4 .3 3 .3 3 .9 1 4 .6 1 .5 — 5.1 197 1 1 0 0 .0 5 .8 5 .0 2 5 .4 5 .9 2 .3 2 .9 4 .0 1 .7 7 .6 1 1 .3 2 5 .8 2 .3 1 2 .2 2 3 .3 .5 7 .8 3 1 .8 1.1 M u lt if a m ily h o u s in g .......... S in g le - f a m ily h o u s in g ......... 1962 1 0 0 .0 3 .0 5 .5 3 4 .6 2 .8 1 9 6 0 -6 1 1 0 0 .0 3 .4 1 0 .0 1 6 .9 6 .6 1 .4 9 .5 2 .0 5 .2 1 .7 3 .6 3 .4 9 .7 C o lle g e h o u s i n g .......... 3 .9 G e n e ra l h o s p ita ls ....... P u b lic h o u s in g . 1 9 5 9 -6 0 1 0 0 .0 3 .9 5 .4 1 3 .2 8 .8 3 .5 1 .6 2 .8 6 .2 1 4 .2 1 2 .0 2 6 .7 1 9 5 9 -6 0 1 0 0 .0 4 ,0 7 .6 19.1 4.1 2.1 2 .7 4 .4 6 8 7 .8 6 .5 3 0 .9 3.1 2 4.1 6 .9 2 3 .0 1.1 — — — 1.7 1 .7 1 .7 • 4 .0 C iv il w o r k s Land p r o je c t s ... D r e d g in g .. 6 .4 1 9 5 9 -6 0 1 0 0 .0 10.1 1 9 5 9 -6 0 100 0 4 .7 — — — — 2 6 .4 3 9 0 .8 E le m e n t a r y a n d s ec o n d a ry s c h o o ls ......... 1959 1 0 0 .0 3 .9 9 .3 1 8 .7 7.1 2 .8 1 .9 3 .3 2 .7 9 .4 7 .9 2 9.1 1959 1 0 0 .0 6 .0 5 .2 1 2 .6 9.1 4 .2 2 .4 2 .1 3 .8 8 .7 1 1 .8 3 2 .5 1958 1 0 0 .0 1 0 .4 (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) 5 3 8 .2 (4) 4 .0 F e d e r a l o ff ic e b u i l d i n g s ....... ( 1 .5 F e d e r a lly a id e d h i g h w a y s ....... « 5 1 .4 eIncludes apprentices and on-the-job trainees and laborers, helpers, and tenders. 1 1ncludes apprentices and on-the-job trainees. Includes blue-collar supervisors. 3 Includes mostly ships' masters, captains, mates, crewmen, and sup port personnel. 4 Detail by occupation not available. 5 Excludes apprentices and on-the-job trainees. 2 N.A. = Not available. Dash denotes no data reported. NOTE: Detail may not add to 100.0 percent because of rounding. 21 Table 13. Percent distribution of contract costs, all construction studies, 1953-73 Type of construction Second studies: Sewer works: Total ........................ L in e s ........................ Plants ...................... Federal office buildings 2 ............... Federally aided highways ................ Single-family housings................. Public ho using.......... General hospitals .... Elementary and secondary schools . Initial studies: Sewer works: Total ........................ L in e s ........................ Plants ...................... Year of construction Total contract costs Onsite wages and salaries Materials, supplies, and built-in equipment Construction equipment Overhead and profiti 1971 1971 1971 100.0 100.0 100.0 24.7 24.3 25.2 40.7 35.2 47.0 11.5 16.7 5.6 23.1 23.8 22.2 1973 100.0 34.0 50.0 (3) 16.0 1973 100.0 24.6 44.5 (4) 30.9 1969 1968 1965-66 100.0 100.0 100.0 20.4 32.4 29.6 43.4 41.9 50.4 .9 1.5 1.3 35.3 24.2 18.7 1964-65 100.0 25.8 54.2 1.0 19.0 1962-63 1962-63 1962-63 100.0 100.0 100.0 25.3 24.3 26.6 46.6 44.5 49.2 9.9 11.2 8.2 18.2 20.0 16.0 Multifamily housing .. Single-family housings................. College housing ....... General hospitals .... Public ho using.......... 1971 100.0 27.9 44.2 3.0 24.8 1962 1960-61 1959-60 1959-60 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 22.1 29.3 28.2 35.5 47.2 52.6 53.2 45.0 1.0 1.6 1.2 2.5 29.7 16.5 17.4 17.0 Civil works: Land projects ........ Dredging ................ 1959-60 1959-60 100.0 100.0 26.0 32.3 35.0 17.3 19.3 24.9 19.7 25.5 1959 100.0 26.7 54.1 1.4 17.8 1959 100.0 29.0 51.4 1.9 17.7 1958 100.0 23.9 50.6 (4) 25.5 Elementary and secondary schools . Federal office buildings ................ Federally aided highways ................ t. f , Equipment included with overhead and profit. 5 Includes selling expenses. 1 1ncludes offsite wages, fringe benefits, construction financing costs, inventory, and other overhead and administrative expenses as well as profit. 2 Estimated. 3 Equipment included in materials. 4 NOTE: Detail may not add to 100.0 percent because of rounding. 22 Table 14. 1958-73 Percent distribution of cost of materials, supplies, and equipment, by product group, all construction studies, Typ e of con struc tion Second studies: Sewer works: Total ........ Lines ...... P la n ts ..... Federal office buildings ... Federally aided highways .. Private single family housing ... Public housing ... General hospitals ... Nursing homes .... Elementary and secondary schools ... Initial studies: Sewer works: Total ........ Lines ....... Plants ..... Private multifamily housing ... Private single family housing ... College housing ... General hospitals ... Public housing ... Civil works: Land projects . Dredging ... Elementary and secondary schools ... Federal office buildings ... Federal aided highways .. To tal m aterials, supplies, Y e a r of and c o n s tru c e q u ip tion m ent M in in g and qua rrying Lum be r of no n and m etallic w ood m inerals p rodu cts e xc ep t exc e p t fuel fu rn itu re F urniture and fixtures C h e m i cals and allied produ cts P e tro leum S tone, refining clay, and glass, and related con crete p rodu cts products E lectri cal m a c h in e ry , M a c h in e ry e q u ip F ab ri except m ent, Prim ary cated and e le c m etal m etal trical supplies p ro d u cts pro d u cts ! O ther C o n s tru c m aterials tion and e q u ip m en t supplies 1971 1 0 0 .0 2 .3 4 1 .9 7 .1 0 1 .0 1 3 .1 5 2 8 .9 7 9 .1 9 7 .6 3 1 8 .1 1 3 .6 9 2 2 .0 7 1971 1 0 0 .0 3 .4 3 1 .5 3 — 1 .1 4 4 .8 2 4 0 .7 7 7 .3 8 2 .2 0 4 .4 8 1 .0 3 3 2 .2 2 1 .0 0 1971 1 0 0 .0 1 .1 1 2 .4 6 .2 2 .8 7 1 .2 5 1 5 .6 2 1 1 .2 2 1 3 .8 7 3 3 .5 1 6 .7 2 1 0 .5 9 2 .5 4 1973 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 1973 1 0 0 .0 1 4 .2 6 1 .6 5 .7 3 1 7 .1 8 1 5 .1 7 1969 1 0 0 .0 .8 9 3 7 .4 0 3 .2 8 1 .8 2 1 .8 0 2 1 .3 3 5 .0 5 1 2 .9 0 1 .9 0 6 .7 7 2 .0 0 4 .8 7 1968 1 0 0 .0 .8 0 1 4 .4 0 .3 0 2 .0 0 2 .2 0 2 4 .7 0 9 .2 0 2 7 .2 0 2 .5 0 1 1 .3 0 3 .5 0 1 .8 0 1 9 6 5 -6 6 1 0 0 .0 .51 4 .6 6 .4 4 .7 7 .8 0 1 8 .4 0 8 .6 1 3 1 .1 1 1 2 .1 1 1 5 .6 2 2 .5 0 4 .4 7 1 9 6 5 -6 6 1 0 0 .0 .5 3 9 .0 6 .2 7 1 .2 4 1 .8 2 2 0 .1 6 6 .2 3 3 3 .3 2 1 1 .0 3 1 0 .7 8 2 .1 5 3 .4 1 1 9 6 4 -6 5 1 0 0 .0 1 .5 5 1 0 .2 0 2 .6 9 .9 6 2 .2 7 2 3 .4 4 5 .5 0 3 2 .2 9 4 .5 0 9 .7 6 .8 2 4 .0 1 1 9 6 2 -6 3 1 0 0 .0 3 .5 6 1 .1 9 .6 4 2 .4 8 3 7 .9 8 1 1 .3 7 7 .3 5 1 1 .7 6 4 .7 5 1 7 .4 6 1 .4 7 1 9 6 2 -6 3 1 0 0 .0 4 .6 5 .7 9 — .3 6 3 .0 2 5 5 .8 7 8 .7 9 2 .3 9 3 .0 2 .7 4 2 0 .1 9 .2 0 1 9 6 2 -6 3 1 0 0 .0 2 .2 7 1 .6 4 — .9 8 1 .8 5 1 6 .7 8 1 4 .4 8 1 3 .1 6 2 2 .3 4 9 .5 1 1 4 .2 5 2 .7 5 1971 1 0 0 .0 1 .3 4 1 8 .6 7 2 .2 1 1 .7 4 2 2 .1 2 8 .8 5 1 5 .5 9 3 .7 2 9 .3 6 6 .5 1 6 .0 0 1962 1 0 0 .0 .7 9 4 0 .0 5 2 .2 2 2 .3 0 2 3 .5 8 5 .5 0 1 4 .6 0 .4 6 6 .4 9 2 .0 3 1 .9 9 1 9 6 0 -6 1 1 0 0 .0 .7 8 1 0 .6 7 1 .7 0 1 .1 8 1 .0 5 2 5 .7 8 6 .1 1 3 3 .9 0 2 .9 2 1 1 .3 6 2 .9 4 1 .6 2 1 9 5 9 -6 0 1 0 0 .0 .4 2 4 .1 6 .8 6 .81 .9 7 1 8 .9 8 6 .8 2 3 5 .0 5 8 .4 8 1 5 .6 0 2 .0 6 5 .8 9 1 9 5 9 -6 0 1 0 0 .0 .8 0 1 4 .1 0 .3 0 1 .8 0 1 .7 0 2 7 .1 0 8 .0 0 2 8 .5 0 2 .3 0 8 .4 0 5 .3 0 1 .8 0 1 9 5 9 -6 0 1 0 0 .0 1 7 .4 6 1 2 .6 5 9 .0 9 1 .3 3 1 3 .2 0 .5 9 .2 4 3 5 .3 9 2 .0 5 1 0 0 .0 4 .1 5 — 3 .8 7 1 9 5 9 -6 0 — 3 .9 3 2 8 .0 7 — — 1 .4 9 1 .4 0 — 5 8 .9 8 6 .1 3 1959 1 0 0 .0 .6 9 9 .6 7 1 .8 8 1 .4 1 2 .0 2 2 4 .2 2 7 .5 2 3 2 .3 4 1 .7 9 1 0 .4 8 2 .5 1 5 .5 0 1959 1 0 0 .0 .41 3 .3 1 .3 4 1 .0 3 .8 8 2 1 .6 0 7 .3 2 3 2 .8 1 6 .9 1 1 8 .2 0 3 .5 9 3 .6 1 1958 1 0 0 .0 1 1 .3 4 1 .7 6 - .8 0 1 7 .0 9 1 6 .7 7 - 1 9 .4 8 - — 3 .8 9 2 1 .2 1 - 1 .7 6 N.A. N.A. (2) 2 9 .9 8 (2) 3 2 .7 5 N. A. = Not available. Dash denotes no data reported. 1 Fabricated metals include some stone, glass, and concrete products (vitreous china fixtures) except for single-family and multifamily housing. 2Construction equipment estimate included in "other materials and supplies." NOTE: Detail may not add to 100.0 percent because of rounding 23 Appendix A. Survey Scope and Methods Universe characteristics and sample selection data for a selected sample contract could not be col lected, an additional sample contract was selected at random to maintain the size of the sample at the 150unit level. Initial weights for sample units within a cell were calculated by using the reciprocal of the probability of selection. Whenever a unit was encountered which was out of the scope of the study, it was deleted along with its weight since the experience of the sample units within each cell was considered representative of what would be discovered if all the units in the cell were surveyed. Nonresponse was compensated for within a cell by increasing the weights associated with all the responding units in that cell by a single factor. The study included all sewer works construction projects which were subsidized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) located in the 48 contiguous States and started during calendar year 1969 and completed by August 31, 1973. The development of a sampling frame consisting of over 1,500 units began with 907 projects on lists supplied by the EPA and HUD. The EPA list consisted of 874 projects. The HUD list consisted of 33 projects. Each sewer construction project within the scope of the survey was contained on one of these lists. A project could consist of several distinct units of construction— multiple treatment plants, pumping stations, or several separate stretches of sewer lines. The lists were stratified by (a) the four broad eco nomic regions, (b) type of construction: Sewer lines, treatment plants, pumping stations, etc., (c) location: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA) or nonmetropolitan areas, and (d) construction contract cost class. Previous experience indicated that these variables were also good stratification variables for the sewer works studies. Therefore, they were used again as they were available on the sampling frame. These lists showed a total cost figure for each project which included the cost of items such as architectural and engineering fees, land acquisition, clearing, and landscaping costs. These costs are out of the scope of this survey, which was intended to develop data for the onsite labor and materials used to construct these proj ects as a ratio of each $ 1,000 of construction contract value. Approximately 1,500 general contracts were se lected from the above-mentioned lists. These contracts involved a total of about 3,000 general contractors and subcontractors. Because of the limited resources avail able and experience from similar surveys, the survey sample size was set at 150 of these general contracts. In order to maintain the sample size of 150 units it was necessary to survey 196 sample units. These 196 sample units were randomly selected from the stratified universe. Within a stratum each sample contract was assigned equal probability and a random sample was selected without replacement. When the Collection experience Of the 196 sample contracts for which data were originally sought, 30 were found to be out of the scope of the study and 21 could not be studied because the contractors did not cooperate or could not be located. Therefore, the final sample for this survey consisted of the remaining 145 sample units. This was 5 less than the 150 sample units specified. The reduction in sample size was not expected to have a significant impact on the survey results. If data were missing partially or completely for a given subcontractor, the subcontractor was asked to provide an estimate for the missing data. If the subcon tractor was not available, an estimate was obtained from the general contractor. The sample contracts were divided into two major groups: (a) Sewer lines and (b) sewage treatment plants. These major groups were each divided into two subgroups designated as (a) maximum contract data (maxi) and (b) minimum contract data (mini). The data collected for a maxi contract included occupa tional detail for onsite employee-hours and a detailed listing of the value of materials, equipment, and sup plies used in construction. The data collected for a mini contract provided no detail on onsite occupations or materials, equipment, and supplies. Only the total on site employee-hours and the total value of materials, equipment, and supplies were obtained. The division of the total sample between the mini and the maxi projects was determined by an analysis of 24 the probable cost of collecting the data for (a) a maxi or (b) a mini survey. The results of this cost analysis determined that the most efficient allocation of avail able resources required 100 maxi sample units and 50 mini units. One hundred and forty-four of these sample units were selected from the list of 874 projects that was furnished by EPA. The remaining 6 units were selected from the HUD list of 33 projects. The tabulation below shows the distribution of the 145 sample units for which all the required data were collected, with regard to lines and plants, and the num ber of maxi and mini contracts in each category. Pretest and training. Education and orientation were accomplished in two ways. First, experienced data col lectors from three regional offices assembled in Wash ington, D.C., to discuss the survey and prepare for the pretest. The Washington staff explained the purpose of the complex study and proposed collection schedules. Informal discussion was conducted to clarify specific points, and agreement was reached on the data re quired to meet the objectives. A pretest was conducted and all data were forwarded to Washington with a critique and recommendations for improvements and modifications to the survey approach. The Washington staff revised and improved final schedules and field instructions. Next, representatives from all eight BLS regional offices met in Washington, D.C., for a training session. All facets of the program were explained in detail with the use of training aids, collection instructions, and schedules for data collection. Findings of the pretest survey were presented and potential problems were discussed. Regional coordinators generally transmitted this information to data collectors at a regional confer ence. During the survey planning stage, the BLS requested that EPA and HUD send letters describing the survey to all EPA and HUD area offices to solicit their coop eration when a BLS representative would visit. This approach assured entree to the area offices with EPA and HUD endorsements for the survey. The BLS data collectors had three missions to per form when visiting the area offices: (1) Obtain project payrolls, (2) obtain project characteristics, and (3) obtain listings of all contractors involved in the project construction. The data collectors arranged to have payroll data of the general contractor and subcontractors forwarded on loan to the BLS regional office. (Contractors are required to keep these records for 3 years to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act.) In some cases, the payrolls had been placed in a Federal storage depository and authorization had to be obtained to secure them. In other cases, copies of the original payrolls were made and forwarded to the BLS regional offices. Next, the BLS data collectors obtained the name, address, contract value, and type of contract for all general and prime contractors and subcontractors on the sample contracts. Missing payrolls were identified so that the contractor could later furnish supplemental information. Lines Plants Total ............... ............ Maxi ......................... ............ Mini .......................... ............ 82 54 28 63 40 23 In addition, among the maxi contracts, there were 21 nonrespondents and 19 out of the scope of the survey. The mini contracts had no nonrespondents but 11 that were out of scope. Most of the value-put-in-place for the above-men tioned 145 sample units was constructed during calen dar years 1970 and 1971. ( Value-put-in-place is a measure of the value of construction installed or erected at the site during a given period.) Error Except for the nonresponding sample units and the data estimated by the contractors, there are no known sources of nonsampling error. Sampling variances are available at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While the overall estimates of employment are be lieved to be reasonably accurate, the detailed data would have a wider margin of sampling error and may be subject to other limitations. Employee-hour and material requirements are affected by a number of factors such as location, size of project, type of struc ture, architectural design, availability of certain materi als or equipment, labor skills, and local building codes and customs. The effects of these separate factors can not be isolated. Data collection procedures Three major stages were employed to fulfill the ob jective of reliable data for each project in the study: (1) Pretest and training, (2) visits to national and area offices of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Develop ment (HUD), and (3) visits to project sites and con tractors. Visits to project sites and contractors. After completing their research at the EPA or HUD area offices, data collectors often visited the construction sites to be come as familiar as possible with the structural charac teristics of the projects before visiting the general con tractors. If a general contractor should refuse to 25 partment of Commerce. BLS field representatives coh lected the basic data on materials, supplies, and equipm e n t from e a c h p rim e c o n tr a c to r and his subcontractors (or estimated in a relatively small num ber of cases). The materials listings thus obtained were categorized according to the four-digit industry classification of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual (1967 edi tion, Office of Management and Budget). For each product group, the average amount required for $ 1,000 of construction cost was calculated. This bill of materi als was deflated to the 1963 price level by application of the appropriate wholesale price indexes. The result ing deflated value for each group was reduced by the ratio of producers’ value to purchasers’ value. (This ratio was based on data provided by BEA.) The differ ences between purchaser and producer valuation were allocated to trade and transportation sectors. The de-? flated values were matched to the sector coefficients in the 1963 interindustry study of BEA. For each group of materials, the interindustry study provided information on the amount of products required from each of the 367 industry sectors. The product data were converted to employee-hours by use of output per employee-hour ratios for each industry. While processing the data, the Economic Growth Division of BLS adjusted for price and productivity changes from the base year of the tables (1963) to the study year. The results were the average total (indirect) employee-hours per $1,000 of contract cost required to produce, transport, and sell the materials used to construct the projects covered by this survey. These employee-hours, plus the builders’ offsite em ployment, were combined with direct or onsite em ployee-hours to determine total employee-hours within the definition of the study. Offsite employment of each construction contractor was not obtained directly from the contractors since it would be difficult to allocate a portion of total offsite employment to a particular project. Instead, an estimate for the offsite employeehours was developed by applying to the onsite em ployee-hours collected for this study the ratio of con struction workers to all employees in the total con struction industry for 1971, as reported in Employment and Earnings, United States, 1909-72 (BLS Bulletin 1312-9). cooperate, the project would have to be dropped from the survey and another one substituted. The substitu tion of sample projects is time consuming and costly and, in addition, could bias the survey results. There fore, every effort was made to enlist the cooperation of the general contractor by explaining the nature of the survey and the reasons for conducting it. Of the ap proximately 3,000 general contractors and subcontrac tors who were interviwed in order to compile the list of 196 general contracts from which the sample of 145 contracts was derived, only a small number refused to cooperate or could not be located. If the contractors agreed to cooperate, they were asked to verify the final contract value, including change orders, and the list of subcontractors and their current addresses. Additional payroll data were ob tained for onsite workers who were not covered by the Davis-Bacon Act, such as the superintendent, technical personnel, and guards. Finally, the data collectors re corded the type of material item, the purchase cost, and the name and fair rental value or equivalent of any equipment used on the job. Each of the subcontractors also was contacted to obtain similar data. After all the data for a sample project were collected, they were checked for completeness and internal con sistency by the regional offices and forwarded to Wash ington, D.C., for final analysis, editing, and coding for computer processing. Data collected for the sewer works construction sur vey were very complex and required experienced per sonnel for processing. Development of employee-hour estimates Onsite and offsite employee-hour estimates were combined to obtain estimates of total employee-hour requirements for sewer works construction. Onsite (direct) employee-hours, as explained in the previous section, were obtained from payrolls submit ted by the contractors to the EPA and HUD. Offsite (indirect) employee-hour requirements, representing the hours to produce, transport, and sell the mater ials, supplies, and equipment used in construction were developed by use of the 1963 Interindustry Study of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the U.S. De 26 Appendix B Forms Used for Data Collection BLS 2651.02A Office of Management and Budget No. 44-R 1381 Approval expires: 12-31-73 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, D.C. 20212 GENERAL INFORMATION SURVEY OF CONSTRUCTION LABOR REQUIREMENTS FOR SEWERS AND SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS The Bureau of Labor Statistics will hold all information furn ished by the respondent in strict confidence. Name of Local Government Sponsoring Agency EPA or HUD Project Number ________________ OFFICE USE ONLY Survey Ident 0 Schedule Number Sample Weight Region SMSA |2 1 1 1 .1 27 1 ..1... 1 .... I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION When you are reporting more than one type of construction, code for the type which represents the largest dollar value. Sewer lines include lift stations (sometimes called pumping stations) asso ciated with the sewer lines. Lift stations push sewage up inclines or raise sewage to a level high enough to allow it to flow by gravity thru the lines. Consider "outfall" sewer lines, i.e., lines which carry treated sewage from a treatment plant, as part of a treatment plant. Do not include construction which is primarily for outfall sewers in this "sewer lines" section. A new treatment plant is an entirely new facility. or a more sophisticated facility. It may be a simple pond An addition to an existing plant is an addition of equipment, or equipment and building, or pond or outfall sewer, to an existing facility. Construc tion of building(s) only with no equipment, or outfall sewer or pond, is out-of-scope. NOTE: If construction provides secondary treatment capability to an existing primary treatment facility, use code "2". Under these conditions the "type of construction" is considered new treat ment plant construction. A pumping station related to a treatment plant is a station housing relatively large pumps. The function of a pumping station is to push all or any portion of incoming waste liquid thru and from a treatment plant. (Stations that push waste liquids _to a treatment plant are to be classified as sewer line lift stations.) II. VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT(S) The value you report here will, when added to values reported in all other "A" forms submitted for the "assignment", add to the total value of the assignment. Thus, report the combined value of any general or prime con struction contracts related to the construction activity represented by this "A" form. Ill. CONSTRUCTION DATES For the construction being reported, enter the beginning and ending dates of on-site activity and the total number' of elapsed weeks from beginning to ending dates. 28 ALWAYS COMPLETE SECTIONS I, II, III, VIII, IX AND X I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Is the construction represented by this "A" form primarily? .......................... Code 1 2 3 4 - II. Sewer line and/or lift station [go to IV) New treatment plant [go to l/) Addition to existing treatment plant [go to Pumping station related to treatment plant VI) [go to VII) VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT What is the total dollar value of the general and/or prime contract(s) related to this construction? .... III. CONSTRUCTION DATES Beginning (mo./day/yr.) ............................ Ending (mo./day/yr.) ........... ................... Total number of construction weeks (including down time) ............................. Complete Section IV Only if the Type of Construction is primarily SEWER LINE and/or LIFT STATION IV. SEWER LINE CHARACTERISTICS a. Construction is for— ............. Code 1 - Sewer line only 2 - Lift station only 3 - Sewer line and other (specify) I& code 2, Aktp to IVk. 29 IV. SEWER LINE CHARACTERISTICS g. If the entire sewer line is above ground, enter "0" for both the minimum and maximum depth. If the sewer line is partly above and partly below ground, enter "0" for the minimum depth. h. Report the maximum amount of sewage that the installed pipe can handle in one day. 30 SEWER LINE CHARACTERISTICS— Continued b. What was the principal type of pipe? Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - Asbestos cement Concrete Cast iron Vitreous clay Reinforced fiberglass or plastic Steel (except corrugated steel) Corrugated sheet metal Other (specify) ________________ How many linear feet of pipe were laid for this sewer line(s)? ........................ d. What is the size (diameter in inches) of the predominant pipe used? ..................... in. 9 e. Is the pipe primarily underground or aboveground? ............................... 00 c. Hi r+ IV. 10 Code 1 - Underground 2 - Aboveground f . What was the principal method of laying pipe? 11 Code 1 - Trenching 2 - Tunneling 3 - Other (specify) g. h. i. What is the minimum and maximum depth of the trench or tunnel in feet? (Round to nearest foot) . Minimum depth ................................ 12 Maximum depth ................................ 13 What is the peak flow rate (gallons 1 day) of the sewer line (or lift station)? .... (If a lift station) is a majority of equipment installed for the lift station "packaged"? ... GO TO VIII WHEN COMPLETED WITH IV 31 sa l- 14 58 V. CHARACTERISTICS OF NEW TREATMENT PLANTS a. The inflow for a primary treatment plant is the raw sewage from sewer lines. ’’Primary treatment” removes solid wastes from sewer water. The inflow for a secondary treatment plant is the sewer water discharged from a primary trea trnent facility. Secondary treatment removes organic matter suspended in sewage which has already been given primary treatment. Waste stabilization ponds are shallow ponds which hold raw sewage and where micro-organisms in the atmosphere partially decompose the raw sewage. NOTE: b. New plants often are designed to provide both primary and secondary treatment. Such plants are to be coded "secondary treatment plant", code 2. Answer this question only if IV. a. is coded "2". In the activated sludge type of treatment waste liquid, air and sludge loaded with bacteria are mixed in an aeration tank. Bacteria decom pose suspended organic matter and the sludge is then settled out of the liquid. In the trickling filter type of treatment waste liquid is trickled over a bed of rocks. Bacteria on the surface of the rocks cause the organic matter in the waste liquid to decompose. c. "Packaged" sewage treatment equipment usually consists of a large pre fabricated tank unit which provides all the treatment processes desired by the purchaser. It also contains all wiring, metering, and input/ output piping necessary to make a complete, integrated unit. d. Incinerators are devices used to burn sludge. tbat remains is a non-burnable ash. After incineration, all Drying beds are open areas where sludge is spread-out, exposed to the air, and dehydrated. , Outfall lines are large pipe lines which carry treated waste liquid from a treatment facility to a point of final discharge or disposal (stream, lake, etc.). Removal equipment is any kind of new, heavy equipment (e.g., bull dozer, loader, conveyor system, dump truck) which is used in the treat ment plant’s disposal system. e. The BOD removal rating is a measure of the effectiveness of a sewage treatment plant. A BOD removal rating of 85% means that the treatment process will re move approximately 85% of the suspended organic matter in the waste liquid treated. i Secondary treatment plants ordinarily have BOD removal rating of 85-95%. f. Report the maximum number of gallons of waste liquid the plant can handle in one day. g. Population design is a measure of a plant's capacity. It is ex pressed in terms of numbers of people the plant is designed to serve. When a treatment plant processes a combination of residential and industrial/commercial generated sewage, the industrial/comniercial volume should be converted to a population equivalancy for reporting purposes. 32 Complete Section V Only if the Type of Construction is primarily a NEW TREATMENT PLANT V. CHARACTERISTICS OF NEW TREATMENT PLANTS a. Is construction primarily for a— Code 1 2 3 4 - b. . Primary treatment plant Secondary treatment plant Waste stabilization pond Other (specify) _____________ 16 (If a secondary treatment plant) is it— Code 1 - Activated sludge type 2 - Trickling filter type 3 - Other (specify) __________________ c. Is a majority of the equipment installed for this facility "packaged"? ................. Code 1 - Yes 2 - No d. e. f. g. Does the construction contract(s) provide for any of the following types of sewage disposal? (Enter "1" if "yes") Incinerators ............................ 18 Drying beds ............................. 19 Outfall lines ........................... 20 Removal equipment .............. ........ 21 Other (specify) __________________________ 22 What is the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal rating (percentage) of this facility? % 23 What is the capacity flow rate (gallon 1 day) of this facility? .......................... ________ gal. 24 What is the maximum population design of this facility? ................................................... .................... j . ... GO TO VIII WHEN COMPLETED WITH V 33 ’ 25 VI. CHARACTERISTICS OF ADDITIONS TO PLANTS b. Leave blank if VI. a. is coded "2". c. "Equipment" covers the entire range of products usually associated with waste treatment including tanks, filters, drums, pumps, aera tors, incinerators, etc. Equipment may be located inside buildings or in open areas. 34 Complete Section VI Only if the Type of Construction is primarily an ADDITION TO AN EXISTING PLANT VI. CHARACTERISTICS OF ADDITIONS TO PLANTS a. Does this construction involve a— Code 1 2 3 4 - b. 26 Primary treatment capability Secondary treatment capability Waste stabilization pond Other (specify) _______________________ (If a secondary treatment capability) is it— 27 Code 1 - Activated sludge type 2 - Trickling filter type 3 - Other (specify) _______________________ Does this construction primarily involve Code 1 2 3 4 5 d. An addition of building(s) only An addition of building(s) and equipment An addition of equipment only An addition to pond(s) Other (specify) ________________________ Is a majority of equipment installed for this facility "packaged"? ................... Code 1 - Yes 2 - No e. Does the construction contract(s) provide for any of the following types of sewage disposal? (Enter "1" if "yes".) Incinerators .................................. 30 Drying beds ................................... 31 Outfall lines ................................. 32 Removal equipment ............................. 33 Other (specify) ............................... 34 35 VI. CHARACTERISTICS OF ADDITIONS TO PLANTS— Continued g. Enter the increase in the BOD removal rating which resulted from the addition represented by this "A" form. If the BOD removal rating did not change, enter "0". VII. CHARACTERISTICS OF PUMPING STATIONS (RELATED TO TREATMENT PLANTS) a. Packaged pumping stations are prefabricated units in which all necessary equipment is installed and connected prior to delivery to the construction site. The "package" includes pumps, motors, valves, piping, controls, wiring, etc. It is a complete, inte grated unit ready to be connected to treatment plant pipes. b. Report the maximum amount of sewage this pumping station can handle in one day. 36 VI. CHARACTERISTICS OF ADDITIONS TO PLANTS— Continued f. g. h. i. What was the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal rating (percentage) of the entire facility prior to this addition? ............. % 35 What was the increase of the BOD removal rating (percentage) as a result of this addition? .... % 36 What is the capacity flow rate (gallon 1 day) of the equipment installed for this facility? . __. ______ gal. 37 What is the maximum population design of this facility? ............................... 38 GO TO VIII WHEN COMPLETED WITH VI Complete Section VII Only if the Type of Construction is primarily for PUMPING STATIONS (RELATED TO TREATMENT PLANTS) VII. CHARACTERISTICS OF PUMPING STATIONS a. Is this primarily a "packaged” pumping station(s)?........... Code 1 - Yes 2 - No b. c. What is the capacity flow rate (gallons 1 day) of this station? ............................ gal. 40 What is the maximum population design of the pumping station?...................... 41 GO TO VIII WHEN COMPLETED WITH VII VIII. BUILDINGS AND ADDITIONS TO BUILDINGS a. Did the construction activity represented by this "A" form include work on buildings? ............ Code 1 - Yes 2 - No "no," 6 kip to Section IX. 37 VIII. BUILDINGS AND ADDITIONS TO BUILDINGS— Continued b. Did the building construction involve a new building or an addition to an existing building? ........... Code 1 - New building 2 - Addition to existing building 3 - Both c. Did work include construction of "office" space? ................................... 60 Code 1 - Yes 2 - No d. What was the principal building material used in construction of each of the following: Foundation walls .................................. Code 1 2 3 4 - Vertically poured concrete Concrete block Other (specify) ______________________________ No foundation wall Frame ............................................. Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - Structured steel Concrete block Precast concrete Cast-in-place concrete Wood Other (specify) ______________________________ No frame Exterior wall ...................................... Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 44 Metal siding Concrete block Precast concrete Cast-in-place concrete Curtain wall Brick Wood Other (specify) ______________________________ No exterior wall 38 45 VIII. BUILDINGS AND ADDITIONS TO BUILDINGS— Continued Roof base ............................ Code 1 2 3 4 5 - 46 Concrete Sheet metal Wood Other (specify) _________________ No roof base Roof cover ........................... Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 e. What type of building heating was installed? ....................... Code 1 2 3 4 - f. Built-up Sheet metal Asphalt shingle Wood shingle Other (specify) _________________ No roof cover Forced air Hot water Other (specify) _________________ No heating Was central air conditioning installed? 49 Code 1 - Yes 2 - No g. Were elevators installed? ............ Code 1 - Yes 2 - No GO TO IX AND X 39 50 IX. WORK STOPPAGES AND SLOWDOWNS a. Sum up the number of days during the construction period when all on-site work was completely stopped because of strikes, bad weather, etc. Convert this to an equivalent number of work weeks and round to a whole number. If there were no stoppages enter "0". b. X. XI. If anything happened during construction which required major re design of the project, or which greatly prolonged the construction time, or which greatly increased the cost of construction, code "yes" and explain the circumstances. This question should reflect any such occurances which could not be reported in question IX. a. NUMBER OF CONTRACTS a. If this information cannot be accurately completed at the initial interview, it should be completed later by the agent after all contractors have been scheduled. b. Enter "0" for Sample 2 assignments. TOTAL ON-SITE MAN-HOURS Do not complete this section for Sample 1 assignments. Line 996 - This line is reserved for "office use only". this line blank. Leave Line 997 - This is an aggregate of all hours which ordinarily would be reported in contractor "B" forms. Line 998 - This line is reserved for "office use only". this line blank. 40 Leave IX.. WORK STOPPAGES AND SLOWDOWNS a. Were there any complete work stoppages during the construction of this project (due to material shortages, strikes, disruptive weather, etc.)? Enter the total number of weeks lost due to such stoppages. (Round to whole numbers.) .......... 51 Please explain any complete stoppages: b. Where there any unanticipated events or circum- b. How many B schedules are attached for this project? .............. Complete Section XI only for SAMPLE 2 Assignments XI. TOTAL ON-SITE MAN-HOURS From EPA or HUD payrolls 996 Other ................. 997 TOTAL ................. 1 998 41 Office of Management and Budget No. 44-R 1381 Approval expires: 12-31-73 BLS 2652.02B Contract No. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, D.C. 20212 CONTRACT INFORMATION SURVEY OF CONSTRUCTION LABOR REQUIREMENTS FOR SEWERS AND SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS The Bureau of Labor Statistics will hold all information furn ished by the respondent in strict confidence. Name of Local Government Sponsoring Agency EPA or HUD Project No. _____ _____________ 42 I. CONTRACTOR IDENTIFICATION a . Name ___________ Address ________ Telephone number b. Record of personal visits: Date of visit c. Official contacted Contract codes: Schedule No. From the "A" form II. Field representative Contract No. Superior Contract No. From the "C" form Leave blank if this schedule is for a general or prime contractor. CONTRACT AMOUNT What was the final contract amount, including all change orders? (Exclude land costs and exclude adjustments for performance clauses. Round to whole dollars.) ........ III. SUBORDINATE CONTRACTS (Except by General Contractors) List below the identification of any subordinate contractors who per formed any operations for this contract? Also provide the contract operations code, the contract value, and the contract number assigned (form the MC" form). Name, address, and telephone number of subordinate contractor(s) Value of contract Contract operation code $ $ $ $ 43 Contract number assigned IV. DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED BY THIS CONTRACTOR a. In the space below, describe the work performed and the important kinds of heavy equipment, materials, and labor supplied under this contract. (Exclude work which the contractor has sub or sub-sub contracted .) Example: b. "Dug trench for sewer line. Used backhoe, bull dozer and heavy truck. Important occupations included operating engineer, truckdriver, and laborer." Major operations code REMARKS 44 V. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT— RENTAL COST a. On this page, report the rental cost (or the rental cost equivalent if the contractor owns the equipment) for the time the equipment is used on-site. This category will include all heavy equipment and any non-heavy equipment that is actually rented. Do not include operator’s wages. Equipment code Description of equipment Rental cost (whole dollars) $ 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 b. Total on-site rental costs (exclude equipment operator’s wages)........................... 45 V. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT— RENTAL COST— Continued Equipment code Description of equipment Rental cost (whole dollars) $ 119 120 121 122 1 123 124 j 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 ' 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 46 VI. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES a. What was the total cost of all materials and supplies used during construction? . b. What materials and supplies were used during construction and what was "delivered on-site" cost of each? Name and description of materials and supplies Materials code Cost (whole dollars) 599 Percent of sales tax to be added 200 $ 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 j 210 | 211 i. 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 47 VI. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES— Continued Name and description of materials and supplies Materials code Cost (whole dollars) Percent of sales tax to be added 220 $ 221 222 223 224 225 • : •i ■ .. • > | 226 . . |227 | ____ 228 229 -- !230 ! : | _ ________________ ii__________ :231 !232 ! i j i ; I 233 1| ! !234 j 1 1 | !235 r 236 237 238 ! 239 . 240 241 242 48 VII. LABOR REQUIREMENTS a. Did this contractor have a labor agreement covering any of the work performed on this contract? Code 1 - Yes 2 - No b. What were the total wages paid for on-site labor for this contract? (Exclude profit and overhead, and exclude any supplemental benefits.) .............................. c. Are EPA or HUD payrolls being submitted for this contract? ........................... 005 Code 1 - Yes 2 - No d. Complete the following for any on-site labor not already reflected on the payrolls filed with the local authority, (e.g., missing payrolls, hours and earnings of exempt employees who performed on site work but who are not subject to EPA or HUD reporting requirements). Occupation code Hours Earnings re lated to hours 600 $ 601 602 603 604 605 606 • 607 608 609 . 610 _____________ 49 VII. LABOR REQUIREMENTS— Continued Occupation code Earnings re lated to hours Hours $ 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 i i 619 1 1 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 Total earnings ........ 50 999 WORK AREA VIII. CONTRACT RECONCILIATION Total value of subcontracts let by this contractor .... Total equipment cost (approx.) (From line 199) ........ Total material cost (approx.) (From line 599) ......... Total labor cost from this B form (approx.) (From line 999) Total labor cost from attached payrolls (approx.) ..... Total on-site costs (approx.) ...................... 'Total contract amount (From line 001) ................. Total on-site costs (From line Oil) ................... $ 006 + 007 + 008 + 009 + 010 $ 011 $. 012 - 013 $ 014 i Approximate total profit and overhead ........ .... % profit and overhead = Approx, total profit and overhead = Total contract amount IX. SCHEDULE STATUS a. Is this a complete B form for this contract? Code 1 - Yes 2 - No b. If "no," please explain: 52 015 Appendix C. Bibliography Construction Labor Requirements Studies by the BLS Office of Productivity and Technology Civil works construction Labor and Material Requirements for Construction o f Federally-Aided Highways, 1958, 1961, and 1964 Labor and Material Requirements fo r Civil Works Con struction by the Corps of Engineers (BLS Bulletin (BLS Report 299, 1966), 17 pp. Study providing measures for 1958, 1961, and 1964 of the labor and material requirements for federally aided highways, with separate measures of the require ments for onsite and offsite construction. For onsite construction, the study also provides a comparison of annual labor requirements for 1947-64. 1390), 1964, 28 pp. A statistical study of onsite and offsite employeehour and wage requirements for dredging and land projects in the U.S. Corps of Engineers’ civil works program from 1959 to 1960. Kutscher, Ronald E., and Waite, Charles A., “ Labor Requirements for Highway Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, August 1961, pp. 858-61. Summary of findings of the 1958 highway survey. College housing construction Labor and Material Requirements fo r College Housing Construction (BLS Bulletin 1441), 1965, 34 pp. Wakefield, Joseph C., “ Labor and Material Require ments: Highway Construction, 1958 and 1961,” Monthly Labor Review, April 1963, pp. 394-98. A summary comparison of the 1958 and 1961 high way surveys. A survey of 43 college housing projects which were administered by the Community Facilities Administra tion. The survey is designed primarily to determine the employee-hours required per $ 1,000 of college housing construction. Federal office building construction Miller, Stanley F., “ Labor and Material Required for College Housing,” Monthly Labor Review, Septem ber 1965, pp. 1100-1104. A summary of BLS Bulletin 1441. Olsen, John G., “ Decline Noted in Hours Required to Erect Federal Office Buildings,” Monthly Labor Re view, October 1976, pp. 18-22. A statistical study of 26 new office building projects completed in 1973 under the jurisdiction of the Gen eral Services Administration. In addition to data on labor requirements, the study provides information on building characteristics and contract operations. Federally aided highways Fingers, Diane S., “ Labor Requirements for Federal Highway Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, De cember 1975, pp. 31-36. A study of labor and material requirements for feder ally aided highway projects completed during 1973. The study examines the trends between 1958 and 1973. Labor Requirements for Federal Office Building Con struction (BLS Bulletin 1331), 1962, 43 pp. A statistical study of onsite and offsite labor require ments for 22 Federal office building projects in various localities of the United States over a 3-year period from the fall of 1957 to 1960. Ball, Robert, “Labor and Materials Required for High way Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, June 1973, pp. 40-45. Discussion of labor and material trends in highway construction between 1958 and 1970. Murray, Roland V., “ Labor Requirements for Federal Office Building Construction,” Monthly Labor Re view, August 1962, pp. 889-93. A summary of BLS Bulletin 1331. 53 from a sample of one-family houses built in 1962 in various localities of the United States. Hospital construction Labor Requirements fo r Hospital Construction (BLS Bulletin 1340), 1962, 46 pp. A statistical study of onsite and offsite labor require ments for construction of selected public and private, profit and nonprofit, general hospitals in various local ities of the United States between mid-195 8 and mid1959. Rothberg, Herman J., “ Labor and Material Require ments for One-Family Houses,” Monthly Labor Re view, July 1964, pp. 797-800. A summary of BLS Bulletin 1404. Labor and Material Requirements for Construction o f Private Single-Family Houses (BLS Bulletin 1755), Rothberg, Herman J., “ Labor Requirements for Hospi tal Construction, 1959-60,” Monthly Labor Review, October 1962, pp. 1120-24. A summary of BLS Bulletin 1340. 1972, 30 pp. A study of labor and material requirements for con struction of single-family housing in 1969. Labor and Material Requirements fo r Hospital and Nurs ing Home Construction (BLS Bulletin 1691), 1971, Ball, Robert and Ludwig, Larry, “ Labor Requirements for Construction of Single-Family Houses,” Monthly Labor Review, September 1971, pp. 12-14. Summary of BLS Bulletin 1755, a study of labor and material requirements for single-family housing con struction 1969. 50 pp. A study similar to the one done in 1962 but with data shown per square foot as well as per $1,000 of con struction contract cost. Covers hospitals and nursing homes constructed in 1965-66. Riche, Martha Farnsworth, “ Man-hour Requirements Decline in Hospital Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, November 1970, p. 48. Summary of BLS Bulletin 1691. Public housing construction ■ V Labor and Material Requirements for Public Housing Construction (BLS Bulletin 1402), May 1964, 42 pp. A report based on findings of a survey of 31 public housing projects which the Public Housing Administra tion administered. Projects were selected in various States to represent four broad geographic regions of the conterminous United States. Private multifamily housing construction Labor and Material Requirements for Private Multifam ily Housing Construction (BLS Bulletin 1892), 1976, 69 pp. Discusses labor and material requirements for the construction of private multifamily housing projects. Data were obtained from a survey based on a probabil ity sample representing all privately owned structures of five units or more located in metropolitan areas where building permits were issued during 1969 for 500 units or more of this type. The survey covered 89 projects in 22 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Most of the construction took place in 1971. Labor and Material Requirements for Public Housing Construction, 1968 (BLS Bulletin 1821), 1974, 20 pp. A study based on findings of a survey of 48 public housing projects sponsored by the Housing Assistance Administration of the Department of Housing and Ur ban Development. i Finn, Joseph T., “ Labor Requirements for Public Housing,” Monthly Labor Review, April 1972, pp. 40-42. Summary of a study of labor requirements for public housing construction in 1968. Ball, Robert, “Labor and Material Requirements for Apartment Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, January 1975, pp. 70-73. Summarizes the first construction labor require ments study of private multifamily housing construc tion. School construction Private single-family housing construction Labor Requirements for School Construction (BLS Bul letin 1299), 1961, 50 pp. A study of primary and secondary employee-hours required per $ 1,000 of new school construction based on contracts awarded for 85 elementary and 43 junior and senior high schools throughout the United States. Labor and Material Requirements for Private One-Fam ily House Construction (BLS Bulletin 1404), 1964, 37 pp. A statistical study of onsite and offsite labor require ments for constructing single-family houses developed 54 Epstein, Joseph, and Walker, James F., “ Labor Re quirements for School Construction,” Monthly La bor Review, July 1961, pp. 724-30. A summary of BLS Bulletin 1299. Sewer works construction Ball, Robert and Finn, Joseph T., “ Labor and Material Requirements for Sewer Works Construction,” Monthly Labor Review, November 1976, pp. 38-41. Summarizes the 1971 study of sewer works construc tion which updates a study done in 1962-63. Provides data on labor and material requirements for construc tion of sewer lines and plants for the United States. Additional national data and also regional data appear in the present study, Bulletin 2003. Labor and Material Requirements fo r School Construc tion (BLS Bulletin 1586), June 1968 23 pp. A survey of selected elementary and secondary pub lic schools constructed primarily during 1964-65. In addition to providing information on labor require ments, the study also includes data on the types and values of materials used, wages paid, occupations, and use of apprentices. Labor and Material Requirements fo r Sewer Works Con struction (BLS Bulletin 1490), 1966, 31 pp. Finn, Joseph T., “ Labor Requirements for School Con struction,” Monthly Labor Review, August 1968, pp. 40-43. A summary of BLS Bulletin 1586. Study designed to measure employee-hours required for each $1,000 of new sewer facilities construction contract. The basis for this study was 138 contracts for new sewer works in years 1962-63. Other Reports, Articles, and Summaries Ball, Claiborne M., “ Employment Effects of Construc tion Expenditures,” Monthly Labor Review, Febru ary 1965, pp. 154-58. A summary of labor requirements for eight types of construction broken down by offsite and onsite hours, by occupation, and by region. struction,” Paper presented before the Conference on the Measurement of Productivity in the Construc tion Industry, sponsored by the National Commission on Productivity and the Construction Industry Col lective Bargaining Commission, September 14, 1972, Washington, D.C. Discussion of the BLS program of labor and material requirements and analysis of the potential of using data from the program to measure productivity by type of construction. Finn, Joseph T., “Material Requirements for Private Multifamily Housing,” Construction Review, April 1976, pp. 4-10. This article summarizes the results of the survey of labor and building materials requirements for private multifamily housing (BLS Bulletin 1892) with refer ence to the value of the materials, supplies, and equip ment used in this type of construction. A detailed list ing of the cost of these materials, supplies, and equipment per $ 1,000 of construction contract cost and per 100 square feet is included. In addition, com parisons are made between the results of this study and the Public Housing (BLS Bulletin 1821) and Private One-Family Housing (BLS Bulletin 1755) studies. Weinberg, Edgar, Mechanization and Automation o f Building Site Work, National Response Paper for the Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Housing, Building, and Planning, Third Seminar on the Building Industry, Moscow, October 1970. Discussion of current technology and labor require ments at the construction site. Weinberg, Edgar, “ Reducing Skill Shortages in Con struction,” Monthly Labor Review, February 1969, pp. 3-9. Discussion of methods for reducing occupational shortages. Ball, Robert, “The Contract Construction Industry,” Technological Trends in Major American Industries (BLS Bulletin 1474), 1966, pp. 32-38. Discusses economic trends in the industry with em phasis on the impact of technological change on em ployment, occupations, job skills, and productivity. Ziegler, Martin, “ BLS Construction Labor Require ments Program,” Paper presented before the North American Conference on Labor Statistics, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 1971. Construction labor requirements program and objec tives are discussed. “Construction Labor Requirements,” reprint of Chap ter 33 of BLS Handbook of Methods (BLS Bulletin 1910), 1976. Description of techniques of construction labor re quirements studies. The results of recent surveys of labor and materials requirements for (a) civil works construction, (b) college housing construction, and (c) school con struction will be published in the near future. Mark, Jerome A., and Ziegler, Martin, “ Measuring Labor Requirements for Different Types of Con 55 OU.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1979 281 - 412/144 1-3 DIGEST OF SELECTED PENSION PLAN S 1976-78 Keep Informed About... Pension plan provisions affecting • Participation • Retirement benefits, Normal, Early, Special early, Disability • Vesting • Survivor benefits • Reciprocity (allows transfer of credits between plans). Digest of Selected Pension Plans 1976-78 Edition A New Edition This digest gives the latest facts about pension provisions under collective bargaining and pension plans for salaried employees, and should be of interest to personnel directors and managers, contract negotiators, pension trustees and administrators, and benefit plan consultants and analysts. The 363 page volume provides up-to-date information on the benefits, vesting, and financial provisions of 150 private pension plans. The new edition includes many new industries and indicates for the first time which plans have reciprocity agreements and whether employees also are covered by a deferred profit-sharing plan. Subscribers to the 1976-78 edition will receive the basic volume and three supplements providing information on subsequent plan amendments through 1979. Order Form Mail to U .S. G overnm ent Printing O ffice, Superintendent of Docum ents, W ashington, D .C . 20402. Please enter my subscription to D ig e s t o f S e le cte d P ension Plans, 1976-78 E dition 029-001-99005-7, for $14.00. If a foreign address, I have added $3.50. Nam e ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Firm or O rg a n iza tio n ______________________________________________________________________________________ Street A d d re s s ____________________________________________________________________________________________ City and S ta te ______________________________________________________________ Zip C ode____________________ □ $ ____________ R em ittance enclosed, (M ake checks payable to Superintendent of D ocum ents). □ C harge $____________to my D eposit A ccount No. For Prompt Shipment, Please Print or Type Address on Label Below, including your Zip Code U .S. G overnm ent Printing O ffice Superintendent of Docum ents W ashington, D.C . 20402________ Official Business_________________ Penalty for private use, $300 Postage and Fees Paid U .S. 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