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L.5.7 Q l y 2, 1970 Selected Deposit Data, All Member Banks, Weekly Reporting Banks, and 15 Largest Weekly Reporting Banks (Amounts In ml]Lllons) Changes from Year ago Outstanding prior dates Changes June 24, Week 1 4 4 Weeks 1970 Week Weeks a8° ag° Report of Deposits--Weekly Averages of Daily Figures £/ All member banks +3 ,817 -5,225 333,872 -2,215 Total deposits 43 ,550 Total demand 178,471 -4,535 -2,245 + 32 Savings 1/ 73,533 + 72 + 329 62 - 722 81,868 42 Other time— total - 100 - 752 60 63,483 Over 5 million + + 30 + 18 38 18,385 Under 5 million +3,688 +5,657 14 -1,955 -2,040 + 85 Reserve city banks 2/ Total deposits Total demand Savings 1/ Other time--total Over 5 million Under 5 million 188,388 111,662 34,145 42,581 41,704 877 -1,504 -1,435 + 19 88 88 — 41 ,608 +1 ,712 4 117 - 221 - 222 4* * 1 -3,861 -3,218 + 1 - 644 - 645 + 1 +2,390 +4,386 75 -1,921 -1,919 2 Country banks Total deposits Total demand Savings 1/ Other time--total Over 5 million Under 5 million 145,484 66,809 39,388 39,287 21,779 17,508 + + + + 42 ,209 +1 ,838 4 212 4 159 + 122 4 37 -1,364 -1,317 + 31 78 - 107 + 29 +1,298 +1,271 + 61 34 - 121 + 87 -4,983 -4,437 23 - 523 - 283 - 246 + 1 + 5 - 361 - 205 - 156 - 871 +1,357 - 153 -2,075 -1,229 - 747 58 41 -1,700 -1,175 - 525 711 810 53 46 28 18 Weekly Repoirting Banks--•Wednesdayr Figures r/ All reporting banks Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time— total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others Note: 1/ 2/ 3/ r/ * 230,251 130,595 46,173 53,483 37,261 8,728 6,861 633 12,968 6,143 6,825 -2,759 -3,025 + 10 + 256 + 173 22 + 101 + 4 + 211 + 153 + 58 + 226 40 4 96 4 90 4- 353 - 243 29 4* 9 36 4 153 - 189 4 Hypothecated deposits are excluded from all of these figures, Includes Christmas savings and similar accounts, Reserve City banks include New York City, Chicago City and other Reserve City Banks. Negotiable time certificates of deposit issued in denominations of $100,000 or more and outstanding included in time deposit totals above, Revised. Preliminary Changes rrom prior dates 4 Weeks Week ago ago___ Outstanding June 24, 1970 * Year ago Changes 1 Week 4 Weeks Weekly Reporting Banks— Wednesday Figures (Cont1'd) 15 Largest banks Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time— total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 93,279 56,472 15,868 20,939 12,081 2,785 5,710 363 4,951 1,910 3,041 7 Largest Banks-New York Dist. Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time--total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 49,252 36,587 4,252 8,413 3,987 316 3,793 317 2,480 855 1,625 3 Largest Banks-Chicago Dist. Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time--total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3i/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 5 Largest Banks-San Fran. Dist. Total deposits Total demand Savings Other time--total IPC 1/ State and political Foreign Gov'ts, etc. All other time Memo: CD's outstanding 3/ Issued to IPC Issued to others 10,885 6,012 1,850 3,023 1,975 417 615 16 918 267 651 33,142 13,873 9,766 9,503 6,119 2,052 1,302 30 1,553 788 765 + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + • - 464 566 1 101 72 9 34 4 148 103 45 + + + + - 865 871 20 14 187 82 122 3 7 79 86 -2,544 -2,284 5 - 255 - 169 80 7 + 1 - 191 - 136 55 739 + 518 60 ,197 "I, 772 - 338 59 28 - 906 - 738 - 168 76 35 2 113 44 4 62 3 143 86 57 -1 ,104 -1 ,006 5 93 + 99 2 - 193 + 3 - 124 + 46 - 170 -1,606 -1,416 11 - 179 - 121 49 10 + 1 - 159 96 63 + - 503 505 2 — 19 2 17 — 7 19 12 37 26 1 12 9 11 11 1 2 2 — + + + + + + + .+ + + + + + + + - 129 300 3 168 37 67 64 -107 20 87 - 368 435 22 89 51 147 7 — 10 13 3 + + + 326 307 1 18 5 1 12 -15 5 10 + - 612 561 7 58 43 30 15 — + - 17 35 18 - 386 378 27 737 618 56 42 21 677 541 136 179 43 6 130 83 44 4 7 126 97 29 174 183 27 330 71 238 21 — 103 100 3