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vlt L.5.6 v < ' " - ti^ ccbtidb»^'1^$»-) \ V ,,0-rt Table I t r a n s a c t i o n s of Major Reserve City Banks with U. S. Government ^ S e c u r i t i e s Dealers for the Week Ended September 2, 1964 (In millions of d o l l a r s ) k6 banks * 1. Collateral loans ("balances outstanding) a. b. # 2. Made o r i g i n a l l y in Federal funds Made o r i g i n a l l y i n Clearing House funds 1 / Gross purchases from dealers ( - ) "b. Gross s a l e s t o dealers 3• b. 273 83 191 315 315 XX XX XX 39 7 39 7 XX XX XX XX XX XX Net Federal funds supplied t o dealers "b. Net Federal funds acquired from dealers ( - ) 35 35 XX XX XX 20 20 XX XX XX Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) ( - ) 86 - - 86 10 76 188 73 115 Net loans I/ 287 Clearing hank balances a. — 561 Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. £ 8 banks i n 38 banks out- 5 banks 33 other New York City side New York i n Chicago banks 773 585 These data are included i n terms of the day on which reserve "balances are a f f e c t e d , one "business day a f t e r the loans are made. Note:—Averages of d a i l y f i g u r e s , CONFIDENTIAL (g.R.) Table I I Daily Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks Week Ended September 2, 1964 ( i n millions of dollars unless otherwise noted) Reporting "banks and date 46 banks Aug. 2J 28 31 1 2 8 banks in New York City Aug. 27 3ept. 28 31 Sept. 1 w banks out- side New York Aug. 27 Sept. 28 31 1 o 5 banks in Chicago 27 31 1 _2_ Federal funds transactions Related transactions Reserve BorrowGross interbank Total Net interbank transactions with U. 8. Government excess ings transactions s e c u r i t i e s dealers Effec2-way or d e f i - from Purchases Net purSales BorrowLoans tive transPurciency Reserve Net ings of net o f net chases to Sales rate actions chases (-) y frcm loans Banks or buying selling dealers dealers 1/ g / banks banks s a l e s ( - ) 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 1/2 If 415 1,^55 1,820 2,210 2.129 64o xx XX XX XX XX 623 821 978 .025 XX XX XX XX XX 774 831 999 XX XX XX XX XX 1, 233 104 All other banks Aug- 27 XX XX XX 31 XX Sept < 1 XX Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis For footnGfc es see reverse 1,126 1,069 1,271 1,536 1,291 943 413 584 296 567 751 930 711 104 i4i 128 231 112 645 598 795 480 426 826 1,111 542 502 521 606 580 129 234 203 283 -2XL 950 709 792 949 623 699 599 of L.S. 7*~ 442 472 28 77 350 477 706 662 871 1,099 1,185 228 4l8 276 323 425 347 548 675 838 129 60 49 78 103 98 121 300 479 481 288 216 274 190 522 650 637 80 l4l 49 24 76 67 15 128 216 386 181 349 450 583 467 289 347 244 165 215 210 349 430 354 472 46 265 248 303 393 25 93 93 112 m 265 216 274 331 244 76 52 Jii. 172 172 251 ,i:-6 , v - - •' 1,042 58 ; 04 29 65 22 ;8o 091 • <3 82 '55 235 184 3U7 334 446 73 50 114 124 120 161 135 210 650 147 167 114 149 107 85 10 10 10 10 10 75 75 75 941 1,094 145 99 262 249 361 40 104 114 110 60 159 135 251 -74(19) 295 36 31 -212 -133( 109 32 -I! 59(171 187 4 -42 -200 -29( 8] -1 107 -17 -49 88( 187 -103 -24 -150