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L.5.6 3, OCT 7 CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) ~ Search Lib, >rary Table I Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U. S. Government Securities Dealers for the Week Ended September 24, 1969 (In millions of dollars) 46 banks 1. Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. 400 88 41 47 108 108 XX XX XX 43 11 43 11 XX XX XX XX XX XX 64 64 XX XX XX 27 27 XX XX XX Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) ( - ) 161 47 114 1 112 Net loans 440 466 +26 40 +65 Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. b. 3. b. 1/ Gross purchases from dealers ( - ) Gross sales to dealers Clearing bank balances a. 4. Made originally in Federal funds Made originally in Clearing House funds 1/ 488 b. 2. 8 banks in 38 banks 5 banks 33 other New York outside in Chicago banks City New York Net Federal funds supplied to dealers Net Federal funds acquired from dealers ( - ) These data are included in terms of the day on which reserve balances are affected, i.e., the business day after the loans are made. Note:--Averages of daily figures. Table II Footnotes Each day's offsetting purchases or sales by the same bank. Gross purchases less 2-way transactions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, gross sales less 2-way transactions equals net sales of net selling banks. Includes Federal funds loaned, the net funds supplied to each dealer by clearing banks, repurchase agreements (purchases of securities from dealers subject to resale) or other lending arrangements. Includes Federal funds borrowed, the net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities to dealers subject to repurchase), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues. Based upon reserve balances including all adjustments applicable to the reporting period. Carryover reserve deficiencies, if any, are deducted. This figure is shown in parentheses on Thursdays. L.5.6(A) CONFIDENTIAL TABLE (F.R.) II DAILY FEDERAL FUNDS T R A N S A C T I O N S OF M A J O R R E S E R V E CITY B A N K S WEEK E N D E D S E P T E M B E R 24, 1969 (in Mil i iriNC nF nniiARS MNl FSS O T H E R W I S E N O T E D ) REPORTING BANKS AND DATE 46 BANKS S E P . 18 19 22 23 24 RELATED TRANSACTIONS FEDERAL FUNDS TRANSACTIONS WITH U . S. G O V E R N M E N T GROSS INTERBANK SECURITIES DEALERS NET INTERBANK T R A N S A C T I O N S TRANSACTIONS PURTOTAL BORROWLOANS NET P U R SALES CHASES 2-WAY EFFECNET INGS TO CHASES OF NET T R A N S - OF NET SALES PURTIVE LOANS FROM DEALERS OR SELLING BUYING ACTIONS CHASES RATE DEALERS 2/ SALES I—1 BANKS BANKS 1/ 3/ 6,417 6,797 6,513 6,040 5,800 2,355 2,480 2,420 3,177 3,764 1,842 2,038 1,761 2,458 2,526 4,575 4,759 4,752 3,582 3,274 512 442 659 719 1,238 XX XX XX XX XX 2,054 1,621 752 603 506 1,394 1,641 752 566 455 1,091 1,223 1,301 1,717 1,756 1,044 398 37 51 303 418 38 B A N K S O U T SIDE NEW Y O R K S E P . 18 19 22 23 24 XX XX XX XX XX 4,364 4,515 4,302 3,906 4,179 1,877 1,914 1,784 2,123 1,602 1,090 1,472 1,306 1,368 1,303 3,274 3,043 2,996 2,538 2,876 5 B A N K S IN CHICAGO S E P . 18 19 22 23 24 XX XX XX XX XX 1,263 1,318 1,348 1,139 1,380 322 324 240 322 324 240 268 238 941 994 1,109 872 1,142 ALL O T H E R B A N K S S E P . 18 19 22 23 24 XX XX XX XX XX 3,101 3,196 2,953 2,766 2,799 1,280 768 1,148 2,333 2,049 1,887 8 B A N K S IN NEW YORK C I T Y SEP. 18 19 22 23 24 FOR 9 3/4 9 3/4 9 1/2 9 1/2 9 1/4 2,282 2,212 2,135 F O O T N O T E S S E E R E V E R S E OF L . 5 . 6 26 8 255 1,553 1,674 1,516 1,868 1,066 1, 100 1,065 1,666 1,734 4,063 4,317 4,093 2,863 2,036 783 1,301 1,679 1,705 741 696 585 645 468 518 -20 680 740 537 600 416 2,122 87 95 95 69 2,056 82 17 941 994 1,109 872 1,125 35 45 45 30 43 1,821 52 50 50 39 39 512 405 608 820 512 405 608 416 803 2,762 2,638 2,388 1,644 1,279 1,250 931 RESERVE EXCESS OR D E F I CIENCY ( - ) 4/ BORROWINGS FROM RESERVE BANKS 151 469 214 205 284 232 275 569 475 456 304 325 307 (7) 392 1241 -56 248 94 85 602 202 ( - 1 8 ) 204 373 309 -559 168 132 173 119 120 116 101 102 500 477 336 345 -32 -25 -21 -32 -20 35 45 45 25 38 119 -67 -70 116 96 97 -66 120 -57 -58 104 (25) 188 -868 -365 807 -118 13 115 -17 264 220 253 697 100 285 151 369 220 253 412 (-24) 223 (50) 175 753 -348 543 40 43 41 67 151 329 177 212 345