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L.5.6 CONFIDENTIAL (F. R.) October 21, 1966 Table I f ? Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks vith U. S. Oovernment Securities Dealers for the Week Ended October 12, 1966 (in millions of dollars) 8 banks in 30 banks 5 banks 33 other 46 banks New T o * outside in Chicago banks City New York • 1. Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. Made originally in Federal funds b. Made originally in Clearing House funds l/ # 2. e 3. 151 142 142 5 146 JO. XX XX 8 XX XX XX XX XX XX 44 44 XX XX XX 33 33 XX XX XX 52 20 32 — i 32 417 299 119 5 114 11 Clearing bank balances a. Net Federal funds supplied to dealers b. Net Federal funds acquired from dealers (-) e 134 Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. Gross purchases from dealers (-) b. Gross sales to dealers e 335 4. Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) (-) Net loans e 1/ These data are included in terms of the day on which reserve balances are business day after the loans are made. Note:--Averages of daily figures. Bible H Footnotes 1/ Each day's offsetting purchases or sales by the same bank. Gross purchases less 2-vay transactions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, gross sales less 2-vay transactions equals net sales of net selling banks. 2/ Includes Federal funds loaned, the net funds supplied to each dealer by clearing banks, repurchase agreements (purchases of securities from dealers subject to resale) or other lending arrangements. 2/ Includes Federal funds borrowed, the net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities to dealers subject to repurchase), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues. kj Based upon reserve balances including all adjustments applicable to the reporting period. Carryover reserve deficiencies, if any, are deducted. This figure is shown in parentheses on Thursdays. L.5.6(a) CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) Table H Bally Federal Ponds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks Week Ended October 12, 1966 (In. idlllcns of dollars unless otherwise noted) Reporting "banks and date 4b banks Oct. 6 7 Related transactions Federal funds transactions • with U. S. Government Reserve Gross interbank Total Met interbank transact icns securities dealers excess transactions 2-vay Purchases Sales Net pur- Loans BorrowEffecor defitrans- of net tive ciency to ings of net chases Htet PurSales actions buying rate dealers from selling or (-) v loans chases 1/ dealers banks sales(-) 2/ banks V 5 3A 10 B 0 banks in 11 12 " J 11 12 5 "banks in Chicago Oct. 6 7 10 11 12 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 1,975 XX XX XX XX XX All other "banks Oct. 6 XX 7 XX 10 XX 11 XX 12 XX 1,433 tti 1,864 808 672 s # 1 5 * 843 1,209 1,370 1.061 594 602 649 707 681 236 217 324 196 196 m 747 223 190 297 133 133 ill 411 n 674 517 ITA 1 i3 iri 851 685 900 810 810 236 249 249 .M 1,373 605 768 I 715 5$I •38 III 961 s 64 m 229 298 ?55 303 lot 143 l i < 129 i g 71 97 i 460 268 15 22s 49 32 27 27 94 121 133 137 1 12 2 821 717 336 d 28; i n 423 107 1 12 2 3I 27 27 93 109 131 137 107 §81 225 323(—) 218 •216 •365 •?60 485 350 100 11(20) 405 :1 3|(") 16 < 24 .143 •i@7 142 l4l 158 164 134 ° > -VS2 78 27 2 & 208 m 798 121 531 H4 91s 1,016 k 164 138 27 m 37 i S 329 477 1,556 $ $ 494 : 2,224 1,979 iifc fcSR H HH 30 banks outs^Le^Hev^Tork 2.Q5Q rlHHHrl •J 1st m ES35 Nev York City Oct. 6 Borrowings frcm Reserve Banks 452 205 225 22S 317 80 150 150 J 125 •$ JL-