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L-5-6 teOERAL CMUBEBTIAl (F. B.) RE of „SERVE e A N K ; » S CITY dec 3 pese<arch November 30, 1964 196+ Table, I Library TransacCToKScor MaJor Reserve City Banks with. U. S. Government Securities Dealers for the tfeek Ended November 11, 1964 (Revised) ( i n millions of dollars) 46 banks |L• Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. 1 8 banks in 38 banks out- 5 banks 33 other New York City side New York in Chicago banks b. Made originally in Federal Z/W funds Made originally in Clearing House funds l / 285 462 2^284 94 -/l90 285 XX XX XX 42 42 XX XX XX XX XX XX 44 44 XX XX XX 41 41 XX XX XX 2. Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. Gross purchases from dealers ( - ) Gross sales t o dealers * b. 3. Clearing bank balances a. I 4. 1/ b. Net Federal funds supplied t o dealers Net Federal funds acquired from dealers ( - ) Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) ( - ) £ Net loans 1/992 / £ / - 708 r/ - - £/284 94 £./l90 These data are included in terms of the day cm which reserve balances are affected, me business day after the loans are made. %ote:—Averages of daily figures. r / Revised from L. 5-6 published November 23. r e f l e c t e d in B u l l e t i n t a b l e . Related changes i n H.5 r e l e a s e w i l l be L-5*6(a ) CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) Table I I Daily Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City •Rnnu-n Week Ended November 11, 1964 (Revised) ( i n millions of dollars unless othervise noted) Reporting banks and date 46 banks Nov. 5 6 9 10 11 8 banks in New York City Nov. 5 6 9 10 11 38 banks outside New York Nov. 5 6 9 10 11 5 banks in Chicago Nov. 5 6 Federal funds transactions Related transactions Gross interbank Total Net interbank transactions with U. 8. Government transactions securities dealers Effec2-way Purchases Sales Net pur- Loans Borrowtive transPurNet ings o f net chases to Sales actions of net rate chases frcm loans buying s e l l i n g or dealers 1/ dealers banks 2/ banks s a l e s ( - ) 3T 1,643 806 665 l4l 978 1,214 837 28 1,186 1,750 885 172 865 1,044 902 2,073 1,255 >9 386 817 1-978 1*946 r r 1,084 1,745 851 894 660 234 l,099 l,055 1,802 1.145 ="1,099 879 221 .221. 657 ^45 1,055 1 I im Reserve Borrowexcess ings or d e f i - from Reserve (-) 4/ Banks -146(33) 84 143 -99 -87 217 167 293 218 240 931 -286(19) 22 113 & 730 59 730 52 50 50 160 77 77 255 140(13) 62 271 272 30 r 325 -158 r 325 -139 167 XX XX XX XX XX 773 808 933 809 809 337 372 553 371 371 320 367 352 341 341 454 441 580 469 469 17 5 201 31 31 437 436 379 438 438 960 773 707 775 775 XX XX XX XX XX 870 470 514 702 713 774 346 347 517 510 524 124 4oo LI 425 410 203 191 iP 222 219 255 271 r 272 r 325 r 325 141 127 l6l l4o 123 150 120 120 77 137 172 100 100 1 4 11 36 J6_ 76 133 161 64 64 98 100 94 85 _§L 98 100 94 85 85 19(--) -26 84 206 224 367 391 463 447 324 157 157 121(13) XX XX XX XX XX 9 10 11 All other banks Nov. 5 XX 6 XX 9 XX 10 XX 11 XX For fBank f p tofn St. o t eLouis s see Reverse Federal Reserve 943 1,140 935 _221 217 260 322 220 220 653 683 156 156 329 818 715 557 618 773 of L # . 6 in 123 163 174 167 155 III 325 310 r Revised. # 296 277 158 155 28 142 33 45 45 r. r. r r r 240 r 240 -6 -9 178 2 4 o -152 r 2 4 0 -129 r $ l4l 163 167 S l4l 163