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November 17, 1969 L.5.6 CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) scalable I Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U. S. Government Securities Dealers for the Week Ended November 5, 1969 (In millions of dollars) 8 banks in 38 banks 33 other 5 banks 46 banks New York outside in Chicago banks New York City 1. Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. b. 2. b. b. Gross purchases from dealers ( - ) Gross sales to dealers Net Federal funds supplied to dealers Net Federal funds acquired from dealers ( - ) Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) ( - ) Net loans 1/ 627 209 53 156 96 96 XX XX XX 31 14 31 14 XX XX XX XX XX XX 72 72 XX XX XX 57 57 XX XX XX 67 52 16 mm mm 16 863 670 194 53 141 Clearing bank balances a. 4. 837 Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. 3. Made originally in Federal funds Made originally in Clearing House funds 1/ These data are included in terms of the day on which reserve balances are affected, i.e., the business day after the loans are made. Note:—Averages of daily figures. Table II Footnotes Each day 1 s offsetting purchases or sales by the same bank. Gross purchases less 2-way transactions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, gross sales less 2-way transactions equals net sales of net selling banks. Includes Federal funds loaned, the net funds supplied to each dealer by clearing banks, repurchase agreements (purchases of securities from dealers subject to resale) or other lending arrangements. Includes Federal funds borrowed, the net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities to dealers subject to repurchase ), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues. Based upon reserve balances including all adjustments applicable to the reporting period. Carryover reserve deficiencies, if any, are deducted. This figure is shown in parentheses on Thursdays. L.5.6(A) C'l'jf- I O F N T T A I (F.R. ) TABLE DAILY FEDERAL (IN FUNDS T R A N S A C T I O N S OF MAJOR RESERVE C I T Y B A N K S WEEK ENDED O C T O B E R 29, 1969 (c - Corrected) M L L I C N S CF D O L L A R S U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E N O T E D ) FEDERAL 3RQSS INTERBANK TRANSACTICNS I- j ° :P"KTING jANKS A \ 0 EFFeCTI VE RATE ca JT PUR- | CHASES! FUNDS TOTAL SALES nANKS J C T. 2 3 24 27 29 29 8 8 8 7 1 B A N K S IN NtW YORK C I T Y -C T• 2 3 24 27 BANKS 2-bAY TRANSACT I C N S 6 f C55 5,670 5,648 5,614 5,435 3,146 2,764 2 ,967 3 ,425 3 ,760 1 ,720 1 ,565 1 ,459 1 ,142 941 1 ,023 1 ,4 7 0 1 ,602 1 ,547 1 ,610 XX XX XX 4 ,334 4,105 4,189 4,1,12 3,887 2 ,v34 1 ,32 3 1 ,943 I ,955 2,150 XX XX XX XX XX 1 ,495 1 ,356 1,391 1 ,327 1 ,362 XX XX XX XX XX 2 ,840 2,749 2,799 2,684 2,525 2 ,016 2,08c 2,118 2,897 2,634 332 775 713 1 ,<154 1 ,C5 1 INTERBANK PU*=- ChASES OF N E T BUY I N O 'BANKS 4,039 3,590 3,530 2,727 TRANSACTIONS SALES OF N E T SELLING BANKS 1, 1 30 6 34 848 538 NET PURCHASES OR SAL E S ( - ) 2,919 2,9C6 RELATED TRANSACTIONS W I T H U . S. G O V E R N M E N T SECUR(TIES DEALERS LOANS BORROWTO INGS DEALER S FROM 2/ DEALERS 3/ NET LOANS RESERVE EXCESS OR D E F I C I E N C Y (-) 4/ 2, 189 1, 6 7 5 774 837 921 9 19 1,034 169 133 157 119 133 605 704 764 799 901 196 (260) 355 -657 -387 -352 c 629 548 757 532 669 131 95 130 91 108 499 454 627 441 561 2 76(—113) 559 578 624 436 132 -62 820 2, 3 3 1 145 2, 282 288 2, 2 4 6 2, C 5 7 1, 738 163 386 365 38 38 27 107 250 137 358 340 -80 355 -324 -3 0 3 -578 (373) 517 538 322 567 1,090 30 30 30 30 55 50 -82 -116 -114 (49) -135 305 -242 -188 -464 (324) 2,801 I, 126 886 3 1C 79C 746 348 49 7 166 3 It 216 2,682 BORROWINGS FROM RESERVE BANKS 138 489 286 376 357 75 150 145 333 -84 22 6 c JUT- S I D E NFVi YORK n C T . 23 24 27 XX XX 28 29 5 RANKS 1/2 XX XX XX XX XX 29 2<2 3 4 3/4 TRANSACTIONS NET 1/ 46 II 1,184 1 ,306 1 ,405 1 ,633 1 ,583 3,151 2,799 2,734 2,379 2,305 4u5 356 332 423 291 405 356 298 40 3 290 1,090 1,094 924 1,072 20 1 ,599 1 ,467 779 949 1 ,107 1,230 1,292 2,061 820 1,691 1,455 1,23 3 517 50 5 30 2 567 28 26 138 489 211 226 212 IN CHICAGO 10T. 23 24 27 28 29 AIL OTHER OCT. 1,000 34 It 060 904 1,072 20 30 20 30 50 50 38 BANKS 23 24 27 28 29 FuR 1,000 FOOTNOTES SEE REVERSE OF L.5.6 1 ,612 1 ,532 1 ,859 It 800 1, 2 4 1 1,282 1, 186 1, 1 5 2 666 115 258 143 356 315 38 38 27 28 26 77 220 117 328 2 90 138 451 211 226 212 L . 5.61 a) CONFIOEMTItl (F.S.) TABLE DAILY II FEDFRAL (TN F U N D S T R A N S A C T I O N S OF M A J O R R E S E R V E CITY WEEK ENDED N O V E M B E R 0 5, 1 9 6 9 M I L L I O N S OF D O L L A R S U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E N O T E D ) BANKS i FEDERAL GROSS INTERBANK TRANSACTIONS PFDORTING BANKS AND DATE 46 RANKS O C T . 30 31 N O V . f>3 04 05 TRANS ACTIONS NET I N T E R B A N K T R A N S A C T I O N S PURC H A S ES SALES NET PUROF NET OF NET CHASES BUYING OR SELLING BANKS BANKS SAL E S C - ) EFFECT7 VE RATE PURCHASES SALES T O T AL 2-WAY TRANSACTIONS 1/ 8 9 9 9 9 5,382 5,839 6,320 6,671 7,044 3 ,038 2 ,863 3,520 3,556 2 ,894 2,231 2,299 2,794 2,767 2,536 3,151 3,540 3,536 3,905 4,508 807 565 736 789 357 3/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 8 B A N K S IN NEW YORK C I T Y O C T . 30 31 N O V . 03 04 05 XX XX XX XX XX 1,518 1,763 1,677 1,677 1 ,956 1 1 1 1 1 ,346 ,436 ,767 ,767 ,539 947 1,166 1,305 1 ,305 1,198 572 598 372 372 768 399 270 461 461 351 39 B A N K S O U T SIDE N E W YORK n C T. 30 31 NOV. 03 04 05 XX XX XX XX XX 3,864 4,075 4,643 4,994 5,088 1 ,692 1 ,428 1,753 I ,789 1 ,355 1,285 1,133 1,479 1,461 1 ,348 2,579 2,942 3,164 3,533 3,740 408 295 274 328 7 5 B A N K S TN CHICAGO O C T . 30 3! NOV. 03 04 05 XX XX XX XX XX 1,141 1 ,132 1 ,377 1 ,133 1 ,447 292 147 232 325 317 229 147 227 323 317 911 986 1,150 810 1,130 63 ALL 0 T H E R B A N K S O C T . 30 31 NHV. 03 04 0 5 XX XX XX XX XX 2,723 2,943 3,266 3,861 3,641 ,400 ,281 ,521 ,465 ,038 1 ,055 986 1,252 1 ,138 1,031 1,668 1,957 2,014 2,723 2,610 345 2°5 FDD FOOTNOTES • FUNDS • SEP <?EV<E"SE • OF 1 1 1 1 1 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 269 327 7 LOANS TO DEALERS 2/ 160 215 86 86 109 677 861 1,035 1,035 717 -417 721 -932 —373 609 (-60) 173 328 -90 -90 417 736 860 871 871 607 129 200 75 75 97 607 661 796 796 509 36 457 -269 -269 -193 (-201 172 648 890 205 734 101 215 250 2 50 218 31 15 11 11 10 70 200 239 239 208 -454 265 -663 —104 803 (-40) 848 986 1, 1 4 5 809 1, 1 3 0 50 50 30 30 110 50 50 30 30 110 -155 58 -55 64 96 (-45) 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 51 165 220 220 108 20 150 209 209 98 -299 207 -608 -169 707 (6) 323 662 745 396 604 — 31 15 11 11 10 ' I • • • NET LOANS 837 1,075 1,121 1, 1 2 1 825 L.5.6 • BORROWINGS FROM DEALERS 3/ RESERVE EXCESS OR D E F I CIENCY (-) 4/ 344 976 800 115 151 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5 1 RELATED TRANSACTIONS W I T H U . S. G O V E R N M E N T SECURITIES DEALER S • • BORROWINGS FROM RESERVE BANKS 48 810 325 373 624 175 50 50 225 48 635 275 323 399 236 200 200 230 48 399 75 123 199