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L.5.6 •- July F-, 1969 CONFIDENTIAL (F.R. ) Table I Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U. S. Government Securities Dealen for the Week Ended June 25, 1969 (In millions of dollars) 46 banks 1. Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. 632 200 34 166 " 156 156 XX XX XX 29 13 29 13 XX XX XX XX XX XX 77 77 XX XX XX 62 62 XX XX XX Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) ( - ) 241 36 206 Net loans 744 750 Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. b. 3. b. 1/ Gross purchases from dealers ( - ) Gross sales to dealers Clearing bank balances a. 4. Made originally in Federal funds Made originally in Clearing House funds 1/ 831 b. 2. 8 banks in 38 banks 5 banks 33 other New York outside in Chicago banks City New York Net Federal funds supplied to dealers Net Federal funds acquired from dealers (-) + 6 206 -- 34 + These data are included in terms of the day on which reserve balances are affected, i.e., the business day after the loans are made. Note:--Averages of daily figures. "fcDERAL RESERVfc of KANSAS CITY JUL 1 4 1969 Research Library 40 I 'fr- iable II Footnotes 1J Each day s offsetting purchases or sales by the same bank. Gross purchases less 2-way transactions equals net purchases of net buying banks. Similarly, gross sales less 2-way transactions equals net sales of net selling banks. U Includes Federal funds loaned, the net funds supplied to each dealer by clearing banks, repurchase agreements (purchases of securities from dealers subject to resale) or other lending arrangements. 3/ Includes Federal funds borrowed, the net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities to dealers subject to repurchase ), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues. 4/ Based upon reserve balances including all adjustments applicable to the reporting period. Carryover reserve deficiencies, if any, are deducted. This figure is shown in parentheses on Thursdays. * L.5,6(A) CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) TABLE DAILY FEDERAL (IN FUNDS TRANSACTIONS OF MAJOR RESERVE CITY WEEK ENDED J U N E 25, 1969 M I L L I O N S OF D O L L A R S U N L E S S O T H E R W I S E N O T E D # FEDERAL GROSS INTERBANK TRANSACTIONS REPORTING BANKS AND DATE 46 EFFECTIVE RATE BANKS JUNE 19 9 8 3/4 9 1/8 20 23 24 25 8 6 8 B A N K S IN N E W YORK C I T Y J U N E 19 20 23 24 25 38 B A N K S OUTSIDE NEW YORK JUNE 19 20 23 24 25 5 B A N K S IN CHICAGO J U N E 19 20 23 24 25 ALL OTHER JUNE PURCHASES SALES 6 ,009 6,170 5,422 4,721 4,863 2,640 2,662 3,056 2,950 3,369 FUNDS 2,119 2,219 2,224 2,081 2,313 2,104 2,362 1,912 1,348 1,530 1,016 XX XX XX XX XX 3,905 3,807 3,510 3,373 3,332 1,624 1,671 1,651 1,211 1,228 1, 166 1,537 1,145 1,153 XX XX XX XX XX 1 ,130 1,213 1 ,037 943 96 8 511 455 338 356 360 507 454 328 314 285 XX 2,775 2,594 2,473 2,429 2,365 ,113 705 774 838 832 867 1,620 RELATED TRANSACTIONS W I T H U . S. G O V E R N M E N T SECURITIES DEALERS NET I N T E R B A N K T R A N S A C T I O N S TOTAL PUR2-WAY CHASES SALES NET PURLOANS BORROWTRANSOF NET OF N E T CHASES TO INGS ACT IONS BUYING SELLING OR DEALERS FROM BANKS 1/ BANKS SALES(-) 2/ DEALERS 3/ XX XX XX XX XX 991 1 ,405 1 ,330 1,832 TRANSACTIONS BANKS 908 99 1 1,058 935 1,160 NET LOANS RESERVE EXCESS OR D E F I CIENCY M 4/ 3,890 3,951 3, 1 9 8 2,640 2,550 521 443 831 870 1,056 3,369 3,508 2,366 1,770 1,494 1,074 950 8 50 1,322 1,438 294 317 333 365 382 780 634 517 957 1 ,056 527 706 -687 -724 -970 (249) 1,196 1,372 854 413 370 108 1,088 935 830 736 91 115 130 143 174 844 715 256 405 —65 -738 -576 (115) 271 301 -621 15 -3 95 (134) 2,694 2,579 2,344 2,227 2, 180 624 760 709 630 682 347 395 672 1,372 507 18 1,211 -302 765 413 443 485 475 384 2,281 139 121 114 203 674 208 5 619 759 699 588 607 41 34 34 43 1,662 98 87 I 10 42 75 2,137 1,859 1,752 1,796 111 202 203 221 606 1 ,068 590 -64 -81 -89 -111 466 41 34 34 43 20 29 BORROWINGS FROM RESERVE BANKS 418 791 318 408 394 200 81 418 591 318 408 313 (6) 116 20 -136 -99 27 -105 -115 -123 -154 446 242 185 -486 114 -421 BANKS 19 XX 20 XX XX XX 23 24 25 FOR II FOOTNOTES SEE REVERSE OF L.5.6 1,216 1 313 265 176 2,070 1,820 1,635 1,597 1,497 408 442 475 433 309 1,378 1, 160 1,165 1, 188 80 68 654 203 202 203 221 208 1128) 418 591 318 408 313