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W.3 '' July 23, 1965 CONFIDEHTIAL (F. R.) FEDERAL RESERVE of KANSAS c g ^ l e I Transactions^ol^MaSar Ites^rve City Banks with U. S. Government S e c u r i t i ^ ^ g ^ IffoffifyVeek Ended July 14, 1965 (in millions of dollars) 46 banks 8 banks in 38 banks out- 5 banks 33 other New York City side New York in Chicago banks 1. Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. Made originally in Federal funds b. Made originally in Clearing House funds l/ 796 394 402 47 355 307 307 XX XX XX 47 21 47 21 XX XX XX XX XX XX 25 25 XX XX XX 44 44 XX XX XX 1 1 1,056 654 402 47 355 2. Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. Gross purchases from dealers (- ) b. Gross sales to dealers 3" Clearing bank balances a. Net Federal funds supplied to dealers b. Net Federal funds acquired from dealers (-) >4. Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) (-) Net loans These data are included in terms of the day on which reserve balances are affected, one "business day after the loans are made. Note:—Averages of daily figures. Table II Footnotes l/ Bach day1» offsetting purchases or sales by the same hank. Gross purchases less 2-way transactions equals net purchases of net buying hanks. Similarly, gross sales less 2-way transactions equals net sales of net selling hanks. 2/ Includes Federal funds loaned, the net funds supplied to each dealer hy clearing hanks, repurchase agreements (purchases of securities from dealers subject to resale) or other lending arrangements. 2/ Includes Federal funds borrowed, the net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities to dealers subject to repurchase), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues. kj Based upon reserve balances including all adjustments applicable to the reporting period. Carryover reserve deficiencies, if any, are deducted. This figure is shown in parentheses on Thursdays. L«5 »6( a) CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) Table II Daily Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks Week Ended July 14, 1965 (In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted) Reporting hanks and date 46 hanks July 8 if 13 14 8 hanks in New York City July 8 9 12 S 38 hanks outside New York July 8 9 12 13 14 5 hanks in Chicago July 8 9 12 13 14 All other hanks July 8 9 12 Related transactions Federal funds transactions withU. 8. Government Reserve BorrowGross interbank excess Total Net interbank transactions ings securities dealers transactions L u . ucll" 2-way Effecfrom Purchases Sales Net pur- Loans Borrowteraaseiency Reserve Net tive Purings to of net chases Sales actions of net rate from (-)&/ Banks l®ane chases or dealers selling buying 1/ defers banks banks sales(-) 2/ 947 1,271 1,175 1,106 1.019 1,395 1,037 1,325 1,123 1.085 % 73 82 1,319 920 1,261 1,050 1.004 4l8 518 735 8 15 135 146 210 409 503 600 948 670 886 77 117 64 872 553 822 -219(--J l4l -47 -199 -17 200 335 301 378 501 502 601 668 856 819 782 709 130 88 244 91 123 538 768 575 691 586 447 367 439 427 400 447 367 439 427 400 8(35) 245 -108 -186 -299 244 217 60 80 62 148 107 155 164 153 124 83 149 128 142 194 354 282 258 224 25 36 11 170 339 276 222 213 51 50 50 40 41 282 650 798 359 890 & 898 571 943 of L . $ # # 177 296 353 374 473 105 64 238 55 112 # # 368 438 299 470 372 & # 396 317 389 387 359 4 4 664 822 1,247 1,165 1.433 929 1.101 XX XX XX XX 1XX 643 859 - 1,102 988 1.143 234 356 502 573 709 226 341 3 66 427 500 XX XX XX XX XX 968 1,284 1,310 430 467 746 593 724 318 437 430 386 366 i:SB XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 8 For f o o # # e s see Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis re#B#e -211(35) 444 138 103 379 237 333 1,612 2,094 2,422 2,272 2.451 4 1/8 527 # # 1,085 i& 1,3*3 1,352 Wk 502 537 1 n 77 6 -385 -316 % 80 62 11 Si -- — # # 51 50 50 40 41 -18( 8) 119 396 317 389 387 359 # 26(26] 125 217 222 60 -173 80 -100 62 -253 # # # 65 -86 -46 # #