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L.5.6 January 28, 1966 CONFIDENTIAL ( F . j U ) Table I .-ri T r a n s i t i o n s , of Major Reserve C i t y Banks with U. S . Government S^e&ritl^s Dealers f o r t h e Week Ended January 19, 1966 :> V' vy°- I- ( i n m i l l i o n s of d o l l a r s ) > * ' «r 1. 46 banks ti banks i n 38 banks 5 banks 33 o t h e r Mew York o u t s i d e i n Chicago banks City New York C o l l a t e r a l loans (balances outstanding) a. b. Made o r i g i n a l l y i n F e d e r a l funds Made o r i g i n a l l y i n Clearing House funds 1 / Jkh 399 346 38 308 242 242 XX XX XX 45 25 45 25 XX XX XX XX XX XX 59 59 XX XX XX 35 35 XX XX 1 644 346 38 308 2. Unsecured one-day F e d e r a l funds t r a n s a c t i o n s a. b. Gross purchases from dealers (-) Gross s a l e s t o d e a l e r s 3. Clearing bank balances a. b. 4. Net F e d e r a l funds supplied to dealers Net F e d e r a l funds a c q u i r e d from d e a l e r s ( - ) Borrowings from d e a l e r s and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) ( - ) Net loans 1/ mm mm 990 These data a r e included i n terms of t h e day on which r e s e r v e balances a r e business day a f t e r t h e loans a r e made. Note: —Averages of d a i l y f i g u r e s . XX •L.5.6(a) • CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) • • # # e # # • Table 11 Daily Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City ftanirn Week Ended J a n u a r y 19, 19 66 ( i n millions of dollars unless otherwise noted) Reporting banks and date 46 banks J a n . 13 14 17 18 19 0 banks i n New York City Jan.. 13 14 17 18 19 38 banks outside New York J::;. 13 14 17 18 19 5 banks in Chicago J a n . 13 14 17 18 19 All other banks J a n . Ij3 Federal funds transactions Related transactions Gross interbank Borrowl o t a l Net interbank transactions withU* 8. Government Reserve excess transactions ings s e c u r i t i e s dealers Effec2-way or d e f i - from Purchases Sales Net pur- Loans Borrowtive transPurNet ciency Reserve ings o f net chases to Sales actions of net rate chases (-) 4/ frcm lease buying Banks s e l l i n g or dealers 1/ dealers banks 2/ banks s a l e s ( - ) 4 4 4 2 1 5/8 5/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 3,560 3,540 3,682 2,448 2.227 1,189 1,322 1,591 1,428 1.359 1,084 1,137 1,380 1,001 993 2,476 2,4o4 2,302 1,448 1.234 105 186 211 427 366 2,371 2,218 2,091 1,021 868 1,167 1,135 1,088 889 938 62 98 54 56 94 1,106 606(29) 1,038 447 1,034 6 833 -712 844 -631 265 124 XX XX XX XX XX 1,894 1,870 1,888 1,065 887 668 609 920 881 738 652 609 803 608 496 1,242 1,261 1,085 456 391 16 117 272 242 1,226 1,261 968 184 149 73 6 774 746 619 645 62 98 54 56 94 675 190(14) 677 502 692 -155 562 -715 550 -450 225 80 XX XX XX XX XX 1,666 1,670 1,794 1,384 1,340 521 1,234 1,142 1,217 991 843 89 186 94 154 124 1,145 957 1,123 837 719 431 361 342 271 294 431 416(15) 361 342 271 3 294 -182 40 44 547 621 431 528 577 393 497 XX XX XX XX XX 429 466 195 172 165 178 82 165 139 161 106 78 264 327 386 258 362 29 33 4 71 4 235 294 382 187 358 t! 39 13 43 104( 4) 42 -136 39 186 13 -42 43 104 326 542 506 369 539 266 389 4i6 286 419 970 815 831 733 481 60 153 90 83 120 910 663 741 650 36l 388 318 303 258 1 251 I 547 365 44o 1,236 XX 1,204 XX 17 1,247 XX 18 1,019 XX 19 XX 900 For footnotes see reverse of L.5.6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Wi 388 313(11) 318 81 303 -38 258 45 251 -286 12 12 4o 40 4 12 Table II Footnotes i / Bach day1 s offsetting purchases or sales Toy the same bank. Gross purchases l e s s 2-vay transactions equals net purchases of net buying hanks • Similarly, gross sales less 2-way transactions equals net sales of net selling banks. 2 j Includes Federal funds loaned, the net funds supplied t o each dealer by clearing banks# repurchase agreements (purchases of securities from dealers subject t o r e s a l e ) or other lending arrangements. 2/ Includes Federal funds borrowed, the net funds acquired from each dealer by clearing banks, reverse repurchase agreements (sales of securities t o dealers subject t o repurchase), resale agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues. it/ Based upon reserve balances including a l l adjustments applicable t o the reporting period. Carryover reserve deficiencies, i f any, are deducted. This f i g u r e i s shown in parentheses on Thursdays.