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L. 5.6 December 1, 1967 CONFIDENTIAL (F. R.) Table I C transactions of Major Reserve City Banks with U. S. Government ' Securities Dealers for the Week Ended November 22, 1967 (in millions of dollars) 8 banks in 3ti banks 5 banks 33 other 46 banks New Yoric outside in Chicago banks New Yoric City 1. Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. Made originally in Federal funds b. Made originally in Clearing House funds l/ 1,330 730 601 7 594 152 152 XX XX XX 41 14 41 14 XX XX XX XX XX XX 39 39 XX XX XX 33 33 XX XX XX mm mm — — — — 2. Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. Gross purchases from dealers (-) b. Gross sales to dealers 3. Clearing bank balances a. Net Federal funds supplied to dealers b. Net Federal funds acquired from dealers (-) 4. Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) (-) Net loans 1,462 861 601 7 l/ These data are included in terns of the day on which reserve balances are "business day after the loans are made. — Note:--Averages of daily figures. 594 Table H Footnotes net sales of net selling banks. agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues, on Thursdays. L.5.6(t) # # # # CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) # # # # Table II Daily Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks Week Ended November 22, 1967 (in millions of dollars unless otherwise noted) Reporting banks and date 46 "banks Nov. 16 17 20 21 22 ti "banks in New York City Nov. 16 17 20 21 22 38 "banks outside New York Nov. 16 17 20 21 22 5 banks in Chicago Nov. 16 17 20 21 21 Federal funds transactions Gross interbank transactions Total Net interbank transactions 2-way Purchases Sales Net purEffecPurSales trans- of net of net chases tive or chases actions buying rate selling banks sales(-) banks 1/ Reserve excess or deficiency (-) V 2,881 3,039 2,686 3,008 3,144 1,445 1,973 2,170 2.570 2,855 1,163 1,373 1,400 1,598 1,526 1,719 1,665 1,286 1,410 1,618 282 600 770 972 1,329 1,436 1,066 516 438 288 1,725 1,521 1,785 1,524 1,155 48 101 77 64 26 1,678 1,420 1,707 1,460 1,129 275 (57) 24 -1,306 791 484 XX XX XX XX XX 1,072 903 827 835 970 551 843 1,233 1,294 1,396 514 583 643 646 548 558 320 185 189 -422 37 260 591 649 848 521 59 -406 -460 -426 1,100 889 1,122 979 677 48 101 77 64 26 1,052 787 1,045 915 651 373 (29) - 19 - 862 464 113 XX XX XX XX XX 1,809 2,136 1,859 2,173 2,174 894 1,130 937 1,276 1,459 648 790 757 953 979 1,161 1,346 1,102 1,220 1,196 246 339 180 323 481 915 1,006 922 897 715 625 632 662 545 478 XX XX XX XX XX 341 379 351 418 349 378 326 339 350 463 264 220 281 311 324 77 158 70 107 25 114 106 58 39 139 - 37 52 13 68 - 114 13 11 1 - — 13 11 1 - - - - - — - - — — 516 803 598 926 997 384 570 476 642 655 1,084 1,187 1,032 1,113 1,171 132 233 122 284 342 952 954 909 829 829 612 621 661 545 478 4 1/8 4 4 1/4 4 3 3/4 All other banks Nov. 16 XX 17 XX 20 XX XX 21 XX 22 For footnotes see reverse Related transactions with U.. S# Government securities dealers Loans Borrowto ings Net dealers from loans 2/ dealers 3/ 1,468 1,757 1,508 1,755 1,825 of L.5.6 — — — — — — - - — — - - — — — - - 625 632 662 545 478 612 621 661 545 478 - 98 (28) 43 - 443 327 371 - 49 (21) 54 - 173 139 - 32 - 49 (7) - 12 - 271 188 403 Borrowings from Reserve Banks 39 12 257 12 54 — - - 150 — — 54 39 12 107 12 - - — — — — 39 12 107 12 —