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L.5.6 CONFIDENTIAL (F• R •) April lb, 1967 Table I Transactions'of Major Reserve City Banks with U. S. Government Securities Dealers for the Week Ended April 5, 1967 (in millions of dollars) 8 banks in 38 banks 5 banks 33 other 46 banks New York outside in Chicago banks New York City • 1 . Collateral loans (balances outstanding) a. Made originally in Federal funds b. Made originally in Clearing House funds l/ • 1,491 741 750 45 705 177 177 XX XX XX 34 22 34 22 XX XX XX XX XX XX 60 60 XX XX XX 61 61 XX XX XX mm mm m* — «• - - 2. Unsecured one-day Federal funds transactions a. Gross purchases from dealers (-) b. Gross sales to dealers • 3- Clearing bank balances a. Net Federal funds supplied to dealers b. Net Federal funds acquired from dealers (-) # 4. # Borrowings from dealers and reverse repurchase agreements (balances outstanding) (-) Net loans 1,656 905 750 45 1/ These data are included in terms of the day on which reserve balances are "" business day after the loans are made. Note: —Averages of daily figures. 705 Table H Footnotes , net sales of net selling banks. 1 sssarss2i -~ s . r ^ J ^ r s r s s s s ^SSLTS^STt'-S «p£ssrsui« agreements, and borrowings secured by Government or other issues. on Thursdays. L.5.6(a) CONFIDENTIAL (F.R.) Table II Dally Federal Funds Transactions of Major Reserve City Banks Week Ended April 5, 1967 (in millions of dollars unless otherwise noted) Reporting "banks and date 4b "banks Mar. 30 31 A P r. ji 5 0 "banks in Nev York City Mar. 30 31 Apr. j 5 30 "banks outside New York Mar. 30 31 Apr. g 5 5 tanks in Chicago Mar. 30 31 Apr. 3 h Related transactions Federal funds transactions with U. S. Government Gross interbank Total Net interbank transactlcns securities dealers transactions 2-vay Purchases Sales Net pur- Loans BorrowEffectrans- of net tive to ings of net chases Net PurSales actions "buying rate dealers from or selling loans chases 1/ dealers "banks sales(-) 2/ "banks 3/ 4 3/4 4 1/2 3,574 2,391 3,161 m i # XX XX XX XX XX 1,325 960 1,333 XX XX XX XX XX 2,249 1,431 XX XX XX XX XX 458 i;Sl 2,617 m 494 761 2,508 1,859 2,351 2,850 3.091 284 66 268 l'259 1,066 532 810 884 1,139 626 181 391 591 181 372 734 779 961 35 1,350 598 1,078 m I'MI 724 417 688 884 893 475 351 438 645 773 l-Ml 138 46 157 270 293 127 m 5 All other "banks Mar. 30 XX 586 1,791 1,034 XX 31 371 Apr. XX XX 600 5 XX For footnotes see reverse of L.5.6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • m w 2,224 1,793 1,807 l,64l ]l 2,971 18 699 779 942 961 1,002 901 1,105 1,028 i,39i 1,553 1,845 249 66 250 239 121 1,524 1,015 l,l4i 1,314 1,724 846 639 913 758 817 11 10 20 60 26 319 351 279 225 468 50 136 209 267 330 362 299 285 494 348 315 1,444 719 239 56 229 179 95 i;ig§ 505 1,351 862 1,089 1,2^7 79 117 81 79 117 81 % Reserve excess or deficiency (-) 4/ 6o4( 2) 1,728 1,524 - -269 Borrowings from Reserve Banks 300 -44i igo 4si 882 885 819 1,030 953 97(—) -509 300 846 639 913 758 817 507( 2) 240 1.770 203 900 $ --til 22 6 50 - 62( — ) 20 35 % 20 35 -477 -266 26 $ $ 150 215 85 217 - - - - 8 867 867 w mm w 568( 2) - 35 -398 39 200 85 237