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822 TH IR TY -SE V E N TH CONGRESS. S e ss . III. R es. 1, 2, 3, 9. 1863. RESOLUTIONS. Dec. 18,1862. [No. 1.] A Resolution fo r increasing the Bond o f the Superintendent o f Public Printing Whereas the amount o f money which can be advanced to the superinSuperintendent tendent o f the public printing, under existing laws, is not sufficient to of public printing enable him to meet the current expenditures o f his office: therefore — *40 <K K>.b0nd m Resolved by the Senate, and House o f Representatives o f the United ’ States o f America in Congress assembled, That the said superintendent be required to furnish a new bond in the penal sum o f forty thousand dol lars. A p p r o v e d , December 18,1862. .. *^an‘ *863. [No. 2.] A Resolution in Relation to certain Maps. Public rinter Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United to contract for States o f America in Congress assembled, That, with a view o f expelithographing diting the issue o f the annual report o f the general land-office, the certain maps, & C . p u j , l i c printej, is hereby authorized to contract for the lithographing of the maps o f the several states and territories which may accompany the same, except in regard to the connected map accompanying the last an nual report o f the public lands east and west of the Mississippi, in regard to which the commissioner o f the general land-office is hereby authorEngraved plate ized to procure an engraved plate thereof, to be perfected by adding from for other map. time to time the further surveys that may be made. A p p r o v e d , January 6,1863. Jan. 13,1863. Free library for [No. 8.j Joint Resolution to grant, the Use o f a Portion o f Judiciary Square far a Free Library and Reading-Room fo r Soldiers. Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary o f the Inteand he is hereby, authorized to grant to John A . Fowle and Elida B. Rumsey the use of a portion of* the land owned by the United States, and known as “ Judiciary Square,” to erect thereon, free from charge to the United States, a suitable building for a soldiers’ free library and reading-room for soldiers: Provided, That the same can be done without prejudice to the public interests, and provided that all expenses shall be borne by said Fowle and Rumsey, and that all benefits and privileges of such library and^ reading-room be granted to our soldiers free o f charge, and that said building be removed whenever the Secretary o f the Interior shall require the same to be done. A p p r o v e d , January 13, 1863. sSS'r°°mriorbe> _ i a-n.-..17’ 18G3' [No- 9-] J°int Resolution to provide fo r the immediate Payment o f the Army and Navy 1863, ch. 73, § 3. o f the United States. Ante, p. 710. "Whereas it is deemed expedient to make immediate provision for the payment of the army and n avy: therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United Mates o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- T H IR T Y -S E V E N T H CONGRESS. S ess. III. R es. 9-11, 13. ury be, and he is hereby, authorized, if required by the exigencies o f the public service, to issue on the credit o f the United States the sum o f one hundred millions o f dollars o f United States notes, in such form as he may deem expedient, not bearing interest, payable to bearer on demand, and o f such denominations not less than one dollar, as he may prescribe, which notes so issued shall be lawful money and a legal tender, like the similar notes heretofore authorized in payment of all debts, public and private, within the United States, except for duties on imports and interest on the public debt; and the notes so issued shall be part o f the amount provided for in any bill now pending for the issue o f treasury notes, or that may be passed hereafter by this Congress. A p p r o v e d , January 17, 1863. [N o. 10.] A Resolution supplementary to the A ct entitled “ An A ct to provide for the Im- prisonment o f Persons convicted o f Crime by the Criminal, Court o f the District o f Columbia,” approved January sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. 1863. 823 Issue of notes*authorized, Not to bear interest, an5j™0°™'nat^i|’ . j except for, &c.’ Jan. 28, 1863. 1863 ch 10. Ante, p. 635". Resolved by the Senate and Hom e o f Representatives o f the United States o f Am erica in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the act Provisions of entitled ‘‘ An act to provide for the imprisonment o f persons convicted of ex‘ crime by the criminal court o f the District of Columbia,” approved the sixteenth day o f January, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, be, and are hereby, made applicable to all persons who had been convicted o f crime by the criminal court o f the District o f Columbia and sentenced to con finement in the penitentiary prior to the date of the act herein named, and subsequent to the transfer legalized by the fourth section thereof, and Former transtheir transfer to the penitentiary at Albany, in the State o f New York, in er ma e v 1 the present month, by order o f the President o f the United States, is likewise hereby legalized and declared valid; and the said persons so transferred shall continue in confinement in said prison until the expira tion o f their several terms of imprisonment, or until they shall be legally discharged or removed. A p p r o v e d , January 28, 1863. [No. 11.] Joint Resolution tendering the Thanhs o f Congress to Commander John L. Wor- Feb. 3, 1863. den, o f the United States Navy. ; “ Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f Am erica in Congress assembled, That in pursuance of the Thanks of Conrecommendation o f the President o f the United States, and to enable him ^ “ ^and^John to advance Commander John L . Worden one grade, in pursuance o f the L. Worden, ninth section o f the act o f Congress of sixteenth July, eighteen hundred 1862, ch. 183, $ 9. and sixty-two, that the thanks o f Congress be, and they are hereby, ten- Ante, p. 584. dered to Commander John L. Worden for highly distinguished conduct in conflict with the enemy in the remarkable battle between the United States iron-clad steamer “ Monitor,” under his command, and the rebel iron-clad frigate “ Merrimac,” in March, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. A p p r o v e d , February 3, 1863. [No. 13.] Joint Resolution tendering the Thanks o f Congress to Commodore Charles Henry Davis and other Officers o f the Navy, in Pursuance o f the Recommendation o f the President o f the United. States. Feb, 7) 1863. — Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f Am erica in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress TbanksofConbe, and they are hereby, given to the following officers o f the United S1^83 en ere States navy, upon the recommendation o f the President o f the United States, vi z : — . . . . .. Commodore Commodore Charles Henry Davis, for-distinguished services in conflict C[lar[es nenly Davis.