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https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INSIDE THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Additional copies of this booklet may be obtained without charge from the Bank and Public Relations Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia 23213. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OF RICHMOND/BY ARTHUR V. MYERS, JR. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis This is the story of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. The Richmond Bank is one of the twelve regional banks that, together with some 6,000 commercial banks and the Board of Governors in Washington, make up the Federal Reserve System. As the central bank of our nation, the Reserve Federal System operates very much like the central banks of other advanced countries. Broadly speaking, the System has two important functions. First, it tries to provide monetary conditions that encourage high levels of employment, a growing economy, and a sound dollar. Second, it renders a large number of essentia I financial services to the publicprimarily through the commercial banks. This which booklet the describes Federal the Reserve services Bank of Richmond and its branches in Baltimore, Maryland, and Charlotte, North Carolina, provide for the people of Maryland, the District Virginia, of Columbia, North West Carolina, and Virginia, South Carolina. To help understand our various service functions, let's tour the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MONEY Perhaps the best place to start is in our Money Department. You might say that we are wholesalers of money. When your home town member banker finds his supply of currency and coin running low, he will write, wire, or call our Money Department which will ship the money by armored car. At the same time the bank's account with us will be reduced by the amount of the shipment. On the other hand, when local merchants and businessmen make large deposits of currency and coin with the bank, your banker is likely to find that he has more cash than he needs to satisfy the demands of his customers. When this happens he is likely to return the surplus currency and coin to us for credit to his account. It is the function of our Money Department to distribute currency and coin to banks so that it is available when you and others need it. NOTE ISSUES Chances are that one of the dollars in your pocket or purse bears a green seal. If so, it's a Federal Reserve note-the kind of money the Reserve Banks issue. The notes of our Bank bear the identifying number 5 and the letter E. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PROTECTION Money is indeed important, but it wouldn't be important for long if anyone could just come in and take it. To protect it and other valuables, we have a highly trained and well-equipped guard force on duty around the clock. CHECK COLLECTION Checks are so easy to use that we never give a thought to the behind-the-scenes work that makes them such a smoothfunctioning part of our economic life. The clearing of checks (getting the funds transferred from one bank to another) is a mammoth task which the banking system performs with amazing speed and an air of casual competence. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Suppose, for example, that you receive a dividend check for $10 drawn on a New York bank and you cash the check at your local bank. In order to get his money, the banker wi 11 promptly send the check to our Transit (check collection) Department. We will add $10 to your bank's account with us and send the check to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which will route the check to the bank on which it is drawn. Through a series of bookeeping entries, the New York Reserve Bank will pay us the $10 and collect $10 from the drawee bank by reducing its account with the New York Reserve Bank. The bank on which the check is drawn will reduce the account of the corporation paying the dividend by $10 and send the cancelled check to the corporation at the end of the month. The Transit Departments at our three offices clear over one million checks daily, thus helping the banking system to serve its customers more efficiently. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NONCASH COLLECTION Reserve Banks also collect for member banks, so-called noncash items-notes, bills of exchange, and similar items not payable on demand. Such items are processed in a separate division of our Transit Department. ACCOUNTING After seeing the volume of work handled by our Money and Transit Departments, one can easily understand our need for an Accounting Department. This Department keeps a running tally of our assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. It also pays our bills and prepares financial statements for our officers, staff members. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis directors, and BANK ACCOUNTS There was a time when shifting funds from one part of the country to another could turn a banker's hair gray overnight, for gold or currency frequently had to be bundled up and shipped from one location to another. Now, moving funds is a simple matter. If a corporation in your home town, as a customer of one of our member banks, wanted to transfer part of its bank account to a west coast bank, its banker could do it in minutes by wiring our Bank Accounts Department. Through our leased wire system our Bank Accounts Department would telegraph the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, which would in turn notify the corporation's west coast bank. The whole transaction would be handled through bookkeeping entries in a matter of minutes. No actual currency would be moved anywhere. This Department also keeps track of member banks' deposits with us and checks to see that such deposits are maintained at the levels required by System regulations. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DISCOUNT AND CREDIT Banks are subject to unforeseeable reductions in deposits and increases in loans. To meet such demands banks may draw down balances with other banks, sell securities, or borrow money. One place to which a member bank can always turn for a temporary loan for appropriate purposes is its Reserve Bank. Our Discount and Credit Department handles such loans. SECURITIES Your home town member bank owns large quantities of bonds and other securities. Chances are it keeps at least part of them in our vaults to use as collateral when borrowing from us; to secure deposits the Federal, state and local governments have made at the bank; or to safeguard the securities until they mature or are sold. This Department takes care of such securities for banks and clips the interest coupons when they become due. If a bank wants to buy or sell securities, this Department will handle the transaction. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FISCAL AGENCY Our Bank acts as a financial agent of the United States Treasury Department. When the Treasury wants to borrow money from banks, other financial institutions, corporations and the public, it sells bonds or other securities through the Federal Reserve Banks. When the time comes to pay off the bonds, we handle the payment too. Such work is handled by our Fiscal Agency Department. It also performs many related tasks, such as transferring (usually by wire) and exchanging securities. One of its more familiar tasks is issuing and redeeming savings bonds through home-town banks and · other qualified agents. Other important jobs are assisting the Treasury in tax collection and handling its deposits at the Reserve Banks and commercial banks. Perhaps the most unusual responsibility is burning in our incinerator certain issues of United States currency which are no longer fit for circulation. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis DATA PROCESSING All the information which this Bank collects would be worthless if it were not processed properly. This massive job is the responsibility of the Data Processing Department. To the hum of a computer and related equipment, millions of statistics are processed and recorded here daily. TELEGRAPH 8c SWITCHING CENTER Money and security transfers sent by our Bank Acounts and Fiscal Agency Departments to other Federal Reserve offices go through our Switching Center, which is the hub of the entire Federal Reserve System leased wire network. For ex- ample, if a bank served by the Boston Reserve Bank should want funds wired to a bank in the Dallas District, the message would travel from the Boston Reserve Bank through our Richmond center and on to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas in much the same way that telephone calls are routed through a central switchboard. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AUDITING Our auditors are kept busy checking on hundreds of millions of dollars of currency, coin, securities, and other assets and liabilities. In addition, the Auditing Department checks to make sure that the management of the Bank follows the restraints imposed by law and System policy. This Department occupies a unique position within the Bank. Rather than being responsible to our President, the General Auditor reports directly to our Board of Directors, since the Auditing Department acts as "watchdog" over the entire Bank, including even the top officers. The Richmond Reserve Bank is also examined carefully each year by men sent here from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington, D. C. EXAMINING Banks, as institutions of public trust and depositaries of community funds, have many responsibilities. In this country they form the hub around which our economic life revolves, and people everywhere have a stake in the soundness and effectiveness of their banks. This public interest in banking has long been safe https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis guarded by laws and regulations which are enforced by examining authorities. Every year a group of experienced, well-trained men from our Banks make unannounced examinations of State member banks. They appraise the assets and liabilities and the quality of the bank's management. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RESEARCH Congress has charged the Federal Reserve System with carrying out monetary policy. Our actions in this important area have a tremendous impact on the economy of the country and, consequently, must be based on careful evaluation of business conditions. The main job of the research staff is to assist our management in appraising business conditions and the impact our actions wi II have upon the economy. Other duties include collecting and processing statistical data; publishing statistical reports, the Monthly Review, and special pamphlets; briefing our Board of Directors on business conditions; answering requests for information from the public; and making frequent talks on economic matters. LEGAL The Legal Department handles letters to and from member banks and others covering legal questions, such as interpretations of the Federal Reserve Act and other banking laws and regulations. It also advises the Bank's directors and officers on legal aspects of the Bank's operations, approves all contracts and other documents to which the Bank is a party, and conducts any litigation involving the Bank. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PLANNING If this Department had a motto, it would be "Can do." Serving any Bank department that requires help, our planning staff assembles information about cost and efficiency of operations, studies work procedures, and acts generally as the Bank's troubleshooter in clearing hazards and bottlenecks in daily operations. EMERGENCY PLANNING We hope it never happens, but nevertheless we must be prepared for a nuclear attack by an unfriendly nation. Our Emergency Planning Department assists commercial banks in making arrangement for the protection of employees, records, securities and money in the event of such an emergency. In addition, Emergency Planning performs the same service for our own Bank and its employees. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PERSONNEL The most important part of our Bank is its people. And to these people one of the most important departments is our Personnel Department, which handles employee relations. Staff members of the Department interview job applicants, evaluate and classify jobs, pay us regularly, administer our retirement program, operate our health service and cafeteria, and do the thousand and one things that are so important to those who earn their living here. GENERAL SERVICE As the name implies, General Service performs a variety of duties all over the Bank. This Department buys furniture, equipment, and supplies; operates the tele- . phone switchboard; maintains a central filing system; and stores old correspondence. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT Having come this far on the tour, you can see that our facilities are very large. Our head office building, for example, occupies eight floors, covers half a city block, and houses over eight hundred employees. The Building and Equipment Department is staffed with carpenters, electricians, engineers, plumbers, and others who maintain the building and service most of our equipment. PRINTING AND SUPPLIES Each week your home-town bank receives a notice that the United States Treasury wi 11 auction Treasury bi I ls. It may also receive an announcement that the Treasury will sell bonds, or it may get a letter about a revision of a Federal Reserve regulation. You, yourself, may be receiving our Monthly Review, which contains various articles of interest to the business community. All of this material, including this booklet, is printed in our printing section. The supplies section of this Department stocks and issues the hundreds of itemsfrom paper clips to paper towels-that are necessary to keep any such organization in motion. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis BANK AND PUBLIC RELATIONS In the Fifth Federal Reserve District there are hundreds of banks. One way that we stay in touch with the many banks in the District is through the men in this Department who visit and get to know the bankers. These men discuss mutual problems, learn about economic conditions in the area, and in general try to find better ways in which we can serve our member banks and-through • them-the public. It is also their job to explain to bankers Federal Reserve System policies and objectives. The Bank and Public Relations Department also furnishes information to colleges, universities, other schools, and the public through the use of publications, films, news releases, speeches, and correspondence. The Department also arranges personal tours of the Bank for interested people. If you would like to know more about our Bank or the Federal Reserve System, just get in touch with our Bank and Public Relations Department. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis https://fraser.stlouisfed.org Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis