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L /S. S'-ff STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE LIBRARY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BULLETIN OF THE WOMEN’S BUREAU, NO. 89 THE INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE OF WOMEN WORKERS AT THE SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 to 1930 5L [Public—No. 259—66th Congress] [H. R. 13229] AN ACT To establish in the Department of Labor a bureau to be known as the Women’s Bureau Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be established in the Department of Labor a bureau to be known as the Women’s Bureau. Sec. 2. That the said bureau shall be in charge of a director, a woman, to be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall receive an annual compensation of $5,000. It shall be the duty of said bureau to formulate standards and policies which shall promote the welfare of wage-earning women, improve their working conditions, increase their efficiency, and ad vance their opportunities for profitable employment. The said bureau shall have authority to investigate and report to the said department upon all matters pertaining to the welfare of women in industry. The director of said bureau may from time to time pub lish the results of these investigations in such a manner and to such extent as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe. Sec. 3. That there shall be in said bureau an assistant director, to be appointed by the Secretary of Labor, who shall receive an annual compensation of $3,500 and shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the director and approved by the Secretary of Labor. Sec. 4. That there is hereby authorized to be employed by said bureau a chief clerk and such special agents, assistants, clerks, and other employees at such rates of compensation and in such numbers as Congress may from time to time provide by appropriations. Sec. 5. That the Secretary of Labor is hereby directed to furnish sufficient quarters, office furniture, and equipment for the work of this bureau. Sec. 6. That this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, June 5, 1920. ' STATE teachers college library UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR W. N. doak, Secretary WOMEN’S BUREAU MARY ANDERSON, Director BULLETIN OF THE WOMEN’S BUREAU, No. 89 THE INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE OF WOMEN WORKERS AT THE SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 to 1930 BY GLADYS L. PALMER, Ph. D. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1931 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. - Price 20 cents 51®! . ■ - CONTENTS Page Letter of transmittal Foreword V1I Part I.—Purpose of the study Part II.—Background experience of summer-school students___________ Part III.—General characteristics of the women students at the summer schools________________________________________________ Geographical distribution 12 Nativity _ Age-................................. ............................. ............ .....................I-IIIIIIII Marital status 13 Occupational classification 13 Union membership 14 Weekly wage rates on last job 15 Part IV.—The experience in industry of summer-school students_______ Age at entrance into industry 17 Years in industry 17 Industrial experience 18 Reasons for leaving jobs 18 Typical job histories 19 Clothing trades 19 Miscellaneous trades 21 Textile trades 23 Domestic and personal service 24 Part V.—Working and living conditions in the previous year__________ Summary 25 Full-time and part-time employment and unemployment___________ Overtime 27 Hours of work 27 Earnings 27 Deductions from pay 29 Income from sources other than wages 29 Amounts borrowed 30 Savings and insurance 30 Share in family support 31 Appendixes: A. Tables_____________________ B. Form of questionnaire 59 Table 1 3 U 12 13 17 25 26 35 APPENDIX TABLES I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. Geographic distribution of students, by school—3-year totals-_ Nativity, by school—3-year totals 35 Country of birth of foreign born, by school—3-year totals____ Age, by school—3-year totals 36 Marital status, by year—four schools combined______________ Industry in last regular job, by school—3-year totals_________ Union membership, by school and year!______________________ Weekly wage rate on last job, by school and school year______ Age at entering industry, by school—3-year totals____________ Years in industry, by school and year 41 Number of jobs held, by school and year____________________ Cause of leaving job, by year—four schools combined________ Part-time employment in previous year, by school and school year__________ XIV. Extent of unemployment in previous year, by major cause— 3-year totals, four schools combined 45 V hi 35 36 37 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 IV CONTENTS Table Tagfi XV. Major cause of unemployment in previous year, by school year—four schools combined 46 XVI. Number of weeks of overtime work in previous year, by school year—four schools combined 46 XVII. Daily hours of work in previous year, by school and school year__ XVIII. Duration of lunch period in previous year—3-year totals, four schools combined 48 XIX. Earnings in previous year, by school and school year_________ XX. Earnings in previous year, by industry and school-—3-year totals 50 XXI. Earnings in previous year, by number of full-time weeks worked—3-year totals, four schools combined______________ XXII. Deductions from pay in previous year, by school and school year 53 XXIII. Money from sources other than wages in previous year, by school year—four schools combined 54 XXIV. Amount borrowed in previous year, by school year—four schools combined.. 54 XXV. Savings in previous year, by school and school year__________ XXVI. Amount paid in insurance premiums in previous year, by school year—four schools combined 56 XXVII. Living condition and family responsibility in previous year, by school and school year 57 XXVIII. Percentage of earnings contributed to family support in pre vious year, by school and school year_____________________ 47 49 52 55 58 ILLUSTRATIONS A unit group on the campus, Bryn Mawr Summer School, 1930... Frontispiece Seaming in a shirt factoryfacing 17 Topping in a hosiery millfacing 24 Winding in a cotton millfacing 25 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL United States Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Washington, June 10, 1931. I have the honor to submit herewith a report on the industrial experience of women students at the four summer schools for women in industry—at Bryn Mawr, Barnard, Wisconsin, and the Southern School in North Carolina—prepared by Dr. Gladys L. Palmer, under the direction of the Affiliated Summer Schools for Women Workers in Industry. The report constitutes an account of the work history and economic status of 609 women whose presence at the summer schools in itself testifies to their having experiences, and perhaps personalities, of more than ordinary interest. A considerable number were foreignborn garment workers in New York City; another group were southern textile workers. Thus the report is recognized as covering one phase of the bureau’s many-sided interests and a phase not easily covered in any other way. Respectfully submitted. Mary Anderson, Director. Hon. W. N. Doak, Secretary oj Labor. Sir: mz v’ ^l i f t'lS'fS' v:> Sfei' FOREWORD During the changes characteristic of its growth, industrial society has continually endeavored to analyze the workings of its own intricate mechanisms and to gage its performance in terms of human values. This task of self-analysis, by whatever name we may call it, is urgent and essential if the members of industrial society are to learn to control intelligently the system of which they are a part. Workers’ education plays a significant role in this continuous process of re search. The value of this experimental study of the industrial experience of a small group of women workers must be judged in terms of its usefulness to the educational process in the partici pating schools no less than by its contribution to our knowledge of the workers’ lives and of their economic and social status. The following monograph furnishes little basis for broad generaliza tion. To understand the mechanisms of modem economic life requires investigation on a much broader scale into the technical workings and interrelations of organized institutions—of shops, factories, farms, markets, and financial institutions—of large industrial groups, of whole industries, and of the State itself in its economic aspects._ For this task there are required the mass measurements and descriptions made possible by the statistical method and the broad generalizations of economic theory. Economic statistics is making gradual progress toward the more adequate measurement of the trends and mass movements which alternately disturb and restore the “economic balance,” frequently bringing to naught many hardwon achievements and well-laid plans. In studying the problems of labor, statistical tools have been employed on a large scale in the accumulation of vast stores of data on wages, hours, employment, costs and standards of living, and industrial relations. The scientific use of this information is making us increasingly aware of the rate and direction of the changes to which we must adjust. As the quality of information improves, there is reason to believe that in striving for control we may in part be able to anticipate these industrial changes. _ Yet it seems clear that an evaluation of the technical efficiency of industrialism must be supplemented by analysis in terms of human values. These values can not be determined exclusively by inference from mass statistics. _ The attempt to discover the human significance of modem economic institutions does not end with census volumes, with tabular reports, or with statistical compilations. The meaning of individual experience is largely lost in the midst of the artificial constructs of averages and aggregates. A more intimate type of examination and portrayal of individual behavior is needed to supple ment researches into broad economic and social movements. Yet nothing in social science is more elusive than the experience of the vn VIII FOREWORD individual. Clearly this experience is both unique and typical. To bridge the gap between these two is always difficult; we fall into error when the unique is lost in the typical, and likewise when it is confused with the typical. _ _ _ Detailed studies of the individual experience of industrial workers are few in number.1 The problems in such studies are those of the psychologist and sociologist as well as of the economist. An inter esting psychological approach has been made recently by Hersey in an intimate study of the work experience of a group of Pennsylvania shopmen.2 The present monograph on workers' experiences is one of the growing group of studies which illuminate and correct our impressions of mass movements. _ This study was proposed and carried through for both pedagogical and scientific reasons by the cooperating industrial summer schools. It was initiated in 1928 by the economics faculty of the Bryn Mawr Summer School in recognition of the need by both instructors and students for more intimate and systematic knowledge of the experience of the industrial women composing the summer-school group. After the preliminary schedule was developed by the in structors and tested out in the classes, the Wisconsin, Barnard, and Southern Summer School groups agreed, to participate in the venture as an interschool project. It is not claimed that the data represent anything beyond the experience of the particular group of workers studied. The reader can scarcely examine these materials, however, without obtaining a more vivid picture of the meaning of industrial employment in the lives of tlie girls whose experiences.are recorded. Many of the questions touched are in the twilight zone in which little or nothing is known. The data in this study are strongly colored by the subjective, but this very quality lends a special significance to the testimony presented. < The summer-school study is of some importance as a methodological experiment, although this phase of the project has not been stressed in the present manuscript. The questionnaire was revised repeatedly during its use for three successive years by the summer-school econom ics faculties, and there is available a substantial body of information regarding the relative precision of the questions asked. Each schedule was filled out in a personal interview or in a small group conference. The instructors enjoyed unique personal contacts with the students, and the check-ups on the reliability of memories and inaccuracies of verbal statements furnished excellent opportunity for determining the value of information obtained in this manner. It is to be hoped that further analysis of the methodology of such studies will be made in order to generalize the experience of various investigations. Com 1 A recent detailed study of the individual and family experience of workers was undertaken by Dr. Ewan Clague for the Yalo Institute of Human Relations. For a partial report in advance of a forthcoming bulletin, see Clague and Couper, “The Readjustment of Workers Displaced by Plant Shutdowns,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. XLV, up. 309-346, February, 1931. For reports on similar studies concerned principally with the unemployed, Isador Rubin, “The Absorption of the Unemployed by American Industry,” Brookings Institution Pamphlet Series, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1929, and Robert J. Myers, “Occupational Readjustment of Displaced Skilled Workmen,” Journal of Political Economy, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, pp. 473-490, August, 1929. Numerous studies of unemployed groups during the past year have made use of questionnaires comparable in many respects with the summer-school schedule. An interesting collection of individual-experience records has been brought together under the auspices of the National Federation of Settlements in “ Case Studies of Unemployment," edited by Marion Elderton, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1931. s See Rex B. Hersey’s forthcoming book to be published by the Industrial Research Department, Whar ton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania. See also Hersey’s various articles, including “Cycles in Workers' Efforts and Emotions,” Engineers and Engineering, Vol. XLVI, July, 1929, No. 7, pp. 162-166, and “A Monotonous Job in an Emotional Crisis,” Personnel Journal, Vol. IX, No. 4, December, 1930, pp. 290-296. FOREWORD DC parisons of questionnaire and interview experience among groups of workers selected in other ways should be made.3 It would be in teresting to try a similar schedule among the more random selection of workers in an operating shop or factory, or among a group of the unemployed. So far as I know, this study represents the first experiment in this country with this type of questionnaire as an integral part of an instructional plan in workers’ education. Direct participation in the fact-finding process emphasized to each student how untrustworthy the individual’s untutored perception of her own experience is likely to be. Each student compared her recollections of her own experience with the assembled memories of the group, and the sharp distinction between belief and impression on the one hand and verifiable fact on the other was brought out in bold relief in the discussion sections. Difficulties in verification of impressions emphasized the relativity of facts themselves. The participating schools and the many persons who shared in this study are deeply indebted to Doctor Palmer and to her associates for their efforts in the preparation of the following report. The sponsor ing committee and the administrative staff of the affiliated summer schools regard the present monograph in some measure as a progress report on the continuing research efforts of the schools. Although the scientific value of the conclusions reached is limited by the small size and special character of the group of workers studied, there is strong agreement among the economics staffs of the several schools that the venture has been well justified from the educational point of view. Meredith B. Givens, Chairman of Subcommittee Sponsoring this Study, Educational Council, Affiliated Summer Schools. Social Science Research Council, 230 Park Avenue, New York City, July, 1931. 3 Methodologically this study and many of its findings may be compared with various well-planned community labor surveys. For a good example, see * ‘A Community Labor Survey," University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. XXVIII, No. 24, February, 1931. See also a study of ‘' The Occupational Experience of One Ilundred Unemployed Persons in Bloomington," College of Commerce and Finance, Indiana University, July, 1931, and a forthcoming report by Charlotte Carr covering the experience of a representative group of unemployed to be published by the Charity Organization Society of New York City. ■:,v=. ■ A UNIT GROUP ON THE CAMPUS, BRYN MAWR SUMMER SCHOOL, 1930 THE INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE OF WOMEN WORKERS AT THE SUM MER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Part I.—PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 1 Few studies have been made of workers’ industrial experience over a period of years, probably because the material is difficult to obtain and even more difficult to interpret. The way was pointed to the possibilities of studying the trade experience of women workers in the summer schools by Dr. Amy Hewes in an analysis of the job histories of 97 students at the Bryn Mawr Summer School in 1925.1 2 The present study has been undertaken with two purposes in mind: First, to assist the teachers of the summer schools in understanding the background experience of the students with whom they are work ing and thus to adapt their program and teaching methods to the problems at hand; and second, to build up a body of information concerning the trade experience of a selected group of women workers from the important women’s trades and from all parts of the country. It may be interesting to note that a similar analysis of industrial experience on a more elaborate scale is used by teachers of workers’ classes in the Academy of Labor at Frankfort, Germany, as a basis for planning the entire curriculum and activities of worker-students. In line with other groups experimenting with modern educational methods, the summer schools have attempted to group students in terms of their industrial experience, to develop classes, forums, and dramatic work around projects of special interest arising out of that experience, and to link the work of the schools with the activities and opportunities available in the communities from which students come and to which they return. Such a program requires a continuous analysis of the problems of women workers in industry and the rela tion of those problems to their background experience The statistical sample, so to speak, was set by the admissions com mittees of the four summer schools for industrial workers covered in this study: The Bryn Mawr Summer School at Bryn Mawr College, the Barnard Summer School at Barnard College, the Wisconsin Summer School at the University of Wisconsin, and the Southern Summer School at Arden, N. C. The schools recruit students from 1 This study is essentially a joint product. It was sponsored by the educational department of the Affiliated Summer Schools and the members of the economics faculties at all the summer schools for workers in industry. I am indebted to Dr. Meredith B. Givens, of the Social Science Research Council, who proposed the study, and to Miss Hilda W. Smith, director, and Miss Eleanor Coit, educational secretary, of the Affiliated Summer Schools for Women in Industry at 218 Madison Avenue, New York City. I am also indebted to Miss Ernestine Friedmann, Dr. Alice Shoemaker, Dr. Theresa Wolfson, Mrs. Louise Leonard McLaren, and Dr. Lois MacDonald, of the Affiliated and Southern Summer Schools, for their interest and cooperation. The assistants at the 1930 Bryn Mawr summer school helped in preparing the schedules for statistical analysis. I am especially indebted to Miss Halo Chadwick, Miss Elizabeth Bruce, and Miss Helen Herrmann for the major work of compilation of tables, and to Mrs. George Hourwich for assistance in pre paring the material for publication.— Gladys L. Palmer. 2 Hewes, Amy. Changing Jobs. U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Bui. 54, 1926. 1 2 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 all the women’s industrial occupations and to a smaller extent from domestic service, trade, clerical work, and other lines of employ ment. Students must have shown some qualities of leadership and interest in workers’ education or other community activities to be sponsored as candidates by local committees. The schools attempt to get a wide range of occupations, nationalities, trade-union or other community organization affiliations, and political opinions. Scholarships are raised to help to cover the expenses of students while at the schools, but practically all the workers must sacrifice earnings while they are there, and a significant number of them have to lose their jobs and often experience some difficulty in getting other jobs when they return. On_the whole, therefore, the group studied is a selected but widely varied group of women workers who have shown an intelligent interest in their own economic problems. There were, in all, 609 students at the four summer schools whose interest and cooperation made this study possible. They ransacked their memories to bring to light what they could of interest on the questions asked. Workers are not given to the keeping of records, so a high degree of precision is not attained in the schedules. No check-up through pay-roll figures or other records was possible. Although an effort was made to secure uniformity of interpretation, each year and from year to year, faculty changes naturally caused some differences in this, respect. The study, therefore, is not pre sented as a statistical picture of exactly what happened in all the details of the lives of 609 industrial workers but as a general view of working conditions and experience—or what is equally important, the workers’ mental picture of that experience—for as interesting a group of 609 women workers as ever could be brought together. Part II.—BACKGROUND EXPERIENCE OF SUMMER-SCHOOL STUDENTS The story of the development of summer schools for women workers has been told elsewhere,3 but a brief statement of the sec tional, occupational, and nationality differences found in the four summer schools studied will aid in an understanding of the back ground experience of these women workers and of the larger groups they represent. The Barnard Summer School is a nonresident school, drawing its students entirely from the metropolitan area of New York City. The needle trades furnish a majority of the workers at Barnard, together with a group of workers from scattered miscellaneous trades. Almost all the Barnard students are foreign bom or of foreign parentage, and they constitute a special teaching problem from the point of view of language handicap. The trade-union and political affiliations of this largely Russian Jewish group and its breadth of industrial experience abroad as well as in this country add unique problems to classroom work. Possibly no group of women workers in American industry more clearly illustrates the influence of child hood backgrounds and emotional experiences on later industrial activity and attitudes. Excerpts from two autobiographies are quoted here to aid in an understanding of the psychology of this large group of women workers who have come from eastern European countries.4 The first draws an interesting contrast between two Russian groups: When I was a child my parents lived in a small village in Russia. As a rule the Jews of old Russia did not mingle with Gentile people. But I, a child full of play and with no other playmates, became attached to a peasant family who had five children. This family lived in a house consisting of one room with an earthen floor and with an oven dug out of the ground. They used to sleep all together on piles of hay spread out on the ground. Their food consisted of boiled cabbage with black bread and a lot of onions. Now, although I did not get any luxuries in my home, yet we lived in a 3-room apartment and had furniture and better food. Nevertheless, I spent all my time with my peasant friends. My parents, being religious, did not like this idea at all, yet they tolerated it. What I liked most about this family was the freedom they gave their children. For instance, the children could go around barefoot, and my friend, Marutka, used to wear just a half skirt without a shirt or blouse. Her brothers wore just pants and no shirts. I, like all children, was foolish and envied them so. 3 Smith, Hilda W., Women Workers at the Bryn Mawr Summer School, published by the Affiliated Summer Schools and the American Association for Adult Education, 1929; Eager Feet, Journal of Adult Education, October, 1930; The Bryn Mawr Summer School of 1929, American Federationist, September, 1929. Hill, Helen D., The Effect of the Bryn Mawr Summer School as Measured in the Activities of its Students, published by Affiliated Summer Schools and American Association for Adult Education, 1929. Friedmann, Ernestine L., Our City Has Its Own Summer School for Workers, American Federationist, November, 1930. Schwartztrauber, E. E., A Workers* Summer School (Wisconsin), The American Teacher, November, 1930. Herstein, Lillian, The Significance ofthe Southern Summer School for Women Workers in the Workers’ Education Movement, The American Teacher, January, 1931; Bonner, Marion, Behind the Southern Textile Strikes, The Nation, Oct. 2, 1929; Coit, Eleanor G.* Industry Goes to School, The Woman’s Press, December, 1929; Six Little Schools at Bryn Mawr, The American Teacher, February, 1931. 4 “ Misery Awakened Me/’ Barnard Record, 1930. “ My Childhood,” Bryn Mawr Outcrop, 1929. 3 4 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 One day the girl, Marutka, got sick. Now when a child was sick in my family we used to have doctors and medicines and my parents would be up nights, whereas there the mother and father went to work in the fields early in the morning and left that poor friend of mine alone without any medicine, baths, or food until she died of neglect. The loss of my friend, Marutka, made me miserable, and in my misery I despised the ignorance of those free peasants. The second makes equally clear the differences in character and temperament within a family: I was bom in Kalarash, Bessarabia, which was then one of the Russian States, in the house of a middle-class family. My parents were comparatively comfort able. We were 8 children—1 boy and 7 girls, of whom I am the fifth. My father was a very tall, handsome, broad-shouldered, stern man. I re member whenever some of our neighbors’ children and ourselves would play in our house when my father was away, our childish little voices could be heard all over the house. My mother, who was quite a young woman, helped us with our games. Also my father’s mother, wrho lived with us and was rather old but very good natured and humorous, would tell us tales which were very amusing, but when father was at home we were restricted. He thought on different lines. He trained us to respect our elders, especially our parents. His way of teaching made us fear him. Not so my mother. She was very young, and beautiful in soul as well as in body. She was not very religious, but fine in character. Whenever father would scold us she would leave the room, for she could not stand his severity. He had quite a large business, which he practically conducted alone. When he came home after a bad day’s business, he always yelled and scolded us for every little offense. When I grew older, it dawned on me that business troubles must have been the cause of my father’s strictness. He was a very religious, learned, orthodox man, who had peculiar ideas. He believed in educating boys, and since he had an education he gave all that was in his power to my brother. My older sisters received a very limited education. My younger sisters, who did not come to America, were given a fairly good education, whereas I received next to nothing, because of conditions that arose then. . My father’s sisters had emigrated to America long before. When they learned of certain discriminations in Russia, they asked father to come to America. Since he had very little money left, he decided to send three of his older children. He could not think of parting with his only son, who was older than I. I, there fore, was the victim. I say the victim, because it robbed me of my childhood, which had a tremendous effect on my life. Denial as a child had filled me with slow accumulating rage. Later discipline in the shop had found me utterly intractable. I never formed any personal bonds with humanity in particular. I had grown into a solitary being. The spontaneous expressions of self that bind men into a solidarity of common under standing and hope were locked away. I never offered, nor apparently returned, any marks of sympathy. I rarely expressed anything except occasional irre pressible scorn, lashing at individuals or acts that conspicuously displeased me. This had occurred more than once, whenever I found myself among a group of people. However, now that I am at my full matured age, this feeling recurs against my will. The Southern Summer School, on the other hand, draws its students exclusively from the Southern States, and all but a few of these are native born of native parentage. They work for the most part in the textile industry, and they receive low pay and have the longest hours of all the groups studied. Their industrial experience records are unusually interesting, for many of them went to work while very young at low wages, and their maximum earnings after years of experience are below the average in the older industrialized communities where more job opportunities obtain. There is no language handicap at the Southern Summer School, but the wide difference in point of view between the workers from such metro politan centers as Richmond and Baltimore, with their varied social and economic opportunities, and the workers from isolated mill STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE LIBRARY EXPERIENCE OF SUMMER-SCHOOL STUDENTS 5 villages constitutes a special problem. The southern workers come predominantly from isolated rural communities. A picture of the difficulties under which some of them grew from childhood to enter industry is given in the following autobiographical sketch:6 I was bom on a farm in western North Carolina. We raised corn, potatoes, cane, and tobacco. We also had lots of hay to take care of. My two older sisters married and my two older brothers got jobs and left home to make wages. That left just my younger sister and me out of a family of eight large enough to work. My mother’s health failed her and so my sister and I had most of the housework to do and to help father on the outside. We got up at 3.30 or 4 o’clock every morning to get the housework done, the cows milked, and the chickens fed, to get to the field early. We would hoe corn all day long, come home at night and help mother get supper, and very often she would have beans picked or apples gathered so we could string beans after supper or peel apples to dry. I have helped father saw wood time after time and I have driven his team of horses day after day, hauling rock, hay, corn, and other things. After we got our crop planted father would get a job somewhere and he would tell us what he wanted done. So mother, sister, and I would do the work. The Wisconsin Summer School draws students from the Middle West; the majority are native born of native or foreign parentage. Almost half of the women students at Wisconsin work in occupations in the miscellaneous trades, and almost one-fourth are in the clothing trades. Their experience in industry has usually been shorter and less varied and they have entered industry at a later age than students from the other schools. They form a small but active industriallyminded community in the larger summer session of the University of Wisconsin. Like many of the southern workers they, too, have recently come from rural communities and have a background ex perience that is different from that of workers in the older industrial and metropolitan centers. The poverty of many rural communities may be fundamentally the same, but a western frontier farm offers some interesting differences from those of the small upland farms of the South.6 I was born on a farm near Pine City, Minn. My parents are both Swedish. They came to the United States and bought 80 acres of unbroken land in the northern part of Minnesota, which then was a vast wilderness with the Indians roving through the woods. My father cleared enough land to build a log cabin. In this work my mother helped him. It was necessary for him to earn money to pay for land and improvements; so he left home and obtained employment on one of the railroads which were being built throughout the country. This left my mother alone, without friends or neighbors, excepting the Indians. By hard work and perseverance my parents now have a comfortable farm home. My education was very limited. I attended the district school until I com pleted the seventh grade. At the close of school I obtained employment at a hotel as waitress. This was new and interesting to a young girl from the country. I made new friends and came in contact with different kinds of people. I recall my overwhelming joy and pride when I received my first check of $20 for one month’s wages. I remained in this employment for one year. Then I ventured to St. Paul, where employment was more available. For five years I drifted from one occupation to another, but never felt satisfied. One day I read an advertisement in the newspaper, reading as follows: “Will teach beginners to operate power machine.” I applied for the position and was accepted. At first I found the work very difficult, but as the days went by, I became more capable of handling the work and controlling my machine. I was soon taught how to make pockets, which is one of the most complicated oper ations on the coat. I took a great interest in my work and learned the different models very rapidly. I found the work I enjoyed, and I have been employed at this trade for eight years. But I find that my lack of education has put me at a ‘ Southern Summer School Scrapbook, 1929. •‘ ‘ My Autobiography,” Wisconsin Script, 1929. 6 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 disadvantage, both in my work and in my play. My aim now is to pick up my studies where I left them 12 years ago and continue my education. While the experiences of foreign-born workers abroad and in this country are often the same, some differences arise when one com pares the record of the Scandinavian groups who predominate in the Middle West with the eastern and southern European groups found in a community like New York City:7 My childhood was spent in a community in Milwaukee which was known for many years as Holland Hill. The inhabitants who had settled here had come to America from the Netherlands under practically the same circumstances as rny grandfather and his family. My grandparents, not unlike many of their friends, owned a comfortable little home, a big garden, and some livestock, in a section of the Netherlands known as Zeeland. They were quite prosperous and happy. One day my grandfather received a letter from his brother, who had journeyed to America a few months before. He wrote glowingly of the prosperity awaiting the immigrant in the “land of promise.” Immediately a great unrest and a desire to emigrate to this new country of opportunity seized my grandfather and some of his friends and they formed immediate plans for departure. My grandmother was not easily reconciled to the breaking up of her comfortable home, and protested vigorously, but to no avail—grandfather was adamant. So the property and livestock were sold, rare pictures which had been in the family for years were auctioned off to the highest bidder, locks of my grandmother's heavy, dark hair were cut off and sold, and even the gold clasps on her Sunday mantle had to be parted with. In Holland, a woman’s station in life is determined jay the fastenings on her cloak. If she is poor, these may be only ribbons; if she is in ordinary circumstances, the clasps may be brass or gold plated; but my grandmother had accumulated some worldly store, and so hers were gold set with garnets. She was very proud of them and it almost broke her heart to sell them, but even they had to go to get money for the new venture. After three weeks on the ocean, and one week by rail from New York, grand father and his friends, with their wives and families, arrived in Milwaukee, city of opportunities. The only opportunities for the accumulation of huge fortunes, however, were the jobs of sewer digging in the summer and wood cutting in the winter. Indeed, grandmother soon decided that America was the land of— promises. They lived with friends on Holland Hill for a short time, and then rented a small cottage, which was nothing like their old home in Holland. Meanwhile, their resources dwindled rapidly, and soon they were merely existing “from hand to mouth.” But in the summers they saved a little money and preserved food and meat to tide them over the coming winter. In a few years the demand for work improved; men went into carpentry and sod laying, worked in the railroad yards, and went into various otlier trades. Working and home conditions improved generally and the future looked brighter than it had since their arrival. The little group of Hollanders decided that they would remain in the new country and began to establish their community institutions. They organized the Presbyterian Dutch Reformed Church and it immediately became the center of interest. Services were held five times on Sunday, the longest one lasting about two and a half hours. As soon as the children were able to talk they were taken to church and literally grew up under the wing of Gabriel. All this proved irksome to most of the small devotees who had to sit through these long services under the vigilant eyes of their elders; in summer they shifted perspiringly within the narrow confines of the seat, and in winter they huddled together with a hot brick at their feet to keep warm. Meanwhile, the community prospered very slowly. The children went out to work as soon as they were old enough to do so. I remember my mother telling me that she went to work at 13 in a tailor shop, working from 7 in the morning until 6 at night. The years have brought many changes. The Hollanders have gradually ventured beyond the confines of the Hill; to some degree the people have inter married and moved away. Homes have deteriorated and families have moved to houses where there are modern conveniences. A few families still remain, but Holland Hill is no more, and many people do not even know where it was. The little “wooden shoe district” of Milwaukee is gone forever. * “ Holland Hill,” Wisconsin Script, 1928. EXPERIENCE OF SUMMER-SCHOOL STUDENTS 7 These three workers’ summer schools serve particular communities or sections of the country, while the Bryn Mawr Summer School recruits students from all geographical sections of the country. It also brings students from abroad on foreign scholarships to exchange industrial experience and philosophy. Almost half of the Bryn Mawr group are foreign born. Somewhat more than half work in the needle trades. Less than one-fourth of the group are in the miscellaneous trades. In a sense, the Bryn Mawr group presents a composite pic ture of American women workers in industry, since it draws from such a variety of nationalities and trades and so many industrial com munities. Wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for the Bryn Mawr students tend to be average in comparison with the other summer-schools studied. Many of the workers at Bryn Mawr as well as at the other schools have had interesting trade experience in some of the most critical economic situations where women have worked. Since the Bryn Mawr school aims to recruit half of its students from the organized trades, it has a wide representation from all the trade-unions in which women are active members. This makes for an interesting exchange of industrial and trade-union experience. All the sectional and nationality backgrounds found in the other schools are represented at Bryn Mawr. A group not illustrated be fore is especially typical of the eastern part of the country, the New England textile workers, whose trade experience may be illustrated in the following excerpts from autobiographical material:8 I got my first job when I was 14, in a Rhode Island silk mill once reputed to be the largest under one roof in the world. I was very proud to be working and con tributing $7.50 to the family income, for that was hastening the time when my mother, who was weaving in a cotton mill, could stay at home. I enjoyed my work as a quiller (making filling for the weavers) and remember how I used to hurry to fill as many boxes as the other girls. I also remember that I early learned to be frightened by anyone in a supervisory capacity and was appalled at haying to use a toilet which exposed one's feet and legs to every passer-by. A new department was being installed and I was sent to work there. Here I learned to reel silk into skeins and found it difficult but enjoyed the easier dis cipline. For about nine months I worked here, then leftjvhen my mother decided to teach me to weave. Young boys and girls under 15 were not allowed to weave, so I, not yet being 15, was put to filling batteries; that is, putting bobbins in an automatic device at one side of the loom which feeds them into the shuttle as it empties. The weave shop was very large, which gave me a feeling of being lost, at first; the noise was tremendous, but I soon became accustomed to that. I enjoyed the jolly “comraderie” of the older weavers and made many friends among the younger ones Then after five weeks “standing in” with my mother, I became eligible for looms of my own. It was during those first few weeks of weaving that I learned, unconsciously, what skill meant. To do this job well, I must work hard, conscientiously, and be very painstaking. I envied the apparent ease with which the older women weavers did their work and wondered if I would ever attain that stage. Many things I accepted unquestioningly as part of the job: The long work week (54 hours); the faulty humidifiers, which often threw off sprays of water instead of steamj the blower” used to remove the lint which collected like snow on and under the looms. The English and Belgian weavers seemed to be immune from the evil effects of these things, perhaps through generations of factory workers before them, but the Italians often seemed languid and wan-faced, and the Gorman woman who worked next to me complained that the humidifier made her shoulder ache, and often with an angry gesture she shut it off. My mother had learned of the better working conditions in the silk industry; wages were higher, hours shorter, and the jobs were cleaner. After two years of “My Autobiography.” Byrn Mawr. 1928. 63263°—31------2 8 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 work in the woolen mill, I left with no regrets when the opportunity came to learn silk weaving. Because the industry is newer, sanitary conditions are usu ally better, and by far the largest majority of silk mills run only 48-hour shifts. After learning that I must acquire a delicate and lighter touch necessary in han dling silk than in cotton and something of the complicated mechanism of the silk loom, I was put to run two looms, then three. Here I worked for six years, al ways conscious that I must acquire, and always striving for, greater skill, not so much because I wanted to become skilled, but because there was a constant demand on the part of the management for the elimination of imperfections. It was here I was working when I took my first summer off to attend Bryn Mawr Summer School. Since my health was not good, upon returning I decided that I would look for an easier job. I applied at the employment offieeof a great cotton mill and after having my eyes examined and found good was given a job in the spinning room at $12.50 a week. Knowing the wages were much less than I had received for weaving, I thought the work would be less fatiguing and less exacting. I had great difficulty in learning to keep a small leather pad in place over my right knee, this being used to protect the knee when it was brought into position to stop the spindles spinning at a rate of 8,000 revolutions a minute, in order to piece the broken ends. Within a few days I was able to run three sides; these being near the door, I was instructed to keep them well cleaned in order to make a good impression upon visitors entering the room for the first time. After four weeks of this work I decided that it was just as strenuous, if not more so, than silk weaving and the compensation far too small, so I gave up the job. _ Through my studies in economics at Bryn Mawr I had become interested in discovering for myself just what conditions in Rhode Island industries were, so while I was unsettled I thought I would try night work. I applied at the office of a silk plant, one of the large factories on the river bank, which ran three and four shifts, for a job on the night shift. I was informed that they employed no women at night, but was offered a job on the afternoon shift. This meant work ing from 3 in the afternoon to 11 at night, on Saturday nights till 12. This I did for one year. _ _ It was a joyous thing to have my mornings free. I learned to swim, I worked in the garden, and did many other things I had always wanted to do. Then thinking this time too precious to spend on such trivialities I spent my morning hours in school for a few months. I found, however, that in order to keep fit and well I must live a very regular life, also that one loses contact with one’s friends and that there is little or no social life. Absences were allowed occa sionally but these gotten with difficulty, for too frequent absences from this shift would break down the discipline, resulting in too large a labor turnover. Sanitary conditions were good: White-tiled lavatories with hot water, weaveshop floors washed at least once a week, machinery kept clean, and a cafeteria where hot food could bejaought; no interval provided while eating it, however. What of the workers? The majority were Polish and French Canadians, with a goodly number of Syrians—a typical silk-mill crowd. The men, mostly married, seemed indifferent as to what hours they worked as long as they made a^ fairly decent wage. And the women—Mary, who worked next to me, said: “Workin’ dis way, I can do my wash and sew for my kids.” Her husband had only one eye, was unskilled, and was unable to find a job. He cared for the children while she worked “afternoons.” Several widowed mothers found this shift con venient. Usually the children “stayed with the lady downstairs” or were “old enough to take care of themselves.” A little widowed Polish mother very proudly one night showed me a photograph of her daughter who was attending high school. I never saw a more woe-begone face than hers when one day she passed my looms on her way to the first-aid room. She had been hit in the chest with a flying shuttle. “What was she thinking? Perhaps what so many workers often think with terror. “Suppose some day something happens to disable me permanently, so that I can not work any more, what shall I do?” The courage and patience of these women is great to stand these hours day after day and year after year. When a year later I was offered a job on the day shift, I took it gladly. _ After working some months on the day shift, running four looms, the mill closed for a 2-week period. When the workers went for their wages, a notice was posted on the door to the effect that workers desiring a job after that period must reapply to the employment manager. This meant the “stretch-out” system, only the most efficient workers would be given employment on six looms, whereas formerly they had run only four. There was much talk against this and much harsh criticism, but the system was being introduced into other shops and the workers thought it useless to make a formal protest. Gradually the EXPERIENCE OF SUMMER-SCHOOL STUDENTS 9 shop resumed the 3-shift schedule, with the 1,000 looms running with a dimin ished labor force. The first few days under this system I remember very clearly. One day I had mastered those six looms and I stood for a moment watching them run. All in good order, all running smoothly. At a moment such as this there is a rhythm to the clattering thunder of a thousand looms that is music to a weaver’s ears. As I stood listening, watching, I became conscious that my body was wet with perspiration, every muscle taut, every pulse beating hard, and my heart pound ing within my breast. I felt for a moment that I wanted to shriek and make my voice heard above the clattering thunder. A suggestion of a thought—“I can’t stand this long”—but my mind does not dwell on it for my trained eye went instinctively back to the loom where I saw work to be done. And so it was day after day, a constant effort to master the machine. Perfect cloth was not demanded at first under this new system, but as the weavers became more accustomed to operating more looms the managers became more exacting until perfect cloth was demanded constantly. Weavers were fined for imperfections, often they were told not to report for work for one day, two days, and sometimes more, this being the manager’s method of teaching the weavers to be more careful. Oftentimes the imperfections were not the fault of the weavers but of the loom—but this was not always taken into consideration. Fines and lay-offs were imposed just the same and weavers were often fired. For two years I worked under this strain (as did every other worker) of fear of being laid off, fear of losing my job, and the constant physical effort necessary to keep the looms running. Finally, having difficulty with two of my looms, which caused imperfections for which I was repeatedly blamed, I told the fore man that I had done my best and could do no better and “walked out.” I soon found employment in a small shop, where I am still employed. There were then 10 other weavers, each operating four looms. Recently several new looms have been installed and now 4 of the 10 weavers are operating five looms each. My work pleased my new employer and his appreciation stimulated an effort on my part to always do my best. Nevertheless, the story is the same in every silk shop to-day. The workers are constantly beset with fears of the “stretch-out” system, wage cuts, and the ever-present demand for perfection and production. Each realizes that eventually some of their number will have to go—all will have to concede to the demands of the industry. On the out skirts of the town, the clatter of the fifty-odd looms of this little factory lustily echo the roar of the machines in the factories on the river bank: “Industry is all important, Production is all important, Production, Production!” Part III.—GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WOMEN STUDENTS AT THE SUMMER SCHOOLS9 Although the workers who attend the summer schools are a selected group of relatively mature and experienced industrial workers who have shown qualities of leadership in their home communities, their problems are typical of the problems of women workers in the country as a whole. A wide geographical distribution is found in the student group, although practically half of them come from the older indus trialized communities in the New England and Middle Atlantic States. Over two-thirds of the students are foreign born or of foreign extraction. Only a small percentage of the group studied are married, but this is due to the fact that married women workers often are not in a position to attend workers’ classes rather than to any discrimination by the schools against married workers. The schools were established, first of all, to offer educational opportunities to workers in industry, and they have included only small groups of workers in the occupations in domestic and personal service, clerical work, and other employment. It is not surprising to find, therefore, that about nine-tenths of the entire group are in manufacturing industries, and over one-half of these are employed in the clothing trades. The range in occupations in the four different schools reflects interesting differences in the localization of industry and the rapid industrialization of parts of the South and West. About two-fifths of the students reporting in this study are union members, a proportion much higher than that found' for women workers in the country as a whole. This is a result of conscious policy in the admission of applicants to the schools. In general, the group may be said to be composed of experienced workers, since the average (median) for the group is 8 years in industry, and probably half of them would be classified, on the basis of wage rates, as semiskilled or skilled. The workers studied aver aged more than 4 jobs each, in a range of from 1 to 30 jobs. A signifi cant number of girls reported “too many jobs to count.” They had left their jobs for a variety of reasons, chief among which were low wages or long hours, and lay-offs on account of slack work. Almost half of them had entered industry before they were 16 years of age. No study of their schooling is available except for the Bryn Mawr Summer School students. Of this group, from two-thirds to fourfifths of the students in the years 1928, 1929, and 1930 had had no American high-school training. Every conceivable permutation in job history in women’s trades is represented in this group, from the girl who started to work in Russia at 10 years of age without the opportunity of any schooling, and who has now become an expert sample maker at a high wage, to the south ern textile worker who has been on the same job in a cotton mill for » The male contingent at Wisconsin and the foreign students coming to Byrn Mawr Summer School < special scholarships have been excluded from this study. 11 12 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 six years, who went to work at $3.50 a week and after years of experi ence makes $10 or $12. There is the older girl who has never lost her Lancashire brogue and who has spent a lifetime in cotton weaving in England and New England; she is a union weaver, as her father and mother were before her. Nor is there lacking the “flapper,” of native-born or foreign parents, probably not a union member, but with knowledge through her experience of a variety of different shops and trades where she has worked. There are some workers like the girl who has packed cigars in the same factory for 14 years, and others who have had “too many jobs to count.” The workers’ own story of lives spent in industry is still to be told. Perhaps the pages that follow will help to create the picture. Geographical distribution. The summer schools for women workers in industry tend to recruit students from industrial centers where workers’ education is already a functioning part of community activities. The Bryn Mawr school is organized to receive students from all over the country. Barnard, as a nonresident school, accepts students only from New York City and near-by communities. Wisconsin draws from the Middle West heavily, because of its location, and the Southern Summer School accepts students only from the Southern States. Almost half of the group studied (Table I, p. 35) are from the New England and Middle Atlantic States. The Middle West contributes 28.5 per cent of the total number of students, the Pacific Coast 2.2 per cent, and the Southern States 19.4 per cent. Thus a wide geographic distribution of typical industrial communities where women work in large numbers is represented in this study. The Northeastern States are more heavily represented in this analysis than is the country as a whole, because of the more widely developed interest in workers’ education in this section of the country and the chance location of the first summer school at Bryn Mawr.10 * * Nativity. The students at the summer schools are predominantly of foreign birth or foreign extraction. Of the total group, 43.6 per cent are for eign born and 24.1 per cent are native born of foreign parentage; less than one-third (32.3 per cent) are native born of native parentage. (Table II.) Sectional differences are interestingly shown in the fact that the Southern Summer School reported only 3 students of foreign birth or foreign parentage, and Barnard reported only 5 students of native parentage in the three years covered by the study. The ma jority of the foreign-born students attended summer school at Bryn Mawr and Barnard. Almost two-thirds of these came from Russia and Poland. (Table III.) The proportion of foreign-bom women among the summer-school students is larger than among women workers in the country as a whole.11 This probably is due to the fact that the schools recruit from trades and sections of the country where io According to the 1920 census figures for these States, all women 16 years of age and over gainfully occupied were distributed in these groups as follows: New England, 6.9 per cent; Middle Atlantic, 25.1 per cent; Middle West, 26.4 per cent; Pacific, 4.6 per cent; and South, 20 per cent. Thus, of the large groups, the South is represented in the schools in almost exact proportion, the so-called Middle vv est Has a little larger per cent in the schools than in all employments, and New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, as is natural from the location of the two largest schools, are much more than proportionately represented. See U. S. Bureau of the Census. Women in Gainful Occupations, 1870 to 1920, by Joseph A. BUI. Monograph IX. 1929. p. 230. , , • +v. tt •+ a q+ u In 1920 only 13.4 per cent of the gainfully-employed women 16 years of age and over m the United states were foreign-born white.—Ibid., p. 106. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN STUDENTS 13 foreign-born women predominate, or organizations in which members of this group are especially active. The schools also offer special teach ing facilities for the language-handicapped student and thus attract a large number of applicants who are foreign born. To some extent this difference represents a difference in the psychology of the native-born and foreign women workers with regard to activity and interest in their own economic problems, for the American worker is more opti mistic than is the foreign worker, and frequently is less interested in problems of industry. Age. The policies of the four schools differ slightly with respect to the age at which applicants are accepted. In general, preference is given to students ranging from 18 to 35 years of age. Exceptions are made, however, to this general policy. As a result, there are no students under 17 years of age, and over half (51.2 per cent) are 18 and under 25.12 The median age is 24.6 years, the students at Barnard being older (with the median about 26) and those at Wisconsin younger (with the median under 23). (Table IV.) This means that the stu dents at the summer schools would appear to be a relatively mature and experienced group of women workers at the probable height of their earning power in industry. Marital status. The data on the marital, status of summer-school students (Table \) do not give a complete picture. On some of the early test schedules the question was omitted, and on others sufficiently detailed informa tion was not obtained.. There was also, at first, a feeling among the students that there might be some discrimination against married women in the schools, and the question was not answered frankly. This is reflected in the large.number of “unknown” in 1928 and 1929, and therefore the apparent increase in the number of married women in 1930 does not represent a real increase but rather greater accuracy and frankness in answering the question. It would be safe to assume that the figures for 1930 are more typical than are those for other years, and that therefore about 14 per cent of the summer-school students are married.13 Occupational classification. . It has been the policy of the summer schools to accept primarily industrial workers, and therefore the occupational classification is not typical of the distribution of women wage earners as a whole, although it is typical of the manufacturing industries in which women work.14 Of the summer students, 87 per cent are in the manufacturing and mechanical industries, 6.1 per cent in domestic and personal service, and the others in trade, transportation, clerical work, and professional work. The professional workers, and to some extent these others, are not typical of the schools nor of industrial workers in general. They have been admitted because of their work in connection with the labor movement. 'i39'Lper cent°f women 16 years of age and over gainfully employed in the United States in 1920 were under 25 years of age.—Ibid., p. 67. “ IPl920i Per “ent of the gainfully-occupied women 16 years of age and over in the United States were married.—Ibid., p. 75. 14 In 1920, 22.5 per cent of all gainfully-employed women 16 years of age and over in the United States worked in manufacturing and mechanical industries, 10.5 per cent in trade and transportation, and 26 2 Der cent m domestic and personal service—Ibid., pp. 188-190. 14 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Forty-seven per cent of the total group, and well over half of the manufacturing group, are in the clothing trades (Table VI), including the making of men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing and underwear (except knit goods), millinery, and a variety of other goods. Over one-half (51.4 per cent) of the clothing group work on women’s cloth ing, with dresses predominating, and over one-fourth (26.2 per cent) work in the men’s clothing division of the trade. Nearly one-fifth of the clothing group (18.9 per cent) work in millinery. The textile industries are represented by almost 16 per cent of the students, who make silk, cotton, rayon, and wool goods, knit goods, and hosiery, with cotton and hosiery manufacture predominating. The miscellaneous trades, comprising 24 per cent of the students, cover a wide range of occupations in the metal, paper, printing and publishing, leather, food, tobacco, chemical, and novelty industries. One-fourth of the students in this group work in the metal trades. The occupations in the miscellaneous trades range from linotype oper ating to pretzel making, from artificial fish-bait manufacturing to cigar making, from assembling Ford parts to painting lamp shades. There is considerable variation in the distribution of occupations in the different schools, a distribution that reflects sectional differences in industrial localization and development. The Bryn Mawr Summer School, which draws students from all parts of the country, had onehalf of its students for the three years combined from the clothing trades and almost one-quarter from the miscellaneous trades. At Barnard almost three-fourths of the students came from the clothing trades, about 14 per cent were from the miscellaneous trades, and less than 2 per cent from textiles. Wisconsin, since it draws students primarily from the Middle West, had 44 per cent of its students from the miscellaneous trades and less than 24 per cent from the clothing trades. The Southern Summer School, as might be expected, drew almost one-half its workers from the textile trades, one-fourth from the clothing trades (mostly the manufacture of cheap grades of work clothing), and about 14 per cent from the miscellaneous trades. Union membership. It has been the policy of the summer schools to recruit their students from various community organizations interested in workers’ prob lems, such as the trade unions and industrial clubs of the Young Women’s Christian Association. Bryn Mawr is the only school that consciously attempts to have a half-and-half division between union and nonunion workers. Most of the trade unions in the women’s trades are represented in this study. (Table VII.) Of the total group reporting, 39.3 per cent are union members. The “unknown” in this case probably do not belong to unions, which would make the propor tion of union membership lower. Even allowing for this, the propor tion of union members in the summer schools is considerably higher than among women workers as a whole, as a result of the recruiting policy of the schools.15 _ _ There is a higher percentage of union membership among the students at Bryn Mawr and Barnard, near the older and more highly 15 It is estimated that in 1927 about 3 per cent of all women workers in the country were organized.^ The Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, the International Ladies’ Garment Workers, and the United Garment Workers of America are the three unions having the largest woman membership.—T. Wolfson, in “Women in the Modern World,” Annals of the American Academy, May, 1929, pp. 120-122. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WOMEN STUDENTS 15 organized clothing markets in eastern cities, than among the students from the more recently industrialized communities, though the South follows closely. No attempt has been made to compare union and nonunion conditions in different trades, because the cases are too few to make valid comparisons, but this type of comparative analysis is very much needed for the women’s trades. Weekly wage rates on last job. Wage rates are summarized here not to give a picture of earnings but to give some indication of the general level of skill of the group studied. In more than half the cases they represent average earnings for piecework. The median wage rate—half receiving more and half less—for all students from 1928 through 1930 is $21.38. By years, the medians show interesting variation: For 1928 the median is $21.67, for 1929 it is $23.15, and 1930 has the lowest of all, $20.15. (Table VIII.) These medians are higher than those of any general studies of industrial women’s wage rates because of the selected character of the group.16 The wage group occurring most frequently is the $18$18.99 modal group. If half the students reporting received more than $21.38 a week on full-time work, it seems fair to assume that they are semiskilled or skilled workers. The range of wage rates for the entire group is wide, from $8 to $75 a week, but neither extreme is typical and probably the designer, who received $75 a week, should be excluded from con sideration. The other skilled workers, receiving from $22 to $52 a week, are more typical of the summer schools’ student groups. Many of them are employed as operators, finishers, and sample makers in the organized clothing markets. Some are in custom-dressmaking establishments, and others are in the printing and metal trades. At the other end of the scale, in the groups receiving from $8 to $12 a week, are the unskilled operators or semiskilled and skilled work ers in low-wage communities. Here are found paper-box and laundry work, machine operating on overalls in nonunion centers, and hosiery looping, rayon reeling, and cotton spinning and weaving in com munities paying lower rates. Girls from the textile mills of Marion, N. C., and Elizabethton, Tenn., reported some of the lowest wage rates of all, and these frequently represented their maximum rates, after years of industrial experience. In the low-wage group are found also waitresses and domestic workers, who received some additional compensation in board or board and room. A comparison of range of wage rates by school will show that the Wisconsin and Southern girls from the miscellaneous trades and textiles are in the lower wage groups, and the organized garment and clothing workers at Barnard and Bryn Mawr, largely from metropoli tan centers, raise the levels considerably for those two schools. Only 4 out of 85 students at the Southern Summer School in three years reported a wage rate of over $25 a week. The highest of these ($35) was received by a hairdresser, hardly typical of southern industry in w The highest median earnings reported in the studies of the Women’s Bureau of the United States Department of Labor are $16.85 (Rhode Island, 1920) and $16.50 (Flint, Mich., 1925).—Bui. 58, p. 22, and Bui. 67, p. 19. Weekly earnings for women in New York State factories for October, 1930, were reported as averaging $18.47 ($22.28 in New York City and $14.37 in remainder of State).-—New York State Industrial Bulletin, November, 1930, p. 43. 16 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 general. It should be added that many of the southern students at the schools live in cotton-mill villages, where they receive house rent, fuel, and light at what is claimed to be reduced cost. One point needs emphasis in the discussion of wage rates. For most of the workers reporting, the wage rates given are maximum full time wage rates, although few of them enjoyed full-time employment. Students on piecework (more than half of the total) reported an aver age of their earnings. Keference to the tables on earnings XIX to XXI will give a more accurate picture of the wages of the summer-school students. I'jr SEAMING IN A SHIRT FACTORY Boom, well lighted and ventilated, but chairs not adjustable. Part IV.—THE EXPERIENCE IN INDUSTRY OF SUMMERSCHOOL STUDENTS The experience in industry of the women workers at the summer schools is the most interesting part of their record. An attempt was made to secure information on the age at which they entered industry, the number of years of industrial experience they had had, the number and kinds of jobs held, beginning and quitting wage rates, and reasons for leaving jobs. Much of this material is difficult to interpret, be cause the students were depending on their memories and were often inaccurate or insufficiently detailed in recording their job histories. The detailed data on job histories will be used for more extensive analysis at another time, and only the more general tables and a few typical or especially interesting job histories will be presented here. Sixteen duplicate or partially duplicate records have been identified in this analysis of industrial experience. These belong to second-year students who returned to the same school or who went to another one of the four studied during the 3-year period in which the information has been collected. There is no reason to believe that these duplications give any bias to the data, since they take the place of other first-year or second-year applicants representing the same variety of trades in the same or similar sections of the country, having, in other words, the same industrial experience. Age at entrance into industry. Almost half (47.1 per cent) of the students reporting age at the summer schools entered industry before they were 16 (Table IX), although there are sectional differences relative to this point that are of interest. Only 28.1 per cent of the students at Wisconsin entered industry before 16 years of age, while almost half or slightly more than half of the students at the other three schools began working before they were 16. Over 5 per cent of the group of students reporting age began work before they were 13 years of age. Those who reported beginning work under 10 years of age were all born in eastern European countries, but the majority of those who started work from 10 to 15 years of age were born in this country, many of them in the Southern States. The higher educational requirements and better legal protec tion against child labor in some of the Western States may be reflected in the small proportion of Wisconsin students who began work before 16 years of age. Years in industry. The students in the summer schools are, as might be expected, an experienced group of industrial workers. They have had on the aver age (median) 8 years of industrial work—one-half of those reporting working a longer period, ranging as high as 32 years, and one-half working from 1 to 7 years (Table X). In terms of percentages, 30 per cent have worked 1 to 5 years, 37 per cent 6 to 10 years, 19 per cent 11 to 15 years, and 12 per cent 16 years and over. This record includes working experience in the United States only (where this fact was 17 18 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 indicated). There are a number of foreign-born students at Bryn. Mawr and Barnard who worked before coming to this country. Interesting sectional differences appear if one compares the per centage of students in the four schools who have had less than six years’ industrial experience. At Barnard a little over one-fifth of the students and at Bryn Mawr almost one-fourth have worked less than six years, while at the Southern Summer School a little over two-fifths have worked less than six years and at Wisconsin almost one-half of the entire group have worked this shorter period. Again students from the more recently industrialized sections of the country report a shorter industrial experience, although all schools report a few cases with work experience of 21 to 32 years. Industrial experience. The number of jobs held by students at the summer schools varies considerably among trades, sections of the country, and individuals. Twenty-seven students reported “too many jobs to count.” These girls worked for the most part in the clothing trades—in dresses, mil linery, men’s clothing, neckwear—and one was a textile weaver. A few took jobs “to investigate conditions,” but in general the short seasons of the clothing trades led to an attempt to get a different job with the hope that this would be more permanent. Excluding 28 students who held an indefinite number of jobs (see footnote 2 of Table XI), there were 2,671 jobs reported by 581 students, or an average of 4.6 jobs per student, with a range of from 1 to 30 jobs.17 Interesting sectional differences appear in the comparison of the tables for Barnard and Bryn Mawr on the one hand and Wisconsin and the Southern Summer School on the other hand. A larger pro portion of western and southern students have held few jobs, partly because they work in trades other than clothing, where job changes are less frequent, and partly because there are fewer job opportunities in these more recently industrialized sections of the country. The larger number of jobs per worker is found among the Bryn Mawr and Barnard students. Reasons for leaving jobs. Although more than 2,700 jobs have been held by workers at the summer schools, only 1,988 reasons for leaving jobs were given. More reasons were reported by students in the years 1928 and 1930 than in 1929. (Table XII.) The reasons given are the workers’ own explanations as to why they left their jobs. In spite of inevitable rationalizing, these reasons may furnish explanations of labor turn over at least as adequate as those that emanate from factory person nel offices. There may be, however, a tendency to minimize the number of discharges, since only 41 of the 1,988 reasons are so called. Only seven students reported specifically that they were displaced by the introduction of machinery, including one “movie organist” who lost her job when the “talkies” came in. This does not represent a complete picture of the situation, however, because most of the students work in the clothing and textile trades, where changes of process or style, rather than the introduction of machinery as such, have displaced workers. The “stretch-out system” in textiles, changes in style in millinery and such garments as beaded and em*7 No attempt was made to distinguish between regular and temporary or irregular jobs, because in most cases workers took the temporary jobs hoping that they would be permanent, and were laid off or left because of bad conditions. EXPERIENCE IN INDUSTRY OF SUMMER-SCHOOL STUDENTS 19 broidered dresses, and rearrangements in the processes of work prob ably account for considerable job insecurity—recorded under lay-offs. Lay-offs and slack or seasonal work account for more than 19 per cent of the reasons for leaving jobs. As one girl reported it, “I was given more vacation than I could afford.” Low wages and long hours are the cause in 20.3 per cent of the cases. Combining dislike of work, “better job elsewhere,” and unhealthful or disagreeable working conditions, it is found that this group accounts for about 17.4 per cent of the total number of reasons for leaving jobs. Dis agreements or “arguments with the boss” over rates or overtime work and personal differences account for 64 reports of job shift. Among these are recorded such illuminating statements as “the boss got fresh,” “the boss tried to cheat me out of my pay,” and “we had a mean boss.” It is interesting to see that in 110 cases of labor turnover the plant moved or was burned or the business failed. This figure may be high because of the large number of small shops, requiring little capi tal, that are characteristic of many of the clothing trades. Change of residence of the worker herself or of her family accounts for 122 job shifts. Losing one’s job for union activity, union politics, or because one wanted to get work in a union shop was reported in 66 instances, and strikes and lockouts necessitated job changes in 90 instances. Illness was reported as the cause of 80 job shifts. The reports of leaving job “to go to school” refer in most cases to workers’ schools such as those under consideration. Many girls had their jobs held for them, but in about one-sixth of the total num ber of reported cases jobs were not held and students had to give them up in order to attend a workers’ summer school. In Doctor Hewes’ study of the industrial experience of 97 students attending the Bryn Mawr Summer School in 1925, it was found that lay-offs were a more frequent cause of change in the garment indus try than were wages and hours together, although they were equally important in the case of textiles. She also found that more than half of the group studied had held their jobs on an average less than two years, and that garment workers, in contrast with textile workers, for example, were “conspicuous as a group of short-job workers.”18 The short duration of jobs for workers in the school as a whole is probably explained by the preponderance of clothing workers in the group. Although the clothing trades have been notorious for short jobs and highly seasonal work, a special study of the effects of this characteristic problem on the industrial experience of such an im portant group of women workers is needed. Typical job histories. As one associates with workers or teaches workers’ classes, certain nationality groups, types of temperament, or attitudes of mind tend to become identified with specific economic situations or occupations. The following case histories have been chosen on a purely subjective estimate of what constitute typical case histories, in the absence of any scientific criterion for making such a selection. They have been checked by the opinions of faculty members in the various schools. Clothing trades.-—In the clothing trades there are at least two fairly well-defined types of Jewish and Italian women workers. One is Hewes, Amy. Changing Jobs. U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Bui. 64, 1926, pp. 6 and 10. 20 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 type is ambitious to succeed, and if she can not become a “boss” she hopes, to become at least a sample maker or a designer. The other type is socially-minded, with a radical economic philosophy that makes her strongly class-conscious and a good union lighter. She makes sweeping condemnation of all “bosses”; all working condi tions are “terrible”; usually she is willing to have an argument with the boss over a vital issue at the risk of being discharged. Both may be excellent workers from the point of view of skill and speed; both may be excellent union members, at least for a period. Both types are to some extent the result of religious and social prejudices and the economic conditions in the industries in which they work. As an example of the first type may be cited a worker on women’s dresses who started in 1912, at the age of 12 years, as a trimmer on men’s shirts at $2.50 a week. Except for two jobs as a cash girl and sales clerk in a store, she has stayed in the needle trades, holding 10 jobs in all. She was promoted rapidly during the war period, when she made her highest wages, and is now a designer of women’s dresses, earning $75 a week. Although her wage rate is not typical, her psychological attitude represents a well-defined type. Another worker of the same type has had 20 years’ experience in the neck wear trade. She started at $1.25 a week at a job that she left because she was “overworked and underpaid.” Since then she has been a finisher and end turner on neckwear, instructor, inspector, and fore woman, averaging $30 a week when she works full time. In the year immediately before her first summer-school work she had been em ployed 25 weeks full.time and 13 weeks part time and was out of work 14 weeks. This worker has been the main support of her family for many years and has helped to give her brother a college education and professional training. The other type may be represented by an operator on men’s cloth ing who started in 1908 at $1 a week, probably the current rate for “greenhorns ” who had just come to this country. She has had 13 jobs in 21 years, and all of these have been in men’s clothing except one attempt at selling in a store. Her wages averaged less than $5 a week until 1911, and less than $20 a week until 1917. Since that time she has averaged $33 a week, a condition that illustrates the results of trade-unionism in the men’s clothing industry. She too suffers from irregular work. In the year before her summer-school experience she had had 32 weeks of full-time work and 10 weeks of part-time work and had been out of work 8 weeks and on strike 2 weeks. These three girls came from metropolitan areas of the East, but a like case may be cited for a garment worker in a mid-western city. She started at millinery in 1909, at $3.50 a week, and tried several other trades. She was a sales clerk, she worked in a canning fac tory, she assembled Ford parts, then she became a pocket maker on cloaks and in 1923 an operator on dresses, making the whole garment. She left some of the jobs because of low wages, wage cuts, or unfair division of work. As the union developed in her industry, she be came an active member and was twice discharged from her jobs for union activity. In the year before she entered summer school she was on strike 23 weeks, and permanently impaired her health on the picket line in a very cold winter. She is now blacklisted and may never be able to get work again in her market. Another worker started in the paper-box industry and had held 11 jobs in as many years. She left her first job to learn a trade and went into the chil STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE LIBRARY EXPERIENCE IN INDUSTRY OF SUMMER-SCHOOL STUDENTS 21 dren’s dress industry. She has been an examiner, a button sewer, an operator, and a novelty stitcher, with occasional jobs at packing biscuits and acting as a cashier and waitress in a restaurant to fill in the dull seasons in clothing. The reasons she cited for leaving jobs were lack of work, wage cuts, and “end of season.” In the year before she entered summer-school she had worked full time 20 weeks and part time 16 weeks, and had been unemployed 16 weeks. _ In a sense, these five cases, that in some respects might be dupli cated again and again in the schools, depict not only the history of interesting individuals but the history of their trades. The clothing trades in 1909, when many of these girls started to work, were char acterized by sweatshop conditions of the worst kind. It has been only in recent years and after prolonged struggle that the trade unions in the needle trades have been able to secure a living wage and decent working conditions, and the matter of short seasons and irregular work and income still appears to be an unsolved economic problem in the trade. The story of the origin of the movement to better conditions in the garment trades is well told in the trade history of a girl who came to America in 1909 and went to work in a dress shop where her sister had been working for three years. The shop was small and dingy. We had to work the whole day by electric light. The front part of the shop was the office, on the other side stood the cutting tables, and the operators, finishers, and pressers were cramped in the middle of the shop. We worked 59 hours a week. I do not care to describe the impression that the old sweatshop made on children of that age. (She was 15 at that time.) A meeting was"called to organize the industry, and I was inspired by the group of young people I saw, determined to win for themselves and their fellow workers a better living and a more respectable position in the industry. * * * For years after that I could not pass that street without getting a thrill. At that very meeting plans for the general strike of the ladies’ waist and dress industry were laid. We were so few in numbers that each and every one of us was an important member of the organization. We practically had no experience at all. Even our leaders were for the most part on the battlefield for the first time. In a very short time our strike machinery was in full speed, and the winter of 1909 saw the most successful strike of the workers in the dress industry. * * * The response was overwhelming; the first couple of days saw the entire trade practically at a standstill. * * * Thus I was privileged to participate in and witness the birth of the Ladies’ Waist and Dressmakers’ Union in the city of New York. Miscellaneous trades.—The typical worker in the miscellaneous trades is the young “flapper” type or the restless American-born girl seeking variety of location or occupation. She is likely to be fairly independent and to move on if she does not like the boss or the work. She will “try anything once.” The job story is the same, although the local setting may vary. There is the girl who started in leather goods in a large eastern city in 1915 at $3 a week. She has had 9 jobs in 13 years, in as many industries—the needle trades, department store, a printing press, a munitions factory, a steel mill, an upholstery shop, and radio and other metal-goods manu facture. She was paid her highest wages during the war, and now averages $30 a week. Another worker started stamping linings in a mid-western shoe factory in 1908 at $3.50 a week. She has had 11 jobs during the 21 years of varied industrial experience. She found the shoe factory “tiresome” and left to clerk in a store, and went back to the shoe factory later. Then she was in a cigar factory for over 6 years, but found herself affected by nicotine. After this she tried housework and then department-store work. Later 22 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 she went back to domestic work and then department-store work. Again she tried domestic service and left to take a business-college course. _ After trying office work for a few months, she went back to domestic service. During this long period she has never made more than $17 a week and usually she has averaged between $5 and $10. Another mid-western girl has worked almost wholly in the metal trades. She started in 1915 as a punch-press operator at $8, but she “had a mean boss and got mad and quit.” Then she did grinding and press feeding, but was laid off. Next she tried battery assembly but “didn’t like the work.” Then she worked on chain assembly but she “got into a jam over working overtime and quit.” Later she _ worked _ as a time clerk but had to leave on account of illness. While working as a hosiery looper she went out on strike on account of a wage cut and lost her job. Since then she has made Christmas wreaths, sold drugs, operated a drill press, and inspected metal goods. In all, she has had 13 jobs in 15 years and has averaged about $15 a week. She has made $25 at times. The greatest variety was found in the industrial history of a woman who held 30 jobs, all in different trades, over a period of 20 years. To mention but a few: She had started as an errand girl, then worked as a hosiery looper, she had packed candy and tin cans, worked in a bakery shop, and made powder in a munitions factory during the war. Most of these jobs she left because she “didn’t like them” or they “didn’t pay enough.” She was a street-car “conduc tor tte” but gave that up because it was too cold. She had worked on dolls, electric ball bearings, victrolas, neckwear, and chemicals. She had made $23 a week during the war, but otherwise averaged from $15 to $18. Her feeling about these jobs was that if she “liked the crowd” she would like the work, otherwise not. The miscellaneous trades pay low wages relative to other trades except for special semiskilled or skilled operations. Speed or dex terity are to some extent transferable from one industry to another. If you can assemble Ford parts, you probably can assemble radio or victrola parts or pack candy. So if you are a girl who likes to see the world, you will not “join the Navy” but will pick up a job in the miscellaneous trades. The choice of the first job frequently is accidental, depending upon the location of the girl in a 1-industry town or a metropolitan center. Many girls choose their first jobs from the occupation that has the current reputation of paying well. Once started, it is hard to move out and learn a trade at the bottom of the scale, and the large number of experienced workers available in the skilled trades makes it difficult for an inexperienced worker to get a start. The number of workers in the miscellaneous trades is affected, too, by general industrial changes that are eliminating quality products and skilled processes. Of what use is it to learn a trade if, at best, it may serve you only 10 years and possibly less? One student at the summer schools found upon two occasions that she had acquired a skill that later was eliminated from the industry by style changes in women’s garments. She was forced to drift from occupation to occu pation in the miscellaneous trades, after leaving the skilled trades in the clothing industry, and philosophically summarized her experience in her trade history thus: Essentially my experience in the industry is that of hosts of other women and girls. Undoubtedly this constantly varying means of earning my livelihood did EXPERIENCE IN INDUSTRY OF SUMMER-SCHOOL STUDENTS 23 not contribute much toward my material growth. Yet I question the possibility of my being any better off had I managed to adhere to one particular trade. Personally, I sometimes feel that this has been a blessing in disguise, for it accorded me the opportunity of viewing life from various angles, at least as far as the worker is concerned. ■ Textile trades.—The textile workers, either because their working conditions make them so or because they choose that work by reason of temperament, are less restless and more patient than the worker on radio parts, for example, and less intense emotionally than the garment worker. They are not fatalistic about changing things. This is not because their working conditions are better than those in other trades, for this and other studies confirm the general opinion that, on the whole, textile workers receive less pay and have a longer week than do many other workers. Many textile workers, both North and South, live in 1-industry towns and are influenced by the tradition of families working in the mill. They are frequently isolated from contacts with other workers and other industrial condi tions. The more prosperous branches of the textile industry, hosiery and silk mills, have offered opportunity for the ambitious skilled worker. Some cotton and woolen mills, on the contrary, have not conformed to the accepted standards of better wages and working conditions in this country. One southern textile worker started by helping her mother as a cotton winder at 10 years of age but was forced out when a childlabor law was passed. Later she tried housework, clerking in stores (two), restaurant work, and hosiery seaming and looping, and she was a warper in a silk mill when she entered summer school. In all, she had had 9 jobs in 12 years, ranging from $10 to $30 after 1917. Another southern textile worker had had 4 jobs as a cotton spooler in 6 years, starting at $6 a week in 1923. The highest she had ever made was $16, and she averaged $10.50 a week for 64 hours of work in the year before entering summer school. Twice she left jobs because she “didn’t like night work,” and once she was “discharged for taking three weeks’ vacation.” Possibly more typical of southern cotton-mill workers is the girl who had held 9 jobs at spinning or spooling cotton yarn in 6 years. She had started work at 11 years of age, and had made $8 on her first job and $10 on her last job. The highest wage she had ever made was $13. She had “moved” from every job except one. Moving about from mill village to mill village is typical of certain cotton-mill workers in the South. All three of these girls worked an 11-hour or 12-hour day the year before they entered summer school. Two textile workers described the jobs they held before going to the Southern Summer School in these words:19 In the Georgia cotton mill where I work the conditions are not good. The average wage is about $12 a week for 60 hours a week. We do not have any seats where I work. I don’t think they have any in the other departments. We have running water in the toilets but do not have any rest room. The ventila tion is good in some departments but some are very hot. We have a swimming pool, theater, two churches. The company pays part of the minister’s salary. We also have a grammar school. After a child has finished grammar school he can go to high school without paying tuition if he lives in the village. You can have insurance if you want it. You have to pay 60 cents a month and the com pany has to pay the balance. The Bedaux system (task and bonus) is causing11 11 Southern Summer School Scrapbook, 1929. 63263°—31----- 3 24 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 trouble now. People don’t want to work so hard for such low wages. The com pany is also having trouble with the United Textile Workers. The employer is firing all the employees he finds belonging to the union. In the rayon mill where I work the wages are low. When I began to work I made $8.96 a week. I worked for three weeks and then was put on piecework. Then my wages were increased to $10.08 a -week with what I made on premium work, which was not very much, for the rate was low and I could not make much more than my day’s work. We had to lace 60 reels a day for $1.80. For all over 60 reels laced we received 3 cents a reel. It kept mo very busy to get 60. I work from 7 in the morning until 5.30 in the afternoon. I work six hours on Saturday. My work is very tiresome because I have to stand up all the time and have very little time for moving around. We can go to the wash room twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. We have very good sanitary con ditions but there is something in the air that makes the girls faint. Hosiery workers, both North and South, have had a somewhat different type of experience because their industry has been prosper ous in recent years. One western girl had had 9 jobs in 7 years, starting in underwear in 1923 at $5.50 a week. She had left 8 of them for better jobs, and in the year before she entered summer school she was making $24 a week as a forelady in a western hosiery mill. Another hosiery worker had started working summers at doffing yam and malting paper boxes, for $5 a week. She learned hosiery topping, beginning at $3 a week, and had had 10 regular jobs in a period of 14 years. At one time she had been out on strike for a year and a half, during which she picked up 6 odd jobs in as many trades instead of taking strike benefits. Before entering summer school she averaged $30 a week, with full-time employment in a union mill, as a topper on fine grades of full-fashioned hosiery. _ Domestic and personal service.—The job histories of two girls of Scandinavian extraction are chosen as typical of certain of the work ers’ problems in household employment, although this important group of women workers has smaller representation in the schools, and less is known about their working conditions despite their numeri cal importance for women wage earners as a whole. One girl had had 15 years’ experience as a household employee, holding 6 jobs in all, as a nursemaid, housekeeper, and cook. She left the first job she had at $3 a week “to get better wages.” The second and third jobs paid $4 and $6, but she “wanted a change.” The other jobs she left because she could get better wages. In the year before entering summer school she had made $11 a week (in addition to room and board). Her hours were reported as “unlimited,” with a lunch period of 15 minutes. Another general household worker had started work in summers in a canning factory. Her first job as a household employee had paid $5 a week. After 8 years of experience she was making $12 a week (in addition to room and board), and was on duty from 6.45 in the morning to 7 in the evening. She had left two of the jobs because of not getting a raise in wages or because she “did not like the small town.” Both of these job histories illustrate the problem of long hours as it affects working conditions in household employment. More data are needed, however, on the results of long experience in this field of employment and the general problem of employer-employee rela tionships in the household.20 20 The National Committee on Employer-Employee Relationships in the Home has recently been organ ized to consider problems in this field. A Philadelphia study by Aniey E. Watson is shortly to be published by the Women’s Bureau. Topping in a Hosiery Mill An unusually good work room, with excellent nat ural light, slat shades to prevent glare, window boards for ventilation without draft, localized and adjustable artificial light, and adjustable chairs. — II'■ CM Pi, **, * \ V**V J , J vV Winding in a Cotton Mill Light walls and ceiling, natural ventilation and light, clear aisles; a walking job, but there should be seats for occasional use. Part V.—WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN THE PREVIOUS YEAR Summary. In addition to general data on industrial experience, the students at the summer schools were asked to give detailed information about their working and living conditions in the year (beginning in June) prior to their entering school. Questions were asked on the amount of full-time and part-time employment, the extent and causes of unem ployment, hours of work, earnings and savings, and contribution to family support. Although tire years covered by this study were, in general, years of business prosperity, women workers at the summer schools have suf fered in considerable measure from part-time employment and unem ployment. In the year before entering school a small but significant group had no full-time employment and were out of work or on part time work the whole of the year. Only 36 per cent of the entire group reporting worked more than 40 weeks full time during the year reported upon. Although there was considerable unemployment and part-time employment reported, there was also an average (median) of as much as five weeks’ overtime worked by the students during the year. . Some evidence of the effects of business depression in the year 1930, in contrast with the other two years, is shown in the drop of about $100 in average (median) annual earnings for this year. The majority of the students (77 per cent) were in employment having a workday of 9 or 10 hours, including the lunch period, and a small but significant group of workers were employed on longer shifts. Since 68 per cent of the workers had an over-alf day of 9 hours or less, and more than half of the workers had at least an hour for lunch and 44 per cent had 30 or 45 minutes, it seems safe to assume that roughly two-thirds of the entire number had actual working hours not in excess of 8% and probably 8 or less. This again is an unusual condition and undoubtedly due to the large numbers in the clothing industry. The earnings figures are interesting because they reflect sectional variations in income as well as trade and employment conditions. For the three years combined, the median of the year’s earnings figures is $838 in a range from $157 to $2,270. The modal group is the $800 to $899 group and the arithmetic average is $881.97. One-fourth of the entire group studied received less than $643, and three-fourths received less than $1,061 in the year. Although these figures are higher than those found in many studies of a less select group of women workers, they are very low in terms of the standard of living this group is anxious to maintain. The median of the year’s earnings of the New York City students at Barnard was highest ($913), that at Bryn Mawr next highest ($852), that at Wisconsin next ($850), and that at the Southern Summer School lowest ($688). Considerable variation was found also among occupations; the clothing-trades workers had the highest and the textile workers the lowest average earnings. 25 26 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Almost four-fifths of the workers reporting on this subject had no other source of income than wages. Slightly over one-fifth received small amounts through extra work, sickness or accident compensation, strike benefits, and in other sundry ways. Almost one-half of the students were able to save during the year for which they were report ing, the average (median) amount saved being $71.81. Over one-half of the group, however, were unable to save, and almost one-fourth had to borrow in amounts that ranged from $1 to $500. The median amount borrowed was $80 and the borrowings thus tended to offset the savings. Insurance was carried by over three-fifths of the group studied. A majority of the workers (69.5 per cent) lived at home and about four-fifths of these contributed to the family support. Of those reporting on percentage of earnings contributed, nine-tenths con tributed definite amounts and only one-tenth made no contribution. Because the figures on full-time employment and earnings are for the most part estimates not based on accurate records, and because a smaller number of students have answered these questions, no exten sive statistical analysis of these data has been attempted. The other data, although not so fully answered as the questions on age and nativity, are relatively accurate. In the two years (1929 and 1930) for which it was possible to secure accurate information on this point, 74 students had worked on more than one job during the 12 months for which they were reporting. Twenty-four of these had worked in more than one industry. Full-time and part-time employment and unemployment. The years covered by this study, from June, 1927, to June, 1930, were, in general, years of business prosperity. The data available on unemployment and irregular employment should, therefore, be useful in giving a picture of regularity or irregularity of work for women workers in prosperous times. Practically full-time employ ment (49 to 52 weeks) was enjoyed by 17.8 per cent of the entire group reporting on this point. (Table XXI.) Although the students in this particular group are from all parts of the country, the highest percentage of full-time employment during the year is found among Wisconsin students and the lowest percentage among those at Bar nard. It is probable that the preponderance of clothing workers at Barnard Summer School accounts for this difference. Thirty-six per cent of the entire group reporting worked over 40 weeks full time, and 60 per cent worked more than 28 weeks full time during the year. At the other end of the scale, 13.2 per cent of the group reporting had less than 13 weeks of full-time work during the year. In the three years studied, 37 per cent of all the students reporting on part-time employment in 12 months had no part-time work, but a few (1.3 per cent) were on part-time work practically the entire year. (Table XIII.) These came from all sections of the country. About one-fourth of all reported part-time employment lasting 17 weeks or more. The figures on unemployment (Table XIV) show' that 17.5 per cent of the entire group reporting had suffered no unemployment during the year. Of those reporting number of weeks of unemployment, 71.2 per cent were unemployed less than 13 weeks and slightly over half (51.8 per cent) were unemployed less than 9 weeks. At the other WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN PREVIOUS YEAR 27 end of the scale, a small group of girls were unemployed the entire year. Students reported unemployment by cause, and the tabula tions of the major causes of unemployment (Tables XIV and XV) show that lack of work was responsible for most of the unemployment in half of the cases reporting (51.6 per cent). Vacations without pay were the major cause for a little over one-sixth of the group reporting, and the remainder indicated that their unemployment was primarily due to personal illness, strikes or lockouts, and other causes. Workers who indicated that lack of work was the major cause of idleness were unemployed from 1 to 40 weeks during the year, although the majority (61.5 per cent) were unemployed less than 13 weeks. Workers who stated that vacations without pay were the major cause of their unemployment obviously were not out of work for a long period; the majority of these were unemployed less than 4 weeks. Illness was associated with total unemployment that extended from 1 to 48 weeks. Strikes as a major cause of unemployment also were associated with a total unemployment that extended from 5 to 48 weeks. Overtime. About 60 per cent of the students reporting on this subject worked some overtime during the year. (Table XVI.) Half of these worked overtime for less than 5.3 weeks. The students who reported working overtime from 42 to 52 weeks in the year were employed in laundries, beauty parlors, and a southern cotton mill. Hours of work. The questions on hours of work asked for daily hours including the lunch-hour period, with a separate question for the length of the lunch period. More than half of the students reporting on daily hours had an over-all, including lunch period, of nine hours, and an additional 16 per cent had shorter hours than that. (Table XVII.) The lunch period was one hour in half the cases reported, and it was at least half an hour in almost all the other cases. (Table XVIII.) Correlating such lunch periods with an over-all of nine hours or less for the majority of the students indicates that actual working hours not in excess of eight or eight and a half a day were the rule. This uncommon condition, due to the overweighting in the clothing indus try, is further evidence of the select character of the group studied. In addition to the women reporting daily hours, a few reported irregular hours or were unemployed. The 39 cases of shifts of 11 hours and over were in textiles, clothing, and domestic service, 1 of the last named being the child’s nurse who reported her hours as 24; they were found in largest numbers among the students at the Southern Summer School and at Bryn Mawr. Few long shifts were found at Barnard or at Wisconsin.21 Earnings. Most workers do not keep a record of years earnings, and the estimates tabulated here, even when made with expert assistance, have not the same significance as pay-roll figures. (Table XIX.) For the 3 years combined, the median of the earnings figures for the 21 In surveys by the Women’s Bureau of 2,599 establishments, employing more than 233,000 women, the daily hours were 8 or less in 533 establishments, affecting nearly 49,000 women, or 21 per cent of the total. An additional 24 per cent had a day of over 8 and under 9 hours. These figures are exclusive of lunch period.—U. S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau, Bui. 65, 1928, p. 24. 28 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 12 months prior to entering summer school was $838, in a wide range from $157 to $2,270. One-fourth of the workers reporting received less than $644 in the year, one-half received less than $838, and threefourths received less than $1,061. The arithmetic average for the entire group reporting is $881.97. When one bears in mind that these figures represent the average earnings for an older and experi enced group of women workers who receive more than women workers usually get, their significance becomes more apparent.22 There was some variation in the average earnings for the three years studied, as might be expected; the median rose from $861 in 1928 to $887 in 1929 and dropped to $793 in 1930—a drop of almost $100. Interesting sectional differences appear in the variation among the schools in year’s earnings (Table XX). Barnard had the highest average (median) earnings, $913, Bryn Mawr and Wisconsin the next highest, $852 and $850, respectively, and the Southern Summer School the lowest median, $688. The earnings of students at Bryn Mawr and Barnard ranged over the widest scale, including some of the lowest and some of the highest paid workers in the entire group. Forty-eight per cent of Barnard students and about 55 per cent of Bryn Mawr and Wisconsin students earned less than $900 in the year. In the highest range of earnings ($1,700 to $2,300) are found 5.7 per cent of Barnard students and 2.3 per cent of Bryn Mawr and Wis consin students. The students at the Southern Summer School, however, are concentrated in the lower earnings levels. Over onefourth (27.6 per cent) received less than $500 in the year and prac tically nine-tenths (89.7 per cent) received less than $900. Only one Southern Summer School student reported an income of over $1,200. In some cases, low earnings were reported bv students who had been ill or out on strike a larger part of the year previous to entering summer school. Other low earnings were the result of lack of full time employment in the better-paid trades, or regular earnings in the low-wage trades and sections of the country. Correlation of earn ings with amount of full-time employment (Table XXI) shows how necessary it is in many cases for women to work full time to receive earnings that at best are inadequate. Sixteen per cent of the group earning less than $900 worked practically full time (49 to 52 weeks) throughout the year. There might be expected a higher degree of correlation between low earnings and undertime employment and high earnings and full-time employment. Two factors tend to offset this association. One is the presence of a large number of workers from low-wage communities who have to work full time to make even low earnings, and the other is the large percentage of garment workers who receive fairly high rates of pay but seldom work more than 40 weeks even in the more prosperous years. Year’s earnings above $1,500 were reported by operators on pocketbooks, garments, and men’s clothing, operators and trimmers on neckwear, a sample maker on dresses, a multiplex operator, a furniture decorator, a drawer-in (textiles), and a weaver in silk goods. It is interesting to note that clothing-trades workers were among the lowest and among the highest earnings groups, depending on the amount of full-time employment they had had. 22 The highest median year’s earnings reported in the studies of the Women’s Bureau of the U. S. Depart ment of Labor is $829 (Rhode Island, 1920). Bui. 21, p. 36. 29 WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN PREVIOUS TEAR , Earnings by major industrial groupings for the three years com bined show interesting variations. (Table XX.) Although the range of earnings in the needle trades is very wide, the highest median earnings of $888 is found here. Clothing-trades workers in the sec tions represented at Bryn Mawr and Barnard had higher earnings than those at Wisconsin and the Southern Summer School. The scattered individuals in trade, transportation, clerical work, and pro fessional work had the next highest median earnings, $842, but the, number of cases in this group and in the group of domestic and per sonal service workers is too small to warrant generalization. Twentyeight domestic and personal service workers averaged $757 in year’s earnings for the period studied. This figure does not take into account the additional compensation in room and board that usually accompanies household work, nor the meals in hotel and restaurant work. The lowest average year’s earnings are found in the textile industries, with a median of $745. In this group the higher earnings are found in hosiery, silk, and rayon manufacture, and the lower earnings in the operations on cotton products.23 Taking $900 as a dividing point near both median and mean of the earnings figures, it is found that 51.6 per cent of all the clothing workers, 62.4 per cent of all workers in the miscellaneous trades, and 64.4 per cent of all textile workers received less than $900 a year. The highest earnings ($1,700 to $2,300) were made by 4 per cent of the clothing workers, slightly over 1 per cent of the textile workers, and less than 1 per cent of the workers from the miscellaneous trades. Almost one-fourth of the entire group of workers at the summer schools did not answer the question as to year’s earnings or stated that their earnings were too irregular to estimate. In many occupa tions, uncertainty as to the year’s income probably is as disturbing a feature of women’s work as are low rates. When it is realized that these income figures are characteristic of a selected group of experi enced women workers, at the probable height of their earning power, one questions what share of industrial prosperity is enjoyed by women workers in industry. Deductions from pay. ' Deductions from pay were reported bv more than one-fifth (22.4 Per cent) of the group answering this question. (Table XXII.) Such deductions ranged from a few cents to $138, but more than onehalf were for amounts of less than $8. More than one cause for deduction was given in some cases, and 107 causes were given for a total of 95 deductions. In about one-half of the cases cited, the deductions were made for insurance or employee-benefit schemes. Fines for tardiness or poor work were next in importance. The highest deductions from pay (over $25) were made for the purchase of com pany stock, insurance, or savings funds. One student reported fines for tardiness totaling as high as $21. Income from sources other than wages. An attempt was made to secure data on sources of income in addition to wages. This question was answered by more than 60 per cent of ^era,ee earnings (1925) for women workers in the clothing trades as ranging from $593 to $963, m textiles from $771 to $974, in miscellaneous trades from $540 (glass) to $1,033 (printing ^publishing, book and job) .—Earnings of Factory Workers, 1899 to 1927, Census Monograph X, 1929 30 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 the entire group studied. One-fifth of these reported having such other income; four-fifths reported that they had no source of income other than their wages. (Table XXIII.) The 81 students reporting specific amounts of additional income received from $1 to $450, half receiving more and half less than $76.79. A wide variety of sources of extra income is found. To some extent this represents savings or borrowings, and in a few cases it is rent and interest on investments. Six students received strike benefits; one sold cake; one did extra work in a tea room; another did extra work for her union. Others received gifts, among which wedding gifts were prominent. Several married students had roomers. A number of workers received extra income from unemployment and sickness insurance or from accident compensation. In addition to the group reporting amounts, there were 27 students who reported help of indefinite value, such as main tenance from family when out of work or help from brothers or other relatives. Amounts borrowed. On the 1929 and 1930 schedules a question was asked concerning amounts borrowed during the year. (Table XXIV.) Over threefourths of the students answering the question reported that they had borrowed nothing. The 22 per cent who had resorted to borrowing reported amounts that ranged from $1 to $500. The average (median) amount was $80, but six students had borrowed from $300 to $500. Savings and insurance. More than half of the students reporting on savings during the year had saved nothing. About 45 per cent had saved, in amounts ranging from $1 to $700. Half of these had saved more and half less than $72. (Table XXV.) Of those saving nothing there were larger proportions in Barnard and the Southern school than in Bryn Mawr or Wisconsin. With two exceptions, the 21 Southern Summer School students who had saved reported amounts under $80. An illustration of the selective character of the group is that there were several married women workers who reported savings of $300 or more, two of them specifically reporting that they had saved all their earnings. One of the latter was a Southern student who had saved $500. This is an uncommon condition among employed married women. Among the trades represented in the high-savings group (over $300) were printing, domestic and personal service, men’s clothing, women’s clothing, millinery, silk twisting, and telephone operating. One girl had saved $300 “to get married,” another saved $700 to help to pay for the “white elephant” (her house). Many of these larger amounts appear to have been saved for specific purposes, to meet the high cost of living or of marrying, and can in no way be considered typical of the savings of the average worker in the schools. The group reporting the highest savings is partly offset by the group that borrowed in equally large amounts. Insurance was carried by about 64 per cent of the students reporting on this point, of whom four-fifths paid premiums of less than $50 a year. The median amount paid in premiums was $25.35. (Table XXVI.) WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN PREVIOUS YEAR 31 Share in family support. The majority of the workers at the summer schools (almost 70 per cent of those reporting definitely on this subject) live at home or with relatives, and of these almost four-fifths contribute to the family support. (Tables XXVII and XXVIII.) The proportion of earn ings thus contributed varies. Naturally, those who do not live at home pay less than those who do. Many do not pay regular and definite amounts to their families but “help pay bills,” “help brother through college,” or “support daughter.” A large group of foreignbom workers send money to the old country to help their families. In any case, the amounts contributed are dependent on earnings and are paid “when working,” or “when I have the money.” Of the 459 students reporting specifically on this question, almost 90 per cent contributed something regularly to the family support.24 Of the group making regular contributions, 22.9 per cent contributed all their earnings and 33.4 per cent contributed half or more than half of their earnings.25 The group studied obviously has few or no workers who are so burdened with financial responsibilities that they are not able to take some time off for educational activities, but it has few workers who do not assume some share of family support in addition to individual support. If criticism of the pin-money fallacy of women’s employ ment needs any further evidence, these data from a selected and rela tively highly paid group of women workers should be useful. M Not including irregular and indefinite amounts. hi D^i,rKlfb2KStildi?,rby va™“s groups,These1888 tothat 53.2the shareof the women studied contributed from 1923, of of women in family support, have b7 ‘k? Women’s Bureau. show per cent nothdne —P?r fr0ntri™tei1 part,of thelr earuiugs> and 9.3 per cent contributed notmng. United States Department of Labor. Women s Bureau Bui. 75, 1929, p. 12. 63263°—31- Appendix A—TABLES Appendix B—FORM OF QUESTIONNAIRE 33 APPENDIX A—TABLES Table I.—Geographic distribution of students, by school—S-year totals 4 schools combined State of residence Number Per cent Total......................... ............................. . Bryn Mawr Barnard 277 6 Reporting................................................. ......... 609 Wiscon Southern sin 3 603 100.0 34 25 9 28.5 Wisconsin................. ........................... 13 7 6 2.2 Washington____________________ 117 2 11 5 11 30 2 14 1 41 19.4 1 0 85 2 44.1 172 6 50 9 1 21 24 2 23 1 35 116 5.6 266 7 202 57 131 Massachusetts New York Middle West........................ ................... Indiana________ _____ _. . Ohio_____ South__________ ____ ___ _______ ___ Alabama_______ _____ __________ Texas........................................... ._ Canada.. ___________________ _____ Table 274 131 114 131 1 2 84 25 9 7 70 55 6 38 2 12 3 1 18 12 11 35 Y 6 3 *> 6 8 1 13 28 1 II.—Nativity, by school—S-year totals 4 schools combined Bryn Mawr Barnard Wisconsin Southern Nativity Num ber Per cent Num ber Per cent Total......... ................ ......... 609 277 Unknown................................... 8 601 100.0 271 100.0 194 32.3 67 24.7 52 .8. 7 16 5.9 93 15.5 63 23. 2 262 43.6 125 46. 1 Per cent Num ber Per cent Num ber Per cent 6 Reporting........ ................ .......... Num ber Native born of native parentage____ _____ ______ Native born, one foreign pareut-.___ ... Native born, two foreign parents Foreign born of foreign parentage____ _____ ___ 131 131 85 100.0 115 100.0 84 100.0 5 3.8 41 35.7 81 96.4 4 3.1 30 26. 1 2 2.4 10 7. 6 20 17. 4 112 85.6 24 20.9 1 1.2 35 36 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Table III.—Country of birth of foreign born, by school—3-year totals 4 schools combined Country of birth Total........................................................................... 262 Bryn Mawr Barnard Wisconsin Southern 125 112 2 Reporting__________ _________________ __________ Galicia..................................................... ................. . Table 24 1 1 2 260 125 110 24 2 1 13 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 13 2 8 1 5 2 6 4 5 1 47 6 126 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 3 2 2 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 26 5 51 16 1 63 1 5 12 1 3 1 2 IV.—Age, by school—3-year totals 4 schools combined Bryn Mawr Age (in years) Barnard Wisconsin Southern Number Per cent 609 277 131 116 23 18 2 3 259 129 113 85 2 5 9 7 9 11 8 14 11 9 11 5 8 4 1 11 10 14 10 13 8 7 13 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 8 6 5 7 5 3 9 12 4 6 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 586 17 18____________ ___________ _________ 19 ... 20 21............................................................ ....... 22_______________________________ 23 24.......................... ................................ . 25 26 27.............................................................. . 28__________ ____ __________________ 29 30 31______________________ _____ _____ 32 33 34 35 36.................................................................. 37______________ ________ ________ —_ 38___ 39.... 40_____________ _____ ______________ 42........ 45 51_______________ _____ _____ _____ _ 9 20 32 51 43 53 58 43 55 44 26 22 19 25 21 20 7 8 5 5 8 2 2 4 2 1 1 100.0 10.4 42.3 28.3 13.8 3.8 1.4 1 12 21 21 28 30 16 24 24 12 8 10 8 13 12 3 4 3 5 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 85 2 6 2 1 1 1 i i 2 37 APPENDIX A—TABLES Table V.—Marital status, by year 1—four schools combined 3-year total Marital status 1928 Number 1929 Per cent 1930 609 Reporting........ ...................... ...................................... ... 160 228 79 26 51 221 2 134 177 219 6 9 168 31 188 530 100.0 46 484 Married 3........................ ........................... ................. Not married 4_________ ____ ______________ __ 8.7 91.3 128 1 2 3 The larger number of married in 1930 question. accuracy and frankness in answering thereflects not so much a change in the policy of the schools as greater 4 “Not married” includes six cases in 1930 and at least two in 1929 who were widowed or divorced. The question on marital status widowed, or divorced?” in 1930. was “Are you married?” in 1928 and 1929 and “Are you married, single, Includes 19 schedules from Bryn Mawr, 1928, on on which the question was answered indefinitely. which the question was not asked, and many schedules Table VI.—Industry in last regular job, by school—3-year totals1 4 schools combined Bryn Mawr Barnard Wisconsin Southern Industry Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per Num Per ber cent ber ber cent ber ber cent cent cent Total........... ............................ All manufacturing.............................. Men’s clothing.............................. Suits and coats_____ _____ Other i_______ _____ _____ 609 100.0 530 87.0 75 12.3 35 16 24 277 100.0 247 89.2 38 13.7 22 2 14 131 100.0 116 88.5 8 6.1 3 5 147 115 20 12 24.1 67 53 9 5 24.2 67 55 7 5 51.1 Children’s dresses and suits. _. Millinery___ _________ ___ 10 54 1.6 8.9 5 31 1.8 11.2 4 17 3.1 13.0 Textiles_______________ ______ Cotton---------------------------Rayon...................................... Silk Hosiery-------------- -----------Knit goods. Other 3 97 28 14 10 24 10 11 15.9 40 14.4 2 1.5 Miscellaneous Food____________________ 147 13 24.1 Metal Paper Printing and publishing___ Tobacco. ______ ______ Other*..................................... 37 12 14 Domestic and personal service......... Housework____ _________ ____ Restaurants__________ ______ Laundries....................... ............... Other 8______________________ 37 14 9 11 11 6.1 8 6 12 8 2 66 6 4 23.8 2.0 1.3 3.3 .3 6.0 13.7 6.1 2 2 8 1 .7 .7 2.9 .4 7 7.1 13 11.2 5.3 1. 2 42 22 49.4 5 2 51 4 44.0 22 7 3 1 13 10 17 5 4 5 3 6 17.6 1 6 12 1 1 9 12 14.1 1 7.8 4 4.7 3 3! 5 3 1 Shirts and neckwear. 2 Suits, coats, fur, and embroidering. 3 Wool, jute, thread, and quilts. 4 Chemicals, pianos, buttons, novelties, and optical instruments. 6 Beauty parlor, child’s nurse, and not reported. « Factory inspector and chorus girl. 18 2 100.0 2 1 1 15 4 9 5 23 49 20 7 7 6 5 8 8 4 9 85 76 15 3 3 Women’s clothing........................ Dresses. _ ... Underwear ... _________ Other 2...... .............................. Trade..................... ............................... Transportation__________ ________ Clerical.. _____________________ _ Professional 8_ 116 100.0 91 78.4 14 12. 1 7 i .8 6 1 4.6 .8 7.8 3 2.6 38 Table VII.— Union membershipby school and year Union membership Num ber Total............................................ Per cent 1928 4 schools Bryn com Mawr bined 1929 Bar nard Wis con sin 4 South schools Bryn ern com Mawr bined 1930 Bar nard Wis con sin 4 South schools Bryn ern com Mawr bined Bar nard Wis con sin South ern 26 609 160 85 39 12 24 228 94 47 52 35 221 98 45 52 52 8 1 4 1 2 26 8 1 10 7 18 5 4 9 Reporting.. _______________ ____ 557 100.0 152 84 35 11 22 202 86 46 42 28 203 93 41 43 26 Union members_____________ Not union members 219 338 39.3 60.7 54 98 33 51 15 20 1 10 5 17 79 123 31 55 29 17 7 35 12 16 86 117 42 51 21 20 12 31 11 15 i Union membership recorded for last job only, thus excluding many students who had formerly been union members but were not union members at the time of the last job held before entering summer school. This is not a record of union shops, since some union members worked in nonunion shops. UNIONS REPRESENTED IN SCHOOLS Clothing: Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Cloth Hat, Cap, and Millinery Workers’ International Union. International Fur Workers’ Union of the United States and Canada. International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union. Needle Trades Workers’ Industrial Union. Neckwear Workers. United Garment Workers of America. United Hatters of North America. Textile: American Federation of Full-fashioned Hosiery Workers. United Textile Workers of America. Weavers’ Union. Miscellaneous: Boot and Shoe Workers’ Union. Hotel and Restaurant Employees’ International Alliance and Bartenders’ Interna tional League of America. International Brotherhood of Bookbinders. International Typographical Union of North America. Laundry Workers’ International Union. Pocketbook Workers’ Union. Tobacco Workers’ International Union. Clerical: Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Typists, and Assistants. Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks. WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 3-year total— 4 schools com bined Table VIII.—Weekly wage rate on last job,1 by school and school year 1928 3-year total— 4 schools combined 4 schools Amount Num ber Total............................... Unknown1 .................. 2..... $8 to $9.99 _......................... $10 to $11.99....................... $12 to $13.99 $14 to $15.99 $16 to $17.99........................ $18 to $19.99 $20 to $21.99 $22 to $23.99_______ ____ $24 to $25.99 $26 to $27.99..................... $28 to $29.99 $30 to $31.99____________ $32 to $33.99 $34 to $35.99.................... $36 to $37.99......................... $38 to $39.99 $40 to $41.99 $42 to $43.99____________ $44 to $45.99____________ $50 to $51.99........................ $75......................................... Per cent Num ber 609 Bar nard consin 85 39 12 160 15 Per cent Bryn Mawr 1 594 8 28 28 67 57 64 65 41 55 21 19 51 21 37 2 6 4 3 10 6 1 Median....................................... $21. 38 159 100.0 } 6.1 f l } 16.0 f l 1 20.4 i r } 17.8 } 12.8 i 11.8 J 9.8 1 1.3 1 1.2 j 1 6 8 14 14 19 f 21 l 7 f 20 l 3 / 2 l 18 / 6 l 9 f.......... 1_____ { 100.0 85 38 } 4.4 {.......... 1 13.8 r l } 20.8 f ! 1 17.6 f 1 1 14.5 f l 1 12.6 / l 1 9.4 f l i 1 1.9 4 8 8 n 11 6 8 2 2 U 4 6 7 2 3 2 1 2 1 4 1 Bar nard 228 94 47 4 24 221 2 3 1 4 3 3 5 3 3 1 2 3 13 9 21 23 16 18 13 20 8 11 21 11 20 2 6 2 12 2 1 3 1 3 4 1 9 1 Bryn Mawr 7 24 1 6 | 5.0 1f 2 2.9 l......... $21. 67 4 schools South ern Num Per ber cent 1930 90 100.0 f } 7.2 { 3 9 10 8 9 3 12 6 6 9 5 5 j / / ,9 1 i 1.8 c J 2 \ 1 2 $23.15 { 1 52 35 47 1 1 3 4 1 5 6 5 10 2 6 1 2 49 3 4 6 6 7 5 4 4 1 5 1 4 Bryn Mawr Bar nard consin South ern 26 221 98 45 52 7 3 .2 | 13.6 f 1 } 17.6 f l 1 14.0 f l 1 12.7 f l j 14 5 / l V14. 0 f l 1 3.6 r 4 schools Wis- South conern Num Per sin ber cent 1 2 4 97 43 48 26 1 2 3 9 7 7 7 4 4 1 1 3 4 3 6 3 2 1 2 35 214 100.0 3 8 2 5 8 1 3 3 4 9 11 32 20 29 26 21 15 10 6 12 4 8 } 6.1 1 1 f 2 l } 20.1 f l J 22.9 f l / 22.0 l 1 11.7 f l i 8.4 I 5 4 13 9 12 6 12 7 6 8 } 5.6 f l 2 3 f ( [ J 1 2 1 J ‘9 2 1 3 \ 2.3 2 1 1 6 1 4 10 3 3 2 1 3 5 1 1 2 APPENDIX A---- TABLES Reporting3............................... * 1929 1 1 1 $20.15 1 Wage rate at quitting last job. This is usually a full-time wage rate. Students on piecework (more than half of the total) reported an average of their earnings. If the report for the last job was not available, the median of the highest and lowest weekly earnings in the previous year was used. 2Includes 1 student who apparently was working for her family, and reported “no wages,” and 5 unemployed students. 3 One student in the $20-$21 group reported board and room in addition, 1 in the $14-$15 group reported lunch in addition, and 2 in the $10-$11 group reported respectively 3 meals and 1 meal per day, in addition. 00 CO 40 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Table IX.—Age at entering industry, by school—3-year totalsi 4 schools combined Bryn Mawr Barnard Wisconsin Southern Age at entering industry (in years) Num ber Per cent Num ber Per cent Num ber Per cent Num ber 609 Reporting............................... . 277 131 116 27 23 1 Per cent 2 Num ber Per cent 85 1 582 100.0 254 100.0 130 100.0 114 100.0 84 100.0 Under 13 * 33 13 to 15 241 16 to 18 242 19 to 21__________ _______ 51 22 to 24 13 28 to 30...................... ............ 1 31 to 33____________ __ 1 5.7 41.4 41.6 8.8 2.2 .2 .2 14 120 100 15 5 5.5 47.2 39.4 5.9 2.0 10 54 48 16 2 7.7 41.5 36.9 12.3 1.5 3 29 64 14 4 2.6 25.4 56.1 12.3 3.5 6 38 30 6 2 1 1 7.1 45.2 35.7 7. 1 2.4 1. 2 1.2 i Includes 1 woman in Bryn Mawr, 2 in Barnaid, and 1 in Wisconsin who reported having begun work for wages before 10 years of age. Table X.— Years in industry/ by school and year 4 schools com bined—3-year total Southern Wisconsin Barnard Bryn Mawr Years in industry Num ber Total.........................................................- 609 Reporting............... ......... ................................... . 608 3-year total 1928 1929 1930 3-year total 1928 1929 1930 3-year total 1928 1929 1930 3-year total 1928 1929 277 Per cent 85 94 98 131 39 47 45 116 12 52 52 85 24 35 26 276 84 94 98 131 39 47 45 116 12 52 52 85 24 35 26 1 3 1 8 8 11 17 4 9 3 4 3 4 3 3 7 2 2 1 4 1 6 7 5 14 10 8 5 9 5 15 8 8 8 5 4 1 2 2 4 2 3 3 5 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 6 2 5 1 4 4 4 2 3 2 7 15 12 12 10 14 6 7 7 6 4 1 4 2 1 4 1 3 1 2 2 2 6 5 4 6 9 1 5 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 6 6 6 2 5 5 2 4 2 3 2 17 8 5 3 5 9 5 4 5 4 4 2 1 2 4 13 5 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 4 1930 1 6 . _______ ___________ _ 7 _________ _____________ 8 __________ ________ ... ______ 9 10 12 __________ _______________ 30.4 37.7 ■ 19.7 9.2 1 5 5 30 25 27 37 17 19 15 13 10 8 10 13 10 5 8 2 2 1 10 11 6 11 6 3 3 5 4 2 2 6 2 4 1 3 3 12 6 10 9 7 7 9 4 3 2 5 4 3 1 2 2 2 22 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 8 4 1 3 4 2 5 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.0 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 • If the years in the job history reported did not tally with the difference between the age at entering industry and present age, the latter figure was tabulated, as more accurateOnly years in industry in the United States were counted. Many students at Barnard and Bryn Mawr reported industrial experience abroad, in addition. A PPEN D IX A— TABLES 2__________ __________ 3___________ ____ _____________ ______ 4 13 44 31 54 43 60 62 37 35 35 26 30 20 21 23 25 9 10 2 10 100.0 H—1 Table XI.—Number of jobs held,1 by school and year Total............................................... 1........................................................... 2_____________ ____ ___________ 3 4 5___________ ______ _______ ___ 6 7 8________________ ____________ 9_____ _______________________ 10 11____________________________ 12 13__________________________ _ 14_________________ _____ _____ 15______ _______________ ______ 16______ ______________________ 17__________________ _______ _ 18_______________ _______ _____ 20......................................................... 21........................................................ 25......................................................... 30.:.............. ................ ..................... Barnard 2,671 1928 1929 1930 277 85 94 98 16 609 28 Reporting...... .......................................... Bryn Mawr 4 9 3 3-year total Wisconsin Southern 1928 1929 1930 3-year total 1928 1929 1930 3-year total 1928 1929 131 39 47 45 116 12 52 52 85 24 35 26 10 3 1 6 2 1930 2 100.0 581 74 96 98 90 57 52 27 19 21 9 10 8 \ 7 2 3 1 2 1 1 } 1 1 1 2,671 261 81 85 95 121 36 46 39 114 12 52 50 85 24 35 26 12.7 16.5 16.9 15.5 9.8 9.0 4.6 3.3 3.6 74 192 294 360 285 312 189 152 189 90 110 96 91 28 45 16 34 18 20 21 25 30 25 35 41 40 27 27 17 10 11 7 5 5 3 1 2 1 1 2 12 11 16 6 10 9 1 4 3 1 2 1 13 11 17 12 8 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 1 4 3 13 13 7 2 4 3 3 3 8 7 4 2 22 33 16 18 6 8 1 2 4 2 4 4 13 15 6 7 2 5 7 14 6 11 4 2 1 18 18 20 11 2 5 3 4 3 5 5 4 4 1 1 2 1 10 9 8 2 3 4 8 5 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 9 10 21 21 22 12 6 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 4 5 5 7 3 2 1 1 10 12 13 12 13 14 5 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.2 1 12 -3 f l .2 .2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A record of all jobs of which a report was made. 2 Excluding 28 students holding an indefinite number of jobs (more than 4 each), the average number of jobs per student is 4.6. s Twenty-seven of these reported four and more jobs, saying that they had held too many to count. The other, in one of the printing trades, reported that she had worked at her trade 17 years but did not give a record of jobs held. WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO , 1930 Number of jobs per student 4 schools com bined—3-year Total jobs total held by 581 stu Num Per dents 1 3-year 2 total ber cent to 43 APPENDIX A—TABLES Table XII.—Cause of leaving job, by year—four schools combined 3-year total 1928 1929 1930 Cause Num ber Per cent Num ber Per cent All causes........ ........................... .............. ... 1,988 Low wages, long hours Lay-off, slack or seasonal work (temporary job)-----------------------------------------------------Discharged ___________________________ Strike or lockout.. _ _________________ Business failed, moved, burned__________ Introduction of machinery___ Dislike of management, “ disagreements with boss’'______ ___________________ Dislike of work, better job elsewhere Unhealthful, disagreeable working conditions. Illness_______ _______________________ To go to school____ _____ Change of residence (family or individual)___ Marriage and family Union activity, union politics, to get into union shop Other reasons (including multiple)........ ........... Num ber Per cent Num ber Per cent 100.0 689 100.0 485 100.0 814 100.0 404 20.3 163 23.7 87 17.9 154 18.9 380 41 90 110 7 19.1 2.1 4.5 5.5 .4 127 8 30 36 1 18.4 1.2 4.4 5.2 .1 97 13 28 25 4 20.0 2.7 5.8 6.2 .8 156 20 32 49 2 19.2 2.5 3.9 6.0 .2 64 186 159 80 132 122 23 3.2 9.4 8.0 4.0 6.6 6.1 1.2 22 40 52 33 50 49 1 3.2 5.8 7.5 4.8 7.3 7.1 .1 14 31 44 24 24 35 3 2.9 6.4 9.1 4.9 4.9 7.2 .6 28 115 63 23 58 38 19 3.4 14.1 7.7 2.8 7.1 4.7 2.3 66 124 3.3 6.2 19 58 2.8 8.4 24 32 4.9 6.6 23 34 2.8 4.2 44 Table XIII.—Part-time employment in previous year,1 by school and school year Number of part-time weeks worked combined Num ber Per cent 4 schools combined Num ber 609 Bryn Bar Mawr nard 85 1 53 0............................................ 1 to 4._________________ 5 to 8____ _____________ 9 to 12................................ . 13 to 16_______ _______ 17 to 20 21 to 24________________ 25 to 28 ___________ 29 to 32 _________ _ 33 to 36________________ 37 to 40 41 to 44 45 to 48 49 to 52.................................. Per cent 160 5 100.0 206 44 65 54 47 30 21 18 19 7 19 7 7 7 37.4 38.1 16.0 7.3 1.3 39 4 schools combined Wis South consin ern Num Per ber cent 12 24 12 228 94 1 2 13 100.0 73 38 12 22 213 63 43.4 13 | 15 [ 33.1 14 6 6 | 9 \ 17.2 6 4 2 1 2 1 2 ) 1.4 2 31 7 9 8 2 2 4 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 13 3 3 6 2 2 3 3 1 11 1 8 2 3 88 13 21 24 21 13 6 5 6 2 9 2 2 1 145 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1930 Bryn Bar Mawr nard 2 1 14 551 1929 47 4 schools combined Wis South consin ern Num Per ber cent 52 35 1 4 221 Bryn Bar Mawr nard 98 45 52 1 2 1 26 9 26 5 6 8 7 100.0 89 47 51 26 193 100.0 93 38 43 19 41.3 44 5 8 6 6 6 4 2 2 1 4 1 3 4 5 10 12 5 1 2 4 28 3 5 5 3 1 1 1 13 1 3 3 55 18 29 16 20 11 6 7 9 3 8 4 3 4 28.5 24 10 13 3 13 7 4 3 5 3 3 2 1 2 10 2 6 7 4 3 1 1 2 14 4 6 6 2 7 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 | 37.1 ] | 14.1 j [ 7.0 .5 1 3 1 1 ] 1 2 1 43.0 ► 17.1 9.3 2.1 1 8.4 weeks Median, those with some i Only those reports were tabulated that tallied to 52 weeks’ record. 24 students worked in more than 1 industry in the year prior to entering summer school. Wis South consin ern 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 1928 3-year total— Table XIV.—Extent of unemployment in previous year} by major cause—3-year totals, four schools combined Total Major cause of unemployment Num ber Number with weeks of unemployment as specified Num Num ber ber re with porting no weeks unem of un- Un ploy der 5 em ment ployment 609 448 556 87 19.4 87 85 82 40 4 10 5 5 1 5 4 5 42 9.4 31 6.9 9 2.0 18 4.0 53 Reporting on cause of unemployment_____ 93 20.8 93 100.0 Not reporting on cause of unemployment 2. 139 31.0 5 to 8 9 to 12 13 to 17 to 21 to 25 to 29 to 33 to 37 to 45 to 49 to 20 16 24 28 32 36 40 48 52 weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks. 543 No unemployment_______ Major cause not separable.. Cause unknown 3_________ Reporting cause of unemployment i specified............................................. Lack of work Vacation without pay Vacation not reported whether with or with out pay 4 Illness, personal or in family 5 Strike or lockout Other6__________________________________ 95 18 95 428 221 76 22 64 24 21 416 127 51.6 17.8 213 74 5.1 15.0 5.6 4.9 22 22 63 24 63 24 1 I 20 20 1 Only periods of 1 week or more counted as unemployment. Vacation or illness with pay not counted as unemployment. 2 Includes a large group of students whose tally of 52 weeks was not accurate. 3 Includes 5 students unemployed all previous year. 4 1928 figures. 6 Includes only 2 cases of illness in family. 6 Includes several cases of students unemployed because attending school. 18 213 74 (See Note 4.) 11 2 2.5 0.4 4 0.9 6 1.3 APPENDIX A— TABLES Total—Number.. Per cent distribution_____ Num Num ber not, ber re re porting porting on ex on ex tent Per tent cent of un- of unem em ployploy- ment ment 46 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Table XV.—Major cause of unemployment in previous year* by school year—four schools combined 3-year total Major cause of unemployment Num ber Per cent Num ber 1930 1929 1928 Num ber Per cent Per cent Num ber 221 609 160 228 53 14 13 26 556 146 215 195 95 27 6 Not reporting on cause of unemployment2---- Per cent 26 9 1 35 9 3 34 9 2 Reporting cause of unemployment as 428 100.0 110 100.0 168 100.0 150 100.0 221 98 64 24 21 51.6 22.9 15.0 5.6 4.9 60 22 19 5 4 54.5 20.0 17.3 4.5 3.6 89 40 29 8 2 53.0 23.8 17.3 4.8 1.2 72 36 16 11 15 48.0 24.0 10.7 7.3 10.0 1 Only periods of one week or more counted as unemployment. Vacation or illness with pay not counted as unemployment. (See Note 4.) 2 Includes a large group of students whose tally of 52 weeks was not accurate. 3 Includes five students unemployed all previous year. 4 In 1928 not reported whether with or without pay. 6 Includes only two cases of illness in family. 6 Includes several cases of students unemployed because attending school. Table XVI.—Number of weeks of overtime work in previous year, by school year— four schools combined 3-year total Number of weeks of overtime work Number Per cent Total. Unknown l. ’ 151 Reporting. No overtime. Overtime 2. 100.0 1 to 2. 3 to 4. 5 to 6. 7 to 8. 9 to 10. 11 to 12. 13 to 14. 15 to 16. 17 to 18. 19 to 20. 21 to 22. 23 to 24. 25 to 26 27 to 28. 42 to 43 44 to 45 46 to 47 48 to 60 to 51 1 “Unknown” includes indefinite answers. H 2 Overtime worked 42 to 52 weeks in the year was reported by students working in laundries and beauty parlors, and by two students from a North Carolina cotton mill, who apparently counted their long shift as “overtime.” Table XVII.—Daily hours of work in previous year, by school and school year 63263' C5 CO to 05 Daily hours (including lunch period) CO H-i w 3-year total— 4 schools combined Num ber Total Per cent 1928 1929 4 schools combined Num ber Per cent Bryn Bar Mawr nard 39 2 1 157 83 38 5 2 3 1 573 100.0 156 12 1 100.0 83 f 1 1 r 2 ) [ 19.9 3 \ 15.9 1 _____ 21 [ 30 f 86 j 301 52.5 88 56.4 46 24.8 30 19.2 142 13 f 5 27 3 9 | 6.8 i 1 4.5 i 1 .......... 1 ____ 37 12 24 1 225 93 2 218 100.0 90 1 6 4 1 4 7 11 1 1 (____ 2 [■ 10.6 1 10 i 21 105 48.2 42 30.3 66 30 18 r 6 5 t 11.0 1 { i Bryn Mawr Bar nard Wis South con era sin 47 52 35 221 98 45 52 1 1 i The working days of from IX to 14 hours were reported in textiles, clothing, and domestic service. 3 The 24-hour day was reported by a child’s nurse. 47 4 schools Wis South- combined con era sin Num Per ber cent 1 20 7 4 7 2 51 34 201 91 41 45 24 44 24 6 22 16 1 6 13 1 2 1 47 47 2 34 4 4 13 11 2 1 1 35 108 46 4 3 4 41 1 1 1 3 18 22 3 100.0 V 91 r —T 18.6 1 22 54.3 23.1 52 14 40 1 6 28 3 3 • 4.0 1 26 1 199 ) 1 4 29 2 1 94 2 2 3 24 228 3 12 24 Bryn Bar Mawr nard 1 APPENDIX A— TABLES Reporting hours 85 3 583 6 7__________________________ 8 9 10 111________ __________ ____ 12 i................. ............................. 13 i 14 i................................................ 24 2___ , 160 26 Hours unlimited 609 4 schools Wis South- combined con era sin Num Per ber cent 1930 48 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Table XVIII.—Duration of lunch period in previous year—3-year totals, four schools combined, 3-year total—4 schools combined Duration of lunch period (in minutes) Number Per cent 609 18 591 8 583 60 to 74 r* . .................................. ............................. .................................... 100.0 3 14 130 131 298 7 .5 2.4 22.3 22.5 51.1 1.2 Table XIX.—Earnings in previous yearj1 by school and school year 1928 3-year total—1 schools 4 com schools Bryn bined com Mawr bined Amount Total___________ _____ _ 609 160 85 Bar nard 39 1929 4 Wiscon South schools Bryn sin ern com Mawr bined 24 228 19 187 1 i i 3 4 5 143 49 27 16 1 466 111 58 23 11 Median_______ _____ $838 2 2 10 11 7 15 14 16 7 4 6 5 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 $861 1 6 4 3 7 6 9 5 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 Bar nard Wiscon South sin ern 94 47 52 35 221 98 45 52 26 72 47 39 29 168 84 36 38 10 41 1 1 6 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 8 7 5 6 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 A PPEN D IX A— TABLES Unknown 3____________ ______ ___ _____ _ 1 7 17 41 30 47 67 61 57 35 26 22 36 8 11 7 4 2 2 2 3 4 Wiscon South schools Bryn sin ern com Mawr bined 1 12 Reporting Under $200_______ _ __ $200 to $299_________________ $300 to $399 $400 to $499 3_________ _ $500 to $599 $600 to $699 $700 to $799_______________ $800 to $899 $900 to $999 $1,000 to $1.099_____________ ___ _____ $1,100 to $1,199 $1,200 to $1,299_______ ____ _________ $1,300 to $1,399 $1,400 to $1,499______ $1,500 to $1,599______ ______ $1,600 to $1,699_______ $1,700 to $1,799________ $1,800 to $1,899.............................................. $1,900 to $1,999 $2,000 to $2,099__ $2,200 to $2,299 _____ ________ ___ _ Bar nard 1930 1 1 2 $887 $793 i Few students keep accurate records of earnings. About half of the figures given are estimates based on wage rates and number of weeks of full-time and part-time employment. Many of the “unknown ” are students whose earnings were reported as “too irregular to estimate.” This group also includes 5 girls unemployed during the previous year and 3 girls on strike more than half the year, who did not answer. 3 In the $400 to $499 group there are 2 domestic servants who received board and room in addition to wage and 1 soda-fountain clerk who received board. O 50 Table XX.—Earnings in -previous year, by industry 1 and school—3-year totals Millinery Women’s Men’s 2 Southern Bryn Mawr Barnard Wisconsin 47 59 6 3 49 28 16 5 1 4 3 7 4 8 16 16 11 12 1 1 3 1 3 8 6 3 7 2 2 4 2 4 7 7 7 4 1 1 3 4 4 2 2 1 1 _ 1 1 1 2 6 5 2 22 75 38 8 14 15 4 10 21 10 2 2 7 Unknown ______________________ 466 214 106 88 58 225 105 85 23 12 54 28 6 12 Reporting------- -------- 7 16 12 23 34 25 24 20 4 6 6 8 10 15 15 9 3 8 6 8 12 10 16 5 3 11 6 8. 11 11 2 1 2 5 7 14 12 20 29 29 23 26 14 12 13 4 4 1 3 6 5 10 15 11 8 15 7 8 5 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 41 30 47 67 61 57 35 1 1 3 3 5 10 6 6 5 1 3 1 2 3 5 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ------ ------ --------- AUt.f—---------------------------- ----------------------------- IAJ 'P ' $500 to $599 $600 to $699_______________________ $700 to $799 $800 to $899 $900 to $999 $1,000 to $1,099 $1,200 to $1,299 $1,300 to $1,399 ___________________ 22 16 11 6 7 6 4 4 1 H4- T $913 $850 $688 $888 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 combined Southern combined 1 2 3 5 . 4 7 8 11 13 8 7 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 $867 1 1 3 3 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 :$S97 5 2 2 1 — 2 1 1 1 combined 27 11 4 96 . 36 combined 141 61 sc h o o ls 286 27 4 85 28 Wisconsin 116 25 sc h o o ls 131 63 - ffl % 2 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 i l l l l $930 1 Southern Wisconsin 115 277 --- 143 sc h o o ls ------------------------ o3 5 6 sc h o o ls Barnard 1 8 609 combined Total------ % sc h o o ls 6 1 Southern 17 3 Wisconsin 31 5 Barnard 54 3 Barnard 6 1 Bryn Mawr 7 8 4 67 20 Southern 67 32 Wisconsin 147 os a & kn PQ Barnard c3 5 6 (H « 4 Earnings 4 j Total WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Clothing manufacturing All industries Textile manufacturing $100 to $199................................................. .............. $200 to $299....____ $300 to $399 $400 to $499_______ ____ ______ _____ _______ $500 to $599_____________ __________________ $600 to $699 $700 to $799 $800 to $899_________ _________ ____________ $900 to $999 $1,000 to $1,099__________ ____ ____________ $1,100 to $1,199........................................................ $1,200 to $1,299________ $1,300 to $1,399____________________________ $1,400 to $1,499 $1,500 to $1,599_____ ______________________ $1,600 to $1,699____________________________ $1,700 to $1,799 $1,800 to $1,899____________________________ $1,900 to $1,999____________________________ $2,000 to $2,099____________________________ $2,200 to $2,299..______ ____________________ 8 30 109 50 14 37 1 1 4 3 9 17 17 17 14 5 5 7 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 4 10 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 8 1 3 2 1 Median___ ____ ______________ _______________ 2 7 1 1 5 4 7 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 9 2 6 5 1 2 1 1 5 3 1 1 1 2 2 7 9 4 42 13 8 16 5 4 8 4 31 12 3 12 4 8 28 12 1 1 2 6 3 2 1 4 4 1 7 1 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $745 $821 $757 1 In the years 1929 and 1930, 24 students worked in more than one industry. They are classified by industry of latest employment. 2 Includes lOstudents in the manufacture of children’s clothing, not shown separately. comined . 4 9 4 combined 4 combined 1 4 17 3 7 10 5 14 3 4 1 Wisconsin 35 Barnard 73 17 37 APPENDIX A— TABLES Reporting.. .................................................................. . Bryn Mawr 12 14 sc h o o ls 51 4 Southern Southern 18 16 Wisconsin Wisconsin 66 38 Barnard Barnard 147 12 Bryn Mawr Bryn Mawr 42 5 sc h o o ls Southern 13 2 Domestic and personal service Clerical and professional, trade, transportation combined Wisconsin 2 5 4 Total................................................................... sc h o o ls Barnard 40 sc h o o ls 97 24 Earnings Bryn Mawr Miscellaneous manufacturing Southern | See also footnotes to Table XIX. Cn 52 Table XXI.—Earnings in previous year,1 by number of full-time weeks worked—3-year totals, four schools combined Total Number of full-time weeks worked Num ber Total......................................... ................ Per cent 609 __________________________ 0 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 12___ 13 to 16........................................................... 17 to 20 21 to 24 25 to 28____ 29 to 32........... ............................................. 33 to 36 37 to 40____ 41 to 44_________ ______ -_____ ______ 45 to 48__________________ ____ ______ 49 to 52____ Per cent 143 Num ber Per cent 466 Num ber Per cent $500 and under $700 and under $900 and under $900 $1,100 $700 Num ber Per cent Per cent Num ber Per cent $1,100 and over Num ber 92 552 100.0 104 100.0 448 100.0 58 100.0 73 100.0 126 100.0 24 16 33 23 40 35 50 49 28 53 40 63 98 4.3 2.9 6.0 4.2 7.2 6.3 9. 1 8.9 5.1 9.6 7.2 11.4 17.8 6 4 8 4 9 3 10 7 7 13 6 7 20 5.8 3.8 7.7 3.8 8.7 2.9 9.6 6.7 6.7 12.5 5.8 6.7 19.2 18 12 25 19 31 32 40 42 21 40 34 56 78 4.0 2.7 5.6 4.2 6.9 7.1 8.9 9.4 4.7 8.9 7.6 12.5 17.4 3 4 10 7 6 2 11 1 1 3 2 5 3 5.2 6.9 17.2 12.1 10.3 3.4 19.0 1.7 1.7 5.2 3.4 8.6 5.2 6 3 4 2 8 5 4 8 4 7 7 5 10 8.2 4.1 5.5 2.7 11.0 6.8 5.5 11.0 5.5 9.6 9.6 6.8 13.7 5 1 7 5 12 9 10 9 4 15 6 14 29 4.0 .8 5.6 4.0 9.5 7.1 7.9 7.1 3.2 11.9 4.8 11.1 23.0 89 2 2 3 4 11 9 8 5 8 4 17 16 Per cent 103 3 2 4 8 Num ber 128 77 66 18 34 52 Reporting Num ber Under $500 1 100.0 2.2 2.2 3.4 4.5 12.4 10. 1 9.0 5.6 9.0 4.5 19. 1 18.0 2 102 100.0 4 2 2 2 1 5 6 16 7 7 15 15 20 3.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 4.9 5.9 15.7 6.9 6.9 14.7 14.7 19.6 1 See footnote 1 to Table XIX. „ 2 Includes 48 students at $1,100 and under $1,300, 23 at $1,300 and under $1,500, 18 at $1,500 and under $1,700, 6 at $1,700 and under $ L,900,4 at $1,900 and under $2,100, and 3 at 2,200 and under $2,300. WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Women who earned— Total not report Total reporting ing earnings earmngs Table XXII.—Deductions from pay in previous yearby school and school year Deductions from pay 3-year total— 4 4 schools schools Bryn com com bined bined Mawr 1928 1929 Bar nard Wis consin 4 South schools Bryn ern com Mawr bined Bar nard 1930 Wis consin 4 South schools Bryn com Mawr ern bined Bar nard Wis consin South ern 26 609 160 85 39 12 24 228 94 47 52 35 221 98 45 52 184 40 16 22 1 1 84 34 30 12 8 60 15 18 21 6 Reporting......................................................... ... 425 120 69 17 11 23 144 60 17 40 27 161 83 27 31 20 No deductions..__________ ________ Amount unknown_______________ _ 330 9 94 4 54 3 15 1 8 17 120 49 17 32 22 116 65 22 13 16 86 22 12 1 3 6 24 11 40 17 7 20 7 16 8 4 6 1 4 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 6 5 3 3 4 1 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 $0.01 to $1.99_______________ _______ _____ $2.00 to $3.99.___ $4.00 to $5.99____ ________ _____ __________ $6.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 $10.00 to $11.99___________________ _______ $14.00 to $15.99 $16.00 to $17.99 $18.00 to $19.99____ ______________________ $20.00 to $21.99.._______________ _____ ___ $24.00 to $25.99 $31.00 to $40.99_________________ _________ $41.00 to $50.99______________ ____ ____ _ $51.00 to $60.99 $71.00 to $80.99 $100 and $138-............................................... . 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A--- TABLES Total.................... ............................. Unknown____________________ _____ ____ 1 1 1 2 1107 causes cited for deductions: Insurance, 47; fines for tardiness, leaving early, and poor work, 26; community chest and hospital funds, 14; union dues and assessments, 9: materials and company store, 4; gifts, 2; purchase of company stock and savings funds, 5. Or CO 54 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Table XXIII.—Money from sources other than wages in previous year, by school year—four schools combined 3-year total Money from other sources 1928 1929 1930 228 50 79 98 110 149 123 301 88 125 88 81 $0.01 to $24.99________________________________________ _____ $25 to $49.99 $50 to $74.99 $75 to $99.99_____________________________ _________________ $100 to $124.99 $125 to $149.99 _______________$150 to $174.99 $200 to $224.99 $225 and over (to $450) _. _ . ----------------------------------- 160 382 Reporting amount 1 609 227 Total...................................................................................... 22 24 35 14 14 12 7 9 3 7 6 9 4 2 5 1 2 2 7 4 3 3 1 1 2 1 8 5 3 3 4 2 1 2 7 5 2 1 221 i In addition, there were 27 reports of “maintenance” or'1 help ” from family while out of work; indefinite amounts. Table XXIV.—Amount borrowed in previous year, by school year 1—four schools combined 2-year total Amount borrowed 1929 1930 _ - . ................-_____ ______________ . _____ $70 to $79.99 $150 to $159.99 $200 to $209.99 $400 ____. -_________ _________ . _____________________________ ______________ - _______________________________________ _________ _____ ________________ 65 67 163 154 243 4 $30 to $39.99 $40 to $49.99 $50 to $59.99 _ 228 317 Reporting amount___“...... ............................................................................. 449 132 Total ....................................................... ...................................... ........... 126 2 117 2 70 35 35 2 4 13 2 2 10 1 1 1 1 9 6 1 11 2 1 3 221 2 4 6 1 2 3 1 1 6 3 1 4 7 1 7 1 1 3 3 7 2 1 3 < Question not asked on 1928 schedule. Figures apparently have been estimated, as they tend to cluster at the round numbers. Table XXV.—Savings in previous year, by school and school year 3-year totals —four schools combined 1930 1929 1928 Amount of savings Per 160 609 25 159 85 14 Four Wis- South- schools Bryn consin comera bined Mawr Barnard 39 10 12 24 1 228 84 Barnard Wisconsin Four South- schools Bryn Mawr era combined Barnard Wisconsin Southem 26 94 47 52 35 221 98 45 52 25 34 17 7 50 20 8 15 7 35 28 171 78 37 37 19 Reporting amount $20 to $39 $40 to $59 $60 to $79. $100 to $119 450 135 71 29 11 24 144 68 247 Reporting.......................................... .. 13 68 31 22 5 10 1 72 31 3 14 24 107 41 31 20 15 7 6 13 72 37 10 21 4 64 37 6 17 4 1 2 1 2 6 2 4 12 21 7 8 1 2 5 11 3 5 4 1 2 2 6 4 2 1 1 4 2 6 5 2 8 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 4 7 10 9 2 14 1 5 1 4 1 2 2 1 5 2 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 APPENDIX A— TABLES Total schools Bryn com- Mawr bined 1 200 100.0 64 38 10 27 50 22 10 23 5.0 13.5 25.0 11.0 5.0 11.5 2.0 7. 5 1.0 1. 5 5.0 .5 2 8 19 6 1 5 10 2 8 3 5 5 2 3 4 4 4. 5 2 1 1 2. 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 $72 $70 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 $59 $100 Cn Ot 56 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 Table XXVI.—Amount paid in insurance premiums in previous year, by school year—four schools combined Amount paid in insurance premiums Total. 3-year totals— four schools com bined 1928 1929 1930 609 160 228 Unknown____ ______________ 214 35 105 74 Reporting____________ _____ _ 395 125 123 147 221 Paying no premiums___ 141 46 28 67 Reporting amounts paid. 254 79 95 80 $0.01 to $9.99________________ $10 to $19.99_________________ $20 to $29.99______________ $30 to $39.99_________________ $40 to $49.99______________ $50 to $59.99________________ $60 to $69.99____________ $70 to $79.99________________ $80 to $89.99______________ $100 to $109.99__________ $120 to $129.99______________ $140 to $149.99_______________ $160 to $169.99_______________ $220 to $229.99_______________ $250 to $259,99...____________ 38 65 45 31 26 21 12 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 11 18 13 11 8 8 3 3 12 28 15 15 11 9 2 2 1 1 15 19 17 5 7 4 7 1 Median........................................... $25.35 $28.10 2 1 1 1 $26.00 $23. 66 Table XXVII.—Living condition and family responsibility in previous year, by school and school year 3-year totals— 4schools com bined Living condition 4 Total------ ---------- ------------------ --- - --- Num ber 1928 1929 1930 4 Per schools Bryn Bar cent com Mawr nard bined 4 Wis con South schools Bryn Bar sin com Mawr nard ern bined 4 Wis South schools Bryn Bar con com Mawr nard ern sinbined 160 609 2 94 47 52 3 23 10 11 2 84 36 50 35 24 12 26 221 98 45 52 13 35 228 39 5 1 5 2 208 93 44 47 24 Reporting------- ------------------- -------- --------------------- 568 100.0 155 83 36 12 24 205 Living at home or with relatives.------------------- 395 69.5 111 59 24 8 20 142 60 21 33 28 142 73 22 29 18 117 25 51 9 21 27 6 18 10 114 28 58 15 22 24 10 8 63 24 15 17 7 66 20 22 18 6 82 29 i 313 2 82 173 30.5 43 16 22 2 5 3 12 8 44 24 12 4 4 1 79,2 per cent of those reported as living at home. 2 20.8 per cent of those reported as living at home. APPENDIX A--- TABLES 5 41 85 Wis South con ern sin Or -a / Percentage of earnings contributed to family support Num ber Total............... ............... .............. 1928 4 Per schools Bryn Bar cent com Mawr nard bined 1929 4 Wis South schools Bryn con ern com Mawr sin bined 1930 Bar nard Wis South 4 schools Bryn Bar con ern com Mawr nard sinbined Wis South con ern sin 609 160 85 39 12 24 228 94 47 52 35 221 98 45 52 Indefinite or unknown 2____ ____ 150 38 21 12 2 3 39 20 4 10 5 73 25 20 20 8 Reporting____ ______________ ____ 459 100.0 122 64 27 10 21 189 74 43 42 30 148 73 25 32 18 49 94 137 179 10. 7 20.5 29.8 39.0 10 26 36 50 13 18 29 4 14 9 3 1 2 6 3 10 24 54 80 13 23 36 15 3 15 10 5 12 16 3 4 18 49 25 6 12 6 Not contributing........................................... Contributing all earnings 3___ Contributing 50 per cent or more of earnings___ Contributing less than 50 per cent of earnings... . 26 44 1 Includes board and lodging expenses if living at home or with relatives j i t-Ir” Jnclu<\es irregular and occasional amounts difficult to estimate as a proportion of earnings, or regular amounts difficult to estimate, such as “support daughter, help pay bills. It also includes a large number of those who answered the question with a check or line, probably making no contribution. 3 Includes girls who gave all but an allowance for lunches and car fare. WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 192S TO 1930 3-year totals— 4 schools com bined 58 Table XXVIII.—Percentage of earnings contributed to family support in previous year,1 by school and school year APPENDIX B.—FORM OF QUESTIONNAIRE [FRONT] SUMMER SCHOOLS FOR WOMEN WORKERS IN INDUSTRY INDUSTRIAL EXPERIENCE RECORD Date............................................ Number____ ____ —............... 1. Residence.......... ..................................................... ........... Name of school............................................. -..........—(City) (State) 2. Present age 3. How long have you lived in the United States?...-------------------------------------------------(years) (years) 4. Your birthplace___________ _ 5. Birthplace of father 6. Of mother-------------------------------------------(Country) (Country) (Country) 7. Occupation of father...................................... ............ 8. Occupation of mother--------------------- -.................... 9. Are you married? Single?....................................... ...................... Widowed or divorced?............................... 10. How old were you when you entered industry?..-------------------------------- ------ -------------------------------(years) Record of Jobs: * Put in the table below a record of all the jobs you have held, even if you can not supply all the details requested in the columns, in the order in which you have held them, including your first job and all others up to June, 1930. Num ber (ID Give year of— Process Industry or (12) operation Begin Quit (13) ting ning (16) (14) Length of time job was held (18) Yrs. Mos. State spe Wages per week Was at— cifically the why you shop left this Begin Quit- union? job (20) ning ing (17) (18) (19) 59 Were you a union mem ber? (21) [BACK] ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR EMPLOYMENT DURING THE PAST YEAR FROM JUNE 1, 1929, TO MAY 31,1930 22. During how many weeks of the year were you employed full time?................................................ .......... 23. During how many weeks of the year were you employed only part time?____________________ 24. During how many weeks of the year were you entirely out of work on account of— 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. (а) Illness or accident (with pay)_________ ______ _________ _____________ _____________ (б) Illness or accident (without pay)___________________________________________ _______ (c) Lack of work_______ (d) Vacation (with pay)_____________________ ______ _____________ 7ir”77I777II7777I7III_I (e) Vacation (without pay).............. ................... ............... m Strike__________________-”””””““”“1” (g) Lockout_____ ____________________________________ _______ _________ _____ _ (h) Other causes________________ _____ ___________ ___________________ ___ ____”.......... If you have been laid off during the year, how much notice have you been given?7777777" What were the regular opening and closing hours at your last job? On week days _ On Saturdays IIow much time was allowed for lunch?____________________________________________________ During how many weeks of the year were you paid on a piecework basis?-________ ______________ If you worked some overtime on your last job, at what rate were you paid beyond the regular rate? During how many weeks of the year did you work some overtime?_________ _____ _ What were your highest full-time weekly earnings during the year?Lowest? What were your total earnings (without bonus) during the year?___________ _____ _ Did you receive any bonus during the year?.__^...How much? Have there been deductions from your pay during the year?How much?_______ Why?................. ..................... ............................. ................ ........... If married, what was your husband's income during the year?__________________ _____ 7 How much money did you receive last year from sources other than wages?__ _____________ From what sources did this extra money come?.......... .......................................... Did you borrow money last year?If so, how much?7777 Do you live at home?-------—If so, do you pay for board and room?_______ ___________ How much weekly? How much do you contribute toward the family budget besides board and room?__~_7777..... 11171”! (Give total amount during the year) If you do not live at home, what did you pay for room? _(dollars per week) For board, including lunches?________________ _______(dollars per week) How much have you saved from your own earnings this year?___________ _____________ How much did you pay out from your own earnings in insurance premiums this year? What is the principal product of the shop in which you work?___________________ _____ Describe briefly what you do at your present job. (Use new sheet of paper and attach.) 60 PUBLICATIONS OF THE WOMEN’S BUREAU [Any of these bulletins still available will be sent free of charge upon request] *No. 1. Proposed Employment of Women During the War in the Industries of Niagara Falls, N. Y. 16 pp. 1918. No. 2. Labor Laws for Women in Industry in Indiana. 29 pp. 1919. No. 3. Standards for the Employment of Women in Industry. 8 pp. Fourth ed., 1928. No. 4. Wages of Candy Makers in Philadelphia in 1919. 46 pp. 1919. *No. 5. The Eight-Hour Day in Federal and State Legislation. 19 pp. 1919. No. 6. The Employment of Women in Hazardous Industries in the United States. 8 pp. 1921. No. 7. Night-Work Laws in the United States. (1919) 4 pp. 1920. *No. 8. Women in the Government Service. 37 pp. 1920. *No. 9. Home Work in Bridgeport, Conn. 35 pp. 1920. *No. 10. Hours and Conditions of Work for Women in Industry in Virginia. 32 pp. 1920. No. 11. Women Street Car Conductors and Ticket Agents. 90 pp. 1921. *No. 12. The New Position of Women in American Industry. 158 pp. 1920. No. 13. Industrial Opportunities and Training for Women and Girls. 48 pp. 1921. *No. 14. A Physiological Basis for the Shorter Working Day for Women. 20 pp. 1921. No. 15. Some Effects of Legislation Limiting Hours of Work for Women. 26 pp. 1921. No. 16. (See Bulletin 63.) No. 17. Women’s Wages in Kansas. 104 pp. 1921. No. 18. Health Problems of Women in Industry. 6 pp. Revised, 1931. No. 19. Iowa Women in Industry. 73 pp. 1922. *No. 20. Negro Women in Industry. 65 pp. 1922. No. 21. Women in Rhode Island Industries. 73 pp. 1922. *No. 22. Women in Georgia Industries. 89 pp. 1922. No. 23. The Family Status of Breadwinning Women. 43 pp. 1922. No. 24. Women in Maryland Industries. 96 pp. 1922. No. 25. Women in the Candy Industry in Chicago and St. Louis. 72 pp. 1923. No. 26. Women in Arkansas Industries. 86 pp. 1923. No. 27. The Occupational Progress of Women. 37 pp. 1922. No. 28. Women’s Contributions in the Field of Invention. 51 pp. 1923. No. 29. Women in Kentucky Industries. 114 pp. 1923. No. 30. The Share of Wage-Earning Women in Family Support. 170 pp. 1923. No. 31. What Industry Means to Women Workers. 10 pp. 1923. No. 32. Women in South Carolina Industries. 128 pp. 1923. No. 33. Proceedings of the Women’s Industrial Conference. 190 pp. 1923. No. 34. Women in Alabama Industries. 86 pp. 1924. No. 35. Women in Missouri Industries. 127 pp. 1924. No. 36. Radio Talks on Women in Industry. 34 pp. 1924. No. 37. Women in New Jersey Industries. 99 pp. 1924. No. 38. Married Women in Industry. 8 pp. 1924. No. 39. Domestic Workers and Their Employment Relations. 87 pp. 1924. No. 40. (See Bulletin 63.) No. 41. Family Status of Breadwinning Women in Four Selected Cities. 145 pp. 1925. No. 42. List of References on Minimum Wage for Women in the United States and Canada. 42 pp. 1925. No. 43. Standard and Scheduled Hours of Work for Women in Industry. 68 pp. 1925. No. 44. Women in Ohio Industries. 137 pp. 1925. No. 45. Home Environment and Employment Opportunities of Women in Coal-Mine Workers’ Families. 61 pp. 1925. No. 46. Facts about Working Women—A Graphic Presentation Based on Census Statistics. 64 pp. 1925. No. 47. Women in the Fruit-Growing and Canning Industries in the State of Washington. 223 pp. 1926. *No. 48. Women in Oklahoma Industries. 118 pp. 1926. No. 49. Women Workers and Family Support. 10 pp. 1925. No. 50. Effects of Applied Research upon the Employment Opportunities of American Women. 54 pp. 1926. Supply exhausted. 61 62 WOMEN WORKERS AT SUMMER SCHOOLS, 1928 TO 1930 No. 51. Women in Illinois Industries. 108 pp. 1926. No. 52. Lost Time and Labor Turnover in Cotton Mills. 203 pp. 1926. No. 53. The Status of Women in the Government Service in 1925. 103 pp. 1926. No. 54. Changing Jobs. 12 pp. 1926. No. 55. Women in Mississippi Industries. 89 pp. 1926. No. 56. Women in Tennessee Industries. 120 pp. 1927. No. 57. Women Workers and Industrial Poisons. 5 pp. 1926. No. 58. Women in Delaware Industries. 156 pp. 1927. No. 59. Short Talks About Working Women. 24 pp. 1927. No. 60. Industrial Accidents to Women in New Jersey, Ohio, and Wisconsin 316 pp. 1927. No. 61. The Development of Minimum-Wage Laws in the United States, 1912 to 1927. 635 pp. 1928. No. 62. Women’s Employment in Vegetable Canneries in Delaware. ’ 47 pp. 1927. No. 63. State Laws Affecting Working Women. 51 pp. 1927. (Revision of Bulletins 16 and 40.) No. 64. The Employment of Women at Night. 86 pp. 1928. *No. 65. The Effects of Labor Legislation on the Employment Opportunities of Women. 498 pp. 1928. No. 66. History of Labor Legislation for Women in Three States; Chronological Development of Labor Legislation for Women in the United States. 288 pp. 1929. No. 67. Women Workers in Flint, Mich. 80 pp. 1929. No. 68. Summary: The Effects of Labor Legislation on the Employment Oppor tunities of Women. (Reprint of Chapter 2 of bulletin 65.) 22 pp. 1928. No. 69. Causes of Absence for Men and for Women in Four Cotton Mills. 24 pp. 1929. No. 70. Negro Women in Industry in 15 States. 74 pp. 1929. No. 71. Selected References on the Health of Women in Industry. 8 pp. 1929. No. 72. Conditions of Work in Spin Rooms. 41 pp. 1929. No. 73. Variations in Employment Trends of Wpmen and Men. 143 pp. 1930. No. 74. The Immigrant Woman and Her Job. 179 pp. 1930. No. 75. What the Wage-Earning Woman Contributes to Family Support. 21 pp. 1929. No. 76. Women in 5-and-10-cent Stores and Limited-Price Chain Department _ Stores. 58 pp. 1930. No. 77. A Study of Two Groups of Denver Married Women Applying for Jobs. 11 pp. 1929. No. 78. A Survey of Laundries and Their Women Workers in 23 Cities. 166 pp. 1930. ^ No. 79. Industrial Home Work. 20 pp. 1930. No. 80. Women in Florida Industries. 115 pp. 1930. No. 81. Industrial Accidents to Men and Women. 48 pp. 1930. No. 82. The Employment of Women in the Pineapple Canneries of Hawaii. 30 pp. 1930. No. 83. Fluctuation of Employment in the Radio Industry. 66 pp. 1931. No. 84. Fact Finding with the Women’s Bureau. 37 pp. 1931. No. 85. Wages of Women in 13 States. 213 pp. 1931. No. 86. Activities of the Women’s Bureau of the United States. 15 pp. 1931. No. 87. Sanitary Drinking Facilities, with Special Reference to Drinking Fountains. 28 pp. 1931. No. 88. The Employment of Women in Slaughtering and M'eat Packing. (In press.) No. 89. The Industrial Experience of Women Workers at the Summer Schools, 1928 to 1930. 62 pp. 1931. No. 90. Oregon Legislation for Women in Industry. 40 pp. 1931. No. 91. Women in Industry—A Series of Papers' to Aid Study Groups. 79 pp. 1931. No. 92. Wage—Earning Women and the Industrial Depression of 1930. A survey of South Bend. (In press.) Pamphlet. Women’s Place in Industry in 10 Southern States. 14 pp. 1931. Annual reports of the Director, 1919*, 1920*, 1921*, 1922, 1923, 1924*, 1925, 1926, 1927* 1928*, 1929, 1930, 1931. Supply exhausted. o