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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Frances Perkins, Secretary BUREAU O F LABOR STATISTICS Isador L ubin , Commissioner (on leave) A* F . H inrichs, Acting Commissioner * Impact o f the W ar on Employment in 181 Centers o f War Activity Bulletin No. 826 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE - WASHINGTON - 1943 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Price 10 cents Letter of Transmittal U nited States D epartment op L abor , B ureau of L abor Statistics , Washington, D. C.y April S9 19&o. T he Secretary of L abor : I have the honor to transmit herewith a report on the impact of the war on em ploy ment in 181 centers of war activity. The report was prepared in the E m ploym ent and Occupational Outlook Branch, Hugh B . Killough, Chief. T he estimates o f employ m ent in the 181 areas were prepared in the Em ploym ent Statistics Division b y the staff of the Area Studies Section, under the supervision of M arion Hayes. A . F. H inrichs , Acting Com m issioner. H on . F rances P erkins , Secretary of Labor. (II) Contents Page Page Fort 2 W ayne (Ind.) A rea........................... 10 2 Fort W orth (Tex.) A rea............................ 10 Alexandria (L a .) A rea.................................... 2 Gadsen (Ala.) A rea...................................... 11 Allentown-Bethlehem (P a .-N . J.) Area. 2 Galveston (Tex.) A rea............................... 11 Akron (Ohio) A rea................................ Albany-Schenectady-Troy (N . Y . ) Area Amarillo (Tex.) A rea..................: ................ Anderson (Ind.) A rea.................................... Anniston (Ala.) A rea..................................... 2 Grand Rapids (M ich.) A rea.................... 11 2 Hagerstown (M d .) A rea............................ 11 3 Ham pton Roads (Va.) A rea.................... 11 3 Harrisburg (Pa.) A rea................................ 11 3 Hartford (Conn.) A rea.............................. 12 Baltimore (M d .) A rea................................... 3 Hastings (Nebr.) A rea............................... 12 Bath (Maine) A rea........................................ 3 Hattiesburg (M iss.) A rea......................... 12 Atlanta (Ga.) A re a ........................................ Augusta-Aiken (G a.-S. C .) A rea........... Baton Rouge (La.) A rea.............................. Battle Creek (M ich.) A rea......................... 3 Houston (Tex.) A rea.................................. 12 4 Hum boldt (Tenn.) A rea............................ 12 Huntington (W . V a .-O h io-K y.) Area . 12 Beaumont-Port Arthur-Orange (Tex.) A rea.................................................................. 4 Huntsville (Ala.) A rea............................... 13 Biloxi-Gulfport (M iss.) A rea...................... 4 Indianapolis (Ind.) A rea........................... 13 Binghamton (N . Y .) A rea........................... 4 Jackson (M ich.) A rea................................. 13 Birmingham (Ala.) A rea.............................. 4 Jacksonville (Fla.) A rea............................ Boston (M ass.) A rea..................................... 4 Jamestown (N . Y .) A rea........................... 13 Bridgeport-New Haven-W aterbury (Conn.) A rea................................................. 5 Johnson City-Kingsport-Bristol (Tenn.-Va.) A rea..................................... 13 13 5 Kansas C ity (M o .-K an s.) A rea............. 14 Brockton-Hingham (M ass.) A rea......... 5 Kenosha (W is.) A rea.................................. 14 Brunswick (G a.) A rea................................... 5 Knoxville-Alcoa (Tenn.) A rea................ 14 Buffalo (N . Y .) A rea..................................... 5 Lafayette (Ind.) A rea................................ 14 Bridgeton-Salem (N . J.) A rea................... 6 Lake Charles (La.) A rea........................... 14 6 Lancaster (Pa.) A rea.................................. 14 Burlington (Iowa) A rea............................... B um s C ity (Ind.) A rea................................ 6 Lansing (M ich.) A rea................... ..........15 6 Las Vegas (N ev.) A rea.............................. 15 Canton (Ohio) A rea....................................... Cedar Rapids (Iowa) A rea......................... 6 Lima (Ohio) A rea......................................... 15 6 Lincoln (Nebr.) A rea.................................. 15 7 Little R ock (Ark.) A rea............................ 15 Charleston (S. C .) A re a............................... Charleston (W . V a .) A rea........................... Charlotte (N . C .) A rea................................. 7 Long Branch (N . J.) A rea....... ................ 15 15 7 Los Angeles (Calif.) A rea.................. 7 Louisville (K y .-In d .) A rea....................... 16 Chattanooga (Tenn.) A r e a ........................ Chicago (Ill.-Ind.) A rea............................... Cincinnati (O hio-K y.) A rea....................... Cleveland (Ohio) A rea................................. 7 M acon (Ga.) A rea....................................... 16 8 Madison-Baraboo (W is.) A rea............... 16 Columbia (S. C .) A rea.................................. 8 Manitowoc (W is.) A rea............................. 16 8 Mansfield (Ohio) A rea............................... 16 8 Marion (Ind.) A rea................................ , . 17 Columbus (G a.-A la.) A rea.......................... Columbus (Ohio) A rea.................................. Coming-Elmira (N . Y .) A rea.................... Corpus Christi (Tex.) A rea........................ 8 Memphis (Tenn.) A rea.............................. 17 M iam i (Fla.) A rea....................................... 17 Dallas (Tex.) A rea....................................... 8 Dayton-Springfield (Ohio) A re a ............ 9 Michigan C ity (Ind.) A rea....................... 17 Denver (Colo.) A rea................................... 9 Milwaukee (W is.) A r e a ............................ 17 D es Moines (Iowa) A rea........................... 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul (M inn.) A r e a .. . 17 Detroit (M ich.) A rea.................................. 9 Mobile (Ala.) A rea...................................... 18 Duluth-Superior (M in n .-W is.) A i m . . . 9 Morristown (N . J.) A rea........... 18 Elkton (M d .) A rea...................................... 9 Muncie (Ind.) A rea.................... ................ 18 10 Muscle Shoals (Ala.) A rea...................... 18 Evansville (Ind.) A rea................................. 10 Muskegon (M ich.) A rea......... . ................ 18 F all River-New Bedford (M ass.) Area. 10 Nashville (Tenn.) A rea.............................. 18 Erie (Pa.) A rea............................................. Flint (M ich.) A r e a ....................................... 10 New London (Conn.) A rea...................... 19 (HI) Contents—Continued Page Page 19 Salt Lake C ity (Utah) A rea.................... 26 Newport (R . I .) A rea................................. 19 San Antonio (Tex.) A re a .......................... 26 N ew Y ork City-Newark-Jersey C ity San Diego (Calif.) A re a ................................26 (N . Y .-N . J.) A re a ...................‘ ............. 19 Sandusky (Ohio) A rea................................ 26 N ew Orleans (La.) A rea........................... Ogden (Utah) A rea...................................... 19 Oklahoma C ity (Okla.) A rea.................. San Francisco B a y (Calif.) A rea............ 26 20 San Jose (Calif.) A rea................................ 27 Omaha (Nebr.-Iowa) A rea....................... 20 Santa A na (Calif.) A rea............................... 27 Ottaw a (111.) A rea........................................ 20 Savannah (G a.) A rea.................................. 27 Panama C ity (Fla.) A rea............................ 20 Seattle-Tacoma (W ash.) A rea................ 27 Parsons (Kans.) A rea.................................... 20 Shreveport-Minden (La.) A rea.............. 27 Pascagoula (M iss.) A rea........................... 20 Somerville (N . J.) A rea............................. 27 Pensacola (Fla.) A rea....................................20 South Bend (Ind.) A rea............................ 28 Peoria (111.) A rea......................................... 21 Spartanburg (S. C .) A rea......................... 28 Petersburg-Hopewell (Va.) A rea........... 21 Spokane (W ash.) A re a ............................... 28 Philadelphia-Camden (P a .-N . J.) Area 21 Springfield-Claremont (V t.-N .H .) Area 28 Phoenix (Ariz.) A rea...................................21 Springfield-Decatur (111.) A rea............... 28 Pine Bluff (Ark.) A rea............................... 21 Springfield-Holyoke (M ass.) A rea.........28 Piqua-Sidney (Ohio) A re a...........................22 Stockton (Calif.) A rea............................... Pittsburgh (Pa.) A rea................................ 22 Sturgeon B ay (W is.) A rea........................ 29 Pittsfield (M ass.) A rea.............................. 22 Syracuse (N . Y .) A rea............................... Portland (Maine) A rea.............................. 22 Portland-Van couver (Oreg.-W ash.) A rea...............................................................22 Talladega-Childersburg (Ala.) A r e a .. . 29 T am pa (Fla.) A rea...................................... 29 Portsmouth (N . H .) A r e a ........................ 22 Poughkeepsie-Newburgh ( N . Y .) A rea. 23 Texarkana (Tex.-A rk.) A rea...................... 30 Providence (R . I .) A rea............................ 23 Provo (Utah) A rea...................................... 23 Trenton (N . J.) A rea.................................. 30 Tucson (Ariz.) A rea.................................... 30 Pueblo (Colo.) A rea.................................... 23 Quonset-W esterly (R . I .) A rea................. 23 Tulsa (Okla.) A rea...... ...................................30 R ichm ond (V a.) A rea....................................24 Riverside-San Bernardino (Calif.) Area 24 Wheeling (W . Va.-O hio) A rea.................. 31 Rochester (N . Y .) A rea............................. 24 Williamsport (Pa.) A rea............................ 32 29 29 Terre Haute (Ind.) A rea........................... 29 Toledo (Ohio) A rea....................................... 30 Utica-Rom e (N . Y .) A rea......................... 30 Racine (W is.) A rea...................................... 23 Vallejo-Napa (Calif.) A rea........................ 31 Radford-Pulaski (Y a .) A rea.................... 24 Ventura (Calif.) A rea................................... 31 R avenn a (Ohio) A rea......... ..........................24 W aco (Tex.) A re a .......................................... 31 R ichm ond (Ind.) A rea............................... 24 Washington (D . C ;-M d .-V a .) A re a----- 31 Rockford-Beloit-Janesville (111. -'W is.) A rea..................................................................25 R ock Island-M oline-Davenport (111.Io w a )A r e a .....................................................25 W ichita (Kans.) A rea................................... 31 Wilmington (D el.) A rea............................ 32 W ilmington (N . C .) A rea......................... 32 Sacramento (Calif.) A rea.............................25 Winston-Salem-Greensboro (N . C .) A rea............................................................... 32 Saginaw (M ich.) A rea................................... 25 Worcester (M ass.) A rea............................ 32 St. Louis (M o .-U l.) A rea........................... 25 Youngstown (Ohio-Pa.) A rea.....................32 (IV) Bulletin N o. 826 of the U nited States Bureau of Labor Statistics Impact o f the W ar on Employment in 1 8 1 Centers o f W ar Activity This bulletin presents estimates of wartime changes in employment in 181 areas. Data previously released (mimeographed) on 72 of the areas are included. Similar data for more recent months will appear later. The periods chosen for employment comparisons are April 1940 (for which data are available from the United States Census of Population); November 1943 (a month near the peak of war production); May 1944; and September 1944. Estimates of civilian employment in manu facturing establishments and in other nonagricultural establishments are given for these dates for each area. Estimates of employment in several of the more important industries in each area are presented separately, wherever this can be done without disclosing data from individual firms. Employment in military and naval establishments is also shown separately in areas where such employment is relatively large. United States Census estimates of population for November 1943 are given for comparison with April 1940 population in each area. In compiling the estimates of area employment presented herewith, the Bureau has supplemented its manufacturing employment statistics for metropolitan districts with other employment statistics that it collects currently and with data from the War Manpower Commission, State unemployment compensation commissions, State departments of labor, and other sources. These estimates, presented in absolute numbers, will be more useful measures of wartime dislocations than the indexes heretofore published by the Bureau. More particularly the data hitherto available covered only manufacturing employment, and no break-down of these figures was available for the leading in dustries within the community. The statistical data given in the following pages are believed suf ficiently reliable to serve as useful background against which to judge changes required to reconvert from wartime to peacetime production. The figures are, however, preliminary. There are no data at this time sufficiently complete and comparable to permit refined comparisons between cities. The Bureau is now engaged in the preparation of more accurate estimates of employment, by States, and as a byproduct of such studies will be able to revise the estimates for many areas. In the meantime, the figures here presented show the general magnitude of the changes that the war has brought to individual communities. 1 2 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Akron Area (Includes Summit County, Ohio) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 95,500 55,000 40,500 173,500 129,000 44,500 160,000 117,000 43,000 157,500 115,000 42,500 Selected industries: Rubber products........................................................ Transportation equipment........................................ 136,000 500 74,000 30,500 72,000 25,500 72,000 24,300 339,405 363,652 Albamy-Schemectady-Troy Area2 (Includes Albany, Rensselaer and Schenectady Counties, N. Y .) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 143,000 56,000 87,000 200,000 105,000 95,000 192,000 98,000 94,000 189,000 96,000 93,000 Selected industries: Electrical machinery................... ............................. Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Apparel, other fabricated textile products............... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)---- i 18,000 i 1,500 7,500 300 45,000 7,700 6,700 7,300 40,000 8,300 6,400 7,200 37,500 8,400 6,200 7,700 465,500 446,558 13,800 3,500 10,300 20,300 3,800 16,500 19,900 3.500 16,400 20,100 3,400 16,700 5,200 5,500 Alexandria Area (Includes Rapides and Grant Parishes, La.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 400 4,900 Civilian population............................................................ 89,303 104,078 A llentow n-Bethlehem Area (Includes Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Pa.; Warren County, N. J.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 119,000 72,000 47,000 149,500 102,000 47,500 140,500 96,000 44,500 138,500 94,000 44,500 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................ Machinery............ ................................................... Transportation equipment........................................ 20,800 3,600 3,100 39,000 9,500 6,700 36,000 8,800 7,100 36,500 8,800 6,900 Civilian population................................... ........................ * Am arillo Area (Includes Potter County, Tex.) 396,673 381,508 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 16,000 2,300 13,700 24,200 5,000 19,200 23,600 5,300 18,300 23,300 5,000 18,300 1,900 1,800 1,800 54,265 58,042 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 23,200 14,000 9,200 38,500 29,500 9,000 38,000 29,500 8,500 38,100 29,500 8,600 Selected industries: Transportation equipment; machinery..................... Ordnance and accessories; iron and steel and their products...................................................................... 8,600 19,000 19,500 18,000 1,000 6,300 6,100 7,200 Civilian population....................................... ..................... 88,575 91,707 Selected industries:3 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilian population........................................................... Anderson Area (Includes Madison County, Ind.) 1 Estimated. 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 3 Expansion occurred chiefly in the ordnance industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 3 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 A nn iston Area (Includes Calhoun County, Ala.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... M an iifacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 12,200 7,200 5,000 21,000 10,100 10,900 21,500 10,000 11,500 22,800 9,900 12,900 Selected industries: Textile-mill products................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 3,400 300 5,000 1,300 4,900 1,600 4,700 1,600 Civilian population............................................................ 62,155 70,610 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 144,500 39,500 105,000 186,000 62,000 124,000 191,000 69,000 122,000 193,000 71,000 122,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment, except automobiles.. . . Textile-mill products................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 200 7,800 900 13,400 10,700 16,400 23,300 9,900 16,600 25,500 9,300 16,900 Civilian population............................................................ 515,533 529,277 26,800 12,200 14,600 36,300 16,400 19,900 35,000 15,100 19,900 34,300 14,700 19,600 7,900 100 10,400 4,500 9,600 5,100 9,300 5,100 131,253 134,979 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 332,000 132,000 200,000 502,000 280,000 222,000 477,000 260,000 217,000 458,000 242,000 216,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Iron and steel and their products............................. Electrical machinery.................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 18,300 32,000 12,600 600 128,000 32,000 24,900 7,200 116,000 32,000 20,600 8,300 100,000 33,000 18,900 8,500 14,200 12,500 1,700 13,100 11,400 1,700 Atlanta Area (Includes Cobb, DeKalb, and Fulton Counties, Ga.) Augusta-Aiken Area (Includes Richmond County, Ga.; Aiken County, S. C.' Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... Selected industries: Textile-mill products................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ Civilian population Baltim ore Area1 2* (Includes Baltimore City and Baltimore County, Md.) Civilian population............................................................ 1,011,793 1,130,366 Bath Area (Includes Sagadahoc County, Maine) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: 15,000 13,000 2,000 5,400 3,500 1,900 (4) • (4) (4) (4) 19,106 20,643 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 22,900 7,100 15,800 39,600 13,100 26,500 36,200 14,000 22,200 35,200 14,200 21,000 Selected industries: Petroleum products; chemicals and allied products. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian) 5,400 10,400 1,600 11,400 1,800 11,400 1,900 Civilian population............................................................ 88,415 107,066 Civilian population............................................................ B aton R ouge Area (Includes East Baton Rouge Parish, La.) 1 Estimated. 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. * Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 4 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 B attle Creek Area (Includes Calhoun County, Mich.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing.. ......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 24,700 11,900 12,800 43,300 25,500 17,800 40,800 23,600 17,200 40,500 23,100 17,400 i,900 2,900 300 11,000 3,800 2,600 2,600 8,900 3,700 2,800 2,500 8,900 3,700 2,800 2,500 94,206 99,590 42,100 17,500 24,600 90,500 50,000 40,500 83,500 53,000 30,500 80,000 52,000 28,000 13,400 13,700 Selected industries: . Machinery................................................................... Iron and steel and their products............................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)---- B eau m on t-P ort Arthur-O range Area (Includes Jefferson and Orange Counties, Texas) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries:4 Products of petroleum and coal................................ 12,000 13,000 pnpiilation.......................................... ................. 162,678 223,989 11,500 4,300 7,200 19,800 5,200 14,600 17,800 4,100 13,700 19,000 4,900 14,100 3,800 3,500 3,900 50,651 65,505 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 53,200 30,500 22,700 64,700 44,000 20,700 63,100 43,000 20,100 62,200 42,000 20,200 Selected industries: Leather and leather products.................................... Ordnance and accessories; machinery; aircraft and parts............................................................................. 18,400 17,900 17,500 17,400 4,300 14,600 13,800 13,000 Civilian population............................... ............................ 165,749 6 164,443 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................. Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 119,000 40,000 79,000 140,000 58,000 82,000 139,000 61,000 78,000 137,000 60,000 77,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................. Transportation equipment........................................ Ordnance and accessories................................. .. 23,900 700 29,500 6,500 1,700 28,500 10,200 3,100 28,000 8,800 3,700 Civilian population............................................................ 459,930 470,383 775,000 295,000 480,000 915,000 485,000 430,000 885,000 465,000 420,000 860,000 445,000 415,000 C iv i li a n B iloxi-G ulfport Area (Includes Harrison County, Miss.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ Civilian population..................................... ...................... B ingham ton Area2 (Includes Broome County, N. Y.) B irm ingham Area (Includes Jefferson County, Ala.) B oston Area (Includes Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk and Suffolk Counties, Mass.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments....................... 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 4 Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 6 State officials have estimated population in November 1943 to have been less than 160,000. 5 Estimates o f Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment Boston Area— Continued Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Electrical machinery.................................................. Textile-mill products.................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . April 1940 20,500 18,000 54,000 1,000 November 1943 100,000 70,000 67,000 18,400 May 1944 September 1944 91,000 75,000 63,000 19,600 81,000 76,000 59,000 19,800 Civilian population............................................................ 2,652,909 2,514,203 Bridgeport-N ew Haven-W aterbury Area (Includes Fairfield and New Haven Counties, Conn.) Civilian employment in nonagriculturial establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 297,000 162,000 135,000 412,000 285,000 127,000 383,000 260,000 123,000 376,000 255,000 121,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Machinery........................ ......................................... Nonferrous metals and their products..................... Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . . 19,000 «25,000 33,000 2,600 85,000 46,500 36,500 24,700 70,000 43,000 32,000 24,500 68,000 41,500 30,500 22,900 Civilian population............................................................ 902,700 912,028 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 29,600 17,800 11,800 42,300 30,000 12,300 40,400 28,500 11,900 42,400 30,500 11,900 Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products.................................. Stone, clay, and glass products................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 4,800 5,400 200 8,900 8,500 1,200 9,700 8,000 1,200 10,000 7,500 1,200 Civilian population............................................. ............. 115,250 115,969 43,500 21,100 22,400 69,000 48,500 20,500 64,500 44,500 20,000 61,100 41,000 20,100 23,000 20,000 B ridgeton-Salem Area (Includes Cumberland and Salem Counties, N. J.) B rockton-H ingham Area (Includes Plymouth County, Mass.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment; ordnance and acces sories............................................................................ 700 27,000 Civilian population............................................... ............. 168,568 163,537 5,700 2,100 3,600 24,900 17,900 7,000 22,600 17,800 4,800 21,500 16,700 4,800 400 400 400 21,920 41,898 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 269,000 124,000 145,000 416,000 260,000 156,000 401,000 248,000 153,000 389,000 238,000 151,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment, except automobiles.. . . Iron and steel and their products............................. Machinery................................................................... Chemicals and allied products.................................. Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 7,600 28,000 12,200 12,600 100 99,000 37,000 24,100 18,600 9,100 3,300 94,000 37,000 23,100 18,200 7,700 3,700 86,000 38,000 23,100 18,300 8,000 3,800 Civilian population........ ................................................... 957,677 961,345 Brunswick Area (Includes Glynn County, Ga.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments....................... Selected industries:4 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilian population............................................................ B u ffalo Area (Includes Erie and Niagara Counties, N. Y.) 1 Estimated. 4 Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 6 Adjusted to allow for under-reporting. 6 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 B urlington Area (Includes Des Moines County, Iowa) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 8.900 3,000 5.900 17,200 10,100 7,100 15,100 8,300 6,800 15,800 9,000 6,800 6,800 5,300 6,000 36,804 39,690 1,100 500 600 7,500 400 7,100 8,600 400 8,200 9,400 400 9,000 ( 7) ( 7) Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; transportation equip ment ....................................................................... Civilian population. Burns C ity Area (Includes Martin County, Ind.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing...................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments................ Selected industries: ( 7) 10,300 9,463 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 80,000 42.500 37.500 115,000 79.000 36.000 112,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products........................... Machinery.................................................................. Ordnance and accessories.......................................... 24,100 5,000 33,000 22,300 7,000 30,500 22,000 Civilian population............................................................ 303,703 310,617 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 22,700 7,500 15,200 Selected industries: Machinery.................................................................. Food and kindred products..................................... Civilian population.......................................................... Civilian population...................................................... (7) C anton Area (Includes Stark and Tuscarawas Counties, Ohio) 77.000 35.000 110,500 76,000 34,500 8,200 30,000 22,100 7,300 30,900 16,600 14,300 30,200 16,700 13,500 29,900 16,300 13,600 1,400 4,200 7,500 6,100 7,700 6,000 7,300 5,800 89,142 87,246 25,400 9,600 15,800 62,000 35.500 26.500 60,800 36,000 24,800 59.000 34.000 25.000 6,900 7,500 7,600 117,694 161,819 167,195 69.900 16.900 53,000 83.500 30.500 53,000 81,000 30.000 51.000 80.500 29.500 51,000 8,000 1,600 16,300 4,000 1,100 16,400 3,500 1,200 16,500 3,600 275,996 295,809 Cedar Rapids Area (Includes Linn County, Iowa) Charleston (S. C.) Area2 (Includes Charleston County, S. C.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... Selected industries:4 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). Civilian population...................................................... Charleston (W. Va.) Area (Includes Fayette and Kanawha Counties, W. Va.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing..................... .................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products............................ Iron and steel and their products....................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). Civilian population...................................................... 1,200 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 4 Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 7 Expansion occurred chiefly in naval establishments, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 8 Resident population in March 1944, according to a special census. Includes 4,385 members of the armed forces living off post. Includes 46,825 who migrated into the area after 1940. Local authori ties believe the March figure to be low. Estimates o f Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 114,000 66,000 48,000 128,000 82,000 46,000 126,000 82,000 44,000 129,000 81,000 48,000 54,000 63,000 60,000 58,000 800 6,900 2,100 10,700 2,200 10,500 2,300 367,956 355,069 50,500 23,000 27,500 60,000 32,500 27,500 57,000 30,500 26,500 56,000 30,000 26,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products....................... Textile-mill products............................................ Chemicals and allied products............................ Machinery............................................................. 5,600 8,200 700 800 7,700 7,700 3,700 2,300 6,900 7,300 2,800 2,800 6,400 7,100 3,100 2,500 Civilian population...................................................... 180,478 179,269 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. 1,590,000 1,950,000 1,920,000 Manufacturing.......................................................... 660,000 1,010,000 1,000,000 Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 940,000 920,000 930,000 1,900,000 990,000 910,000 C harlotte Area (Includes Cabarrus, Gaston, Mecklenburg and Rowan Counties, N. C.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... Selected industries: Textile-mill products............................................ Ordnance and accessories; iron and steel and their products................................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). Civilian population...................................................... C hattanooga Area2 (Includes Hamilton County, Tenn.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing...................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments................. C hicago Area2 (Includes Cook, Du Page, Kane, Lake and Will Counties, 111.; Lake County, Ind.) Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products........................... Machinery................................................................. Food and kindred products..................................... Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . Civilian population.......................................................... 144,000 113,000 85,000 10,800 1,700 190,000 181,000 98,000 92,000 34,000 184,000 196,000 96,000 98,000 34,000 180,000 184,000 97,000 111,000 34,500 1,819,108 4,754,483 C incinnati Area2 (Includes Butler and Hamilton Counties, Ohio; Campbell and Kenton Counties, Ky.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments Manufacturing............ ............................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 271,000 .116,000 155,000 373,000 209,000 164,000 360,000 200,000 160,000 358,000 199,000 159,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . Machinery................................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). .. 300 20,500 500 48,500 45,000 7,300 45,000 44,500 7,500 44,000 44,000 7,600 Civilian population.......................................................... 905,352 936,501 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 415,000 191,000 224,000 587,000 360,000 227,000 565,000 345,000 220,000 558,000 340,000 218,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products......................... Machinery, except electrical.................................. Transportation equipment, except automobiles.. Electrical machinery.............................................. Nonferrous metals and their p r o d u c t s .. .......... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian).. 62,000 126,000 4,700 i 11,900 8,500 200 78,000 76,000 59,000 30,500 17,900 5,700 74,000 73,000 49,000 28,000 24,900 6,000 73,000 72,000 50,000 29,000 23,100 6,000 Cleveland Area (Includes Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties, Ohio) ,329,228 1,342,285 Civilian population............................................................ 1,329,228 1 Estimated. 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 8 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 C olum bia Area (Includes Lexington and Richland Counties, S. C.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 30,600 7,800 22,800 37,000 9,000 28,000 36,500 8,500 28,000 36,200 8,200 28,000 Selected industries: Textile-mill products................................................. 4,200 5,500 4,700 5,100 4,800 4,700 4,900 140,833 152,937 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 27,700 14,600 13,100 37,300 20,200 17,100 35,600 18,700 16,900 36,000 18,900 17,100 Selected industries: Textile-mill products................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 10,000 1,400 12,700 3,800 11,500 4,300 11,500 4,300 113,695 137,443 113,000 33,000 80,000 167,000 71,000 96,000 162,000 68,000 94,000 160,000 67,000 93,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . . Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 400 400 25,500 13,500 25,500 12,900 24,700 13,200 Civilian population............................................................ 387,644 415,930 38,300 15,300 23,000 55,000 32,000 23,000 54,500 32,000 22,500 52,500 30,000 22,500 15,100 12,800 34,100 3,600 30,500 33,300 3,800 29,500 C olum bu s (Ga.) Area (Includes Chattahoochee and Muscogee Counties, Ga.; Russell County, Ala.) C olum bus (Oblo) Area (Includes Franklin County, Ohio) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Corning-E lm ira Area (Includes Chemung and Steuben Counties. N. Y.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; machinery...................... 4,300 15,000 Civilian population............................................................ 158,645 155,829 Corpus C hrist! Area (Includes Nueces County, Tex.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries............................................................. Civilian population............................................................ 20,100 2,600 17,500. (7) 36,300 3,300 33,000 (7) (7) (7) 92,644 113,403 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 116,500 26,500 90,000 179,000 79,000 100,000 178,000 82,000 96,000 162,000 66,000 96,000 Selected industries: Aircraft, automobiles, and parts............................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 1,600 45,500 5,200 49,000 5,700 36,500 5,800 Civilian population............................................................ 398,471 442,967 Dallas Area (Includes Dallas County, Tex.) 1 Expansion occurred chiefly in naval establishments, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 9 Estimates o f Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 D ayton-Springfield Area (Includes Clark, Greene and Montgomery Counties, Ohio) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... . 123,000 64,000 59,000 208,000 111,000 97,000 197,000 105,000 92,000 195,000 104,000 91,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories........................................ Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . Machinery................................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). .. 900 27,000 2,600 42,000 18,000 16,100 38,500 39,000 16,300 15,800 36,000 39,000 16,200 15,400 36,000 Civilian population.......................................................... 425,491 482,142 Denver Area (Includes Adams, Arapahoe, Denver and Jefferson Counties, Colo.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 108,900 20,900 88,000 152,000 50,000 102,000 134,500 37,500 97,000 135,500 36,500 99,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories........................................ Transportation equipment...................................... Machinery................................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)... 500 1,700 300 18,700 4,500 2,700 8,500 5,800 5,200 2,700 7,100 4,600 5,700 2,700 7,100 Civilian population.......................................................... 403,748 426,663 Des M oines Area (Includes Polk County, Iowa) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 54,600 11,600 43,000 76,500 34,500 42,000 68,500 27,500 41,000 65,300 24,300 41,000 19,400 1,700 12,700 1,800 9,700 1,900 Civilian population...................................................... 194,575 D etroit Area (Includes Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne Counties, Mich.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments Manufacturing..................... .................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 780,000 1,185,000 1,130,000 430,000 750,000 790,000 395,000 380,000 350,000 1,115,000 740,000 375,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment...................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian) 280,000 900 410,000 23,400 400,000 23,400 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; aircraft and parts... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). Civilian population........................................................ September 1944 188,572 430,000 23,600 2,454,633 2,709,944 92,658,700 D uluth-Superior Area (Includes St. Louis County, Minn.; Douglas County, Wis.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 55,600 8,100 47,500 76,300 24,300 52,000 73,800 23,800 50,000 73,700 23,700 50,000 Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs, ordnance and accessories Iron and steel and their products........................... 1 100 2,200 12,000 5,100 13,100 4,700 13,300 4,700 Civilian population.......................................................... 253,986 228,716 E lkton Area (Includes Cecil County, Md.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments................... 5,000 1,300 3,700 18,300 12,000 6,300 16,200 10,700 5,500 14,500 9,100 5,400 1,200 1,200 1,200 26,407 32,055 Selected industries:3 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). Civilian population.......................................................1 1 Estimated. 3 Expansion occurred chiefly in the ordnance industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 9 Resident population in June 1944, according to a special census. Includes members of the armed forces living off post. Includes 254,485 persons who migrated into the area after 1940. 10 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Erie Area (Includes Erie County, Pa.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 48,200 26,000 22,200 68,100 48,000 20,100 65,800 46,000 19,800 64,100 44,500 19,600 Selected industries: Machinery.................................................................. Iron and steel and their products............................ Aircraft and parts; and rubber products................. 8,400 6,700 1 700 18,400 8,800 8,300 16,500 8,200 8,000 15,800 8,000 7,200 180,813 185,179 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 37,800 18,500 19,300 84,100 63,000 21,100 75,400 55,000 20,400 75,100 55,000 20,100 Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Machinery; ordnance and accessories.................... 2,300 7,100 36,000 16,300 39,500 4,900 39,500 6,900 Evansville Area2 (Includes Vanderburgh County, Ind.) 130,746 151,245 Fall River-New Bedford Area10 (Includes Bristol County, Mass.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 113,000 71,000 42,000 125,000 87,000 38,000 120,000 83,000 37,000 117,000 80,000 37,000 Selected industries: Textile-mill products................................................. Machinery................................................................. 35,000 3,300 34,000 13,100 32,500 12,700 31,500 11,400 Civilian population................................... ....................... 364,604 342,529 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 64,700 41,500 23,200 94,400 72,000 22,400 83,100 62,000 21,100 82,800 62,000 20,800 Selected industries: Aircraft, automobiles, and parts............................... Ordnance and accessories.......................................... 36,500 43,500 23,800 33,500 23,800 33,500 23,600 Civilian population............................................................ 227,944 228,183 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 44,300 19,300 25,000 69,500 44,000 25,500 68,400 43,500 24,900 68,300 43,500 24,800 Selected industries: Electrical machinery.................................................. Transportation equipment........................................ Machinery except electrical; ordnance and aceessories............................................................................ 1 7,100 2,200 22,700 10,100 23,300 10,300 23,000 8,600 12,000 4,600 3,600 5,700 Civilian population............................................................ 155,084 152,686 58,500 14,000 44,500 105,000 53,000 52,000 95,000 45,000 50,000 93,500 43,500 50,000 3,600 3,500 3,600 225,521 267,856 F lint Area (Includes Genesee County, Mich.) F ort W ayne Area (Includes Allen County, Ind.) F ort W orth Area (Includes Tarrant County, Tex.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilian population............................................................ 1 Estimated. 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 10 Adjusted to exclude several hundred residents of the area who commuted to the Naval Torpedo Station at Newport, R. I. 11 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Gadsden Area (Includes Etowah County, Ala.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 15,100 9,800 5,300 22,200 14,700 7,500 20,900 14,000 6,900 21,100 14,300 6,800 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories................................................................... Textile-mill products................................................. 5,000 2,600 6,400 4,000 1,600 6,300 3,600 1,500 6,300 3,500 1,600 Civilian population..................-........................................ 72,580 77,085 24,000 4,700 19,300 39,200 11,200 28,000 35,000 11,000 24,000 34,300 11,200 23,100 2,100 2,400 Galveston Area (Includes Galveston County, Tex.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries:4 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 700 2,500 79,798 94,314 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 67,000 30,500 36,500 75,500 42,500 33,000 73,500 41,500 32,000 73,500 42,000 31,500 Selected industries: Aircraft and parts; ordnance and accessories........ Machinery................................................................... i 100 4,400 23,500 2,800 21,000 5,900 20,800 5,600 Civilian Population.................................................... 246,338 231,381 Hagerstown Area (Includes Washington County, Md.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing..................... ....................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 15,900 6,400 9,500 23,900 13,900 10,000 22,200 12,700 9,500 21,400 11,900 9,500 8,700 7,600 Grand Rapids Area (Includes Kent County, Mich.) Selected industries: Transportation equipment; machinery.................... 1,200 9,800 Civilian population............................................................ 68,838 69,890 H am pton Roads Area (Includes Elizabeth City, Norfolk, Warwick, and York Counties, and Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, South Norfolk and Newport News cities, Ya.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 91,500 31,500 60,000 195,000 85,000 110,000 190,000 77,000 113,000 182,000 72,000 110,000 Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs........................ ................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 120,100 3,400 72,000 31,000 65,000 37,000 60,000 36,000 Civilian population............................................................ 310,324 489,795 n 470,526 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 72,600 23,600 49,000 104,500 33,500 71,000 101,000 33,000 68,000 105,000 33,000 72,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 6,800 1,700 12,500 20,100 12,200 18,400 12,000 19,400 Civilian population........................................................... 250,557 248,826 Harrisburg Area (Includes Cumberland and Dauphin Counties, Pa.) 1 Estimated. 4 Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 11 Resident population exclusive of York County in May 1944 according to a special census. Includes members of the armed forces living off post. Includes 158,984 persons who migrated into the area after April 1940. 12 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 H artford Area (Includes Hartford County, Conn.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 155,000 77,000 78,000 221,000 145,000 76,000 210,000 136,000 74,000 197,000 125,000 72,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Machinery................................................................... Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories.................................................................. 8,000 •27,000 47,000 37,500 45,000 36,000 42,000 34,500 21,000 20,200 18,600 16,600 Civilian population............................................................ 450,189 474,286 4,500 700 3,800 8,600 3,600 5,000 9,500 5,000 4,500 12,400 7,400 5,000 (3) (3) (3) Hastings Area (Includes Adams County, Nebr.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries............................................................. (3) 24,567 26,753 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 6,000 2,400 3,600 11,600 3,400 8,200 Selected industries............................................................. (12) Civilian population............................................................ H attiesburg Area (Includes Forrest County, Miss.) (12) 12,200 3,700 8,500 (12) 12,300 3,800 8,500 (12) 34,901 44,238 156,000 43,000 113,000 236,000 102,000 134,000 224,000 98,000 126,000 215,000 93,000 122,000 Selected industries: Shipbuilding aqd repairs13......................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 1 100 100 42,500 2,400 38,500 2,300 32,500 2,300 Civilian population............................................................ 528,961 601,249 4,100 1,500 2,600 14,400 11,800 2,600 13,700 11,200 2,500 15,500 12,800 2,700 Civilian population............................................................ H ouston Area (Includes Harris County, Tex.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... H u m boldt Area (Includes Gibson County, Tenn.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries............................................................. Civilian population............................................................ (3) (3) (3) (3) 44,835 43,623 40,200 13,200 27,000 49,800 21,800 28,000 49,300 22,800 26,500 52,000 25,000 27,000 6,700 6,800 H untington Area (Includes Cabell County, W. Va.; Lawrence County, Ohio; Boyd County, Ky.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories................................................................... 3,800 6,000 Civilian population....................... .................................... 190,102 172,311 1 Estimated. 3 Expansion occurred chiefly in the ordnance industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 6 Adjusted to allow for under-reporting. 12 Expansion occurred chiefly in military establishments, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 13 Excludes manufacturers of components. 13 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Huntsville Area (Includes Madison County, Ala.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 7,500 3,500 4,000 17,500 12,900 4,600 18,000 13,500 4,500 17,500 13,000 4,500 2,900 2,800 Selected industries:14 Textile-mill products................................................. 3,000 3,000 Civilian population............................................................ 66,317 67,530 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments............... 143,000 51,000 92,000 222,000 118,000 104,000 212,000 111,000 101,000 206,000 106,000 100,000 Selected industries: Aircraft, automobiles, and parts............................... Machinery.................................................................. 1 5,500 8,700 37,500 22,000 11,700 3,500 35,500 20,700 10,600 3,500 Indianapolis Area1 2 (Includes Marion County, Ind.) 200 36,000 22,200 18,900 3,500 457,591 491,053 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 22,500 9,400 13,100 29,700 17,600 12,100 28,500 16,700 11,800 29,100 17,100 12,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment; ordnance and acces sories ........................................................................... Machinery................................................................... 2,900 1,300 7,600 4,600 7,000 4,500 7,100 4,700 Civilian population............................................................ 93,108 95,022 Jacksonville Area (Includes Duval County, Fla.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 57,500 11,000 46,500 94,500 31,500 63,000 88,000 28,000 60,000 85,000 28,000 57,000 Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs............................ ............... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 1200 200 19,900 8,400 17,400 8,100 17,300 8,700 Civilian population............................................................ 210,143 245,123 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 32,100 17,600 14,500 37,100 24,100 13,000 34,600 22,100 12,500 35,900 23,300 12,600 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................. Machinery................................................................... 3,700 1,600 5,400 4,500 4,700 4,400 4,700 4,200 Civilian population ......................................... ................ 123,580 113,793 39,800 20,200 19,600 60,200 34,000 26,200 54,700 35,000 19,700 55,000 35,500 19,500 19,800 19,200 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian) — Jackson Area (Includes Jackson County, Mich.) Jam estown Area (Includes Chautauqua County, N. Y.) Johnson C ity-K ingsport-B ristol Area2 (Includes Carter, Sullivan and Washington Counties, Tenn.; Washington County, and Bristol City, Va.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products.................................. 7,600 18,500 Civilian population............................................................ 203,808 207,796 1 Estimated. 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. u Expansion occurred chiefly in the chemical and ordnance industries, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 14 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Kansas City Area (Includes Clay and Jackson Counties, M o.; Wyandotte County, Kans.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 197,000 55,000 142,000 284,000 126,000 158,000 275,000 122,000 153,000 274,000 124,000 150,000 Selected industries: Aircraft and parts; shipbuilding and repairs........... Food and kindred products....................................... Ordnance and accessories; automobiles and parts.. Iron and steel and their products............................. Machinery................................................................... Apparel, other fabricated textile products............... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 400 14,600 4,700 5,900 2,800 6,000 400 41,000 20,400 19,200 7,400 7,000 6,600 5,900 47,000 19,600 10,800 6,800 6,800 6,300 6,200 45,500 20,500 11,200 7,000 7,600 6,300 6,300 Civilian population............................................................ 653,315 663,783 16,200 9,900 6,300 24,300 18,400 5,900 24,200 18,600 5,600 23,200 17,500 5,700 10,000 9,000 Kenosha Area (Includes Kenosha County, Wis.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing................. ......................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment; machinery.................... 3,200 8,300 63,446 62,460 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 55,700 22,700 33,000 73,000 35,000 38,000 70,000 33,000 37,000 68,000 31,000 37,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................. Textile-mill products.................................................. 6,200 7,100 15,500 7,800 15,000 6,900 13,900 6,800 219,584 239,923 12,800 3,100 9,700 19,700 9,600 10,100 17,200 7,700 9,500 17,400 7,700 9,700 1,500 1,500 Knoxville-A lcoa Area2 (Includes Knox and Blount Counties, Tenn.) Civilian population......................................... . Lafayette Area (Includes Tippecanoe County, Ind.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments....................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment................................. .... Civilian population....................................... .. 500 1,200 51,020 52,781 10,700 2,200 8,500 25,000 4,900 20,100 24,600 4,100 20,500 15,900 5,100 10,800 2,900 3,800 Lake Charles Area (Includes Calcasieu Parish, La.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products..................... ............. 600 3,400 Civilian population............................................................ 56,506 73,323 56,300 32,000 24,300 63,200 41,500 21,700 60,700 39,500 21,200 60,100 39,000 21,100 8,800 8,100 Lancaster Area (Includes Lancaster County, Pa.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; transportation equip ment ............................................................................. 100 8,700 Civilian population............................................................ 212,504 201,649 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 15 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Lansing Area2 (Includes Ingham County, Mich.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 38,000 16,700 21,300 58,500 34,000 24,500 57,800 34,000 23,800 59,300 35,500 23,800 26,500 28,500 10,900 4,100 6,800 9,400 2,800 6,600 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; transportation equip ment............................................................................ 13,000 26,500 Civilian population............................................................ 130,616 135,958 4,500 200 4,300 12,500 5,800 6,700 Las Vegas Area (Includes Clark County/Nev.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments................... Selected industries............................................................. Civilian population............................................................ (15 ) ( 15 ) (15 ) ( 15) 16,414 36,508 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 18,100 7,300 10,800 34,300 23,600 10,700 33,400 23,000 10,400 33,200 22,800 10,400 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; transportation equip ment............................................................................ Machinery................................................................... 13,000 1,800 11,900 7,200 12,000 6,700 12,600 5,900 Civilian population............................................................ 73,303 80,819 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing.................................................. ......... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 25,800 2,800 23,000 32,400 5,400 27,000 31,700 6,200 25,500 32,800 7,300 25,500 Civilian population...................................................... ... 100,585 92,795 Little R ock Area (Includes Pulaski and Saline Counties, Ark.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 38,600 7,100 31,500 59,600 17,600 42,000 55,600 17,100 38,500 58,900 20,900 38,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories; chemicals and allied products.............. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 600 10,600 3,000 10,500 2,900 34,100 2,900 Civilian population............................................................ 175,183 189,254 Long Branch Area (Includes Monmouth County, N. J., Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 36,900 10,400 26,500 41,500 11,500 30,000 43,700 10,700 33,000 41,900 10,400 31,500 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 500 600 2,600 10,300 2,200 10,500 2,200 10,900 Civilian population............................................................ 157,421 172,054 Los Angeles Area (Includes Los Angeles County, Calif.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing16___ * ............................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 775,000 1,270,000 1,260,000 610,000 630,000 205,000 650,000 640,000 570,000 1,220,000 560,000 660,000 Lim a Area2 (Includes Allen County, Ohio) Lincoln Area (Includes Lancaster County, Nebr.) 2 Aprif 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 15 Expansion occurred chiefly in the nonferrous-metals industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 16 Employment at Roosevelt Base Navy Drydocks is included in manufacturing. Other War and Navy Department employment is included in “ Nonmanufacturing, military, naval.” 16 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment Los Angles Area-—C ontinued Selected industries: Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . . Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)1 78 . . 1 6 April 1940 32,500 700 November 1943 May 1944 380,000 25,500 350,000 24,200 September 1944 310,000 26,500 2,782,998 3,138,797 173,195,132 Louisville Area (Includes Jefferson County, Ky.; Clark and Floyd Counties, Ind.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment...................................... Chemicals and allied products.................................. Nonferrous metals and their products..................... Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 129,000 46,000 83,000 198,000 100,000 98,000 196,000 103,000 93,000 199,000 106,000 93,000 1,800 2,200 1,000 19,100 14,400 11,000 12,100 7,300 20,200 15,000 10,800 12,700 7,400 1,100 17,200 15,800 10,700 8,500 7,900 451,350 508,719 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 20,800 7,600 13,200 45,800 14,800 31,000 43,000 14,000 29,000 43,400 14,400 29,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; iron and steel and their products...................................................................... Textile-mill products................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 200 2,700 400 5,300 3,900 15,000 5,000 3,700 13,500 5,400 3,700 13,700 Civilian population............................................................ 95,086 117,506 36,100 7,600 28,500 49,100 17,600 31,500 46,400 16,900 29,500 50,800 18,300 32,500 2,200 1,500 1,600 164,360 169,336 13,100 7,200 5,900 19,600 13,800 5,800 19,200 13,600 5,600 17,300 11,700 5,600 9,200 7,000 M acon Area (Includes Bibb and Houston Counties, Ga.) M adison-Barahoo Area (Includes Dane and Sauk Counties, Wis.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries:18 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilian population............................................................ M anitow oc Area (Includes Manitowoc County, Wis.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment; nonferrous metals and their products............................................................. 3,800 7,800 Civilian population.......................................................... 61,550 62,861 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 20,000 11,500 8,500 25,600 16,200 9,400 25,700 16,300 9,400 26,300 16,800 9,500 Selected industries: Transportation equipment; machinery.................... Iron and steel and their products............................. 5,100 2,300 6,400 2,900 6,500 2,500 7,100 2,600 Civilian population............................................................ 73,853 72,831 M ansfield Area (Includes Richland County, Ohio) 16 Employment at Roosevelt Base Navy Dry docks is included in manufacturing. Other War and Navy Department employment is included in “ Nonmanufacturing, military, naval.” 17 Resident population in April 1944, according to a special census. Includes members of the armed forces living off post. 18 The largest single development in the area was the Badger Ordnance Works at Baraboo, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 17 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 M arion Area (Includes Grant County, Ind.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 12,500 6,400 6,100 17,800 12,400 5,400 17,100 11,900 5,200 18,000 12,600 5,400 Selected industries: Machinery; ordnance and accessories...................... Stone, clay, and glass products................................ 1,100 1,300 6,300 1,900 6,100 2,000 5,500 1,800 Civilian population............................................................ 55,813 54,838 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 97,000 25,000 72,000 133,000 51,000 82,000 132,000 52,000 80,000 132,000 51,000 81,000 Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products; ordnance and accessories....................................................................... Transportation equipment........................................ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 2,900 2,200 300 ! 10,400 *9,900 9,000 9,700 11,800 8,600 9,600 11,000 8,000 358,151 378,108 75,900 7,900 68,000 107,400 14,400 93,000 101,500 13,500 88,000 95,000 13,000 82,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment..................... .. .............. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 500 6,000 11,100 5,200 11,800 4,900 12,800 Civilian population............................................................ 267,739 294,445 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 16,700 9,400 7,300 27,400 19,400 8,000 27,000 19,400 7,600 28,700 21,000 7,700 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; machinery...................... Transportation equipment........................................ 2,000 1,900 11,400 4,200 8,800 7,100 10,600 6,800 Civilian population........................... ................................ 63,627 67,531 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 233,000 107,000 126,000 331,000 203,000 128,000 321,000 195,000 126,000 320,000 195,000 125,000 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . . Iron and steel and their products............................. 29,500 1,200 17,400 79,000 26,500 19,600 80,000 25,500 19,200 86,000 26,000 16,900 Civilian population............................................................ 766,769 762,105 M inneapolis-St. Paul Area (Includes Dakota, Hennepin and Ramsey Counties, Minn.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 270,000 72,000 198,000 347,000 151,000 196,000 331,000 140,000 191,000 328,000 136,000 192,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Machinery................................................................... Aircraft, automobiles and parts................................ i0,200 2,300 43,000 18,000 13,700 33,500 17,200 13,300 31,000 16,300 12,700 915,220 892,805 M em phis Area (Includes Shelby County, Tenn.) M iam i Area (Includes Dade County, Fla.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... M ichigan C ity Area (Includes La Porte County, Ind.) M ilwaukee Area (Includes Milwaukee County, Wis.) Civilian population .. ................................... 18 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 M obile Area (Includes Mobile County, Ala.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 33,600 10,800 22,800 103,000 51,000 52,000 95,000 48,500 46,500 94,500 49,000 45,500 Selected industries: Transportation equipment, except automobiles.. . . Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 1,700 400 41,500 18,100 39,000 14,900 39,500 15,100 141,515 227,763 19233,891 31,600 11,300 20,300 40,900 22,200 18,700 39,800 21,600 18,200 39,300 21,000 18,300 10,900 10,800 M orristow n Area20 (Includes Morris County, N. J.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; chemicals and allied products...................................................................... 3,900 11,200 Civilian population............................... ........................... 125,464 127,250 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 20,000 11,300 8,700 28,100 19,700 8,400 27,800 19,700 8,100 28,300 20,100 8,200 Selected industries: Stone, clay and glass products; ordnance and ac cessories ....................................................................... Transportation equipment........................................ Iron and steel and their products............................. 2,200 3,600 1,600 6,700 4,800 3,100 6,600 5,500 3,000 6,300 5,800 2,900 Civilian population............................................................ 74,963 75,429 8,800 2,300 6,500 17,500 11,100 6,400 15,600 9,800 5,800 14,900 9,100 5,800 8,100 7,900 M un cie Area (Includes Delaware County, Ind.) M uscle Shoals Area (Includes Colbert and Lauderdale Counties, Ala.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Nonferrous metals and their products; chemicals and allied products..................................................... 600 9,000 Civilian population............................................................ 80,159 81,107 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... .Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 25,900 16,700 9,200 44,300 35,000 9,300 43,400 34,500 8,900 42,700 33,500 9,200 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Aircraft and parts; ordnance and accessories.......... Iron and steel and their products............................. 5,700 100 4,100 15,500 9,100 6,800 15,200 8,700 6,800 14,300 8,600 6,900 Civilian population............................................................ 94,473 M uskegon Area (Includes Muskegon County, Mich.) 104,763 2i 108,079 Nashville Area2 (Includes Davidson County, Term.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 70,200 22,200 48,000 81,000 34,000 47,000 76,000 30,500 45,500 76,000 31,000 45,000 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 19 Resident population in March 1944, according to a special census. Includes approximately 1,106 members of the armed forces living off post. 20 April 1940 figures adjusted to exclude workers commuting to plants outside the area. 21 Resident population in June 1944, according to a special census. Includes members of the armed forces living off post. 19 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment Nashville Area—C ontinued Selected industries; Transportation equipment........................................ Chemicals and allied products.................................. Textile-mill products................................................. Apparel, other fabricated textile products............... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . April 1940 November 1943 200 4,600 2,100 1,800 200 8,000 4,900 3,300 2,700 2,500 257,267 261,258 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 32,800 15,700 17,100 Selected industries: Textile-mill products.................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ May 1944 September 1944 5,900 5,000 3,200 2,700 2,400 6,300 4,800 2,800 2,700 2,400 48,300 30,000 18,300 47,600 30,000 17,600 46,500 29,000 17,500 7,400 200 6,900 900 6,400 900 6,200 1,000 123,388 129,384 148,000 35,000 113,000 223,000 88,000 135,000 219,000 87,000 132,000 217,000 81,000 136,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)---- 1,700 900 48,000 11,300 50,000 13,100 47,000 13,500 Civilian population.......................................................... . 551,790 591,565 12,300 5,100 7,200 23,900 13,600 10,300 23,300 13,900 9,400 22,600 13,000 9,600 2,600 2,900 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. 3,520,000 4,300,000 4,100,000 Manufacturing........................................................... 1,220,000 1,950,000 1,900,000 Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 2,300,000 2,350,000 2,200,000 4,025,000 1,850,000 2,175,000 New London Area (Includes New London County, Conn.) New Orleans Area (Includes Jefferson, Orleans and St. Bernard Parishes, La.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments................ Newport Area22 (Includes Newport County, R. I.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries;3 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)----- 500 2,900 Civilian population................................... ........................ 42,232 50,444 New Y ork City-Newark-Jersey C ity Area (Includes Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Westchester and Suffolk Counties, N. Y .; Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Passaic and Union Counties, N. J.) Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs............................................ Transportation equipment........................................ Electrical machinery.................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)----- 130,000 134,000 157,000 4,500 206,000 183,000 175,000 106,000 192,000 166,000 171,000 107,000 37,100 4,100 33,000 38,600 3,600 35,000 42,300 5,300 37,000 21,900 23,700 212,000 198,000 172,000 96,000 Civilian population............................................................ 11,362,914 10,539,976 Ogden Area (Includes Davis and Weber Counties, Utah) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 13,900 2,600 11,300 Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)----- 500 19,600 Civilian population. . , . , ........... .................................. 72,448 93.031 1 Estimated. 3 Expansion occurred chiefly in the ordnance industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 22 April 1940 figures adjusted to include persons living outside the area who commuted to the Naval Torpedo Station. 20 Estimates o f Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 63,400 10,400 53,000 105,500 36,500 69,000 102,500 35,500 67,000 103,000 36,000 67,000 200 23,100 15,100 22,600 14,500 22,200 14,700 September 1944 O klahom a City Area (Includes Oklahoma County, Okla.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ 224,159 256,559 O m aha Area (Includes Douglas, Sarpy, and Saunders Counties, Nebr.; Pottawattamie County, Iowa) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 86,800 17,800 69,000 120,000 46,000 74,000 116,000 44,000 72,000 115,500 43,500 72,000 Selected industries: Food and kindred products....................................... Transportation equipment........................................ 9,700 300 17,700 13,400 3,100 4,900 16,900 12,700 3,400 5,000 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 400 17,700 14,600 3,500 4,900 340,995 330,758 22,900 11,300 11,600 31,800 21,200 10,600 33,500 23,300 10,200 34,600 24,400 10,200 12,500 12,800 21,700 16,900 4,800 18,600 14,000 4,600 Ottawa Area2 (Includes La Salle County, 111.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ 200 10,300 Civilian population............................................................ 97,801 94,987 Panam a C ity Area (Includes Bay County, Fla.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... Selected industries............................................................. Civilian population............................................................ 4,500 1,800 2,700 (4) 21,300 16,500 4,800 (4) 20,686 44,806 4,600 400 4,200 11,800 6,500 5,300 (4) (4) Parsons Area (Includes Labette County, Ivans.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries............................................................. Civilian population.......................................................... (3) (3) 30,352 30,674 4,700 3,100 1,600 14,800 12,300 2,500 11,300 6,100 5,200 (3) 11,600 6,300 5,300 (3) Pascagoula Area (Includes Jackson County, Miss.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... Selected industries........................................................... Civilian population............................................................ (4) (4) 20,462 37,872 13,300 2,600 10,700 26,700 4,500 22,200 15,800 12,900 2,900 (4) 15,100 12,700 2,400 (4) Pensacola Area (Includes Escambia County, Fla.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing..................... .................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 25,500 4,900 20,600 24,300 4,600 19,700 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 8 Expansion occurred chiefly in the ordnance industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 4 Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 21 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Pensacola Area—Continued Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 8,900 8,700 81,500 40,500 40,500 82,500 42,500 40,000 84,000 44,000 40,000 12,000 23,200 25,000 25,500 2,700 700 3,900 28 3,000 3,900 28 3,500 3,800 28 4,400 211,736 199,525 15,700 8,800 6,900 20,900 11,200 9,700 20,700 11,100 9,600 20,500 10,900 9,600 1,800 8,800 69,032 87,335 67,500 26,500 41,000 Peoria Area2* (Includes Peoria and Tazewell Counties, 111.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............... : ......................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.............. Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories..................................................................... Chemicals and allied products.................................. Petersburg-Hopewell Area (Includes Dinwiddie and Prince George Counties and Petersburg and Hopewell Cities, Va.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments..................... Selected industries............................................................. (12) 69,702 (12) (12) (12) 69,654 Philadelphia-Cam den Area (Includes Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties, Pa.; Burlington, Camden and Gloucester Counties, N. J.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs............................................ Machinery................................................................... Transportation equipment, except automobiles.. . . Iron and steel and their products............................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 935,000 1,215,000 1,175,000 720,000 425,000 690,000 495,000 485,000 510,000 27,500 44,500 4,300 46,500 1,200 127,000 102,000 84,000 48,000 33,000 1,145,000 670,000 475,000 118,000 107,000 77,000 48,000 34,000 111,000 105,000 64,000 47,000 34,000 Civilian population............................................................ 3,196,465 3,236,601 Phoenix Area (Includes Maricopa County, Ariz.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 31,900 3,900 28,000 53,800 12,800 41,000 51,700 14,200 37,500 51,800 14,800 37,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment; iron and steel and their products................................................... ; ................ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 300 5,000 3,800 6,600 3,800 7.200 3,800 Civilian population............................................................ 186,193 206,095 8,000 2,100 5,900 18,000 10,600 7,400 18,500 11,300 7,200 18,500 11,100 7,400 800 600 900 65,101 72,752 Pine B lu ff Area (Includes Jefferson County, Ark.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries:8 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilian population .......................................................... 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 8 Expansion occurred chiefly in the ordnance industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 12 Expansion occurred chiefly in military establishments, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 28 Includes 2 distilling companies, former producers of whiskey, which are now making industrial alcohol. 22 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Piqua-Sidney Area (Includes Miami and Shelby Counties, Ohio) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 17,100 9,300 7,800 25,100 18,100 7,000 23,100 16,400 6,700 23,200 16,400 6,800 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Transportation equipment........................................ 3,100 600 8,500 3,000 7,200 3,000 7,300 2,800 Civilian population............................................................ 78,703 78,027 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 566,000 246,000 320,000 685,000 380,000 305,000 670,000 380,000 290,000 665,000 380,000 285,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................. Electrical machinery....................... , ........................ Machinery, except electrical..................................... Shipbuilding and repairs........................................... 136,000 117,500 i 11,600 1700 165,000 38,500 27,000 22,700 20,900 6,900 162,000 38,500 27,000 25,000 19,900 5,900 161,000 40,000 27,000 22,700 22,000 5,900 Pittsburgh Area (Includes Allegheny, Beaver, Washington and Westmoreland Counties, Pa.) Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 800 2,082,524 1,943,985 P ittsfield Area (Includes Berkshire County, Mass.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 36,700 21,200 15,500 46,000 32,500 13,500 44,100 31,000 13,100 43,400 30,000 13,400 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Textile-mill products................................................. 6,300 8,000 16,500 7,200 15,200 7,300 14,500 7,000 Civilian population............................................................ 122,273 115,704 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 61,000 27,000 34,000 87,500 51,000 36,500 84,000 49,000 35,000 79,500 44,000 35,500 Selected industries: Transportation equipment; ordnance and acces sories ............................................................................ Textile-mill products.................................................. 400 9,200 30,500 7,900 29,000 7,900 24,300 7,400 Civilian population............................................................ 225,381 241,000 Portland-Van couver Area (Includes Multnomah County, Oreg.; Clark County, Wash.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments..................... 117,500 30,500 87,000 268,000 164,000 104,000 251,000 150,000 101,000 257,000 154,000 103,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)___ 800 500 128,000 3,300 118,000 2,400 119,000 3,400 Civilian population............................................................ 402,963 Portland (Maine) Area1 2 (Includes Cumberland and York Counties, Maine) 543,193 24 551,011 P ortsm outh Area2 (Includes Rockingham and Strafford Counties, N. H.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 30,100 18,300 11,800 42,600 32,000 10,600 42,200 32,000 10,200 42,800 31,000 11,800 1 Estimated. 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 24 Resident population in May 1944, according to a special census. Includes members of the armed forces living off post. Includes 197, 708 persons who migrated into the area after April 1940. 23 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Portsm outh Area—Continued Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs; machinery....................... 4,900 20,700 Civilian population............................................................ 101,546 102,349 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 61,600 19,600 42,000 69.500 28.500 41,000 67.500 27,000 40.500 67.500 27,000 40.500 Selected industries: Machinery; ordnance and accessories...................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 2 ,0 0 0 300 7,300 1,500 6,800 1,600 7,000 1,700 Civilian population............................................................ 254,633 239,544 175,000 96.000 79.000 219.000 149.000 70,000 209,000 141,000 203,000 137,000 68,000 66,000 19,600 18,800 20,400 Poughkeepsie-Newburgh Area (Includes Dutchess and Orange Counties, N. Y.) Providence Area (Includes Providence County, R. I.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ 300 19,300 Civilian population............................................................ 550,298 522,209 7,400 1,300 6,100 17,700 2,500 15,200 14,200 4,800 9,400 6,000 7,100 3,700 4,400 Provo Area (Includes Utah County, Utah) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................. 600 1,100 57,382 68,351 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 16,700 6,200 10,500 23,300 7,800 15,500 20.700 8,000 12.700 21,100 8,100 13,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories................................................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 4,800 6,500 2,200 6,700 2,300 6,700 2,300 Civilian population............................................................ 68,870 73,268 8,000 4,200 3,800 16,900 4,200 12,700 16.700 4,000 12.700 17,000 3,800 13,200 4,700 5,000 5,800 Civilian population P ueblo Area (Includes Pueblo County, Colo.) Q uonset-W esterly Area (Includes Washington County, R. I.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)----32,447 35,297 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments....................... 24,400 14,500 9,900 34.100 24,000 10.100 32,300 22,800 9,500 32,400 22,800 9,600 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Iron and steel and their products............................. Ordnance and accessories.......................................... 2,100 5,400 11,800 2,300 2,000 10,600 2,300 2,400 10,700 2,800 2,300 Civilian population............................................................ 94,024 91,707 Civilian population............................................................ R acine Area (Includes Racine County, Wis.) 24 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Radford-Pulaski Area (Includes Giles, Montgomery, and Pulaski Counties, and Radford City, Va.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industried: Chemicals and allied products, Civilian population 12,800 5,300 7,500 22,000 14,800 7,200 22,400 14,600 7,800 24,100 16,700 7,400 10,100 12,200 1,000 10,000 65,598 71,529 9,800 4.900 4.900 19,500 14,400 5,100 18,000 13,100 4,900 19,200 14,300 4,900 9,000 10,100 Ravenna Area (Includes Portage County, Ohio) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; machinery, Civilian population 800 10,300 46,660 49,568 15,100 8,000 7,100 20,400 13,900 6,500 18,900 12,600 6,300 18,400 8,400 7,500 R ich m on d (Ind.) Area (Includes Wayne County, Ind.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Civilian population 12,000 6,400 3,500 9,400 59,229 58,699 87.500 29.500 58,000 104,000 34.000 70.000 101,500 33,500 68,000 99.000 33.000 66.000 10,900 9,400 9.500 5,800 7,700 7,200 7,500 7,000 7.500 R ich m on d (Va.) Area (Includes Chesterfield and Henrico Counties, and Richmond City, Va.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Tobacco nfenufacturers............................................. 1 10,700 Chemicals and allied products; nonferrous metals and their products..................................................... 4,100 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)......................... Civilian population 266,185 282,089 47,700 6,200 79.500 11.500 41,500 68,000 75.600 11.600 64,000 75.600 11.600 64,000 200 300 4,000 20,600 4,400 19,600 5,300 19,900 262,866 307,316 139,000 69.000 70.000 189.000 122.000 67,000 185.000 119.000 66,000 185.000 120.000 65,000 Riverside-San Bernardino Area (Includes Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, Calif.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments25 . Manufacturing25......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories................................................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilian population, R ochester Area2 (Includes Monroe County, N. Y.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 1 Estimated. 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 25 Employment in canning omitted for lack of adequate current information on this highly seasonal activity. 25 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Rochester Area— Continued Selected industries: Scientific and photographic equipment................... Electrical machinery.................................................. Apparel, other fabricated textile products............... Machinery, except electrical..................................... Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 125,000 14,100 9,500 14,400 Civilian population............................................................ 438,188 26 418,655 100 48,500 17,600 9,800 7,800 4,100 2,100 47,500 19,200 9,600 6,600 3,500 2,000 47,500 19,600 9,600 6,400 3,500 2,000 Rockford-Beloit-Janesville Area (Includes Winnebago County, 111.; Rock County, Wis.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 58,500 33,500 25,000 76,200 52,000 24,200 72,800 49,500 23,300 71,000 47,500 23,500 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Iron and steel and their products............................. Ordnance and accessories.......................................... 12,400 6,000 22,700 7,200 5,800 21,500 6,500 7,000 20,400 6,000 7,100 Civilian population............................................................ 201,288 204,683 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 60,500 30,000 30,500 80,500 52,000 28,500 78,000 50,000 28,000 78,000 49,500 28,500 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Iron and steel and their products............................. 14,200 14,500 12,300 21,400 16,900 4,400 21,000 15,800 4,400 22.400 13,800 4,200 Civilian population............................................................ 197,673 201,244 42,800 2,200 40,600 63,400 4,400 59,000 61,200 4,200 57,000 61,500 4,500 57,000 16,000 16,100 R ock Island-M oline-D avenport Area (Includes Rock Island County, 111.; Scott County Iowa) S acram ento Area (Includes Sacramento County, Calif.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments25 . Manufacturing25......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 900 17,000 Civilian population............................................................ 169,770 188,168 54,000 26,500 27,500 78,100 54,000 24,100 72,300 49,000 23,300 70,100 46,500 23,600 10,300 16,800 14,800 13,000 3,200 4,000 2,400 12,800 7,700 5,000 10,600 7,800 4,600 9,900 7,700 5,100 232,543 234,953 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. 426,000 Manufacturing.......................................................... 171,000 Other nonagricultural establishment........................ 1 255,000 590,000 320,000 270,000 545,000 280,000 265,000 530,000 280,000 250,000 Saginaw Area (Includes Bay, Midland and Saginaw Counties, Mich.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing..................... .................................... Other nonagricultural establishments......... ............ Selected industries: Transportation equipment....................................... Chemicals and allied products; ordnance and ac cessories ..................................................................... Iron and steel and their products........................... Machinery................................................................. Civilian population............................................................ St. Louis Area (Includes St. Louis City, and St. Louis County, M o.; Madison and St. Clair Counties, 111.) 1Estimated. 25 Employment in canning omitted for lack of adequate current information on this highly seasonal activity. 28 Local authorities have estimated a higher figure, approximately 429,000 for November 1943. 26 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 St. Louis Area—Continued Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Iron and steel and their products............................ Machinery.................................................................. Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . . Leather and leather products................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 22,500 18,400 3,400 17,500 700 76,000 36,000 35,000 31,500 15,500 16,300 Civilian population............................................................ 1,403,881 1,459,556 48,000 35,500 38,000 22,200 15,700 16,200 48,000 37,000 35,500 20,600 15,500 16,400 Salt Lake City Area (Includes Salt Lake and Tooele Counties, Utah) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 56,300 10,300 46,000 82,700 22,700 60,000 67,700 11,700 56,000 69,100 12,100 57,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories; machinery...................... Nonferrous metals and their products..................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 400 3,600 11,900 3,300 6,400 1,100 3,300 5,600 900 3,200 5,700 Civilian population............................................................ 220,218 242,863 68,900 11,900 57,000 109,800 14,800 95,000 103,100 15,100 88,000 102,400 14,400 88,000 29,000 29,000 San Antonio Area (Includes Bexar County, Tex.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 2,900 34,500 Civilian population............................................................ 315,800 364,275 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 61,800 12,300 49,500 153,000 67,000 86,000 144,000 61,000 83,000 138,000 55,000 83,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)----- 6,100 2,500 60,000 13,900 55,000 15,900 48,000 17,000 Civilian population............................................................ 276,079 San Diego Area (Includes San Diego County, Calif.) 394,569 27 415,875 Sandusky Area (Includes Erie, Ottawa and Sandusky Counties, Ohio) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 23,600 10,400 13,200 34,100 17,600 16,500 30,800 15,300 15,500 31,600 16,000 15,600 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products; ordnance and accessories................................................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 2,400 300 4,800 3,300 3,900 2,900 4,000 2,900 Civilian population........................................................... 108,396 110,814 (Includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties, Calif.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing2 282 7 ......................................................... 9 Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 445,000 115,000 330,000 770,000 345,000 425,000 745,000 310,000 435,000 755,000 320,000 435,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment, except automobiles. . . . Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)28 .. 4,800 1,900 210,000 51,000 177,000 55,000 166,000 60,000 San Francisco Bay Area Civilian population......................................................... 1,400,226 1,727,369 291,737,050 27 Resident population in March 1944, according to a special census. Includes 23,685 members of the armed forces living off post. Includes 164,985 persons who migrated into the area after April 1940. 28 Employment at Hunter’s Point Navy Yard is included in manufacturing. Other War and Navy Department employment is included in “ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval.” 29 Resident population in April 1944, according to a special census. Includes approximately 33,000 members of the armed forces living off military and naval reservations. Includes 500,000 persons who migrated into the area after April, 1940. 27 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 San Jose Area (Includes Santa Clara County, Calif.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments25 Manufacturing25......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 32,200 5,200 27,000 44,900 16,900 28,000 40,900 13,900 27,000 41,700 14,200 27,500 Selected industries: Machinery; ordnance and accessories...................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 600 9,100 1,100 6,900 1,400 6,900 1,400 Civilian population............................................................ 172,301 191,811 24/100 3,500 20,600 31,000 8,000 23,000 29,900 8,500 21,400 31,500 8,100 23,400 600 4,400 2,400 4,300 2,200 4,000 2,300 Santa Ana Area (Includes Orange County, Calif.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments25 . Manufacturing25......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ 130,760 153,253 17161,777 Savannah Area (Includes Chatham County, Ga.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 28,900 7,700 21,200 60,500 33,000 27,500 58,000 30,500 27,500 56,500 29,000 27,500 Selected industries: Transportation equipment........................................ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)---- 300 21,500 3,900 19,200 4,100 17,800 4,100 Civilian population............................................................ 116,412 150,111 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 201,000 61,000 140,000 385,000 195,000 190,000 369,000 186,000 183,000 368,000 183,000 185,000 Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs.......................................... Transportation equipment...................................... Iron and steel and their products........................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 18,000 16,300 4,300 1,400 92,000 40,500 9,600 25,500 87,000 41,500 9,200 25,000 81,000 43,000 9,400 26,500 Civilian population............................................................ 719,662 Sea t tle-T acom a Area (Includes King, Kitsap and Pierce Counties, Wash.) 895,510 21 901,332 Shreveport-M inden Area (Includes Bossier, Caddo and Webster Parishes, La.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 44,200 9,700 34,500 52,900 19,900 33,000 51,600 20,100 31,500 54,300 22,300 32,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and Accessories.-........................................ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 100 8,200 1,400 8,800 1,400 10,500 1,400 Civilian population............................................................ 213,022 203,138 20,600 10,200 10,400 31,300 17,000 14,300 29,400 16,700 12,700 29,100 16,300 12,800 Somerville Area (Includes Somerset County, N. J.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 1 Estimated. 17 Resident population in April 1944, according to a special census. Includes members of the armed forces living off post. 21 Resident population in June 1944, according to a special census. Includes members of the armed forces living off post. 26 Employment in canning omitted for lack of adequate current information on this highly seasonal activity. 28 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Somerville Area-—Continued Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products................................. 6,100 5,900 74,900 53,000 21,900 74,200 53,000 21,200 71,800 51,000 20,800 11,300 5,000 31,500 6,800 32,500 6,600 31,000 6,600 161,823 173,111 28,700 18,100 10,600 34,800 23,000 11,800 33,700 22,200 11,500 34,000 22,400 11,600 19,700 19,900 2,200 6,300 ,74,390 68,661 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 48,700 27,000 21,700 Selected industries: Aircraft, automobiles, and parts............................... Machinery................................................................... South Bend Area (Includes St. Joseph County, Ind.) Spartanburg Area (Includes Spartanburg County, S. C.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Textile-mill products.................................................. 16,000 20,500 127,733 121,475 (Includes Spokane County, Wash.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 41,300 8,300 33,000 59,000 13,000 46,000 57,500 13,000 44,500 56,800 11,800 45,000 Selected industries: Nonferrous metals and their products..................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 100 4,400 9,800 4,700 9,700 3,400 10,400 162,620 172,352 (Includes Windsor County, V t.; Sullivan County, N. H.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 16,400 9,600 6,800 22,000 15,800 6,200 20,600 14,600 6,000 20,000 13,900 6,100 Selected industries: Machinery.................................................................. Textile-mill products.................................................. 3,600 1,800 9,200 2,800 8,100 2,800 7,500 2,700 Civilian population............................................................ 63,304 62,553 59,900 14,400 45,500 78,500 33,000 45,500 76,500 32,000 44,500 79,000 34,000 45,000 2,800 11,900 10,600 1,600 9,800 11,700 1,700 11,400 12,600 1,700 241,169 231,644 (Includes Hampden County, Mass.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 103,000 51,000 52,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 142,000 93,000 49,000 139,000 90,000 49,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Machinery................................................................... 13,600 10,700 34,000 20,600 29,500 20,600 19,500 28,000 Civilian population............................................................ 332,048 321,299 Spokane Area Civilian population...................................................... . Springfield-CIaremont Area Springfield-Decatur Area (Includes Christian, Macon and Sangamon Counties, 111.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Machinery.................... .............................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). .. . Civilian population............................................................ Springfield-Holyoke Area 1 Estimated. 29 Estimates o f Wartime Changes in Employ ment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 S tockton Area (Includes San Joaquin County, Calif.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 22,200 3,500 18,700 39,100 15,100 24,000 37,900 13,300 24,600 37,600 13,200 24,400 Selected industries: Transportation equipment...................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 100 9,000 6,400 8,200 7,500 7,700 7,600 Civilian population............................................................ 134,207 151,805 1,800 300 1,500 8,100 6,600 1,500 7,800 6,400 1,400 7,100 5,700 1,400 6,200 5,400 Sturgeon Bay Area (Includes Door County, Wis.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs............................................ 100 6,400 19,008 23,379 84,000 34,500 49,500 115,000 62,000 53,000 109,000 58,000 51,000 109,000 58,000 51,000 i 1,800 6,700 17,000 14,600 9,300 8,200 7,500 2,600 9,300 9,900 8,200 8,800 2,200 9,200 10,400 7,800 8,900 2,200 295,108 283,237 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing.......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 8,600 5,300 3,300 20,100 15,700 4,400 18,000 14,300 3,700 20,500 16,800 3,700 Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products; iron and steel and their products................................................ : ........... Textile-mill products.................................................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 400 4,300 100 8,000 7,300 200 7,400 6,400 200 10,200 6,100 200 Civilian population............................................................ 51,832 59,436 Tam pa Area (Includes Hillsborough County, Fla.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing..................... .................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 43,600 15,100 28,500 74,500 37,000 37,500 70,500 34,000 36,500 63,500 30,500 33,000 1,400 16,400 100 22,300 7,000 4,300 19,000 6,600 4,600 17,200 6,200 4,600 .............................................. 180,148 201,987 Terre Haute Area (Includes Vermillion and Vigo Counties, Ind.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. Manufacturing..................... .................................... Other nonagricultural establishments.................... 26,000 6,500 19,500 34,000 11,800 22,200 32,500 10,900 21,600 34,000 11,500 22,500 1,500 4,800 700 4,500 900 4,200 1,000 121,496 108,685 Syracuse Area (Includes Onondaga County, N. Y.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments.................... Selected industries: Electrical machinery.................................................. Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Iron and steel and their products........................... Machinery, except electrical................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilian population............................................................ Talladega-Childersburg Area (Includes Talladega County, Ala.) Selected industries: Shipbuilding and repairs............................................ Tobacco manufactures............................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Civilifin popiilfitinn ,. Selected industries: Chemicals and allied products; iron and steel and their products.......................................... •v .............. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . P i t n l i o n n n n iilo fin T i 1 Estimated. ...................................... 1 30 Estimates of Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued * Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Texarkana Area (Includes Bowie County, Tex.; Miller County, Ark.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries............................................................. 11,100 2,900 8,200 (3) 28,700 14,100 14,600 (3) 26,000 11,300 14,700 (3) 27,700 12,900 14,800 (3) 82,082 87,079 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 98,000 42,000 56,000 141,000 84,000 57,000 141,000 85,000 56,000 139,000 84,000 55,000 Selected industries: Aircraft, automobiles and parts................................ Machinery................................................................... 1 10,400 7,500 22,000 19,900 8,400 7,200 22,200 19,300 8,700 7,300 T oledo Area (Includes Lucas County, Ohio) 5,000 20,600 20,600 8,100 7,000 344,333 336,396 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 62,500 29,000 33,500 74,500 49,000 25,500 72,900 48,000 24,900 72,000 47,000 25,000 Selected industries: Aircraft, automobiles and parts............................... Machinery.................................................................. Iron and steel and their products............................. Rubber products........................................................ i 2,200 3,000 5,000 13,400 14,900 9,200 5,400 4,500 14,800 9,300 5,100 4,500 14,000 9,200 5,200 4,500 Civilian population............................................................ 197,318 196,424 T ucson Area (Includes Pima County, Ariz.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 15,400 1,200 14,200 24,200 4,300 19,900 24,000 4,600 19,400 23,600 4,500 19,100 2,100 2,400 2,400 Civilian population........................................................... 72,838 88,520 Tulsa Area (Includes Tulsa County, Okla.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing........................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 50,500 11,000 39,500 86,700 42,200 44,500 76,500 34,000 42,500 76,000 33,000 43,000 Selected industries: Aircraft and parts; ordnance and accessories; machinery........................................................................ Products of petroleum and coal................................ il,8 0 0 2,700 30,000 4,400 21,700 4,300 23,100 2,400 Civilian population............................................................ 193,363 213,200 Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing..................... ...................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 73,000 39,000 34,000 101,500 60,000 41,500 95,000 55,000 40,000 93,000 53,000 40,000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories.......................................... Machinery........................ ......................................... Nonferrous metals and their products..................... Iron and steel and their products......... ................. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 12,100 3,400 6,500 12,400 16,200 8,500 8,400 2,800 9,700 12,000 9,200 8,000 3,000 8,800 10,600 9,400 5,700 5,200 8,900 263,163 258,433 Stone, clay, and glass products................................ Trentoii Area (Includes Mercer County, N. J.) Selected industries: Nonmanufacturing, m il it a r y or naval (civilian). . . . U tica-R om e Area (Includes Herkimer and Oneida Counties, N. Y.) Civilian p o p u la t io n ................................................................... 1 Estimated. 8 Expansion occurred chiefly in the ordnance industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 31 Estimates o f Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 May 1944 September 1944 Vallejo-Napa Area2 * (Includes Napa and Solano Counties, Calif.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing......................... .................................. Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries:4 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 19,300 9,200 10,100 69,000 39,500 29,500 57,600 39,000 18,600 58,200 40,500 17,700 5,400 5,300 21,300 1,000 20,300 21,800 1,300 20,500 600 5,000 75,655 134,935 12,900 1,000 11,900 19,300 1,000 18,300 Ventura Area (Includes Ventura County, Calif.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing................... ....................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... Selected industries......................... .................................. (30) (30 ) (30 ) (80 ) 69,685 75,992 Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 18,100 3,500 14,600 25,900 7,900 18,000 27,600 10,200 17,300 28,500 10,900 17,600 Selected industries: Apparel, other fabricated textile products.............. Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 500 1,900 1,700 2,200 1,500 2,600 1,600 Civilian population............................................................ 101,898 103,185 Waco Area (Includes McLennan County, Tex.) Washington (D. C.) Area31 (Includes District of Columbia; Arlington County and Alexandria City, Va.; Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties, Md.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing32......................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments32.................... 347,000 489,000 27,000 - 49,000 320,000 440,000 480,000 50,000 430,000 474,500 49,500 425>000 Selected industries: Ordnance and accessories................. ......................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian)32. . Other government32................. .................................. 9,300 10,100 122,000 26,500 74,000 182,000 27,000 74,000 177,000 26,000 75,000 176,000 Civilian population . 919,632 1,175,384 .............................................. Wheeling Area (Includes Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, and Ohio Counties, W. Va.; Belmont, Columbiana and Jefferson Counties, Ohio) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 113,000 54,000 59,000 120,000 63,000 57,000 115,000 61,000 54,000 116,000 62,000 54,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products........................... Ordnance and accessories........................................... 30,500 31,500 5,800 30,000 6,200 30,500 7,200 Civilian population............................................................ 454,253 405,913 37,700 8,700 29,000 95,000 58,000 37,000 93,000 56,000 37,000 90,000 54,000 36,000 Wichita Area (Includes Sedgwick County, Kans.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments....................... 2 April 1940 figures adjusted to include workers commuting from other areas. 4 Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. 30 Expansion occurred chiefly at the Pacific Naval Air Base, figures for which cannot be shown separately, 311940 Census employment figures were adjusted to accord with Civil Service Commission data on government. 32 Employment at the Navy Yard and the Naval Torpedo Station is included in manufacturing. Other War and Navy Department employment is included in “ Nonmanufacturing, military or naval.” Publicly operated schools and hospitals are included here, as in other areas, among “ Other nonagricultural es tablishments” and the remainder of Federal and local government employment is entered as “ Other government.” 32 Estimates o f Wartime Changes in Employment in Specified Areas— Continued Area and type of employment April 1940 November 1943 W ic h ita Area— C o n tin u e d Selected industries: Aircraft and parts; machinery......................................... 12,100 49,500 Civilian population........................................................................ 143,311 194,945 W illia m s p o r t A rea (Includes Clinton, Lycoming and Union Counties, Pa.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments.. . Manufacturing........................................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments........................... 34,400 16,700 17,700 Selected industries: Transportation equipment................................................. Machinery................................................................................ Iron and steel and their products................................... May 1944 September 1944 48,500 46,500 43,000 28,000 15,000 41,200 25,500 15,700 39,500 24,400 15,100 1,600 900 2,000 1,*M) 4,600 4,000 4,900 4,700 4,000 4,100 5,100 3,700 Civilian population........................................................................ 148,437 142,518 W ilm in g to n (D e l.) A rea (Includes N ew Castle County, Del.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing....................................................................... Other nonagricultural establishments........................... 55,700 23,700 32,000 77,000 47,500 29,500 76,000 46,000 30,000 74,500 45,500 29,000 Selected industries: Transportation equipment................................................ Chemicals and allied products......................................... Iron and steel and their products................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 2,000 8,400 1,900 16,900 13,300 3,800 1,100 15,400 13,300 3,700 1,400 15,700 13,200 3,500 1,400 Civilian population........................................................................ 178,483 189,532 W ilm in g to n (N . C .) A rea (Includes N ew Hanover, N . C .) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishm ents... Manufacturing........................................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments........................... 11,900 3,300 8,600 31,600 20,500 11,100 31,200 20,400 10,800 29,600 18,100 11,500 900 700 700 Civilian population........................................................................ 47,935 79,070 W in s t o n -S a le m -G r e e n s b o r o Area (IncludesDavidson,Forsythand Guilford Counties,N.C.) Civilian employees in nonagricultural establishments... Manufacturing........................................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments........................... 99,500 59,000 40,500 104,000 67,000 37,000 101,000 65,000 36,000 105,000 66,000 39,000 Selected industries: Textile-mill products............................................................ Tobacco manufactures......................................................... Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . 28,000 12,500 30,500 14,300 1,700 28,500 13,200 1,600 27,500 13,800 1,600 Civilian population........................................................................ 333,768 310,296 (Includes Worcester County, Mass.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing..................... #..................................... Other nonagricultural establishments...................... 154,000 91,000 63,000 187,000 131,000 56,000 179,000 124,000 55,000 175,000 121,000 54,000 Selected industries: Machinery................................................................... Iron and steel and their products............................. Stone, clay and glass products.................................. 13,100 15,000 3,000 27,500 18,200 11,400 25,500 17,400 9,500 24,700 19,800 9,000 Civilian population............................................................ 503,481 472,224 143,000 81,000 62,000 192,000 128,000 64,000 193,000 129,000 64,000 190,000 127,000 63,000 Selected industries: Iron and steel and their products............................. Electrical machinery.................................................. Machinery, except electrical..................................... Ordnance and accessories....................... ................ 55,000 16,500 13,000 68,000 13,800 11,500 5,700 66,000 14,500 9,800 5,300 64,000 15,100 9,500 6,500 Civilian population............................................................ 570,482 557,428 Selected industries:4 Nonmanufacturing, military or naval (civilian). . . . Worcester Area Youngstown Area (Includes Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, Ohio; Lawrence and Mercer Counties, Pa.) Civilian employment in nonagricultural establishments. Manufacturing............................................................ Other nonagricultural establishments...................... i 1 Estimated. 4Expansion occurred chiefly in the shipbuilding industry, figures for which cannot be shown separately. U. S . G O V E R N M E N T P R IN T IN G O F F IC E : 1945— 641894