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80XH C O N G R E S S 1ST SESSION I f T > A Q 1 1 O IN T H E HOUSE OF R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S FEBRUARY 28,1947 Mr. LARCADE introduced the following bill; which, was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency A BILL To amend the Federal Eeserve Act, as amended, to provide that the absorption of exchange and collection charges shall not be deemed the payment of interest 011 deposits. 1 2 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That the first sentence of the twelfth paragraph of section 4 19 of the Federal Eeserve Act, as amended (relating to 5 the payment of interest by member banks on demand de6 posits), is amended by inserting before the period at the 7 end thereof a colon and the following: "Provided further, 8 That this paragraph shall not be deemed to prohibit the 9 absorption of exchange or collection charges by member 10 banks". fo-3 Ia i ® ^ o a5 4w5 © «3 i—1 >-" FT. ® g. (D ® CD Pi ct- Q < > t f ff a Vj 1 §g 2. rf CJ S > I-!ST I g § as w < M p p I E* o5q po t» a 9 3 B 3 §^ e- > ^o^ g (-«. p" <rh 3 ag ^ CD W w S °S EO ® 8- CB £ a8-S 2 r CD § SL^ t- EJ" |& H | *a O P go r ? Ls § r§ ? i ,<9 & 00 o MS p OQ f ®O fii CO X JO • IO 00 e>