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TRANSFER / I H.ll . : BOARD OF GOVERNORS QF THE FEDERAL-RESERVE. SYSSI8iFv£ ? : r- •. < ' ' " ' / ' ' ' " " T - - February 28, 1947 i-BBPARSTMENX iSTORE '.SAKES1/ BY CITIES ' .'Percentage Change from Corresponding Period a Year Ago ; li Federal Reserve district ' and city ••- ' • "Cotin. Mass. " R. I. New "York District-2/ Newark N.J. Buffalo N.. Y. New York' l/ Rochester Syracuse Cleveland District Akron Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Toledo Pittsburgh ~ij • - +17 +19 +1? +22 +16 ' +15 +31 . +30 " +29 +29 +31 +38 +28 +26/ +28 +28 ." +27. +37 1 + I-/' r+22 +17 +13 ", +IF . • + 8 r+I!• -8 +' 2 + 6 +12r+11 r- 4 r+ 1 +18 w-14 +26 s - 6. + 7 • +14 ,+13 +11 ' +11 •+29 +19 +29 . - +18 +24 Ohio . « r" Ea. Richmond District 2/ :Washington Baltimore Atlanta District 2/ Birmingham. Miami Atlanta ' New Orleans Nashville +29 +25" +28 • +19 +32. : +28 +29.. •' +23 . . ' +29. D, C. " Ala., Fla* G y s /Ten^/ . ' W'-"Ind, /Mich, • / Wis. +24 +23 +2T . +19 +25 +32-• +25 +21" +30; • ' +22 +17 +10 n +19 u - + 2 £ - -- +21. 'wr~ : . - +22 ' +10 - + 2 + 2 +24 +21" +SF +23 . +17 +19 +28 Philadelphia District 2/ Philadelphia 1/ Pa-. '•'or. Week ending Jan.25 -Feb,., i Feb. 8 Feb .15 Feb.22 +27—' • 1+27 , " ; ' ^26 '+20 : +24 . UNITED STATES Boston District 2/ New Haven Boston Springfield Providence Chicago District^ Chicago Indianapolis Detroit Milwaukee "bj "Month of Dec • ' +17 +21 +17 + 8 +23 -m.- +11 +17 ~ +16 +11 +17' +16 +27 r+17 + . 9:. . .' •rr • +12 : + 5 + 4 r+ 5 r+T +17 - 7 •:vT+19 ' - 4 + 2 -23 + 6 -13 +1Tr • - +40 . - 6 — " W - '+ 5 +12 ' - 3 +24 +12 — +3T. + 5 r+20 -10 - l +i6.: - 4 • +13 - + 5 +12 '-icr:". +23.; • + 8 :, + 6 + 6 r+20 +10 ' +19 • - 4 : +44 +6 TT , +-1 + 6 r+ 5 + 8 + T - ' +~2 — 0 . , + ? ,. . -*iz:..:. - l - v ,_+.l.; +13 i • -21J .=2? -21 +26 +24* +31 +30 +26 +37 +22 + +19 +11 +37 +13 +24 ' . + 2 +23 ; +u +24' • • + 7 + 5 + 9 + 1 •+ 7 +23 +13 + 5 0 +22 • + 8 •'9 " + 2 +• r+ 6 * +17 r+ . 2 + 1 +11 — 8 -15 + 1 +30 * +30 +25 +27 +54 +26 +24 +27 +24 . +23 + 1 - 1 'TT +T + 5. -11 + 3 . - 6 - 6 -46 +18 +23* +15 + 9 +20 + 8 + 5 / +10 . + 9 +10 +17. +14 +23 +19 +17 - 3 TW Page 2 H.ll DEPARTMENT STORE SALES, BY CITIES (Continued) Percentage Change from Corresponding Period a Year Ago Jan.Nov, Federal Reserve district and city St * Louis District • Little Rock 'Louisville St. Louis Memphis , Minneapolis.District Minneapolis "St, Paul Duluth-Superi or :Ark, Ky, • Mo.' " Tenn.• Minn. " •WfiB, Month of Dec • +29 - +22 +50' +30 +30 • +34 +35 +36 ' : +25 Kansas City District Colo. Denver Wichita Kans. Kansas City - "&Mo. St. Joseph Mo. Oklahoma City Okla. 1 1 Tulsa +26 135" • +18 ' +25 ' : +32 +19 .+23 Dallas District Dallas 'Fort Worth Houston San Antonio 1 Tex. San Francisco District Los Angeles Area,'. CalifV Oakland " . San Francisco. Portland Ore . Salt Lake City Utah Seattle Wash. +29 +32 . +24 . • +35 ' +&8 +25 + 9 +27 +30 +20 Week ending Jari.25 Feb. 1 Feb, 8 Feb .15 Feb.22 . +27 +24 +31 +23 +23 +36 • +12 +24 ^ +36 ' +15 +20 +22 +22 +21 ' +26 ' . +19 +.26 ". .. +21 : " : .'+30 " •' +53" . +22 - r+ 9 ' +20 r+20 . +26 +25 ' . +30 . r+28 +19 +19 +25 - +20 +27 . +15 +13 • "ir •+;2, +20 . +15 - 1 -10 +.i- + 3 r+12 + 2 +16 . . + 5 + 2 +13 + 4 + 4 (Not available for publication) +16 +37 0 + 8 - 2 + 5 +13 + 4 +11 -"2 - 1 +10 +30 +15 m - 5 —18 - 5 - 1 + 2 - 8 - 4 ' ' +16 .-14 ? - 5 " +14 . - 2 +15" : + 7 2 - 1 + 3 +10 ' 0 • - 1 +21 +20 • +25 +31 • +12 • + 8 + 9. a ' - 1 + 7 TT - 4 + 7 . . 0' . r+ 4- - — 2 "'+ 2" • +10 " "+12 ' +23 + 8 ' +20 +14 - 2 +15 +16 ' . W ; - .. +15 +12 * + 8 +10 +11 +15' +31 " +15 +12 0 + 4 +24 + 9 +15 +12 ' r+ 7 ""+10 712 • * + 5 +17 >20 +16 - 1 ' +15 ''+ 4 •• - 4 r—Revised" / ' ' .... . l/ The large increases in the week ending February- 15, 1947 reflect in part the fact that last year sales in thfe City of New York were reduced because of the closing of all business establishments on February 12 to avoid .a fuel shortage, those' in the' City of Philadelphia were reduced because of' a curtailment in . public transportation service oji February-11 and 12, and those in Pittsburgh "were reduced because stores closed on February 12"owing to- a power shortage. 7 j Sales in the week ending February. 22, 1947 were • sharply reduced because of heavy i,now storms along the Atlantic Coast • "MVS BAtP - •< <Ttti3Q3d ' 3/ in Milwaukee during the week ending February 1. 1947 were -reduced because of snow storm.. t Z * Ww l« 8 £ • * Data.not -available. ) . * • ABVH8I1"