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CONFIDENTIAL - F. R, SPECIAL IVEEKLT REPORT ON DEPARTMENT STORE SALES—UNITED STATES Sp-MMHT *'%Of Sales iH selected departments ' "— Department Percentage change from a year ago U weeks One week ending ending Dec.ltT Dec, 3 Nov, 26(Nov. 1) Dec. 10 NOT FOR PUBLICATION . - /%. "'rn < x, December 19> 1955 MotitMS^unad jus ted indexes (19li7-lt9 avtetfjage monthly sales = 100) 1954 1955 Sept.. Aug. Dec. | Nov, Oct* | Sept.1 Aug. Nov. - Oct. GRAND TOTAL SALES 1/ 2/ + 2 + 1 + 8 + U + 3 el35 116 106 93 191 128 109 101 87 Furniture and bedding + 5 +11 + 7 + lt + 7 el39 HiO 127 11*2 109 128 128 115 131 Domestic floor coverings +12 +23 +16 +16 +16 el23 121+ 101 81 85 112 110 91 77 Major appliances +30 +21 +27 436 +28 e 79 93 87 105 65 67 82 72 73 Radio, phonograph, TV + 8 + 3 +19 + 8 + 6 el63 11*3 130 99 231* 11*8 137 123 89 Total of li departments 1/ +10 +12 +11 +10 +11 el2U 126 112 115 109 113 lib 101 100 ALL OTHER SALES 1/ + 2 0 + 8 + 3 + 2 el38 115 106 90 202 129 108 101 85 e—Estimated from weekly sales figures . r—Revised. 1/ Monthly indexes for this category are not released publicly; they are shown here solely to permit comparisons with departmental changes• ?/ Figures are based on the abbreviated sample described in note below and are presented here solely to permit comparisons with departmental chhnges* For weekly movements of total department store sales, refer to the regular weekly sales report H*8a (based on about 550 stores). Note:—Total national sample is comprised of some 115 stores (varies slightly among departments) of the approximately 350 stores regularly reporting monthly departmental figures * SPECIAL TJEEKLY REPORT ON DEPARTMENT STORE SALES--SU1MARY BY DISTRICTS NOT FOR PUBLICATION Sales in Selected Departments Page 2 (Percentage change from corresponding"period a year ago) Major household appliances Furniture and bedding Domestic floor coverings 4 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks One week ending One week ending One week ending ending ending ending Dec.10 Dec. 3 Nov. 26 (Nov, 19Dec.10 [Dec .iff Dec.3 [Nov. 26 |N fov,19 Dec.10 Dec.10 Dec.3 [Nov.26 Nov.19 Dec.10 +2S +36 +21 +16 +27 +16 +16 +30 +11 +12 +23 + 5 + 7 + 4 + 7 +16 — 6 -13 + 8 - 1 +14 +44 + 2 +25 + 1 +13 + 4 - 9 - J T +22 0 +38 +Ui - 2 +12 - l +25 + 2 + 1 + £1 + 5 - 5 + 7 + 3 -18 -30 -lit -10 0 0 - 6 -13 +11 -13 + 2 -17 -Hi - 5 - h +61 +68 +28 +86 +89 +12 +22 +67 +75 +58 +77 +15 463 +72 +37 CONFIDENTIAL - F. R. United States ^Boston ^ e w York Philadelphia Cleveland + 6 +10 +15 + 3 Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis United States Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago ijt. Louis + 7 +26 +11 - 3 + 3 +22 +15 - 2 + 5 +ilt +17 0 1 +17 - 7 + 9 +18 + h +29 +27 -10 + 3 +27 +20 +17 +21 +61* +19 +U8 +11 +28 +18 +18 +39 -12 +J4O - 3 +25 - h +2h r-13 +52 - 2 +3ll - 5 +17 +91 +2lt - 6 +32 +15 +30 - 7 +29 -10 +lt9 - 1 +23 - 2 +32 - 9 - it + 9 +1h + 3 - 9 + h - 7 -20 + 6 + 2 +22 +60 0 +11 + 2 + 2 + 9 - it - 3 - 3 + 3 + 5 +28 - 8 +12 +18 +29 - 2 + 2 + 6 + 2 +2U -19 +31 423 +13 +5U +28 +22 +23 - 6 -22 + 6 +114 +27 + 8 -13 4- 7 + 3 + h + 9 - 5 lore z/ Grand Total--entire s1 Total of 4 departments Radios,phonographs,televisit)n,etc« 4 weeks 4 weeks I4 weeks One week ending One week ending One week ending ending ending ending Dec.10[Dec .3i Nov.26{Nov.19 Dec,10 Dec.10 Dec,3 Nov,26[Nov.19 Dec.10 Dec.10 Dec.3 Nov,, 26 Nov. 19Dec,10 + 3 + 0 +10 +11 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 0 + 8 +12 +10 +llt +19 + 3 - 2 0 + 2 - 2 - 0 - 4 -li + 3 + it - 3 + 3 -lit - 3 - 4 - 4 + 2 0 +11 + 3 -10 r+ 2 + 1 +lli +19 + 3 +17 + it + 5 + 5 +75 - it - 6 - 6 - 2 + 1 +10 -11 — 3 - 7 + 2 + 6 + 1 + 9 - U + 3 + 9 +12 +13 + 6 460 +1*8 +ltO +lt8 +38 +2h +32 + 7 +it5 +39 +37 Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco For footnotes, see + 5 - l +26 r+ 2 + h 3 - 5 - 6 + 3 r-18 0 + 3 - 3 +15 -38 + 7 - 1 ee 1, + ~U2 - 9 - 5 + 9 + 5 +13 + li +21 - 1 +13 -17 -10 -39 - h + 6 +11 -15 0 -27 + 8 - 2 +11 -10 + 1 -35 —* X - 7 +12 0 +18 + 2 + 5 -lit + 8 + it + 7 +12 0 +17 +17 + 1 +20 - 8 + 1 - 7 +15 + 5 + + + 5 7 6 7 +12 +3h +17 + It + 5 - 5 +13 -12 +11 +12 +18 0 + h - 9 +10 + 1 + 5 +15 + 6 +10 0 + 5 + 3 +11 0 + 6 — 3 - 6 + 2 - it + 5 - l + 6 + h + 7 + 8 + 8 + + + - 2 6 3 3 + + + + 1 + It + 3 - 2 + 6 2 0 r- 9 - 3 - + 2 + 2 2 2 5 2