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l- W l i FEDERAL RESERVE statistical release APR 3 W96 H.8 (510) FRB RESEARCH LIBRARY ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 For immediate release March 29, 1996 Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 3,367.5 3,543.5 3,566.3 3,578.2 3,588.5 3,599.4 3,625.0 3,635.2 3,643.2 3,614.5 3,623.9 3,626.6 939.3 724.8 214.5 980.2 708.5 271.7 984.3 708.4 275.9 987.1 713.8 273.2 988.9 715.8 273.2 991.3 712.7 278.7 990.5 704.5 286.0 995.9 717.0 278.9 1,000.3 723.3 277.0 978.1 704.1 274.0 981.7 705.6 276.0 979.7 706.9 272.9 2,428.2 670.2 1,021.8 76.0 945.9 459.4 73.4 203.3 2,563.3 702.0 1,068.1 78.2 989.9 485.7 84.3 223.3 2,582.0 708.6 1,072.1 78.4 993.7 489.4 86.6 225.3 2,591.2 710.7 1,075.5 78.4 997.0 489.2 86.6 229.2 2,599.6 715.1 1,076.8 78.8 997.9 491.2 86.2 230.3 2,608.1 718.4 1,077.2 79.2 998.0 493.2 82.7 236.5 2,634.5 725.1 1,083.8 79.7 1,004.1 497.5 83.9 244.1 2,639.3 728.6 1,086.7 80.0 1,006.7 497.5 84.5 241.9 2,642.9 728.5 1,087.9 80.2 1,007.7 498.1 86.6 241.8 2,636.5 724.6 1,090.8 80.1 1,010.8 499.5 81.7 239.8 2,642.2 724.5 1,091.9 80.0 1,011.8 499.2 85.1 241.6 2,646.8 727.2 1,091.8 80.0 1,011.8 500.8 82.3 244.7 178.9 189.3 192.0 192.9 193.7 192.7 199.4 190.4 195.7 196.5 200.2 201.4 213.7 211.6 214.9 222.2 216.0 223.5 232.9 218.9 212.8 212.3 216.8 214.0 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1 Bank credit 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 5 6 7 7a 7b Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 8 9 10 11 Interbank loans4 12 Cash assets5 13 Other assets6 14 Total assets7 15 16 232.0 221.5 223.8 224.5 225.2 231.6 229.0 233.4 232.8 239.2 235.5 230.3 3,935.5 4,108.9 4,140.1 4,161.0 4,166.9 4,190.7 4,229.4 4,221.2 4,227.9 4,206.0 4,219.8 4,215.7 2,545.9 801.4 1,744.5 374.6 1,369.9 2,616.9 783.3 1,833.6 409.5 1,424.1 2,629.6 781.1 1,848.5 415.9 1,432.7 2,642.7 777.8 1,865.0 423.7 1,441.2 2,638.3 766.1 1,872.2 423.2 1,449.0 2,653.1 770.8 1,882.4 421.8 1,460.5 2,680.0 779.8 1,900.2 422.0 1,478.2 2,673.7 763.0 1,910.6 426.0 1,484.6 2,663.4 751.4 1,912.0 428.9 1,483.1 2,688.4 763.1 1,925.4 426.6 1,498.8 2,688.4 758.9 1,929.5 427.2 1,502.4 2,692.4 770.2 1,922.2 427.8 1,494.4 LIABILITIES 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 644.7 181.3 463.4 248.0 687.8 194.3 493.5 244.8 687.4 197.9 489.5 251.9 682.4 197.8 484.6 257.2 672.7 195.8 477.0 263.7 687.8 194.5 493.3 263.4 701.6 204.5 497.1 270.2 686.3 192.3 494.1 276.0 689.9 194.5 495.4 274.7 663.5 200.7 462.8 268.9 680.3 206.9 473.4 271.6 696.8 209.2 487.6 267.9 24 Other liabilities8 170.6 212.6 219.1 219.3 220.2 227.6 220.4 224.5 224.5 218.0 217.9 207.0 25 Total liabilities 3,609.2 3,762.0 3,788.0 3,801.6 3,794.9 3,831.9 3,872.2 3,860.5 3,852.5 3,838.9 3,858.2 3,864.1 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 326.3 346.8 352.1 359.4 372.0 358.7 357.2 360.7 375.4 367.1 361.6 351.6 17 18 Footnotes appear on page 13. H.8 (510) P age 2 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29, 1996 Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 3,359.6 3,542.1 3,571.1 3,580.0 3.594.9 3.606.9 3.615.3 3.626.7 3,634.8 3.616.7 3,621.9 3,619.6 934.6 720.2 214.4 983.8 711.4 272.4 987.3 710.1 277.2 988.8 712.1 276.7 987.8 714.1 273.7 981.5 707.9 273.6 977.9 698.9 279.0 991.0 712.4 278.6 993.8 717.5 276.3 984.9 707.1 277.8 987.9 711.0 276.9 983.3 712.4 270.9 2,425.0 668.6 1,019.0 75.5 943.5 459.9 75.8 201.8 2,558.4 698.8 1,067.8 78.5 989.3 485.8 82.1 223.9 2,583.8 704.0 1,074.0 78.9 995.2 490.7 86.3 228.8 2,591.2 706.8 1,078.6 79.1 999.5 489.8 85.2 230.8 2.607.1 713.4 1,082.4 79.3 1.003.1 492.0 87.5 231.7 2.625.3 716.6 1.081.9 79.2 1,002.7 499.0 86.5 241.3 2.637.4 722.1 1,083.6 79.6 1,004.0 502.1 85.6 243.9 2.635.7 726.7 1,083.6 79.5 1.004.1 498.1 87.3 240.0 2.641.0 728.8 1,083.6 79.6 1.004.0 497.2 91.7 239.8 2.631.8 727.3 1.085.7 79.4 1,006.3 496.0 84.5 238.2 2,634.0 727.7 1,086.8 79.4 1,007.4 495.1 87.3 237.1 2,636.3 732.2 1.085.1 79.2 1,005.8 496.6 83.4 239.0 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1 Bank credit 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 11 Interbank loans4 180.6 184.5 187.8 192.1 197.0 205.0 208.1 192.6 195.7 201.4 199.9 194.4 12 Cash assets5 214.4 202.6 215.8 223.2 220.1 238.1 240.3 219.7 216.5 205.9 211.0 206.7 13 Other assets6 231.4 223.3 224.9 224.9 224.7 231.3 229.6 232.8 234.0 239.6 233.7 227.4 Total assets7 3,929.5 4,095.6 4,142.5 4,163.6 4.179.9 4.224.4 4,236.9 4.215.2 4,224.5 4.206.8 4,209.6 4.191.2 2,537.3 794.5 1,742.8 375.1 1,367.6 2,603.8 769.0 1,834.8 408.7 1,426.1 2,628.4 779.8 1,848.6 414.9 1,433.7 2,642.7 778.0 1,864.7 422.2 1,442.6 2,654.2 779.7 1.874.5 424.2 1,450.4 2.684.2 805.9 1.878.3 420.8 1,457.5 2.686.7 791:5 1.895.2 419.0 1.476.2 2.664.7 755.9 1.908.8 426.6 1,482.2 2,656.0 746.6 1,909.4 430.7 1,478.7 2.684.9 757.0 1,928.0 428.0 1.499.9 2,679.1 747.0 1,932.0 429.7 1,502.3 644.2 183.0 461.2 249.6 686.2 188.3 497.9 243.1 693.5 190.2 503.3 247.6 688.1 192.9 495.2 258.3 681.7 197.9 483.8 262.6 692.2 207.3 484.9 264.0 688.7 211.3 477.4 277.3 680.7 193.9 486.8 278.2 691.0 196.8 494.1 283.5 669.3 468.5 261.9 672.8 199.3 473.5 268.5 683.7 193.8 489.9 268.5 14 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. 200.8 2 ,668.0 745.6 1,922.4 429.4 1,493.0 170.5 212.4 219.3 218.6 222.2 222.9 222.1 225.0 226.0 221.7 220.4 206.1 3,601.6 3,745.5 3,788.9 3,807.8 3.820.6 3.863.3 3.874.8 3,848.6 3,856.3 3.837.9 3,840.8 3,826.3 327.9 350.1 353.7 355.9 359.3 361.1 362.0 366.6 368.1 368.9 368.8 365.0 H .8 (5 1 0 ) Page 3 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29, 1996 Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 3,005.8 3,121.6 3.139.0 3.148.8 3.160.0 3,172.8 3,193.6 3,192.5 3,195.9 3,182.6 3,192.7 3.193.7 852.0 659.2 192.8 848.2 641.5 206.7 852.7 642.7 210.0 853.0 647.3 205.7 855.1 648.1 207.0 856.1 644.9 211.2 855.5 641.2 214.4 854.1 644.3 209.8 855.1 646.8 208.3 840.9 632.9 208.0 845.8 635.4 210.4 844.5 637.2 207.3 2,153.9 499.3 981.6 75.9 905.7 459.4 46.8 166.7 2,273.4 525.4 1,030.8 78.2 952.6 485.7 51.0 180.4 2,286.3 528.5 1,035.2 78.4 956.8 489.4 51.7 181.6 2,295.8 531.4 1.038.2 78.4 959.7 489.2 51.6 185.4 2.304.9 534.5 1.040.1 78.8 961.2 491.2 53.6 185.5 2,316.7 534.7 1,041.4 79.2 962.2 493.2 56.4 191.0 2,338.1 539.8 1,049.1 79.7 969.4 497.5 55.8 195.8 2,338.3 540.8 1,053.0 80.0 973.0 497.5 52.5 194.5 2,340.8 541.1 1,054.5 80.2 974.3 498.1 53.4 193.7 2,341.8 539.9 1,057.9 80.0 977.9 499.5 50.6 193.9 2,346.9 539.3 1,058.9 80.0 978.9 499.2 54.1 195.5 2,349.2 541.0 1,059.1 80.0 979.1 500.8 50.2 198.0 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS Bank credit 1 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 155.1 165.4 168.1 167.2 168.8 173.1 181.7 173.6 176.7 181.5 181.5 184.1 12 Cash assets5 187.5 184.4 187.9 194.0 185.8 193.0 201.3 189.1 183.8 184.4 188.4 186.2 13 Other assets6 177.2 170.9 171.6 172.9 173.6 178.1 175.7 177.9 177.3 183.1 178.4 177.6 3,469.1 3,585.4 3,609.9 3,626.2 3,631.8 3,660.5 3,695.4 3,676.5 3,677.2 3,675.2 3,684.4 3,685.0 2.395.5 791.3 1.604.2 236.1 1.368.1 2.448.4 774.0 1.674.4 250.3 1.424.1 2.458.9 772.1 1.686.8 255.0 1.431.8 2.469.8 768.7 1.701.1 260.9 1.440.2 2.471.4 756.6 1.714.8 267.5 1.447.4 2.488.4 760.8 1.727.7 269.8 1.457.9 2.519.5 769.7 1.749.8 271.6 1.478.2 2.512.5 753.0 1.759.6 273.5 1.486.1 2.498.7 742.0 1.756.7 272.6 1.484.2 2.525.4 753.7 1.771.7 271.2 1.500.5 2.523.5 749.3 1.774.1 271.4 1.502.7 2,532.2 761.3 1.770.9 271.9 1 >99.0 537.7 163.3 374.4 86.8 567.2 175.9 391.3 90.8 569.6 178.8 390.7 92.2 567.0 178.0 389.0 92 6 565.1 175.9 309.1 89.8 577.2 175.9 401.2 91.4 590.3 182.8 407.6 93.2 572.3 172.4 399.9 90.1 572.5 173.1 399.4 93.3 552.7 177.3 375.4 85.6 575.1 187.2 387.9 83.4 589.0 191.0 397.9 82.3 11 14 Interbank loans4 Total assets7 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13 126.8 136.9 141.6 141.2 142.8 146.7 144.2 146.4 145.4 142.1 140.3 133.3 3,146.8 3,243.3 3,262.3 3,270.7 3,269.0 3,303.7 3,347.3 3,321.2 3,309.9 3,305.7 3,322.3 3,336.8 322.3 342.1 347.6 355.5 362.8 356.8 348 1 355.3 367.3 369.4 362.2 348.2 H .8(510) Page 4 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars Account March 29,1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 2,998.0 3,118.9 3,142.8 3,153.5 3,169.7 3,178.6 3,181.7 3,184.3 3,187.0 3,182.0 3,186.6 3,184.0 847.9 655.0 192.9 850.3 643.5 206.8 854.7 644.9 209.8 854.1 646.3 207.8 856.0 647.2 208.8 849.4 641.1 208.4 844.3 633.8 210.5 850.2 640.2 210.0 850.2 642.0 208.2 845.9 635.1 210.8 850.2 639.1 211.1 846.6 640.6 206.0 2,150.1 498.6 978.5 75.5 903.0 459.9 47.8 165.3 2,268.6 521.5 1,030.4 78.4 952.0 485.8 49.9 180.9 2,288.1 524.5 1,036.9 78.9 958.1 490.7 51.6 184.3 2,299.4 528.9 1,041.3 79.1 962.2 489.8 51.9 187.5 2,313.8 533.5 1,045.5 79.3 966.2 492.0 55.5 187.2 2,329.1 532.7 1,046.2 79.2 967.0 499.0 57.1 194.2 2,337.4 536.6 1,049.0 79.6 969.4 502.1 54.1 195.4 2,334.1 540.1 1,049.7 79.5 970.2 498.1 53.5 192.7 2,336.8 541.8 1,050.1 79.6 970.5 497.2 55.8 192.0 2,336.1 542.4 1,052.5 79.4 973.1 496.0 52.8 192.4 2,336.4 541.6 1,053.5 79.3 974.2 495.1 54.6 191.6 2,337.4 544.8 1,052.1 79.2 972.8 496.6 50.8 193.1 181.9 178.7 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1 Bank credit 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 158.3 161.3 163.0 164.6 172.8 184.0 189.4 177.4 177.9 188.0 12 Cash assets5 189.1 174.8 187.9 194.6 190.3 207.9 209.1 190.9 188.6 178.9 183.1 179.2 13 Other assets6 176.1 171.6 172.6 173.5 172.3 177.4 176.6 176.9 177.9 182.9 176.6 176.(2 3,465.0 3,569.6 3,609.2 3,629.7 3,648.5 3,691.2 3,700.2 3,672.9 3,674.9 3,674.9 3,671.4 3,661.3 2,387.1 784.5 1,602.6 237.3 1,365.3 2,436.7 759.7 1,677.0 251.4 1,425.6 2,457.9 770.2 1,687.7 254.6 1,433.0 2,471.5 768.7 1,702.7 260.7 1,442.0 2,486.3 770.0 1,716.3 267.2 1,449.1 2,518.6 795.6 1,723.1 265.4 1,457.6 2,525.3 781.3' 1,744.0 269.0 1,475.1 2,503.8 745.8 1,758.0 274.9 1,483.1 2,491.2 737.2 1,754.0 274.4 1,479.6 2,523.1 747.9 1,775.1 273.0 1,502.1 2,513.6 737.8 1,775.8 272.4 1,503.5 2,506.7 736.9 1,769.8 272.1 1,497.8 541.1 165.6 375.5 88.6 564.1 170.0 394.0 89.1 573.2 171.0 402.2 88.7 574.7 174.5 400.2 92.0 576.1 178.4 397.7 88.4 583.3 187.6 395.7 89.3 571.1 174.9 396.3 92.3 577.7 176.2 401.5 98.9 557.1 177.7 379.4 87.7 566.5 178.6 387.9 85.8 575.5 175.8 399.7 85.8 11 14 Interbank loans4 Total assets7 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. 580.8 189.5 391.3 92.9 125.6 135.8 141.7 141.6 144.4 144.9 144.8 144.9 144.7 143.9 142.4 134.1 3,142.4 3,225.6 3,261.6 3,279.7 3,295.1 3,336.1 3,343.9 3,312.1 3,312.5 3,311.8 3,308.4 3,302.1 322.7 344.0 347.6 349.9 353.3 355.1 356.2 360.8 362.3 363.1 363.0 359.2 Page 5 H.8 (510) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF SMALL DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29, 1996 Seasonally adjusted, adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1,393.4 1,449.5 1,458.6 1,465.7 1,471.6 1,478.6 1,487.6 1,492.1 1,497.6 1,495.2 1,500.6 1,504.6 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 434.4 351.6 82.8 430.0 345.5 84.6 431.8 347.1 84.8 433.1 348.7 84.4 433.8 349.2 84.6 434.8 350.3 84.5 435.7 350.5 85.2 435.8 350.2 85.6 438.2 352.2 86.0 434.6 348.7 85.9 438.7 352.4 86.3 440.3 354.1 86.1 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 959.0 168.2 503.9 28.8 475.1 220.3 4.9 61.8 1,019.4 179.7 530.4 30.5 499.9 237.8 5.6 66.0 1,026.8 181.2 532.6 30.6 502.0 240.9 5.7 66.4 1,032.7 182.3 535.1 30.8 504.3 243.0 5.6 66.7 1,037.8 183.6 536.9 31.0 505.9 244.7 5.7 66.9 1,043.7 184.9 539.1 31.3 507.7 245.7 6.0 68.1 1,051.9 187.1 542.1 31.6 510.6 247.6 6.2 68.8 1,056.3 188.4 544.2 31.7 512.5 248.4 6.1 69.1 1,059.4 189.0 545.7 31.8 513.9 249.8 6.1 68.8 1,060.6 188.0 546.5 31.6 514.9 250.4 6.4 69.2 1,061.9 187.7 547.7 31.6 516.0 250.9 6.2 69.3 1,064.3 188.1 548.3 31.7 516.6 251.9 6.3 69.7 Bank credit 1 11 Interbank loans4 45.8 58.2 59.7 58.5 60.7 66.1 69.2 68.1 66.4 71.8 68.6 70.3 12 Cash assets5 68.9 70.3 70.3 71.1 69.4 71.6 73.3 70.6 70.0 71.8 72.0 73.1 13 Other assets6 14 Total assets7 52.8 52.8 53.7 55.3 56.1 57.4 56.2 57.6 56.7 58.6 56.9 53.6 1,540.9 1,609.8 1,621.3 1,629.5 1,636.6 1,652.4 1,664.8 1,667.0 1,669.2 1,675.9 1,676.5 1,680.0 1,212.3 358.5 853.8 126.8 727.0 1,260.9 360.7 900.3 140.5 759.8 1,268.3 361.8 906.5 143.2 763.3 1,273.3 359.4 913.9 145.9 768.0 1,278.3 356.4 921.9 149.4 772.5 1,287.4 359.1 928.3 151.8 776.5 1,297.4 361.8 935.6 152.9 782.7 1,299.7 358.9 940.9 154.6 786.2 1,298.1 356.6 941.5 155.1 786.4 1,306.7 360.6 946.1 153.2 792.9 1,308.4 361.0 947.4 153.3 794.1 1,313.7 366.0 947.7 153.4 794.3 150.9 45.7 105.2 5.4 159.4 49.7 109.7 5.3 162.1 51.4 110.7 5.1 159.7 50.6 109.1 5.4 159.6 50.1 109.6 5.2 163.7 50.1 113.5 5.9 167.2 52.8 114.3 5.7 166.1 50.4 115.7 5.9 166.9 51.2 115.7 6.3 164.2 52.4 111.9 5.6 166.9 53.7 113.2 4.9 170.4 55.3 115.1 5.0 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. 28.6 31.3 31.4 31.9 32.4 32.6 32.5 32.5 32.6 32.5 32.4 32.0 1,397.2 1,456.9 1,466.9 1,470.4 1,475.6 1,489.6 1,502.8 1,504.2 1,503.9 1,509.1 1,512.5 1,521.1 143.6 152.9 154.4 159.1 161.0 162.8 162.0 162.8 165.3 166.8 164.0 159.0 H.8 (510) Page 6 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF LARGE DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29,1996 Seasonally adjusted, adjusted fo r m ergers, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 1,612.4 1,672.1 1,680.4 1,683.1 1,688.4 1,694.2 1,706.0 1,700.3 1,698.4 1,687.4 1,692.1 1,689.1 417.6 307.6 110.0 418.2 296.0 122.2 420.9 295.7 125.2 420.0 298.6 121.4 421.3 298.9 122.4 421.3 294.6 126.6 419.8 290.7 129.2 418.3 294.1 124.2 417.0 294.6 122.4 406.2 284.2 122.0 407.1 283.0 124.1 404.2 283.0 121.2 1,194.8 331.1 477.7 47.2 430.6 239.1 41.9 105.0 1,253.9 345.8 500.4 47.8 452.7 247.8 45.4 114.5 1,259.5 347.3 502.6 47.7 454.8 248.5 46.0 115.2 1,263.1 349.1 503.1 47.7 455.4 246.2 46.0 118.7 1,267.1 350.9 503.1 47.8 455.3 246.4 47.9 118.6 1,273.0 349.8 502.4 47.9 454.5 247.5 50.4 122.9 1,286.2 352.6 507.0 48.2 458.8 249.9 49.6 127.0 1,282.1 352.4 508.8 48.2 460.6 249.1 46.3 125.4 1,281.4 352.1 508.9 48.4 460.4 248.2 47.3 124.9 1,281.2 351.9 511.4 48.4 463.0 249.1 44.2 124.7 1,285.0 351.5 511.2 48.4 462.8 248.2 47.9 126.2 1,284.9 352.9 510.8 48.4 462.5 249.0 43.9 128.3 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS Bank credit 1 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 109.3 107.2 108.4 108.7 108.0 106.9 112.5 105.6 110.3 109.7 112.9 113.8 12 Cash assets5 118.6 114.1 117.6 122.8 116.4 121.4 128.0 118.4 113.8 112.7 116.4 113.1 13 Other assets6 124.4 118.2 117.9 117.5 117.5 120.7 119.5 120.3 120.6 124.5 121.5 124.0 1,928.2 1,975.7 1,988.6 1,996.7 1,995.1 2,008.1 2,030.6 2,009.5 2,008.0 1,999.3 2,007.9 2,005.0 1,183.2 432.8 750.4 109.3 641.1 1,187.5 413.3 774.1 109.8 664.3 1,190.6 410.3 780.3 111.9 668.4 1,196.5 409.3 787.2 115.0 672.2 1,193.1 400.2 792.9 118.0 674.9 1,201.0 401.6 799.4 118.0 681.4 1,222.1 407.9 814.2 118.7 695.5 1,212.8 394.1 818.7 118.8 699.9 1,200.6 385.4 815.2 117.4 697.8 1,218.7 393.2 825.6 118.0 707.6 1,215.1 388.3 826.7 118.1 708.7 1,218.5 395.3 823.2 118.5 704.7 386.8 117.6 269.2 81.3 407.8 126.2 281.6 85.5 407.5 127.5 280.0 87.1 407.3 127.4 279.8 87.2 405.4 125.9 279.6 84.5 413.5 125.8 287.7 85.5 423.2 130.0 293.2 87.5 406.2 122.1 284.1 84.2 405.6 121.9 283.7 87.0 388.5 124.9 263.5 79.9 408.2 133.5 274.7 78.6 418.6 135.7 282.9 77.3 11 14 Interbank loans4 Total assets7 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. 98.2 105.6 110.2 109.3 110.4 114.1 111.7 113.9 112.8 109.6 107.9 101.3 1,749.6 1,786.4 1,795.4 1,800.3 1,793.4 1,814.1 1,844.4 1,817.0 1,806.0 1,796.7 1,809.8 1,815.7 178.6 189.3 193.2 196.4 201.7 194.0 186.1 192.5 202.0 202.6 198.1 189.2 Page 7 H.8 (510) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF SMALL DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29, 1996 Seasonally adjusted, not adjusted for m ergers, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1,416.1 1,457.9 1,466.3 1,472.9 1,477.7 1,483.8 1,491.1 1,495.5 1,500.8 1,496.0 1,500.6 1,504.6 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 441.7 358.0 83.7 432.3 347.5 84.8 434.0 349.0 85.0 435.1 350.5 84.6 435.8 351.0 84.8 436.5 351.8 84.7 436.7 351.3 85.4 436.8 351.0 85.8 439.1 353.0 86.1 434.8 348.9 86.0 438.7 352.4 86.3 440.3 354.1 86.1 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 974.3 170.3 513.2 29.8 483.4 223.2 5.0 62.7 1,025.6 180.6 534.4 30.8 503.7 238.8 5.6 66.2 1,032.3 182.0 536.4 30.9 505.5 241.6 5.7 66.6 1,037.8 183.1 538.6 31.0 507.6 243.6 5.6 66.9 1,041.9 184.3 539.8 31.2 508.6 245.1 5.7 67.0 1,047.2 185.5 541.6 31.5 510.1 246.0 6.0 68.2 1,054.4 187.5 544.0 31.7 512.3 247.9 6.2 68.9 1,058.7 188.8 546.0 31.9 514.1 248.6 6.2 69.2 1,061.7 189.3 547.3 31.9 515.5 250.0 6.1 68.9 1,061.2 188.1 546.9 31.6 515.2 250.5 6.4 69.3 1,061.9 187.7 547.7 31.6 516.0 250.9 6.2 69.3 1,064.3 188.1 548.3 31.7 516.6 251.9 6.3 69.7 47.1 58.7 60.1 58.8 61.0 66.4 69.4 68.3 66.6 71.9 68.6 70.3 71.7 1 Bank credit 11 Interbank loans4 12 Cash assets5 70.2 70.8 70.9 69.8 71.9 73.5 70.8 70.2 71.8 72.0 73.1 13 Other assets6 53.9 53.2 54.1 55.7 56.4 57.7 56.3 57.8 56.9 58.6 56.9 53.6 1,566.8 1,619.6 1,630.2 1,637.8 1,643.5 1,658.4 1,668.9 1,670.8 1,672.9 1,676.8 1,676.5 1,680.0 1,233.2 365.0 868.2 129.0 739.2 1,269.0 363.3 905.7 141.4 764.2 1,275.6 364.3 911.3 144.0 767.2 1,280.1 361.7 918.4 146.8 771.6 1,284.0 358.3 925.7 150.3 775.5 1,292.4 360.7 931.6 152.5 779.1 1,300.8 362.8 938.0 153.4 784.6 1,302.9 359.7 943.2 155.1 788.0 1,301.2 357.4 943.7 155.6 788.2 1,307.5 360.8 946.7 153.3 793.4 1,308.4 361.0 947.4 153.3 794.1 1,313.7 366.0 947.7 153.4 794.3 153.4 46.8 106.6 5.4 159.9 49.9 110.0 5.3 162.6 51.6 111.0 5.1 160.2 50.8 109.4 5.4 160.0 50.2 109.8 5.2 164.0 50.3 113.7 5.9 167.4 52.9 114.5 5.7 166.4 50.5 115.9 5.9 167.1 51.3 115.8 6.3 164.3 52.4 111.9 5.6 166.9 53.7 113.2 4.9 170.4 55.3 115.1 5.0 28.9 31.4 31.5 32.0 32.5 32.7 32.6 32.5 32.6 32.5 32.4 32.0 1,420.9 1,465.7 1,474.7 1,477.7 1,481.7 1,494.9 1,506.5 1,507.7 1,507.2 1,509.9 1,512.5 1,521.1 145.9 154.0 155.5 160.1 161.8 163.5 162.4 163.2 165.7 166.9 164.0 159.0 14 Total assets7 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 LIABILITIES Footnotes appear on page 13. H.8 (510) Page 8 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF SM ALL DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 Not seasonally adjusted, not adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars Account March 29,1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 1,410.3 1,457.1 1,469.6 1,474.1 1,479.1 1,486.4 1,486.0 1,489.6 1,494.6 1,490.0 1,495.2 1,499.4 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS Bank credit 1 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 440.5 357.0 83.5 430.8 346.1 84.7 433.7 348.6 85.0 432.9 348.2 84.7 433.7 348.6 85.1 435.3 350.6 84.7 434.6 349.4 85.2 435.8 350.2 85.6 438.0 352.0 86.0 434.2 348.3 85.8 439.8 353.7 86.1 442.1 356.0 86.1 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other 969.7 169.6 511.0 29.6 481.4 223.1 5.0 61.0 1,026.3 179.4 534.5 30.8 503.7 239.3 5.5 67.5 1,036.0 181.0 538.0 31.1 506.8 243.2 5.6 68.2 1,041.2 182.3 540.5 31.2 509.3 244.2 5.7 68.5 1,045.5 183.5 542.4 31.3 511.1 245.7 6.0 67.8 1,051.1 184.9 543.5 31.4 512.1 247.6 6.3 68.8 1,051.3 186.6 542.4 31.6 510.8 248.3 6.3 67.8 1,053.9 188.0 543.6 31.6 512.0 248.6 6.3 67.4 1,056.6 188.8 545.0 31.6 513.3 249.3 6.1 67.4 1,055.8 188.4 543.8 31.5 512.4 248.1 6.8 68.7 1,055.4 188.3 544.7 31.4 513.3 248.2 6.3 67.9 1,057.3 189.2 545.1 31.4 513.7 249.1 6.1 67.7 48.0 58.0 58.5 59.8 65.8 70.0 70.2 69.8 67.3 78.0 70.0 67.5 12 Cash assets5 70.4 68.5 70.7 72.5 72.1 76.1 75.5 71.0 71.3 70.2 69.8 69.7 13 Other assets6 54.2 53.5 54.7 56.2 55.9 57.2 56.9 58.1 57.7 58.7 56.2 53.0 14 Total assets7 1,562.5 1,616.0 1,632.5 1,641.3 1,651.6 1,668.3 1,667.3 1,667.1 1,669.4 1,675.4 1,669.7 1,668.0 1,229.2 361.6 867.6 129.3 738.3 1,264.8 359.2 905.7 141.3 764.4 1,274.9 362.6 912.3 144.2 768.1 1,282.7 362.9 919.8 147.2 772.6 1,290.2 363.6 926.5 150.3 776.2 1,301.6 372.8 928.8 150.8 778.0 1,300.6 366.5 934.1 151.8 782.3 1,298.8 356.2 942.6 155.5 787.1 1,297.0 353.6 943.4 156.1 787.2 1,308.5 360.3 948.1 154.3 793.8 1,303.8 355.8 948.1 154.4 793.7 1,303.6 355.6 948.0 154.4 793.6 153.5 47.7 105.8 5.4 157.5 47.5 110.0 5.4 162.8 49.5 113.4 5.1 162.2 49.6 112.6 5.5 162.7 50.4 112.2 5.1 165.5 53.9 111.7 6.0 167.1 55.5 111.6 5.8 165.6 51.5 114.1 5.9 167.7 52.6 115.1 6.2 162.4 51.4 110.9 5.5 162.5 50.9 111.6 5.3 165.2 50.9 114.3 5.3 11 Interbank loans4 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. 29.1 31.4 31.7 32.0 32.4 32.6 32.4 32.8 32.9 33.1 33.0 32.4 1,417.2 1,459.1 1,474.5 1,482.3 1,490.3 1,505.7 1,505.9 1,503.0 1,503.8 1,509.4 1,504.5 1,506.4 145.3 156.9 157.9 159.0 161.3 162.6 161.4 164.1 165.6 166.0 165.2 161.6 H .8 (5 1 0 ) Page 9 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF LARGE DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29,1996 Seasonally adjusted, not adjusted for m ergers, billions of dollars 1995 1995 1995 1995 Feb Aug Sep 1,589.8 1,663.6 410.3 301.1 22.6 278.5 96.6 181.9 46.1 72.7 63.2 109.1 47.5 61.6 20.9 40.7 Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other Nonbank financial State and local government All other 11 Interbank loans4 12 Cash assets5 13 Other assets6 14 Account 1995 1996 1996 Oct 1995 Nov Dec Jan Feb 1,672.7 1,675.9 1,682.3 1,689.0 1,702.5 1,697.0 1,695.2 1,686.6 1,692.1 1,689.1 415.9 294.0 18.3 275.7 100.0 175.7 44.1 72.6 58.9 121.9 59.2 62.7 20.1 42.5 418.8 293.8 19.9 273.9 102.4 171.5 43.4 70.7 57.5 125.0 62.4 62.6 20.0 42.6 417.9 296.8 21.4 275.3 105.5 169.8 44.0 70.0 55.9 121.1 58.6 62.6 19.6 43.0 419.3 297.2 22.0 275.2 107.0 168.2 44.4 69.4 54.5 122.2 58.3 63.8 19.4 44.4 419.6 293.1 24.9 268.2 106.8 161.4 44.4 66.8 50.1 126.4 61.7 64.7 19.2 45.5 418.8 289.8 25.1 264.8 112.3 152.5 38.4 65.5 48.5 129.0 63.5 65.6 19.0 46.5 417.3 293.3 27.4 265.9 112.8 153.1 38.3 64.9 49.9 124.0 59.8 64.2 18.9 45.3 416.1 293.8 28.2 265.6 112.7 152.9 36.9 65.0 51.0 122.2 58.7 63.5 18.9 44.6 406.0 284.0 26.5 257.6 110.7 146.9 35.7 61.5 49.7 122.0 57.4 64.6 18.9 45.7 407.1 283.0 28.1 254.9 109.9 145.1 35.4 59.8 49.9 124.1 59.2 64.9 18.9 46.0 404.2 283.0 28.9 254.1 109.0 145.1 36.3 58.8 49.9 121.2 56.8 64.4 18.9 45.6 1,179.5 329.0 468.4 46.2 422.3 236.2 41.8 104.0 19.4 11.3 73.4 1,247.7 344.8 496.4 47.5 448.9 246.9 45.4 114.2 24.1 10.9 79.2 1,254.0 346.4 498.8 47.5 451.3 247.8 46.0 115.0 23.8 10.9 80.3 1,258.0 348.3 499.6 47.4 452.2 245.6 46.0 118.5 23.6 10.8 84.1 1,263.0 350.3 500.2 47.6 452.6 246.1 47.9 118.5 23.9 10.8 83.7 1,269.5 349.2 499.9 47.7 452.2 247.2 50.4 122.8 24.9 10.8 87.1 1,283.7 352.3 505.2 48.0 457.1 249.7 49.6 126.9 25.9 10.8 90.3 1,279.7 352.1 507.1 48.1 458.9 248.9 46.3 125.3 27.0 10.6 87.7 1,279.1 351.8 507.2 48.3 458.9 248.0 47.3 124.8 27.3 10.6 86.8 1,280.6 351.8 511.0 48.4 462.6 249.0 44.1 124.6 27.6 10.7 86.3 1,285.0 351.5 511.2 48.4 462.8 248.2 47.9 126.2 28.0 10.6 87.6 1,284.9 352.9 510.8 48.4 462.5 249.0 43.9 128.3 29.5 10.6 88.2 108.0 117.3 123.3 106.7 113.5 117.7 108.1 117.0 117.5 108.4 122.3 117.2 107.7 116.0 117.2 106.7 121.1 120.4 112.2 127.8 119.3 105.4 118.3 120.2 110.1 113.7 120.4 109.6 112.6 124.5 112.9 116.4 121.5 113.8 113.1 124.0 1,902.2 1,965.8 1,979.7 1,988.4 1,988.2 2,002.1 2,026.5 2,005.6 2,004.3 1,998.4 2,007.9 2,005.0 1,162.4 426.4 736.0 107.1 628.9 1,179.4 410.7 768.7 108.9 659.9 1,183.3 407.8 775.5 111.0 664.5 1,189.8 407.0 782.7 114.1 668.6 1,187.4 398.3 789.1 117.2 671.9 1,196.1 400.0 796.1 117.3 678.8 1,218.7 406.9 811.8 118.2 693.6 1,209.6 393.2 816.4 118.3 698.1 1,197.6 384.5 813.0 117.0 696.0 1,217.9 392.9 825.0 117.9 707.1 1,215.1 388.3 826.7 118.1 708.7 1,218.5 395.3 823.2 118.5 704.7 384.3 116.5 267.8 81.3 97.9 407.3 126.0 281.3 85.5 105.5 407.0 127.2 279.8 87.1 110.1 406.8 127.2 279.6 87.2 109.2 405.1 125.7 279.4 84.5 110.3 413.2 125.7 287.5 85.5 114.1 422.9 129.8 293.1 87.5 111.6 405.9 121.9 284.0 84.2 113.8 405.4 121.8 283.6 87.0 112.8 388.4 124.9 263.5 79.9 109.6 408.2 133.5 274.7 78.6 107.9 418.6 135.7 282.9 77.3 101.3 1,725.9 1,777.6 1,787.6 1,793.0 1,787.3 1,808.8 1,840.8 1,813.6 1,802.7 1,795.8 1,809.8 1,815.7 176.3 188.1 192.1 195.4 201.0 193.3 185.7 192.1 201.6 202.5 198.1 189.2 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1 Bank credit 2 3 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g 4 4a 4b 4c 4d Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Trading account Investment account Mortgage-backed pass-through Other (including CMOs) 1 year or less Between 1 and 5 years More than 5 years Other securities Trading account Investment account State and local government Other 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 10a 10b 10c Total assets7 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. Page 10 H.8 (510) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF LARGE DOMESTICALLY CHARTERED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES1 Not seasonally adjusted, not adjusted for mergers, billions of dollars Account March 29, 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb 1,587.7 1,661.8 1,673.1 1,679.5 1,690.6 1,692.2 1,695.7 1,694.7 1,692.4 1,692.0 1,691.3 1,684.6 407.3 298.0 22.6 275.3 95.6 179.8 45.4 71.6 62.8 109.3 47.8 61.6 20.9 40.7 1,180.4 329.0 467.5 45.9 421.6 236.8 42.8 104.3 18.8 11.2 74.3 419.5 297.4 19.5 277.9 100.5 177.4 44.5 74.0 59.0 122.1 59.3 62.8 20.0 42.8 421.0 296.3 20.2 276.0 102.9 173.1 43.6 71.5 58.0 124.8 61.8 62.9 20.0 43.0 421.3 298.1 22.1 276.0 105.7 170.3 42.9 71.3 56.2 123.2 60.1 63.1 19.6 43.4 422.3 298.7 23.0 275.6 107.9 167.7 43.0 70.1 54.5 123.6 58.9 64.7 19.6 45.2 414.1 290.5 23.4 267.0 108.1 159.0 43.2 66.3 49.4 123.7 58.8 64.9 19.3 45.6 409.7 284.4 23.5 260.9 110.3 150.6 38.5 64.2 47.9 125.3 59.5 65.8 19.0 46.8 414.4 290.0 27.2 262.8 111.6 151.2 37.7 63.9 49.5 124.4 60.2 64.2 18.9 45.3 412.2 290.0 27.6 262.4 111.7 150.7 36.8 63.7 50.2 122.2 58.8 63.4 18.9 44.6 411.7 286.7 28.6 258.1 111.2 146.9 35.8 61.6 49.5 125.0 60.4 64.6 19.0 45.6 410.3 285.4 29.8 255.6 110.2 145.4 35.3 60.4 49.7 124.9 60.3 64.7 19.0 45.7 404.5 284.6 29.9 254.6 109.7 145.0 36.1 59.6 49.3 119.9 56.0 63.9 18.9 45.0 1,242.3 342.1 495.9 47.6 448.3 246.6 44.3 113.4 23.8 11.0 78.6 1,252.1 343.5 499.0 47.8 451.2 247.5 46.0 116.1 24.3 10.9 80.9 1,258.2 346.5 500.8 47.8 452.9 245.6 46.3 119.0 24.5 10.9 83.7 1,268.3 349.9 503.1 48.0 455.1 246.4 49.5 119.4 25.4 10.8 83.2 1,278.0 347.8 502.7 47.8 454.9 251.4 50.7 125.5 26.3 10.8 88.4 1,286.0 350.0 506.7 48.0 458.6 253.8 47.9 127.6 26.1 10.6 91.0 1,280.3 352.0 506.1 47.9 458.2 249.5 47.2 125.4 26.1 10.5 88.8 1,280.2 353.0 505.1 48.0 457.1 247.8 49.6 124.6 26.1 10.6 88.0 1,280.3 354.0 508.7 48.0 460.7 247.9 46.1 123.7 26.8 10.6 86.3 1,281.0 353.3 508.8 47.9 460.9 246.8 48.4 123.7 26.9 10.6 86.2 1,280.1 355.6 507.0 47.8 459.2 247.5 44.7 125.4 28.0 10.5 87.0 110.3 118.8 121.9 103.3 106.3 118.1 104.5 117.2 117.8 104.8 122.0 117.3 107.0 118.2 116.4 114.0 131.8 120.3 119.2 133.6 119.6 107.6 119.9 118.8 110.7 117.3 120.2 110.0 108.7 124.1 111.9 113.4 120.4 111.2 109.5 123.1 1,902.5 1,953.6 1,976.7 1,988.4 1,996.9 2,022.9 2,032.9 2,005.8 2,005.5 1,999.5 2,001.7 1,993.3 1,157.9 423.0 735.0 108.0 627.0 1,171.9 400.5 771.3 110.1 661.2 1,183.0 407.6 775.4 110.5 664.9 1,188.8 405.8 783.0 113.5 669.4 1,196.1 406.4 789.7 116.9 672.8 1,217.0 422.8 794.2 114.6 679.6 1,224.7 414.8 809.9 117.2 692.8 1,205.0 389.7 815.4 119.4 696.0 1,194.3 383.7 810.6 118.2 692.4 1,214.6 387.6 827.0 118.7 708.3 1,209.8 382.0 827.8 118.0 709.8 1,203.1 381.2 821.9 117.7 704.2 387.6 118.0 269.7 83.1 406.6 122.5 284.1 83.7 410.4 121.5 288.9 83.5 412.6 124.9 287.6 86.5 413.4 128.0 285.5 83.3 417.8 133.8 284.0 83.3 413.8 134.0 279.8 87.1 405.6 123.4 282.2 86.4 410.0 123.6 286.4 92.7 394.7 126.3 268.4 82.2 404.1 127.8 276.3 80.6 410.4 124.9 285.5 80.6 96.5 104.3 110.0 109.6 112.0 112.3 112.5 112.1 111.7 110.9 109.4 101.7 1,725.2 1,766.5 1,787.0 1,797.4 1,804.8 1,830.4 1,838.1 1,809.1 1,808.7 1,802.4 1,803.9 1,795.7 177.3 187.1 189.7 190.9 192.0 192.5 194.8 196.7 196.7 197.1 197.8 197.6 Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1 Bank credit 2 3 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g 4 4a 4b 4c 4d Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Trading account Investment account Mortgage-backed pass-through Other (including CMOs) 1 year or less Betweon 1 and 5 years More than 5 years Other securities Trading account Investment account State and local government Other 5 6 7 7a 7b 8 9 10 10a 10b 10c Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Revolving home equity Other Consumer Security3 Other Nonbank financial State and local government All other 11 Interbank loans4 12 Cash assets5 13 Other assets6 14 Total assets7 LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Transaction Nontransaction Large time Other 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. H.8 (510) Page 11 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF FOREIGN-RELATED INSTITUTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29,1996 Seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 1 Bank credit 2 3 4 Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 5 6 7 9 10 10a 10c Loans and leases in bank credit2 Commercial and industrial Real estate Security3 Other Nonbank financial All other 361.6 421.9 427.3 429.4 428.5 426.6 431.4 442.7 447.3 431.9 431.2 432.9 87.3 65.7 21.7 132.0 67.0 64.9 131.5 65.7 65.9 134.0 66.6 67.5 133.8 67.7 66.2 135.2 67.7 67.5 135.0 63.3 71.6 141.8 72.8 69.0 145.2 76.5 68.6 137.2 71.2 66.0 135.9 70.2 65.7 135.2 69.7 65.6 274.3 170.9 40.2 26.6 36.6 23.3 13.3 290.0 176.5 37.3 33.3 42.8 27.2 15.7 295.7 180.1 36.9 35.0 43.7 27.7 16.0 295.4 179.3 37.3 35.0 43.8 27.3 16.5 294.7 180.6 36.7 32.6 44.8 27.6 17.2 291.4 183.8 35.8 26.3 45.5 27.8 17.7 296.4 185.3 34.7 28.2 48.3 29.4 18.8 300.9 187.7 33.7 32.0 47.5 28.3 19.1 302.1 187.3 33.4 33.2 48.1 28.6 19.5 294.7 184.7 32.9 31.1 45.9 27.3 18.6 295.3 185.2 33.0 31.0 46.1 27.2 18.9 297.7 186.3 32.7 32.0 46.7 28.2 18.4 17.3 23.8 23.9 23.8 25.7 24.9 19.7 17.7 16.7 18.9 15.0 18.7 12 Cash assets5 26.2 27.2 27.0 28.2 30.2 30.5 31.6 29.9 29.0 27.9 28.4 27.9 13 Other assets6 54.8 50.6 52.2 51.6 51.5 53.5 53.3 55.4 55.5 56.0 57.1 52.7 466.4 523.5 530.2 534.9 535.1 530.2 534.0 544.7 550.6 530.8 535.4 530.7 150.3 10.0 140.3 138.5 1.8 107.0 18.0 89.0 161.3 168.5 9.3 159.2 159.2 0.0 120.7 18.4 102.3 153.9 170.7 9.0 161.8 160.9 0.9 117.8 19.1 98.7 159.7 172.9 9.1 163.8 162.8 1.0 115.4 19.8 95.6 164.6 166.9 9.6 157.4 155.7 1.7 164.7 10.0 154.7 152.1 2.7 110.6 18.5 92.1 172.0 160.5 10.2 150.3 150.3 0.0 111.2 21.7 89.5 177.0 161.1 10.1 151.1 152.5 -1.5 114.0 19.8 94.2 186.0 164.7 9.4 155.3 156.4 -1.1 117.4 21.4 96.0 181.4 163.0 9.3 153.7 155.4 -1.7 110.8 23.4 87.4 183.4 165.0 9.6 155.4 155.8 -0.4 160.1 8.9 151.3 155.9 -4.6 107.9 18.2 89.7 185.6 11 14 Interbank loans4 Total assets7 LIABILITIES 15 Deposits 16 Transaction 17 Nontransaction 18 Large time 19 Other 20 Borrowings 21 From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. 22 23 Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. 107.6 19.8 87.8 174.0 105.2 19.7 85.5 188.2 43.8 75.6 77.5 78.0 77.4 80.9 76.2 78.1 79.1 76.0 77.6 73.7 462.3 518.8 525.7 531.0 526.0 528.2 524.9 539.3 542.6 533.1 535.9 527.3 4.0 4.7 4.5 3.9 9.2 2.0 9.1 5.4 8.1 -2.3 -0.6 3.4 P a g e 12 H .8 (5 1 0 ) ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF FOREIGN-RELATED INSTITUTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES1 March 29, 1996 Not seasonally adjusted, billions of dollars Account 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 Feb Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Week ending Feb 28 Mar 6 Mar 13 Mar 20 ASSETS 361.6 423.3 428.3 426.5 425.2 428.3 433.7 442.4 447.8 434.7 435.3 435.6 86.7 65.3 21.5 133.5 67.8 65.6 132.6 65.2 67.4 134.7 65.8 68.9 131.9 66.9 65.0 132.1 66.9 65.2 133.6 65.1 68.5 140.8 72.3 68.6 143.6 75.5 68.0 139.0 72.1 66.9 137.7 71.9 65.9 136.7 71.9 64.8 Loans and leases in bank credit2 5 Commercial and industrial 6 7 Real estate 9 Security3 Other 10 Nonbank financial 10a All other 10c 11 Interbank loans4 12 Cash assets5 13 Other assets6 274.9 170.0 40.4 27.9 36.5 23.4 13.1 22.3 289.8 177.3 37.3 32.2 43.0 27.2 15.7 23.2 295.7 179.4 37.1 34.7 44.5 28.0 16.5 24.8 291.8 177.9 37.3 33.3 43.3 26.3 17.0 27.5 293.3 180.0 36.9 32.0 44.5 26.7 17.7 24.2 296.2 184.0 35.8 29.4 47.0 28.8 18.2 20.9 300.0 185.4 34.6 31.5 48.5 29.6 18.9 18.7 301.6 186.7 33.9 33.8 47.2 28.5 18.7 15.2 304.3 187.0 33.5 35.9 47.8 28.7 19.0 17.8 295.7 185.0 33.2 31.7 45.9 27.3 18.6 13.5 297.6 186.0 33.3 32.7 45.6 27.1 18.5 18.0 298.9 187.4 33.0 32.5 45.9 27.9 18.0 15.7 25.2 55.3 27.8 51.7 28.0 52.4 28.6 51.4 29.8 52.4 31.2 53.1 28.8 55.9 27.9 56.1 27.1 56.7 27.9 57.1 27.5 51.3 14 464.4 526.0 533.4 533.9 531.5 30.2 53.8 533.2 536.7 542.3 549.6 531.9 538.2 530.0 150.2 10.0 140.2 137.8 2.3 167.1 9.2 157.8 157.3 0.6 170.5 9.6 161.0 160.3 0.7 171.3 9.3 162.0 161.5 0.5 167.9 9.7 158.3 157.0 1.3 165.6 10.3 155.3 155.4 -0.1 161.4 10.2 151.2 150.0 1.1 160.9 10.1 150.8 151.7 -0.8 164.7 9.3 155.4 156.3 -0.9 161.9 9.0 152.8 155.0 -2.2 165.4 9.2 156.2 157.3 -1.1 161.3 8.7 152.6 157.3 103.1 17.4 85.7 161.0 122.1 18.2 103.9 154.0 120.3 19.2 101.1 158.9 113.4 18.4 95.0 166.4 105.6 19.5 86.1 174.2 108.9 19.7 89.2 174.7 107.9 21.8 86.1 184.3 109.6 19.1 90.5 185.9 113.3 20.6 92.7 184.6 112.2 23.0 89.2 174.2 106.2 20.6 85.6 182.7 108.1 18.0 90.2 182.7 1 Bank credit Securities in bank credit U.S. government securities Other securities 2 3 4 Total assets7 LIABILITIES 15 Deposits Transaction 16 Nontransaction 17 Large time 18 Other 19 20 21 22 23 Borrowings From banks in the U.S.8 From nonbanks in the U.S. Net due to related foreign offices 24 Other liabilities9 25 Total liabilities 26 Residual (assets less liabilities)10 Footnotes appear on page 13. -4.8 44.9 76.7 77.6 77.0 77.8 78.0 77.3 80.1 81.3 77.8 78.0 72.1 459.2 519.9 527.3 528.0 525.5 527.2 530.9 536.5 543.8 526.1 532.4 524.2 5.2 6.1 6.1 5.9 6.0 6.0 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 Page 13 H .8 (5 1 0 ) March 29,1996 Footnotes 1. Covers the following types of institutions in the fifty states and the District of Columbia: domestically chartered commercial banks that submit a weekly report of condition (large domestic); other domestically chartered commercial banks (small domestic); branches and agencies of foreign banks, New York State investment companies, and Edge Act and agreement corporations (foreign-related institutions). Excludes international banking facilities. Data are Wednesday values or pro rata averages of Wednesday values. Large domestic banks constitute a universe; data for small domestic banks and foreign-related institutions are estimates based on weekly samples and on quarter-end condition reports. Data are adjusted for breaks caused by reclassifications of assets and liabilities. The data for small and large domestic Ipanks presented on pages 5 and 6 are adjusted to remove the estimated effects of mergers between these two groups. The data for small and large domestic banks presented on pages 7-8 and pages 9-10 are based on reported data and are affected by mergers. The adjustment for mergers changes past levels to make them comparable with current levels. Estimated quantities of balance sheet items acquired in mergers are removed from past data for the bank group that contained the acquired bank and put into past data for the group containing the acquiring bank. Balance sheet data for acquired banks are obtained from call reports, and a ratio procedure is used to adjust past levels. 2. Excludes federal funds sold to, reverse RPs with, and loans to commercial banks in the United States. 3. Consists of reverse RPs with broker-dealers and loans to purchase and carry securities. For small domestic banks, consists of an estimate of other loans derived from weekly data for a sample of small banks multiplied by the share of security loans in other loans, calculated from quarterly Call Reports. 4. Consists of federal funds sold to, reverse RPs with, and loans to commercial banks in the United States. 5. Includes vault cash, cash items in process of collection, demand balances due from depository institutions in the United States, balances due from Federal Reserve Banks, and other cash assets. 6. Excludes the due-from position with related foreign offices, which is included in line 23. 7. Excludes unearned income, reserves for losses on loans and leases, and reserves for transfer risk. Loans are reported gross of these items. 8. Estimated with partial data; for all banks, not seasonally adjusted, constrained to equal values in tine 11.The seasonally adjusted aggregates for all commercial banks in lines 11 and 21 are sums of seasonally adjusted components and are not necessarily equal. 9. Excludes the due-to position with related foreign offices, which is included in line 23. 10. This balancing item is not intended as a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis. On a seasonally adjusted basis this item reflects any differences in the seasonal patterns estimated foF total assets and total liabilities. Note: Current and historical data are available on the Department of Commerce Economic Bulletin Board. For informaion, call 202-482-1986.