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FGOW. FEDERAL statistical RESERVE release '<*%&&' H-6 For immediate release October 13, 1966. The seasonally adjusted money supply increased $500 million in the week ending October 5, to a level of $170.7 billion, compared with an average level of $170.5 Ylttion in September. Time deposits adjusted declined $100 million in the first week of October. MDHET SUPPLY AHO TDffi/MEPOSITS Average* of daily figures, in billions of dollars Seasonally adjusted (SERIES REVISED) 1/ Honey Supply ____J Period r Currency Total | --1965~^Sep£etri>er - October November December 1966—January February March April Hay June July August p September p ! Week ending: 1966—Aug* 24 p 31 p Sept. Oct, 7 14 21 28 p p p p 5 p Average of l a s t 4 weeks ! 1647l 3577 165.2 165.6 167.2 36.0 168.0 168.2 169.3 170.9 170.2 171.1 169.6 169.6 "W0,5 169.8 170.0 ! | component 170. 3 169.9 171.7 170.2 170.7 170.6 1 ! 1 36.1 36.3 ' ! ! 36.6 36.8 36.9 37.2' 37.3 37.4 37.7 37.8 37.9 Time deposits adjusted Demand deposit (All commercial component banks) 1283 | 141.6 129.3 143.7 129.5 145.5 130.9 146.9 131.4 131.4 132.3 133.7 132.9 133.7 131.9 131.8 132.£ | 37.8 1 37.7 132.0 132.2 156.9 157.0 j 37.8 38.0 38.0 37.9 132.5 131.9 133. 7 132.3 157.0 157.0 157.0 157.2 j 38.0 j 132.8 37.9 132.7 ^ NOTE: Components may not add due to rounding. See reverse seasonal adjustments and for description of series* * Break in series, for description see footnote on reverse 1/ Revised monthly and weekly seasonally adjusted datct, as of the revision appear in the September Federal Reserve ! 147.8 148.5 149.5 151.4 153.0 153.7* 155.3 156.7 157.0 157.1 j 157.1 side for data without p - Preliminary side* *|ell as a description Bulletin. DEMAND DEPOSITS, CURRENCY, AND RELAXED ITEMS (Averages of daily figures, in billions of dollars. Not seasonally adjusted.) Money Supply Period Demand deposit component Related deposits (All commercial banks) U.S. Gov't, Time demand adjusted Total Currency component 1965—September October November December 163.1 165.7 167.3 172.0 35.7 36.0 36.5 37.1 127.5 129.7 130.8 134.9 141.4 143.5 144.3 145.2 5.5 5.0 4.1 4.6 1966—January February March April May June July August p September p 173.0 167.8 167.8 171.6 166.9 168.8 167.9 166.9 136.5 131.4 131.3 134.8 129.9 131.5 130.1 124.0 131,5 147.3 148.7 150.2 152.2 153.9 154.1* 155.8 157.0 156*9 3.8 5.2 4.6 3.1 7.2 *.3 8.2 5.2 169T4 36.3 36.4 36.6 36.8 37.0 37.3 37.8 37.8 3T-.-9 157.2 157.3 4.4 5.3 4.7 3.2 3.1 6.2 Week ending: 1966—Aug. &24y 31 p Sept. 7p I4p 21P 28p 165.5 166.6 37.8 37.5 168. 169. 172, 167.9 38. 38. 37. 37 .€ 127 129 130 131 134 130 Oct. 169.8 3*7.8 131i*9 5p .7 .1 1 6 ,i 3 157.1 157.1 156.6 156.8 156.9 4.5 6.7 • E f f e c t i v e June 9, 1966, balances accumulated for payment of personal loans were r e c l a s s i f i e d for reserve purposes and are excluded from time d e p o s i t s reported by member banks. The estimated amount of such deposits at a l l commercial banks ($1,140 m i l l i o n ) i s excluded from time deposits adjusted t h e r e a f t e r . 1> - Preliminary. | , , ^OTE: Money supply c o n s i s t s of (1) demand d e p o s i t s at a l l commercial banks, other than those due to domestic commercial banks and the U . S . Government, l e s s cash items i n process of collection and Federal Reserve f l o a t ; (2) foreign demand balances at Federal Reserve Banks ; and (3) currency outside the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the v a u l t s of a l l commercial banks. Time deposits adjusted are time deposits a t a l l commercial banks other than those due t o domestic commercial banks and the U.S. Government.